Ignite the light within

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Ignite the light within - simple messages from the source

through conversation, and understood that her mum was already receiving the healing. Her mum noticed our faces and laughed and called me a crafty person, and I said you decided to release and everything happens for a reason. She agreed to have healing after that ha ha!


“ The journey is more important than the destination”

It is easy to slip back into routines, and get back to giving out negativity. After cleansing people sometimes don’t put into practice what they have learnt. Even thinking ill of some or expecting someone to do something to you, is an old picture that has no memory but a conditioning we hold onto. This can only happen when not in the source and to not recognise it and go into the world of blame and ego just highlights what we have been taught before. So regular cleansing each day is important and asking the source for confirmation is a must. Your heart is a perfect tool for finding out if feels right or wrong, if simple messages that our brain turns into ego, where we feel passionate and matter of fact about, we can notice when this is happening because we over go on about the same information.

Simple technique: “if don’t bring peace, don’t do it”.

If someone says something bad, what am I putting out to allow that to happen? If your life isn’t flowing, have you surrendered, trust in what you ordered. Look at the big picture if fears set in, what is the worst that can happen, nothing for even death is but a means to a new beginning. Everything happens for a reason, to make you into a wonderful empathic 64

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