Soundscape Magazine - Issue 5

Page 14

Soundscape 14

This Is Hell


Plus: More Than Life Clwb ifor Bach 25th March

Downstairs at Clwb Ifor Bach. Check. American hardcore band. Check. A bunch of fans more worried about how they look hardcore dancing. Check. There’s something about these gig’s that tickle my fancy, especially when you see a band really throw in real emotion with their music, but at the same time the little flaws of the scene kids make me despise some of real scene out there at the

moment. But fringes aside, there’s not much I can also honestly say about these bands. They’re both your pretty typical hardcore act. They play flawlessly, they rock out, they commit to the crowd and the crowd engage back.Tonight though, it’s really about those dancing windmilling

fans that make the night, and make the band really feel like their needed in the world. It’s a great to see the singer of This Is Hell subtly looking invincible and incredibly happy that these kids do care. Even if they do occasionally rip the mic off him. 7/10

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