The Phoenix Rising - Term 2 2023

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Term 2 2023


All Souls

St Gabriels School


2 From the Headmaster .......................................................................................................... 3 Captains’ Corner .................................................................................................................... 4 Chaplain’s Installation ........................................................................................................... 5 ANZAC Day @ ASSG .............................................................................................................. 6 Cattle Club yields great success ......................................................................................... 7 Outdoor Education ............................................................................................................... 8 State of Origin Fundraiser ................................................................................................... 8 The Arts 9 Under 8s Day 10 High Tea with Hospitality 11 Inter-School Cross Country 12-13 Inter-School Sport 14 Marist College Emerald @ ASSG 15 NQISSRL 15 Inter-House Athletics 16-17 QISSN & QISSRL 2023 18 Club Touch Football 19 National Simultaneous Storytime 19 Country Music ......................................................................................................................20 Junior School .................................................................................................................. 21-25 VET ...........................................................................................................................................26 Improvements @ ASSG ......................................................................................................27 Boarding ......................................................................................................................... 28-29 ASSG P&F ...............................................................................................................................30 ASSG Past Students Association ......................................................................................30 FETE & Reunion Weekend .................................................................................................31 WIN A HILUX WITH ASSG ...................................................................................................32 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADD US ON OUR SOCIALS TO STAY IN THE LOOP @AllSoulsStGabrielsSchool @allsoulsstgabrielsschool


Welcome to the second edition of the new look Phoenix Rising. Wherehistoryisrespected,thepresentiscelebrated,andthefutureisyours.

These words can be found on the inside of our Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and appropriately sums up this edition of the Phoenix Rising.

The term started with a wonderful celebration of the long-awaited installation of our new Chaplin Father Philip Bentley and our traditional ANZAC Day commemorations. Through the generosity of past Headmaster Gordon Royall our history continues to be respected, when he visited to explain the significance of our symbols and traditions.

Many successes in our Rural Activities, Arts and Sporting Programs are excellent examples of the present being celebrated. Through Career Expos, Women in Trades and the Work Experience Program our students have experienced a wide variety of future opportunities to guide their career paths.


Both Senior and Junior School Cross Country teams experienced success in the traditional sense with victory ribbons and celebrations, the students involved should be applauded for their efforts. I am most proud of the culture within the team, much can be learnt from the cross country athlete.

In the Senior School over 100 students can be seen training of a morning, they are encouraged by their peers to give their best efforts whether they are likely to come 1st , 2nd or 3rd or 10th , 15th or 25th .

They can be seen making a consistent effort over time and witness small improvements for their efforts. Students can see through this example where they are able to apply regular consistent effort over time, they will be sure to experience their own success in their learning and other pursuits.

Term 3 will continue to provide students with many opportunities to extend themselves through the development of their mind, body and spirit. I look forward to seeing you throughout the term.




Term 2 offered many opportunities in sporting fields particularly in our boys rugby league and girls netball teams. The season continued with Inter-School rounds going ahead as well as a Friday night round against Marist College Emerald who generously travelled to compete against us in both rugby league and netball. For our younger footy boys and netball girls the season came to a halt at the end of term, however our open teams were keen and excited to head down to Brisbane to represent our School at both the QISSN and QISSRL carnivals. Both teams gave it their all throughout the competition and every student enjoyed their time making lifelong memories.

Students also participated in the Inter-School Cross Country Carnival which took place earlier in the term and our Inter-House Athletics Carnival at the end. Our Inter-School Cross Country Team through determination and hard work, was able to get the job done again this year winning the Combined Boys Shield, Combined Girls Shield and Combined Aggregate continuing the streak of 17 years and passing it to the next in line. Many fantastic individual performances left us with a total of 8 Age Champions and 8 Runners Up - a great achievement. Inter-House Athletics was another competitive event in the term’s calendar and did not disappoint. It was great to see the level of participation each student demonstrated as well as their dedication and commitment towards their houses throughout the carnival. It wrapped up with Chad House winning the Girls Combined Shield, Feetham House winning the Boys Combined Shield, and Chad and Page taking the Overall Combined Aggregate Shield.


Wow! What an exciting and busy term we have had. The last ten weeks have been a whirlwind of events and the highlights of the term were the sporting and community events we supported.

Our Inter-School Cross Country Team was very successful and we came away winning the Overall Combined Average Trophy. We are so proud of the effort all of the students that participated in this event put into their training and competition. We had Year 5 and Year 6 students improving their touch football skills during the Inter-School Competition and we finished our sporting events this term with our Inter-House Athletics Carnival. We were so proud to watch the amazing effort each student gave in all of these events throughout the term.

We were honoured to represent All Souls St Gabriels School with pride when we marched with the community to pay our respects to soldiers on ANZAC Day. We supported the Black Dog Institute as we raised money during our Footy Colours free dress day and galloped around assembly during our Country Music Parade. The best parts of the term were taking out combined first place for our School’s float at the Country Music Parade as we danced down the main street and serving the younger students as they enjoyed the wonderful events at Under 8s Day.

We are looking forward to what Semester 2 has in store for the Junior School.




At the start of the term we were blessed with the much anticipated arrival of our new Chaplain, Father Philip Bentley. The Installation Service, conducted on Tuesday 18 April, 2023, was presided over by The Right Reverend Dr Keith Joseph (Bishop of North Queensland) with the support of The Very Rev’d and Venerable Dr Kenneth Lay. The service was also attended by representatives from St Paul’s Anglican Church, Charters Towers, as well as other invited guests.

Chad and Page Houses had the honour of providing a Serving Team for the Chapel Service and the Year 11 boys and girls did a marvellous job. Along with the Thurifer Team and the bell ringers, all of the serving team are to be commended for their service to the School. In addition to inducting Father Philip, the Paschal Candle was also blessed by Bishop Keith and placed at the front of the Chapel, where it will stay until after the season of Easter.

Father Philip has presided in numerous Chapel services, including the very important ANZAC Requiem Mass, and is quickly adjusting to the life of an All Souls St Gabriels School Chaplain. He has continued to preach The Word of the Lord incredibly well and bring everyone in the School together for our weekly worship.

Whilst this is the start of a new chapter for the School, we must also give thanks to Father Kenneth who, every week for close to a year, came out to our School and presided over both Senior and Junior School Chapel services, a role that has since been passed onto Father Philip.

I shall leave you now with a thought that is embodied by the numerous traditions such as this that we have at our school: “Let those who drink the water remember those who dug the well”.






This term, Cattle Club students started the show season off with a bang. Our first chance to show off our skills was at the Malanda Cattle Handling School held by the Malanda Show Society. At Malanda we were able to learn a variety of new skills that would help us in the upcoming showing events. After a great weekend. All Souls St Gabriels School were awarded with the Overall Champion School Trophy for the third year in a row! Soon after, ASSG Cattle Club had the exciting opportunity to take part in the Northern Beef Producers Expo. This event helped students build on judging skills they had been taught in Malanda. Then before we knew it, we were on the road heading to Winton for the 2023 Winton Show, where we were hoping to make an impact. We participated in wool judging, young paraders and then stud and commercial judging where students saw plenty of success.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Lionel Hartig, Miss Miliauskas (Miss M) and Chris Hilder for taking us to all of these events and making these possible for us to further our knowledge in the cattle industry.



This term we have seen the reintroduction of our Outdoor Education Program. Our Year 9 students braved the cold on their HPE Outdoor Education Camp to the Anabranch. This trip also doubled as the Bronze Qualifying Journey for those students wishing to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.


Both the Senior & Junior School held a State of Origin Free Dress Day to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. We raised $316.70 in the Senior School, and $168.50 in the Junior School for a total of $485.20.




During Headmaster’s Assembly this term we have been blessed with a number of performances by our musical groups. This has been great preparation for the upcoming Charters Towers Performing Arts Eisteddfod where our students will be able to showcase their talents and all that they have been working on.


The 2023 ASSG Scene Project students have co-devised and written a play - entitled ‘A Life Within a Life’. They have worked very hard all term on rehearsals and in Week 7 they were delighted by a visit from Darcy Brown (Queensland Theatre Company Director) who ran a full-day workshop finessing scenes and enhancing characterisation. This workshop paid off when the group performed their play to the Senior School during Headmaster’s Assembly. We can’t wait to see the final product on their Outcome Day during Term 3!



A fantastic time was had by all at the 2023 Under 8s Day themed “PLAY - you, me and our communities”. We had a number of our wonderful local businesses who contributed to the activities to ensure all of our Under 8s had the best morning possible!



Mrs Shadforth’s Year 12 Hospitality Students planned, practiced & prepared a delicious High Tea for our Staff. They created a number of sweet & savoury goodies, as well as some delicious mocktails.

Sticky Pork Belly Bites

(Makes about 20 small pieces)


1 tablespoon olive oil

500g pork rashers, cut into even 2cm wide pieces

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce

2 tablespoons honey

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 teaspoons crushed ginger


1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over high heat. Cook pork, turning, for 2-3 mins or until golden and heated through.

2. Add the soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, honey, garlic and ginger to the pan. Cook, tossing for 3-5 mins or until the pork is coated in sauce and the sauce is sticky.

Strawberry Cheesecake Bites

(Makes 24)


250g Philli cream cheese, softened

1/3 cup icing sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

24 large fresh strawberries (about 500g)

50g dark compound chocolate

15g copha


1. For filling, beat cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla until smooth.

2. Remove stems from strawberries. Using a paring knife, cut an opening in the stem end of strawberries.

3. Using a small spoon, carefully spoon cream cheese mixture into openings.

4. In a microwave, melt chocolate and shortening; stir until smooth. Drizzle over strawberries, refrigerate until set




The results from the Inter-House Cross Country Carnival saw 31 students represent ASSG at the Inter-School Cross Country Carnival, where we had a very welcome home ground advantage. The massive training efforts were rewarded in the form of two age champions, two runners up and the Inter-School Average Champion School Shield. We had 7 students selected to represent Charters Towers at the NQ Cross Country trials in Townsville.

Another massive effort we no longer had the home ground advantage, but we still had the ASSG spirit, and it shone. Congratulations to every Cross Country competitor, be proud.


Archie Kennedy 9 Years Boys

Ella Thomson 10 Years Girls


Pippa Tait 10 Years Girls

Hooper Urquhart 11 Years Boys




This term we had the long anticipated Inter-School Cross Country Carnival and this year we were hoping to go for our 17th win in a row. After many early morning trainings done by Mr Power, Mrs Dickson, and Mr Deitrich, we were successful in again bringing home the trophies and doing the School proud. The final standings of the event had Charters Towers State High School in 4th, Columba Catholic College in 3rd, Blackheath and Thornburgh College in 2nd and All Souls St Gabriels School 200 points ahead in 1st place.

The top six from each age group had the privilege of attending North Queensland Trials in Townsville where we again saw success with two of our runners making the team, congratulations to Darcy Cameron (3rd place 14 Year Boys) and Lauchlan Butler (2nd place 17 Year Boys).


Gorgia Sullivan 12 Years Girls

Damien Pederson 12 Years Boys

Paula Baira 13 Years Girls

Simon Kerindun 13 Years Boys

Beau Butler 15 Years Boys

Tyler Godfrey 16 Years Girls

Erin Wilkinson Open Girls

Luke Keough Open Boys


Max Scanlan 12 Years Boys

Tahira Lord-Groth 14 Years Girls

Darcy Cameron 14 Years Boys

Jade Cowan 15 Years Girls

Greg Miller 15 Years Boys

Lynisa Kennedy 16 Years Girls

Tristan Hopkins 16 Years Boys

Lauchlan Butler Open Boys




13 Years 15 Years Seconds

First XIII

3rd 1st 2nd 2nd

Term 2 meant Inter-School Rugby League was kicking off for the 13’s, 15’s, Seconds, & Firsts. Our First XIII began their season early in Term 1 and finishing 2nd overall to a very strong Columba Catholic College team. The Seconds boys played very well, winning 2 out of their 3 games, finishing in second place. The 15 Years had a great season, winning all of their games by at least 30 points or more and came away with the Charters Towers Inter-School Premiership. Our 13 Years finished the season on 3 wins and 3 losses, finishing 3rd overall on a points differential. Congratulations to all of our teams on a great season!


13 Years 14 Years 15 Years Seconds

First XIII

2nd 1st 1st 2nd 2nd

The Inter-School season kicked off with games against Blackheath & Thornburgh College (BTC) on ANZAC Day at BTC. We then had a number of home and away games throughout the season. The Firsts team won 4 out of the 6 games which placed them in second overall to BTC who went undefeated. The Seconds won 2 out of their 4 games, also finishing in 2nd to BTC. The 15 Years had an outstanding season winning 5 out of their 6 games and coming 1st overall. Unfortunately, the 14 Years were only able to play 2 Inter-School games, both against Columba, but finished in 1st place with great scores. Finally, the 13 Years won 4 out of their 6 games, placing them in 2nd overall. Well done to all players, and a big thank you to our Coaches & Umpires for the season!


Earlier in the year our Netball & Rugby Union Teams travelled to Emerald to Play against Marist College Emerald & Emerald State School. This term Marist College Emerald made the return trip to ASSG to play two days of Netball & Rugby League against our teams. A great time was had by all!


This year our 15 Years & Opens Rugby League teams entered the North Queensland Independent Secondary School Rugby League Competition where both of our teams made the Grand Final. NQISSRL involved All Souls St Gabriels School, Columba Catholic College, Blackheath & Thornburgh College, Southern Cross Catholic College (Townsville), and Ryan Catholic College (Townsville).

In the final our 15 Years were able to come up victorious against a very competitive Ryan Catholic College, with Greg Miller being awarded Man of the Match by the Townsville Blackhawks!

The ASSG First XIII were defeated by a very strong Columba Catholic College in their Grand Final. Congratulations to Mickey Luke for being awarded Man of the Match by the Townsville Blackhawks.






6 Years Claire Berryman Darcy Hilditch

7 Years Frankie Fry Anniemae Blanchard

8 Years Harper Crane Phoebe Wallis

9 Years Sarah Hardy Georgia Johnson

10 Years Ella Thomson Pippa Tait

11 Years Macey Elliott Lilly-Ann Hensler Lucinda Reardon

12 Years Cinzia Bella Kimberley Lolok Lilah Plant



6 Years Beau Thomson AJ Garrertt

7 Years Lewis Walsh Oliver Bredden

8 Years Jack Price Morgan Hensler

9 Years Archie Kennedy Coen Pemble

10 Years Mason Storey Samuel Shun

11 Years Hooper Urquhart Sonny Mihilll

12 Years Seth Furber Oliver Nunns


Overall - Feetham & Becket






12 Years Georgia Nelson Alyson Elisala

13 Years Lexi Butler Brooke Jenkins

14 Years Keziah Koglkia Tahira Lord-Groth

15 Years Joannah Yamashita Stevie Williamson

16 Years Tyler Godfrey Allysha Gillham

Opens Georgia Gostelow Olivia Haines



12 Years Mathias Laza Damien Pederson

13 Years Jack Webb Lianidas Yamashita

14 Years Darcy Cameron Matthew Robins

15 Years Xavier Lord Rory Clark

16 Years Ben Dickson Connor Atkinson

Opens Lauchlan Butler Luke Keough


Overall - Chad & Page Boys - Feetham Girls - Chad



Week 1 of the Term 2 holidays saw our First Netball & Rugby League teams travel to Brisbane to participate in the Annual QISSN & QISSRL Carnivals. The competition proved extremely tough this year in both competitions and our girls walked away with two wins and eight losses, finishing 6th in Pool 8. The boys finished the week with two wins and four losses, placing 6th in the Confraternity Bowl Division. A big congratulations to our students who were recognised for their efforts at the closing ceremony awards:

Anna Milton (ASSG Netball Best & Fairest)

Corey Musk (ASSG Rugby League Best & Fairest)

James Scott (ASSG Rugby League Spirit of the Carnival)



This season we had a total of seven teams competing in the Charters Towers Touch Football Mens & Ladies Competition.

Four of our seven teams made it through to the Grand Final, and two students were awarded Best & Fairest within their division.

ASSG2G - C Grade Ladies Runners-Up

ASSG3G - D Grade Ladies Runners-Up

ASSG2B - B Grade Mens Runners-Up

ASSG4B - D Grade Mens Runners-Up

Div 1 Mens Best & Fairest - Corey Musk

Div 2 Mens Best & Fairest - Rory Barr

Congratulations to all players, and a big thank you to our coaches, we are looking forward to a fantastic mixed season!


In Week 6 all of our students (Pre-prep to Year 12) assembled in the quad area and our Academic Prefect Darcy read this years National Simultaneous Storytime story book - “The Speedy Sloth” written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie. Both our Senior and Junior School Students also enjoyed having the opportunity to read other books together.



Congratulations to all of our Country Music Festival dress up winners. This year our Country Music Float was crowned equal First Place alongside Charters Towers School of Distance Education in the Country Music Street Parade. A big thank you to our Staff & Volunteers for putting together such a wonderful procession.





This term the Year 5 class has been working closely alongside Mr Beltrame’s Year 12 Sport and Recreation class. Over the term, the Year 12 students have worked hard to deliver some athletics lessons to our Year 5 students to help prepare them for the upcoming Inter-House Athletics Carnival.

The students were split into small groups where they delved into the technique and skills associated with long jump, high jump, shot put, vortex and sprints. It was fantastic to see the Year 12 students watching each student carefully and finding many opportunities to deliver feedback and advice about improving their technique. Thank you to Mr Beltrame for your hard work behind the scenes in making sure the Year 12s were well prepared and of course, a big thank you to the Year 12s for their support of our young athletes. The Year 5s certainly did enjoy the opportunity to work so closely with the Senior class.


12 eager boys and 11 excited girls were selected to represent ASSG in the Inter-School Touch Football teams. Some students had a football background, and some were just excited to see what it was all about.

Like our rucking, the season had a slow start for both the boys and girls team, however as our understanding of the game progressed, our confidence, self-belief and team spirit developed as well. This saw both teams finish the season strongly, which gave us the opportunity to proudly perform our well-rehearsed war cries on multiple occasions.






The students in Pre-prep have been very responsible, caring for their garden and classroom. During Term 2 we got to harvest the tomatoes, baby carrots and potatoes that we planted. Our story began with “The Potato People” by Pamela Allen. Mrs Peagham discovered some potatoes growing horns in her cupboard so we decided to plant them in our garden. We were very excited to see the horns grow into plants. We sowed some baby carrot seeds and we planted some tomato seedlings too. We watched them grow and we remembered they needed water to be alive, just like us. It was very cool digging up the potatoes and carrots from under the soil – it was a wonderful surprise!



In Science in Prep, we have been learning all about what animals and plants need to stay healthy. To help with this, we introduced a class pet to take care of this term. The students worked together to think of different names, and we voted on our favourite which was Red the fighting fish. We decided on three ways we will look after Red:

1. Make sure Red has a clean home.

2. Keep Red in the water so he can breathe.

3. Give Red food each day.

We were all very excited to look after and take care of this new member to our class.


This term the Year 1 Rainforest Explorers had a special classmate. Sparkles the fish joined us and asked us to help him write. Sparkles sat on a coral reef placed on the little table and watched us daily. He wrote us letters and we helped to show him how he could improve his writing. Some of his letters were tricky to read as there was spelling mistakes, no spaces between words and sometimes no punctuation.

We gave Sparkles three goals. Goal one was to write neatly. We showed him how to form his letters correctly and to write in the red and blue lines. Goal two was to use spaces. Sparkles took our goal a little too literally and used huge fin sized spaces and not small scale sized ones. Goal three was to try and use capital letters correctly at the start of sentences and to use some punctuation such as full stops or question marks. These goals not only helped Sparkles the fish but also encouraged the students to be checking they were using the goals in their work too. We wish Sparkles all the best as he returns back to the deep blue ocean. Take care Sparkles!

Mrs Heuir’s Buzzy Bees have had a great time learning about the Green Sea Turtle. They have attended webinars with Reef HQ, read copious number of

books, watched videos, acted out components of the life cycle, celebrated World Turtle Day, created a digital poster to warn of human threats and written very informative information reports. They even had a class visitor for the term called ‘Tinee Turtle’ who they taught how to write! Enjoy our acrostic poem to show some of our learning about the sea turtle life cycle.

Tiny turtles hatching from leathery eggs.

Under the moonlight, scrambling to the sanctuary of the ocean calling.

Racing in a frenzy to the deep dark seas.

Ten years hiding, growing and changing in what is called the ‘Lost Years’.

Leaving to live closer to the sea grass beds near the ocean floor.

Endangered adult returns to the beach she was born to begin the life cycle again.

23 yEAR
yEAR 1
When it’s late at night make sure you turn off your lights. HH


yEAR 3


One of our favourite moments this term was our excursion to Townsville. The Year 3 No Prob-Llamas would like to thank Mrs Clark and Mr Shadforth for coming along with us on our adventure. The first part of our excursion took us to the Rowes Bay Sustainability House and Wetlands. We discovered how wetlands are important for protecting our precious reefs and developed a new appreciation for the native plants, trees and animals that call this place home. We learnt what we could do to be a sustainability explorer and how we could share this knowledge to protect and care for our environment; including different types of garden beds that you could create at home and how much water these utilised. Next, we went to the Palmetum Botanical Garden to explore their remarkable tropical rainforest. We were shocked to discover how much of the rainforests were not being cared for but were being used in unsustainable ways that was putting many plants and animals at risk.

The Year 3 No Prob-Llamas were in absolute awe of the remarkable rainforest environment. The trees towered over us and there was over threehundred different species of plants for us to find and explore.

yEAR 4

In Year 4 we have had a busy term learning, exploring, and designing. Continuing from our Science erosion unit last term, students were set with a challenge of coming up with a design and technology project. They had to plan a solution to create a barrier which would prevent erosion. Building on their science knowledge and understanding, the students worked in small groups to design, make and test their solutions. Using four unique designs the results showed all groups were able to successfully prevent erosion during the experiments.



Year 5 students have given new meaning to three-dimensional! In their Science, Design Technology and Art unit, students planned and built threedimensional animals that adapted to a desert or rainforest environment. Weeks of hard work (and hot glue) paid off and the results speak for themselves… their creations are simply phenomenal!

yEAR 5

It has been a creative Term 2 with our Science and Design Technology units. We designed and built an earthquake resistant structure as we rocked into the world of earthquakes and tsunamis in Science. Designing a building can be challenging as we learn to take our great ideas and turn them into blueprints, and then deciding which concepts can be turned into reality. It was exciting (but a little tense!) to watch our buildings go through an earthquake and see if they survived.

yEAR 6



Term 2 began with students being recognised for their Work Experience during the School holidays. Well done to Rory Clark, Ashleigh Gifford, Ryan Mitchell, Isobel Paskins, and Sam Vaughan.

Many opportunities of Career awareness has been made available for students in Years 10, 11, & 12. This commenced with a visit from the Australian Defence Force in Week 1. Townsville Hospital Clinical Education Centre, hosting all career experiences from Medicine, Physiotherapy, Dietitian/Nutrition, Pharmacist and many more.

The Charters Towers Dalrymple Trade Training Centre Careers Expo was held at the Charters Towers PCYC where students in Years 10, 11 & 12 were able to attend, and gather information about what they may be interested in.

Charters Towers Veterinary Clinic support our students studying Animal Care for their courses. Brandy Corlis (Year 12) has completed her Cert III in Animal Care, while Emily Gale and Tammazin Chong are competing their Cert II in Animal Care.

In June we attended our first event for ‘Women in Trades’ at The Pimlico TAFE Campus delivered by The National Association of Women in Construction. Building and reassuring young women for their endeavours to work in trades.

Term 2 finished with the Year 10 Subject Selection where many external courses are available, catering for Trades, Certificates and External Study units for University.




The extended Rural Precinct has been completed. Included in the extension is the provision of power, water and data to the rural area, a new Rural Studies Office, and outdoor classroom. The outdoor classroom has been built in the breezeway between the new rural studies office and the rural garage. It is an open area the students can gather in to learn and engage with rural studies. To support the rural students the School has also purchased and installed a new cattle crush.


During the early part of the year we installed 3 of the large fans in Halse Hall for everyone’s eating pleasure. Additionally during the last school break we had new led lighting and 6 fans in the Chapel to help out on those terribly hot days.




My name is Jalen Barry. I am a current Year 12 student at All Souls St Gabriels School. I come from a very small island just off the coast of Townsville – Palm Island. I started as a boarder in 2019 in Year 9. When I arrived, I was completely homesick. I legit didn’t stop crying until Week 4 or 5, until I met my very close friend, who I now call my close brother, David Gaidan. As I learnt more about Ramsay Dormitory, the people who live here all took the time to show me the ropes on how to be a true Ramsay Boy. I have also had the very best privilege to meet a very caring and most loving family – the Butlers. I consider them my home away from home parents/family. They have been there for me since my very first day here at ASSG and I can’t thank them enough.

The true legends of Ramsay Dormitory are the boys themselves. They are very well respected. All new students who arrive here at ASSG, from the starters (the Year 7s) up to the Year 12s, have shown great respect. We are encouraged to be respectful young men to parents of the new kids, as we know how hard it can be to

leave family. By making families feel good and know that their boys will be in a safe and in a well-respected environment really helps.

I can say that I really love it here. It’s just a great place for me in many ways. From having afternoon chats around the “yarning table” after a hard day’s work at school, to that feeling of coming back to the dormitory and telling mates how your day went, to the excitement you feel about getting back to school after holidays and seeing the many happy faces. As a young man, I would have to say that I have grown and the feeling I get from learning new things at School is just a great feeling.

I see this with many other students who live with me here. I always say to myself that “I wouldn’t like to leave ASSG” because of the people - the staff, the students, and the parents. It’s the very best of the schools here in Charters Towers. After school, I plan to continue my diesel fitting apprenticeship and move away from home. The School has given me a lot of experience to manage living away from home.

I am excited to finishing school on a very positive note. I also look forward to leaving the School with a lot of great memories. On that note, I look forward to making my family back home very proud of me and my many achievements during my time here at ASSG. Leaving school makes me feel excited. However, what I’m mostly sad about is leaving the family who has been looking after me for the past 4 years – the “Ramsay Family”. On the flip slide I know that they will always be here for a visit.

Boarding School has changed me a lot, including getting me prepared for life outside of school. From little things like keeping your bay clean, to getting out in the common room and doing your chores in the kitchen area. I would also like to expand the area of my lawn mowing business back home. I started very small by making some flyers before I went home for holidays. At first, I didn’t make much money. But I stuck with it, and now I have 2 major contracts on Palm Island, I have people running the business for me while I’m away at school. I also have a passion for helping people. I also choose to help some elderly people around home (Palm Island) as some of them need help from young, strong people in the community. Again, it’s a very good feeling seeing the satisfaction from the elders.

Last but not least, I would like to say to any parents who are looking at sending their kids away to Boarding School, I truly recommend All Souls St Gabriels School as your choice for your child’s schooling years.






Wow.. time has flown and I can’t believe we are already heading into August. It’s been a great start for the ASSG P&F in 2023 and we have been busy in the background getting ready for the 2023 ASSG P&F Fete, which is coming up in September. A big thanks to everyone who attended our Mid-Year Social at The Rix. We look forward to doing it again next year and making it an annual event on the School social calendar.

We held our AGM in May and congratulate our committee members on their positions

President: Tracy Maff

Vice-President: Emma Griffiths

Treasurer: Karena Leake

Secretary: Position vacant, nominations accepted

We would like to thank Tina Elliott for her contribution and assistance towards the ASSG P&F as our outgoing Vice-President. And thank you to all the parents and friends of the School who continue to attend and support our meetings and volunteer their time at our fundraisers.


ASSG P&F Fete, on Saturday 9 September from 2pm until 6pm – live entertainment, food & market stalls, Stockman’s Challenge, the ASSG Gift (Foot Race) and more. Stay tuned for updates and volunteering opportunities.


- ASSG P&F Meeting THURSDAY 17 August 2023

- ASSG P&F Derby Day event @ The Rix, Saturday 4 November 2023 (Tickets on sale very soon)

We thank everyone for their continued support of the ASSG P&F, if you are interested in attending the meetings (or via ZOOM), or your happy just to volunteer for an hour or so here and there, please email

Your time is appreciated, as we know everyone is busy! See you all at the FETE!




The Past Student Committee has been busy working together to prepare for one of the biggest events of the year for our ASSG family, our School Reunion! This is one event not to be missed! We have Friday night being our meet and greet along with some competitive games of netball with past and present students playing together in their house, followed by a game of Past v Present Students cricket game. We have live music by the very talented Kelli Shun and to top it off we have transport provided to take you back into town.

Saturday is fun filled with a touch game to kick start the day, followed on with the ASSG P&F Fete, finishing off the night with our annual dinner in Halse Hall. Make sure you get in contact with your class mates and organise your trip back down memory lane and join the reunion for 2023. Keep an eye out for when tickets become available for purchase.

Ensure you jump on and book accommodation as soon as possible as there will be limited availability.

Ph: 07 4787 1433 Email:

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