Soul&Story ft. Cathrine

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October 2016

SOUL&STORY ft. Cathrine



est. 2011 Photoshoots Without Makeup Soul&Story renews self-confidence in women around the world by proving that their natural beauty is worth a photoshoot. Each woman’s unique story has the ability to create a deeper connection with their community and spark self-confidence in their lives. contact us: instagram @soulandstory


Instagram: @TINABELLYY Raised in Northern Virginia and currently residing in Blacksburg, VA. As a recent graduate of Virginia Tech in Visual Communication Design, my interests lies within stories portrayed through photographs. I’m a spontaneous adventurer, journaler, hoarder of inspirational quotes, visionary of endless ideas, a work in progress, and saved by Grace.

Photographer’s Note As soon as Megan asked me to contribute to Soul&Story, the first person I immediately thought of to ask for a photoshoot/ interview was Cathrine. She stood out to me ever since we met in the same fellowship 2 years ago. I still don’t know her too well but one thing I can say for sure is that her smile and personality shines through amidst the crowd. Even though she may not have the most dominant personality, her presence definitely adds delight and peace to the atmosphere. She really tries her best in everything that she does and I can see that she’s on the path of becoming a strong, confident woman of faith. I hope to witness her grow and continue to inspire others around her to do the same. Through the highs and lows, you hold the hope of a new life Cathrine. He’s proud of you.


About Cathrine


am currently studying graphic design at Virginia Tech. Future plans? Mine seem to change everyday, but as of today I want to start my own business and sell prints of my hand lettering projects. My search for a passion is still in progress.


How did it feel to not wear makeup during the photoshoot?


f you ask anyone around me, I’m probably the last person that comes to mind for a no makeup photo shoot. Makeup is the first thing I put on and the last thing I take off. I’ve been working on it the past few years, but this shoot was definitely a challenge. When Christina was close to me, I had a hard time looking straight into the lens. I felt as if each and every flaw was so easily magnified and captured. In a sense, I felt very vulnerable, almost handing Christina the power to expose my weaknesses, when I take pride in my composure.


What is your story in terms of understanding beauty and selfworth?


y journey to understanding beauty and self worth… At seventeen years old, I don’t know how many days of school I missed because I didn’t even feel worthy enough to wake up. Eighteen, nineteen, twenty, I struggled through both physically and emotionally abusive relationships where I completely lost sight of who I was and my purpose in this life. Now at 21, faith is my saving grace.


What is your ethnicity and what is considered beautiful in your culture?


am 100% Korean. (Fun fact: South Korea has the highest rate of cosmetic surgeries in the world.) Standards of beauty: small face, round forehead, double eyelid, big eyes, high pointed nose, v shaped jaw, fair clear skin, and slimness. But where do these standards even come from?


When do you feel the most beautiful?


feel the most beautiful when someone genuinely takes the time to get to know my heart. I have a lot of character flaws and am a hard person to get to know. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of patience. It takes a lot of grace. I appreciate that effort they invest in someone like me, more than I could ever express.


Who inspires you?


y family inspires me. That sounds cliché, but no one will understand exactly how much I cherish my family. Everyone is so encouraging and loving to each other, even when it’s tough to do so. They remind me how much greater is the love from the Lord and just how He cherishes each and every one of us. When I am with my family, I feel so much stronger because I feel like a real person. I don’t feel pressured to keep my composure, nor feel vulnerable without it.


What is your favorite part of your body?


don’t know why this question makes me uncomfortable but my mom always told me I had delicate hands.


How do you build your own self-confidence?


Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised�

Proverbs 31:30.


hen I feel insecure, I try to remind myself what is actually important in this life. I believe I am here for a different purpose and if I really live to glorify the Lord, it frees me from my insecurities. I have confidence in the Lord and His plans for me.


Cathrine’s Last Comments “You are altogether beautiful my darling; there is no flaw in you” Songs of Solomon 4:7


©Soul&Story Photography by Christina Park

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