SOS Annual Report for 2020

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SOS, Inc 2020 Annual Report SOS Child Visitation &

Exchange Center

THANK YOU This past year brought unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to explore new ways to provide our services and adjust how we interact with each other. I am proud to say that although some of our standard practices were altered, our shelter never closed and we continued to provide services to victims. Through grant funding, we were able to ensure all of our staff had cameras for virtual meetings/appointments, personal protective equipment (such as plexiglass barriers, masks, etc.) and funding for victim assistance. SOS went to great lengths to ensure everyone’s health and safety were a priority. It was not an easy year, but looking ahead, I am filled with hope. Despite the obstacles, I was able to witness just how resilient my staff is. They care so deeply for their clients that they continue to press forward. I am so excited to have all of our local staff together under one roof this year and it wouldn’t be possible without our amazing supporters - like you! Our Stronger Together Campaign Committee continued to raise critical funding during this crisis and we are a mere $53,000 from meeting our goal thanks to donations and pledges. The construction team has been diligent in their efforts to complete the renovation for us and the support of the community has kept my spirits up when we’re faced with adversity. I am truly grateful for my team, our community and this new chapter for SOS. - Connie J. Cahoone, Executive Director

The United Way of the Flint Hills has provided SOS, Inc $35,750 in grant funding for the year 2020.

2020 HIGHLIGHTS Hope-A-Palooza Raised Nearly



COVID-19 Services Continued Without Disruption Launched Our

New Website

40,617 Christmas Gifts For 34 Adults & 81 Children SOS Provided 18,000 Services SOS Assisted 1,041 Victims

SOS Strong Raised A Record-Breaking


CRISIS SERVICES SOS began in 1976 with a mission to assist local rape victims. This initiative has expanded into our Crisis Services program where we support, empower and advocate for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking. Our advocates are available 24/7 to assist victims with crisis intervention, safety planning, emergency shelter, protection orders, transportation, judicial advocacy, mental health counseling, emotional support and resource referrals.

6 4,863 Square Miles Serving Counties

Population of

71,670 1 in 7

Below Poverty SOS CASA of the Flint Hills serves Chase & Lyon County. SOS Child Advocacy Center serves Chase, Coffey, Lyon, Morris & Osage County.

Just one of many success stories showing our impact on youth: “One thing I always wonder is what kind of difference I make and what the kids will remember from our visits. While I am not doing classroom lessons right now, I do get to zoom with some of my classes to do our lessons without skipping a beat. I have had a lot of highlights and conversations that have really brought joy to me. Today was just another one ... (most kids I have met with for years) and I was asking about a visit that I had in Kindergarten while talking to some 3rd/4th graders. One little boy was doing remote learning and asked us to all hold on a second and came back to the camera with his class picture that Happy Bear and I took with them. These are little kids and he still had that picture and was able to share it with me today. That re-evaluates your feelings on if you’re making a difference. Now go be your best and know that kids are sponges, and will bring you more joy than you ever thought they could even from a distance.” - Danielle, Outreach Prevention Coordinator

Just one of many domestic violence success stories: The downfall of living in a small rural community, is that almost everyone knows you and personal information sometimes becomes general information. Alice came to SOS because she knew the local advocate. She knew what services SOS provided, however, she never thought that she would need those services. It was the middle of a pandemic and her children were home every day for remote learning. She was trying to work from home, as much as she could and her spouse was becoming increasingly agitated at daily activities. This extended to name calling and threats towards Alice and the children. He had often threatened Alice with violence and had even tried to strangle her in the past, but when he began to threaten and try to physically harm the children, Alice knew she was going to end the relationship. With the social distancing and PPE requirements, Alice met with the local advocate outdoors and they began to talk about how SOS could help and what options were possible regarding protecting Alice and the children from the violence. SOS helped Alice get the necessary Protection from Abuse Order filed and then worked with her to get her family legal assistance. The advocate was also able to provide counseling options, donations of material things that her spouse had removed from the home or destroyed, and to also give Alice an opportunity to find other employment. SOS was advocating for her and her children even when systems and county health regulations were changing frequently. If Alice hadn’t found the courage to seek assistance from SOS when she did, in her own words, “the children and I would have been found dead in our rural home.”

10,000 Services Assisted 601 Victims Answered 1,998 Helpline Calls 2,677 Bed Nights In Shelter Provided

CASA OF THE FLINT HILLS SOS CASA of the Flint Hills began in July 1995 to serve the children brought before the court for child-in-need-of-care and domestic cases within the 5th Judicial District for Chase and Lyon county. CASA is part of a national program that provides highly trained volunteer advocates, known as Court Appointed Special Advocates (or CASAs) who advocate for the best interest of children who have been abused, neglected, or victims of human trafficking.


6,300 Services Assisted 88 Children Donated 2,241 Hours 10,770 Miles Donated Provided

Just one of many CASA success stories: I was eight years old when I was placed into foster care, along with my siblings. My CASA not only fought for our everyday needs, but she also fought against the system to have us removed from an abusive foster home. Our CASA helped us get placed with our grandma. She wanted us to be in a safe home, with someone we knew. When I started to fall behind in school, my CASA gathered everyone involved around the table and did not stop until I was getting every service I needed to be successful at school and at home. My CASA always helped us tackle issues at every turn, would not take ‘no’ for an answer and held people accountable. My CASA challenged everyone involved in the system to do their best for us and because of it, I have been successfully adopted by my grandma. I am very grateful for my CASA.

NEW CASA DIRECTOR During 2020, Corina Sanchez was promoted to Director of SOS CASA of the Flint Hills. Corina has spent over four years as an Advocate Coordinator and is very passionate about the CASA program. “I am honored to have the opportunity to lead CASA and look forward to continuing the work that has been set forth by Dena Russell-Marino, my predecessor” said Sanchez, “We have such a wonderful program and great volunteers.” “As an Advocate Coordinator, I really focused on educating the community about CASA,” says Corina. “My job was to recruit, screen, train and supervise volunteers. The four years I spent under Dena’s coaching has given me the knowledge and courage to continue advocating as the Director.”

CHILD VISITATION & EXCHANGE CENTER In 1999, the SOS Child Visitation & Exchange Center (CVEC) opened to offer a safe, neutral environment for children to be with their parents during supervised visits and exchanges. Children involved in complicated custodial or court-ordered processes can spend time with their non-residential parent in safe and inviting surroundings. Monitored exchanges help to eliminate confrontational situations and thus reduces the potential for violence or conflict when parents who have a history of ongoing conflict must exchange children for visitation purposes. They are open 7 days a week to assist families.

Just one of many Child Visitation & Exchange Center success stories: A family was referred to the CVEC by the court to allow the mother to have supervised visitation services with her children. This referral was due to allegations of sexual and physical abuse by the mother’s boyfriend towards the children, domestic violence in the mother’s home (including discharging of lethal firearms) while the children were in the home and witnessing this trauma. The children would not be reintegrated to the mother’s home and the mother began monthly supervised visits at the CVEC. The children were able to remain connected to their mother in a safe, neutral setting and not worry if they were going to be in an unsafe and harmful situation when they came the CVEC. The mother followed CVEC’s guidelines and was consistent for visits. Because the CVEC was available, the children were able to continue to have a positive relationship with their mother long-term. If this service was not available, the children may not have had any contact with their mother or potentially could have been placed in a high-risk situation for abuse to occur while in their mother’s care. Both the mother and residential parent thanked the CVEC for providing services for them the past 7 years.

331 Supervised Visitations Assisted 110 Individuals Supervised 157 Exchanges 33 Intakes

CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER The SOS Child Advocacy Center (CAC) was opened in 2002. As a nationally accredited program, the CAC provides interviews of abused children, as well as providing resources necessary to help victims and their non-offending caregivers overcome the lingering effects of physical, emotional and mental trauma. Our Multidisciplinary (MDT) team approach facilitates greater efficacy in holding perpetrators accountable by evaluating those systems in place designed to procure justice for child victims.


80 Forensic Interviews Served 182 Clients 1,694 Services 145 Mental Health Referrals Conducted

New Logo for SOS Child Advocacy Center: CAC staff eagerly collaborated with a local artist, April Armstrong, to create a logo and brand identity for the first time in 18 years. April dove right in, donating her time and expertise. The intention of the design is to show how the CAC helps children and non-offending families put their pieces back together, with the goal of resolution, healing, and wholeness. Another important piece of the design is recognizing our multidisciplinary team and how we work together to surround the families with advocacy, support, and resources.

Just one of many Child Advocacy Center success stories: The SOS Child Advocacy Center received a phone call needing an emergency child forensic interview due to the child victim being placed in police protective custody for the child’s safety. The SOS CAC team responded immediately and gave the child an opportunity to tell her story in a safe space. She disclosed ongoing sexual abuse that was occurring in her home by her caregiver. The SOS CAC staff was then able to facilitate a SANE Examination immediately after the interview due to the disclosure and timeframe of evidence collection. They were able to provide support for the child throughout the process. Thereafter, the SOS CAC ensured the child had the referrals, services and support that she needed for her well-being, including immediate access to mental health services. The child has conveyed her thankfulness on several occasions, in which she expressed that it feels nice to have a team working towards her best interest. Due to her disclosure, the perpetrator was immediately arrested and took a plea. The perpetrator is currently awaiting sentencing and the victim is healing and thriving every day.



Provides two locks for a client’s home for additional safety


Provides training for volunteers to advocate for abused children


Provides 6 months of security camera service for our building


Provides advocate support for a child who has been a victim of abuse and is seeking help through our services


Provides 6 months of phone service for the 24/7 Helpline

$ $ $ $



Provides meals for 2 families in the shelter for a month

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS $10,000 or More

Capitol Federal Savings Foundation Allison and Chip Garrett Lewis Humphreys Charitable Trust Osage County Courthouse

$5,000 or More

Emma C Huth Trust Steve and Bobbi Sauder

$2,000 or More

Altrusa Club of Emporia Brandon and Natalie Cahoone Steve and Margie Coffman Emporia Lodge No. 12, A.F. & A.M. Larry and Sharon Finley Kari’s Diamonds Mike and Sarah Meenen The Greater Emporia Disaster Relief Fund Westar Energy

$1,000 or More

Cherlyn Buffum Deb Burns-Heinitz Steve and Connie Cahoone Carolyn S Kruse Foundation Dale and Carolyn Davis First Presbyterian Church James and Jacqueline Glenn Guion’s Showcase Roger Heineken Jerry and Carol Ann Herbert Hodges Farms & Dredging LLC Kevin and Heidi McDonald Amanda Mendoza Susan Moran Dennis and Catherine Murphy Marjorie Nelson Phi Delta Theta Preston Family Trust Paula Sauder Tyler Schmidt Sigma Phi Epsilon Arthur Williamson Witten Construction

ESB Financial Ruth A Fisher Cynthia Gilger Grace United Methodist Church Randy Guyer Half-Pint Hooves Miniature Cattle Joshua and Lea Hamlin IMA Foundation Russ and Myra Jones Cameron Leiker Menasha Corporation Foundation Janet Miley Modern Air Conditioning Derek and Brianna Nielsen Mary Susan Pachuta Kevin Payne Prairieland Partners Larry Redeker Michael and Joyce Reynolds Troy and Dick Ross Kent and Natalie Schnakenberg Mark and Angie Schreiber Student Athletic Advisory Committee Robert and Bo Swanson Ken and Margaret Wright Joan Young

Laurent Charitable Family Fund Lyon County Attorney Dan McCarthy Sharon and Marshall Miller Rick and Colleen Mitchell Casey and Cheryl Mussatto Marjorie Nash Norfolk Iron and Metal John and Nancy Pool Clara Roberts Roberts-Blue-Barnett Funeral Home David Rukes Schmidt Custom Cabinetry LLC Michael and Jaque Schmidt Mildred Schnakenberg Tara Schnakenberg Jacqueline Scott Diana Sigel Karen Sommers Ryan Thompson Victoria Vaughn Aaron Watters Pat and Janel Wiederholt William “Bill” Wolf

$100 or More

Mylinda and Creig Agler James and Teresa Ajello $250 or More John Aldrich Gary and Eliza Ace Mike Alpers Sharon Allemang Mary McDaniel Anschutz John and Anne Atherton Michael and Carla Argabright Greg and Karen Bachman Sherry Hawkins Backhus Joe Barefoot Ronald and Crystal Bahre Eric Benjamin Marioyn Bayer Brady Optical Company Gus Bays Jordan Brink Beta Sigma Phi Lambda Lambda Chapter Broken Heart Ranch Sue Blechl Scott Capes Carol Bolen Coach’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill Dale and Carol Bolen Chelsey Cooley Nancy Boling Tyler and Melanie Curtis Jan Borst Samuel Day Stephanie Bosiljevac Mitchell Dexter Braden Financial Services Vickie & Ron Dinkel Brian’s Lawn Care LLC John and Judy Edie $500 or More Bob Bridgman Emporia Orthodontics, LLC Tyson Allen First Congregational Church Women’s Fellowship Todd Henrikson and Tirsten Brockmeier Collin Andersen John and Sue Ann Brown G. Properties LLC Arkansas Post & Pole Company-Sutherlands Kenneth and Marilyn Buchele Jon and Ali Geitz Aaron and Danielle Armitage Chad Buchholz Howard and Eunice Gunkel Branded Brothers WSMRA Vicki Burnett Don and Robbie Hill Kenneth and Ann Bruner Steve and Mary Buster Hopkins Manufacturing Employees Gregory Clarkson Charities Aid Foundation of America Maretta Huntington Coffey County Sheriff Barbara Clark Nick Jacob Community Thrift Store Lori Clark David R and Cheryl L Jamison Doug Schmidt Construction Cline Auto Supply Inc Jane Koger EK RE LLC This list recognizes monetary donations received in 2020. Please accept our sincere apologies if your name was inadvertently omitted.

Susan S Cockrell Gilan Cockrell Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. Chris & Rachael Correll John and Denise Cottenmyre Clay Crockett Miriam Dale Larry DeDonder John Delaluz Karen DeLaughter Larry and Sherry DeWitt Do-B’s Inc Ann Doudican Richard Duncan Tim and Rachel Duncan John Dwyer Marshall Ellis Emporia Police Benefit Association Emporia Radiator Charles and Janet Evans Cynthia Evenson Larry and Regina Falcetto Leslie and Donna Farr Rick and Vicki Fell First Christian Church First Congregational Church of Council Grove First United Methodist Church John and Sandra Fleming Sandy Fleming Flint Hills Towing Ronald Fowlkes Jackie Fursman Gerald Schumann Electric James Glenn Shane Goldsmith Scott and Rhonda Gordon Anthony and Lewis Gowin Steven & Tracey Graham Chuck and Margi Grimwood Clinton & Beverly Gross Ellen Guthrie Phil Hammond Jerry and Karen Hartenbower Donald Hartley Derek Harvey Dr. Bryce and Juliene Heitman Michael Helbert Carol and William Hopkins Lance Hosier David and Catherine Hough Patricia Howard Jim and Cathy Hoy Debra and Robert James Kay Johnson Diane Kelly Kathy and Jim Kessler

Stephen and Ann Knecht Tom and Jeri Knobloch Mallory Koci John and Terri Koelsch Christine and Steve Kolmer Brad Kraft John and Claudia Kretsinger Hun Kwak LEISZLER OIL COMPANY INC Lovilla Linn Gwen Lorenz Jim Lowther Lyndon State Bank Lyon County Title LLC Ross MacTaggart Madison Telephone, LLC Dena Russell Marino Mark II Lumber Wesley and Patricia Marks Adela Maynez Mark McAnarney Wayne and Nancy McClelland David and Joyce McCullough Frank McGuire Susan McKinney Vernon and Nancy McKinzie Paul and Kay McKnab Carol Medenciy Darwyn and LaDonna Meldrum Will Mengarelli Midwest Contracting LLC Beverly Miller Christie Miller David and Peggy Miller R. Scott and Christine Miller Mary Mingenback Brian Morgan Earl and Patricia Murphy Gerald and Sharman Murphy Jonathon Noble Jerry Olmsted Lu Olmsted Coralie Owens Kathy Parry-Clements Michael Penner Mark Petterson Plumbing By Spellman Employees Kevin and Kim Pouch PT Associates Of Emporia John Rich Daniel & Angela Robertson Jim & Diane Robinson Debbie Roether Jessica Rogers Gretchen Russell Joe and Teresa Salazar

Brady and Christine Sauder TJ and Catina Sauder Ethan James Scherrer Aaron and Jeanna Scheve Toni Schneider Mark Schondelmaier Judy Schroeder Bill and Janice Schulte Allen and Jackie Scott Robert Shadoin Terry Sippel Daniel Smarsh Gordon and Deanna Smith Steven and Mary Beth Smith Robin Southers St Mark’s Lutheran Church Stanley R Ausemus Chartered Susan Steffen Kurt and Sheila Steinkuhler Harry and Sharon Stephens Max and Sharon Stewart Aaron Stoffer Anna Symmonds Justin Tabares The Lark Inn (Gwen Skirkey) Thomson Brake and Alignment LLC Thomas Transfer & Storage Debbie & Rolland Trahoon Eric Traylor Janice & Michael Utech Charlene G Utley Douglas Wagner Linda Wait Kari & Keith Wallace Brad and Val Walthall Kathy Waters Dave and Jelinda Watts James and Landace Wayman Ken Weaver David Weeda Colleen Weilert George and Dorothy Wellnitz Patrick Werly Charles Weston Jennifer White Charles Wilhite Lorne Willard Jeff & Debra Williams John and Anne Wilson Darla and Roger Winfrey Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Am. Chip and Marie Woods Howard and Tonnie Wullschleger Elizabeth Yanik Joyce Zhou

SOS could not operate without funding obtained from private individuals, businesses, foundations and trusts. This Honor Roll highlights those gracious donors who made a charitable contribution in 2020. These benefactors gave through several means which may have included our mailed annual appeal, via organized special events or by bestowing major gifts to SOS. Some donors have chosen to remain anonymous and have not been included in this list. We apologize if we missed anyone.


$250,000 - $499,999

JE & LE Mabee Foundation Sunderland Foundation

$25,000 - $99,999

Emil Babinger Charitable Trust Capitol Federal Foundation Dale & Carolyn Davis ESB Financial Allison & Chip Garrett Eddie & Nancy Gilpin

EL & Z Irene Hopkins Foundation Lewis Humphrey’s Trust Nick & Ann Jacob Drs. Ryan & Anna LaSota Lohmeyer Family Foundation Mitchell-Markowitz Construction ONE Gas Foundation

Altrusa Club of Emporia Chris & Jacque Ambrose Danielle & Aaron Armitage Angie & Nic Baker Rep Dave Baker James & Kelly Baker Bill & Gae Barnes Ed & Sara Bashaw BJ & Kristy Bayer Lindsay Bays & Brad Raper Pamela Baker Blood BNSF Railway Foundation Aneta Bodkin Bowyer 79 Fund Burnap Bros., Inc. Plumbing Deb Burns-Heinitz Steve & Connie Cahoone Shannon Cannata Clark Carpet & Tile Steve & Margie Coffman Community National Bank Jim & Susie Cummins Tyler & Melanie Curtis Jo Lynne Dick Drs. Rachel and Tim Duncan Mickey & Tracy Edwards Lori & David Eudaley Farmers and Drovers Bank Dr. Christina & David Faulkner Craig & Joyce French Gould & Nancy Garcia Danny & Betty Giefer Jon & Ali Geitz Joyce & Jack Grimsley Eunice & Howard Gunkel Cory & Amber Haag

Mary & Michael Halleran Chuck Hanna Jeff & Sharon Harshman Hartford State Bank Steve & Nina Haught Roger Heineken Duane & Jerilynn Henrikson Todd Henrikson & Tirsten Brockmeier Don & Robbie Hill Mike Hudson Ken Hush David & Cheryl Jamison Russ & Myra Jones The Sadie Jones Fund Jacinda Kahle Jerry & Sharon Karr Brad & Cynthia Kraft Brock & Mary Kretsinger Steve & Diana Kuhlmann Nick & Jan Laurent Loretto Langley Charitable Trust Lyon County Attorney’s Office Lyon County State Bank Tom & Pat Mais Kevin & Sheri Mayer Sue McKinney Vernon & Nancy McKinzie Paul & Kay McKnab Mike & Sarah Meenen LaDonna Meldrum & Ron Thomas MFA Oil Foundation Janet Miley Marshall & Sharon Miller Rick & Colleen Mitchell Kaila Mock & Joel Smith Nicole Mock

$1,000 - $24,999

$100,000 - $249,999

BG Consultants, Inc Don & Bonnie Cannon Trusler Foundation William & Aloha Preston Trust Jane & Bernard Reeble Foundation Steve & Bobbi Sauder Mark & Angie Schreiber Rick & Sarah Tidwell Rick Tidwell Memorial The Waddell Family

Lucas & Amy Moody Susan Moran Tom & Virginia Moxley Marjorie Nelson Fred & Paula Neuer Jon Noble & Shelly Woodard Tim & Janell North Chris & Shannon Rech Jane Reeble Dr. Michael & Joyce Reynolds Kenny & Maria Rodriguez Rotary Club of Emporia Rochelle Rowley Jamie & Jennifer Sauder Paula Sauder Dr. Kimberly & Bruce Schmid Luke & Tara Schnakenberg Judy Schroeder TinaRae & Lancer Scott Jim Shepherd Harry & Sharon Stephens Brad & Jennifer Stewart Max & Sharon Stewart Scott & Kathy Strahm Wayne & Elaine Theel Mark & Brenda Ulrich Ken & Kathy Weaver Wellnitz Tree Care Inc White River Consulting Patrick & Janel Wiederholt Charles Wilhite Jeff & Deb Williams Jennifer Williams Ken & Margaret Wright Betsy & Joe Yanik Brad Yount

We extend our heartfelt thanks to each of these campaign donations and pledges! This list recognizes monetary donations received through February 2021. Please accept our sincere apologies if your name was omitted.

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