The encyclopedia of thai massage

Page 185

T he E n c y cl o pe d ia o f T hai M assa g e

To release, sit all the way down, then straighten your legs. As you sit, your feet should connect with her inner arm and push her body away from

you. Spread your legs and allow her to come to the ground.

Correlations with Yoga \    Sanskrit : Salamba Sarvangasana English : Supported Shoulder Stand Points : This is an advanced pose. Most easily approached from

Halasana (Plow Pose). From Halasana, place hands next to spine with fingertips pointing up. Keep chest open as you lift legs. Benefits : Stretches neck and shoulders; strengthens legs and back; improves asthma and sinusitis; alleviates stress, mild depression, fatigue and insomnia by balancing nervous system; stimulates thyroid, thymus, and prostate glands Contraindications : Heart problems, pregnancy (if not part of regular practice), menstruation, high blood pressure, neck or spine injury, headache, diarrhea


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