Sophisticated Living Louisville Sept/Oct 2019

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Happy Birthday Virgo and Libra! Our September and October Sophisticated Stars are Louisville’s own Glenda Yascone, Virgo born September 9th and Libra Kelli Campbell, born October 10th. Written by Joy Yascone Elms MA

September born Virgo, Glenda Yascone, is interior designer extraordinaire of her own company, “The Placement Artist.” Lovingly referred to as “Glenda The Good,” she is a Virgo with a Pisces rising! Glenda’s gift of design is so clearly indicated in her chart. It offers her the gift of magic that she weaves for her design clients, house guests, friends and family. Glenda’s Pisces ascendant rules over the arts and spirituality for the entire zodiac, while her Mercury-ruled, Virgo sun, bestows her with an excellent work ethic and brilliant practicality. Glenda’s Aquarius moon gives her a sense of benevolence and kindness towards philanthropic and humanitarian causes. As a Virgo with a Pisces rising and moon in Aquarius, Glenda can look forward to happy partnership news and a completely new happy start at the beginning of September. Happy Birthday Virgo! 92

Libra Kelli Campbell of Joseph’s Salon and Spa is a Libra ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love. Planet Venus loves anything to do with beauty and a luxurious spa day to boot! Hence, Kelli Campbell is in her element as the owner of Joseph’s Salon and Spa in St. Matthews. Kelli has Libra’s Venetian gifts on lockdown, with her sun, moon, and Mercury all in Venusgoverned Libra. Kelli’s chart also emphasizes qualities of a Virgo’s attention to detail, with a Virgo rising and Virgo moon. Kelli can look forward to some exciting news at the new moon in Libra on September 28th lighting up her Libra planets, as Jupiter planet of benevolence and good fortune links with her ruling planet Venus as well! Happy Birthday Libra!

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