Sophisticated Living Louisville Jan/Feb 2021

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Written by Joy Yascone Elms MA

As we celebrate the birthdays of Capricorn and Aquarius, we also laud the New Year. Like so many of you, I am happy to say, "out with the old and in with the new!" This month, the stars make headlines as Jupiter, the planet of blessings moves from Capricorn into Aquarius on December 19th. Saturn moves into Aquarius on December 16th to stay for a full year! What do your annual stars say? I can't wait to share the good news! ARIES March 21st – April 19th As a fire sign, you thrive on oxygen, and 2021 will offer you a breath of fresh air. Lucky you, powerful planets Jupiter and Saturn move to the fire-supportive air sign Aquarius, making you feel more vibrant and inspired! This year, Jupiter will grant you the gift of a new and improved social life and at least one or two powerful friendships (the power of which should never be underestimated). You will also thrive in social media and any technology media forum or humanitarian efforts such as a board membership or volunteering. In the realm of love and career, this year, friendships hold the key to VIP introductions. TAURUS April 20th – May 20th This year is one you have long-awaited, as your career will be super fortunate! Everything you touch will turn to gold, and you'll get accolades and rewards for the work you've been doing for the past 12 years. Where would you like to direct this energy, Taurus? Jupiter, a giver of luck, has not been in this sector of your chart for 12 years, so choose well. Saturn, the planet of discipline and challenges, also moves to this sector of your chart and will reward you as well once he leaves this sector of your chart in 2.5 years. However, Jupiter is the Disney parent who believes you should be gifted with miracles, inspiration, and grace! This year, there will be times you feel opportunities and promotions land in your lap, and times you think you must work extra hard to prove your metal! This year, you'll be gifted with focus, drive, and inspiration to make your dreams a reality! GEMINI May 21st – June 20th In 2021 you'll be inspired and gifted with opportunities for expansion and growth in travel, ideas, and education! Have you wanted to study abroad or move to another country? This is the year! If you simply want to travel internationally or learn a foreign language, you are supported there as well. If you have always wanted to go back to school or are looking at graduate programs, you will be divinely gifted by the Universe at this time. Most of your thoughts this year will be geared towards learning and growing. The gifts you're granted this year will assist you in 2022, as you are offered career benefits.

Andrew Glassford AmethystTumbler-Bracelet

CANCER June 21st – July 22nd This year, Cancer, you'll be gifted with high yields and earnings in investments, sales, venture capital, loans, and grants. Think dream home, investments, and business growth. This cycle only happens once every 12 years, so this year you can create long-term financial security by making wise choices and decisions with the help of the benevolence of the Universe. LEO July 23rd – August 22nd Leo, this will be such a fortuitous year for you, as the planet of blessings and good fortune graces your house of partnerships and marriage. This is, quite frankly, one of my favorite transits of Jupiter! If you are single, this is the year you can attract a committed relationship that quickly progresses to a formal commitment. If you are already married, Jupiter's placement here will benefit your existing union. Saturn is also moving here for a 2.5-year tour of your house of marriage and partnership. So, Leo, utilize this year with Jupiter in this same sector of your chart to create great partnerships while maintaining a sense of gratitude, as this will yield your best results. 85

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