Feminism 4.0

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# 1: Someone dieting Try and dieting

recently asked if I had any tips for other teenage girls. reverse that. ‘Do you have any tips for other teenage boys?’

# 2: Of course I am not worried about intimidating men. The type of man who will be intimidated by me is exactly the type of man I have no interest in.

# 3: Know what? Bitches get stuff done!

# 2: And they grow up – and this is the worst thing we do to girls – they grow up to be woman who has turned pretence into an art form.

# 1: The way black woman experiences sexism and inequality is different from the way white woman experiences sexism and inequality. # 4: I’m just about equality, period.

# 2: A marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support. But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same?

# 5: Ladies tell ‘em “I woke up like this”. We flawless.

# 6: I feel like young girls are told that they have to be this kind of princess and be all delicate and fragile and that’s bullshit.

# 7: The statistics are pretty abysmal. It’s our job as women who have been given a certain amount of success and visibility to pull other woman along with us.

# 4: I feel completely like I’m not tied to a gender or to an age. I feel, you know, like an infinite cosmic thing and that’s what I want people to feel. # 5: We have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible.

# 8: It’s not like girls are not intrinsically interested in math and science and in STEM as fields. But… We teach them they are not capable or that they won’t be good at it, and

therefore they’re kind of deterred from pursuing interest in those fields.

# 5: Why are viewed as less then equal? These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible.

# 7: I think woman who reject the term don’t know what it means. It’s not a concept you reject, you believe in equal opportunities.

# 6: Men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too.

# 6: It is not the word that is important. It’s the idea and the ambition behind it.

# 9: I just love bossy woman. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody’s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn’t mind leading.

# 10: I’m basically herself.





# 1: If I want to smile I will! Nothing more than that.

# 10: Women are complicated. Not because woman are crazy, but because people are crazy. Women happen to be people.

# 7: I think about my body as a tool to do the stuff I need to do, but not to be all and end of all my existence.

# 8: Someone once told me that it’s a small revolution in itself just to be a person of colour and be a woman and be your self.

# 4: I’m just about equality, period. I still don’t think we’re there 100 percent. I mean, guy rappers grab their crotch all f-king day and have ho's around them, but no one talks about it. But if I grab my crotch and I have hot model bitches around me, I’m degrading women? I’m a women- I should be able to have girls around me! But I’m part of the evolution of that. I hope.

# 8: Guys aren’t allowed to express femininity; they have always appeared masculine and that’s bullshit. I love it when guys can be feminine and express their emotions and creativity; it shows strength.

# 5: We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as woman and take the lead.

# 6: It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.

# 5: We need to stop buying into the myth about gender quality. It isn’t really yet…

# 1: I love fashion. We all do… But we shouldn’t be taken less seriously because we’re in dresses.

# 5: I guess I am a modern-day feminist… But I’m happily married. I love my husband.

# 4: Why because they’re naked? Any girl that wants to be naked can. Guys get to show their titties out on the beach, why can’t we?

# 11: We have stop being so interested in seeing girls try to tear each other down.

# 5: We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life.

# 1: Fashion can be a tool of feminism and self-expression and individuality and empowerment.

# 10: I’m sick of men being praised for being sexual beings but us woman being drowned for it.

# 12: So many women have come tot his idea of it being anti-male and not be able to connect with the opposite sex – but what feminism is about are equality human rights.

# 7: It’s not the word that is important. It’s the idea and ambition behind it.

# 6: You’re never going to stop people from calling you a bitch, especially if you’re a woman in power.

# 12: Do what you feel comfortable doing. Existing and thriving, as a black woman is a small revolution in itself.

# 8: We say to girls; “you van have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful otherwise, you will threaten the man”.

# 13: Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men. It does not mean you hate girls with nice legs and a tan. And it does not mean you are a bitch or a dyke.

# 14: Women are denied. They are neglected. Even in the developed countries.

# 6: I have realized that fighting for woman’s rights has too often become synonymous with man hating. If there

is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.

# 6: I decided that I was a feminist, and this seemed uncomplicated to me.

# 14: We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.

# 10: It just made more sense to me to be a feminist than to not be a feminist.

# 1: But don’t make my story, and who I am, be my dress, while my male co-star’s story is how he picks scripts an gets inspired.

# 8: We’re told that we’re angry when we speak out on injustice. Being outspoken about race does not equate the slander of white people.

# 2: My own definition of a feminist is a man or a woman who says: “yes, there’s a gender problem with gender as it is today and we must fix it, we must do better.” All of us, woman and men, must do better.

# 6: I’m a feminist, but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation.

# 15: I’m just being myself. There is not an ounce of me that believes any of that crap that they say. We can’t be feminine and feminist and be successful? I want to be an F-king feminist and wear a F-king Peter Pan collar. So F-king what?

# 1: I have made a very big point at making sure my personal feminism includes everyone- and educating myself and discussing these topics have really helped.

# 1: I think it’s important for girls to recognize feminist issues because it directly affects them.

# 4: I feel like I’m one of the biggest feminists in the world because, I tell woman to not be scared of anything.

# 1: You can be a kick a-s-s feminist – sorry, I know it’s not technically a swear but still! – but you can contribute to the fight against

objectification and favourite designer.




# 4: I’m a feminist in the way that I’m really empowering to women. I’m loud and funny and not typically beautiful.

# 5: You can be a businesswoman, a mother, an artist and a feminist – whatever you want to be – and still be a sexual being.

# 13: People would ask, as if it was a joke, ‘So you mean you are a feminist?’ as though feminism couldn’t be discussed unless we’re making fun of it.

# 6: Why has the world become such an uncomfortable one? Women are choosing not to identify as feminist.

# 16: Do you have a vagina? And do you want to be in charge of it? If you said, “yes” to both, then congratulations – you’re a feminist!

# 10: Feminism is not a rulebook, but a discussion, a conversation, a process.

# 7: Feminists believe that men and women should have the same opportunities. If you are a feminist you believe in equal rights as a whole. That’s not a concept you can really shoot down. # 13: It means you believe in equality.

# 2: Feminist: A person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.

# 5: Feminist.

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