Gilda's magical adventures

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GILDA’S MAGICAL ADVENTURES At the end of the month, things are quieter and Gilda, the world’s best bingo game caller, sat us down by BingoHall’s fireplace and recounted some of her magical adventures. Let’s listen to some of her stories together!

THE QUEEN OF EGYPT Long before the bingo game was invented (presumably), Gilda travelled the Earth in search for her true vocation. On such a journey, thousands of years ago, the best bingo game caller in the world got to Egypt, at the court of Queen Cleopatra. Despite the fact that Cleopatra had names like Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony in her social network (Nilebook), she had never met someone with a personality as strong as Gilda’s. Thus, they immediately became close friends. Very close friends! For an entire summer, which can be a very long time in Egypt, the two amazing ladies were inseparable. They did everything together, from straightening each other’s wigs to watching the sun set. During one of their road trips to the desert, they met a very funny looking character who said it’s his job to sprinkle sand in the eyes of people to help them sleep better. He was gathering as much sand as he could in his bag, complaining all the time that he’s tired of having to go to the desert over and over again. Gilda told him that if he didn’t take the sand out of the bag prior to “sprinkling” it between people’s eyes, his supply would become endless. The sandman put that advice to good use and became one of the most famous anthropomorphic personifications of Central and Northern Europe. It was not long after that Gilda decided she’d had enough of Egypt and took off to see other places and meet other extraordinary people.

FAIRY DUST Around the time money was invented, the future world’s best bingo game caller met a very strange lady, who had a thing for teeth. She would travel from door to door and pay people for their fallen

teeth. Gilda thought this was very peculiar, and decided to travel with the lady, who called herself Fairee. During a particularly delicious dinner, Fairee told Gilda that her hobby was taking too much out of her and wondered if there was an easier way to collect as many teeth as possible. Weeks later, as they were traveling to the Indian subcontinent, Gilda asked Fairee why doesn’t she just pay other people to gather the teeth for her. And thus, outsourcing was invented!

MORE MAGIC AWAITS! During her impressive lifetime, Gilda has gone on many other amazing adventures. For example, she once met a wizard whose curse had backfired and left him without a nose. His friends, the neardeath eaters, made fun of him and called him “He Who Smells”. When he recounted his story to a famous British author, he asked her to change his nickname. Gilda asked not to be mentioned, as she just wanted to be known for her work as the world’s best bingo game caller. But this is a story for another time. Want to be a part of the best bingo community and play amazing games every day? Join BingoHall today!

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