Purls of Wisdom March 2012

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March 2012

Purls of Wisdom


M A RC H 5 MEETING Meet and Greet, 7 p.m. Business Meeting, 7:15 p.m. Program will be

Yoga for Knitters & Sitters. We meet the first Monday of the month at Westminster Canterbury, 3100 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach. Check tkgv.blogspot.com to confirm the meeting date. Questions? Please email us at tkgv1@yahoo.com.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Member Birthdays, Calendar, Newsletter Deadline 3 Charity Knitting Update, Home spun Yarn Party, Historically Speaking 4 Get to Know a Knitter 5 February Minutes, LYS Ads 6 Minutes contd., LYS Ads











A Message from Our President As many of you may already know, Joanne Fischer passed away on Feb. 12 after a long battle with lung cancer. Joanne not only was a very gifted knitter, but an avid spinner, painter, jewelry maker and gardener. She was very devoted to her three cats, Dusty, Mystery and CeCe, who will deeply miss her love and care. A celebration of her life is scheduled for March 4; check your email for details. She will be greatly missed by all. Nine busy knitters gathered at my house for our annual Charity Knit-In. I had envisioned lots of knitting, chatting and eating with a fire in the fireplace and labs sleeping at our feet. The weather was too warm for a fire and the labs didn’t cooperate. Oh well, three out five isn’t bad. Remember to wear loose comfortable clothing for our March meeting. Marilyn Estrada will be taking us through our paces with “Yoga for Knitters and Sitters.” She has promised that we will not be rolling and flopping around on the floor. We are also going to introduce our first “Super Raffle” to raise money for our education fund. Our first item is a Hanne Falkenburg sweater kit (Dacapo) donated by Linda Johnson. Tickets will $2.00 each or three for $5.00 and will be on sale at our meetings and public events. The drawing will be at our Knit in Public Day, June 9. Our next big event in March will be the Spring Craft Fair Market, March 16-18. There are still spaces available for volunteers who will get into the fair for free if I have your name ahead of time. Guild members can sell at the fair; however, I will need a list of the items for sale and pricing by March 5. Guild members must be present to sell their items or designate someone. The Guild will not be responsible for selling items or their accountability. Finally, I would like to announce our first annual knitting contest. There will be several categories and winners will receive ribbons and bragging rights. First-place winners will also receive a small monetary prize. Deadline is May 12 and winners will be announced at the June Guild meeting. More details will be available in the application and rules. What a great opportunity to showcase your knitting.

Debbie Henderson



General Fund: $3,063.73


Charity Fund: $54.60


E P O R T Total Funds: $3,118.33 Bev Boler

Member Birthdays This Month Juanita McCants

March 5

Mark Your Calendar s

Guild meetings start with Meet and Greet at 7 p.m., followed by the Business Meeting at 7:15 p.m. March 5 – Guild Meeting. Marilyn Estrada will demonstrate “Yoga for Knitters and Sitters.” March 10-11 – Virginia Classic Lama & Alpaca Show, Virginia Horse Center, Lexington, Va. www.llamalife.com/classic March 16-18 – Virginia Beach Spring Craft Market. The Guild will have a table. Virginia Beach Convention Center. http://www.emgshows.com/evbsp March 16-18 – KnitXperience Lite (Low Impact Techniques for Everyone), Chincoteague, Va. http://goo.gl/d6C3o March 25 – Homespun Yarn Party. Savage Mill, Savage, Md. http://goo.gl/sxtLn April 2 – Guild Meeting. Topic: Knitting with Beads. April 7 – Gathering of the Guilds. Francis Land House, Virginia Beach. April 13-15 – SoXperience with Wendy Johnson, Chincoteague, Va. http://goo.gl/5JPNq April 20-22 – Countryside Artistans Fiber Farm Tours, Sugarloaf Mountain, Md. www.countrysideartisans.com May 5-6 – The 39th Annual Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship, Md. www.sheepandwool.org May 7 – Guild Meeting. May 12 – Deadline for knitting contest. May 18-20 – Carolina Fiber Fest. State Fair Grounds, Raleigh, N.C. www.carolinafiberfest.org/

DEADLINE FOR NEXT NEWSLETTER: MARCH 15 Please send your questions, comments, suggestions, ads, photos, stories and patterns you’d like to share to editor Sonja Barisic at snbarisic@gmail.com or 734 Delaware Ave., Norfolk, VA 23508. Items submitted after the deadline will be held until the following issue. Thank you, and happy reading and knitting. Sonja Barisic 2

Charity Knitting Update

By Chris Goudeau Thanks to all who brought in knitted items last month and to those who signed the knitting charity log. Since I wasn’t able to attend the Charity Knit-in on Feb. 11, I’m sure we’ll have lots of other completed projects to add to our list. Thanks to Debbie for hosting this event. At last month’s Guild meeting, we discussed several charity organizations to knit for and the consensus was we will knit for our local organizations and any others that you might be involved in personally. Our local organizations that we have worked with in the past are St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children, Project Linus, Newborns in Need, Caps for Kids, the Navy/Marine Relief fund and a local animal shelter. I have a contact at the Virginia Beach Animal Shelter so I’ll take the pet blankets when I get a good supply. Don’t forget the pet blankets are a great way to use your leftovers that don’t match and should be made at least 14 inches in size. Sue at The Knitting Corner is our contact for Project Linus, Debbie and Jackie are our contacts for Newborns in Need and Caps for Kids, and Melanie and Sonja are our contacts for St. Mary’s Home. Bring your items to be donated locally to the next meeting and we’ll see that they are distributed. Please remember to sign the charity knitting log each month when you attend our meetings, or email me at cgoudeau@cox.net. Thank you.

Hit the Road for Homespun Yarn Fun By Kimberly Villareal Yarn connoisseurs in Maryland and Washington, D.C., have attended a free annual event, The Homespun Yarn Party, at the beautifully restored Savage Mill in Savage, Md., since 2009. For the past three years, I have been involved with this wonderfully-held secret. This year, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 25, attendees will get first dibs on hand-dyed, handspun or handmade fiber-y treats, before all the springtime wool festivals and knitting conferences begin. Besides great door prizes, there are free classes to learn knitting, crochet, wheel spinning and drop spindling. The bakery and restaurants have delectable bites and hearty beers. Plus both sisters-in-realCraftyWineaux, aka Christopher Villareal, with Rowan Bunneh life from Noni Patterns (http://nonipatterns.com) and JUL (of the gorgeous knitting accessories, shawl pins and sticks; http://juldesigns.com) have their shops at the mill. If you are interested in attending, Christopher Villareal (aka CraftyWineaux) and I will be leaving early Sundayto arrive around 11 a.m. The line to get in starts forming around 10 a.m. Here's hoping you can join us in some stash enhancement you cannot get in our local yarn shops. For more information about The Homespun Yarn Party, see http://goo.gl/sxtLn.

Historically Speaking: Hop-o’-Nose Knitting Mill By Karen Richardson The Hop-o’-Nose Mill was built in the 1881 in the Romanesque style by Mull and Fromer masons and builder and the carpentry firm Wolfe Bros. This structure represented the industrial history of Catskill, N.Y. The mill was located at 130 West Main Street on the western side of Catskill Creek. On Aug. 10, 1995, it was named to the National Register Of Historic Places. Unfortunately, it has since been demolished except for its tower, which can be seen in the picture at left. Source: Wikipedia. (photo reprinted under Creative Commons license)


Get to Know a Knitter: Amy Upson Linda Johnson recently interviewed Amy Upson, the Guild’s new members chair. Read on to find out about Amy’s favorite patterns, how she’s passing on her love of knitting through teaching and what she would take with her to survive the zombie apocalypse.

When did you know you were a knitter? I have known how to knit since I was 8 years old, but it was just your basic knit, purl and cables for scarves and easy projects that did not require a lot of direction reading, etc. I really did not get "adventurous" with knitting until after a few trips to Ewe Knit Kits, and a lot of encouragement from you, Bobbie Reich, Trink, Kiki, and other knitting friends. What do you enjoy knitting? Purses, tote bags and top-down sweaters and hoodies are my favorites, but I go through spells. I have a few shawl patterns that I am trying out right now, and with Joanne's recent Amy Upson passing I really want to get back to making socks again. I took a class from Joanne several years ago at Ewe Knit Kits for knitting two socks at the same time using Magic Loop and starting with the toe-up using a Turkish cast on. I want to get better at using that Turkish cast on. And of course my interest and love for making the top-down sweaters comes from you and the class that I took from you. Do you knit the same pattern more than once? If so, what's one of your favorites? If not, why. Absolutely! Sometimes I change the pattern a little the next time I make it, and sometimes I make it exactly the same. Probably one of my favorite "repeat" patterns is a top-down hoodie for babies that I make as a baby gift. However, I made a little dress to display at Michael's over the Christmas holiday, and I think that may become my new favorite repeat pattern. It had just basic knit and purl, but there was gathering in the top that made it looked smocked. I hear you teach knitting classes at Michael's. Tell me about it. My daughter and I were in Michael's last summer getting some supplies that we needed, and of course I have to go see the yarn. When we did that, I saw a sign in the yarn section that they were looking for a knitting instructor. I left my contact information with the store, and a few weeks later they called me to set up an interview, etc. A little while after that, I was able to start teaching classes. I basically just teach beginning knitters or knitters who need a refresher. I really enjoy it a lot. I am really thankful for the part time work. I still have my fulltime job with the school system, but with my daughter going away to Virginia Tech, and it was the first time that one of my children left home, it was a much-needed new activity. You're fleeing a band of marauding zombies. You can only pack one medium knitting bag. What's inside? My notions bag, any Addi Turbo circular needles that I have, and as many "UFO's" that I can fit in the bag. Does anyone else in your family knit? My stepmother, who taught me how to knit, is both a knitter and crocheter. Also I have taught my daughter how to knit. She is a very good knitter and a very fast knitter, but she has not really been bitten by the bug yet. Two of my mother’s sisters (my aunts) also knit, even though my own mother does not knit, but she is really happy with the items that I do knit. And speaking of family, what about yours? Children, husband, pets? I have a husband, Joe, who I have been married to for over 20 years, and we have two children, a son, David, who is a student at TCC, and a daughter, Ashley, who is in her first year at Virginia Tech. We have three dogs, Bailey, Jessee, and Shadow. Bailey and Jessee are both rescue dogs; Jessee is a Hurricane Katrina survivor. Shadow is a small shi-poo mix, and she is a living example of the concept that size means nothing to a dog. She is the smallest dog and weighs only about one-fourth of what the other dogs weigh, but she steals their treats, toys, dog bones, and thinks nothing of growling at them if she wants them to move off a dog pillow or something that she wants to lay on.


TKGV MEETING MINUTES, 2/6/12 Below for your review are the unapproved minutes of the February Guild meeting. The president opened the February 2012 meeting at 7:18 p.m. The president extended birthday wishes to those members who celebrate their birthday in February. In addition, the president welcomed Millie Kirby, a charter member of the guild. The president advised the board decided to not pro-rate dues for members joining the guild in the middle of the year. Amy Upson will chair the newcomers team. Amy advised the guild will give all visitors one free raffle ticket. The minutes of the January 2012 meeting were approved pending correction. The president reviewed the proposed 2012 budget. The guild voted unanimously to accept the 2012 proposed budget. Lora Marin will serve as the guild’s parliamentarian. Chris Goudeau, charity chair, presented a list of charities the guild can consider for charity knitting donations. The guild’s charity knit-in will take place on Sat. 2/11/12. Please contact the president if you want to attend the 2/11/12 charity knit-in. The president advised the board decided the Ways and Means Committee raffles will be self-sustaining. The committee will use the funds raised from the raffle tickets sales to obtain items for the next raffle. Sue Von Ohlsen advised The Knitting Corner is offering a lot of classes in March and April. In addition, the store is receiving new yarns for spring and yarns for scarves. (continued on p. 6)

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Thirty-One Gifts offers exclusive products for women that are beautifully designed with many fabric choices from flashy and sassy to reserved and classy. Items include skirt purses, various thermal totes, a wide variety of organizing bins and totes (which are a great way for holding knitting projects and yarn) and Mini Zipper and Zip-Up Pouches for your knitting notions. What a better way to get your knitting and yarn organized then with Thirty-One products! March Monthly Customer Special: For every $31 you spend, get the multi-fabulous mini utility bin for just $8. That's a savings of $14. Visit my webpage today to view the complete catalog, place an order or email me with any questions. Mention this ad when ordering -- 5 percent of sales will be donated to the guild. Orders can be placed at any time.

Kymberly Widick (619) 218.8272 http://www.mythirtyone.com/KymberlyWidick/ Kymberly31gal@yahoo.com

Is it … dare I say… spring? No? Well, it soon will be. And with the advent of spring our minds turn to brighter colors, lighter fabrics, and new beginnings. So what are YOU beginning? We've got some ideas. The Oblique KAL is still in full swing. It’s a fast knit, and because it’s all lace it would be the perfect cardi to transition between winter's chill and cool spring evenings. Knit it in a blended yarn like Rowan's Belle Organic Aran or Berroco's Linsey. Sweet little things also are a great thing to work on during the transition. Why not take on one of Alana Dakos' brilliant patterns for little girls? The Playful Stripes Cardi in Cascade's Ultra Pima would make a cute gift for a special chickie. Or knock out a few of the Violets are Blue headbands to wear throughout the year. The UPS man is still not speaking to us over the book deliveries we got last month. While we've restocked old favorites and brought in some fabulous new titles, we're most proud to have packed the yarn patterns notions classes shelves FULL of titles for the crocheters out there. The designs in all in the company of friends. these books will tempt you to pick up your hook more often. (And yes, it's no crime to be bicraftual!) March brings the famous (and some might say "notorious") Pa945 Providence Square Shopping Ctr Virginia Beach jama Party back to KnitWits. Get yourself set for the loudest, funniest, stereotype-smashing party of the season. More details will be 757-495-6600 knitwitsyarn.com posted as they develop, so keep an eye out on Ravelry and Facebook for updates.





The president advised the guild will participate in the Virginia Beach Spring Craft Festival held 3/16 – 3/18/12 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. The guild needs volunteers to man the guild’s booth. All volunteers who commit to serving at the craft fair by 3/5/12 will receive free admission to the craft fair. The president advised the guild will participate in the Gathering of the Guilds at the Frances Land House, Virginia Beach, on 4/7/12. The guild will seek volunteers to man the guild’s table at this event at the March meeting. The president advised the guild will hold a judged knitting contest. All entries will be due by 5/12/12. The winners will be announced at the June meeting. The contest rules will be presented at the March meeting and will be posted in the March newsletter. In addition, the president advised the guild will recognize guild volunteers at the October meeting. The president advised the guild’s World Wide Knit in Public Day will occur on 6/9/12. The WWKIP chair is researching venues for this event. Sue Von Olsen presented the program on how to use the color wheel to make color choices for projects. The March program will be “Yoga for Knitters”. Marilyn Estrada will present the program and recommends the attendees wear loose and comfortable clothes for the program. The guild enjoyed the Ways and Means raffle of yarns suitable for Valentine’s Day projects. The guild enjoyed the show and share time. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Katie Gerwien

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March brings an amazing splash of color to The Yarn Club. Most of our spring yarns have arrived and dance on the shelves just waiting to be knit up. Ripple is big again this year with great new colors and wonderful pattern support. We have introduced Lang to our line-up of fun. Pareo has us all captivated and dreaming of what it should become. We have all of Berroco's spring line and new colors, the Tahki family of yarns is inspiring us to create summer masterpieces and Rowan has us drooling over the new SMC yarns like Cabare, Reflect and Violena. March is also our one year anniversary. WOW! That year went by fast! In full Yarn Club fashion we are celebrating in a BIG way. March Mayhem is on! Each week we will feature different yarns and patterns throughout the store. These featured items will be ON SALE while they last. The sale is only good during that week and no other discounts or coupons can be applied. Stop by and check out the Mayhem and the new yarns.

240 Mustang Trail Suite 8 Virginia Beach, VA 23452

March sale: Spring cleaning sale! Many yarns on sale at CLOSEOUT prices!!! Come see what you can't live without!


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