Purls of Wisdom July 2011

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A Big WWKIP Thank-You By Cheryl Cauthen-Bond Thank you to everyone who came out to the d’Art Center on June 19 and/or donated fabulous yarn, needles, magazines and other prizes to help make this year’s Worldwide Knit in Public event another success. Please be sure to support the wonderful vendors who donated items for the raffles and goodie bags. If you have any pictures from the event, please email them to me at cknits@aol.com. I will use them to make a “smile box” thank-you for the sponsors. Left: Cheryl Cauthen-Bond with just some of the goodies that were donated for the Guild’s 2011 WWKIP Day event.

The Knitting Corner was one of the local yarn stores on hand for WWKIP Day. Guess the weight of the giant ball of yarn for a chance to win a bag of Manos del Uruguay Silky Merino worth $130. Chances cost $1, with proceeds going to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.


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