Brief description of my person

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♫ Brief description of my person ♫

Sonia Gallego Ramírez


Institución Educativa Colombia



♫ Brief description of my person ♫ The present work refers to my life. It seeks stand out the moments, people, and other external agents who have had an influence in my life, also it has as aim speak about me, my qualities, my tastes, my displeasures, my experiences, my projection towards the future, my hopes, my dreams, etc.

My name is Sonia Gallego Ramírez, I am fifteen years old, I was born in the Clinical Prado, in the city of Medellin, in June 25 of 2001, I have the hair of chestnut-dark color, Nowadays I have a few parts of my hair of color fuchsia, I have green eyes, I measure 1.60 m, i am of medium complexion, am Colombian, etc. Everything pleases me of my physical aspect, but what more i like are my eyes, my skin color, my smile, my hair, my scars because in each of them I have a good recollection and a beautiful history. I am a persevering person who is not declined easily, that has clearly towards where go, that knows what can manage, and it stimulates me to develop my goals. My dreams are progress in my musical career, to travel very much, study what I want, have myself home, to have my own housing, to live surrounded with wonderful beings who accompany and stimulate my way to fulfill the dreams. For this day after day I project me of new goals that bring me over more to realize it. I consider myself an honest person, responsible person, amicable, sociable, affectionate, good company, good adviser, intelligent, persevering person, environmentalist person,

organized, optimistic, analytical, rebellious, determined, creative, of opened mentality, Franc, authenticates, capable, reasonable, leading, equitable, etc. My family is composed by my mom, Marta L. Ramírez G., housewife, carried away for her family and the healthy life, my dad, Cesar A. Gallego B., he works in his own Internet room, lover of the business, my brother, Sergio A. Gallego Ramírez, he is employed at an office and studies in the nights, lover of the systems and the French fries, my sister, W. Sofía Gallego Ramírez, she studies social work in the university, lover of her study, the biodanza and the books of love, my dog Chango, it is obedient, playful, affectionate, conceited, it is full of energy, happy, the most stubborn dog of the world; and me. The people that have had a great influence in my life has been my family, because the family is the core, because with my family I learned the values that guide my life, and they are who accompanied my first years of life, they are the base of the person that I am now and can manage to be. My friends also have reached very much, because they are like my second family and it is the family that I chose, with what I learn to live in community, then there i meet reflected the educations, the values, between others, that inculcated me from the home. My interests have changed with the pass of the time, for example, in my first years ever I said that I wanted be an astronaut and travel to Mars. After I wanted be singer of reggaetón like “Ivy Queen”, but I discovered that I don´t like the reggaetón, then I wanted do something related to the medicine, after the psychology called my attention and nowadays I want to study criminology and to specialize in psychoanalysis. In addition, I always dream with to sing… There are some events that have helped me to improve, an example of this, is that when I was a child I was crossing the street running and without looking towards the sides,

Ignoring any recommendation of my mom what was putting in risk my integrity; because of this one night I had an accident with a motorcycle, what scared very much my family and, though nothing serious happened, since that day I started looking before crossing and, also, it helped me to think before doing the things, to having more conscience, and the same way many more experiences have left his education me. Looking at the album of familiar photographies there come to me many recollections of my infancy, The unforgettable birthdays in which always the party was standing out, i remember one time that the decoration they were inflatable giant balls and on having finished the party every child took to himself to his house one of them; also I remember that when I started the school I was in visual therapy and every day I had to wear a pirate patch, Patch I had to wear when I met the sea which was a bit uncomfortable because the sun irritated my skin too much; I also saw the photos of Halloween in which my mother disguised herself with my brothers and with me. When I saw the photographs, I laughed at the exaggerated and tender clothes I was wearing when I was a little girl. At school, I remember getting along very well with my teachers, and I made friendships that I still have today. For the celebration of my fifteen years they made me a mass, a meeting with my friends and some family members, then my friends had a surprise party at my house with the help of my family and I really enjoyed sharing it with them, and in December I went on a quinceaĂąeras excursion to the island of San AndrĂŠs, There I met 4 other companions to whom I took great appreciation because they were a great quality of person, the trip was very good, because, Although I had already gone with my family once, the experience was very different because of the environments that were shared by everyone having the same idea of celebrating the maximum of their fifteen years.

In the excursion, every day one or two tours were made and in the evenings, we went to different discos of the island, although it was tiring because we came from the disco at dawn and we got up every day at 6 in the morning, then we practically did not sleep. We had our fifteen years celebration, a Hawaiian party, , a night on a cruise, the travel around

the island, I loaded a stingray and they are beautiful, are a little musty, but definitely beautiful and I also carried a hedgehog.

My principal successes in the life have been the medals in skating, win every academic year until tenth, and I hope continue this way, to have learned to read in pre-school, play the guitar, have my record of reading of fifty annual books. My principal failures I don´t get to remember them, but I know that of one or other way it has made grow as person and has left one education. My more significant decisions have been to accept myself as I am, because every part of me has a very important labor and i don´t go to despise any. In the social aspect, I like to know new people who shares interests as mine and who teaches new things to me. What I do not like in the social aspects is that often I feel excluded because I do not have the same point of view or because they think that to the be the minor between these persons, we cannot say nothing, do not like the routine. I like that the people know that I want them, but I do not like to give demonstrations of affection with nobody, as well as an embrace or to say I love you so much, not, i do not also like with my family, but if I say them to him. I like to read, i like very much the novels of fantasy with angels and wizards and also books with a romantic history and comedy, one of my favorites books calls ¨kiss an angel¨, this book is amazing, the history begins with a marriage, this is a marriage arranged by the father of the girl because she has a debt, as a punishment, in order that the girl acquires responsibility; the boy works at a circus and is very rude with the girl, and say that cannot feel love, the history passes, and is so beautiful (if you want to know the end, you must read it, and you will fall in love like me). I like the music, i listen to all kinds of music, though there are some kinds that I like more than others, i like the music in English because it helps me to learn this language, and I like the songs that have good messages for the life; I like to sing, the people sometimes say to me that I should appear to program of talent, but I do not feel very sure then first I want to educate my voice to gain confidence

and maybe someday audition for one of them; I like to play the guitar and someday i would like to play the piano; I like also the mysteries, always I have wanted to cross a labyrinth and play paintball, of fact i have the intention to play it this year; I like to socialize, to know new people, I like to laugh, I like chocolate, marshmallows, I like to be in my house, I like to share with my friends and my family, I love children a lot, I like football and swimming, I like ballet although I have never practiced it seems beautiful, I like to learn languages, I like to travel, I like animals, my favorite animal is the lion, I like fruits, less bananas, I like to watch TV, I like to be sarcastic, I like to be in a good mood, I like to be kind to people, most of the time I do not like lizards, I think from the moment one jumped from the roof of my house directly to my face; I do not like basketball, I do not like injustices, I do not like to get up early, I do not like people do not respect me, I do not like dirt, I do not like my place of work and disorganized study, I do not like to see people suffer, I do not like feeling insecure, I do not like being sensitive, I do not like to be so proud sometimes, I do not like my noisy neighbors I aspire to finish high school next year, to enter a university, to make a student exchange to another country, Study what I like, up to the moment criminology and specialize in psychoanalysis, have my own home, maybe, forming a family, traveling on a safari to Africa, traveling to many other places, singing spectacularly, being happy, etc.


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