LSD No Permission No Control Finalv3

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has perverted existence into a life of servitude to the machine, a blind acceptance of the inevitable codex norm, with a genetically cloned ‘dolly’ / goldfish, disposable (N.L.P) thought process. Let’s pray for survivors! As a child of the 1960’z, I’ve lived and experienced, even contributed to the metropolis / brave New World …… Ours really was the last generation in the crossover from humanity to the mainstream pay-as-you-go techno- human! Living in a re-booted upgraded version - Thatcher’ite 84.mk2.>setup< /.exe / RUN ….! (HAIKOU! :) This political environment we’re supposed to be diverted by, has never been so transparently revealed as inept and corrupt. The non-altruistic ruling governors’ … are caught in a ‘common purpose’ mind set’ …… ruler’s rule …… we comply! (Unwittingly!) But , if you take a step back ,the ‘green shoots’ reveal ‘rotten roots’….. For example’….. The official acceptable story on the governments economic recovery’ for the motor industry …. Is just that - a story….. Firstly thirty five thousand people, entered into the ‘car scrappage scheme’ with a two thousand pound bonus per unit - (seventy thousand pounds of government - manufacturer debt + v.a.t) providing the industry with a temporary demand. In real life terms: Seventy thousand pounds (a debt) is paid out to encourage thirty five thousand people, to get ‘IN DEBT’ …… during a recession ……. caused by ‘national debt’ . Tax payer debt + personal debt = British economic recovery ? mmm! Mr chancellor

-+-=+ Tell that to the bailiff’s ! sorry , I have a mortgage, a car loan ! I have no debt…..clear off! leave the Corsa on the drive . It’s a rotten example of how we are force fed ‘imaginings’ for corporate and governmental profits. Driven by the so called stigma attached to ‘not’ having a 09’ Jones’s plate! Job security conditions apply : any non payment of acquired debt [plus interest / v.a.t ] will result in repossession plus full repayment of monies owed ) What a tangled web they weave…. In ‘our’ society’ based on DEBT & greed ! (+27.9% APR )

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