Back to the 80's

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0's BACK TO THE 80'S By: Sophia Marshall, Sofia Mueller

How to be COOL in the 80's

Popular TV SHOWS of the 80's TRENDY 80's fashion

Popular FILMS from the 80's

Trendy Clothing 80's style During the 80's colorful or neon clothing was the most popular way to express yourself. For men and women, jeans skirts and shorts were mostly worn high waisted and tight. Shirts for women were often worn off the shoulder. Clothing was also influenced by sportswear such as tennis outfits. Some popular brands were Ralph Lauren, Nike or Adidas.

Womens bright colored clothing

Adidas clothing Sports themed clothing for men and women

News Event Vietnam War Memorial On November 13, 1982, the Vietnam War Memorial, designed by Cooper-Lecky Partnership, opens in Washington, D.C.

Popular films During the 80's

One popular film that came out in 1985 was back to the future, the movie predicted what the world would be like in 2015

Another popular film was Ferris Bueller's Day Off, it came out in 1986 and is about a boy named Ferris Another popular film was called Bueller who is determined to Ghostbusters which came out in have a day off from school. 1984, it was about three former parapsychology professors who set up a shop as a ghost removal service

Home Computers Invention of 1984

In 1984, IBM and Macintosh came out with a new type of computer. This was known as a "home computer" . Now this was smaller and anyone could have their own personal one at home.

Popular TV shows Of the 80s In this time period there were many TV shows around that people around the country enjoyed watching. The 80s were all full of great memorable television families. A few popular shows of this time period included Family Ties, The Cosby Show, 21 Jump Street and many more.

Family ties was a comedy that arose from the conflict between the liberal parents and the conservative children.

21 jump street was about four young undercover police, that pretended to be high schoolers.

The Cosby show focused on the observations of family life.

News Event Mt. St. Helens On May 18, 1980, 8:32 am, Mt. St. Helens erupted killing 57 people from asphyxiation after inhaling hot ash. It erupted 6,000 feet into the air, it was the biggest eruption to rock the volcano in 123 years.

Disposable Cameras

invented in 1986

During this time period Fujifilm invented this modern disposable camera in 1986, and after that many other companies started manufacturing similar products. Now buying a camera was no longer a hefty investment: disposable cameras were cheap and very easy to use. These disposable cameras didn't take over the photography market, but they definitely cornered the tourism industry.

Popular Sports During the 80's Boxing Football

Mike Tyson became the youngest heavyweight boxing championship of the world in 1986 Joe Montana was possibly the best quarterback of all time. The signature play of his early career came at the end of the 1981 NFC Championship Game

Mobile Phones Invented in 1983

In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x invented by Dr. Martin Cooper became the first mobile phone to be commercially available.Â

How to be cool in the 80s


In the 1980s fashion choices were bold and different and there were many fads that everyone was trying but they never ended up lasting so long. Here are some of the fads from this time period.

Temporary hair dye was all the rage back in the 80’s. Pink, purple, blue, red. Just about every color you can think of was available.

Mesh hair ties- The piece of white or black mesh girls tied in their hair. We can thank Madonna for this style.

Colored Mascara/Eyeliner – Always extra thick! Blue and purple were the popular colors used.

Theatre During the 80's

Ever since "Cats" premiere in 1981, its popularity around the globe exploded. It is about tells the story of a tribe of cats called the Jellicles and the night they make what is known as "the Jellicle choice"

Les Miserables was first performed on October 8, 1985. It tells the story of Jean Valjean, a former convict who spends a lifetime seeking redemption. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France and the aftermath of the French Revolution

News events The assassination of John Lennon John Lennon - founding member of the Beatles, who was one of the most famous music legends of all time, died on December 8,1980, after being shot four times by a crazed fan in the carriageway of his New York City Apartment Building.

The scene of the assasination.

A picture of John Lennon

The outside of his New York Apartment Building.

80s Greatest Hits

There were many famous singers from this time period and most of them influenced the start of this new type of pop and rock music. A few popular singer/songwriters from this time where Madonna, Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston, and many more. There were some popular songs written in this time that are still being played today like, Beat it, by Michael Jackson, or When doves cry, by prince, or Like a prayer by Madonna.

Election of 1981 Ronald Reagan vs. Jimmy Carter In 1981, the two candidates running for president were democrat, Jimmy Carter, and republican Ronald Reagan. Jimmy Carter had been running for his second term as president, but was defeated by his opponnent Ronald Reagan. That night of the election Ronals Reagan had won by a landslide with 489 electoral votes, and Jimmy Carter with just 49.

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

News Event Taking down Berlin Wall On November 9, 1989, as the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the spokesperson for East Berlins Communist Party announced a change in his citys relations with the west. Then starting at midnight that day citizens were free to cross the countrys borders. After that everyone in the area had helped to take the wall down.

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