SPPS Review 2011-2014

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SPPS Review


Contents A message from...

A message from Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP 1

Sponsors 2 1st Year Cohort


2nd Year Cohort


3rd Year Cohort


The Supporters


I passionately believe that everyone should have the chance to access opportunities in life, regardless of their social background and financial means. That includes pursuing a career in politics, which is why I set up the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme three years ago. I established the scheme with cross-party colleagues, Eric Ollerenshaw MP and Jo Swinson MP, because we were concerned that a disproportionate number of MPs and their staff were from better-off backgrounds. There is a danger that this affects Parliament’s ability to represent a broad cross-section of society. We have so many talented people from all walks of life and I believe we must do more to help them to harness their potential. The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme is about doing just that. I wanted to give people from less well-off backgrounds, who could not afford to do an unpaid internship, the chance to be part of our political life. So far the scheme has given around 30 people the chance to work with an MP from one of the three main parties in the House of Commons. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsor organisations we have been able to pay them all a proper wage and provide them with local high-quality and affordable housing, almost a miracle in central London. Their placements run from October each year for a full Parliamentary session, enabling them to experience all aspects of Parliamentary life. They take part in a range of activities, including everything from learning how a Bill is made into law, to how research and statistics are compiled by the library service. The placement equips them with organisational skills which will be invaluable when they enter the world of work, and they also receive careers advice. Participants are placed with their MP from MondayThursday and on Fridays they take part in an extensive training and personal development programme at the House of Commons. They are also given an opportunity to experience the private and commercial sector through industry placement days with some of our sponsors. This year we are arranging for those on

the scheme to visit some of our supporting companies to gain an insight into corporate life, which has huge potential to help further their careers. The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme is a fabulous opportunity for people from all backgrounds who are passionate about politics to experience life at the heart of the British political system. Some participants have already taken up permanent jobs in Parliament on the back of their placement, while others are now equipped with the inspiration, skills and experience to pursue a future political career. This Review gives us an opportunity to reflect on the past three years, and to share the stories of those who have benefited from the scheme. I hope you will agree that their enthusiasm and commitment is inspiring and gives us all great hope for the future. I would like to say a heartfelt and personal thank you to you for believing in my idea. With your financial and practical support I believe we can make a real and lasting difference to our politics. I hope you will continue to be part of this exciting project and look forward to working with you in the future. Warmest regards, Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP

The Speaker I believe that Parliament should be representative of society as a whole. It should be accessible to people from all kinds of backgrounds. The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme has already opened the door to Parliament to people who have not previously had the chance to work here. Thanks to the leadership of Hazel Blears and the help of the Social Mobility Foundation the scheme has changed lives for the better. I wish it further success in the years ahead.

Sponsors CH2M HILL

Royal Mail

Social Mobility Foundation

CH2M HILL has been a supporter of the Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme since 2011. During this time we have been proud to have met many of the interns, host them on work experience placements and give them an insight into many of the major infrastructure projects we manage both in the UK and around the world.

Royal Mail is once again proud to sponsor the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme for a second year. The success of the scheme today is testament to the hard work of Hazel Blears MP, Eric Ollerenshaw MP, Jo Swinson MP and Mr Speaker in recent years.

As an organisation, the Social Mobility Foundation is delighted to support the work of the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme.

To the great credit of the Members of Parliament, House of Commons staff and the scheme’s growing number of corporate supporters, it is delivering its promise to develop young people by engaging them in political and business life. The scheme has also played a central role in changing the way CH2M HILL thinks about social mobility and diversity in the UK. This has been one of many surprising benefits of the scheme. Supporting social mobility is quite simply good business sense, drawing talent from a diverse pool. It makes business more resilient and more responsive to its clients and society’s needs. It’s an area the engineering and infrastructure sector needs to work harder on. In our view the scheme brings to life the longterm challenge that political parties and businesses must address to ensure that they do not overlook talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme has also developed an important link between Parliament and business on the issue of social mobility. It is important that this continues in the next Parliament if we are to tackle many of the skills issues the UK faces as well as ensuring that young people reach the goals and aspirations their ability warrants.


Working with the Social Mobility Foundation and the other scheme sponsors, great work is being done to help more young people from disadvantaged backgrounds get their foot into the Westminster Village. All too often it has been the preserve of the privileged few – the scheme is really helping to combat this. With the work of Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme, Parliament will be a more diverse place to work. The calibre of the interns on the scheme is impressive. During the Royal Mail Group Corporate Day in January the interns showed real confidence and a great grasp of the business issues. You would have thought the interns had worked in the communications industry for a number of years, when in some cases they had just entered the world of work. We at Royal Mail are delighted to be playing a part in the scheme and its success in producing the leaders of tomorrow. We very much look forward to supporting the scheme again next year.

The problem the scheme tries to address is that access to working in politics is frequently restricted to who you know and whether you have enough money to support yourself to work unpaid. Nearly a quarter of MPs at the last general election had previously been advisers to existing MPs and yet the path to becoming an adviser frequently involves undertaking an unpaid internship to get your foot on the ladder. People with low incomes who don’t live in London cannot afford to work for 3, 6 or 12 months unpaid and yet it is key to getting the experience you need to obtain a full-time role; this means that politics is drawing from a narrow strand of society. The Social Mobility Foundation is passionate about addressing the barriers to the professions for people from under privileged backgrounds, and therefore the SPPS fits nicely with the wider work of the charity. The charity has selected and supported candidates for the last three years, and has followed with great interest the progress of the participants on the scheme. It is very encouraging to see people from the first year are still working in Parliament and the House of Commons. We look forward to supporting another cohort of the scheme this coming year and working alongside the office of Hazel Blears and the House of Commons to continue to build upon previous successes.

3 Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme

This is a fabulous opportunity for those who are passionate about politics. It offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience life at the heart of the British political system. Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP

1st Year Cohort Nyree Barrett-Hendricks

Since leaving the office of Jo Swinson MP I have successfully gained 3 more roles in Parliament. I worked in the Parliamentary Vote Office, The Transport Committee and The Communities and Local Government Committee. I am now working in the Member Staff Verification office - and I’m sure this won’t be my last role here! The scheme opened doors that I wouldn’t have dreamt would have opened. The scheme helped me develop from an unsure young lady to a career driven woman. Not only have I gained many life changing experiences but I have also gained life time friendships with my other fellow interns. Working in Parliament has made me want nothing more than the best and helped me find an aim for my future. On a more personal note, my 5 year old son now wants nothing more but to work in Parliament and to become a fire-arm police officer or to work ‘ in a suit’. If not for the scheme, my son wouldn’t have seen such things.

Luke Shaw-Harvey

The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement scheme has changed my life and may also change my son’s. I am most grateful for being chosen to take part in such a remarkable project.

Spending nine months working in an MP’s office was an amazing experience to understand at first hand the work of an MP. The popular perception is that MPs are bone idol but having spent 9 months working with Esther McVey MP, that perception should be turned on its head – she is incredibly hard working. Although I have initially chosen not to continue working in an MP’s office, I did discover that public engagement of Parliament was something I was very keen to pursue. Therefore I applied to become a Visitor Assistant and became a VA not long after the scheme had finished. The scheme has had a truly life changing impact for me. I am living in an amazing city and have met so many different people I would never have met in my home city. I work in a wonderful place and get to live and breathe politics in my work life too, which for anyone who knows me would know it’s where I want to be.

Alan Keane

My son now goes to school and tells everyone very proudly that his mummy works in Parliament and that he has to work double hard to insure he will too work in Parliament. The scheme might have changed the mindset of a whole new generation!

For the future, I would definitely like to become a Member of Parliament and would definitely say the scheme has given me the vital footsteps to begin realising this. Two years ago I was in a low paid, low skilled office job, and now I’m running the London office of the Party President of the Liberal Democrats. Not only do I love what I am doing now, but the amount of skills I have learnt and people I have met is staggering, and it has opened so many doors in terms of my future. It sounds incredibly trite, but the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme really has changed my life.

I was fortunate enough to be in the first cohort of the Speaker’s scheme. It was a wonderful experience and gave me an opportunity to see what went on behind the scenes in Westminster. It also gave me a lot of confidence in dealing with the media and other agencies. My time in Westminster made me realise that at my time of life (50s), some avenues were perhaps not attainable in the short term. Therefore I have used my time since leaving the scheme to develop a writing career.

I have a number of projects on the go at the moment and have got involved in local politics. These are areas I probably would not got involved in if I had not been on the scheme.


A career in politics is something I have always thought about, but believed I could never achieve.

2nd Year Cohort

Sarah Linney, 3rd year cohort

Ian Crook

I applied for the scheme as I had always had an interest in politics but felt that a job in Parliament was out of reach unless you knew the right people or were from a certain background. Taking part in the scheme was such a fantastic experience, where I was fortunate enough to do things I would never have dreamt of doing previously. The scheme gave me the confidence to realise my potential and to be ambitious in everything that I do.

Corinne Jenkinson

I applied for the scheme as I had an interest in politics and wanted to pursue this. There is a huge amount of pressure to go to university but as I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study I chose not to go. I worked in the office of Damian Hinds MP where I was able to develop my skills and grow in confidence. My work varied from drafting letters to research and analysis. After the scheme, I worked for Ben Gummer MP where I was responsible for all of his Parliamentary Private Secretary duties and immigration casework.

Riyadh Issa

Working in Parliament made me realise that politics is definitely the career path I want to pursue, and since the end of the scheme I have been fortunate enough to be have been appointed Cabinet Officer at Westminster City Council.

I have recently moved to the Department of Energy and Climate Change where I work in electricity market reform. Without the scheme, I know I would not have been able to get this far and for that I will always be grateful.

The Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. Frankly, the scheme enabled me to develop the essential skills needed to secure a job in Parliament. The various training courses, away days and team building workshops the scheme organised, were a crucial part in building my skill set and ultimately being able to continue in my role as a Parliamentary Assistant for Caroline Flint MP but with added responsibilities.

The invaluable help, knowledge and support given by the Social Mobility Foundation, the scheme’s sponsors and most importantly Hazel Blears MP have prepared me for the daunting world of politics. The Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme is the reason I am able to work in Parliament today.


Matthew Percy

My time on the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme was extremely enjoyable and helped to improve my communication skills - something I have always struggled with having mild autism. I am extremely grateful to Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis for allowing me to work with his team and for all the support of him and his colleagues, along with all those involved in the scheme. It has given me the opportunity to develop my political knowledge and also the ability to experience one of the most exciting places in the world. Shortly after completion of the scheme I was asked to work on a political show for youth based in Ipswich as a result of my parliamentary work and I

Christine Longworth

Suraj Odedra

am proud that my community work founded on the knowledge and skills the placement provided me with - is helping to inspire other young people.

This scheme exists because it is ridiculously competitive to get a foot in the door in Parliament, and even more so if you haven’t gone down the traditional academic route of university, you live far from London, or if you’re from a more disadvantaged background. The fact that I have no formal qualifications other than GCSEs and left school when I was 16, yet still managed to get a permanent job here, is proof that this scheme works.

I applied for the Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme because I was passionate about politics and making a positive difference to other people in particular those who have autism. I knew that if I got accepted on to the scheme that I would gain an invaluable insight into how the UK Parliament works and that I would gain valuable work experience. Before I joined the scheme, my opinion of Parliament and everything it symbolised was a world where somebody like me could never fit in. However, having had the opportunity to work there, I learned that with drive, commitment and aspiration there is scope for me to achieve so much and career-wise the scheme opened up so many possibilities for me.

It is also enabled me to really grow politically - even working far through a parliamentary selection process within the Labour Party in central Suffolk and north Ipswich (although sadly I wasn’t selected) where I was credited with great ability and political knowledge and now serve as a Vice Chair of the local Labour Party.

I was part of the 2013 cohort, interning for Liberal Democrat MP, Julian Huppert. Towards the end of my nine month placement, I applied for the position of researcher and aide to the party’s President, Tim Farron MP. I was amazed to even get an interview, and couldn’t believe it when I found out I’d got the job. My nine months in Julian’s office were hugely beneficial to me, personally and professionally. Even small things, like actually being proud to tell people what I did for a living, really helped my confidence. Boosted by the training and mentoring given to me, both via the scheme, and through Julian and his team, I was able to seize an opportunity which nine months earlier I would have never thought possible for someone in my position.

Ellen Wright

With Mary, I worked on projects encouraging entrepreneurship amongst women and events celebrating

David Nicholson

International Women’s Day. I also led on a project to integrate a supported housing scheme within the wider community. As well as gaining an understanding of Parliament and all it has to offer, the scheme gave me a broader foundation of transferable skills on which to build a real career. I am now working in the press office within the in-house comms team at McDonald’s UK – a position which I would never have been able to secure without the skills, confidence and experience that I gained on the scheme.

I applied for the Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme because I was passionate about politics and making a positive difference to other people, in particular those who have autism. I knew that if I got accepted on to the scheme that I would gain an invaluable insight into how the UK Parliament works and that I would gain valuable work experience. My time on the scheme was outstanding. I was able to gain experience in doing policy responses, research in political matters especially on issues such as dementia and dealing with emails etc. It built up my confidence working in an office setting too. I was also delighted that during my time on the scheme I was able to organise an autism awareness event which was held in the Attlee Suite. This event was attended by the Speaker of the House of Commons, MPs, Parliamentary staff and external guests.

I was grateful to have had the opportunity to do a two day placement at the Government’s Equalities Office and this gave me a great insight into how the Civil Service works. Being on the scheme has made me more confident and I have continued to do a lot of autism campaign work. Indeed I have done numerous speeches about autism and look forward to speaking at a Royal Society of the Arts lunchtime event at the end of March about my experiences with autism.

I applied for the scheme because I always wanted to see what Westminster was really like. I have always been interested in politics, but no pay and high transport or accommodation costs always put me off applying for unpaid internships. The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme allowed me to move to London on a liveable wage to gain an insight into the working of our national Parliament. This wouldn’t have been possible without the scheme. My time on the scheme was amazing – I met some great people and gained experiences that have, and will continue to serve me well in my career.


I was lucky enough to be kept on as a permanent member of staff in the office of Fiona Mactaggart, and this has enabled me grow further by expanding my skills base. I plan to see through the 2015 General Election, and then move forward with my career after that.

9 Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme

3rd Year Cohort Sarah Linney

A career in politics is something I have always thought about, but believed I could never achieve. At school my favourite lesson was always history, I loved learning about the political side of history, especially British and American politics. For me politics, as fascinating as it was, always seemed so distant, something only a few got to participate in. I did not think it would be possible for someone like me to get a chance in the world of politics. You just don’t expect to get into politics if you are from a working class background; this is why the scheme is so important. At university my friends told me that I should

Vincent Torr

Geraint Rennie

The Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme has provided me with an opportunity I didn’t think was possible for someone who has not been to university. Emma Smith, 3rd year cohort

I have been interested in politics from a very young age. I remember being 10 in 1997 and feeling really privileged that my parents allowed me to stay up to watch the election result. I remember going to sleep wishing I could work in politics, but knowing in reality it would be forever a dream. Before I saw the job, I had briefly volunteered in my local MP’s office, but had to give it up as I was getting into debt and simply couldn’t afford it anymore. After that, I thought my chance to work in politics had completely gone, but then I saw the scheme, and applied wanting to get closer to my dream. I was astounded when someone like me was given the opportunity to actually work in politics. Being disabled since birth, and coming from a family that constantly struggled

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get involved in politics as we constantly had debates and they would find me shouting at Question Time on a regular basis. It was one of my friends who found the advert for the scheme and told me to apply for it, saying that if I became Prime Minister, she wanted to be in my Cabinet. It is not an overstatement to say that this scheme has changed my life. Working in Hazel’s office is absolutely inspirational and has only given me more determination to pursue my goals.

to make ends meet I always thought politics was a world away, something others could afford to do, and something I never would be able to do. My office has really understood my difficulties, and has allowed me to grow in a way I could have only dreamed of. The support right across the scheme has been invaluable and only been made possible because someone was willing to give me a chance, to fulfil the dreams of a ten year old boy who one day wished, “I wish I could work in politics.”

I have always had an interest in politics ever since I was a child, and have always wanted to work in a political role, so getting onto the Speakers’ Parliamentary Placement Scheme was a dream come true. When I was at school I was badly bullied leading to some self-confidence issues, so despite being the first in my family to go to university, I was surprised to get onto the scheme. However, during my time here, I have picked up many new skills and found that my self-confidence has been building and improving.

After the scheme finishes I hope to continue working in a Member’s office. Failing that I would like to get try and work for the Labour Party, but for the time being I am enjoying the scheme and learning new skills and having new experiences.


Felix Parker-Smith

I have taken a slightly unconventional route into politics, studying for a Diploma in Horticulture after leaving school, rather than studying for A-Levels. After four years of studying and working in the horticultural industry I decided that politics was for me so I moved to Newcastle to study my degree. It was whilst at Newcastle that I first joined the Conservative Party and actively campaigned across the city. When I graduated, there wasn’t much work so I set up my own business as a luxury chocolatier. I then quietly applied for the Speaker’s Scheme because I never thought in a million years that I would be successful. This has been arguably one of the most incredible opportunities I have ever been given.

Duncan Parkes

When applying for the scheme it only ever seemed like an elusive dream. It still feels surreal being able to say ‘I work in Parliament’ and I never thought it could actually happen. When I first started working, David Blunkett MP said to me that as one of his assistants “we are his eyes” which has certainly resulted in a varied and interesting role including that of a ‘newsreader’ so to speak, recording all the national stories onto tape for him every morning. Before my placement in David’s office I was studying

Although I have had to hit the ground running because of the demands of the job it is very enjoyable. The role is more varied than I had expected which I particularly enjoy. When the scheme comes to an end I am looking to either continue working for an MP or enter the private sector in a public affairs role. It is because of the foresight and temerity of Hazel Blears that I have had this opportunity and for that I will always be thankful to her.

Working in Parliament has always been a dream of mine. From a young age I viewed politics as a means to help people, which is what I fundamentally want to do. I have been very interested in politics, since I was very young. I applied for the Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme (SPPS) after a long period dealing with OCD and Bipolar. This really affected my university and career prospects. It hasn’t really hit home what a dramatic opportunity being part of the SPPS has been. Working within politics and particularly Parliament is fascinating – I swore from day one it would never become normal.

Tizane Navea-Rogers

Clark Chapman

I have struggled, but Tom Brake MP and particularly his office have supported me greatly - I want to improve and fully benefit from everything the scheme has to offer. I have found there is so much to take in and be a part of, almost overload, but definately in a really interesting and positive way. Personally I feel I haven’t been able to function at my best but I am determined to take full advantage and fully embrace what the next six months involves.

It has been a privilege to be part of the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement scheme. I studied Politics at University and throughout this time my interest in the subject continued to grow. However, like many graduates I found myself struggling in a competitive labour market. I had a temporary job in a warehouse and I also worked with adults with learning difficulties. My interest in politics never waned but I did not think that I would get the opportunity to work within the heart of it. The Parliamentary Placement Scheme has given me an incredible opportunity and I am truly

Emily Smith

grateful. If someone had told me a year ago when I was at the job centre that I would be working in the most famous building in the world I would have thought they were crazy. Stella Creasy MP has given me so much responsibility including organising a health campaign to improve the lives of local residents which I am relishing. I am confident this opportunity will put me in good stead for the future.

The Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme has provided me with an opportunity I didn’t think was possible for someone who has not been to university. I have always been passionate about politics, and for circumstances beyond my control I didn’t go to university to study politics as I had hoped. I grew up in the far south west of Cornwall, where opportunities to work in politics are few and far between. I always found that when I looked in to working in Westminster, the work was often unpaid. I simply could not afford to live in London and not be paid.


for my A-Levels and I plan on going to university in October to study History and Politics. In truth, it is schemes like the Speaker’s Parliamentary Placement Scheme that moves our society towards the true meritocracy that it deserves to be and I feel so privileged to be a part of that change.

When I saw the advert for the scheme I couldn’t believe it, here was the chance of a lifetime to fulfil my dream. The experience has been brilliant. I’ve enjoyed every moment even though living away from Cornwall has been tough. I actually enjoy coming to work! This scheme has changed my life for the better and I thank the Social Mobility Foundation, Hazel Blears MP, Mr Speaker and the companies who support the scheme for this fantastic opportunity.

13 Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme

Katherine Thompson

Working in Parliament has always been a dream of mine. From a young age I viewed politics as a means to help people, which is what I fundamentally want to do. What I didn’t realise at that age however, is how exclusive Parliament can be. It is a sad reality that ordinary people’s aspirations are restricted by a lack of connections and inability to undertake unpaid internships. Heavily influenced by the rise in tuition fees, I undertook the decision not to go to university. Politics would definitely have been my subject of choice but I was deterred by many people struggling to find

John McKenna

jobs in the sector after having spent years studying for a degree. I took the commonsense decision to go straight into work on the basis that I would probably never have the opportunity to pursue my passion. The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme changed this by performing the essential function of levelling the playing field. I still can’t believe I’m here and am enjoying every minute of the experience.

I have always had a passion for politics but never thought the opportunity to work at the very heart of it would be open to me. Westminster always seemed a closed shop where only people with the right connections or financial means could work. The Speaker’s Scheme gave me the opportunity to have the full experience of Parliament. I was placed with a great MP, Alan Johnson, who

along with his staff made me feel part of the team straight away. I have loved every minute of it, from the work to meeting new people including people from last year’s scheme. It’s been a great experience which I would recommend.

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Westminster always seemed a closed shop where only people with the right connections or financial means could work... the Speaker’s Scheme gave me the opportunity to have the full experience of Parliament. John McKennna, 3rd year cohort


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Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme

The Supporters The Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme is about opening up politics and giving opportunities in Parliament to a diverse group of young people from a variety of backgrounds and from every corner of the United Kingdom. But it would simply not be possible for the scheme to operate without the very generous financial and practical help and support of our sponsor organisations. Through their sponsorship, we have been able to pay everyone on the scheme a proper wage and have also been able to provide them with local high-quality and affordable housing, removing the two financial barriers to participation in the scheme.

3rd Year Cohort

As well as their time in Parliament, our sponsors have given the participants the opportunity to experience the private and commercial sector, through our industry placement days. Our interns have been able to gain an insight into corporate life, which will be tremendously important for their future development and career prospects.

2nd Year C



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17 Speaker’s Parliamentary Placements Scheme

Contact The Social Mobility Foundation: speakers@socialmobility.org.uk Rt Hon. Hazel Blears MP: hazel.blears.mp@parliament.uk www.speakerscheme.co.uk

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