Between the Sexes

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/ Introduction of the Society Since its establishment in 1989, the Society has been committed to organizing educational and recreational events for students and staff at the University of Hong Kong. It has also devoted itself to raising awareness of issues in its related disciplines, such as cultural studies and textual analysis. The Society primarily ser ves to promote Comparative Literature as an intellectually rewarding subject with interdisciplinary and international perspectives. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy and gain something from our activities, cherish the memory and pass it on.

/ Acknowledgements We are thankful for the support from our sponsors, CEDARS and the Students’ Union, and the contributors of creative works for making this possible.

/ 編者的話 也許你本來覺得香港在性別平權上做得還算不錯,也許不然。無論如何 這也是讓你好好審視你在日常中遇到過、經歷過的事。於我而言,生活 中較突出的記憶是:中三的生物學老師訓示我們不應再男性老師面前提 及月經、身邊的男性友人對「女生獨有的情誼」羨慕非常、女性朋友費 解地解釋她醉心廚藝並非為了男生。時事例子則有游蕙禎「扑嘢」論引 起的爭議以及泰國變性人在港被拒入境。 還記得某上莊說過,每一個編輯都應該有自己的風格、自己想說的話。從 第一期「獨處這門藝術」走到「性 / 別」這期,我想說的從來只是希望有 人看到標題,又或是讀畢會訊以後,會對主題有自己的想法。如果你有 想過,謝謝你。如常,我有很多很多要感謝的人,特別是我的莊友。PreCity Tour 那天在甜品店中討論性別議題的我們,是我最喜歡的「我們」。

/ From the Editor's Desk Perhaps you had thought Hong Kong is pretty equal in terms of gender and sexuality issues, and perhaps not. This is nonetheless an opportunity for you to reflect upon what you have encountered or experienced in your life. For me, the moments that stood out are when my Biology teacher told us not to talk about menstruation in front of male teachers; when guy friends wish that they could have "the kind of friendships that seem to be exclusive to girls"; and when a girlfriend fails to convince others that her interest in cookery is not for a guy. As for example from recent local news, the youngest female lawmaker Yau raised the issue of insuffienct space for sex in Hong Kong and stirred up controversy, and two Thai transsexuals have been barred from entry at the borders. When I first started work at this position, someone said to me that every editor should have their own styles and things they want to say. From the first issue "The Art of Being Alone", to "Between the Sexes" now, all I've ever wanted to say is to hope that someone would look at the theme, or read the newsletter in itself, and have their own views concerning the themes. If you have done that, I thank you. As usual, I have so many to thank, in particular my fellow Committee members, for making this possible. 5

/ Contents / 07-10 Events

We recount the events organized in the second half of our session.

/ 11-19

Words from the Committee

Some words from the Executive Committee members.

/ 20-39


Thoughts we had on sex education, feminism and LGBTQIA+ issues, and recommendations for books and music.

/ 40-51 Creative Works Your take on our theme.

/ 52-62 Members’ Welfare

A list of shops providing discounts and books from our mini library!




Orientation Series The annual freshmen orientation series was kicked off by the Enquiry Counter set on the Registration Days, followed by the Orientation Camp, and wrapped up with the Tea Gathering. All of the events were held in August and has helped freshmen to make new friends and acquainted themselves with both the subject of Comparative Literature and HKU. All in all, we have all had great fun.

Enquiry Counter Text/ Jacqueline Wong Promptly after the release of this year’s JUPAS results, the annual Registration Days were held on 11th and 12th August. It was absolutely a bliss for us, getting to meet and talk with different freshmen in our cozy room, sharing our thoughts on the wonderful world of Comparative Literature, and laughing and enjoying ourselves. As our theme puts it, the freshmen stepped out of their comfort zones, and beat on in the “Complit Zone”.


O r i e n t a t i o n

C a m p

Text/ Leanne Wong, Internal Vice Chairperson Our Orientation Camp was held from 21st to 23rd August, under the theme “The Glitter of Time�. Freshmen actively engaged in a variety of games and made new friends. Upon kicking off the event with ice-breaking games, freshmen then seized every second in the campus orientation and Hong Kong orientation. Arriving at the HKU Kadoorie Centre, we danced all night surrounding a beautifully constructed bonfire, and initiated a self-introductory relay.

The second day of our camp was packed with exciting mass games. We opened with the water fight, and everyone enjoyed the Q&A, dodge ball and free fight session under the blistering heat. Their enthusiasm continued as a series of challenging games followed. The detective game, which has been known to be a highlight of our Orientation Camp, fell on the second night. Participants were fascinated by the plot, which was embedded with connoted cultural symbols, and enjoyed the suspense, heightened by the brilliant acting. For the last day, freshmen wrote to their groupmates, and we all knew that every single moment in the camp was treasured.


T e a

G a t h e r i n g

Text/ Janet Cheuk, General Secretary Held on 29th August, the Tea Gathering is themed “Enigma�. After some ice-breaking games for warming up, freshmen were engaged in the mass games in the afternoon. The mass games enabled freshmen to know more about HKU and Comparative Literature.

Finally, we have invited a lecturer and several tutors from the Department to answer queries from freshmen. They have raised insightful questions about the subject, courses and university life. The lecturer and tutors have tackled their worries and provided them with more information regarding the subject. Here we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Department for their ceaseless support to the Society.


We l f a r e

We e k

Text/ Janet Cheuk, General Secretary Our annual Welfare Week was held with the theme “The Allure of Autumn”. The booth was set up at Run Run Shaw Podium from 19th to 23rd September. We have prepared attractive welfare packs for our members, sponsored by a wide range of companies, containing iRing, skincare products, refreshing beverages, custom candies, literary magazine “ArtMap” and various gift coupons. A game booth was also set up to let members to play and win some gifts. Members could also get a cup of free Nutella biscuits and borrow books from our Mini Library. Many members have stopped by, and others have registered to be a member and expressed interest in our social gathering “Sporty Squad Assemble” as well.

S p o r t y

S q u a d

A s s e m b l e

Text/ Hermione Lai, Social Secretary Our annual social gathering was held on 8th October to call for a “Sporty Squad Assemble”, helping participants to achieve work/life balance despite their busy schedules, and to make new friends over the weekend. Participants were enthusiastic in receiving the key ring souvenirs, and getting their faces painted. After some ice-breaking ball games, we had a lip sync battle as warm-up for the exciting games and workout to follow. All of us broke a sweat and had a sporty, spirited afternoon. Thank you for supporting us throughout the year!


/ Message from the Executive Committee members

/ What we want to say after a year of working for the Society


主席 梁凱晴 Shirley Leung, Chairperson 好好坐下來回想之下, 做過和寫過的,都好像「大半有點那個」⋯⋯不過! 能夠找到自己既不穩定又不可靠的足跡, 或許已經有寫這篇的意義了。 這一整年大概就是收了個大福袋, 有喜歡的,就自然也有討厭的, 但用不着斤斤計較,好壞相抵下, 如今還多少感受到那理不清的心情,也是甚有意思。 關關難過關關過。過是過了, 無論過得漂不漂亮,瀟不瀟灑,也是過了。 當初看不到路並不意味那不是路, 在無心插柳之中持續相信,繼續演出,因為想主宰自己的結局。 遇見了誰會變得不一樣? 可惜只能陪你你你你你你你一程。 思想情緒本是抽象,似寫非寫、似真非真、似懂非懂⋯⋯ 剪不斷,理還亂,所以其他放在心頭便好。 又,此文(年)可真是拉拉雜雜,不過乾脆保持雜多的樣子便好。


內務副主席 黃淑儀 Leanne Wong, Internal Vice Chairperson 落莊文 寫於 160807 0330 從空瓶起裝滿整枝水 把它當作海洋 當作古老的標本放在架上 一直 一直游到最底 沒有問為甚麼 或者早已放棄思考 月亮西沉時 我還能依稀看見蕩漾裏長長短短 深深淺淺 裝載著紅橙黃綠藍靛紫的色譜 不提眼淚 但也不願遺忘 想記住那些回憶中閃閃發亮的吉光片羽 以落為始 重新成長 在悠悠歲月裏長成安然自得的姿態 快被畏懼撲倒的時候 瑟縮的時候 夜闌人靜的時候 哼著過去的歌 劈頭突襲的風雨就不那麼痛 「謝謝你們包容我的好勝。」


外務副主席及財務秘書 蕭偉楊 Brandon Siu, External Vice Chairperson and Financial Secretary

張愛玲說過照片是生命的碎殼,留給大家看的惟有那滿地狼藉的黑白 瓜子殼。我們很喜歡拍照。由上莊合照,莊友慶生,活動的開幕和完結, 林林種種的不計其數。一張張笑面迎人的臉只是存在的見證,是留給 別人及自己翻閲的虛殻。經歴過的辛酸和苦楚,我想只有相中人才明 瞭。我們走過了四季,相識於一間黯然一角的間房。那天的高談闊論, 對莊未來活動的冀望,一切點滴儼如你們的名字刻在我腦海。涼風習 習下我們一起走過了週年大會,然後八個傻呼呼的小伙子四散於本部 大樓尋覓上莊照的最佳位置,那輯照片是我們回憶集的開端。 瓜子仁一粒粒的咽下去,滋味各人自己知道。寒風中的賣物會你們記 得嗎?我們由不相為謀變得熟絡了,寫下來真的很肉麻但這種感情相 信大家都最為珍惜。人絡繹不絕朝夕走過,留下攤位內的位位依舊不 變。四星期的歷煉辛苦了各位,每次想起心頭老是泛起一句對不起和 多謝。一顆顆甘甜瓜子仁的味道還歷久彌新嗎?彈指間枯樹變得蒼翠, 和煦的夕陽標記著每天為迎新活動的奮鬥。感激組爸媽、組仔女走進 我們的合照。每天跟你們嚷著鬧著是盛夏最幸福的光景。累了哭了, 請你們回眸看看,我們一直在原地。 世間浮塵,芸芸眾生中認識大家是一種恩典。這一年中風雨的洗禮, 這一年笑過哭過的,這一年走過跌過的,就讓我們雋永的笑臉好好封 藏於這本相簿裏。中秋過後秋意漸濃,又是新莊交換的季節。完了後 儘管手臂揮動道別,更近的是我們的友誼。讓這相冊延續,好嗎? 沒有大家的歲月裡, 莊友們要時常記起蕭偉楊。 ( 編按:這句末期癌症病患者般的收尾太妙了,我不捨得刪去,我相信 莊友們會時常記起蕭偉楊的。) 14

常務秘書 卓智欣 Janet Cheuk, General Secretary 要寫落莊文即係代表就嚟要落莊 想唔想落莊?當然想喇 但係又好似已經開始唔捨得 ...... 雖然—— 每次去智華開會都好肚餓,每朝 Bazaar 開 booth 都好眼訓,每個 Complit Fest 嘅活動都好難諗,每次 Welfare Trip 都好多路要行,好 多野要抽,每次練 campfire 都唔記得 steps 但係—— 每段經歷都會有莊友同你一齊 panic、一齊搞掂。八個人唔同性格、唔 同背景、對大學生活期望亦有唔同,短短一年間,要一齊相處、互相 磨合絕對唔容易。初初只係 O Camp 見過幾面,到依家呢七位莊友佔 左我生命中一部份。多謝你地比左我一場不平凡的大學一年級生活, 做到我地心目中的「Champ 到下世紀」XD P.S. 我地每次講返同一個笑話都會笑到失控

於中五初夏參與香港大學文學院活動收到的一張明信片,令我與比較 文學結緣。上莊這段旅程看似很長但感覺好像很短,雖然對上莊的不 同期望與現實未必相符,但至少有嘗試過 :) 15

學術秘書及學生代表 徐曳 Isaac Tsui, Academic Secretary and Student Representative The show was over, the curtains drawn, the cast, stage crew and audience scattered to the winds. In his mind he repeats the timeless clichés without a hint of irony. The days had sauntered by, their only legacy the smouldering ruins of reckless youth. He had always been told that he had a way with words, except when they mattered, and this precise occasion matters. Their paths had become so entangled, so deeply intertwined at every turn, that even in the end they stuck awkwardly together, like the greyish-black bits left on whitewashed walls by badly-peeled tape. The voices were telling him to deal with the consequences of that happy train wreck of a freshman year. He had been warned that this might happen. But with a dismissive wave of his hand the voices were gone. Not today. Everything was over. But he was not about to let that stop him from being inexplicably depressed. At the end of the day, he had acquired a whole lot of nothing. But he had already become incapable of living without every waking day being an uphill battle, and he shuddered to think of the year ahead, a year with more free time than he knew what to do with. Having completed the rough metamorphosis from cocky, condescending university student to a university student who has flawlessly internalised his condescension, he has come to the realisation that nothing will ever be truly over for him, nor will he ever experience simple gladness again. The last twelve months weren’t “simple”, that’s for sure. And to be quite honest he’s still not sure how to feel about them. Not that he ever knew how to feel. What he did know was that the food on campus was still terrible as always. But even in the absence of edible food, there is always wine. So raise a glass, and let the singing commence. The midnight breeze bit with the first pangs of winter. The winter he so loved. 16

出版秘書 談千樂 Chinny Tam, Publication Secretary (Written under my early morning covers in hope that my roommate will not be perturbed by the light) Nothing could've prepared me for my freshman year, no matter how much I'd like to think otherwise. As I have once said though, the best of many ways to start something new is when you’re flanked by ridiculous friends, a little lost, and a little spontaneous. It has been a year of indulgences, challenges, laughter and tears, all of which I've experienced before respectively, but never all at once and with such intensity. As Forrest Gump puts it, life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. You may cringe at the horrid chocolate toffees, but you wouldn't know what your next bite would bring. The best ones might appear dark and bitter at first, but turns out to be amazing. Comforting as it may be, however, chocolates are by no means to be consumed at a large amount, and this year will eventually come to an end. Knowing myself, no matter how horrid those chocolate toffees were, I will look back through rose-tinted glasses and remember naught but the good ones. (By now the chocolate metaphor must have overstayed its welcome.) So many thanks to the 7 people (pun intended :) ) who contributed so many memories and uncontrollable fits of giggles to my freshman year, and to all who made it a wonderful experience, and all the best to the ones following our paths. Best of 151616000: #PlasticBalls #DestinyLOMO #Elephant____er #ScrapbooksAndPoetry #TheNegator #JapaneseGeeGee #TranslationPeeps - lots of love from #Panda:) 17

宣傳秘書 黃芷琪 Jacqueline Wong, Publicity Secretary


康樂秘書 黎希龢 Hermione Lai, Social Secretary

In appreciation of “ ” For ___.mp3, 嬲仙 , 南生圍家長 , 修車大佬 , Lady Marmalade, 金鐘王 , and 宅急便魔女 Life is full of twists, unknowns, and what-ifs, so is our jong journey… ASSEMBLE! We withstood pouring rains and roaring thunders; nurtured blushing Mayflowers; We hunted, hustled, harvested fabrics of life; carved and sculpted a wild Old Street Store.; We drowned in oceans of sirens; We drowsed with traumatic nightmares; We suffocated in dusts of grenades; We crawled through pebbles and daggers; We clung to maze of memories; We indulged in the glitter of time; We were lost in translations of enigmas; We were lured by the aroma of maple leaves; We allied passionate sporty squads; We “ ”; FALL OUT! So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long live this, and this gives life to thee. Life is too short to be waiting for Infinities to knock on your door. So buckle up and define the unknowns! 19

/ Features

/ Our thoughts on why our society is so warped

(and perhaps how to make it less so)



香港女性就業率高、普遍財政獨立,卻又鍾情於也許從來就沒有在香 港扎根的紳士風度(為紳字配詞,較本地的似乎是新界鄉紳 ) ,往往 令香港男士飽受壓力,因而常常在媒體中大吐苦水。或者就是因為這 樣,很多香港人也不太願意討論性別平權的問題,甚或壓根兒覺得沒 有這樣的需要。(順帶一提,性別歧視的受害者絕對不一定是女性, 而日常生活中高舉反女性主義旗幟的人無性別之分。) Hong Kong women enjoy a high employment rate and are thus usually financially independent, yet they yearn for chivalry in men, which had probably never set foot in Hong Kong anyway. This had given a lot of pressure to Hong Kong men, and they complain a lot about it in the media. Perhaps this is why many Hongkongers are reluctant to discuss gender equality, or may even dismiss the necessity of it. (Speaking of which, the victim of gender discrimination definitely does not have to be female, and the people who perpetuate anti-feminism in daily life could be of any genders.)


海上花開:男女情慾的依存與較量 文/黃淑儀

電影《海上花》由侯孝賢執導,其以韓子雲的小說原著及後由張愛 玲下註釋的《海上花列傳》作藍本,刻劃十九世紀末上海英租界内 一所名為「長三書寓」的高級妓院內倌人、嫖客與老鴇的情慾與權 力角力。 開首一鏡到底的約八分鐘長鏡頭華美精緻,仔細描繪男性吃酒猜 拳、女性在旁陪酒服侍的典型商賈之宴,替這齣一百一十三分鐘的 電影定下韻味悠長的基調。在長三書寓中,恩客多為財雄勢大的男 性,表面上强勢地掌握操縱倌人的權力。片中女角多為由老鴇養大 的討人,她們長於風塵,跟正規教育無緣,亦只有兩條沉悶的分岔: 容姿娟好者化身風情萬種的倌人「做生意」;樣貌稍遜的為奴為婢 照看倌人左右。無論何種青樓女子,年歲漸長後似乎都只有贖身及 嫁人作唯一出路。所謂「女性生命」則不由分說跟父權綑綁,且處 於被動位置,自主命運的概念彷彿缺席。 然而,這齣電影並未局限於「男强女弱」的性別關係呈現。一切盡 在讀者意料之中的故事,註定缺乏讓人娓娓道來的樂趣,而《海上 花》是看似虛浮實卻耐人尋味的那種。本以為推崇短暫的情慾歡愉 是妓院內倌人跟客人的常態,但電影中卻不乏男女間情感依存的長 期關係。王蓮生成為沈小紅恩客達四、五年,卻因王蓮生遭沈冷落, 灰心之際跟張蕙貞一次歡好,沈小紅知悉後惱羞成怒,兩人鬧翻。 他倆的互動似是感情不穩的戀人,一方出軌,另一方即便礙於身分 而沒有置氣的資格,仍遷怒對方移情別戀。周雙珠與洪老爺這一對 則平淡如水,倒像朝夕相對的夫妻。他倆的日常相處不拘泥於禮 數,無浪無風。陶玉甫與李漱芳兩情相悅,雖無畫面線索,但眾人 於陶玉甫在聚會上離席後調侃二人情到濃時的親密舉動,以及嘲笑 他們眼中只剩彼此的痴情。綜上可見,長三書寓中的男女情愛拉鋸 非一面倒單以短暫關係迅速清算,反以隨時間建立的深情為貴。但 這種長期的深入連繫仍難擺脫金錢交易的陰霾,以至旁人訕笑,對 雙方在風月場上付出的真誠難以置信。


再細想電影中父權社會下的女性回應,不難發現那些花枝招展的 倌人皆非省油的燈,男性並沒佔多少上風。周雙玉與朱淑人曾結 生死之盟,後來周雙玉獲悉朱淑人與他人訂親,怒火中燒時在床 上威迫朱淑人一同仰藥自盡。她認為朱淑人具責任履行早前雙方 共同訂立的承諾,而自己有權對違背諾言的男性施加懲罰。老鴇 黃二姐四周借錢巴結姘頭,老少通吃,誓要證明自己年過半百仍 風韻猶存。她真心欠奉,借男性作彰顯嫵媚的工具。黃翠鳳手段 雷厲風行,以聰明頭腦和潑辣個性將羅老爺耍得團團轉。她想贖 身卻拒絕讓羅老爺付錢,務求不給黃二姐佔半分便宜,亦拒絕讓 羅老爺掌握主宰其去向的話語權。女角或憑男性對自身的愛慕、 個人性格魅力或手腕才情自我賦權,顛覆本來的男女權力分配, 繼而主導關係進退。 《海上花》以女性起題,在封閉的室內勾勒民國時期上海灘風塵 中的情感糾葛。鏡頭所及之處,無不精雕細琢,美得疑幻似真。 銀幕上的光影交錯明明滅滅,這不是一群男人往溫柔鄉尋花問柳 的軼事,卻是一部聚焦十里洋場中娼妓跟恩客愛恨嗔癡的瑣碎記 錄。電影中的男女互有勝負,有時贏在心狠,有時取勝於自恃受 寵的虛榮裏。流離勾欄,吞雲吐霧之中,誰都不比誰高尚。

/ Photo Credits: Taiwan Film and Culture Association


Text/ Brandon Siu, Hermione Lai

Introduction of HeForShe Movement HeForShe, established in 2014 by UN Women, aims at engaging people around the globe as one united bold force, men and boys especially, to strive against inequalities women and girls are facing socially, economically and politically. They are making the point that women and girls are not the only ones harmed by gender inequality. In following rigid gender roles, both boys and girls are limited in their growth, and both men and women are limited in their career options and dress. To make its vision a reality, IMPACT 10x10x10 Initiative was launched to unite governments, corporations and universities, to bring influential changes to communities. The University of Hong Kong is the first university globally to set up this campaign on campus.

Development of the Gender Equality Movement in Hong Kong “It’s a man’s world.” said Emily Lau, who in 1991, became the first directly elected female member of the Legislative Council. Is it the same case after almost over two decades later in Hong Kong? Since the Compulsory Nine-year Education was mandated in 1978, women are offered the same opportunities as men in education, and there are actually more girls in university than boys now. Undeniably, Hong Kong has made progress over the past few decades. The female proportion of Hong Kong’s labour force is much higher than it once was. Longlasting endeavors have been made to promote gender equality such as the establishment of Equal Opportunities Commission in 1996 and Women’s Commission in 2001 in hopes of safeguarding fair treatment of women. Do education and legislation alone provide Hong Kong women with an equal chance as men? Deplorably, when we look at the statistics of gender equality at management levels, and the sexist views in our society, we will realize that there is still a very long way to go before we achieve gender equality in Hong Kong. According to Census and Statistics Department HKSAR, women only hold 8.9 percent of directorships in Hong Kong’s top companies and 7 percent in executive and managerial positions. Moreover, Hong Kong women earn 35% less than men, as revealed by government data. Apart from the uneven distribution of income and bias treatment at workplace, the stereotype of women is also yet to be eradicated. The Women’s 24

Commission conducted a survey in 2010 regarding gender stereotypes. 50% of respondents agree that women should focus more on the family than work and 33% of them prefer not to be supervised by female managers/supervisors. These results match the ideology of feminist essentialists that women have instincts to make themselves nurturers due to their reproductive functions. Similarly, Simone de Beauvoir also argued that women are perpetually indoctrinated with the idea of "splendors of maternity" and thus childbearing is justified by this "marvelous privilege". Therefore, this kind of social internalization oppressed women, and cause them to "choose" motherhood over work. As we can see from the statistics, the identity for a woman is defined narrowly as a wife and a mother (Cheung, 1996).

HeForShe in Hong Kong? The mindset of the general public is not as inclusive and accepting as we'd hope. It is common to encounter Hongkongers who say things like “You’re a girl, be like one”, or “Be a gentleman, don’t be so pennypinching, pay the bill!” There are many more gender stereotypes deeply rooted in Hong Kong people’s minds, it would not be an easy task to eradicate conservativeness on gender roles. Since birth, parents, teachers, and society already “nurtured” younger generations to grow up under strict gender roles. Sex differentiation takes place as children gradually learn to be masculine or feminine according to culturally established gender identification expectations (Trepanier-Street et al., 1990). Other than that, the attitude of the government is also an obstacle in applying actions proposed by the HeForShe campaign in order to achieve gender equality in Hong Kong. Even though there are organisations and laws that aim at promoting gender equality, what has the Hong Kong government done in the realm of public education? All in all, the constraints by the mindsets of the general public, and the lack of interest and drive from the citizens and the government to make it work will hinder the progress to gender equality in Hong Kong. This, however, by no means indicates that we should stop trying. 25

Illustration/ Jacqueline Wong


HOW TO BE A (BETTER) FEMINIST 1. Don't conform to gender stereotypes like "boys don't cry" or "girls must learn how to cook". Don't tell others to act according to their genders. 2. Don't use "gay" as an insult. 3. Don't stigmatize perfectly normal phenomena like periods. 4. Don't hold on to double standards. If the guy in the group is paying, it should never be just because he is male. 5. Never blame the victim in sexual harrassment or assualt cases, and bear in mind that people of all genders can be victims of such crimes. 6. Believe in equality for all genders socially, economically and politically. 7. Teach your children to think so as well. 8. Pay attention to girls' rights all across the world. Just because education is readily available to most in Hong Kong doesn't mean it is so in other parts of the world. 9. Identify yourself as a feminist. 10. OR better yet, don't identify yourself as a feminist, the others are just sexist.


雖然香港教育局曾為學校提供性教育指引及作相應規管,但是很 多學校也輕視這門課程,縮減課時,香港學童的性知識因此亦非 常貧乏。這抹黑「性」的惡果,從女生經期時多用小袋子謹小慎 微地裝好衛生巾便可見一斑。要防止這種對性的無知蔓延到下一 代,公眾的性教育也很重要,但社會風氣仍是過於守舊。就算學 校有心推行性教育,也要戰戰兢兢地擔心家長和同學的反應。這 是一個惡性循環,香港政府卻置若罔聞,從未正視問題。 Even though the Education Bureau of Hong Kong has issued guidelines and regulations concerning sex education in schools, many schools disregard the curriculum and would even shorten the class hours, causing Hong Kong students to lack relevant knowledge. The outcome of this social stigma against all things sex-related is girls carrying around little pouches for hiding their tampons. Public education is crucial to prevent this ignorance towards sex from spreading to the next generation, but our society is still too conservative, such that even if schools are committed to sex education, they have to fear the reactions from the parents and students. It's a vicious cycle that the government has yet to address. 28

Text/ Shirley Leung, Janet Cheuk Sex is largely taboo in conservative Chinese societies. The sex education implemented by local schools and the Hong Kong government has been criticized for years. The Vice Chairperson of the Hong Kong Sex Education Association, Dr. Ng Man Lun, points out that the scope of the antiquated sex education curriculum initiated by the government is very narrow and fails to cover topics like homosexuality, transsexuals, and sex abuse problems. He also feels that teachers do not have adequate knowledge about sex to teach the subject. The Educational Bureau has established a set of sex education guidelines for schools back in 1997, covering the the general definitions and conceptual framework, the content of the curriculum, and how it will be executed, assessed and evaluated in schools. However, they have not been updated since then, and the the lessons are not compulsory. The government response to this is that students receive sex education through different subjects such as General Studies in primary school and Biology in secondary school. Despite the government’s defence of the curriculum, a recent survey conducted in 2013 by the Health Department revealed that more than half of the interviewed secondary schools reported that they had no time to spare for effective sex education. GOVERNMENT Sex Education is regarded as an integral and core part of the curriculum. The concept of the relationships between the two sexes has been included in the curriculum throughout different stages of learning, like the subject of General in Studies in primary school. Furthermore, schools could also provide some other activities to educate their students about sex such as debates and exhibitions. 29

Parents Parents don’t really know how to help their children with puberty. They are worried about how their children perceive sex, but some have limited knowledge of sex and intimacy, and thus it’s hard for them to teach their children the correct values. Some regard all things sex-related as pornographic and tend to evade those topics to avoid embarrassment. Some also consider sex education the responsibility of the school instead of theirs. Teenagers Teenagers are curious about sex. They mostly get their ideas of sex through sex scenes on television, films or in porn, which are not exactly the most accurate sources of information. Schools or parents seldom discuss the topic of sex properly, so they usually turn to Internet videos and discussion forums for information. Education Sector With the allowance of school-based management, schools have the flexibility to decide the teaching hours of sex education. Students of the same age group can thus have very different levels of knowledge about sex. Also, most schools took up Neo-Confucianist values in teaching, which suggests that it is shameful to gain pleasure from sex. Therefore, even the teachers themselves get embarrassed when they talk about the topic of sex. NGOs The Hong Kong Sex Education Association was found in 1985 to promote sex education. It includes professionals from sectors of family planning, education, social work, psychology, humanities, philosophy and medicine. They have held the Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival, which provides a platform for public discussion about sex. 30

10 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT SEX 1. It is harmful to masturbate. It is actually proved by the medical field that it is natural and harmless as an expression of sexuality. Some experts even claimed that it is good for sexual health. 2. It is harmful to swallow semen. Nope. 3. There is a passage between the stomach and the ovaries. Still nope. 4. If a man undergoes sperm duct blocking surgery, he can’t have sex. Untrue. 5. Wearing two condoms offers better protection. As friction increases with two condoms, the condoms are more easily broken than when you are only wearing one. 6. Condoms can be reused. Condoms are made of strong materials, but its effectiveness will be decreased after cleansing. 7. I won’t contract sexually transmitted infections (STI) if I only have oral or anal sex. Yes you could, and actually quite a lot, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. Vaginal, anal, or oral sex can all lead to STI. 8. If I have contracted an STI, there should be symptoms. There might not be any observable symptoms for sexual diseases. 9. If the boy withdraws his penis before ejaculating, the girl will not become pregnant. Sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid could leak out. 10. You won’t get pregnant if you are on your period. It is possible. 31

CONCLUSION The main loopholes of sex education in Hong Kong is that the content is not up to date and it is not launched universally among different schools. Some key issues such as LGBTQIA+ issues and birth control are not discussed in schools. Teenagers know very little about sex, but premarital sex is becoming more common among young adults in Hong Kong. More alarmingly, there are some teens engaging in high-risk sexual activities (Yip et al., 2013). If the local sex education is not improved to equip the new generations with more sex knowledge that they must know, the consequences of unprotected sex can be very serious to both the individuals and society. Unfortunately, to this date, sex is still regarded as controversial and that is something no social institutions want to be. This is the biggest obstacle in the improvement of sex education in Hong Kong. On top of sex education, if we travel back to our main theme of “gender and sexuality issues”, all of which are controversies, the government policies are so outdated and inefficient for the same reason. However, controversy is never an excuse to escape from the reality. Otherwise this social illness will only become more extreme. References:

Curriculum Development Council. “Sex Education Guidelines for Schools.”, http://www.hkedcity. net/iclub_files/a/1/69/resource/200311/7450_1082002551.pdf. 1997. Web. Chan, Sze Nam. “Outdated Sex Education makes minority becomes taboo.”, Sunpoyan, http:// 性教育過時 - 性小眾成禁忌 /. 2015. Web. RTHK, “Sex Education from Parents Survey.”, chi/20071127_66_121649.html. 2007. Web. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, City University of Hong Kong Department of Applied Social Sciences. “Teenagers’ Value of Sex Survey.” 從邊 緣青少年第一次性經驗看其性價值觀 _full%20report.pdf. 2014. Web. Yip, P. S., Zhang, H., Lam, T. H., Lam, K. F., Lee, A. M., Chan, J., & Fan, S. "Sex knowledge, attitudes, and high-risk sexual behaviors among unmarried youth in Hong Kong.", BMC public health, 13(1), 1. 2013.


03 隨著越來越多形象正面的公眾人物「出櫃」,香港年輕一代對同 性戀的接受程度也大大提高。儘管如此,不是太多人會主動關注 LGBTQIA+ 議題或權益,可能連一些很基本的概念也不太清楚。 加上主流媒體對酷兒的刻板描繪,令大眾潛移默化地戴有色眼鏡 看待他們。即使參與一些支持平權的活動,也會令人對你的性傾 向有所臆測。

With more and more reputable celebrities coming out, the younger generation in Hong Kong has come to accept homosexuals a lot better. Nonetheless, few would actively look into LGBTQIA+ issues or rights, and even some very basic conceps might be unclear to them. Add to that the stereotypical portrayal of queers in mainstream media, many thus look at them through rose-tinted glasses. This has gotten to the point where even supporting pride parades would raise queries concerning your own sexuality. 33


Not feeling sexual attraction or a desire for partnered sexuality. Asexuality is not celibacy, which is deliberate abstention from sex.


Sexual attraction to both men and women, not necessarily at the same time or to the same extent.

Civil partnership

A legally recognized relationship between two people, it is not the equivalent of marriage.

Discrimination Ordinance

Currently there are four ordinances dealing with anti-discrimination, regarding sex, disability, family status, and race. There isn't one regarding sexual orientations.

Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC)

A statutory body set up in 1996 to implement anti-discrimination legislation.


Gender fluid is being fluid in motion between two or more genders. One's sexual orientation may be fluid as well (Ref. Kinsey Scale).

Gender expression/ identity

Gender expression is how one expresses oneself, in terms of dress and/or behaviour, and it has nothing to do with one's sexual orientation or gender identity, which is one’s sense of self as trans*, genderqueer, woman, man, or some other identities, which may or may not correspond with the biological sex assigned at birth. Fr exa A tomboy doesn't have to be a lesbian. 34


A set of lifestyle norms, practices, and institutions that promote binary alignment of biological sex, gender identity, and gender roles; the assumption that heterosexuality is "normal".


People who develop primary or secondary sex characteristics that do not fit neatly into society's definitions of male or female. Many visibly intersex people are mutilated in infancy and early childhood by doctors to make the individual’s sex characteristics conform to society’s idea of what "normal" bodies should look like.

Kinsey Scale

A spectrum on a scale of 0-6, devised by renowned sociologist Alfred Kinsey, to describe the type of sexual desire within an individual, with 0 meaning completely heterosexual and 6 meaning completely homosexual.

Legislative Council

The EOC has attempted to pass an anti-discrimination ordination regarding sexual orientations, but has failed on multiple accounts due to the split voting system in the LegCo. (Passed in the Geographical Constituency, vetoed in the Functional Constituency.)


An umbrella term for all the people who do not solely identify as male or female. In any cultures, gender is not limited to male and female, and those "third genders" have a place in the legal system.


Making public the sexual orientation or gender identity of another who would prefer to keep this information secret. 35


People who have romantic or sexual desire for people of all genders and sexes.


Initially an insult directed at "feminine men" and gays, it is now reclaimed by the LGBT community. Queer Studies is a study that is generally against binarism, normativity, and a perceived lack of intersectionality within the mainstream LGBT movement

Sex Reassignment Surgery

Surgical procedures to transition an individual from one biological sex to another. This is often paired with hormone treatment and psychological assistance. One must go through several years of hormones and psychological evaluation and live as the “opposite” or “desired” gender prior to receiving the surgery.


A person who lives full-time in a gender different than their assigned birth sex and gender. Some pursue hormones and/or surgeries while others do not. Sometimes used to specifically refer to trans people pursuing gender or sex confirmation.

W v Registrar of Marriage

A landmark court case for trans rights in Hong Kong. W is a male-tofemale transsexual who has completed sex reassignment surgery and wants to marry her boyfriend. Her request was denied because her birth certificate states her gender as male and same-sex marriage is outlawed. The case was won in her favour eventually.


One of the many gender-neutral pronouns, along with "they". 36


David Bowie, Diamond Dogs (1974)


The Runaways, Queens of Noise (1977)

ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL Pink Floyd, The Wall (1979)


Bikini Kill, Pussy Whipped (1993)


Belle and Sebastian, Fold Your Hands Child You Walk Like a Peasant (2000)

張國榮,大熱 (2000)


Chochukmo, The King Lost His Pink (2009)


Florence + The Machine, Ceremonials (2011)


Christine and the Queens, Chaleur Humaine (2014)


大象體操,角度 (2014)


Charli XCX, Sucker (2014)


Lady Gaga, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack of The Hunting Ground (2015)


Tegan and Sara, Love You to Death (2016) 37

Book Review

Text/ Shirley Leung

The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You By S. Bear Bergman Published by Arsenal Pulp Press (2009) "There are more locations than girl and boy, man and woman. Decamping from one does not have to mean climbing into another. There’s plenty of space in between, or beyond the bounds, or all along and across the plane or sphere or whatever of gender…" This is a must-read for anyone who wants to be more familiar with LGBTQ+ issues. It is written in the form of a series of essays concerning different themes about gender and sexuality. The bits and pieces will help you form a clearer picture of intersectionality, of the author’s Jewishness and queerness specifically. It is the sort of book we don’t always see, putting you in a real and relatable position, very much like hearing a playful uncle's retelling of his adventures. All of the essays are rooted in Bergman’s transgender experience, and the messages are refreshing and positive. Bergman reminds us of our right to determine gender and our responsibility to unlock the exit ourselves to open up our minds on discussions about gender.


Book Review Text/ Janet Cheuk

Ariel By Sylvia Plath Published by Faber & Faber (1965) Ariel is a collection comprised of forty poems written by Sylvia Plath in 1940s to 1960s. These poems not only depicted the inner struggles of her looming mental state, but portrays the gender relations during the era of progressive feminism. “Every woman adores a Fascist, The boot in the face, the brute Brute heart of a brute like you.” These lines are extracted from Plath’s famous poem “Daddy”, one of her fine works of confessional poetry. She describes her father as a fearsome Hitler-like figure. The lines display the gender role of the women who allow themselves to be in love with men who have absolute authority over women and treat them brutally. By exploring her relationship with her father, she also underlines the resemblance of that with the relationship between men and women in society to express that women shouldn’t be living under the terror and control of men. Plath’s poems describe gender relations in her time and place, and inspires us to think more about how they have changed.


Creative Works /

/ Poems, photos, and stories, inspired by the theme, submitted by our readers




梧桐 不可能雙待老 他 每天站在異性戀的高地上 向下 撒著沙文主義的土壤 困住那一條 負傷的蚯蚓 地獄的火有多燙 他不清楚 也不必清楚 他喝著自己的蟹湯 聽那粗暴無聲 的呻吟 她 戴上那條貞操帶 默默地讓清泉流出 滋潤自己的泥土 除了蠕動 她別無選擇 聽著那一聲聲狂笑 她想尖叫 卻忘了 自己是誰 本來是一 為何說二呢 一個 永恆的謎題 41



Photographed by Arthur Lewis Thompson


What I was

Written by Arthur Lewis Thompson

I left the humans behind. I would no longer be considered one of them. The feeling was mutual. I was given away, but, sometimes, when the days were good, I liked to think that leaving had been my own choice. Sorry, I shouldn’t say humans. They were my tribe, my people. We lived in the desert for, oh, who knows how many generations. But the desert did not belong to us. The pumas were here first. A long time ago we were at war with the pumas. But eventually our ancestors came to an agreement under a big mesquite tree. The pumas would allow us live in the desert, in return for a bride. The pumas saw that we were superior, and that we would have won the war sooner or later, with our thumbs and our tools. They wanted to learn from us. Perhaps a human bride would be able to raise new cubs to learn the human ways. It didn’t work. The first bride never produced any half-cubs and failed to train the pumas to use their paws like our opposable thumbs. But the pumas didn’t give up. With each generation they still demanded a bride from us. Nobody likes war, so our people begrudgingly accepted. I guess that’s how traditions are born. It takes a bit of hard-headedness. I am a man but I should be dead. When a man commits a crime, both he and his heir are punished. My father stole grain, a lot of grain, a crime not taken lightly by our people. To punish us for my father’s greediness, the elders chose death by sand. We would swallow sand until we choked or our stomachs burst.


The night before my execution, the pumas made an unexpected appearance at our village. They could only be there for one thing: a bride. However, there was a problem. These past few years there were no daughters to spare, at least none of the right age. But the pumas would not leave empty-handed, or, empty-pawed. My mother was a clever woman. People said she could talk the coyotes into giving up meat if she tried. Without wasting any time, she ran to the elders and convinced them to spare me the sand and send me away with the pumas as a bride instead. They accepted. Perhaps the thing between my legs would convince the pumas never to return for a bride again. I was shocked. A man had never been given away to the pumas before. The elders chuckled. They had nothing to lose. What choice did I have? I would not see my family or tribe again. Coming back would mean certain death. I hated my father. He was a lazy and greedy man. When he was accused of stealing from the granary to make liquor, he blamed me and my mother first. He was so despicable even the elders didn’t believe his story. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be here (in more ways than one). The chief blindfolded and bound me himself. He hung me from the mesquite tree and there I waited, like a moth in her cocoon, for the pumas to claim me. I don’t remember how long I hung there wondering if eating sand would have been better. Finally, in the middle of the night, or morning (I must have dozed off ), I heard a snag and then hit the ground. Hard. I opened my eyes under a sage brush with a dozen muzzles sniffing me. Whatever they smelt between my legs did not bother them. It turns out that pumas can’t tell humans apart. My husband was a chief lion, one of the younger males responsible for maintaining order in the pack. At first we didn’t understand each other. It took me a long time to learn their language. Every ear twitch, every tail swing, every sniff, it all meant something. 45

Being a puma’s wife did not make me happy. Maybe that’s why I didn’t pick up their language as quickly as I should have. Even though the elders had thrown me to the wolves, uh, pumas, I still missed my people, especially my mother. Sometimes I dreamed about visiting her on the other side of the valley. Yes, the first months were terrible. All the game they caught made me sick. I did not know whether or not the pumas would let me use fire to cook. (After all, fire is a weapon). I was careful not to offend them. So everything they brought I ate raw. And I spent most days lying on the ground or running to the river between shits. Soon I stopped eating altogether. That’s when my husband would not leave my side. He brought me wild roots and vegetables, carrying them in his mouth. I don’t know where he got the idea. Pumas only eat meat. The pack gathered around to watch me eat the strange plants. Their fangs bared, half-disgusted half-amused that anyone dared taste anything other than meat. Eventually I regained my strength and built a fire. When the pack realized what I was doing, they roared. It turns out they’d been dying for me to perform this human magic. Desert nights are cold and they wanted warmth in winter. They pawed me to show their approval. It wasn’t long before I was in good health again. The old ways: hunting, keeping watch for enemies, tracking and marking territory, I learned to divert these tasks to my husband. I had to accept that I wasn’t a puma and that my duties had changed. Most of my work now involved my thumbs: picking cactus needles and bugs from fur, starting fires, making clay pots for storing water. Every so often I would find meat in my sleeping place. A sign of gratitude from the pack. My husband was very happy about this. We got along. Tradition aside, he did not need me to make new cubs. There was a real lioness on the side for that. Our wedding night was awkward but we learned to live with each other, and, like I said, he couldn’t tell what I was. It was difficult when I had to leave. 46

At some point traditions are broken, that’s what I thought when I saw the creature. The other human who appeared out of the cacti, out of nowhere. I didn’t know he was a human when I first laid eyes on him. That’s how long it had been since I’d last seen one. He wore a funny headdress, a circle around his head, and his skin was wrinkled and pale, like sundried fish. The pumas smelled him a few days beforehand and went to hide in the caves along the red cliffs where the valley narrows. They left me behind to watch over their dens. I knew what they meant by this. I was entrusted with the leftovers, the runts, the cubs they couldn’t carry. Of course these were the first things the human killed. I was coming up from river, fetching water, when I saw the trail of blood from the first cub. That’s when I knew this fellow human would not mean freedom for me. Did I want freedom? I heard the other cubs howling somewhere behind the man. I didn’t have long to get a good look at him before he made it clear that he did not want to make friends. I tried to get to the cubs first. I moved without thinking, blood and anger pulsing through me. The pumas did not see me as their own, but I couldn’t let this sundried fish man harm the young ones. That was the first time I felt like a true mother. The sundried fish man was not like a dried fish at all. He was much stronger, more than I would have ever imagined. He knocked me over in one punch and then held a stick up to my face. It didn’t scare me. It was not quite a spear, but still too thin to be a club. Then it made a noise so loud that I saw darkness in the middle of the day. His mouth moved but I didn’t understand, didn’t hear him.



Written by Leung Hei Yiu

Familiar grounds, different identities. Distant passion, eternal affection. Familiar signs I used to pick her out with, Made foreign by time but warm by memory And perhaps by yearning for another story. A string that keeps me looking with longing eyes, An old tape that reminds me of being electrified, Reminds me of today, no more of the purity, The innocence, the excitement and frustration of discovery. Unfamiliar grounds, same identity. Electrifying passion, genuine affection. To this very day, all is but a dream, All is but a perfect utopia.


She is Not a Man

Written by Leung Hei Yiu

When night descended and out the school gate we came, Me, my mother, my father, She walked before us with little ones whom my footsteps take. Four eyes met for long seconds, With mutual notion of the restricting presence, We explicitly conveyed nothing but a silent stare. “She tries too hard to be a man.” my mother said, With her critical tongue of the world she mocked. I shushed it off but her white shirt and short hair started to shrink, As if they were worth nothing more than a dime never used. I smiled. “She tries too hard to be a man.” my father said, With his disguised tongue of pretended youth he reassured. I shook it off but her ‘masculinity’ among the schoolgirls weakened, As if a wrinkling paper caught fire and cowered in flames. I smiled. The fire housed in me was never diminished, She is the Captain of our Boat, Which ignites such quivering passion in me. Reality only diminished her status to Where she really is in the cruel world, But not a single bit in my heart, Where she stands tall against odds. Our fire shall keep burning until Prejudices Of the long shielded minds burn down to ashes.   49

My Blueberry Night

Written by Jackie Xu

- It’s like these pies and cakes. At the end of every night, the cheesecake and the apple pie are always completely gone, the peach cobbler, and the chocolate mousse cake are nearly finished. But there’s always a whole blueberry pie left untouched. - So what’s wrong with the blueberry pie? - There’s nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. It’s just people make other choices. You can’t blame the blueberry pie. - Wong Kar-wai, My Blueberry Nights C 在電話裡舉棋不定,我在去往她的巴士上尷尬又惆悵。我說電影 九點零五分散場,她說天哪好晚,她說「10 點就應該睡覺的」。 但是跟大部分夏天裡的女孩子那樣,C 最後說了 yes。我誇她是個 versatile 的好女伴。 替她戴上 choker 的時候我幾近暈厥到想要親吻她的脖頸。白、高 挑、一雙迷死人的大長腿,她會是街上所有男人的靶心,但是這個 晚上她屬於我。 要遲到了,我拉著她的手穿越可怕的人潮。她一直在出汗,但不抱 怨。C 小姐穿上鞋至少有 175,偶爾停下來的時候,我靠在她的肩 膀上休息,想我們從後面看上去會是合格的一對。我頭痛腳痛胃痛, 神智不清偶爾歇斯底里地亂喊亂叫。我一向擅長於把路人嚇得不知 所措,但是在 C 旁邊我覺得自己 freaky 得可愛而非絕望。 電影早了十分鐘散場,她要我送她回家但我不知道該坐哪輛車。她 拽著我的手臂不放,她嘟囔說我是故意的。我們進深夜的 bakery 點飲料,從來都舉棋不定的 C 小姐一如既往地堅持要我選擇。於是 C 小姐手上照樣一瓶把人冰到麻木的氣泡水,我手上照樣一杯熱到 燙嘴的燕麥。我們捧著它們站在鮮亮的櫥窗外,小聲地把 bakery 罵了一遍又一遍。 50

我們扣著手走了很久很久,在每一個紅綠燈前大呼小叫,像兩個醉 酒的失足少女,C 小姐也沒再提起她 10pm 的生物鐘。我多想說 C 不過是個 acquaintance,那樣故事會顯得曖昧而有趣。但是她 知道我喜歡穿男裝或者任何露肩膀的衣服,知道我喜歡高瘦的且最 好是男人,連去 bathroom 都要跟我進同一個 cubicle。 快到她家,我們經過文萊樓,她突然說,「電影裡那隻兔子其實也 蠻可愛的」。我說「但是啊,那些表面可愛其實可怕的人,最愛不 得的」,她說「你幹嘛要這麼說你自己噢」,我笑「但是不要緊的, 你看,那隻兔子只要被摸摸頭,照樣萌萌的」。於是我猝不及防莫 名其妙地被抱在懷裡理好頭髮摸了頭。哈。 我的 C 乘電梯上了 28 樓。我看著她的背影,以及她長衫背後用三 種不同字體碼上的“I'd be lost without you”,覺得自己正在變 得透明。真的就像 C 之前說的那樣,「你不要動噢,等我數到三, 你就會飛起來,一——二——三!」


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