So Young Issue Seventeen

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Matt Maltese Matt Maltese’s debut album ‘Bad Contestant’ is about to

Probably the defining thing is that I feel the most

be released, and So Young got in touch to talk to him about

comfortable I have felt with my music since I started,

it... to talk about the usual stuff: how it sounds, how it feels,

so I suppose that gives a sense of consistency because I

how he feels about how it sounds. Matt is funny, but mostly

have an album written/recorded with the same headspace-

Matt is honest, both with himself and with his audience. On

which is definitely what you want, I think.

answering these mundane questions, you come to realise that Matt is lucky to have the means to even release an

You’re right about consistency, the album and you’re

album- and he knows it. If you can survive, if you can make

live shows feel a lot more streamlined, like a narrative

music and stay afloat, then quite frankly, you’ve made it. Of

within a narrative. And for you, personally, when you

course, Matt is doing more than just surviving, he’s finally

listen to your album, what does it feel like or sound like

arrived in a suit of pastel pink and he’s got the confidence

for you?

to back it up- but he is so much more than the heartbreak kid. He’s playful, brave and totally aware and I think he’s

I’ve tried to make a point of not listening to it too much

the absolute pinnacle of a what a modern songwriter should

since we finished recording, I quite like the idea of leaving

strive to be. Totally unafraid and totally in tune.

it behind in a sense. I think the main feeling I did have was that I’d been pretty open with myself. It was important that

You supported Baxter Dury recently in Paris, how was

the comedy didn’t override the sentiment the whole time


and so I was happy that I didn’t let the comedy get too much in the way and there was a part of me that was still

Yeh I did, with Jarvis Cocker djing- ridiculous- it was

vulnerable on the record. It feels honest, it really feels like

fucking weird doing soundcheck and then hearing Jarvis in

me, but I also love the input from Jonathan Rado [Foxygen]

the background just like “me monitors a bit fuzzy”. But he

and Alex [Burey], and the soundscapes they created, I really

watched my set and stuff, it was mad, really cool.

enjoyed that part of it aswell.

You’ve been making and recording music for 2 or 3 years

Are you scared of getting to a point where you might

now, which is a long time, but it kind of feels like you’ve

dislike the album? Is that why you like to leave it

just arrived. With the last few singles you’ve released

behind, in the moment?

you’ve found your sound, your aesthetic, and for want of a better word, your ‘brand.’ Is it creatively conflicting to

I mean sometimes; there are songs from a year and a

feel like everything has got to be in this particular tone,

half ago now which I just don’t like. But I keep trying to

or this particular colour palette?

remember that I feel the most comfortable with this record than I have with any other piece of music, you know,

I guess I don’t think about it too much because I’ve changed

straight after I’ve recorded it.

a lot in the past, or I still feel like I could change. It’s nice that people feel like I’ve arrived to something, but I don’t

So how do you think that your relationships with your

necessarily feel like that. In a year, I don’t know what songs

songs change over time? Especially considering a lot of

I could be writing or what kind of colour palette I could be

them sound highly specified and anecdotal.



Words by Georgie Jesson

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