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B.5. Technique: Prototypes For this prototype section our team look into the German Pavilion for the 11th Prague Quadrennial. This model commenced from the definition of a material system based on ruled surfaces, whereby the surfaces were reduced to the materialisation of the rulings as elastic strings that can be employed to modulate levels of transparency, exposure and enclosure as well as manipulating visual and physical connectivity. After studying this model my team fabricated a prototype to study the transparency of the structure and the enclosure. The bottm right photo demonstrates the strong functional and practical connection joints required to assemble such an intriquite architectural form. Although bulky and rigid, the joints are well concealed in hardto-reach places within the pavillion - including the upper exterior of the surface, which seems to resemble an apple core.

http://www.evolo.us/architecture/archipelagoparametrically-designed-pavilion/ German Pavilion for the Prague Quadrennial of Scenography and Theatre Architecture 2007 by Achim Menges source:

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