Urban Call Healthy Living Campaign Edition

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Are you from zip codes 27101, 27105, or 27107? Let’s collaborate to enhance healthcare and overcome barriers in your community. We’re eager to include your voice!

Our Offerings:

Mental Health Support

High Blood Pressure Guidance

Diabetes Information & Learning

Thanks to the Duke Endowment funding, the Healthy Forsyth Program is on a 5-year mission to elevate health standards in Forsyth County, North Carolina, by addressing diabetes, high blood pressure, and mental health issues. This initiative directly responds to the critical health, economic, and social challenges these zip codes face, fueled by a commitment to “Removing Barriers to Improve Lives.” Our approach emphasizes active community involvement

dismantling of healthcare access barriers.

2 Join Us in Enhancing Health in Forsyth County

Guidance comes from our Executive Committee and Coalition, comprising healthcare system affiliates, community clinics, partnership organizations, and local residents. Together, we’re dedicated to implementing impactful interventions and nurturing community connections. A pivotal element of our method involves Community Conversations, essential for weaving resident input into practical

strategies aimed at health disparity mitigation.

The vision of Healthy Forsyth transcends immediate effects, aspiring for enduring expansion across more areas, thus solidifying our dedication to collective health betterment and equality. This ambitious strategy ensures comprehensive health advancements for every resident of Forsyth County, staying true to our ethos of enriching lives by removing obstacles. Call (336) 703-3389 or visit forsyth.cc/HHS/ healthy_forsyth.aspx.

This Urban Call edition, “Healthy Forsyth,” stems from comprehensive research, aiming to uplift public health, especially in underserved communities. More than an initiative, it’s our commitment to a healthier future, valuing contributions from every sector. We encourage participation from residents, business owners, and organizations alike, to tackle health challenges together. With the support of Healthy Forsyth partners, we’re on a transformative journey. Join us in creating a vibrant, healthier Forsyth for all.

Vol.24 Issue 3 2
Sandra Miller Jones SMSi Healthy Living Solutions, Inc. Founder & CEO Lafayette G. Jones Managing Director Publisher-Urban Call

Leadership Dedicated

Community Service

Vision & Collaboration

Overview Of The Healthy Community Engagement

TaWanna Archia, a lifelong Winston Salem resident, epitomizes community dedication. With a Master’s in Nonprofit Management and a Bachelor’s in Psychology from High Point University, she’s navigated diverse sectors, including nonprofits, higher education, and corporate America. Archia, founder of ‘I’m My Sister’s Keeper,’ tackles issues from interpersonal violence as an executive director and mother. Volunteering enriches her commitment, seen through tutoring, mentoring, and grant assistance. Recognized with The Governor’s Award for community service and as one of Winston Salem’s Outstanding Women Leaders, Archia embodies leadership. “Empowering communities is my enduring mission.”

Empowering Healthy Forsyth:

A Collaborative, Strategic Approach encapsulates the essence of the program’s goals, the collaborative efforts involved, and the strategic method of addressing health disparities within specific communities. It highlights the program’s focus on empowerment, community involvement, and strategic planning for long-term health improvements in Forsyth County.

A Vision for Expansion reflects Healthy Forsyth’s commitment to sustainability and broader reach, aspiring to serve more communities. This forward-looking approach is anchored in collaboration and the principle of removing barriers for a healthier Forsyth County.

The Healthy Forsyth Program embarks on a mission to collaboratively remove health barriers, focusing on diabetes, high blood pressure, and mental health in specific zip codes. Funded for five years, it aims for inclusive community engagement to significantly improve health outcomes.

Guidance and Collaboration are pivotal, with an Executive Committee and a Coalition at the helm, driving interventions and embodying the essence of partnership. Their efforts span from hospital collaboration to grassroots engagement, aiming for comprehensive health improvements. Healthy Forsyth Coalition Members consist of a diverse alliance, including healthcare providers.

Forsyth Coalition Members

Forsyth County’s collaborative network, including public health departments, healthcare providers, civic organizations, educational institutions, non-profits, faith groups, the community,

and its residents, aims to improve public health and community welfare. Their efforts span the collaborative network, demonstrating a unified approach to community development.

Forsyth Resources


DSS – SNAP/EBT Assistance with food purchasing for low-income individuals and families.

Food Pantries Locations offering free food to those in need.

Meals on Wheels Food delivery service for the elderly and disabled.

Summer Feeding Programs Free meals for children during the summer months.

Community Gardens Spaces where community members can grow their own food.

WIC Program Nutrition program for women, infants, and children.

Cooperative Community-owned food distribution and retail outlets.

Churches – Food Pantries

Churches offering food assistance to community members.

Samaritan Ministries Organization providing food and meals to those in need.

Crisis Control Assistance for individuals and families in crisis, including food aid.

Urban Call Publications produced by SMSi Healthy Living Solutions, Inc. For

Healthy Forsyth Program

Forsyth County Resources

Resources Available In Forsyth County

Physical Activity

YMCA’s and YWCA’s Community centers offering various physical activity programs.

Community Centers Local centers providing access to sports and fitness facilities.

Oak Street Health organization with programs for older adults.

Salem Lake Outdoor area for walking, running, and cycling.

Virtual Options Online platforms like YouTube and Facebook offering workout classes.

Humana Center Wellness center with programs for physical fitness.

Senior Services offering physical activity programs for the elderly.

Churches Religious institutions hosting fitness and wellness activities.

Private Gyms providing a range of fitness equipment and classes.

Dance Studios offers dance classes for fitness/recreation.

Walk/Run Groups Community groups organizing walking and running activities.

Apps Mobile applications offering guided physical activities.


Minorities Diabetes Prevention

Program focused on diabetes prevention in minority populations.

Forsyth County Department of Public Health Public health department services for diabetes management.

Novant Health Healthcare organization providing diabetes management programs.

Employers Wellness Programs Workplace programs promoting diabetes health and awareness.

Mobile Health Clinics offering diabetes care in accessible formats.

Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Health services and programs for diabetes patients.

Summer 2024

• Finalize Priorities

• Select EBI’s

• Launch Programming Fall 2024

• Continue Programming

• Continue Outreach

• EOY Report

A Year In Review

Significant Milestones & Activities



TaWanna Archia assumes program manager role, Healthy Forsyth. Focused on relationship building, training, outreach. Launched training and outreach events. Met with Executive Council members. Approved logo/branding. Collaborated with Assistant Health Department Director, Sherita Sutton, consulted with Healthy People Healthy Carolinas (HPHC) for approval by The Duke Endowment.

May 2023

Collaborated with Goodwill for community outreach. Completed Mental Health First Aid, Salesforce Training. Established recurring meeting schedule with HPHC Coach. Held first Executive Committee meeting.

June 2023

Continued collaboration with Goodwill for outreach. Participated in Duke Endowment advocacy and policy training. Hosted first Coalition Retreat. Set the meetings.

July 2023

Engaged in outreach with Forsyth County partners. Served on interview panel for Public Health. Participated in health fair.

August 2023

Joined FAHC board. Continued EDI training, quarterly HPHC calls. Recorded informational video, attended health meeting.

September 2023

Continued FAHC board meetings, capacity building. Consulted with SMSi Healthy Living Solutions and Urban Call Publications. Attended Bi-State Meeting at The Duke Endowment.

October 2023

Attended Suicide Prevention training, FAHC meetings. Continued outreach, participated in Year of Belong Retreat. Distributed flyers.

November 2023

Hosted six community conversations. Served on Justice Involve Conference planning committee. Conducted radio interview, featured in publications.

December 2023

Analyzed community conversation data. Continued coalition building. Participated in planning 2024 meetings.

digital copies of Urban Call, visit Issuu.com/SMSiUrbanCallMarketing.Com.


¿Cómo podemos asociarnos con usted para mejorar la atención médica y eliminar las barreras sobre estos cuidados en su comunidad? Si tu vives en los códigos postales 27101, 27105 y 27107 queremos escucharte a TI.

Our services: Nuestros servicios

Recursos de Salud Mental Recursos para la Presión Alta Recursos y Educación sobre la Diabetes

Para más informacion contactar a:

TaWanna Archia archiatl@forsyth.cc 336-703-3389

Forsyth County Government

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