October 2018 CrossTie

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Cross ie


VOL 2 | ISSUE 10 | OCTOBER 2018

My Home My World 5th Annual World Mission Offering Matthew 28.19-20; Acts 1.8

October 24 • 5-7 pm • Free Admission

Come for this free and fun event on Wednesday, October 24, 2018! from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Dinner Tickets $5 for Adults, $3 for Children, $15 Family maximum

Wear your costume for Fall fun!

5901 Hugh Howell Rd Stone Mountain, GA 30087




B e c k y C a s w e l l - S p ei gh t Minister to Families with Children rspeight@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0546


From the Pastor











Jeremy Colliver Minister of Communications, Missions and Youth jcolliver@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0551 Kat hy D obbi n s Minister of Spiritual Formation kdobbins@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0548 Chris G e o r ge Senior Pastor cgeorge@smokerisebaptist.org 770.469.5856 Bart McNiel Associate Pastor bmcniel@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0540 Danny Va n c i l Minister of Music & Worship dvancil@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0560

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1 0 Family Ministry 11


1 2 Connecting 1 3 Community Ministries 1 4 Monthly Snapshot

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Smoke Rise





We have a unique approach to missions. We do not plan scattered trips around the globe, but choose rather to engage in intentional partnerships and to develop long-term relationships. We do not dictate our terms to missionary partners, but rather begin the conversation saying, “What are your needs?” On Wednesday, October 24, come to the Smoke Rise Baptist Church ballfield for a night of outdoor fun for all ages! Eat dinner and listen to the band. Come and play the many free games and activities. Remember to wear your costumes and visit the animals at the petting zoo! We’ll end the evening with a costume parade and drawings for fun Octoberfest prizes. This will be a great way to share God’s love with our neighbors.



Come be a part of the buzz on October 19 when it will be Parkview vs. Brookwood. This is the National Rivalry Game of the Week. College scouts will be there. TV stations will have their trucks there, and Smoke Rise Baptist Church will be there.

A B O UT S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do.


FR O M T H E PASTO R CH RIS G E ORGE - Senior Pastor

Missions lie at the heart of our congregational DNA. When someone joins our church, he or she commits “to serve” others and missions is one of the ways that we encourage and facilitate serving others and sharing God’s love in our community, our country and around the world. Baptists have a long and rich history of supporting missionary endeavors. Proud of this heritage, Smoke Rise continues to commit 9.5 percent of our budget receipts to these efforts and endeavors, which totals about $200,000 annually. We have a unique approach to missions. We do not plan scattered trips around the globe, but choose rather to engage in intentional partnerships and to develop long-term relationships. We do not dictate our terms to missionary partners, but rather begin the conversation saying, “What are your needs?” and “How can we help?” Or, to use a metaphor, we serve together, but allow our missionary partners to “lead the dance.” Each year, hundreds of Smoke Rise missionaries serve thousands of people in settings from New York City to Honduras, from Kentucky to Tijuana, across the street at the Co-op, around the corner in Clarkston, and on the other side of the globe in Uganda. Smoke Rise missions touches and transforms lives, ministering to the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of people. We seek to fulfill God’s calling in the Great Commandment to love God and love our neighbor as well as the Great Commission to go into all the world to preach the gospel. Missions is an intergenerational endeavor. Adults and children often serve together. Those who are unable to participate physically may give financial resources and pledge to support missions with their prayers. Everyone at Smoke Rise can be involved in missions. On October 14, we will celebrate Missions Sunday at Smoke Rise. This year, our theme is “My Home, My World” recognizing that missions is not something that starts on the other side of the world, but rather takes shape and form in conversations across the table. The "mission field" is not only “there,” but also “here.” As you prepare for this wonderful celebration Sunday, I ask you to prayerfully consider your part in Smoke Rise Missions. Commit to pray faithfully. Consider volunteering to meet needs in our community. Renew your personal commitment to missions by pledging to our 5th Annual World Mission Offering. Jesus said, “The fields are ripe for harvest, but the laborers are few….” Smoke Rise, let us recommit ourselves to the God of the harvest and walk back into the fertile fields so that hearts can be touched and lives can be changed by God’s love.



WOR S H IP I N G AT S M OK E R I SE DA NNY VA NC IL - Minister of Music

Contemplative Worship Experience prayers • silence • acoustic music • scripture readings • singing Sunday, October 7 • 7:00PM • Chapel

The Taizé community is an ecumenical monastic order with a strong devotion to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. The 100-strong community of Roman Catholic and Protestant monks is drawn from 30 countries across the hy weworld. do what we do What I love about worship It was founded in 1940 by Roger Louis Schutz-Marsauche (known as "Brother Roger"). The 90-year-old monk died in August 2005 after being stabbed during a prayer service. Today, Taizé is one of the world's most important sites of Christian pilgrimage. Each year, tens of thousands of young pilgrims flock to the small village of Taizé in central France to share in the community's way of life. Prayer and silence are at the heart of the Taizé experience. Young people from every corner of the globe are encouraged to live out the Christian gospel in a spirit of joy, simplicity and reconciliation. Ecumenism (a movement promoting Christian unity among varied churches) is the key to Taizé's appeal, making it a magnet for people of many different cultures and traditions. Why I Love Worship at Smoke Rise I love the intentionality of worship at Smoke Rise. Each element of the service is carefully planned to be consistent with the theme of that particular Sunday. That theme is the Scripture passage of that day which is NOT a random selection -- but is dictated by the Revised Common Lectionary -- a list of scriptures rotating on a three-year cycle. So, from prelude, to hymns, to readings, to choral anthems, to sermon -- all revolve around that scripture. As we observe the “seasons” (and the colors) of the church year -- beginning each year with Advent, I love the rhythm it gives our worship. There is also something very powerful for me in knowing that our church is worshiping in concert with many other churches across Christendom who are observing the same practices. It is a reminder of our brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe. Christmas Concert in the Chapel Even the fact that, in our church, worship leaders wear robes is not without purpose. While lending dignity and reverence to the service, the robes are also a “hiding of the self,” indicating that worship leaders are acting not for themselves, but for the Sunday, 16 One whom they represent during thatDecember hour. 2:00PM • 4:00PM • 6:00PM • 8:00PM Of course, this kind of planning does not happen in just the week prior to the service. It requires months of advance preparation and coordination from our pastor and staff ministers. I am grateful that worship is of the highest priority at Tickets at no charge will be required. Tickets will be available Smoke Rise. starting Wednesday, October 24. Clarissa Strickland is a member the Sanctuary Choir and Discovery She retired from the Cooperative Beof looking for more information soonSunday on thisSchool specialClass. event. Baptist Fellowship after 23 years of service in various capacities.

What Sweeter Music


GROW IN G AT S M O K E R I SE K ATHY D OBBIN S - Minister of Spiritual Formation Sharing Our Stories We are all on a journey of life and faith. Sharing our stories is an important part of Christian community. This study continues in October: October 3 - Sharing what God has been doing in the last five weeks, five months and five years of your life. October 17 - Sharing the Stories of our Family; Led by Rebecca CaswellSpeight. Mission in Clarkston The Family Heritage Foundation is a Christian Ministry focused on serving refugee families and at-risk children in Clarkston, Georgia. FHF offers after-school programs, summer camp, adult computer classes and a youth development program. Executive Director Bennett Ekandem will share stories from this mission. October 10

Ladies' Holiday Event This year’s celebration will feature painter, sculptor, author and public speaker, Kathy Andrews Fincher. Kathy is considered one of today’s leading inspirational artists. Her most recent work, “The Dream Keepers 911 Memorial” is located in her hometown of Duluth and is based on her painting of the same name that hung in the Oval Office

Trivia Night It’s Trick or Treat at Smoke Rise as we test our trivia knowledge. There will be candy! October 31

at The White House during the Bush administration. November 13, 2018; 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Fantastic! Fantastic! The reviews reviews are are in in and and Broadway Broadway night night was was aa smashing smashing The hit on Sept. 25th! It was a full house for dinner and show. hit on Sept. 25th! It was a full house for dinner and show.


Tickets are $20.00 and will go on sale beginning October 14. If you would like to host and decorate a table, contact MaryLynn Manley at 770925-7509.

S ERVIN G ON M I S SI ON HOI As a part of the Annual World Mission Offering 2018-2019, Smoke Rise is supporting HOI’s One Egg initiative in Honduras. Our goal: BUY 400 CHICKENS! At $13 each, almost everyone can participate. In fact, you can buy a chicken(s) and name it for a staff member. Whoever has the most chickens named for him/her, gets to wear a chicken costume to church on Wednesday night, November 7th. Mission Sunday is October 14, but you can purchase your chickens NOW. Make your checks payable to SRBC and write the staff member’s name in the memo line. Place your check in one of the envelopes available in your SS class, the Missions Office, or the Main Office to record your gift and vote. The following staff members are eligible: Bart, Becky, Chris, Danny, Jeremy or Kathy. Use our regular giving channels to give. If you give online, please notify the Missions Office. Friends of Refugees Through the Embrace program, Friends of Refugees (out of Clarkston) empowers mothers to have a healthy, informed pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. Many refugee mothers need translators to help navigate the many steps throughout the birth process. Translators serve women through childbirth as birth coaches, and share the same language. As trusted partners throughout the incredible journey to give birth, refugee women are given the care, love and support that will help insure a healthy mother and child.

Edgewood Church Under the leadership of Nathan and Carrie Dean, co-pastors, Edgewood Church is expanding into the old Memorial Drive shelter adjacent to the worship center. The quest for funding for this Ministry Center project has begun and $2000 is needed for seed money for this $150,000 project. The project will include an apartment for a staff minister to the community, space for a demonstration cooking school, educational space for Bible studies, and community meetings.

Youth Tutoring Program Family Heritage Foundation’s Youth Tutoring Program is an effort to stem the tide of drugs and sex trafficking in the refugee community among children K-8th grades. Bennett Ekandem, executive director, has swelled with compassion for these children and their families, many of whom would not have survived the war and savagery of their countries of origin. Our goal of $3000 will provide one tutor for 85 school days. But, through matching grants, our $3000 is doubled to $6000! 7 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

NetWorks NetWorks, one of our food co-op partners, needs an outdoor freezer/ cooler to store food donations from local grocery stores and other suppliers. NetWorks is actively involved in the distribution of food assets to their families in need and is constantly tweaking the process to serve the community. In addition to food and assistance, NetWorks helps families retain their self-respect by providing goods at a lower price, as in their back-to-school supplies program. In addition, NetWorks seeks to guide families to make good financial decisions. Tijuana SRBC has partnered with Centro Shalom, in Tijuana, Mexico, for the last 18 years. Many will remember that in 2011 we gave the ministry a large gift to purchase property for a new sanctuary, which is still in the planning stages. Most recently, Pastor Salvador (Chava) Suazo, and his wife Megan, have moved into lodging next to the church. Centro Shalom would like to purchase this property (now being rented) for its pastorium. The vision of Centro Shalom is to continue to influence people for Christ, especially the children. The ministry is multifaceted and attempts to provide for the spiritual and physical well-being of the people. With the help of Smoke Rise and many other churches, many lives and living conditions have been changed. Our goal is to give $5000 toward the purchase of this property to be used as a residence for the pastor and his family.

CA RIN G AT S M O KE R I SE Welcome New Members

Support Group Meetings 2018-2019 Schedule

Monday Morning Grief Support Group Facilitator: Bart McNiel, Room 220 9:30 am-10:30 am

Millie Jenkins Joined September 2

2018 October 1 November 5 December 3

2019 January 7 February 4 March 4 April 8 May 6

Wednesday Evening Grief Support Group Facilitator: Adam Arnold, Room 220 6:00 pm-7:00 pm 2018 October 17 *Special Presentation: November 14 Coping with Grief through the Holidays December 12 Carran Kattman Joined September 16

Thursday Afternoon Caregiver Support Group* Facilitator: Suzette Binford, Room 223 2:00 pm-3:00 pm 2018 October 4 & 18 November 1 & 15 December 6 & 20

Contact Rev. Bart McNiel to volunteer to serve on a TouchPoint team.

2019 January 23 February 27 March 27 April 24 May 22

2019 January 3 & 17 February 7 & 21 March 7 & 21 April 4 & 18 May 2 & 16

*This group is for family member caregivers of people with Alzheimer's and all other types of dementia. If you have any questions about these support groups, please contact the church office or speak with our associate pastor, Rev. Bart McNiel.


GENEROS I T Y The Smoke Rise Legacy Society is composed of faithful stewards who are united by a shared commitment to designate the Smoke Rise Baptist Church Endowment as a named beneficiary of a will, trust, life insurance policy, stock holding or other investment account. On Sunday, November 4, 2018, All Saints Sunday, Smoke Rise Legacy Society and the Endowment trustees will host our annual luncheon to express appreciation to our donors, to enable potential donors learn about ministry enabled by the Legacy Society Gifts, and to celebrate God’s good work at Smoke Rise Baptist Church through our Endowment Fund. If you are interested in joining the Legacy Society, please make reservations to join us at the Legacy Society Luncheon in Stone Mountain Park at Stone Mountain Inn on November 4, immediately following Morning Worship. Membership in the Legacy Society is not based on the size of the gift or estate, but on notice of your commitment to leave a legacy gift to the church beyond your lifetime. If you have any questions about Legacy Society or Endowment Fund, please contact the church office to make an appointment with the pastor, associate pastor or an Endowment trustee.

As we reach the midpoint of our fiscal year of giving, we are pleased to report that, through the end of August, giving increased about $32,000 compared to last August, and expenses decreased about $52,000, resulting in a significant improvement in the ratio of expenses-to-offerings for fiscal 2018. Through the end of August, we had expenses of $881,527.79, which is more than $52,000.00 less than last year at the same time. Expenses have exceeded offerings by 1.2% in the amount of ($10,743.70), which is over eight times less than our shortfall from last year (10.2%) and over five times less than our mid-year shortfall in fiscal 2016 (6.3%). As the last quarter of the calendar year approaches, we are grateful for the regular and faithful giving of our members. Please continue to give generously as we seek to fund the work of our church through the remainder of our fiscal year.

MONTH OF AUGUST Amount Given $171,772.54

Amount Spent $155,087.79

Positive Balance $16,684.75

REFRESH REPORT Pledged $1,346,104.00

Received Current Balance $1,019,082.76 $249,396.51


Amount Given $870,784.09

Amount Spent $881,527.79

Negative Balance ($10,743.70)

NEXT PROJECT Office Renovation


FA M ILY M I N I ST RY AT SM OK E R I SE Spotlight on Intergenerational Friendships Scotty Newcomb-Thompson and I have had such a precious relationship his whole 6 years of life. I started "talking" to him while he was still in his mommy's tummy. I told him then that we were going to be best friends, and that has been proven true. Scotty has celebrated Thanksgiving with me, had sleepover naps on my couch, and has greeted me with hugs every time we see each other! We have had play dates at the pool, at church, and on the basketball court. If Scotty is having a rough day, he knows he can come hang out with "his Mrs Kim" no matter what I am doing. We both always feel better after spending time together. Whenever I need help cleaning up a mess, Scotty is always there to help me, even after everyone else has left. Recently, Scotty found himself in need of a grandparent for Grandparents Day. Scotty knew that a grandparent loved unconditionally. He knew that I love him unconditionally. And he asked me to be his grandparent for the day, and I of course accepted that honor immediately. Scotty is such a blessing in my life, and I am so lucky to call him my friend! He is the perfect example of what a loyal lifetime friend should be!! Kim Catoggio



Worship Help

We have added a new option to the worship cart. There is now a new page that connects to the sermon and is to be used as the sermon is given. Be sure to stop by and pick up the sermon sheet to enhance your child’s worship experience.

YOU TH AT S M O KE R I SE J E R E M Y C OLLI V ER - Minister of Communications, Missions, and Youth Rest What would you do with an extra six hours in your day? Would you catch up on all those TV shows you want to watch? Would you finish the book you’ve been working on for the past three months? Would you sleep in without setting an alarm? Now, what if you had only 20 hours in your day, four less than you have right now? How many of you gasped and your heart fluttered getting anxious just thinking about it? Most of our days are booked solid, and when we have the chance to add six extra hours, we don’t leave them open, we cram more stuff in them. We can’t imagine what we would remove from our schedules, even though at one point, the things on our schedules weren’t there. If you think it would get any better if you could go back to your younger days, think again. Our students agendas are jam-packed with many of our high schoolers waking up at 5:15 am and not going to bed until after midnight. We’re all REALLY busy. That’s why we need to rest. Press down on that pedal to the left and stop. Rest. Breathe. There’s a biblical word for it…sabbath. Sabbath is a gift that we are given. There are two parts of this gift: worship and self-care. When we stop, we too can see the world around us and see that it is good. We aren't blinded by our schedules, but we can be witnesses to the world around us. On the 7th day, God rested after seeing the creation was good. We need to stop and admire the world around us and sing out, “It is good!” We do it through song, prayer and lifting our spirits high. This is sabbath. This is rest.



Game Day at Brookwood School colors are worn all day. You can hear the band warming up, getting ready to march. The lights are on at the stadium. There is a buzz in the air. It’s Friday night ,which means it’s football night for high schools across the state of Georgia. Friday, October 19th will have even a larger buzz around it. Brookwood and Parkview are playing and it is the National Rivalry Game of the Week. College scouts will be there. TV stations will have their trucks there, and Smoke Rise Baptist Church will be there.

October 19th is Game Day at Brookwood.

Vs Jeremy will have time to be with the team during Brookwood’s pregame meal. Church members will be stationed at tents telling the stories of Smoke Rise as football fans enter the stadium. Throughout the game, the Smoke Rise logo will come up on the scoreboard and a message for the community will be read. After the game, Smoke Rise Youth will host a 5th Quarter filled with food, a DJ playing music, tailgate games and inflatables. It will be a great night for football, and an even better night for Smoke Rise Baptist Church.

CONNE C T I N G AT SM OK E R I SE Taking Time to Share a Story Smoke Rise Baptist Weekday School has been in session for a little over a month now and one of our favorite weekly activities is story time. On Thursday mornings, we have been blessed to have volunteers come share a story or two with our children, ages twoyears-old to kindergarten. It’s amazing to see them staring in wonderment with great Nell Thomas, Smoke Rise Baptist church member anticipation of what the reader will share. shares in story time with our two-year-old class. Studies have shown that introducing a child to the love of reading increases better verbal communication and letter recognition which increases reading and writing skills in the classroom. In addition, reading to a child helps him or her build a greater sense of imagination and grasp an even better understanding about the world around them. If you are looking to share your time and your love of books, come, share a story with us! Octoberfest On Wednesday, October 24, come to the Smoke Rise Baptist Church ballfield for a night of outdoor fun for all ages! Eat dinner and listen to the band. Come and play the many free games and activities. Remember to wear your costumes and visit the animals at the petting zoo! We’ll end the evening with a costume parade and drawings for fun Octoberfest prizes. This will be a great way to share God’s love with our neighbors. But first, they need to know about it, and that is where we need your help! So be sure to bring yourself, your friends and your whole family on October 24th at 5pm. It will be so much fun that nobody is going to want to miss out! Meal tickets are now on sale in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday evenings and near the Narthex and office on Sunday morning: $3 for child plates, $5 for adult plates, $15 max family cost. Dinner Menu: BBQ, hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw, chips, salad and dessert.




GRANDPARENTS' DAY New Arrivals in the Smoke Rise Library! Our library is ready for visitors as church fall activities resume! New books have been processed and are ready for readers! New children’s books: Wolf in the Snow; Go Photo!; Grand Canyon; Hello, Universe; Three Hens and a Peacock; Islandborn; Same Kind of Different as me for Kids; Hidden Figures: the True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race; When God Made Light; I Am Malala; Ellie, Engineer; Not So Different; Malala’s Magic Pencil; She Persisted Around the World; We’re All Wonders; God Made the World; George and Martha; Miss Nelson is Missing! The Plans I Have for You; Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History; The Tree in the Courtyard: Looking Through Anne Frank’s Window; The Topsy-Turvy Kingdom; and Shark Lady: Eugenie Clark.

Fall classes start August 13!

Now Offering Summer Classes – May 29-August 3 MUSIC THEATRE Musikgarten (ages 1-5) DRAMA May 7,(ages 6-9) Music Makers atBegins the Keyboard Twinkler Violin (ages 4-5) no audition to join. Individual (all ages) piano, Teen music show,instruction Aug. 24-26 organ, voice, violin, flute, drums and guitar

Kids show, Sept. 14-16

ART ARTS CAMP Visual Arts (all school July ages)9-13, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ages 5-12) Oil Painting (adults)

Act One Drama (ages 4-5) Weekly classes: FallDANCE Drama (grades 1-12) Musical Pre-School productions in February and March (ages 3-5), Adult Jazz / Tap. Dance Camps

(ages 5-13), 2-hour sessions 3 times a DANCE week, June 11, 13, 15 / July 23, 25, 27

Pre-ballet / Tap (ages 2-4) Mommy & Me Creative Movement (18-36 months) Julyhip16-19 / July(ages 23-26; Tap,MUSIC ballet, jazz, hop, lyrical 5 and up) (ages TapMUSIKGARTEN for adults (ages 15 and 1-5): up)

New books for adults: Hey, You Bum! by our own Mike Jones; Faith: A Journey for All by Jimmy Carter; Through My Eyes : A Lifetime of Memories—Southern Style by Carolyne Taylor Wynne, a former member of our congregation. Her book was recently reviewed in the Tucker Times. Soon to be processed: Hillbilly Elegy; The Greatest Stories Never Told: 100 Tales from History to Astonish, Bewilder, and Stupefy. The library is open every Wednesday evening before and during dinner, and until 7:00 PM. It is also open on Sunday mornings before and during Sunday School until 11:00 AM. It’s self-service, so just follow the directions posted on the circulation desk to check out a book or DVD. New shelf labels have been posted to make browsing easier. Drop in anytime the library is open and see what it has to offer!

Week of fun and arts exploration: Twist And Turn Family Music for CLASS DETAILS AND REGISTRATION: Orffwww.smokerisebaptist.org/arts instruments, Nature’s Music, pre-school|child and parent; 678-533-0562 drum circles, ukulele, dulcimers, Music Makers at the Keyboard dance, stage, art, explore the (ages 6-9); Individual 13 music | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG pipe organ, and more! lessons available all summer





Sunday 9:00 am - Worship in the Chapel 9:45 am - Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am - Worship in the Sanctuary 4:00 pm - Liturgical Dance 5:00 pm - Youth Choir 5:45 pm - Youth Dinner 6:00 pm - Youth Vespers Monday 9:45 am - Women's Monday Morning Bible Study Wednesday 4:45 pm - Dinner in the Fellowship Hall 6:00 pm - Journeys, Children's Activities, Youth in the basement 7:00 pm - Sanctuary Choir

1-5 Men's Appalachia Trip 1 - Grief Support Group 3 - Journeys: Sharing Our Stories 7 - World Communion Sunday 7-12 Ladies Appalachia Trip 10 - Journey: Sharing Our Stories 14 - Missions Sunday 17 - Grief Support Group 17 - Journeys: Sharing Our Stories 20-21 - Women's Fall Retreat 24 - Octoberfest


Basket stuffing will take place on Sunday evening November 18th following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which begins at 6:00. Food is now being collected and can be placed in one of the bins located around the church.

Bas 18th begi plac

1 large can sweet potatoes 5 cans vegetables 1 can fruit 1 can cranberry jelly 2 cans or packets gravy (NO JARS) 1 box stuffing 2 boxes mac and cheese 1 package cookies 2 cans or 2 packets potatoes (NO BOXES) 1 package holiday luncheon napkins

1 la 5 ca 1 ca 1 ca 2 ca 1 bo 2 bo 1 pa 2 ca 1 pa

$10 - $15 Gift Card for meat (Please bring cards to the church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.)

$10 chu

Second Annual Legacy Society Luncheon Sunday, November 4 Stone Mountain Inn at Stone Mountain Park 12:30-2:30pm Hosted by the Trustees of the Smoke Rise Endowment Fund

November 4, 2018

All Legacy Society Members and any church members interested in learning how to leave a legacy gift or bequest to our church are invited to attend this special luncheon. Please RSVP to Merrilee Brock in the church office before Friday, October 26.

Dr. Truett Gannon, Pastor Emeritus Preaching November 18, 2018 at the 11:00 am service "I Am Still Thankful For..." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

October 24 • 5-7 pm • Free Admission

Come for this free and fun event on Wednesday, October 24, 2018! from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Dinner Tickets $5 for Adults, $3 for Children, $15 Family maximum

Wear your costume for Fall fun!

5901 Hugh Howell Rd Stone Mountain, GA 30087

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