November 2018 CrossTie

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Cross ie


VOL 2 | ISSUE 11 | NOVEMBER 2018

Charlie Austin X Penny Burton X Burma Camp Evelyn Carter X Charlie Coe X Cookie Culbertson X David Fite Mari Jo Ford X Carl Hart X Ed Marlow X Ann Mench Jerri Pike X Harry Shepherd X Chuck Tankersley Shirley Tuck X Jean Upchurch X Gloria White X Elaine Williams List current as of October 29, 2018

I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors. Revelation 14:13

Ladies' Holiday Event This year’s celebration will feature painter, sculptor, author and public speaker, Kathy Andrews Fincher. Kathy is considered one of today’s leading inspirational artists. Her most recent work, “The Dream Keepers 911 Memorial” is located in her hometown of Duluth and is based on her painting of the same name that hung in the Oval Office at The White House during the Bush administration.

November 13, 2018; 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Tickets are $20.00 and will go on sale beginning October 14. If you would like to host and decorate a table, contact MaryLynn Manley at 770-925-7509.

Basket stuffing will take place on Sunday evening November 18th following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which begins at 6:00. Food is now being collected and can be placed in one of the bins located around the church.

Basket stuffing will take place on Sunday evening November 18th following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which begins at 6:00. Food is now being collected and can be placed in one of the bins located around the church.

1 large can sweet potatoes 5 cans vegetables 1 can fruit 1 can cranberry jelly 2 cans or packets gravy (NO JARS) 1 box stuffing 2 boxes mac and cheese Basket stuffing will take place on Sunday evening November 1 package cookies 18th following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which at 6:00. Food is now being collected and can be 2 cans or begins 2 packets potatoes (NO BOXES) placed in one of the bins located around the church. 1 package holiday luncheon napkins

Basket stuffing will take place on Sunday evening, November 18th, following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which begins at 6:00 pm. Food is now being 1 large can sweet potatoes 1 large can sweet potatoes collected and can be placed in one of the $10 $15 Gift Card for meat (Please bring cards to the 5 cans vegetables 5 cans vegetables bins around the church. church office 1 canlocated fruit 1 canand fruit deposit in the Thanksgiving box.) 1 can cranberry jelly

1 can cranberry jelly

2 cans or packets gravy (NO JARS) 1 box stuffing

2 cans or packets gravy (NO JARS) 1 box stuffing




B e c k y C a s w e l l - S p ei gh t Minister to Families with Children 678.533.0546


From the Pastor











Jeremy Colliver Minister of Communications, Missions and Youth 678.533.0551 Kat hy D obbi n s Minister of Spiritual Formation 678.533.0548 Chris G e o r ge Senior Pastor 770.469.5856 Bart McNiel Associate Pastor 678.533.0540 Danny Va n c i l Minister of Music & Worship 678.533.0560 smokerise

1 0 Family Ministry 11


1 2 Connecting 1 3 Community Ministries SmokeRiseBC

Smoke Rise





We are the legacy of these Smoke Rise saints. We complete their songs. In Hebrews, the writer says, "Since, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses... let us run with perseverance the race set before us."

The Sanctuary Choir will be presenting a Christmas concert, What Sweeter Music, on December 16 in the chapel. Chosen as this year's venue in celebration of its recent renovation, this lovely, intimate space with its superb musical acoustics promises to be the perfect setting for this special concert.

1 4 Monthly Snapshot



Have you ever noticed that young people often seem as not having a voice? Though we help children grow, their ideas are not always taken into account. However, the people at Smoke Rise accept all ages.

A B O UT S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do.


FR O M T H E PASTO R CH RIS G E ORGE - Senior Pastor

On the first Sunday of November at Smoke Rise, we remember those who have passed from this world into God’s presence. All Saints Sunday is more than merely reading a long list of names. It is an exercise in remembering their stories. Charlie Austin, Penny Burton, Burma Camp, Evelyn Carter, Charlie Coe, Cookie Culbertson, David Fite, Mary Jo Ford, Carl Hart, Ed Marlow, Ann Mench, Jerri Pike, Harry Shepherd, Chuck Tankersley, Shirley Tuck, Jean Upchurch, Gloria White and Elaine Williams. In 2018, we have lost some of the pillars of our church community. It is right to feel sorrow and shed a tear. Jesus wept at the tomb of his friend, Lazarus. Grieving is actually a godly practice. And yet, we do not look at death “as those without hope.” Death is real; but death is not eternal. Love is. And so, even in the midst of our grief, we can also feel gratitude for those who have gone before us. Giacomo Puccini was an Italian composer whose operas are considered to be some of the greatest musical works of art in all of Western Civilization. In 1922, while he was working on an opera called Turandot, Puccini was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He fought the disease with all of his strength, but soon recognized he would lose this battle. So, Puccini requested a meeting with all of his students. He expressed to them his appreciation and asked them for a promise, “If I don’t finish Turandot, I want you to finish it for me.” Soon after this conversation, Puccini passed away, leaving an unfinished work in the hands of his students. These students had loved their teacher. They took his request seriously. They studied the opera carefully in great detail. They worked diligently to complete it. In 1926, four years after Puccini’s death, Turandot premiered in Milan. Arturo Toscanini, Puccini’s favorite student, was assigned the task of directing the performance. The entire house was filled with people eager to hear the last work of this musical genius. People anticipated the first note, then attentively listened, treasuring each melody and each moment. Everything was beautiful until they reached the point in the piece where Puccini had been forced to put down his pen. Toscanini stopped the music. With tears running down his face, he turned to the audience and cried out, “Thus far the Master wrote, and he died.” Silence filled with opera house. Soft sobs were heard throughout the audience. Then, Toscanini, through his tears, exclaimed, “But his grateful students have finished the work he started.” He turned and the music began again. We are the legacy of these Smoke Rise saints. We complete their songs. In Hebrews, the writer says, “Since, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses…let us run with perseverance the race set before us.” Friends, let’s run together with gratitude and may love be our legacy.


DV Pic

WOR S H IP I N G AT S M OK E R I SE DA NNY VA NC IL - Minister of Music

What What Sweeter Sweeter Music Music

TheSanctuary SanctuaryChoir Choir be presenting a Christmas concert, Sweeter on December 16chapel. in the Chosen chapel. as Chosen The willwill be presenting a Christmas concert, WhatWhat Sweeter Music,Music, on December 16 in the this year’s as this year’s venue in celebration of its recent renovations, this lovely, intimate space with its superb musical acoustics venue in celebration of its recent renovations, this lovely, intimate space with its superb musical acoustics promises to the perfect promises perfect setting for limited this special concert. With limited portions of four the choir will present each of 4:00 fourPM, setting for to thisthe special concert. With seating, portions of the choirseating, will present each of performances at 2:00 PM, performances at 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. While there is no charge for admission, tickets will be required. 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. While there is no charge for admission, tickets will be required. They may be obtained from the church music They may be obtained from the church on Sundays andfrom Wednesdays the upper breezeways from office, on Sundays and Wednesdays in themusic upper office, and lower breezeways MaryLynninManley, or atand thelower Welcome Center reception MaryLynn Manley, or at the Welcome Center reception desk. Tickets will be limited to four per person. Childcare will be desk. Tickets will be limited to four per person. Childcare will be provided at the 4:00 and 6:00 PM performances only. Plan to be a provided at the 4:00 and 6:00 PM performances only. Plan to be a part of this unique celebration of the season. For more part of this unique celebration of the season. For more information, call the church music office at 770-469-5856. information, call the church music office at 770-469-5856.


GROW IN G AT S M O K E R I SE K ATHY D OBBIN S - Minister of Spiritual Formation Discovery and Growing as a Sunday School Model Harrison Litzell, one of our ministry interns, recently took on the assignment of interviewing the Discovery Sunday School class for this CrossTie profile. The Discovery class is not a class attached to a certain name. They have, after all, been together as the “Journey” class, the “Pathfinders” class, and now the “Discovery” class. They are also not bound to one teacher. They were together with Bob Browning, and joined by Colin Harris and his class in 2012, and now they are co-taught by Dr. Harris and Joel Gilbert. This class is also not centered around a particularly held belief or doctrine, other than the holy idea of growth. This class finds joy in asking questions, living in curiosity and discovering together. This community of people grows together in the idea that a maturing faith changes. Sometimes, previously held beliefs restrict new understandings and better adherence to the way of Jesus. To follow where Jesus is leading, the class believes that no questions are out of bounds, and that new points of view or critical study can lead to enriching insights. The class’ exploration can be summed up in the ever-leading ideas that, “God is much bigger than our concepts of God. Jesus is more inclusive than exclusive. The church is more a community of people than a religious institution. And hope for the future is based on God’s promises to be with us, rather than any particular circumstances.” We look to this class as one of our many models of what it means to grow together through all of life’s circumstances. For the Discovery Class and their perseverance in the journey of life and faith, thanks be to God.

November 25, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Childcare 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Hosts: Graham and Lynne Felton 1853 Chedworth Lane, Stone Mountain Connections is a once-a-month gathering for individuals and couples in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Light snacks and drinks provided. Childcare is provided at the church. Parents can drop off children at the preschool area beginning at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP for children by the previous Wednesday through the church office, 770.469.5856 or 6 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

Advent 2018

Advent Devotional Guides The Season of Advent begins Sunday, December 2, and continues through December 24. This year we are using the Lectionary scripture texts to guide us devotionally. There are four scriptures featured each week: One from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a New Testament Epistle, and a Gospel reading. The ministry staff have each taken a week of these readings and written a devotional guide for each day of that week. We pray that these four weeks of Advent will bring us deeper into the mystery of Christ and closer in community with each other. The printed guides will be available to pick up beginning November 18 in the upper and lower breezeways. You can also receive the daily reading through our SRBC Facebook posts. To receive the posts, go to the Smoke Rise Baptist Church page and click “like” at the top.

S ERVIN G ON M I S SI ON Response to Hurricane Michael Hurricane Michael made landfall as a Category Four hurricane with sustained winds of 155 mph. By the time it was in Southwest Georgia, Hurricane Michael was still a Category One hurricane. The Missions Team has been in touch with a number of relief agencies, churches and authorities in the area hit hardest. At this stage in relief efforts, it seems best to provide resources, rather than workers, to local agencies.

The Missions Team has sent $1,100 from the Smoke Rise Disaster Relief account and Atlanta Metro Baptist Association to FBC Donaldsonville. Sunday school classes have sent water and are adopting families in hurricane hit areas to help with their needs. If you would like to financially give to this effort, make your check payable to Smoke Rise Baptist, and mark it "Hurricane Michael Relief ". If you would like to adopt a family, call the church office and we will put you in touch with the Sunday school classes that are doing the same. Thank you for your heartfelt compassion and willingness to help. As relief efforts progress and the rebuilding begins, we will measure our ability to respond with help in other ways. Please join us in continuing prayers for the many who will be attempting to rebuild their homes and lives.

World Mission Offering 400 chickens = $5,200! Our first goal has been met on the way to meeting the 5th Annual World Mission Offering goal of $40,000. By purchasing 400 chickens, Smoke Rise Baptist Church has provided the chickens needed for the One Egg project by HOI in Honduras to begin. "The goal of the First 1,000 Days program from OneEgg is to provide eggs to families, and educate pregnant women to consume and feed their young children at least one egg a day in order to provide constant access to protein and balanced meals, often missing in their diets." says Erin Rock. Remember still to give to the 5th Annual World Mission Offering so we can meet our goal of $40,000 and completely fund our remaining projects here at home and in our world. Our other projects include: Tijuana Pastor’s home purchase fund, NetWorks’ refrigerator/ freezer fund, Edgewood Church building renovation fund, Friends of Refugees Embrace Program, and Family Heritage Foundation’s Youth Tutoring Program. The total of these programs is $27,200 and the remaining $12,800 will be used as needed for projects throughout the year.

Thanksgiving Baskets

BasketNovember stuffing will take 18th place onat Sunday On 6:00evening pm,November the 18 following the Annual Thanksgiving Banquet which Smoke Rise Church family begins at 6:00. FoodBaptist is now being collected and can be placed in one of the bins located around the church. will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a wonderful meal to celebrate all 1 large canhave sweetbeen potatoes that we thankful for this 5 cans vegetables past year and to share our hopes and 1 can fruit dreams for the 1 can cranberry jelly coming year. With 2 cans or packets gravy (NO JARS) our bellies full, we will move into 1 box stuffing the gym help fill baskets of food 2 boxes macto and cheese 1 package cookies for those whose bellies won't be full 2 cans or 2 packets potatoes (NO BOXES) without a food basket. 1 package holiday luncheon napkins th

$10 - $15 Gift Card for meat (Please bring cards to the Our goal is to fill 150 baskets that will church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.) go to families in the Stone Mountain, Tucker and Lilburn areas. Please help us meet our goal by bringing in the following items and placing them in the bins located around the church:

• 1 large can of sweet potatoes • 5 cans of vegetables • 1 can of fruit • 1 can of cranberry jelly • 2 cans or packets of gravy

(no jars)

• 1 box of stuffing • 2 boxes of mac and cheese • 1 package of cookies • 2 cans or packets of potatoes

(no boxes)

• 1 package of holiday luncheon


• $15 gift card for meat

(Please bring cards to the church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.)


CA RIN G AT S M O KE R I SE Welcome New Members

Welcome New Deacons Starting January 2019 On October 21, 2018, the members voted by overwhelming majority to elect the following individuals to serve as deacons for a two-year term beginning January 2019. Chris Allison, Bill Blanton, Marc Burcham, Cathy Decuir, Greg Everett, Kathy Goodenow, Marcia Griffith, Georgianne Harrison, Joel Harrison, Cecilia Joshi, Walt Martin, Kelly McLendon, Carol Palmer, Christine Peredney, Derek Smith, Jim Still, Clarissa Strickland, Wendel Tudor, Roy Vreeland and Alexis Weaver.

W.L. and Carol Wagnon (Joined October 7)

We are grateful for the hard work of our Deacon Selection Committee under the leadership of our immediate past chair of deacons, Joe Moore. We are also grateful for the leadership and support of our current chair of deacons, Brian Abner. Deacon Ordination and Communion on Sunday, November 11 We will observe deacon ordination during morning worship at 11am on Sunday, November 11. Alexis Weaver will be ordained on this special day and incoming Deacons for 2019 will join us to serve communion.

CARD MINISTRY Sending personal cards to encourage and brighten the day VISITATION Visiting members with smiles, prayers and personal touch GRIEF SUPPORT Supporting others after the loss of a loved one CAREGIVER SUPPORT Supporting caregivers for people suffering with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia NANCY’S HEART STITCHERS Sharing the warmth of Christian love with handmade quilts and blankets

Alexis Weaver is Community Impact Manager for the Atlanta Community Food Bank, where she has worked for over five years. Alexis currently manages the Food Bank's strategic initiative to understand the relationship between food security and household economic stability, and the food pantry's role in that relationship. Her passion is integrating the voices of the unheard and marginalized into systemic decisionmaking processes. A San Antonio, Texas, native, Alexis has an M.S. in Community and Regional Planning from The University of Texas, a B.A. in Economics and Environmental Studies from Baylor University, and 10 years of experience working on poverty and community development initiatives. Alexis is chair of the Brockett Elementary School Principal’s Advisory Council and serves on the board of NETWorks Cooperative Ministry in Tucker, a mission partner of SRBC. Alexis is a member of the Open Circle Sunday School class, mom to Oliver (7), Miriam (4), and Hannah (arriving November 2018), and spouse to Aaron.

Contact Rev. Bart McNiel to volunteer to serve on a TouchPoint team.


GENEROS I T Y What can I give him? As the end of the calendar year is on the horizon, the Stewardship Committee encourages our members to help us begin the new year with a giving surplus. As we give thanks for God’s gift of love to us in Christ and prepare to exchange gifts with each other, let us also renew our commitment to bring our best gifts in support of God’s work among us. The beloved lyrics of the Christina Rossetti poem and hymn invite us to reflect and make our spiritual commitment a first priority: What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a Shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; Yet what can I give him? Give him my heart. As you reflect on what to give in support of our end-of-year emphasis this year, may God’s gift of grace fill our hearts to overflowing. All money collected from November 18-December 31 will be part of our Year-End Offering. Prayerfully consider what you can give. SRBC Stewardship Committee Kathy Goodenow, Chair

The Second Annual Legacy Society Luncheon will be held on November 4, 2018 at Stone Mountain Inn in Stone Mountain Park. We are grateful for our Legacy Society Members who have given to our Endowment Fund or pledged to leave a bequest to the church in the future. As our Endowment Fund continues to grow, we give thanks for those who gave before us and who continue to invest in the future of God's work at Smoke Rise.

MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Amount Given $164,059.45

Amount Spent $194,118.28

Negative Balance ($30,058.83)

REFRESH REPORT Pledged $1,346,104.00

Received Current Balance $1,019,082.76 $249,396.51


Amount Given $1,034,843.54

Amount Spent $1,075,646.07

Negative Balance ($40,802.53)

NEXT PROJECT Office Renovation


FA M ILY M I N I ST RY AT SM OK E R I SE “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe." — 1 Timothy 4:12 Have you ever noticed that young people are often seen as not having a voice? Though we help children to grow, their ideas are not always taken into account. However, the people at Smoke Rise accept all ages. I should know. One of my best friends at this church is four-year-old Charlie Edmonds. Ever since he was born, Charlie has been inquisitive, knowledgeable and a joy to be around. He always has something new to discuss, weather it be TIE fighters from Star Wars, aerodynamics, or a new race car track he designed. I feel that it is extremely important to pay attention to young children and listen to them. If we believe that children matter, we can build confidence in the future leaders of our church and our world. If you have not interacted with the children at Smoke Rise, I invite you to do so. You will be surprised at how much they understand about our world, our faith and ourselves. — Lauren Smith, age 12

Details of the Family Mission Trip 2019, March 8th - 10th This year we will return to the Irene Wortham Center for people with developmental disabilities and integrated childcare center. The registration cost is $100. The total cost of the trip is $300. Register at Registration Details: Capacity for this trip is 65 persons. Paid registration fees will hold a family's spot. Families can pay their registration fee by cash, check or Push Pay. Any cancellations after February 24th forfeit registration fee. Fundraising opportunities will bring down the total cost of the trip. Please contact Becky Caswell-Speight if your family will need help attending this trip. Contact Teri Moore with any questions. 10 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

YOU TH AT S M O KE R I SE J E R E M Y C OLLI V ER - Minister of Communications, Missions and Youth

SENIOR FOCUS: Chris Chandler Chris is the son of Rebecca and Bill Chandler and the brother of Will Chandler. 1. What do you want to do after high school? I want to go to school to be a licensed welder. 2. What would you like to do with your future? I want to have my own business as a welder. 3. What hobbies do you have? I like to fish and work on my truck. CHRIS CHANDLER Senior at Faithways Academy

4. What is something that the congregation doesn't know about you? I am really close with my family and they are really important to me.


We’ve all seen the “Life is Good” logo of the stick man with the smiling face. He’s placed in a variety of activities from fishing to kicking a soccer ball. There is one problem though. What happens when life isn’t good? Over the course of our DNOW weekend, we’re going to explore “The Good Life” that following in the footsteps of Jesus leads us to. How are we to follow Christ when life is going great, but also when life is down? There are so many other voices competing with the story of Jesus on how we should live life. During DNOW weekend, we’ll put all the other distractions away and focus on the good life of Jesus and how that translates to our own good life. 11 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG



If you walk into the gym most nights of the week, you’ll hear basketballs bouncing, whistles blowing and sneakers squeaking. Venture into the loft and you’ll find players working on homework by themselves or with tutors. In the classrooms off the gym, you’ll find parents planning the next service day. The Ballin Blazers are a basketball organization that seeks “to provide a safe and productive environment that enables children to learn and apply the principles of teamwork, discipline, dedication and sportsmanship. We facilitate the development of strength and character in each child who participates. We are sustained by the efforts of volunteers who display an extraordinary amount of commitment and hard work, ensuring that our organization is a positive influence in the lives of our children. We also strive to provide a service to our community by providing a healthy outlet for children, opportunities for the community to gather together, and endless hours of entertainment.”

Join neighbors in the Smoke Rise community on Saturday December 1 from 9am-4pm at Smoke Rise Elementary Charter School for the annual Holiday in Smoke Rise fundraiser. Holiday in Smoke Rise, a longstanding tradition of the Smoke Rise Community, is a holiday craft and gift show which started in 1980. Its success is a testament to the support of our Smoke Rise community and the wonderful crafters that come back year after year!

Proceeds benefit the Smoke Rise Elementary School through the Smoke Rise Elementary Jaguar Endowment Fund, their parentsupported fundraising organization.

Smoke Rise Baptist Church has been supporting this annual event as a connected community friend to the school. The Smoke Rise Baptist community outreach craft room is fun for all and a great way to connect with our neighbors. Do not miss the chance to volunteer and to shop for unique holiday gifts.

Volunteers Needed We need volunteers to help drive the shuttle bus from the church parking lot to the school. We also need volunteers to help with our community outreach craft room at the event. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the church office to give your name and our community outreach team will be in touch with you to confirm details.


Ladies' GAP Trip Going to God’s Appalachian Partnership in Kentucky is very much like going to homecoming at your childhood church. We visit housing projects and the Senior Center and have joyous reunions with women we have not seen since our last trip. And we eat well. This year, a lady insisted on preparing lunch for us on our day at the Senior Center. She wanted to do this because we had cut her wheelchair-bound sister’s hair last year. Her sister had passed away since we were last in Kentucky, but we remembered her fondly. Other friends from last year were Robert and his wife Jennifer. Robert had brain surgery last year and, sadly, Jennifer had neglected her own health while caring for her husband. She is a breast cancer survivor and had failed to get her regular mammogram. When I asked her if she had special prayer needs, she told me she was waiting

for test results to determine if her cancer had returned. While we have a lot of fun pampering the ladies, the most important thing we do is praying for these people. We gave each person we saw a metal cross for their pocket and asked for their prayer needs. We write their requests on index cards and each night after dinner, we share these needs and pray for the people we have met that day.

Men's GAP Trip “The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home…” The opening line to Kentucky’s state song, My Old Kentucky Home, and the sun surely did shine down bright on the new home that was being built in McDowell, KY.

that come to serve alongside GAP. The men of Smoke Rise are one of several teams that have come to help build this home.

The men of Smoke Rise Baptist Church spent the week working alongside each other, sweating and telling stories. Siding went up around the house while a deck was constructed on the back of the house. The first floor of the house will become the home for the executive director of GAP, John Morris and his family, while the second floor will be housing for mission teams and interns

The ladies enjoy craft projects and this year after their haircuts, the ladies selected jewelry and scarves, we took their pictures and helped them decorate a picture frame. We have some men

The men of Smoke Rise also heard from John Morris on Monday night about GAP, their goals, and how GAP impacts the community of McDowell. “Most places in the country have prosperity with pockets of poverty, but here in McDowell there is poverty with pockets of prosperity,” explained John as he described why it can be so hard for the people of McDowell to move away from the poverty line. GAP helps to provide that bridge for people that ultimately must start with the hope of Christ.


visitors, too. Kathy Sengstack goes with us every year and speaks to the folks as if they were in her salon — she wants to give them the haircut they want and they are always very pleased. At one location, a man with a wild head of hair and a beard to match came in. When Kathy had worked her magic, he couldn’t stop smiling. His wife was quite pleased and told us, “He never smiles!” But he was grinning ear to ear when we left! At one of the housing projects, we missed a lady who had been with us every year. The manager told us her husband had just died and she wasn’t well. One of our team went to her apartment to visit and give her a gift bag. She also took her a hot dog for lunch and visited with her while she ate. The people we see know us and look forward to our coming. We look forward to our time together too!

My Old Kentucky Home ends with the line “For my old Kentucky home, far away.” But the nice thing is that once you have been to McDowell, it doesn’t seem so far away; you bring a little piece of McDowell back to Georgia with you as you leave that holler in Eastern Kentucky. It’s not only my home, but our world.





Sunday 9:00 am - Worship in the Chapel 9:45 am - Sunday school for all ages 11:00 am - Worship in the Sanctuary 4:00 pm - Liturgical Dance 5:00 pm - Youth Choir 5:45 pm - Youth Dinner 6:00 pm - Youth Vespers Monday 9:45 am - Women's Monday Morning Bible Study Wednesday 4:45 pm - Dinner in the Fellowship Hall 6:00 pm - Journeys, Children's Activities, Youth in the basement 7:00 pm - Sanctuary Choir

1 Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Group 5 Grief Support Group 7 Journeys: Stories of the Community 9-11 Disciple Now 11 Church in Conference 11 Deacons' Meeting 13 Ladies Event 14 Journeys: Stories of Mission 14-16 Flatrock North Carolina Trip 16 Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Group 18 Thanksgiving Dinner and Basket Packing 22 Thanksgiving Day 28 Grief Support Group


Advent Advent 2018


Sunday, December 2: Advent I 9:00 AM: Worship in the Chapel • 9:00 AM: Family Advent Breakfast 9:45 AM: Sunday school • 11:00 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary 7:00 PM: “Stars and Promises,” Peter Mayer in Concert Wednesday, December 5 4:45 PM: Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM: Annual Nativity Pageant Sunday, December 9: Advent 2 9:00 AM: Worship in the Chapel • 9:45 AM: Sunday school 11:00 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary Sunday, December 16: Advent 3 9:00 AM: Church-wide Christmas Breakfast • 9:45 AM: Sunday school 11:00 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00PM, 8:00PM: Sanctuary Choir Christmas Concert in the Chapel Wednesday, December 19 Church-wide Caroling (Meet at 5:00 PM for dinner at Mathews in Tucker) Friday, December 21 6:00PM: Youth Christmas Progressive Supper Sunday, December 23: Advent 4 9:45 AM: Sunday school • 11:00 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve Children and Families Candlelight Service at 5:00 pm • Candlelight Communion Service at 7:00 pm

Give gifts that matter this Christmas!

Visit the Give More Store December 2nd 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Please visit us by the Welcome Center

March 8th - 10th

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm DV Pic

Register at

please visit us in the Narthex What Sweeter Music The Sanctuary Choir will be presenting a Christmas concert, What Sweeter Music, on December 16 in the chapel. Chosen as this year’s venue in celebration of its recent renovations, this lovely, intimate space with its superb musical acoustics promises to the perfect setting for this special concert. With limited seating, portions of the choir will present each of four performances at 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. While there is no charge for admission, tickets will be required. They may be obtained from the church music office, on Sundays and Wednesdays in the upper and lower breezeways from MaryLynn Manley, or at the Welcome Center reception desk. Tickets will be limited to four per person. Childcare will be provided at the 4:00 and 6:00 PM performances only. Plan to be a part of this unique celebration of the season. For more information, call the church music office at 770-469-5856.

What Sweeter Music December 16th in the Chapel

Performances at 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and 8:00 PM Admission is free, but tickets are required

Set your clocks back on Nov 4. Daylight Savings Time Ends. Address Correction Requested

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