February 2018 CrossTie

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Cross ie



Songs of the Heart

Popular love songs through the decades Featuring

The Atlanta Seventeen Big Band

Dessert & Dancing

Performances by the Sanctuary Choir, Soloists and Instrumentalists Desserts served by the Youth Donations go to support the Youth Choir “Sing and Serve in Atlanta” summer tour.

Sunday, February 11th at 7pm Fellowship Hall

Everyone is welcome! All Ages – Single or Married




1 0 Generosity






T im Ad cox Minister of Missions tadcox@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0570


From the Pastor






Celebrating Women in Ministry

B e c k y C a s w e l l - S p ei gh t Minister to Families with Children rspeight@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0546 Jeremy Colliver Minister to Families with Youth jcolliver@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0551 Kat hy D obbi n s Minister of Spiritual Formation kdobbins@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0548

Serving on Mission

1 2 Family Ministry 1 3 Youth 1 4 Monthly Snapshot

Danny Va n c i l Minister of Music & Worship dvancil@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0560

Where do women stand at Smoke Rise? Women stand in the pulpit, and in every other position of leadership where the Spirit calls them to use their gifts.



Lent is the season on the Christian calendar that begins with Ash Wednesday and continues to Easter. In an effort to help families make a stronger connection with this season the Family Ministry at Smoke Rise is giving the children a chance to lead their families.

Chris G e o r ge Pastor cgeorge@smokerisebaptist.org 770.469.5856 Bart McNiel Associate Pastor bmcniel@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0540

In February 2018, something strange is going to happen. It may be nothing more than a coincidence of the calendar, but it creates a rather confusion collision. For this year, Valentine’s Day is Ash Wednesday. Or, Ash Wednesday is Valentine’s Day.


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A B OU T S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally, and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community, and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do. 3 | SMOKE RISE BAPT IST.ORG

FRO M TH E PASTO R CH RIS G E ORGE - PASTOR In February 2018, something strange is going to happen. It may be nothing more than a coincidence of the calendar, but it creates a rather confusing collision. For this year, Valentine’s Day is Ash Wednesday. Or, Ash Wednesday is Valentine’s Day. Both fall on February 14. Can you celebrate both? Ash Wednesday is the solemn service about not only morality, but our mortality. “You are but dust, and to dust you shall return…” It is a reality check, a reminder of our own limitations. We are forced to look in the mirror and see, not only the good, but also the bad…not only our successes but also our sins. The wrinkles we see are more than merely signs of age. They are reminders of our imperfections. Valentine’s Day is a joyful celebration of romance. People exchange cards, engage in expensive dinners, and buy extravagant presents. People pretend they are perfect. These two days are never supposed to coincide. Cupid’s arrows have no place in the Ash Wednesday Service. Best way to quickly ruin a Valentine’s Dinner—Start talking about sin and death. But, perhaps, you can celebrate both if you talk about LOVE and LIFE. Valentine’s can be a superficial Hallmark Holiday, or it can be a sacred celebration. We can do more than merely send cards. We can express love not only to a spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend, but to family members and friends. We can show love to strangers, not by what we say but by what we do. We can remember that “Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:7-8) And, Ash Wednesday with all its darkness is a reminder that though we are but dust, God loves us and grants us the precious gift of life. We face our own death so that we may more fully appreciate and embrace life. Jesus said it this way, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the fullest…” Death is real. But, death is not eternal. Love is. Ash Wednesday—Valentine’s Day. We can celebrate both. We must. This Lenten season, as we walk with Christ toward the cross, may we ever be mindful that what motivated Him in life and in death was love. In Gratitude, Pastor Chris 4 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

WORS H IP P I N G AT SM OK E R I SE Dear Congregation, You may not be able to tell by the weather outside lately, but spring is quickly approaching. The spring months bring a bustle of music and worship activities at Smoke Rise. I hope that you will take note of the many events being planned, and mark your calendars accordingly. If dessert or dancing is your thing, you will surely want to attend “Songs of the Heart” on February 11th. This fun-filled evening promises to be a time to remember. The Atlanta Seventeen Big Band which includes our own Rudy Wilson, will perform along with our Sanctuary Choir, vocalists, and instrumentalists. Our youth will spend the entire weekend getting ready to host this special event. Of course we look forward to the beautiful music of the Lenten Season and Holy Week. On Wednesday, February 14, we will gather in the sanctuary for the Ash Wednesday service. This is an especially poignant worship experience as we begin our Lenten journey. Special Holy Week services will include Palm Sunday morning worship, Maundy/Thursday Communion, Community Good Friday Service (Eastminster PC), and Easter Sunday worship celebration. On Sunday, April 15, the Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary Handbell Choir, and Orchestra will present “Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.” This celebration of sacred music will incorporate John Leavitt’s “Missa Festiva” (Festival Mass) as well as David Schwoebel’s thrilling arrangement of the anthem, “When in Our Music God Is Glorified.” David was commissioned to write this arrangement in 1989 for the dedication of the new pipe organ in our sanctuary. Our children have begun work on their spring musical entitled, “Table for Five Thousand.” In the Foreword of the musical, composers Tom Long and Allen Pote write: Mother Teresa said, “We can do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” We offer this small work in hopes that it might communicate that message-and along the way, point actors and audiences alike to the One who can fill every hunger. No doubt the children will accomplish great things as they study and sing this special work. Finally, as I have had time to reflect upon the Advent and Christmas season, I want to, once again express my gratitude to our pastor, ministers, musicians, and congregation for the rich season of worship that we experienced in December. Thank you, Smoke Rise for being a worshipping congregation! Danny


GROW IN G AT S M O KE R I SE 10 Questions to Ask Yourself During this Lenten Season The season of Lent begins on February 14th this year. It is during this time of year that Christians are encouraged to focus on their personal journey of faith. These 10 Questions from Rachel Held Evans provide a good way to take an inventory as we journey with Jesus in the coming 40 days. 1. When I wake up on Resurrection Sunday morning, how will I be different? 2. Is there a habit or sin in my life that repeatedly gets in the way of loving God with my whole heart or loving my neighbor as myself? How do I address that habit over the next 40 days? 3. Is there anyone in my life from whom I need to ask forgiveness or pursue reconciliation? 4. What practical steps can I take to carve out time for daily contemplation? 5. What spiritual discipline do I need to improve upon or want to try? 6. What are some things in my life that I tell myself I need but I don’t? Can I give one or two of them up for 40 days?

February 25; 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Childcare 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Hosts: Graham and Lynne Felton 1853 Chedworth Lane, Stone Mountain Connections is a once a month gathering for individuals and couples in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Childcare is provided at the church. Parents can drop off children at the preschool area beginning at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP for childcare by the previous Wednesday through the church office 770.469.5856; mbrock@smokerisebaptist.org. For More Information Contact Chris Raffield at craffield@hotmail.com

7. Why am I giving this particular thing up? How does giving it up draw me closer to God and prepare me for Easter? 8. What am I going to tell myself when self-denial gets hard? 9. Is it necessary/helpful for me to share the nature my fast with others or should I keep it private? 10. What do the ashes mean to me this year? What does baptism mean to me this year? Reprinted with permission by Rachel Held Evans Faith & Music: Rescheduled Wednesday, February 21 6 pm in Fellowship Hall Led by Rev. Marc Burcham

Lenten Series Jesus’ Journey to the Cross: The Last week of Jesus’ life in the Gospel of John Led by Chris George; 5 weeks on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall beginning Feb. 28.


CE L EBRAT I N G WO MEN I N M I NI STRY Martha Stearns Marshall Month February is Martha Stearns Marshall month in historic and Cooperative Baptist circles. During this month, Baptists celebrate the courage and commitment of women preachers in Baptist life. This month of preaching is named after Martha Stearns Marshall, who served alongside her husband, Daniel, in a Separate Baptist congregation in the late 1750s in Sandy Creek, North Carolina. The Marshalls were part of a Baptist sect that allowed women to pray and speak in church, a stance that put Martha and her husband at odds with local regular Baptist ministers. The Marshalls established the first Baptist church in Georgia in 1771, located in Kiokee. Daniel Marshall’s “truly apostolic record” was praised alongside the following notation: “Almost equally useful was his wife, a sister of Shubal Stearns.” At Smoke Rise Baptist Church, we proudly affirm women as equally qualified and called to serve in any and all ministry roles among us. Dr. Molly Marshall reminds us that the story of Baptist women in the pulpit is still being written. Even though the Baptist experiment has been going on for more than 400 years, we know that receptivity to the ministry of women is far from robust. The default position for many congregations seeking pastoral leadership is

to consider only men. Baptist identity, with its emphasis on freedom in scriptural interpretation, freedom in church governance, freedom in religion, and ‘soul’ freedom or liberty of conscience, however, stands as witness to the appropriateness of women serving in every avenue of ministry. * Where do women stand at Smoke Rise? Women stand in the pulpit, and in every other position of leadership where the Spirit calls them to use their gifts. “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy.” Joel 2:28-29. May God’s Spirit continue to pour out among us as we bear witness to the gospel truth that in Christ there is “neither male nor female,” for we are all one. Galatians 3:28. *The Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall, Responding to God’s Call: Freedom for Baptist Women

home to Louisville, Kentucky to St. Matthews Baptist Church where she grew up and first announced her call to serve in ministry. In many ways, Becky’s work in our congregation to families and children reflects the nurture and care she experienced as a child that sparked her first sense of calling to Christian ministry. Becky was 18-years-old when she first served as a ministry intern while attending Georgetown College in Kentucky. She interned her sophomore year at Crestwood United Methodist Church, and she moved on to her first official ministry position at Midway Baptist Church as a junior in college. While in college Becky worked three jobs to put herself through school. Her job as a waitress led to her first opportunity to serve. While waiting tables she crossed paths with Crestwood United Methodist Church. She shared her calling to ministry with some of her regular customers, who told her about their internship program for Youth Ministry, and Becky applied for the position. Becky married Josh Speight two weeks after they both graduated from college, and after a year of other ministry work in Louisville, they moved to Texas.

SRBC Minister Spotlight: Rev. Rebecca Caswell-Speight When Rev. Becky Caswell-Speight was ordained for ministry she came 7 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

In Texas, Becky worked as Minister of Congregational Life while Josh attended Truett Seminary full time. When Josh finished his degree at continues on next page

CE L EBRAT I N G WO MEN I N M I NI STRY seminary, they moved to Virginia where Becky enrolled at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond while Josh worked full time at a church. After graduating with her M.Div., the couple moved back to Louisville, Kentucky where Becky served as Minister with Families at Broadway Baptist Church. In 2014, Becky accepted the call to serve as Minister to Children with Families at Smoke Rise Baptist Church. All along the way in her ministry journey, Becky’s formation as a minister bears the marks of lifelong shepherding in her own life. Seven children are presently waiting to be baptized at Smoke Rise, and Becky is pastoring each of them through a process of Christian formation and readiness for their day of baptism. The legacy of Christian care and watchfulness that formed Becky is taking root in the lives of children and families at Smoke Rise. We are grateful for Becky’s leadership in helping to grow families closer to God and each other as lifelong disciples of Christ. SRBC Minister Spotlight: Rev. Kathy Dobbins Several years ago, Rev. Kathy Dobbins shared her ministry calling story in a workbook she co-authored on God’s call and the journey of faith. As we celebrate Martha Stearns Marshall Month, we are sharing edited excerpts

of Kathy’s story from that publication with her permission. My first full-time job was at the downtown Rich’s department store where my grandmother worked twenty years. As a data operator, my days were a dull, mindless routine. For me, it was like most first jobs— no great revelations, no burning bush experience to guide me. After graduating from Georgia State University and working my way through as a secretary, I spent ten years in commercial real estate. In the beginning it was exciting because it was a new experience and the days were fast paced. After a while, I began to notice that I was more drained than energized by my work. I was coming to grips with burnout and knowing I was not in the right career. I lobbied for and got a promotion that brought more responsibility, but I never had a moment’s peace from that day forward. In the midst of a depressed market, I lost my job. During my time of unemployment, a transformation was taking place, even though I did not know where it would lead. My faith in God took on a new maturity in this process. Even though there were clues to what I would do next, I kept thinking, “People like me don’t go into professional ministry.” I had two strikes against me in Baptist life at the time: being female and being divorced. Thankfully, I had been in a church 8 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

for twelve years where women were affirmed in all leadership roles, and no one was excluded simply because they had been divorced. After the singles minister left the church, my peers asked if they could offer my name to the personnel committee to fill the interim position. They didn’t know I had been thinking about the possibility of ministry for a year, and their affirmation of me helped me learn my calling. One day I was reviewing the journal I kept at the time and came across an entry dated two years earlier in which I wrote the word “ministry” with a question mark beside it. As I entered my new ministerial role, it was like slipping my hand in a glove. The last piece of the puzzle fell into place for me. I had come to love the work of the church and was finally able to see that God used the people of the church, the desires of my heart, and the circumstances that lined up just right to communicate my calling. I have been at Smoke Rise Baptist since 2000. Over the last 18 years I have continued to discover in others and in myself the way God never stops working to help us become the people we are called to be. My ministry has largely been one of equipping God’s people for service, and I am grateful for each day of service at Smoke Rise. I learned my calling through the encouragement of a local church, and it is wonderful to be part of a church like Smoke Rise that affirms my giftedness for ministry.

CE L EBRAT I N G WO MEN I N M I NI STRY in Atlanta, Georgia and at the Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro, North Carolina. In 2010, she completed seminary and received her Chaplaincy Endorsement from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We are pleased and proud to welcome

Chaplain Prophitt to the Smoke Rise pulpit to preach on February 4, as we celebrate the Martha Stearns Marshall Month of Preaching. We look forward to hearing what God is leading her to share with our congregation.

Special Guest Preacher on February 4 On Sunday, February 4 at Smoke Rise, we will celebrate the Martha Stearns Marshall month of preaching as we welcome as our guest preacher The Rev. Captain Jessica Prophitt, Chaplain, United States Air Force. Chaplain Prophitt is the daughter-inlaw of Smoke Rise church members Gary and Margaret Anne Prophitt. She is married to Lee Prophitt and they have two children, Ian age 4 and Ryan age 2. Chaplain Prophitt is a CBF-endorsed military chaplain, serving her country as a Protestant Chaplain for the 673rd Air Base Wing, Joint Base ElmendorfRichardson, Alaska. She enjoys providing the free exercise of religion for all who serve our country and she sees protection of this freedom as “a crucial element to the success of the Air Force’s mission to fly, fight, and win.”

The Rev. Captain Jessica Prophitt, Chaplain, United States Air Force serves Airmen and their families in Alaska. Jessica will join us as our guest preacher on Sunday, February 4, 2018.

Her education includes completion of five units of Clinical Pastoral Education through the VA Hospital 9 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

GEN ER OS I T Y On April 1, 2018, we will begin a new fiscal budget year at Smoke Rise. As we finish our budget year next month, please continue to honor your pledges for the 2017 fiscal budget year. Please be in prayer for our Finance Committee as they create our budget for the new fiscal year and present it to the church. Consistent with our church by-laws and manual, we will observe the following schedule for budget approval beginning this month. Feb. 15 (Th) - Finance Committee Vote on Budget Feb. 21 (We) - Questions and Congregational Input Received in Conference Room (4pm-530pm) Feb. 28 (We) - Questions and Congregational Input Received in Conference Room (4pm-530pm) Mar. 11 (Su) - Deacon Meeting and Deacon Vote on Budget Mar. 18 (Su) - Church-wide vote at called Church in Conference following 11am Worship Mar. 25 (Su) - Pledge Sunday As you pray for our Budget Preparation Committee, please also take time to pray and seek God’s guidance as you consider your pledge in support the Ministry Plan 2018-2019. Together we can touch and transform lives. God’s work in our congregation and community is enabled by the faithful gifts of our church members. At Smoke Rise, we are cultivating a culture of generosity as we seek to be good stewards of God’s gifts. Let us remember the words of Jesus, “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also…” May our hands and our hearts always be open.

MONTH OF DECEMBER Amount Given $323,185.36

Amount Spent $212,117.73

Positive Balance $111,067.63


Amount Given $1,649,578.65

Amount Spent $1,714,314.10

Negative Balance ($64,735.45)

REFRESH REPORT Pledged $1,346,104.00

Received Current Balance $1,031,620.78 $147,354.65

Pledges Not Yet Received $426,174.74



Chapel Renovation

SERVIN G ON M I S S I ON Friends of Refugees Jolly Avenue Center One of the ministries we support in Clarkston is Friends of Refugees. As you may recall, we recently gave $60,000 from our Refresh campaign to help fund their new building. They currently rent space from the International Bible ChurchJolly in Clarkston. Avenue Development Center

Get To Know a Refugee Would you like to hear the story of someone who had to run for their life and find their way to a new country? After losing all of their possessions, they have tried to establish a life without knowing the language or customs of their new home. Most of these refugees come from countries at war. They are legal citizens looking to make a way in a different culture. Many were very successful professionals before war took their way of life. Won’t you get to know them and hear their story and welcome them he Jolly Avenue Development Center (The Center) is an innovative community development center created y Friends of Refugeesof (FOR) in Clarkston, Georgia, on the edge of Atlanta. Vision of FOR is to see to their new home? Friends Refugees is stillrightraising funds toTheobtain their efugees experiencing “Abundant Life in Flourishing Communities” which we accomplish through our mission own ministry facility. $750,000 is needed by the January o empower refugees through opportunities that provide for their well-being, education and employment.” If you are interested in Friends of Refugee Training, to receive matching toofreach $3.65 million With thedeadline help of its supporting churches and sponsors,gifts Friends Refugeesthe operates 7 community please contact Mary Wilson at 770-380-0492 evelopment ministries that serve as durable scaffolds for the Church to engage in long-term discipleship total project cost. This new facility is located next to the nd evangelism. The Center is located just outside the City of Clarkston in unincorporated DeKalb County, at or mwilson8150@gmail.com. Friends offamily Refugees garden. They serve 100 he site of FOR’s existing communitycommunity gardens, which will be a part of the new site. ethnic groups (including some unreached people groups). he Center will bless the entire neighborhood, but with more than 100 ethnicities from around the world Nicaragua This facility will provide space for the seven community ncluding dozens of Unreached People Groups), within just a few minutes’ walk, it predominantly serves war ministries ofsurviving Friends ofand Refugees. It willviolence also and Our Nicaragua mission team is meeting and preparing for efugeesdevelopment welcomed to start over in the USA after religious political persecution, ar. At provide FOR we believe that intelligence, ability and ambition are evenly distributed by God throughout their trip February 17-24. Page Fulgham is the trip leader worship space for four ethnic congregations. umanity, but the opportunity to deploy those gifts for success is not. We’re going to change that! New and Jeremy Colliver, who will be taking on mission duties Pray for Friends ofpotential Refugees asbecome theycontributing seek these resources. mericans will realize their God-given here and members of society. The hurch has a unique opportunity to help them as they successfully integrate into American culture and life.upon my departure, will be part of the team. As Nicaragua is my last mission trip, this will be a bittersweet time. We For more info contact Brian Bollinger, Executive Director hrough multiple years of community research, the Center’s uses have been carefully designed not to have shared hundreds of mission experiences together over 678-404-0278 brian@friendsofrefugees.com eplicate existing resources in the neighborhood. The Center focuses primarily on economic uplift, pportunity, innovation and well-being, forming an integral part of the community development network the years and I am grateful for every one of them. ready present and at work. The Center was designed with the neighborhood’s input, and the direct counsel -Tim f peers including City of Refuge, Rainbow Village, FCS Urban Ministries and Southface.

Mission Offering Giving Ahead of Schedule There are still a few more weeks until the end of the giving period for this year’s mission offering. The offering is primarily funding the work of God’s Appalachia Partnership. The GAP director, John Morris informed us that this ministry is at risk of shutting down if sufficient funds are not raised to relocate to the property they already own. If their landlord continues to raise their rent, they will need to make this move to continue to operate.

Thanks to your generosity, we have exceeded our overall goal of $40,000. Every mission dollar will meet needs and show God’s love to someone. Thank you for being a generous and missionminded congregation. It will be Annual exciting to see where we are on World Mission Offering March 31. Total: $41,120


FAMILY M I N I ST RY AT SMOK E R I SE Let the Little Children Lead Them Lent is the season on the Christian calendar that begins with Ash Wednesday and continues to Easter. In an effort to help families make a stronger connection with this season the Family Ministry at Smoke Rise is giving children the chance to lead their families. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing throughout Holy Week, children will be given items to create a Lenten Altar in their home. They will also be given a devotional card to lead their family in a Lenten Devotional. Each item and devotional card will connect children and their families to our larger corporate worship. The congregation will help by placing lenten alters in the narthex, and in Preschool Chapel. Each devotion will connect with the worship themes throughout Lent. Families will have the opportunity to pick up the devotion and altar item in the preschool area or narthex.

altars this Lenten season will be sure to have a growing experience that will strengthen their relationship to their faith history and their faith family. I look forward to worshipping with each of you. - Becky

Adult families members will help to create the Lenten Altars by: 1. Helping non-readers 2. Providing space and time in their homes for the Lenten Altar devotions 3. Sharing their experiences on their personal social media platforms or the Family Ministry Facebook page. This digital influence will help us to educate one another and the world beyond us. Families who are faithful to their


YOU TH AT S M O KE R I SE Dreams At Winter Youth Summit we were challenged to go beyond what we can do and to be what God has called us to be. Our students have worshipped, learned, played, grown together, been transformed by the Holy Spirit moving in their lives, and dreamed. Here are a couple of the dreams from our youth this weekend: “I dream of a world where people go to bed full, people don’t get abused, homeless people aren’t homeless. There is love for anybody and everybody. People are equal.”

For our youth this was a “summit” experience for them. For one of our youth, it was the weekend she accepted her call to ministry. We have all been challenged to go beyond ourselves and live into what God has called us to be. “I dream of a world where there is no war. I dream of a world where there is peace. I dream of a world with only love and little hatred. A world where we are ALL neighbors. Where no one is left in the dark. Where no one is cold. Where everyone is loved, fed, and hopeful.”

“I dream of a world where the fruits of the Spirit are plentiful and people are selfless in their words and actions. I dream of a world that lacks hurt & sorrow, where people come together in faith & make the most out of their lives they’re given. I dream of a world where God is put first.”






S u n d ay 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary 2:00pm Matupi Christian Baptist Church Worship Service 5:00pm Youth Choir and Worship

4 - Martha Stearns Marshall 10 - Deacon Meeting 11 - Songs from the Heart 14 - Ash Wednesday 15 - Finance Meeting 17-24 - Nicaragua

M o n d ay 9:45am Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study

HO LY WEEK & EASTER Wed n e s d ay 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 6:00pm Journeys Sanctuary Handbells Preschool Music and Mission 1st-5th Grade Music and Mission Youth Gathering 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir

March 25 - Palm Sunday March 29 - Maundy Thursday March 30 - Good Friday April 1 - Easter

Friday 10:00am Mother’s Bible Study 14 | SMOKE RISE BAPT IST.ORG

Please join us for Holy Week services March 25th - 31st

FEBRUARY SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS February 1 (Th), Room 223, 2pm - Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver’s Support Group February 14 (We), Room 223, 10am - Morning Bereavement Support Group February 28 (We), Room 223, 6pm - Evening Bereavement Support Group If you have any questions about these support groups, please contact the church office or speak with our Associate Pastor, Rev. Bart McNiel.

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