nothing disappears completely

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fig08 A double exposure photograph, both intriguing and deceiving. This effect isn’t technically something a human can experience with their own eye - an illusion then ensues since through this image, we are capable of imagining it happen.

I’m interested in. Important to this research is a documentation of process, self reflection. The work presented within this essay is the application of research and the testing of my thesis as an investigation of design and representation. The findings of each step of investigation then informs the subsequent course of process. What is light? Light is a nuisance, to be avoided and mitigated? “Each individual chamber, then, should have windows, to admit light and to allow a change of air... their frequency and the light they receive are no greater or less than utility demands.” [Alberti, 1452]10 I rather think light is more mysterious.

than his various theoretical treaties” Ficacci, L, [2001]. Giovanni Battista Piranesi: selected etchings, Taschen, Italy p. 12 10  Leon Battista Alberti [1452] On the Art of Building in Ten Books, Rykwert, Leach, and Tavernor, trans. [Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1988], p1.12 05

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