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e va de l a f uen t e pedersen

Jacob Jordaens’ Færgebåden fra Antwerpen Om erhvervelsen og kritikkens modtagelse 98

Jacob Jordaens’ The Ferry Boat to Antwerp – Concerning its acquisition and reception


henrik holm

Gipskroppe som performance Den Kongelige Afstøbningssamling set i et performativitetsperspektiv 106

Plaster Bodies as Performance The Royal Collection of Casts viewed from a performative perspective


m i r i a m h a v e w at t s


Individ og type?


L.A. Rings I høst og Sædemanden Individual and Type? L.A. Ring’s Harvest and The Sower


rasmus kjærboe

Stilen i sig selv Det klassiske, det moderne og den moderne klassicisme i tre gennembrudsskulpturer af Svend Rathsack, Johannes C. Bjerg og Einar Utzon-Frank 134

The Style in Itself – The classical, the modern, and Modern Classicism in three breakthrough sculptures by Svend Rathsack, Johannes C. Bjerg, and Einar Utzon-Frank


k at h r i n e s e g e l o g o l e n ø r r e g a a r d j e n s e n

Henri Matisse Le Luxe II 148 84

Henri Matisse Le Luxe II k a spa r t h o r m o d

Den forladte by En fortolkning af Palle Nielsens radérserie 156

The Abandoned City. A reading of Palle Nielsen’s etchings

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