Panicroom - DA Schmidt

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[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Differentiation Minor Report DA Schmidt


3IMEM 444229 10/29/2010


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Table of Contents Exercise 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Exercise 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Exercise 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Exercise 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 0 Exercise 5 ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Exercise 6 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Exercise 1 Advertising training - session 1 – exercise 1 Ingredients: • Headline •

Main visual (Rectangular photo)

1 Smaller illustration or photo


Body copy (±1/4 page A4)

Pack shot


Pay-off line

With these elements you will have to produce at least 5 different rough layouts for a double spread page advertisement. (2x A4 – fc – incl. bleed) You have 45 minutes. Example:


[Report] DM: Advertising Layout 1

Layout 2


Damien Schmidt|444229

[Report] DM: Advertising Layout 3

Layout 4


Damien Schmidt|444229

[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Layout 5

Explanation: With all of these layouts I try to maintain a good balance on both pages with text and images. With this particular layout I imagine it being used in the case of a new product where u see a full body shot of the product on one side and the details and further info on the other side.


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Exercise 2 Fill in the headlines. Work in couples. Time 45 minutes

“As Light As A Peanut”

“The Best Way to Eat Your ...Colors”


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

“How Fresh Do You want It”

Explanation: With these ads I tried to stay as close as possible to the visuals in finding a suitable slogan. With this particular one; because the ice-cream cones are attached to the nipples, I ask the question “How fresh do you want it” to imply that Hertog produces fresh products and also to imply that the consumers should strive to get their products as fresh as possible.


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Exercise 3 Advertising Training – Session 5 – Exercise 3 Storyboards Exercise: Look at the Batavus 30’’TV commercial storyboard drawings (‘Caveman invents bicycle’) Write out the script. Write the explanation for the visuals on the storyboard: •

Image – Short description of what we see


Framing – Close up(CU), extreme close up (ECU), wide or medium angle

Camera (static/hand-held) movement – Pan(< >), tilt (^), zoom in/out (><)

Change of scenes – Wipe/dissolve, soft/hard cut, otherwise (special effect)

Sound effects (SFX) – what do we hear


Voice-over – Male/female (MVO, FVO), words

Pack shot?

Text (superimposed pay-off, logo)


You are allowed to work in pairs. You have ±45 minutes. Success!


[Report] DM: Advertising

10 | P a g e

Damien Schmidt|444229

[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Scene 1 A primitive cave 4 seconds Extreme long shot Camera zooming in Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text

Scene 6 Concept An unfinished concept of the bike 3 seconds Close up of the drawing Camera pans slightly to view the whole bike Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text, No sounds

Scene 2 Man scraping a (chalk) rock on a cave wall 4 seconds, Mid shot Camera zooming in Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text

Scene 7 something missing Man thinking hard on how to finish his drawing 5 seconds Over the back mid shot (bike visible) Camera static Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text, No sounds

Scene 3 Close up of the man’s hand scrapping/drawing on the wall (so you can see what he is drawing) 4 seconds Close up, Camera zooming in Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text

Scene 8 Frustrated Man getting frustrated and breaking (chalk) stone 3 seconds, long shot, Camera Static Sounds (chalk) stone breaking Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text

Scene 4 Man hard at work 4 seconds Extreme close up of the man while working Camera pans slightly Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text Scene 5 Details Details of the drawing/bike 4seconds, Extreme Close up Camera static Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text

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Scene 9 the answer While man is still standing by his drawing, thinking, his friend comes rolling in a round stone. 6 seconds Long shot, Camera static Sounds of rolling stone Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text Scene 10 what’s with him? Man found the answer and is now finishing his drawing/bike, while his friend is wondering what he is up to *standing by looking puzzled* 3 seconds, Camera Static Long shot (of man working and friend looking puzzled) Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music No voice, no pack shot, no text

[Report] DM: Advertising Scene 11Finishing Drawing of bike being finished 4 seconds Close up of bike Camera pans slightly to focus on wheel being drawn Scene 12 Rejoicing Man rejoicing and dancing 6 seconds Over the Back/shoulder wide shot Camera static Sounds of man dancing and shouting/singing Upbeat alternative rock No voice, no pack shot, no text

Damien Schmidt|444229 Sounds of scrapes/scrapping Primitive drums, orchestra music – fade to upbeat alternative rock No voice, no pack shot, no text Scene 13Batavus Pack shot of Batavus bike 5 seconds Wide shot of entire bike Camera zooms in slightly No sounds Upbeat alternative rock No voice, no pack shot, no text

All scenes get a dissolved to black for the Change of Scenes

12 | P a g e

Exercise 4 Advertising Training – Session 7 – Exercise 4 Take a look at the following ads and try to work out what was in the creative brief. Then answer the following questions: 1. Who are the ads talking to? 2. What do they want the audience to think or do? 3. What is the proposition? What is offered? 4. What are the objectives? (introduction, promotion, brand positioning, brand recognition, convincing, informing, confirming, activating) 5. What is the tone of voice? You may work in pairs. You have ± 45 minutes.

[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

1. Who are the ads talking to? People that eat healthy, do the grocery, 2. What do they want the audience to think or do? To remember to buy Lurpak, 3. What is the proposition? What is offered? Lurpak goes well with veggies, and it’s a nice addition to your meals (breads, veggies, light snacks) 4. What are the objectives? (introduction, promotion, brand positioning, brand recognition, convincing, informing, confirming, activating) Convincing, activating, recognition; promotion 5. What is the tone of voice? Mystic, vague, (it’s not clear what Lurpak really is), orderly,


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

(Robertson’s is a jam & marmalade brand, Mr. Kipling is a brand of cakes, pies and baked goods)


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

1. Who are the ads talking to? People that do their own laundry, parents, 2. What do they want the audience to think or do? That Arial is able to clean any stains or mess (thanking these other products so that they can use Arial) 3. What is the proposition? What is offered? To take care of your stains 4. What are the objectives? (introduction, promotion, brand positioning, brand recognition, convincing, informing, confirming, activating) Promotion, brand positioning, confirming, activating 5. What is the tone of voice? Clear, convincing, mature, and fresh


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

1. Who are the ads talking to? People that cook, health conscious, people that do their own groceries 2. What do they want the audience to think or do? To Buy, that this is a big and heavy soup that will fulfil you, so you can use it as a replacement for meals, 3. What is the proposition? What is offered? This soup will fulfil you, 4. What are the objectives? (introduction, promotion, brand positioning, brand recognition, convincing, informing, confirming, activating) Brand positioning, convincing/informing, activating, (Introduction) 5. What is the tone of voice? Humoristic,


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

1. Who are the ads talking to? People who watch their calories, health conscious, 2. What do they want the audience to think or do? Buy, 3. What is the proposition? What is offered? That it helps you consider 4. What are the objectives? (introduction, promotion, brand positioning, brand recognition, convincing, informing, confirming, activating) Convincing, 5. What is the tone of voice? Light, reasoning,


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Exercise 5 Advertising training – Session 9 – exercise 5 A promotion is a tactical marketing tool, which is intended to generate extra sales by means of a temporary improvement in the price/value perception of a brand or product. (The extra sales objective is what makes promotion different from normal communication)

Promotions can come in many ways. One of them is a so called ‘joint promotion’ where two different brands join forces in order to create more sales. Of course there has to be a fit between them that makes sense. (E.g. Philips Wake up light / Blue Band Good Start) Another aspect of promotions can be timing. The possibility to hook on to some topical item like Valentine’s Day or Christmas or… (E.g. Merci Chocolates / Mother’s Day)

Your tasks: 1. Create a list of possible joint promotion partners / products plus a central promotional idea 2. Create a list of possible topical moments in the year

The product is: Cup–a-Soup (

Work in pairs. Time 45 minutes



[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

CupCup-a-Soup & Ikea Idea: “Ikea early mornings” The concept would be to serve a Cup-a-Soup to costumers (free or for 1euros) that visit Ikea before 9am in the morning. This would be especially useful for visitors that would want to get an early start on their day doing their shopping, probably for Christmas or even for the summers when new students are getting furniture for their (new) room/house and also for days when Ikea would be opening the doors to with its new releases.

Possible moments in the year: Christmas time, Release days, and other times in the year when Ikea would have a lot of traffic in the early part of the day

CupCup-a-Soup & NS Idea: Cup a Soup on the train Since cup a soup wants to be positioned as an afternoon ‘snack’ for the business people; it would seem reasonable to be serving Cup a Soup on the train. NS currently serves snacks (chocolate, tea, soda’s etc.) on the international train and trains coming from Groningen to the Randstad areas, so all they would have to do is extend this service to include Cup-a-Soup.

Possible moments in the year: All year around; on the train platforms, during rush hours,


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229

Exercise 6 Exercise: - Go to (Find typeface category at left side – make your choice – click more details – then create sample – copy/paste in Word)

- Create 3 alternative typographic proposals considering different media (e.g. billboard, print ad, POS, web etc.), for each of the following headlines/pay offs:

- Dát is nou het Zwitserleven gevoel. - Rotterdam durft. - Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt. - Mona. De zuivelste verwenners. - Bloemen houden van mensen. - Lipton. Tea can do that. - ABN AMRO. Maakt meer mogelijk. - INHolland brengt je op ideeën.

You are allowed to work in teams. Success!


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229


1; a poster with this message from the (grand) kids 2; a poster with this message coming from an older family member or dear friend 3; standard font for print, TV, etc.

Rotterdam Durft

1; Posters, stickers (the logo), use the different shapes and colours in the “Durft” to be creative. 2; newspaper printing font, use a strong bold ‘all caps’ font for “Rotterdam” to imply a sense of largeness and respect 3; website heading


[Report] DM: Advertising

Damien Schmidt|444229


1; Poster, replace the words with images to appeal to the youth 2; use a semi grudge font also to appeal to the youth and the fireworks atmosphere. 3; use a standard but tall font for text and typing in brochures etc.

10 | P a g e

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