Creating Facebook Pages with Impact (English)

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Creating Facebook Pages with Impact • Step 8

Advanced: Export Your Data You can export data from the dashboard using the “Export Data” button at the top right of the dashboard. Unlike in the online dashboard, you can choose the date range, the file format, and whether you want Page-level data or Post-level data. You will also get the number of impressions for your Page or your Posts, information that’s not available in your dashboard.

Learn More about Who’s Engaging: Likes, Reach, Talking About This At the top of the Overview page, you’ll find direct links to Likes, Reach, and Talking About This. Each link leads to demographic data for that category. This data tells you how different segments of your audience engage with your Page and how you reached them. Each category reflects the gender and age, countries and cities (based on IP address), and languages of your unique users (based on their default setting). You can choose the date range in the top left corner of each page. You can also export this data.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.