How to Play Acoustic Guitar Left Handed

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Most of the acoustic guitar players we see are right handed. From the rock stars to the local bands and your jamming neighbor, it was as if the stringed instrument was made for a right handed person. Common problems occur such as this when you are left handed and want to learn how to play acoustic guitar or any stringed instrument. This may be one thing that is stopping you in learning how to play acoustic guitar. But hey, just because you are a lefty, doesn't mean that you can't learn how to play. There are still many ways in being able to play the guitar for the leftie. Take Jimi Hendrix for example. He was the one who played the acoustic guitar upside down and strum in reverse. Hendrix was a leftie guitar player and he showed the world that what you dream and believe in, you can actually achieve. Unlike before, it is now very convenient for left handed people to play the guitar. There are now guitars that were created specifically for lefties as well as scale generators and tabs written for left handed people are readily available. Below are some more tips for a left handed person to follow in learning how to play acoustic guitar: In choosing the right guitar for a left handed, any guitar will actually do. Just reposition or change the locations of the guitar strings. The sixth string now becomes the first string and vice versa, the fifth one becomes the second and so on and so forth. Though you can actually buy an guitar specifically made for a left handed, but when you already have a regular acoustic guitar around, then you can opt to follow this technique to be able to play. Some may find it difficult when having formal guitar lessons since most music teachers teach the right handed way. You can either get a teacher who can teach you how to play acoustic guitar the left handed way or get the lessons made for lefties or reverse the whole lesson upside down and you will find it easier for you. Do not ever think that right handed guitarists are way better than left handed ones. Both can be equally good given the same dedication and practice. Do not insist in playing the right handed way if you are a leftie. You will have problems with it and you will find it very difficult and discouraging for you. Do it your way - the leftie way. Left handed guitarists are unique so don't you think that having a leftie guitar player in a band is way interesting than common right handed ones? So for all the lefties out there who wants to learn how to play acoustic guitar, pick that guitar up and start learning the left handed way and you will be surely glad that you did!

About this Author Author has been playing the guitar for five years now and owns a business selling and repairing guitars. He spends his free time teaching his 2 nieces and nephew acoustic guitar lessons For those who want to learn how to play acoustic guitar, author recommends to visit the link above for easy steps to follow.

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