Universal Living Ezine July / August 2015

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July / August 2015 | Vol. 03 Issue 04

Universal Living


Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century



Healing Holistic Journeys  Reiki Master  IET

Alternative Healing Products, Candles, Soaps, Bath Salts, Organic Clothing, Pet Products, Unique Jewelry, Psychics, Mediums, Reiki Energy Healers, Holistic Practitioners, Artists, Speakers, and much more...

Saturday, August 22 10 am - 6pm West Shore Unitarian Church 20401 Hilliard Road Rocky River OH


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Essential Oils Wellness Advocate

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Wellness Scans

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Living Ezine

July Classes / Events July 7, 14, 21, 28 Practical Reiki Level 1 to Master - Spirit Apothecary, Bedford July 10 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat, Crystals & Reiki Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

July 11 Learn to make Gem Elixirs & Essences Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

July 24 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat, Crystals & Reiki Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

$5 admission includes all speakers and activities Kids 12 and under: FREE ADMITTANCE PRESENTED BY:

PAT UHR HARMONIC JOURNEYS www.HarmonicJourneys.net


July 26 Zyto Scans, Chakra Healing w/EOs Psychic Fair / Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

August Classes / Events Aug 1

Back to School - Essential Oils for Kids Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

Aug 14 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat, Crystals & Reiki Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

Aug 1

Harmonic Journeys Holistic Fair West Shore Unitarian Church / Rocky River

Aug 28 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat, Crystals & Reiki Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

Aug 30 Zyto Scans, Chakra Healing w/EOs Psychic Fair / Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted sue@healingholisticjourneys.com www.HealingHolisticJourneys.com 216-459-9094


4 | Matrix Energetics By Dr. Richard Bartlett Melissa Joy Jonsson

7 | Medical Intuitive By Mary Maynard

10 | WHAT? A Sugar Free Summer By Roseann Zaft

14| 14| Bad Mood? Follow Elvis’ Advice By Martin Zucker

16 | Summertime Message from the Angels By Roseann Heinrich

19 | Music of the Spheres By Jill Matson

www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / info@UniversalLivingEzine.com / 216-459-9094 Content in these articles does not in any way reflect the opinion of the publisher and should not be considered as medical advice or an endorsement for any product

What is the Matrix?

fying the parts of the body where the Matrix Energetics "wave" will yield optimum results. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical fields are interacting.

Matrix Energetics - a system of healing, self-care and transformation Experience of Matrix Energetics Matrix Energetics is a complete system of healing, selfcare and transformation. It is a transferable and teachable phenomenon, powered by intent, which has a physical and observable effect every time. Complete beginners as well as seasoned health care practitioners are able to perform and utilize this work to affect change-with no waiting and no running of energy. Anyone can learn this skill and practice Matrix Energetics. Matrix Energetics starts with a gentle light touch and the power of focused intent and builds into a new and joyfilled state that can affect life changes. This exciting new tool can be used to heal, to transform and to create new possibilities. It's very much about transforming your beliefs concerning healing, disease and the structure of reality. Matrix Energetics sometimes appears magical in its expression but is based on the laws and expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation and the body seems to drop in a completely relaxed wave instantly. This can happen standing up, sitting down or laying on a table. The participants are taught specific methods of using a powerful, focused intent. This is combined with application of a light touch method for identiJuly / August 2015 pg 4

Matrix Energetics is not a "thing" to be defined - it is, instead, a pathway to transformation. This transformation takes place by communicating at the quantum level with the wave fronts (energy and information) that create all of reality. The tools taught in the seminar are simply a language used to access this pathway and map the transformation that occurs. The application of this method of transformation is only limited by your imagination. What are you doing when you "do" Matrix Energetics? You are creating and transforming reality at the quantum level and observing the macro effects of that change. This new paradigm gives you instant access to new states of awareness which make it possible to interact with the material world and transform it - to affect change connected to past traumas, injuries and emotional patterns. Matrix Energetics shows us how we can consciously choose to observe in a different way. As a natural extension of changing your way of perceiving, your old reality collapses and new possibilities materialize instantly. Physical and emotional conditions can be resolved with the speed of thought. People affect verifiable, observable changes instantly. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical field matrix is rearranging itself.

Utilizing Matrix Energetics enables one to engage a state, or way of being, that creates miraculous changes that can be actualized every time by novices and experts alike. It frees us from the non-miraculous, static belief systems that have dominated our daily lives. People from all walks of life will be able to perform and utilize this work to affect change-with no waiting and no running of energy. YOU affect your physical surroundings in a powerful, permanent, new way. There are no barriers to the expression of this energy and there are no limitations for it. The limitations are in your own mind and with practice you transcend those limitations. It is like learning a new language or acquiring a new skill in a sport, where first you have to think about all the rules, and then at some point, you begin to think in the language itself or act fluidly with skill. Like many things that are founded on feelings and sensations, it is generally much easier to experience Matrix Energetics than to try to understand it. It is human nature for us to make assumptions about new experiences by comparing them to encounters with information or activities that seem in some way similar to us. Traditionally we build new skills by making adaptations from previous actions and thoughts. Do not make this mistake: what I am talking about is an entirely new paradigm.

Matrix Energetics and the Laws of subtle energy and physics According to modern physicists, all reality can be described as vibrations and waveform patterns, that everything is light and information. Biological information fields form an active, constantly resonating matrix. This matrix and its interconnections provide for a continuum for rapid, coherent intercommunication throughout the body. The vibrations and waveforms in this matrix can be changed, meaning that anyone can collapse the current reality such as an injury pattern or some stuck situation within the body or emotions and introduce one of many other new possibilities that are more useful. Disease may be defined as a disruption, cessation or distortion arising in the matrix of these information fields. Physical and emotional injuries impair communication at the cellular level. The application of the Matrix Energetics field re-establishes the flow of biological information so that the body can better respond to stimuli in its internal and external environments.

Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, holds a doctorate in chiropractic and a degree in naturopathy from Bastyr University. When his second child was born with bronchitis and asthma and battled frequent bouts of pneumonia, Dr. Bartlett embarked on a path of self-study, eventually learning and practicing more than 30 different healing systems. After discovering his extraordinary healing capabilities, Dr. Bartlett created Matrix Energetics® as a system for helping others access their untapped potential. He is the author of the award-winning Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation, The Matrix Energetics Experience, The Physics of Miracles (with Melissa Joy Jonsson), and Into the Matrix (with Melissa Joy Jonsson).

Melissa Joy Jonsson is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their authentic power and access universal consciousness by playing in the field of the heart. She has been teaching transformational Matrix Energetics® seminars nationally and internationally since 2008. Melissa is also the founder and instructor of the ‘M-Joy Of Being’ seminar series, a unifying movement in consciousness dedicated to exploring and expanding heart-centered awareness and practical, personal empowerment for women. Melissa is a frequent guest speaker on global radio broadcasts. Melissa Joy Jonsson is author of the upcoming book “Little Book of Big Potentials” to be published in the summer of 2015. She is also author of the books “M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential” (March 2014), “The Physics of Miracles” with Richard Bartlett, and “Into the Matrix: Guides, Grace, and The Field of the Heart” with Richard Bartlett.

July / August 2015 pg 5

Key Thoughts for Matrix Energetics: It is more than a technique Although there is a specific set of methods taught and work-shopped at our seminars such the two-points, archetype technique and time travel, Matrix Energetics itself is not a technique but a consciousness shift. It's using an energy field and a consciousness, like a standing wave. And it's always there. People in the seminar who've never done any so-called healing work in their lives, never done anything, will suddenly access the matrix wave and knock people to the floor in the first ten minutes. Because once you "get it" - the knack of the way you observe your reality, attach a new paradigm, and then attach a new consciousness to that paradigm, then you get instantaneous changes in physical matter.

You can reliably experience something that appears magical, but which is also measurable All energetic medicine, all healing, all consciousness-based techniques will work, but can you reproduce them every time? Can you get to the point where you know you had an effect? With Matrix Energetics you can measure the effects, the person you worked with can measure the effect, and you can both agree that there was an outcome. Does that sound exciting? Matrix Energetics allows you to access a source of immense power limited only by your imagination, that you can use to work on yourself, help your children or loved ones, or help all sentient life. It works equally with anything. And it's always there 24 hours a day. Matrix Energetics is a new idea that is supported by mod-

There is nothing physical - Instant change is possible ern physics, subtle energy physics, quantum physics. In We teach from the premise that we are spirit living in a physical body; that we can access a reality that is no longer limiting and instantaneous change at the speed of light is possible - We introduce time travel and other techniques. These techniques enable us to access the lattice of information in new ways to affect change. The process of conceptualizing an energetic interaction as needing manipulation of a muscle or bone, repeated therapy or the running of energy, etc. limits transformation's speed, intensity, potential and depth of expression. Seeing change as something which entails a mechanical process slows down the observer's reality. Something that potentially can be instantaneous slows to a process that conforms to your previous therapeutic expectations. Matrix Energetics creates a state by which transformation can materialize. The more you trust, the greater your wave, the greater your experience of transformation -- just remember though that the description of energy and matter as composed of waves describes and allows you through the power of focused intent to enter into a nonconsensus reality in which the product of your imagined outcome can encode and imprint on consciousness in such a way that physical observable changes become the product. You're creating an altered state, a different reality, which you energize and give life to with your active imagination. And it can all happen now.

You are learning to co-create You're creating an altered state, a different reality, which you energize and give life via your active imagination. So the secret is that your imagination, your creative imagination, is the force. July / August 2015 pg 6

order to really understand the magnitude of what is possible with this system, you must experience it for yourself. If you're a practitioner of some healing modalities, whatever you do, Matrix Energetics provides a new tool and shift in thinking that can apply it to anything that you want to accomplish.

Contact: http://www.matrixenergetics.com/ Contact.aspx

Matrix Energetics 4610 200th Street SW, Suite M Lynnwood, WA 98036 Our experiential seminars are designed for all to play, learn and manifest amazing new possibilities. Seminars are open to students of any background - whether you are an experienced healing practitioner or have little or no medical or wellness background, you can easily learn to play with the morphic field of Matrix Energetics to help yourself and help others. Based on widely known scientific principles of Quantum Physics and lesser - known Russian Torsion Physics, this powerful system of transformation is easy to learn and even easier to experience, no scientific background required. Experience the science and art of transformation. Click here for information about our seminars.

Real questions from real people.

Medical Intuitive

Real answers that may touch your life. What Would Your Question Be? What is the question that you would ask your body, mind or spirit if you could? What unanswered question do you have about your life purpose or health? Give permission to share the answers and

Ask Mary Maynard, Medical Intuitive. I’m having panic attacks every evening. What is the best thing to do? I don’t want to take drugs. With intuitive examination, it is a case of moderate to severe dehydration. This otherwise healthy young man is working as a landscaper in direct sun up to 7 hours a day. He uses coffee in the morning and soft drinks in the afternoon when he is thirsty. By evening his cell salt and fluid balance is out of alignment and his vascular circulation is really stressed. He eats a large meal and rests in front of the TV. Both metabolism and being in a resting state further decrease his circulation. His heart has to beat faster to compensate for low fluid. Increased heart rate and increase rate of breathing are symptoms that tell the body to “get help” creating panic-like sensations. He has been advised on how to rehydrate himself and replace the salts needed to stay in balance. Remember, all fluids do not add to your tissue hydration. For every cup of caffeinated or carbonated drink, your body needs an additional same size amount of water to be able to clear it out of your system. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells, and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

How much water do you need? There is debate about volume needed. A safe guideline from the Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake for men is roughly about 13 cups a day, and for women, 9 cups a day.

My 9 year old daughter started her menstrual period, which I think is way young. What is the best in current information and guidelines on this? Anything I need to know to help her? Early maturation and puberty has been researched for the past 12 years. The evidence indicates many environmental factors: fluorescent lighting, plastics and the breakdown of plastics in foods such as BPA. Some studies indicated obesity as a factor which rests more in the addition of GMO to soy, corn and basic products that most children are given in infancy. Some formulas for babies are GMO based. There is also a major difference in early maturation for cultures. Country of origins where it is very warm and the presence of dark skin show a 4-6 year earlier onset of puberty for both genders. As I look at your daughter, it is clearly more environmental plastics and water pollutants with some minor effects of cultural factor. Although she is having this experience, her compensation against environmental effects to her system is excellent. Her liver is clearly doing a good job of filtering out the more damaging toxins and excreting July / August 2015 pg 7

them rather than having them gather in the organs. Cleaning up her nutrition with organic, local, and seasonal is the first step. Noticing and eliminating any beauticeuticals is the next. I have a friend whose parents brought her the CK perfume (Calvin Klein) that is made for both genders. It is pheromone based, meant as a sexual “attractant”. Her hormones were very disrupted and caused some grim secondary sexual behaviors and mood disorder signs before they recognized the source of the problem. Young children are also playing with makeup and nail polish with dangerous poison bases, one example is arsenic. Use of health care products is next. Bubble baths, oils, lotions and deodorants are frequently created by petrochemical corporations. Use organic feminine products during her period. The mainstream products are GMO cotton and saturated in bleach to make the fibers white. You are her role model. She will do as you do. Again, organic. Read labels. If it isn’t a recognizable word, don’t use it, eat it or give it to your child. If you have the energy, sign petitions, add your voice to your government representatives on any or all of these issues. Thank you for the question. We all need to stay awake and aware.

Learn Practical Reiki TM

Mary Maynard RN, BSN is certified and trained in professional holistic health. Her medical intuitive practice includes private consultations, writing and speaking. Teaching and mentoring others in advanced healing practices is a privilege. She welcomes conversation and can be contacted through maryamaynard.com.

Sue Ball Certified Practical Reiki Master Level Instructor

216-459-9094 info@learnpracticalreiki.com www.LearnPracticalReiki.com

Calendar of Holistic Shows, Expos and Events www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org July / August 2015 pg 8

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What? A Sugar Free Summer?

By Roseann Zaft

By Roseann Zaft


he sun is shining, you’re feeling good, confident and sexy in your new swimsuit and then…. somebody brings out a tray of desserts. If you are anything like me, your mood can drop instantly at the sight of forbidden food. You know that sugar hit will only last a few minutes but you can’t help obsessively thinking about it and trying to convince yourself it will be ok if you just have one, two, three, four bites. But then it happens… You are POWERLESS

Does it have to be this way? Summer is a time to relax, have fun, meet friends and bask in the warmth of the sunshine for a few months. It’s also a time for BBQs, cookouts, parties, graduations and holidays. With each celebration comes a minefield of food. You eat, drink, get merry, then for the next few days your body has to detox the latest damage. Does this sound familiar? Yes, the slippery slope of sugar can easily drag us down. Even just a little indulgence can impair the immune system and reduce your mood while messing with your gut. The effects on your body and mind just aren’t worth it. You know you are going to feel guilty and a bit sick after you polish off that cake. That’s addiction. Sugar is a drug, there’s no getting away from that fact. Unfortunately sugar is a drug which has become accepted by society, much like smoking was. However, things are changing. You don’t need to be a slave to sugar. You can make healthy delicious choices and learn how to uncover hidden sugars in your summer treats. We are going to empower you with some sugar free alternatives which will keep you feeling sunny and not left out.

What’s hiding in your food? The first step in planning a sugar-free summer is to know July / August 2015 pg 10

where sugar is lurking. Some sugar is obvious, like adding a teaspoon full into your coffee, but most isn’t. Most of the sugars consumed are added while food is processed in food processing plants. They don’t care about your health, or even the taste. They care about profit and studies have shown repeatedly that the more sugar is added, the more people eat. Surprised? You shouldn’t’ be. I’m not…. it’s a DRUG! Here in the US we top the charts for sugar coating our food. Did you know that when Europeans visit and eat out they often complain that everything tastes too sweet, even things like fries? This is because we are so used to sugar being added to our food supply that many people don’t even realize they are being kept hooked. Is that fair? There would be an outcry if heroin was being added to our food but sugar is just as bad… seriously. It’s more addictive than illegal drugs and we feed it to our kids!

Sugar suspects So, if you want to get serious about cutting out or just cutting back on sugar in your diet, you need to know how to find it. Just like a detective, you might need a magnifying glass to read the labels and spot some of the names of sugar. Have you heard of panocha? It’s sugar. What about turbinado? Yep, that’s sugar too. How about barley malt? Yeah, you got it, another sugar. There are literally HUNDREDS of different names for sugar. Why? Because food producers want to hide it from you. They don’t want you to know it’s there. Does that sound fair to you? Where’s our freedom of choice? Food producers know how dangerous sugar is for your health, it has been linked to so many diseases its no longer up for debate. Sugar is bad for you. Period. Savvy consumers are wising up and checking labels but greedy food manufacturers try and keep a step ahead by renaming the sugar!

IF you haven’t gotten my SUGAR SAFETY SHEET, grab a copy now by clicking here: http://www.roseannzaft.com/ crushcravings

Playing it safe Honestly the only way to be completely sure is to make the food yourself! Avoid anything in a packet, wrapper, box or even tin unless you have thoroughly checked and understood the label (that’s the tricky part!) Even if it is labelled ‘healthy’ it probably isn’t. Here are some of the top, surprising, sugar offenders to be aware of: 

Sauces: ketchup, BBQ sauce, baked bean sauce, salad dressings

Salads: Coleslaw and pre-packed salads

Soft-drinks: energy drinks, sodas, ice-teas, sports drinks, flavored milks

Cereals: granola, cereal bars, boxes of cereals, instant oatmeal, anything ‘clustered’ (that cluster is made from sugar!)

Desserts: low-fat yogurts, low-fat ice-cream, low-fat anything (they swap the fat for sugar)

So what is left that tastes good AND is good to eat? Natural foods, fresh fruit and vegetables and nuts don’t have added sugar. They contain natural sweetness which gives you energy and life force. Find a farmers’ market where you can trust the food quality and know you are supporting local businesses. Fresh organic seasonal food is what our bodies are designed to thrive on. How do you feel after eating meal that you know is good for you, full of fresh produce, compared to binging on fries and frozen yogurt?

it as tiredness, irritability, or low mood and you reach for something sweet. Instead try to eat little and often, incorporating healthy fats (like coconut and avocado) into your diet. Guacamole (avocado dip) is a great way of adding some extra healthy fats into your meal, you can spread it, and dip in it. Enjoy its luxurious creamy texture and adjust is garlicky taste to suit your palate. Good quality proteins are another way of ensuring you don’t get hungry too soon. Grass-fed meat or poultry provides high quality essential amino acids without all the junk added into heavily processed meats. Just a little protein in a meal will slow down digestion keeping you feeling full and energized for longer.

2. Get wet In the hot weather it’s vitally important to keep well hydrated. However, domestic tap water contains all sorts of chemicals used to treat and sanitize the water, as well as many medicinal waste products which are not adequately filtered out. Ideally, drink spring water or bottled water unless you have a filter on your tap. Keeping hydrated will keep your body functioning optimally and keep your head clear. Staying hydrated will also curb sugar cravings, as we often reach for food when actually we’re thirsty. Next time you go to grab a snack try having a drink of water instead and see if that hits the spot.

3. Delicious drinks

Cutting out sugar doesn’t mean missing out. There are loads of ways you can feel treated and satisfied without having to give in to your addiction. Here are some simple summer ideas you can try along with my favorite sugar free blueberry pie recipe. Here’s how to stay sugar safe this summer…

Sodas are typically one of the worst offenders when it comes to the empty calories of added sugar. They are packed with sugar or worse, artificial sweeteners which are not good for your mental or physical health. Instead why not make your own infused water? Just add some peppermint leaves or CPTG essential peppermint oil from doTERRA to your water to add some flavor without the addiction. If you like something sweeter just half a teaspoon of honey can go a long way. Why not try a twist of lemon or lime, or cold tea to flavor your hydration? Adding a drop of lemon or wild orange CPTG essential oil provides just flavor without sugar, PLUS the benefits of the essential oils to assist in daily detoxing! Get your oil here: http://www.mydoterra.com/livefitllc/#/

1. Balance is key

4. Mocktails

When you get low on energy you crave food, you may feel July / August 2015 pg 11

When we drink we lose a level of self-control. Whether that’s flirting with somebody you shouldn’t or devouring a huge chunk of cake, you may want to avoid that next day guilty feeling. Cutting your drink with sparkling water or fruit juice will reduce the amount of alcohol you consume, which is metabolized into sugar by your body. You could cut the alcohol altogether and mix yourself a delicious mocktail, for example mock pina colada with all the same deliciousness, coconut cream and pineapple but without the after effects of the alcohol. Have a virgin cocktail, or mocktail, to preserve your waistline, mind… and dignity.

5. Cool for cats Ice cream is a summer favorite, especially good on steaming hot days, but you can get a similar cold treat by making your own sugar-free ice pops. Just get some ice pop molds, or some wooden popsicle sticks and paper cups, and mix your own. Try different pure fruit juices or infused waters, you can even add extra variety by freezing it in layers, allowing time between different colors and flavors. The kids will love them and better still they won’t have a period of sugar-fuelled craziness after eating one! What flavor would you like to freeze? You could even go a step further and dip them in some sugar-free stevia chocolate. Yummy… I want one now!

6. Salad dressings These are so easy to make yourself and you can experiment with flavors you enjoy. Spice it up, add garlic or maybe a little coconut nectar for a sweet chili dressing. Start with the basics of oil (nut oils taste really good) and add something acidic (lemon juice, vinegar or even orange juice). You can mix it all up in a little jar and add whatever flavors you like, fresh herbs, spices, something hot. Endless variety, fantastic taste, minimal effort!

7. Baked beans From a can these come with plenty of added sugars and other unnecessary ingredients. Make them yourself and you get to experiment with different types of beans, different spices, a whole variety of flavors and textures to suit your taste. Beans are packed with fiber and really good for you. Just pop soak some beans (traditionally haricot) overnight and the next day boil, or pressure cook, July / August 2015 pg 12

them until tender. Meanwhile make a tomato sauce by chopping up a fresh onion, then several tomatoes and cooking slowly in a little oil. Add some spices like chili, cumin, paprika, garlic and a little of something sweet like maple syrup. Cook it all up, slowly simmer while the flavor develops and then mix with the beans. Simple, delicious, better than from a can and you know it’s going to be good for you.

8. Get crunchy Textures are really important and if you like the crunch of chips and the familiar dipping action, why not experiment with crudités (that’s French for bits of raw vegetable!) dipped in hummus? Carrots, celery, cucumber and mange tout all make excellent dipping instruments. Your hummus can be made out of any number of different beans, it hasn’t just got to be chickpeas. Simply cook your chickpeas or beans (remember to soak them overnight) then cool slightly, depending how impatient you are! Blend them with a little oil, salt, garlic and lemon juice. If you have tahini (ground sesame seeds) that’s great, add a little, if not just throw in a few nuts, there is no right and wrong here! Then you can experiment with other flavors, add some fresh chili, some fresh herbs. Rocket goes really well with hummus, it adds a nice peppery kick. Get dipping with these guilt-free indulgences designed to suit your tastes.

9. All wrapped up We love to eat with our hands; sandwiches, hamburgers, wraps – all well designed for social eating while standing and chatting. But do you really want that bun, bread, bagel or wrap? Many people are sensitive to gluten, we’re not really designed to eat it, and commercial versions from the supermarket WILL have added sugar. So why not try some alternatives. Big lettuce leaves, like romaine, make excellent alternatives for you to wrap your burger, falafel or other goodies in. They are flexible enough to hold everything in place and can even be packed away for a picnic. Ban the bread and your belly will thank you!

10. Bring your own If you planning on attending a get together and are nervous you won’t get any sweet treats suitable for your anti-

sugar pledge then why not bring your own? Every time I bring one of my sugar-free berry pies to a party, people are in awe. It’s sin-free and sensational!

Sugar– Free Berry Pie Ingredients: For the crust 2 cups nuts (your choice: almonds, pecans, walnuts, macadamia) 2 tbsp. ground flax seed 1 cup pitted dates ¼ tsp. salt For the filling 6 cups fresh fruit (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and/or strawberries) 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 tsp. psyllium powder (or flax meal as a thickener) 1-2 tsps. chia seed 1 cup pitted dates Dash of cinnamon Garnish Decorate the top with a few more berries or some coconut flakes Directions:  Blend the nuts and ground flax seed in a food processor to a small crumb consistency.  Add the dates and salt, blend well, then transfer into a 9-inch pie plate; press to form the crust.  Place the pie crust in the freezer for about 15 minutes while you prepare the filling.  Put 2 cups of the fruit, the lemon juice, and the soaked dates, psyllium, chia and cinnamon into a high -speed blender and blend to a smooth liquid.  Put the remaining fruit into a large bowl, pour the blended mixture over the fruit and mix it all together.  Take the pie crust out of the freezer and pour/spread the fruit mixture into it. You can eat it right away, but it’s better if you can patiently refrigerate it for a few hours! You should eat the pie within a few days (yea right, it will be gone pretty soon)! It’s so healthy you can have it for breakfast!

If you liked this recipe DON’T MISS OUT! Every Friday throughout the summer I am giving away for FREE a delicious and easy to make sugar-free recipe. Simply join my email list by going to my website: www.roseannzaft.com

Summer smile This summer why not try joining thousands of others who are going sugar free? The next time somebody offers you something you know isn’t good for you, what are you going to say? How about “No thanks, I don’t eat sugar”? They may try and persuade you to just have a small bit because they feel guilty they are eating it and want to bring you into their guilt so they feel better about themselves. That’s how coercion works. It helps the guilty party feel lees guilty. Being prepared for the persuasion and feeling empowered with alternatives will give you the sweetest summer of all, you might even drop a few pounds while your sugar scoffing neighbors pile them on. Wishing you the happiest and healthiest, sugar-free summer yet… one bite at a time! Roseann Zaft, founder of LIVEFIT llc, is a passionate health and wellness professional who has for the last two decades helped clients successfully implement strategies to improve their wellbeing with amazing results. Using a combination of nutrition and fitness therapies Roseann’s training empowers individuals and groups with the knowledge and confidence to live the most vital life possible. Her lust for life is infective and inspiring, benefiting her clients with expertise combined with loving kindness. Roseann is a board certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Fitness Trainer, Yoga Therapist, Live and Raw Foods Educator, Whole Body Nutritional Detox Program Facilitator and Essential Oils Expert. She is also certified with ACE, AFAA Stott Pilates, Johnny G and Titleist Golf and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). Are you ready to LIVEFIT? You can by connecting with Roseann in all sorts of ways! 

Grab Some of her Website: www.livefit2day.com

Email Roseann Personally: livefit2day@me.com

Hang out with Her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Livefit

Tweet Roseann on Twitter: https://twitter.com/livefit2day

Connect with Her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/roseann-zaft/32/948/737/

Pick up her Pins on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/roseannzaft/

Images and Ideas Worth Sharing Instagram: http://instagram.com/livefit2day





July / August 2015 pg 13


Bad Mood? Follow Elvis’ Advice

By Martin Zucker

Elvis Presley

had a bright idea in his 1964 song “Barefoot Ballad” about kicking off your shoes and kicking off your blues. What Elvis didn’t know is that the instant you put your bare feet down on the ground outside you establish an electric contact with the Earth and there’s a powerful shift inside your body. Either barefoot outside or grounded inside as well, you are receiving the natural, subtle frequencies that pulse through the surface of our electrodynamic planet. And these frequencies, according to Earthing research, have a genuinely soothing, uplifting influence on your nervous system and mood. The latest evidence comes from a 2014 Earthing study on facial blood flow conducted by electrophysiologist Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., of the Developmental and Cell Biology Department at the University of California at Irvine, and the director of the Earthing Institute. In the study, Dr. Chevalier documented that Earthing improved facial blood flow. At the same time, he also tested the mood of the 40 participants. In the study, the participants sat in a comfortable recliner chair for one hour and were either grounded (27 participants) or sham grounded (13) during the time. So all were quite relaxed by the end of the session. Before and after the session, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their mood. An analysis of the questionnaires showed that in comparison to the sham grounded group, the grounded participants had a more pleasant experience, felt more positive, and more relaxed.

“Grounding improves measurements of mood within one hour, suggesting a potential positive effect on health,” Dr. Chevalier concluded. His findings were published in the online journal Psychological Reports. The findings add to previous research documenting a positive effect from grounding on aspects of the physiology related to stress and mood. A 2004 study showing a normalizing influence on the stress hormone, cortisol. Nine out of the 12 participants in the study reported reductions in emotional stress after six weeks of sleeping grounded. Studies published in 2006 and 2007 showing less muscle tension among grounded subjects, compared to nongrounded subjects, and a shift in autonomic nervous system function from a stress-stimulated sympathetic mode to a calmer parasympathetic mode. A 2010 study demonstrating rapid activation – within seconds – of the parasympathetic system. A 2011 study showing this same improved balance, and again rapidly, within the autonomic nervous system, as determined by measuring heart rate variability, a yardstick of nervous system balance or lack of balance on cardiac function. In 2011 and again in 2012, researchers found a unique and rapid stability of the body’s electrical functioning exerted by Earthing, suggesting that bare skin contact with the Earth helps regulate the nervous system and significantly influences the electrical activity of the brain.

Feedback from the Field The evidence from these multiple studies provides a crys-

July / August 2015 pg 14

tallizing picture of why, over the years, many individuals report that their moods have improved from grounding, that they feel less anxious or as depressed, and that they feel more centered. We also believe that moods improve as a result of Earthing’s influence on pain reduction and hormone balance. Here are some comments: 

“My wife is 47. Her periods/going through menopause issues have been more regular. Her hot flashes have almost disappeared. Her moods have been more stable when her period approaches. She sleeps deeper and better.”

“The biggest benefit…and maybe the least immediately noticeable….my whole family, 3 and 8 year olds, the wife, and I….we are all happier. Kids are inquisitive and energetic, temper tantrums are gone. Parents are more patient. We are all more optimistic. This is a subtle benefit….not easy to put one’s finger on. This is the biggest blessing of all!!”

“My 12 year old son is experiencing deeper breath and sleep, more vivid dreams and much better sense of well-being, calmness. He has focus issues. But since we’ve been grounding his school grades, moods, coping skills have drastically improved.” “I’ve been Earthing for a couple of years. I used to suffer all winter with Seasonal Affective Disorder. I took vitamin D and that made a little difference but not that much. This last winter I was happy all along because of Earthing until the connection came loose at the wall socket for two days. I felt like hell, the same hell I felt every winter since the 1940s. Then I discovered the disconnection, reattached the mat to earth ground and slept all night. The next morning I felt great! That’s an overnight cure of SAD, unheard of.”

“I have had great success in improving my health with grounding. Also the mood swings I experienced at certain times of the month are gone. I feel better and I am able to tolerate daily stresses better.”

“After one month of grounding, I have noticed a change in temperament of my 4 year old daughter. She has become calm, composed, and very happy! She wakes up in a happy mood and remains that way all day. It is a marked change in her.”

“A friend of mine, a woman in her sixties, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was given two months to live. I sent her an Earthing wristband and

she is now sleeping ten hours versus seven, awakening with much less pain and inflammation and her energy level has improved dramatically. Her mood has changed as well. She feels less angry.” A Psychiatrist’s Perspective From an integrative psychiatrist, we have this perspective: “For patients with anxiety (post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, etc.), reconnecting with the Earth can assist with an improved sense of safety. By improving sleep, Earthing can help normalize serotonin levels in the brain as it decreases cortisol (an anxiety-inducing hormone). When cortisol levels are high, there is a tendency to go into ‘fight-orflight’/panic responses to stressful situations and become more easily angered or irritable. As cortisol levels decrease and stabilize, we become more centered, peaceful and calm. In short, we get more easily into our heart and have more compassion for our self as well as for others. “For patients with depression, Earthing can assist with stabilizing serotonin and this assists with decreasing crying spells, near-tearfulness, and obsessive/repetitive negative thoughts. When depressive symptoms decrease, energy levels improve and tolerance to stressful situations, pain, or discomfort improves.” Finally, in a 2012 wellness conference for women, 100 attendees were grounded for one hour while listening to a lecture. At the end of that time, the women were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Among the results was that 82 percent felt their mood had improved, by an average of about 40 percent. There are many remedies for stress and bad mood. Meditation. A walk. Yoga. A glass of wine. Watching a comedy. Chocolate. Ice cream. And of course, medication. Whatever your preference or needs, be sure to ground yourself as well. Martin Zucker has written extensively on natural healing, fitness, and alternative medicine for more than thirtyfive years, including more than a dozen books. Among his latest books are Earthing (Basic Health Publications), Move Yourself and Reverse Heart Disease Now (John Wiley & Sons), Natural Hormone Balance for Women (Pocket Books), The Miracle of MSM and Preventing Arthritis (Putnam/Berkley), and The Veterinarians’ Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs/Cats (Three Rivers Press). Zucker has written hundreds of magazine articles on a wide variety of health topics and contributed to Smithsonian, Readers Digest, Los Angeles Times, Cook’s Magazine, Vegetarian Times, Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Fitness, and The National Enquirer. He is a former Associated Press newsman in Europe and the Middle East.

July / August 2015 pg 15


Summer is Here!!!

Good morning,

Wow, it is already June 8, 2015. I usually get my newsletter out by the 5th. If time moves anymore quickly, we will blink the days away.

Our message today is easy to absorb. There is so much light flowing into your being alive and in human form at this time. You may find you are more easily fatigued than you were in past years. This has nothing to do with the aging process.

This summer I find myself wanting more and more downtime. I received a lovely swing for my deck for Mother’s Day and it calls me to it on a regular basis. I love going out in the morning and evening swinging while I read or just to BE present with the out of doors. I guess allowing myself to do what is calling me is “following my heart”. I hope everyone is following their heart this summer in at least one small way each day. Namaste’ Roseann Heinrich




Your bodies are working harder to absorb the light necessary to meet the needs of a new energy. Give yourself enough time to rest. Focus on eating healthfully to support the additional light coming into the bodies. There are a variety of new healing modalities available for the ever increasing light body. Choose those that call to you. You each still have individual physical identities so you will not be drawn to all modalities. Your heart will show you the way if you listen.

We are here to serve, share and support.

A new era is upon you and now is the time to call to you the dream you dream for your future.

5559 Peachtree Lane S Parma OH 44134

Many blessings in this radiant new energy.

Roseann@reflectionsoftheangels.com www.reflectionsoftheangels.com

Roseann Heinrich Angel Therapy ® Practitioner

July / August 2015 pg 16


The Angels.

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Paranormal Spirit Readings: You can find out if there are any ghosts in your home or place of work. I will send them on and clear out negative energy they leave behind Pet Oracle Card Readings: You can get a message from your pet or get an insight to your relationship with them. Animal Runes: Get a brief insight into something in your life.     

Certified Natural Health Professional Natural Health and Energy Consultant Reiki Master-Teacher Animal Communication/Pet Psychic Paranormal Spirit Reader

Several types of readings are available: Animal Communication: If you would like to know what your pet is thinking or would like to tell them something, I am able to telepathically communicate with animals. I can also talk to your pet that has passed on. Guide and Power Animal Readings: You can find out what animals you have around you for guides, and which is your Power Animal. Your Power Animal is a reflection of you.

If your pet is having a health or behavior issue, a Bach Flower may help them. Bach Flower Recipes are all natural and work on emotions where a lot of issues originate. I do Natural Health and Energy Work. I use these energy modalities: Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I teach Reiki, clear Chakras, and use Gemstones for healing. I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path. With infinite love and gratitude, Liz Call: 440-552-9915 / Email: Lizard91134@wowway.com Visit website: www.Revlizmadsencnhprmt.vpweb.com We all have our paths to walk. Let's choose wisely. July / August 2015 pg 17


Music of the Spheres

Music of the Spheres, by Andrew Lucia Design

By Jill Matson


usic was used for a variety of purposes, but many uses have been forgotten and lost. Work chants were used with sailors, field workers, slaves and soldiers to increase their productivity. Musical rhythms created patterns of organization and control movement – for an activity such as rowing a boat. It created unity and cooperation among workers. The musical rhythm set a work pace. It also helped people focus on the music and not the hard, and arduous work. Some songs give people identity, like “our” song, and songs for a sports team or a group or nation. Jingles can persuade people to accept a certain point of view. Jingles are used extensively in China to promote political points of view and in advertising to encourage people to buy a product. When ancient conquerors came into a new land, they quickly outlawed local music – as their music strengthened identity in a culture and its old ways. The Russians did this in Finland during World War II, outlawing the music, Finlandia, as it gave the local people courage and strength. Music has more power than we give it credit for. July / August 2015 pg 18

Special uplifting music can change a person’s outlook, creating a window to heaven – a new way of feeling and thinking. Ancient people referred to music that altered and uplifted a person’s conscious as the “music of the spheres.” Author Viola Pettit Neal, wrote about a novel use of music, “The conquest of evil will ultimately be accomplished by use of rituals of sound and form. For evil is that which is disharmonious and cannot exist in harmonious pattern of sound and form. The word ‘ritual’ in its true definition is an orderly movement of sound and geometrical form in sequential patterns.” Neal suggests that harmonious music can overcome disharmony (evil). Many African tribes surround someone who has behaved badly, singing their name and song to them – reestablishing harmony. It makes sense that Osama bin Laden outlawed music for his followers. Guess it would be hard to prepare for a suicide bombing mission, when you were humming a breezy Beach Boys tune. Such harmony would make it near impossible to get people do heinous deeds. Could we use music to change people that have done unscrupulous things? Why not use harmonic and healing

music: In prisons, with children in trouble or business with poor reputations? Where negotiations are taking place? What about on a war front? How serious could people be about fighting, when everyone was singing Silent Night? Research has shown that people easily believe others in a distant country are enemies - if they don’t know them. In contrast, if they know the people, they don’t want them to be hurt. What about sharing songs from countries to lesson international tension? If people like a country’s music, it will be harder to demonize their people - as the enemy. For example, racism against black people declined in the end of the last century, when young people loved black rap music. The people of Estonia, a small Romanian country, had been slaves for thousands of years. As slaves, they were demoralized. When the abusive Czars were shot, the Estonians saw their chance for freedom, but had no courage to seize the opportunity. In a country of only a million people, half of them sang nonstop for a week. The energy created from singing - realigned their “will,” determination and spirit. They rose up and boldly gained their freedom. Shortly after Hitler took control of Poland, Russia overpowered the Romanian countries. Under Stalin’s rule about a third of Estonians were randomly forced to work in Siberia. Most died. This practice terrorized the people. Later, Hitler as well as the Russians, enslaved Estonian men and forced them to fight against each other, with brothers killing brothers. Pain colored the Estonians with fear, shame, and horror; once again, breaking the spirit of the people.

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is a four - time author and widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has written four books and produced six CD's that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award). The CD's consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Also available on the sites are additional free mp3's of her Sound Healing compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones. Gallery and music at: www.jillswingsoflight.com/www.musicforbeauty.com.

Email: jillimattson@yahoo.com. To experience Jill’s music, visit her website for THREE free MP3 downloads: Paint your Soul, Star Dust & Healing Flower Symphonies.

After World War II, the Russian occupation created harsh conditions, little food, no jobs, no places to live, but plenty of fear. When the communist regime fell, the Estonian people found themselves again beaten down with no strength to gain their freedom. Once again, the Estonian people came together with a song-festival for five days, with a half of million people attending. Afterwards, the Estonia people gained their freedom, crediting their courage to the energy created by singing. To this day the Estonian people hold a songfestival every five years. Sound and music is chock full of hidden energy. Music is invisible, but its powers are greater than we ever dreamed of. July / August 2015 pg 19

www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / info@UniversalLivingEzine.com / 216-459-9094

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