Anthology of Words- Daniel McCree

Page 8

"The anticipation of a war" June 3, 2007 by:Daniel McCree

The ram i was when i left the apartment yesterday morning was festered or fretting, agitated and angling......

tonji relaxed in the chair watching television while i racked my brain pivoting my entire life on which twice already worn outfit would get me out of the house, away from her and the whirl that comes from being in there. The satan, the collective angles of love and life that have been entwined onto my conciesness, the controversial thoughts discussed here are in human and I walked out with a t shirt and jeans and my address book, nearly all my profiles were against leaving, just the insistent one in the back of my mind and the panic in my heart.

Non the less i set out on a walk, first to [My friends house], [His brother]vampired me or helled me, put me in a tank recently, he answered the door wild eyed and said "no speaka english here" and closed the door, then opened it and walked in slowly, turning to glare with the absurd glare of a threatening murderer, steven plopped down on the chair as i assessed the rest of the room.

[His Brother] kept on with the kill stare, i kept my nerves and steadied my gaze, he picked up a razor blade knife off of the bar, raised it up near his face for me to see, steven was looking at me and i simply said, i lost your number, call me, and with a tip of the hat gesture walked out, a sick feeling and i knew i had to shake it,

Lately i'm called to convict, jesus had fire in him and i do hope i'm not trying to relate to him but saying that i'm revolted by the spew of anger and rage that could come up if i really dumped it all out, whats goin on behind these eyes, the devil, my search for christ, and

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