New York Doctor Ebola Victim Latest

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New York Doctor Ebola Victim Latest

(Broken record news). Let me see if I have this right. The New York doctor who returned from Guinea and who subsequently came down with ebola lied about leaving his house to go to bowling and stopping other places. Only when confronted with his credit card charges did he admit he was out and about. But he was mostly symptom free during his travels around town. Some much for caution and self-quarantining.

Duncan who checked into the Dallas Presbyterian Hospital also lied about having contact with anyone back in Liberia who had ebola according to the nurse who checked him in the second time. Meanwhile on the South lawn of the White House the President of the United States said he was frustrated by those leaders (namely governors of states like New Jersey) who he described as "hiding under covers" for wanting to quarantine for three weeks those who have had direct contact with ebola in W. Africa.

The President said this KNOWING that the government's own studies indicate

1. individuals without symptoms of ebola can still spread ebola, 2. Ebola can remain alive on a surface for up to 54 days, 3. Ebola can be transmitted by a sneeze up to 50 feet, 4. Ebola is airborne at colder temperatures than exist in Africa, 5. The U.S. army is quarantining soldiers in Italy for three weeks who are returning from Liberia, 6. There are at most 11 beds total in the four hospitals in the U.S. that can treat ebola, 7. The healthcare system in the U.S. is easily overwhelmed if more cases appear, 8. It costs $500,000 to treat a single ebola patient in the U.S., 9. It takes up to 37 hospital personnel to treat one ebola patient in the U.S, 10. Any business is forced to close down temporarily due to public concern if someone has been there who subsequently shows ebola symptoms, 11. In some cases ebola tests can give false negatives, 12. And that statistically three airline passages with ebola will enter the U.S. each month who are at the time of travel showing no symptoms.

Right now there are 10,000 reported cases of ebola in W. Africa. That means right now there are 20,000 individuals in W. Africa who are infected but not yet showing symptoms, and that that number will go up to 40,000 individuals another two weeks from now. Sure, there are 1,400 people in the U.S. who die each day from either tobacco or alcohol. But you don't die from tobacco or alcohol from someone touching you or sneezing on you. But then again no one is lying anymore about tobacco or alcohol. The CDC keeps saying “follow science� but science has this problem. It sells its soul to the highest bidder--science gives its newest technologies immediately into the hands of the worst people on earth like dictators or presidents with political agendas that are not related to health issues, and to companies like Monsanto who pay scientists and tell them what to say.

Science is like a golem. It has no conscience. If the President wants open borders for whatever reason he and the CDC are going to do everything they can to avoid quarantining people. Common sense is apparently negotiable, subject to popularity polls, to political appointees, and to party loyalties.

We shall see if there are a million ebola cases in W. Africa by January or not as government scientists predict and if so how that affects airline flights to the U.S. Hopefully, changes in burial methods, possible vaccines, and global assistance can reduce the rate of spread to a ratio less than 1 so that the new infections decline. Hopefully.

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