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World Fame

legal   laglig ruler   härskare separate   särskilja basically   i grund och botten enjoy   här: ha government services   statliga

förmåner population   befolkning enforce   upprätthålla force   här: makt residential area   bostadsområde segregate   avskilja split   dela poverty   fattigdom township   bosättningsområde för

svarta wooden hut   trähydda maid   hembiträde ban   förbjuda

World Fame What was Apartheid?

South Africa into the Future

Apartheid was the legal name used by the white rulers of South Africa to separate the people by race. Apartheid existed from 1948 to 1994. Basically it meant that the white people in the country enjoyed more rights, a much better life and better government services than the rest of the population. It was enforced by law and a lot of force. Some examples are:

Nelson Mandela changed South Africa, he also changed the world. He showed that it was possible for people to overcome great differences and a terrible, violent history. One of the biggest challenges the South African people faced was the process of reconciliation started by Nelson Mandela’s government.

• Residential areas were segregated or split. Most black people lived in poverty in large townships. Their housing was extremely poor; large families lived in small wooden huts, life was very hard in these places.

The Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) set up in 1995 was an attempt by the new government to help the people come to terms and move on from the past.

• Black people were only allowed into the white areas to work as maids and gardeners. They were not paid well and they had to carry identity passes at all times. • In 1949, the state banned marriage between whites and other races. In 1950 they banned sex between different races. • Separate buses and even bus stops were built for white and black people.

depending on   beroende på curriculum   läroplan

• Schools were different depending on your race. You studied different curriculums and the money spent on white children was far higher than other races’ children. • Beaches were separated with the whites having the best areas. • Sport was also split. Blacks could not play in the national teams in cricket, rugby and football.

Hearings were held for people to talk about human rights abuses during apartheid on a national stage. Both the people who suffered and those who caused the suffering were heard. The hearings could grant amnesty to people, listen to human rights abuses and try to help people regain their dignity.

hearing   förhör abuse   övergrepp, kränkning stage   plan suffer   lida cause   orsaka grant   bevilja regain   återfå dignity   värdighet punishment   straff

Some people criticized the TRC, feeling that it let many people, who had abused others, go free. Some felt that their punishments should be harder. However, most people in South Africa felt that the process helped them move on after apartheid and helped the country look to the future, not the past.

Since 1994 and the end of apartheid, South Africa has changed completely. There is a new flag, a new anthem; they have hosted the football World Cup. They are moving forward together as South Africans not as ‘Blacks’ or ‘Whites’. This gives all places hope that things can change for the better and that people can see beyond race, gender and religion and move forward together.

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overcome   övervinna, överbrygga violent   våldsam challenge   utmaning reconciliation   försoning attempt   försök come to terms   finna sig i

anthem   nationalsång host   vara värd för beyond   bortom gender   kön

good stuff gold 15

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