Eksd Out 5

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Eksd Out is 5 weeks Old Today!!! So, I'm sitting down here in the studio with Mr Xi, Mr Toongee and Mr Marque, hoping and praying we finish up this edition in time so we'll be able to join the band wagon of people heading to TBS for this year's 'Experience' concert, but who are we kidding? *sighs*we've been working off our butt's all week, we are too tired to get up and pick up spoons to eat sef, let alone heading to TBS. That being said, in this edition of Eksd Out, we bring to you Taiwo Olowu also known as 'LT'. He's a fun, down to earth individual, with a good sense of humour‌ I pray he achieves his goals. Amen. Also in this edition I bring to you 'Dear Dad" on the Open Letter column and something for married peeps on the 'moment of truth column'. Though I'd

love to talk more about it but I'll digress, I'm too exhausted and hungry for that *reaches for spoon*. Check out the 2nd edition of new column titled 'Ladies Corner' by Bambelina; we also got juicy gist for y'all in Trendmania. Big Ups to Kenny "Konkrete' for that‌ so I was saying *pauses* this food is staring at me ooo, bye jare, let me discuss pressing issues with it *scuffs food*. Editor Olukoya Olawale a.k.a Preach olukoyaolawalehermes@yaho o.com @Eksdoutofficial on IG and Twitter

You see, I forgive and don't forget, I live and don't regret. You might call me soft, girly or whatnot for writing this to you but I just got this one question to ask, maybe then I'll be free... 'Daddy are you proud of me?' I heard you and mom argued none stop all through the night. I know it was about money, I mean, we've never really had a dime; I'm too young to work so I'm considering crime. I figured if I can provide for myself, then you wouldn't have to. I used to take your money when it was lying in your dress, maybe this is my fault too, I don't know. Maybe I can buy my own

school uniform even give back to you and I know I shouldn't live this kind of life but I don't know. Maybe if you and mom had money; maybe you will stick around this time, maybe you will be around on my birthday, maybe mom won't cry. So I'll look at the mirror like 'this ain't drug money, this is dad couldn't do it'. I still had to give mom money, so I decided to feed myself so that you and mom could breathe, Daddy Are You Proud Of Me? She's spending her money, time and effort on the same things, coz mom played your role while you were looking after other women's kids, and can also skip the once a year course

of showing up on my birthday. I'd rather know if you meant to have me in the first place. See mom was always out there coz she needed to provide. Most times I get all stubborn but then I sit and think, she has to play the role of a man and woman without the help of a man. See sometimes I wish you were here because you claim you love me but I saw you constantly make my mom upset then one day you disappeared and left me to deal with it. I never knew you while growing up, mom never really mentioned you and it's not that I hate you but if I had to choose the father of the year between you and mom, then I'll choose everyone else but you. When I finally met you, I used to think: I want to be a father, but not like you‌ grow

up to be a man, but not like you! Do you know how many men would kill to have a wife like yours but not to be a dad like you? Now I'm the man of the house and if anyone ever says I look like you in the slightest, I'll tell them 'I'd like to look like everything that is not you'. I'm nothing like you, so I don't have any more questions to ask you, I'm already free and I don't give a damn if you are not proud of me. I watched you and learned how to keep all my emotions inside. You know, smile around guests but have no emotions around your family, some call it pride. People that meet me ask me how I keep getting happy all the time. I'm the one who makes my friends smile; I'm the one they come to for

advice. I never tell them what's wrong; I just tell them 'I'm cool'. Not because you are a bad guy dad, but I don't wanna disappoint you. See I've got one hundred questions I wish I could ask you, but I just keep myself to myself as the memories pass. Headphones in while I shut the world out, I wished I could have hired you as a kid, so I could spend more time with you and did what fathers and sons did. I've always looked up to you but you were always out of reach. You taught me to be strong and believe. I'm a man now dad people listen when I speak, I studied hard and eventually worked, even helped tidy up mom's business. Respect and fear are not the same thing, at

least I learnt that for free. So I got one question, Daddy are you proud of me? Everybody complains about their dads‌ I just wish mine was alive, I never had memories but I cherish what I remember. Sometimes your relatives say I look just like you, so sometimes I need guidance I ask myself what you'd do. I wish I could have known you like I should but that's what's really getting to me. But I've done a lot since dad; mom said you'd be proud. I'm not little no more if only you could see me, sitting by your grave no one else but you and me, I wanna ask you one more question maybe then I'll be free...Daddy Are You Proud Of Me?

Here's a lovely piece for both single and married people from: http://www.rhema.co. nz/the-word-fortoday Do read and be inspired.

incomplete. So if the purpose of marriage is closeness, the enemy of marriage is distance. But problems arise when you expect your spouse to meet every need you've got.

It's easy to remember where and when you got married, but what escapes you is why. God created Eve because He knew Adam was lonely and

Only God can do that! A man asked his friend, 'How come you never got married?' He replied, 'because I was look for the

ideal woman.' 'And you never found her?' his friend asked. 'Yes, of course, but just my luck-- she was looking for the ideal man.' Hello! Can a marriage be perfect? No, but when two people make

4) They felt unloved. 5) They felt taken for granted. 6) They lacked someone to confide in. 7) Each spouse felt he or she was giving more than the other. 8) They rarely

up their minds to give themselves fully to each other, they can come pretty close. In a survey of thousands of married couples, here are ten reasons why people said they were unhappy: 1) They didn't think alike in many areas. 2) They had little insight into each other's feelings. 3) They said hurtful things to one another.

complimented each other. 9) They desired more affection. 10) They couldn't talk to each other. I was teaching my Sunday school class about the Ten Commandments. We got to. "Thou shalt not commit adultery", I wondered if I'd have to explain it. Sure enough, a seven-girlold-girl raised her

hand and asked, 'what commit mean?'" Seriously, if you live by impulse instead of commitment, your marriage will suffer. The word 'Commitment' is best described in your wedding vows. Remember those? 'Will you have this woman (or man) to be your lawful wedded wife or (husband)... to live together in God's holy ordinance of marriage... to be faithful... in good times and bad, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, remain faithful to her (or him)?. That's what you said before God! A big hotel displayed this sign on its bulletin board for passing motorists to read: 'Have your next affair with us!' That's not so funny when you consider the ramifications! A

prominent psychiatrist said, I've counselled thousands of couples, and I've yet to meet my first happy adulterer.' The results are always the same: shame, fear, loss, loneliness and depression. When you violate your own integrity, it's hard to live in your own skin. The secret to happiness in marriage isn't finding the right person, it's becoming the right person. You are supposed to care about the spiritual, emotional, material and sexual need to your spouse. So start discussing these things. And if you find it difficult to talk about them, get help - Your marriage is worth fighting for!

My name is Olowu Taiwo also known as 'LT' a.k.a. Shey Jeje Master. Uhh, I'm 25 years of age. I started music around '09, but majorly kicked off 2 years ago. I'm an artiste, a pro choreographer, a sucker for music, I love basketball and yeah, I'm addicted to video games'.

Tell Us About Yourself My name is Olowu Taiwo also known as 'LT' a.k.a. Shey Jeje Master. Uhh, I'm 25 years of age. I started music around '09, but majorly kicked off 2 years ago. I'm an artiste, a pro choreographer, a sucker for music, I love basketball and yeah, I'm addicted to video games'. Would You Consider Yourself A Ladies' Man? Yes!! I would. Coz I get that vibe based on the response from different ladies. I have more female friends sef, come to think of it, I think it's in my genes *thinking*. As LT Have You Had Any Challenges/Setbacks In Regards To Music? Yes. When I started music initially - 2 years ago, it wasn't

easy getting good producers coz they charge ridiculous fees. Mixing school and dance has been quite challenging too. I'm grateful to God. I'm in my finals... so school shouldn't be a problem [any more]. So Far, Have You Performed At Major Events? The latest was Koffi's show, which had massive response, big ups to Koffi for the opportunity. Also was bash's event, and I also performed at Miss Unilag 2014. As An Artiste, Who Would You Like To Feature, Home And Abroad? Home- I'm actually working on featuring Patoranking, Viktoh YBNL,Vector, Olamide, Lil' Kesh and Banky W. Abroad- I'll like to feature Rihanna, she's the realest

person ever; and then Chris Brown; Usher. When You Are At Home As Taiwo, Do You Engage In Any Household Chores? Ahhh!! Okay let me say- first of all I love to cook. My mom 'Enrieta Kosoko' is a caterer and I lived with my grand mom; so I'll say I learnt how to cook from them. On A Scale Of 1 To 10, What Would Grade Yourself In Terms Of Being A Gentleman? I'll give myself 10 *laughs* to be honest, and I thank God for the gift of humility, and yes! I'll give myself 10. As A Guy, What Are The Qualities You'd Except Your Ideal Woman To Possess? She has to be God fearing, has to be true to herself; she has to be attentive to details, be a good cook and very cool.

Do You Have A Celeb Crush? I have a crush on Sheyi Shay. She's very down to earth and does good music. As Taiwo, Have You Ever Heard A Song That Killed Your Vibe And Made You Regret Hearing It? I think Maheeda's is one. She doesn't have content, doesn't know Jack about music yet she's popular for it, and I'll 'what?' I hate that she has to expose herself, I mean go nude just to make her songs popular. Let Me Put You In This Tight Imaginary Situation, What Will You Do If You Get Stuck In An Elevator With Sheyi Shay? *Laughs hard* arrrrghhh! I'll do a lullaby with her, and then be a gentleman. But if the elevator doesn't move, I'll

scream and do weird. But the elevator must come back on ooo, else! *clears throat*. What's Your Definition Of Being Real? Accepting your faults and learning how to apologise. Being a good listener, being humble; I hate it when people fake things. To me it's about accepting who you truly are. What Have You Encountered In Your Life That Felt Like A Miracle? I'd say my twin brother- he's using a walking stick. The way God designed him is a miracle. I stopped playing basketball coz of him. Like, I wish we were playing together, though he's my director, coach and all and it's not that he can't walk on his own but there are some few things he

can do with his legs alone. He's just my miracle. It's all a miracle that he's having strength in his legs, I pray for him every night, and I'm grateful coz he's getting better. Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years To Come? Bigger, better and impacting lives What Do You Think Are Problems Affecting Youths Of Our Generation, In Your Own Opinion? Most youths spend a lot of time on the internet, like the 'Yahoo boys' and all‌ I'm not judging though, but it sucks big time, and also "Sports betting'. It's also sad to see youth of this day at the bus stop very early in the morning arguing about soccer. I want the government also to provide jobs for unemployed.

Any Advice To The Youth Who Wants To Achieve Their Goals?. I posted something on Instagram; I said 'it's one thing for you to dream; it's one thing for to achieve your dream; and another is to be grateful to God for achieving it.' You see, having a dream and working towards it and then sticking to it with faith are different things. My advice is to always have faith, believe and work towards your dreams.




The following are some reasons why ladies cheat: Insecurity, Greed, Indecision, Lack of sexual satisfaction, Money (trying to satisfy their wants and needs), Lack of care and attention from the guy, Lack of communication, Lack of trust Oh yes, what makes ladies cheat is nothing other than these things listed above [asides from anything weird]. A lot of ladies feel insecure about their man because he is rich, handsome and/or has a lot of female friends and she's the jealous type. It's

not all ladies that are patient or understanding‌ characters of which if you don't have, can destroy a lot of things. Ladies usually begin to talk to friends that would advise them to cheat or mess around; but it's only if a lady knows what she wants and is not indecisive that she would make the right decision. But let's look at how things happen these days‌ Ladies get moved by peer groups a lot; they tend to do what their friends suggest just to feel among, which mostly ends up destroying their

relationship. But ladies still don't learn from these and keep making the same mistakes which is an act of greed. Most ladies even without evidence jump into conclusions, insinuating one thing or the other in their head… and she starts the selfish act by thinking of how to be happier and how to try someone else out not knowing or caring about how the partner feels. A relationship is between two people, STOP BEING SELFISH! “Love” is sharing. In relationships communication is very essential. It makes you know and understand each other more and increases the trust between both partners. Without trust relationship cannot stand because if you are told a thing

about your man from outside, you should be able to stand for him because you trust him and know what he is capable of doing. “Trust means reliance, confidence and hope”. So tell me, when all these are inputted in a relationship how won't that relationship work, when you don't listen to side talks, rumors and friends' advice? Another thing that happens amongst ladies is “competition”. Every girl wants to use human hair, carry designer bags, shoes, belts, watches, perfumes and shades. But not all of them are working nor even earn enough to buy themselves these things or they just can't use their money to buy these things… but they just want to own them (who doesn't

want to look good? Lol!). They have a boyfriend but he can't afford these things or can only afford one. Not all ladies are understanding so guys, if your lady isn't understanding, this would trigger the whole thoughts of cheating to make money in order to get all she needs. But wait o! What about the ones that have really rich boyfriends that gets all they want by just asking? Hmmm! Maybe the guy has a small d*** or he can't just F*** her the way he should, lol! Then they go out and have sex just to get satisfied for the fun of it, and they don't even mind spending their money. In conclusion, it is therefore important that ladies are sure of what they want before jumping into a relationship and guys should learn to know what their woman wants sexually and more.

On this edition of Fashion EksPress, I'll like to express my thoughts on this -what I call a- 'stupid person's hat'. If you are wondering what I'm talking about, let me simplify it for you... I am referring to 'Bucket Hats'. Yes Bucket Hats Are Stupid! *hisses* It's time to talk about this before it becomes more of a thing. Caps are all the rave this year, but what's "really big this year" are the bucket hats which were brought back from the 90's by TDE's Schoolboy Q… ”Brought the gangsters back to bucket hat how real is that?”. At the initial stage, we got to see the likes of Nigeria's Ice Prince, Davido and co wear them but they have stopped coz obviously it's a dumb trend that

makes them look like fishermen. But the whole thing has escalated amongst Nigerians so badly that we now walk amongst 'Fishermen and women' on a daily basis, c'mon do y'all even look at yourselves in the mirror before leave your apartments? Recently, the Biebs

was spotted wearing this monstrosity. Getty Images-image cred

No, not the 3/4 pants (short longs or long shorts?) I'm talking about the BUCKET HAT.

1. You can judge it on the cuteness/age scale.

2. And the “whetheror-not-you're-famous� scale.

Getty Images-image cred So it's important we take the time to discuss what is/isn't acceptable as far as bucket hat wearing goes. Basically there are 2 ways to determine who can/can't wear a bucket hat. imgur.com

Although just because you can wear them doesn't mean you should. Example: Even if you ARE famous you can easily overdo it.

Schoolboy Q,

imgur.com They Make Bucket Hats Look Good? WRONG!!!! imgur.com Just look at this? They Never Show Their Eyes

everybody. newschoolers.com But What About Models?

THEY ARE ASHAMED This Is What You Look Like Irl When You Wear A Bucket Hat E . J .@JonesMacc Follow Is that Tony Parker? Lol "@moshology: "Juss copped dat new bucket

hat fam" "... can you imagine? *spits on the floor* Your creepiness levels? INCREASE BY 1000000X

“Oh but I've seen celebrities wear them and that's cool.” Tell me, how is this cool?! THE ONLY REASON THEY GET AWAY WITH IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE FAMOUS. As previously discussed (remember the graph) INSTEAD YOU GET SHIT LIKE THIS. WTF IS GOING ON HERE?!?!!??!!?

douche. And you don't want that do you? DO YOU?!?!!?!?!?!

This is Rick Ross in 'classic grandma style', a perfect example of what happens when you don't RESPECT the laws of bucket hat wearing. HONESTLY. BUCKET HATS RUIN EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! STILL THINK THEY'RE COOL?! Bucket Hats Are Stupid And Everyone Who Wears One Is Dumb And This Is Why And these are the kind of jokes that get made AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE. Rube #? ? w l o F 1 2 _ r J n e b u R @ ? “@tittymilksenpai: mom bought me a new bucket hat! Now I look like schoolboy Q ” LOL If you wear a bucket hat you look like a


Check out this new image from Jake Gyllenhaal's new film 'Southpaw'... this guy's on his way to Oscar glory! More here: http://deadline.com/2014/11/jakegyllenhaal-southpaw-photo-nightcrawler1201300519/

https://www.theverge.com/2 014/12/4/7327013/jamesbond-24-full-cast-titlecar-release-date

Apple did what was once the unthinkable while predictable Samsung delivers again. Right or wrong, this is a fight of old versus new. The Galaxy Note is in its fourth

generation while the iPhone 6 Plus is Apple's first phablet ever. Samsung's release cadence dictates that the Galaxy Note is the H2 flagship, keen to assert its

superiority over an already feature-rich Galaxy S. iPhones come once a year, even the first-time iPhone 6 Plus phablet. The situation is similar though, the Plus is better equipped than the vanilla iPhone 6. Apple iPhone 6 Plus Over Galaxy Note 4

versions Tap-to-scan (no swipe) fingerprint sensor Dual-LED flash vs. single LED Samsung Galaxy Note 4 over iPhone 6 Plus:

Thinner - 7.1mm vs.

Bigger, sharper display - 5.7" QHD vs. 5.5" 1080p Higher resolution still camera - 16MP vs. 8MP

8.5mm Phase-detection autofocus Slo-mo video - 240fps mode vs. 120fps mode 64GB and 128GB

Better video recording - 2160p (stereo sound) vs. 1080p (mono) Expandable storage General-purpose NFC

Heart rate and blood oxygen saturation sensors Better front-facing camera - 3.7MP/1440p vs. 1.2MP/720p Bigger, userreplaceable battery Faster LTE (on Snapdragon version only) Optional dual-SIM Samsung is known for its feature-rich (some would say "overflowing"), utilitarian designs but it's slowly coming around to metal designs with the Alpha and now the Galaxy Note 4. It's just a metal rim, so the user-replaceable battery and microSD card slot are intact. The screen size also remained unchanged (5.7") to keep the device manageable single-handedly, but resolution increased to QHD. The defining feature of the Note series - the S Pen, was also improved and

Samsung included optical image stabilization (OIS) to the list of camera specs. Apple iPhone 6 Plus And Samsung Galaxy Note 4‌ Getting Ready For A Fight The biggest change for Apple is the screen - after years of keeping just about the same size and sharpness, the company took the plunge. The design language changed more than it did for the Galaxy and is now smooth and rounded like an iPod Touch, it's impressively slim too. It's the OIS-enabled camera that is the other advantage over the Vanilla iPhone 6. With bigger screens, both phones and their respective platforms (iOS and Android + TouchWiz) have their ways of boosting usability.

Dolapo Jesus, ehn!!! Please don't show this to me again... I can't even imagine what I'll do.

Williams I no go enter that house again.

Miracle I'd just grab a cutlass, open the back door and look for hefty boys to kill it.

Ojay Seriously, imma just run and get the available wood or stone to kill the devil menh! In situations like this, you don't need any prayer, bcos you've been equipped with God's word already b4 the battle.

Eniola Ehn!!! I just die there ni.

Chibroma God knows I would neva pass thru that door again‌ relocation tinz ASAP!

Yinka Chioma Mhen! I'll so scream n quickly bolt the door if I were inside but God forbid, I won't see it.

I'll disappear ni‌ or I'll Christian-rap my way outta the compound.

Tejiri See question o, wetin dey to do before? Guy, I go use back waka go back till I comot for the compound but I go arrange people wey go kill am.

Gbogboade Omo na to call my mallam neighbours, we go chop snake pepper soup that night.



Would look for a stone, hit it on the head, and check if it's dead, then sweep it... but if it attacks, na to run o.

I would just kneel down and start begging. Because I know it's definitely my 'aunty kaka'. She's always following a nigga around.

Our video of the week has to be from uncle Flavour. The six pack showing, waist twisting, high life sensation - Flavour has just released the video for his song 'Golibe', which has gaining massive airplays man. It is the second video he is releasing from his album 'Thankful' which rumour has that he sold over one million copies in 5 days, Chai! Moving on, the video features appearances from Pete Edochie and Anna Ebiere and it was directed by So, last week it was reported that Femi Kuti was involved in a paternity scandal which brought him to discovering that two of his kids weren't his. However, the story was gotten from an interview originally published by Encomium Magazine. In the interview Femi Kuti allegedly said that he returned the kids back to their mothers. Chocolate city who recently signed Femi came out to say the allegations were false that baba is a good father and all that. Plus, the interview was done 8 years ago and that bloggers are just sniffing around for something to sell. Anyways, legitimate or not we kuku like Femi Kuti.

strongs; even attacking her career sef - that it is a representation of a short career span. Wooaahh! However, surprisingly she rose above it all and posted a rather mild post saying maybe he had a rough day. Here's her post... The very sexy Nigerian pop singer, Seyi Shay has decided to drop a little something for Charles Novia after the bros crossed the line when he yabbed the outfit she wore to the Channel O African Music Video Awards which was held in the weekend. Seyi Shay had worn a sexy sheer dress to the evening ceremony, showing off her skin and her choice of dark underwear, generating polarised opinions. Charles Novia who is a Nigerian movie producer by the way, decided to dive into the matter with

I read some things about me today. I think people should focus more on themselves than on others. Maybe he was having a rough day *Hugs* — Sèyi Shay #BOSSETTE Also, On Air Personalities 'Freez' and TV icon 'Funmi Iyanda' have questioned Charles Novia's comment which brought him to apologize. But that dress though... Okay bye.

... It has now become a trend for people to “break the internet”. I'm telling you fam this is the “naked” truth. Well, speaking of naked, the Kardashians have been up to different nude pictures from Mom Kris Jenner, Kendall Kenner, Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian. But we all know that Kim's own was insane. Anyways, Kourtney has decided to join the mix with her new nude pregnant pictures. She was posing for DuJour Magazine. Away from the Kardashians, Heidi Klum who is a model, presenter, actress and mother of four went topless too for a new lingerie. Well, in her defence she had lingerie on. :D And, our very own nudist thought she couldn't leave us without a gift. How thoughtful. Maheeda had her own nudes too uploaded recently… they were pretty hot I must say. Well, I think that's it for the nudes. I know you're waiting for the pictures abi. Wa pe 'n be.

Well, I used to think Mister Incredible is not so incredible with relationships or is not even in one sef. However, Mr MI who recently dropped his new album ' the Chairman' hinted about marriage in his interview with Encomium Magazine earlier this year. This is what he had to say when asked about his plans for marriage: "M.I doesn't have a love life, not to talk of getting married. Most times people interview MI and MI has no relationship. However, Jude is very private, he's not a public figure, and I am sure you're not interested whether he gets married or not, because he's not MI". "Unfortunately, Jude is not here (smiles). You're interviewing MI and MI is not going to get married. But I am sure Jude will soon get married, people should just watch out for the time". In an exclusive interview with Pulse.ng on November 8, 2014 M.I admitted to being in a long term relationship and opened up about why he keeps his love life private. You've heard it, look forward to M.I's wedding!

On this Edition of Eksd Meter, I'll be expressing my utmost disappointment towards entertainment media… For so long y'all have been coming up with outrageous lists of 'Top 5 (or whatever) Sexiest Artistes In Nigeria', so far I do not agree with your lists coz they feel unfair and ojoroish! So today I present to you the real 'Top 7 Sexiest Male Artistes' in Nigeria in no particular order… and yes I'm the 8th one. *shines teeth*


buzor i h C s i al name e r e er, song ly s c o u h d W o r p ecent , is a r e k t i s u u b j u z A rtiste; a d Capital n a h t r i e w t i l r w ord dea c has a e r a d a e e d h e a n M g si s. Even d loves r o e c h e s R d s i l a l Hi m… she s i h r o f thing . his eyes

zi e r O i j a h l A Orezi a.k.a sure hit-

of the e n o with d w e o t n a r t h s g Ores i stry ri ing brains u d n i e h n t ust makers i ingle 'Shoki' b country and s e his new ubs all over th ood and so, g l in the c t' also getting on my list. ri be 'You Gar eah, he has to y

Sean Sean is one 'Perfect Gen Tizzle tleman' also that sh ouldn't be a bsent on this list. M any ladies s aid they love his eye s, some his stature... w ell bravo to Sean Tizzle.

ile b I a g a l A .a .k a e RU Reminisc LKALID SAFA

BDU REMILEKUN A singer, e l i t a s r e v is a iter. r w g n o s a rapper and rap style s u o n e g i d n His i rt after o s l l e w a makes him rapper.

He too c Oritsefemi an not b e l e f t I mean out of t his. here, do , look at this esn't he man righ If you d t on't thi reek of sexines nk so th s en there ? 'Double is Wahala' for you o!

Do this I need t o eve man? Y ' all k n say a Wande C alone oal can g now him nything e abo nau t a into heave lady fr ; his vo ut ic ee ga n. Le te pa e t me ss stop there .

on s e e i well, c c i i 9 s! 9 as Ye list h it! my l wit dea

This is my own list o... if you don't like it, check the editor's note, my email is there, holla! And yeah‌ in your face 'giggles', you think I'll put some sexy guys' pictures on here without mine? No way!



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