Slope Magazine Spring 2021

Page 14

the complexity of the storytelling, with each

and skill as an artist, which has only grown

song its own piece of art. Every time I listen,

in the fifteen years since her first album.

I pick up on some previously unnoticed creative wordplay, beautiful musical note, or

I’m proud to admit that I’ve listened

relatable wisdom. That listening experience

to “Mr. Perfectly Fine,” the new, never-

gave me a much greater appreciation for

before-heard bonus track from Fearless’s

Taylor’s range and evolution as an artist,

rerelease, too many times to count. Other

from her early country days to her pop

favorites include “Cruel Summer” and “Death

superstardom and now to this new chapter

By 1000 Cuts’’ from Lover, “mirrorball” from

in Indie music. I can equally enjoy bubbly,

Folklore, and the classic “Love Story (Taylor’s

fun songs like “We are Never Ever Getting

Version)” from Fearless’ rerelease. All of

Back Together” from Red and stunningly

these songs, and more, can be accessed on

emotional ones like “Exile” from Folklore.

the Spotify playlist “Taylor Swift: Then and Now,” linked via QR code below. I hope you

As Taylor’s sound has developed and

take my favorites as your own reintroduction

matured, so have I. My generation of young

to Taylor and then discover your own from

women has had the privilege of listening and

her extensive collection of absolute bops.

relating to an incredible performer. I realized

After all, Taylor’s songs do what music

that I often took Taylor’s work for granted

should: bring people together, help us feel

when it was really an intrinsic part of the

understood, and serve as an escape. I don’t

pop culture landscape all along. Further, I

see my newfound Taylor Swift obsession

think I may have unconsciously internalized

dying down anytime soon, and one of my

some of the derisive, misogynistic rhetoric

first post-pandemic priorities will be to look

surrounding Taylor throughout her career.

for tickets to her next tour with my friends. I

This may have turned me off from investing

guarantee I’ll be singing along to the songs

too deeply in her work or thinking of it as

even louder at twenty than I did at fourteen.


“cool.” More than a naive young girl singing about her exes, Taylor is a master storyteller, vocal powerhouse, savvy businesswoman, and songs

expert are

performer. lyrically






insightful, and catchy as hell. In the face of an ownership dispute with her former record label, Taylor’s decision to re-record her entire musical catalogue demonstrates this power


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