SLO LIFE Magazine Oct/Nov 2013

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Dumb Freshman

When I was fourteen years old a new girl moved to town. She was a twelve-year-old Bay Area transplant, and she became fast friends with one of my younger sisters. At the time, I didn’t give it much thought— she was just another one of my sister’s lame friends.

The first time I remember us spending any time together was when she was invited along during a family vacation to Cayucos. I grew up in Visalia and “going to the coast” was always a big deal during the dog days of our 100-degree-plus weather that lasted for weeks on end in the San Joaquin Valley. At the time, the new girl did not have much experience at the beach, and she decided to capture the ocean sounds by setting up her boom box with a fresh tape for recording. About 15 minutes after she left it unattended, I ran over and did my best dying seagull impersonation followed by the sounds from a creature not common to the Central Coast—a gorilla.

Later that night when she played the tape back, checking for its soothing sounds, she started crying when she heard my offkey additions. My mom pulled her aside and uttered these prophetic words, “Honey, he only did that because he likes you.”

The nature tape incident faded away and a few years later we found ourselves at the same high school. As a junior, I signed the new girl’s yearbook, “Hey dumb freshman, Tom.” Despite the harsh treatment, we really did get along well—in a big brother, little sister sort of way. Plus, she was the only one that understood my humor and laughed at my jokes (a phenomenon that is still true to this day).

When I was a junior at UC Santa Cruz (Go, Slugs!) one sunny October afternoon I bumped into the new girl at a bus stop on campus. “What are you doing here!?” we asked each other. Turns out she was a freshman, but not such a dumb one this time around. We became great friends in college and even shared a kiss late one night, which freaked us both out completely. This time, the mutual question wasn’t, “What are you doing here!?” but, “What just happened!?”

Time passed—diplomas were earned, moves were made, careers were started—and we lost touch. It was years later, on one especially cold and rainy night in San Francisco that I received a Christmas card from the new girl, which also included her phone number. I called right away and learned that she was teaching 4th grade in the Valley and about to start her winter break. “Come for a visit—and I’m not taking ‘No’ for answer,” I told her. The rest, as they say, is history.

A friend of mine, who is also a ship captain, married us that October on his charter boat just off the shores of Angel Island. Now, twelve years and three kids later, the sign that hangs in the entryway of our home both tells the story and excuses the chaos: “All because two people fell in love.” And, if I ever catch one of my kids calling someone a “dumb freshman,” you can be sure that I will be paying very close attention.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of the people who had a hand in producing this issue of SLO LIFE Magazine and, especially to our advertisers and subscribers, we could not do it without your support—thank you.

Live the SLO Life!

Tom Franciskovich

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BEHIND the scenes

When I read Botso’s story, I was pretty blown away. I thought, “Wow, we just have to do the shoot with film.” Normally, digital is fine, but using film felt like the right thing to do. And, when I was asked to shoot against a white background, I was really excited. There is nothing like a portrait in front of a clean background, because there’s nothing extra to distract from the viewer’s eye—so they focus directly on the subject. I love faces, and I don’t think there’s a better way to really “see” a person’s face than to make their portrait against a clean, white background.

We shot the cover in Botso’s garage using two lights (a.k.a. strobes or flashes) and a seamless background. One of the lights was up above his face, and the other light was behind. We made the photos in the late morning, but the time of day didn’t really matter for these, since all of the light was from the strobes. In fact, I chose the garage for this shot specifically because it was relatively dark, meaning that I wouldn’t need to worry about any ambient light “polluting” the light from my strobes.

I call this my “big” camera. It’s a Hasselblad 500c/m. Known as a “system” camera, every piece is removable and interchangeable— from the lens to the viewfinder, the film holder, and the film winder. These cameras were in production nearly unchanged from 1959 through 1994, and still see pretty wide use today. They’re heavy and bulky, but they’re all metal, and with a little TLC, they keep working pretty much forever. Talk about durability.

10 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 SLO LIFE | ON THE COVER
with Chris Bersbach

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4251 S. Higuera Street, Suite 800 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Letters chosen for publication may be edited for clarity and space limitations.

12 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
Trompeter Paden Hughes
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oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 13 Look sharp. Live large. Smell Good. Jules D. 672 Higuera St., SLO 781-0722 Men’s lifestyle boutique. Viorela Bauer DDS 121 W. Branch Street, Suite A, Arroyo Grande (located in the Village behind AG Framing) 805.481.6617 Open Mon - Thurs 8:30am - 4:30 pm • 0% Financing Available • • Complimentary Whitening with Invisalign® Treatment •

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Millions of jobs Franciskovich mentions. Millions. Think of the current population of San Luis Obispo County. Then think of ag land and open spaces being gobbled up by housing developments. Obviously developers would love it. And the frackers promise that they will provide money for infrastructure; better hospitals and schools, etc. With respect to hospitals and health care, what if in allowing fracking we are creating the health problems that demand more hospital services? Sounds a bit self-destructive and pointless to me.

>> Frack No

I read with interest Tom Franciskovich’s fracking article in the August 2013 SLO LIFE Magazine. Despite its seeming objectivity into the pros and cons of this oil extraction process, I felt that the article was clearly on the side of the frackers. Sure, methane released into the atmosphere leading to more global warming was mentioned. Also included was the issue of methane in the drinking water. Nothing, however, was mentioned of health problems that people have experienced or the shrinking water table that farmers or ranchers have to deal with that threaten their livelihoods and our food supply.

Of course, Franciskovich’s article talked about our pristine San Luis Obispo lifestyle and our tourism. But, he made this aspect of the Central Coast sound obscene – almost self indulgent and petty. He does this by focusing primarily on the dollars tourism brings in versus the dollars fracking could bring into the SLO county economy.

Thus the lion share of the article talks about the boom fracking has been for the American economy. We are less dependent on foreign oil. And Europe is buying oil from us. Where fracking has been allowed, state and regional economic outlooks have become outrageously rosey. This is looking at revenues, not into the faces of the people who know the darker side of what fracking brings.

Envision San Luis Obispo twenty-five years down the road after fracking. Visualize another million people in the area. Visualize the roads and the traffic. Visualize paved over areas for malls and hospitals where there used to be fields that once grew our food. Visualize our children with respiratory and digestive complaints as our water becomes more contaminated and our air more saturated with petrochemical pollutants – and whatever chemicals they are allowed to use that we are told we are not allowed to even ask about. Good-bye SLO life. Hello asphalt jungle. Hey, but we got tons of money!!!

So, what will the Board of Supervisors do? Developers want to develop. Infrastructures are crying out for more money. Will our Board be willing to look around at the real-time realities of fracked communities without staying fixated on the bottom line? Will they be willing to look at where the money has really gone and who really benefits? Will they have the moral backbone to resist all the perks and benefits that will be lavished upon them by oil companies? Will they be willing to risk their political careers for the higher ground? And, when the poor, hurt oil companies decide that they are going to try to sue our county if we don’t bend to their will, where will the men and women of the Board and our community stand?

George W. Bush said that we are “addicted to oil.” Actually, he got that line from George Clooney in “Syriana.” And, just as Mr. Bush was willing to plagiarize Clooney for a good sound bite, rather than address the addiction, he went along with his oil cronies and sanctioned a more deadly way to satisfy the itch. We haven’t overcome our addiction to oil. Fracking just allows us to do it dirtier and deadlier.

14 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | SLO LIFE IN BOX
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>> No Frackin’ Way

Fracking disturbs the natural balance. Gas and oil have known about the $$$ potential of our waters for decades. Fracking is nothing new and neither is the greed of the gas and oil industry. Do we want to destroy the sealife and coastline in exchange for the riches bestowed on the few? When the Richmond refinery caught fire they passed the bill on to us, the consumer. Dolphins are washing up on the coast from “seismic

>> What the Frack?

After reading your article about about fracking, I felt I just had to respond to this information. I will quote from the August/September 2013 issue, “A mixture of WATER, sand and chemicals called the fracking fluid are blasted into the rock at approximately 4,200 GALLONS PER SECOND, creating tiny fissures in the shale.”

It takes 3 to 8 MILLION gallons of water for the average well to extract its oil. Pray tell, where is this water going to come from? We already have a fight going on in Paso Robles over water. San Luis has never had an abundance of water, now or in the past. We have friends that are selling off their cattle because we are in the second year of drought and they do not have enough water in their wells.

How can we even CONSIDER this idea????

testing,” which is fracking. Educate your readers and inform them, but please don’t call fracking and drilling a money boom for them. They won’t benefit. We are too close to nuclear power plants. Don’t forget Fukushima. They do not know how to stop the contaminated waters from pouring (by the tons) into the Pacific Ocean, contaminating fish and seaweed. It’s dangerous.

>> Sum Total

At the conclusion of your article on fracking, your author values the Monterey Shale oil reserves at $16 trillion. But 15.4 billion barrels times $105 per barrel is “only” $1.6 trillion, not 16.

>> Thank you for pointing out the error, Joe. You are correct, 15,400,000,000 barrels x $105 = $1,600,000,000,000 and not $16,000,000,000,000. Still a lot of dough, but not quite as much as previously reported.

>> Surf’s Up

On Labor Day weekend this year I headed to the beach in Cayucos (camera in hand) with my family and watched my little 5-year-old Ruby surf for the first time with her daddy, Ryan Blackburn.

I thought I’d share this shot with you as I enjoy reading your magazine and seeing all the fun and amazing images and I thought this one might be one you’d be interested in publishing.

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Letters may be edited for content and clarity. To be considered for publication your letter must include your name, city, state, phone number or email address (for authentication purposes).

Supervisor Frank Mecham was the first on the scene when he happened to be driving by as a fire broke out in Paso Robles. He was able to help a 91-year-old man safely exit his home and attempted to fight the blaze with a small extinguisher he had in his car. Mecham also called the fire department, which showed up within minutes to prevent it from spreading. No one was hurt in the incident, and Mecham did earn himself at least one “Yes” vote in the next election.

Fifty-year-old Watsonville resident, Cristina Fernandez Padilla, is arrested on suspicion of robbing six banks, including Coast Hills Credit Union, over an eight month period in San Luis Obispo, Monterey, and Stanislaus Counties.

Nicknamed “The Central Coast Bandit,” Padilla’s luck finally ran out at the Golden 1 Credit Union on Foothill in San Luis Obispo. After having initially admitted her guilt, she later retracted and entered a not guilty plea in court. Padilla is currently being held on $1 million bail.

The SLO County Board of Supervisors, by a unanimous vote, approved an emergency ordinance that immediately halts new housing construction and agricultural planting within the Paso Robles water basin, unless the applicant can prove a

1-to-1 offset ratio. The decision, which is in effect for 45 days, was made after hours of public comment from approximately 75 speakers who presented opposing views.

During the Huckfest Weekend at the Oceano Dunes, which attracted more than 2,000 vehicles to the park, Felipe de Jesus Amezcua, 19, of San Leandro passed away from injuries sustained during a solo motorcycle accident. According to Huckfest organizer, Manuel Garner, 21, of Nipomo, the incident was not related to the competition. The event, which has been permitted by State Parks, has become so popular that people were turned away at the gate this year.

Rosetta, a San Luis Obispo marketing agency, announced that it terminated Bentley Murdock, the ShareSLO social media ambassador, halfway into his $50,000 year-long contract. Murdock was hired for the role after a highly public selection process that featured 44 other candidates. In the aftermath of the termination, Murdock issued a press release stating that he opted to “step down from his position,” citing a “limited budget” and further explained that he would be “donating” the remainder of his salary back to the campaign. Representatives at Rosetta, a company that has a $600,000 contract with the city, remained tight-lipped, but did indicate that Murdock was threatening a law suit.

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In the midst of an epic drought, cities around the Central Coast announced water shortages. In addition to Paso Robles, both Cambria and Nipomo issued warnings that their supplies are running short. Even in Atascadero, where the aquifer is not at risk, the lake is drying up and leaving hundreds of dead fish on its banks.

No disciplinary action was taken against two long-time Morro Bay city employees following a day-long city council meeting. A block of three councilmembers, Mayor Jamie Irons, Christine Johnson, and Noah Smukler have been on a crusade to remove City Attorney Robert Schultz and City Manager Andrea Leuker, although their rationale has not been revealed. The meeting was held on short notice, yet had to be moved to a larger location where it was standing room only and attended by an overwhelming number of townspeople who expressed their support of Schultz and Leuker.

In a rare ceremonial proceeding at City Hall, SLO Police Chief, Steve Gessell, is deputized temporarily as a city clerk for the purpose of swearing in the new SLO Fire Chief, Garrett Olson. Earlier in their careers the two had worked together

A month after Clint Pearce of Madonna Enterprises announces that he is no longer partnering with Gary Grossman of Coastal Community Builders in the proposed development of the long-fought-over 131-acre Dalidio property, a strange flyer landed in local mailboxes. The message is in support of big box retailers who will provide “good paying retail jobs.” Because the mailer misspells “Obispo” as “Opispo,” some suspect that it was the work of Chick-fil-A’s marketing department.

The largest ever freshman class to arrive at Cal Poly numbers 4,750—a 28% increase over last year, which goes along with a 25% uptick in the number of transfer students. To accommodate the expansion, two-person dorms are triple-bunked and 472 beds at Poly Canyon Village, normally reserved for continuing students were reassigned for incoming freshman. Against this backdrop, President Jeffrey Armstrong announces his desire to grow the student body by an additional 4,000-5,000, which represents a 20% to 25% increase. [Turn to page 62, “Bursting at the Seams,” to learn more.]

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We Want to Know

How did you get involved in politics in the first place? I worked for Senator Bill Bradley after studying political science as an undergrad. I grew up in Rockaway, New Jersey, the town next to the one Bill Bradley was from. He was my hero as a basketball star when I was kid. Then later he became our senator and I volunteered on a campaign. Then I became an intern and, after that, a staffer. When you are in your twenties it’s an incredibly idealistic time and D.C. was different then. There are many more crazy people running the place now.

Do you miss it, even a little bit? No, no— not at all. I realize now that local politics is the best. You can really get things done in a way that you can’t in Washington or Sacramento, which now has absolutely no appeal to me. Here, as a supervisor or a member of a city council, you can really have an effect on the community. You know, we live here. We’re here everyday. We have meetings every Tuesday. People have access to us. Sometimes I learn more about what’s going on in the community just by running into people at the supermarket.

So, how did you end up teaching English at Cal Poly? I’d always really liked to read, but I started to fall in love with books when I was in college. After my experience with Senator Bradley, I decided to go to grad school to study English. I wanted to write and do those sorts of things. When I was a student at LSU I did a lot of freelance writing for newspapers and magazines, mostly book and music reviews. I wrote for everything from Spin Magazine and Esquire to the LA Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. The newspapers were doing well and you could earn a decent living freelancing.

What’s your take on the state of journalism today? People start blogs and create phony stories and attack people everywhere. I think it’s problematic because we see less of a connection to real journalism today, particularly from younger generations. I mean, when I was at Cal Poly the students weren’t reading newspapers whether they were online or not. We were able to give them free subscriptions and they wouldn’t take them. If they got the news at all, it was likely they were getting it from Jon Stewart.

Doesn’t all the chatter you see following articles online tell a different story?

In the comments that follow articles online people can say some incredibly nasty things anonymously. These are things they would never say to people in person because it’s just too vulgar or rude or mean; but on the internet people can do it. There are some responsible

18 | SL
| Q&A
SLO LIFE SLO County Supervisor and dog lover, Adam Hill, takes our questions. With Alice and Nora, his Australian Shepherds listening in, he shares his thoughts on politics, journalism, and water…
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 19 Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend me your ears Good grief ! grie 805 541-1790 Call us today for your consultation Helping You Hear The Things You Love

As a senior staff photographer at Surfer Magazine, Chris Burkard has traveled the world in search of the perfect wave. His awards are too many to list and his work has appeared internationally. Most recently, the 27-year-old Arroyo Grande resident has published his third book, “Russia, the Outpost V. 1,” which is an intimate, journalistic documentation of a surf expedition on the Kamchatka Peninsula, a remote arctic finger in northern Russia. Closer to home, Burkard captured the shot you see here. He sets the scene, a local “secret surf spot,” in his own words…

Soul Surfer

“The session that afternoon was backlit and serene, more a mood than anything, viscerally sewn to the theme of the trip: solitude. The women were longboarders of silky catlike precision, nose-riding virtuosos, expertly tuned to the small river mouth waves near our campsite. Mavens of grace, they were relaxing to watch. The moment was so timeless and when I approach shooting these types of scenes I look to portray that. I wanted to capture the grace and style of Crystal Thornburg as she made riding the wave look effortless. Her silhouette, contrasted against the

colors of the setting sun, are really what create the timeless moment. I exposed the image to create that silhouette while using a fisheye to really capture the entire scene taking place. I stood in the water as high as I could lifting the housing above my head to give a unique perspective, almost as if you are riding the wave with her.”

Equipment and settings: Nikon D300s, 10.5 mm, ISO 200, f2.8, 1/800

Do you have an amazing photo to share?

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this installment of

our “Meet Your Neighbor” series, SLO LIFE Magazine sits down for a conversation with Botso Korisheli. He grew up in the Republic of Georgia, a peaceful, democratic country that was invaded by the Soviets when he was a child. His father was a famous actor, who was outspoken in his opposition to government control of the arts; he was executed for his views, but not before passing on life lessons to his son during the one and only visit to his jail cell. Today, at 92-years-old, Botso still adheres closely to his father’s maxims and has worked tirelessly to teach music to thousands of Central Coast students. Now, as the SLO Youth Symphony he founded prepares to celebrate its 50-year anniversary, Botso reflects on his life. Here is his story…

Botso, please tell us about the Republic of Georgia. Much like here, it is the cradle of wine making and everything grows there. It has the Caucasus Mountains and the valleys are very fertile. It is a country that is very fond of music. We do everything while singing, literally everything, even fighting the intruders while singing. My parents were actors, very well known actors in the Soviet Union. But, my father disagreed with the government—the rule was that theatre and drama and arts should serve the politics. But dad disagreed. He said that it should serve the people. And, he did not budge one inch.

You grew up in Georgia during Joseph Stalin’s hardline “Sovietization” of that democratic country during the 1920’s. What was that like?

My parents where quite well known and they knew Stalin, who was also Georgian. I met him once. I was a young boy. It was during the summer so there was no school. I always went to the theatre to watch my parents perform and there was a rumor that Stalin would be attending the late show that day. The place was packed, so I sat somewhere in the last >>

oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 23
567 Marsh Street · Downtown SLO NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! CALL US AT 805 541 5800 to schedule an Appointment Joseph Addison What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry

row and I fell asleep. When I woke up, they started the whole play over again. It starts quite loudly. I looked around and the theatre was nearly empty except for some KGB guys scattered around and five guys sitting in the first row. I slowly got up and walked down the aisle to the front and I recognized Stalin immediately. He was sitting there with his cabinet members. I knew who all of them were. I was mesmerized. There was an intermission in the play and the curtain closed and they stood up. Stalin saw me and asked the director, “Who is that little boy?”

The director said, “That’s Platon Korisheli’s son.” So, Stalin walked slowly toward me and put his hand on my shoulder and asked me if I liked my dad’s performance. And, I said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “What’s your name?”

I said, “Botso.” Then he turned to talk to his colleagues, but he kept his hand on my shoulder. I can still feel it; big hand. Years later, he executed my father.


I was 15-years-old when I lost him. Dad and I always had lots of conversations and we used to make music together. When the KGB took him away, my mom asked if we could see him. The guards told my mom that we could see him for just twenty minutes. My dad asked the guard if he could hold our hands while we spoke. The guard asked to see our hands to make sure we were not concealing any weapons, then he agreed. My dad held our hands through the bars and talked to me the whole time; he shared all kinds of life secrets to live by. It was really a stamp on my life, but a good stamp. I have no hate in my heart for what happened to him.

Would you be willing to share what your father said to you that day?

Yes, I remember very clearly every word, and the way his voice sounded. He said, “Do not go to sleep at night without asking yourself, ‘Did I do enough work for the day?’”… “Do not depend on rumors. Always listen to the other side.”… “Listen more, and talk less.”…

“The songs you played for me sounded warm, and are always telling me something. Never lose that.”… “Remember on our hikes, you thought you would not make it

over the steep mountain? You always did make it because you wanted to. Never give up!”… “Do not leave things unfinished. You start—make sure you finish.”… “Remember that only through your patience you can survive the troubles and problems.”… “Do not repeat second-hand news. Find the truth.”… “Always make sure that your friends and relatives feel at home in your home.”… “If you are upset or depressed, do some hard physical work.” My mom was silent, but I could feel that she was controlling her tears. That was the last time we had ever seen him.

I can’t imagine…

After my dad was taken away, the government confiscated our home. They sealed off the rooms with strings and red wax seals with the sign of the hammer and sickle. They began moving people, other families, into our house. It was always the same, at about two a.m., my dog, Omar, started to bark and would not stop. Then an officer would knock on the door with papers for us to sign to declare that, “the Pataridzes were assigned to Room #1.” Later the Gvishianis got my old bedroom, “Room #2,” and so on. All of the families’ fathers had been sent to Siberia. Mom and I were lucky to have been assigned to the room with the piano, and I was able to practice while she was at work. I tried not to interrupt her memorization exercises for the plays. I have the most pleasant memories of practicing the piano. I loved to improvise melodies, and I noticed that a window across the street would open up and a young, beautiful lady, Miriam was her name, would sit on the windowsill and rest her head back on the frame, close her eyes and listen to me play. Mother did not have to remind me to practice anymore. [laughter] Miriam’s listening helped my expressiveness in phrases and in my improvisation. It became a habit for all my life.

What happened after high school?

I received a work ticket. Stalin issued a work ticket to all the teenagers, which said that we could graduate high school, but, after that, no university. No responsible jobs. They put me out on the front lines to dig ditches because

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Korisheli sits in his Morro Bay home that he built himself. On either side of him are paintings of his parents, both famous actors in the Republic of Georgia. To this day, Korisheli lives by his father’s “secrets to life”—maxims that he shared with his son the last time the two saw one another, in a Soviet prison a few days prior to his execution.

we were getting ready for the Germans to invade. And the Germans captured me. The soldier drew his machine gun on me and I yelled out, “Bitte nicht schiessen,” which means, “Please do not shoot.” Then I said, “Ich bin kein soldat,” or, “I am not a soldier.” Then he asked if I was Russian and I said, “Nein. Ich bin ein Georgier,” or, “No. I am Georgian.” Luckily, I studied languages and I controlled the German language very well, and that saved my life. The Nazis used me as a translator.

What happened after World War II ended? Later on in Germany I continued my education at the Munich Conservatory. Then I received a scholarship to come here to the United States in Los Angeles to study with Dr. Wagner. I liked him a lot. He was a wonderful man and he took good care of me. And when it was time to go back to Germany he said, “Why don’t you stay? I’ll get you jobs teaching private lessons to music students.” So I stayed. I used to concertize, but two of my fingers stopped working. I had nerve problems so I decided to teach, but I wanted to live in a small town. I was scared of large cities. I was brought up in a large city and there was so much politics. Then later on I decided to go for my advanced works and I went back to Germany to the university and got my Ph.D. there, and then I came back.

And you set out in search of a small town? Yes, I started teaching in Morro Bay at the combined elementary and middle school. I had interviewed at other schools, but when I came to Morro Bay I knew it was my choice, a lovely fisherman’s town. I started the Youth Symphony when I moved here. There was very little chamber music going on. So I built this studio at my house and found some musicians here and there and we got together some quartets. That was the beginning of my Youth Symphony—we are celebrating the 50-year anniversary. I still teach seven students, all doing very well. They are performing. I have chamber concerts here at the house. And I only have one rule: this house is built for music, there is no politics. And there are no financial obligations, just come and enjoy the music.


But, you don’t play anymore yourself?

Since I don’t play piano anymore, I started to sculpt stones instead. [laughter] I met a wonderful, wonderful man that lived in Cambria. There are not very many Georgians in America; there are very few. We’re spread out like eagles. Somebody wrote in the paper that Botso Korisheli was involved with a musical performance. Korisheli is a very Georgian name. And Joe’s wife read the article in the paper and said, “Joe, there’s a Georgian in Morro Bay.” And Joe said, “Oh, no, there are no Georgians around here.” She said, “Yes, it says here, look, Korisheli!” So, Joe came here one day. I had a hammer in my hand and was working on my house. The old man walked up the driveway and said, “Georgian.” I just about dropped my hammer—I could not believe it. He was a sculptor, a very well known sculptor. We became very close and he taught me how to sculpt stones. I now have sculpting students of my own. And, so it goes on and on.

What is it about teaching?

I can transfer myself into somebody else. That is the whole secret to teaching. I am in them, and they are in me. I learned it from some of my teachers, particularly in high school when dad was in newspaper articles with headlines that said, “Planton Korisheli is an enemy of the Soviet Union.” A couple of teachers took me under their arm and told me quietly, “Botso,

your father was a great man—and he was right. The stage should be for the people and society, and not for the ruling party.” That changed my life quite a bit. I felt what it meant to raise a young person. [long, reflective pause] You are asking good questions.

Thank you, Botso. Let’s talk about the chessboard at the Embarcadero in Morro Bay. I learned chess when I was a baby. My dad was a good chess player. When I was a student in Germany they had a big outdoor chessboard and I started playing there while I was in the university. So, when I came to Morro Bay I had this notion that why don’t I suggest that the city build a chessboard near the ocean? I asked them if they would give me a little place to do it, and they did. An architect from Cal Poly helped me design it, along with the stairs that are there now, and I met a man who used my studio to carve the chess pieces. He and I together carved all of the pieces. And that is how it got started. It’s nice because it is being played just about every weekend. We opened the chessboard with a concert in 1975.

What are you doing these days?

I’m writing an essay right now on art terminology because it bothers me that we use the words “fine art.” Sometimes we degrade some of the other arts such as ceramics or photography. Everything is art because we

produce it with our imagination, our hands, our energy. Art is a combination of your thinking power and your emotional power. They are merged together. For example, if I play something for you, I cannot play, but I can improvise. I don’t know where I am going to start. Am I going to start with some particular note? Then, immediately my emotions are working and my brain, too, simultaneously. And then I relate to the next interval with a harmony here, and there is a tremendous involvement of mental and emotional because sound is involved. That’s the whole secret— mental and emotional. The same is true with sculpting or just about anything, really.

Tell us about your family.

I had mumps as a young boy and was never able to have children of my own, so my wife and I adopted. I wish you could meet them. They are wonderful kids. My wife and I went to China twice to adopt my daughters, Lia and Ellena. The other two, Tina and Temmo, are American. The kids have always gotten along very well; they love each other very much. Tina and Temmo are both in Santa Barbara. Temmo is a musicologist at UCSB. My daughter, Lia, is a very fine violinist. She’s a senior in high school and a very strong member of my youth symphony. And, Ellena is just starting at the junior high school. My wife, Margaret, is a very hard worker and a good teacher at Cuesta College; she’s the head of the art department.

How do you spend your free time?

I read a lot. I used to read novels. I loved Russian novels and the French, particularly. I now read strictly historical books. I don’t watch television very much. I feel that I am creating my own atmosphere in my head by reading. Unfortunately, I have macular degeneration and now my wife is buying me a machine which enlarges the letters. I can hardly wait! Next week they are going to deliver it. My dad told me to always, always complete the day; and I do that—I do that. I published a book. I built a house. I raised a family, wonderful kids, wonderful wife. I planted a tree. Raised animals. It’s nice. I hope to live another seven years to see my little girl graduating from high school. And then the time comes, you know. Time to celebrate the end of the life. And I have had a good life.

26 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
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with Lena Rushing words

I had someone tell me recently, “I really like your style, but I think it’s sort of disappointing that you paint these disturbing images that you know that no one will ever hang in their house.” I love that! It would be insulting if he were to have said to me instead, “This would look really great with my sofa.”

My art tends to be pretty dark. I don’t hate that part of me, but childhood is supposed to be fun, and it’s great and I don’t want it to be anywhere near that. Art is a great little closet to stuff it in, and it allows me to express it creatively.

I blame myself, or maybe it was just nature, but my son, from the second he was born, he was my first child, I had him naked rolling in paint. I just thought it was the greatest thing. I’m sure that I overdosed him on art. Now he’s twelve. He’s so tidy. He says, “I don’t want to be dirty, I don’t want to touch that. No, thank you.”

He’s totally over it.

I volunteer teaching art classes at my kids’ school. I never tell them, “This is where you put the eyes, and this is where you put the nose.” Instead, I just say, “Get it out!”

It’s a way to channel your frustration or anger or things you don’t want to tell your parents. But, I remember being a kid, and I’m sure for a lot of them it’s just, “Great—we don’t have to do schoolwork right now!” Plus, I do bring candy to sweeten the pot.

My daughter draws everyday; she’s nine. I remember when I was a child doing art, it was very stressful. You wanted it to look like a picture. She does narratives—that didn’t occur to me until right now—but she always has some sort of scene that tells a story. She makes books and staples them together.

28 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 SLO LIFE | ARTIST
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 29 1551 Bishop Street Suite D-420 San Luis Obispo 805.547.7010 New Patient Special $99 Dental Consultant, Exam X-Ray & Standard Cleaning

What You Should Know About THE JIM & JEREMY SHOW

An insider’s look at the daily effort to address homelessness in San Luis Obispo

n the front lines of a very complex homeless issue in San Luis Obispo stand Jim Fellows and Jeremy Behrens, the two police officers handpicked to lead the newly formed Community Action Team (CAT). We rode along with them recently, and here is what we found…

As we approached the first group of transients, one of them stood up and jokingly called out, “Oh no, it’s Officer Fellows! Everybody run!” Without missing a beat, Fellows retorts with a friendly smile, “Hey, Curtis, what’s up, man?”

The two men meet with a respectful handshake. The conversation is cordial, but as it continues the officer’s questions become increasingly difficult. “What are you doing with your day?” And finally, “What are you doing to try to get

yourself out of this situation?” Curtis gives a long, but unconvincing answer.

While Fellows talks with Curtis, Behrens quickly assesses the rest of the group. One of them, just a kid in his early twenties, locks eyes with the officer midway through a sip from his beer can. Behrens approaches the kid, who starts to panic. “Oh, man, I don’t need this,” he tells the officer. A stone-faced Behrens orders him to pour out his beer and begins writing a citation for drinking in public. “You don’t understand, this is my third one,” the kid reveals, now nearly in tears. Behrens confirms his concern— the third violation for drinking in public is automatically upgraded to a misdemeanor. The kid, who asked to not be identified, explained

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that he was from New York and was just here for a while because he had heard that San Luis Obispo was a good place to “mellow out.” He told the officer that he would not be in town long enough for his court appearance anyway. Behrens did not reply to the comment and instead handed him his citation.

As they travel around the streets of San Luis Obispo, the officers constantly refer to a black vinyl-bound binder labeled “CAT Client Book.” The pages are a collection of mug shots and notes about each known homeless person in town. A steady stream of homeless related calls flow in from the SLOPD dispatcher throughout the day; mostly complaints from citizens who feel some level of threat from this population. The police department claims that around 30% of their calls are of this variety and are usually related to aggressive panhandling. But, traditional methods for dealing with these problems have not been working. “What we’ve dealing with up to this point has been a revolving door,” explains Behrens, who describes a familiar phenomenon where the same transients—who they refer to as “frequent flyers”—are arrested over and over again for the same violations, booked at county jail, released, fail to appear for their court appearance, get arrested again, taken to jail again, and so on.

This new approach to homelessness takes a direct, one-on-one approach to the problem. The two officers have been given broad support, but most importantly, the “time and space,” as they describe it, to do in-depth intelligence gathering with this population. The concept is not a new one in policing, in fact, the Santa Barbara Police Department has a similar program that is a few years in the making. They have three full-time officers there dedicated to the homeless population and have served as a model to the SLOPD. In fact, Officers Fellows and Behrens have spent time there trying to absorb best practices and take words of advice from their Santa Barbara brethren. The officers have seen progress so far, but caution that it is incremental. If this were football, we are not talking about long bombs here; instead, it’s three yards and a cloud of dust.

To address this cycle, an innovative concept called Community Court has been championed by SLOPD Chief Steve Gesell and has been widely praised as a step in the right direction. When discussing the homeless issue, Gesell is fond of using the phrase “carrot and stick,” in describing the various tactics for dealing with this population. Community Court would be the “stick” that currently does not exist. According to Gesell, “We have to change the culture. People need to understand that there are going to be consequences for their behavior.” As it is now, there really are not many consequences—a transient can skip a court appearance for a misdemeanor without much concern for any repercussions, because they know that the judge will not issue a warrant for their arrest. Community Court will aim to change that because it will operate outside of the traditional judicial system, which is already overburdened, and will give chronic offenders an option to choose either the “carrot,” drug and alcohol treatment, or the “stick,” jail time. Commissioner Stephen Sefton will preside over the court and arrest warrants will be issued for failing to appear. Sheriff Ian Parkinson has set aside ten jail beds, providing space for those sentenced by Community Court.

Biding his Time

Jason “Jay” Ogle claims to have spent 27 years in prison for murder— apparently for returning fire after his cousin was shot. From Indiana, he was picked up in Los Angeles for an unspecified violation. He then moved to Ventura County where he claimed he was “kicked out,” so he traveled further north to San Luis Obispo where he says, “People leave me alone.” He intends to return to Indiana to become a long-haul trucker once his parole ends.

Keeping Tabs

A long-time San Luis Obispo-based transient, Carmen Lotido, who struggles with schizophrenia, talks daily with Officer Fellows. “All we can do is check in with him and make sure he is taking his medication,” says Fellows, “because when he doesn’t, it’s a really bad situation.”

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But, traditional methods for dealing with these problems have not been working.
“What we’ve dealing with up to this point has been a revolving door.”


I was having lunch downtown last week with the new fire chief. When we left the restaurant, a transient came up to us. He clearly had been drinking and was waiving his arms and yelling, “Stay away from me!” But, he kept coming toward us.

I asked him, “So, what are you going to do with the rest of your day?” He said, “I’m going to bake [take drugs].” He told me that he spent his time downtown in front of Frog & Peach and that it was mostly college students who gave him his money. I asked, “How much do you make in a given day?” He said, “Between $80 and $200.”

He was a hair away from going to jail, but he held himself together and gained his composure while we talked. Fire Chief Olson then asked him, “What’s your drink of choice?” He said it was a beer called “Hurricane.” He told us that he drank 14 of them a day.

My next crusade is to stop retailers from selling these beverages to people who obviously should not be consuming them. This individual should not be able to walk into a liquor store 14 times a day to buy this product. We have started a dialogue with liquor stores in the city and, so far, they have been receptive because this absolutely has to stop.

Throughout the day, the officers take on various roles that swing quickly from parent to coach to friend to caseworker to motivational speaker and, of course, police officer. They know every transient by name and have patiently built some level of rapport with each one. But, underneath the friendly scene that unfolds, a hard truth remains. “A lot of them are very resistant to what we have to say,” shares Behrens. “They are out here because they want to be here and to try to change their minds is very, very hard.” Ultimately, that is what it comes down to because, as it stands now, a homeless person cannot be forced into receiving recovery services. They have their own free will and, as the officers point out, enjoy the same rights as everyone else. And many of them know exactly where those rights begin and end and are careful to toe the line. “I’ve seen guys pull out a tape measure in front of Food 4 Less to make sure they are not breaking the law that says they must be at least 6 feet from a doorway [when panhandling],” says Fellows.

The day continues along the same lines following a consistent, deliberate pace. The officers drive around to known homeless hot spots and respond to calls from dispatch. Notes are made on each encounter and the pair regularly checks in via cell phone with various service providers around town. Transitions Mental Health seems to be one of the most frequent calls, as they share many clients in common, because the fact remains that a large percentage of the homeless population deals with some level of mental illness. Fellows estimates the number at 50%, while Behrens suggests it is higher, perhaps as much as 65%. Despite the 15-point difference in their estimates, both do agree that the severity of illnesses varies greatly and that nearly 100% of them self-medicate with drugs or alcohol— usually both. And, the only way they are able to do this, the officers note with a perceptible level of frustration, is due to the fact that people keep giving them money.


This 40-ounce malt liquor drink made by Anheuser Busch contains the highest alcohol content at the lowest price. At 5.9% alcohol—about the same as is found in an entire standard six-pack—it is currently available for around $1.99 in most San Luis Obispo liquor stores.

There is a proposal winding its way through City Hall called the Directed Giving Campaign. Research exists showing that approximately $.90 out of every dollar donated to a homeless person is used to purchase drugs and alcohol. The proposed program will create a platform to ensure that donations will go toward food, shelter, and recovery services. Initially, three to seven downtown parking meters would be equipped to accept donations to the homeless population. A non-profit intermediary, such as the United Way, would receive those funds and administer them to organizations such as CAPSLO’s Prado Day Center, or the Maxine Lewis Overnight Shelter. Therefore, a citizen who is asked for money by a panhandler can say, “Sure, let me just slip my credit card in this meter and I will gladly donate $5.” The program will also be accompanied by a public awareness campaign. A draft graphic is in the works showing a hand dropping a pile of coins toward another hand. On the way to its destination from giver to receiver, the coins begin morphing into syringes and beer bottles.

During a quiet moment in the car between calls, Fellows shares that it was a slow summer at Sweet Alexis, a bakery his wife operates in Los Osos. He then becomes philosophical about the CAT assignment. “We all have a personal

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“A lot of them are very resistant to what we have to say,” shares Behrens.
“They are out here because they want to be here and to try to change their minds is very, very hard.”
In the words of SLOPD Chief, Steve Gesell...
“ ”
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Wanted Woman

A cordial exchange takes place during the arrest of a woman who the officers know well. “We had higher hopes for her,” explains Fellows. “But, hopefully, this will serve as a wake-up call.”

private security force who spotted a woman they have been searching for over the past three weeks. There is a drug-related warrant out for her arrest, but she had “disappeared for a while.”

The tipster reveals she is at Mission Plaza above the creek. Fellows looks over his shoulder before effortlessly executing a U-turn while strategizing with Behrens about how to best apprehend the suspect. Let’s just go up and talk to her, they decide.

Dazed and Confused

One transient, a young man with a new backcountrystyle pack wanders up and asks how to get to Santa Cruz. “Go to Santa Rosa and make a left,” points Behrens. “Whoa,” the young man says, “We’re in Santa Rosa?”

A Day in the Life

Officer Behrens starts the morning off in his usual fashion, by greeting the downtown regulars. After a friendly conversation, where the goal is to build rapport and gain intelligence, the question is asked: “What are you doing to get yourself out of this situation?”

The conversation is very surface and the tension is palpable. A group of transients look around as if they were in one of those classic Old West movies where everyone places their hand above their six-shooter resting in its holster, only to wait for the other guy to make the first move. The suspect is clearly busted. She tries her best “my dog ate my homework” rationale for why she did not make her court appearance, but it goes nowhere. After realizing the obvious futility, she stands up, says goodbye to the group, and exposes her wrists for Fellow’s handcuffs. The entire exchange is characterized by respect, and the officers take great care in gathering her personal belongings. As the suspect is placed into the squad car, she becomes anxious about her bag. “Where’s my bag? Don’t forget about my bag,” she calls out. “I’ve gotta have my bag.” The officers tell her not to worry; they have the bag and everything in it. She then sinks heavily into the back seat, visibly relieved after hearing the news.

A call is made to a counselor at Transitions Mental Health who shows up almost immediately. After she reconnects with her client, the squad car rolls off toward county jail, and the small crowd of curious bystanders that had gathered near the Mission begins to dissipate. But, one onlooker remained—a tourist who finally musters the courage to approach Behrens and ask why the suspect was so worried about her bag. “Did it have drugs, and weapons?” he asked excitedly, as if inquiring with a friend about how a movie had ended. “No,” Berhens stated flatly, “it was just pictures of her kids, and a DVD of her daughter’s ballet recital.”

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“We all have a personal interest in these people, because they are people just like you and me,” he says. “And a lot of them have not been shown any love, for lack of a better word.”
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 35 805.242.2059 MONARCH WINDOW VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 805-781-0119 N N

Patrick Laird

Eighteen-year-old Patrick Laird is a senior at Mission College Preparatory Catholic High School. One of six children, he is best known for his achievements in football, but there’s more to Laird than athletic prowess.

What sort of extra-curricular activities are you involved in? Aside from football, basketball, and track, I’ve been involved in ASB since freshmen year and am the ASB President this year. I’m also very interested in music—I like listening to and making music. And, I enjoy studying economics, business and investing in my free time.

What is noteworthy about you? I made All-CIF and AllCounty honors last year in football. I also have won KSBY Player of the Week three times. At school I’ve received the English and Leadership class awards given at the end of the year.

What is your favorite memory of all time? Winning in the semi-finals last year for football and getting to hug my brother after the game. That was the only time he got to see me play because he goes to school back East.

Who or what has influenced you the most and why? My dad has been my biggest influence, for sure. Growing up, I’ve witnessed the hardest working person I know in my dad and that’s been instilled in me. I think he’s also passed on a lot of competitiveness, which my friends sometimes don’t like.

If you won $1 million what would you do with it? Why? I would probably find something cool locally and donate some of it, because I think starting at a local level is key. And then, I would probably invest a lot of it so that I could have it for the future. I’ve always thought it would be cool to relieve some of the financial pressure from my parents for college, so I would probably also pay for my siblings’ college expenses.

What do you dislike the most and why? I dislike when people choose to look at the negative part of everything. I think we have a huge problem nowadays with kids who just hate on anything and everything for no reason. It’s not “cool” to say something is good or to say you like something. It’s easy for kids to just say they don’t like their school or complain about where they live, and that just really bugs me.

What schools are you considering for college? I’ve received offers from Cornell, Brown, and Davidson for football so those are some of my top choices. I’m getting interest from other schools, as well, so we’ll see by the time the season is over.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully owning a business or financial advisory firm in SLO. If not that, a solid job in the financial sector where I can live on the Central Coast.


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That’s right, the rumors are true!

Dr. Daniel’s orthodontic practice has relocated just around the corner from SLO High School at 1356 Marsh Street.

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oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 37
Specializing in Smiles Dr. Daniel Orthodontics 1356 Marsh Street . San Luis Obispo (805)


oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 39


was 1957 when

Del Fernandez first set

foot on American soil. During his childhood in his native Cuba, he showed an early propensity for mathematics. Although his father encouraged him to become a mechanic he was more interested in equations, and the piano. After arriving in Key West, Florida he made his way to Utah where he began his studies at the university and he met, Norine, his wife of 53 years.

“I won him over with Kentucky Fried Chicken,” laughs Norine. “We went for a picnic and I picked up some chicken, but I took it out of its packaging and wrapped it in tin foil to keep it hot. Del absolutely loved it and thought I had cooked it myself!” Although Del finally realized it was Colonel Sanders who had mastered the recipe, it was Norine who had won over his heart. And, soon the two were married and off to Hayward, California where Del taught mathematics at Chabot Junior College for the next 40 years before retiring to See Canyon, at a ten-acre oak-covered refuge the couple affectionately refers to as “AppleGlen.”

The Fernandez’s raised two boys, who attended Cal Poly. Now grown with children of thier own, they live in San Luis Obispo, and AppleGlen has served as a “grandkid paradise”

over the past ten years. As Del zips around the property in his four-wheel-drive mule cart, his guided tour is punctuated with stories that display his focus on family—mostly about the grandkids playing in the granite cave and exploring the creek. “They’ve had a lot of fun over the years—we love getting everyone together here,” explains Del, who spent many years advocating for the reunification of Cuban families after the embargo with the United States took full effect in 1962. His advocacy, which took him to Washington, D.C. frequently, was in an effort to reconnect those who were based in the United States while their loved ones remained in Cuba. In Del’s case, he went a span of 22 years without seeing his sisters.

AppleGlen, however, brings plenty of reminders of Cuba, but while also gracefully honoring Norine’s Utah heritage. A unique blend of Caribbean and Western hints mix to create a warm, welcoming environment where family clearly comes first. Along with Norine’s abstract Western-themed oil paintings, there are an assortment of photos, mostly of celebrations from year’s past (the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary party is among the highlights).

See Canyon, which is located between the Avila Valley and San Luis Obispo offers nearly perfect conditions for apple farmers. And apples from the couple’s small 80-tree orchard are stacked in a basket on the kitchen counter. The locals talk about the frost, “three times for three days

at a time,” having something to do with it. The Fernandez home, which rests almost exactly in the middle of See Canyon, with its two guest bedrooms—one of them featuring an antique bedroom set—are found on the backside of the house facing a terraced garden. The master bedroom brings the outside in with its French doors that most often remain open. The adjoining bathroom includes one extravagance, a Jacuzzi tub that is framed by a bay window offering an exceptional hillside view during a daytime soak.

The home, which shares the property with a cottage that the couple rents to visitors to the area, primarily extended stay workers at Diablo Canyon, is currently being expanded with an addition that includes a garage on the bottom floor and a game room for the grandkids on the second story. When our tour of the property concludes, Norine offers a glass of fresh-made apple cider along with the insistence to have a seat on a whimsical handmade wooden chair so that we can “talk for a bit”—an unhurried conversation about life, and family, and the Central Coast. While visiting, the couple’s dog and cat are seen in the distance affectionately teasing each other— the two are reportedly the best of friends. As the pace continues to slow and the shadows begin to lengthen at the other end of the afternoon sun at AppleGlen, it is not difficult to understand why they call it paradise. >>

40 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 41 IDLER’S SAN LUIS OBISPO 122 Cross St. San Luis Obispo | (805) 543-6600 Kitchen & Cabinetry Design | SLO Appliance Outlet SAN LUIS OBISPO SLEEP SOURCE 189 Cross St. San Luis Obispo | (805) 269-6600 PASO ROBLES Across Hwy 101 from fA rm s upply 2361 Theatre Dr. Paso Robles | (805) 238-6020 Kitchen & Cabinetry Design | Idler’s Sleep Source | Outdoor Living Center | Appliance Outlet B est P ri C es . GUA r A nteed. sTorE Hours: mon.–fri. 9 a.m.–7 p.m. | s at. 9 a.m.–6 p.m. | sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. sl EE p sourc E H o urs: mon.–s at. 9 a.m.–6 p.m. | sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. /idlersappliances NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK!



Views of the surrounding hills can be found in just about every corner of the home as vast expanses of steep, oak-filled slopes climb close to the wispy clouds on display.



While the feeling of a cabin getaway dominates the Fernandez home, an abundance of out-ofthe-way modern appliances offer the convenience homeowners desire.


The long galley kitchen takes in ample natural sunlight and acts as a natural breezeway that starts in the living room and runs the length of the home.


The modest three-bedroom home features a loft over the living room, which serves as Del’s office. Treasures from his native Cuba adorn the walls.


Multiple layers and textures combine with a floorto-ceiling bookshelf to create the pefect space to curl up with a good read. A woodburning stove provides extra warmth during the winter months.

42 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
2 1 5 3 4 | DWELLING >>


Live outside create your outdoor



Don’t feel the need to stick with a patio set. Mixed furnishings add whimsy and character to your space. And, don’t be afraid to use your own two hands—Del built most of the outdoor furniture at AppleGlen himself.

2 | CREATE A FOCAL POINT Whether it’s a unique fire pit or a bright drum stool, interesting and functional furnishings can create a focal point as well as contribute to your outdoor comfort.

Because of their shallow roots, succulents can be planted in a variety of ways including pots, teacups, wreaths and even vintage tins. A few things to keep in mind when planting: provide good drainage, and while succulents don’t need a lot of water, they can get burned in the hot afternoon sun. For fun harvest décor, try using pumpkins for planters!

44 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
2 3
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 45 smart, ecle ctic, art to live on 181 Tank Farm Road, Suite 110 | 805.544.5900 | (at Cross & Long Streets, behind Trader Joe’s) Hours : Monday - Saturday 10-6pm 1230 Iris Street | San Luis Obispo | CA 805.543.6046 | WOLCOTT CONCRETE Recolor | Reseal before Introducing SOLARIZE SLO COUNTY • GROUP SOLAR PURCHASING POWER • STREMLINED & HASSLE-FREE PROCESS • LOW PRE-NEGOTIATED PRICING • FOR ALL SLO COUNTY HOMEOWNERS • ENDORSED BY THE SLO ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP. NOW THRU OCT31

the numbers

laguna lake

tank farm

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market

cal poly area

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market

country club

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market

2012 37 556,824 544,277 98.16 72

+/13.51% -0.93% -0.45% 0.12% -19.44%

2012 24 576,963 563,605 97.61 57

2013 22 675,614 677,245 100.24 14

+/-8.33% 17.10% 20.16% 2.63% -75.44%

2012 19 519,953 495,881 95.36 47

2013 25 565,680 555,160 98.41 28

+/31.58% 8.79% 11.95% 3.05% -40.43%

2012 11 815,455 785,772 96.58 159

2013 14 892,607 878,714 98.52 78

+/27.27% 9.46% 11.83% 1.94% -50.94%

2013 32 600,733 584,918 97.37 47 down-


foothill blvd

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market

2013 36 658,164 647,208 98.22 39

+/-11.11% 1.30% 0.98% -0.90% -25.40%

+/-7.69% 25.60% 24.77% -0.99% 30.00%

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market

2013 47 551,635 541,853 98.28 58 by

+/-16.67% 1.45% 2.51% 0.62% -66.18%

SOURCE: San Luis Obispo Association of REALTORS®

46 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market
Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market
2012 36 593,008 579,241 98.27 63
2012 39 524,029 518,719 99.21 30
2012 42 594,114 582,255 98.34 68
2013 35 602,726 596,889 98.96 23 johnson ave *Comparing 1/1/12 — 9/20/12 to 1/1/13 — 9/20/13
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 47 Meeting Rooms Available Amenities Include: Hi-Speed WiFi, Stage, Podium, Easel, Whiteboard, PA System, Digital Projector, Speaker Phone, Large Flat Screen HD TV, Beverage Service, ADA Accessible Facility, Ample Parking and more. Board Room . Accommodates up to 25 guests 1/4 Room . Accommodates up to 36 guests 1/2 Room . Accommodates up to 72 guests 3/4 Room . Accommodates up to 120 guests Full Room . Accommodates up to 150 guests 1930 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo 805.544.0500 800.441.4657 Call for pricing and availability
48 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | SLO COUNTY REAL ESTATE SLO LIFE Arroyo Grande Atascadero Avila
Templeton Countywide by the numbers 2012 242 236 10 111 44 10
37 77
50 77 57 262 19 89 2,112 2013 245 253 10 115 35 5 92 119 108 173 39 96 317 45 102 62 273 15 73 2,177 REGION NUMBER OF HOMES SOLD 2012 104 99 241 109 149 239 103 80 118
97 120
85 119 147 67 64 94 98 2013 65 56
79 103 125
75 52 60 129 81 57 69 66 65 AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET 2012
MEDIAN SELLING PRICE SOURCE: San Luis Obispo Association of REALTORS ® *Comparing 1/1/12 — 9/20/12 to 1/1/13 — 9/20/13 Helping you with your Real Estate needs here on the Central Coast with knowledge, experience & integrity! 805.801.1734 Office Lic #01320707 Michelle Braunschweig Broker Associate Lic #01736789 1042 Pacific Street, Suite E, San Luis Obispo 805.546.8113 MINTON INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES Insuring what you value most SHAWN MINTON Multiple Line Broker Lic# OF43815 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • HEALTH • COMMERCIAL Let Minton Insurance help take the confusion out of the upcoming health insurance changes
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Luis Obispo
86 186
59 69 90
452,500 320,500 580,000 480,000 633,000 434,500 312,000 320,075 403,500 403,000 231,000 570,000 318,000 224,000 340,000 325,000 529,500 272,100 410,000 385,000
510,000 400,000 994,500 485,000 605,000 610,000 361,000 368,500 429,000 475,000 356,000 630,000 360,000 325,000 355,000 395,000 614,000 375,000 450,000 440,000
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 49 285 Prado Road, Suite A | San Luis Obispo 805.542.9400 | | merry maids Relax. It’s Done. ® Receive $50.00 OFF when you mention this SLO LIFE Ad! *New Clients Only Autobody and Collision Repair Vehicle Appraisal for Insurance | Free Estimates 731 Buckley Road | San Luis Obispo | 805. 543.7878 Over 30 Years in SLO County as your #1 Repair Shop


50 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | MUSIC

1960’s rock and roll is alive and well here on the Central Coast, and the 45 to 50 gigs Unfinished Business plays each year is proof that what Huey Lewis said is true, the heart of rock and roll is still beatin’. Bandmates Ed Miller, Jim Witt, Ben Davis, David Hollister, and Thomas “Toes” Cuffe have been refining their sound over the past ten years and are firing on all cylinders at a time when nostalgia for a simpler era is strong. According to Witt, “Our timing is good; 60’s is bigger than ever, and people want to dance. That’s our criteria for selecting songs, it has to be danceable.”

The music list the band covers, currently stands at 101 songs, and features bands such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys, The Hollies, Young Rascals, Chuck Berry, Steppenwolf, and The Kinks. And what appears to the audience as a very fun-loving, freewheeling show is backed up by a lot of practice—a lot. Miller emphasizes the bands’ attention to detail, “We do the best we can to recreate these songs so that people can relive this music and these times. Music is so powerful in that way and getting it right can take you back to the moment you first heard it.”

Ten years is a long time for a band to stay together, and although there have been members who have come and gone—including U2 keyboard player, Terry Lawless—it is their love of 60’s rock and roll that keeps them going. One by one, the band members share their experiences growing up, playing in garage bands, and buying records produced by the same bands they cover now. Davis describes the 60’s as a time “when music had something to say, a time of soulful artists.”

With the exception of their keyboard player, Cuffe, who is employed as an installer at REC Solar, the band is comprised of members now retired from their day jobs. Milller spent 29 years as an FBI agent; Hollister worked as a carpenter (and, yes, he is a descendant of the historic Hollister family who has a local peak named after them); Witt, a recently retired marketing manager at Idler’s Appliances is also still active as an expert guitar repairman and luthier; and Davis was a teacher, having spent his career in the Lucia Mar School District, most recently at Nipomo High School. The bandmates channel unexplainable reservoirs of energy during their shows. While difficult to articulate, they believe that they are being energized by the crowd, and from their love of the music. And as Witt points out, “You don’t stop playing music when you get old, you get old when you stop playing music.” SLO LIFE


Ed Miller – lead guitar, vocals

Thomas “Toes” Cuffe – keyboard

Ben Davis – rhythm guitar, percussion, vocals

David Hollister – drums

Jim Witt – bass, vocals

oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 51
left to right See Unfinished Business perform their original song “We’re Living the SLO Life” by visiting Mathew Roscoe, KSBY Creative Producer, filming the “We’re Living the SLO Life” television commercial, a collaborative effort between Unfinished Business and SLO LIFE Magazine, during a picture perfect day at Port San Luis.

Pewter Plough Playhouse

Cambria is one of the quaint little communities that draws a lot of tourists to the Central Coast. And within that community is a little gem that has been attracting people from all over for nearly 40 years. Yet a lot of locals have never been. If you’re one of them, you may want to adjust your schedule accordingly because the Pewter Plough Playhouse is definitely more proof, There’s No Place Like Home.

It’s Classic Cambria, really. Quaint. Cozy. Full of character. And full of characters.

The Pewter Plough Playhouse has been at the corner of Main and Sheffield in Cambria’s West Village for more than 38 years. You can see it from the street and Highway 1, yet it is amazing how many locals say they never knew it was there. “It stuns me that people are so blind,” says director Sandy Bosworth. Even still, for nearly four decades it’s been drawing theatre goers back time and time again.

Jim Buckly founded the place with his late wife Olga after they moved up this way from Hollywood. Jim enjoyed a career as an art director at MGM and doing what he called “Sidewalk Theatre”—designing window displays for Sax Fifth Avenue. “When we came, there were no sidewalks here. We came when they were putting in the sidewalks, curbs and gutters,” he says.

The name traces back to when the playhouse was an antique shop. “I had bought this plough,” Buckley explains. “It had been burnished and it looked like pewter to me. So we called it the Pewter Plough Antique Shop. That’s how it started. So when we opened the playhouse, we kept it the PPP.” The namesake plough still sits in front of the place.

The Buckley’s arrived in Cambria with a lot of memorabilia, which is what prompted the

antique shop, but eventually Jim’s love of theatre led to him turn the garden out back into the auditorium. He invited a group from down south to put on the first show, “Look Homeward, Angel.”

Soon after that, they started hiring their own talent and crew, and built up a group of players who have returned, many of them for years. “We had a good time building up a repertoire of good plays and we’ve been doing it ever since,” says Buckley.

Olga served as hostess and sometimes starred in the shows, too. Jim often directed, as well. “Oh yeah! That was the fun of it!” he says.

Today, the place looks much like it did when it was founded. Jim has handed over director duties to Bosworth, who gets the magic of the place. “It’s reminiscent of another time when theatre was important and not a dying art in our society, which it often is today. There’s something special and magical about this little building,” she says. “It has an era of old time that people love, you know.”

She loves the intimacy of its fifty-seat theatre, none numbered, but named after the Hollywood greats they aim to honor. There is the cafe where guests can mingle and interact during intermissions. And she loves the diversity of the shows that play here.

“They do comedy. They do drama. They do well-known shows, unknown shows, and they’re all great.”

You won’t find a big marquee, or big Hollywood names, but you will find big proof at this little Cambria gem that There’s No Place Like Home.

Jeanette Trompeter, KSBY News anchor and reporter, hosts the “No Place Like Home” series every Tuesday evening at 6pm.

52 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013
| NO PLACE LIKE HOME LIGHTING | FURNITURE | ART | RUGS PATIO & GARDEN | JEWELRY | EBAY SERVICES Z OEY’S HOME CONSIGNMENTS 3566 S. HIGUERA STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO 805.596.0288 Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 11- 4 WEALTH MANAGEMENT David S. Nilsen President & Chief Financial Advisor 1301 Chorro Street, Suite A San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.541.6500 Risk Management | Estate Planning Accumulation | Taxation | Business Planning | Retirement Planning INVESTMENT RETIREMENT INSURANCE David Nilsen is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative with/and offers securities and advisory services through Commonwealth Financial Network, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Advisor, Insurance Lic. #0B50436. Fixed Insurance products and services offered by Obispo Wealth Management are separate and unrelated to Commonwealth. Can you retire? Give us a call for a free review of your Retirement Income Plan.



This fall, Ian Saude chose the Hammit-Los Angeles collection for its relaxed, sexy designs

Although best known for his eponymous line of contemporary fine jewelry and cashmere accessories, local designer Ian Saude has been expanding into handbags and small leather good lines over the past months and to great effect! Bringing hand-picked collections like Hammit-Los Angeles and Martine Sitbon-Paris to the Central Coast, as well as trend felt and leather totes from LA designers like Graf & Lantz and Australian new comers Flynn and Annabel Ingall, Flynn’s aim has been to curate a focused group of quality, fashion-forward handbags at affordable prices.

Saude explains, “In California dressing is all about accessories. You can just wear jeans and a t-shirt most of the time and get away with it. However, the bag, the scarf, the jewelry and the shoes are what make your outfit. I always felt that quality small leather goods were a perfect fit with the fine jewelry and other accessories we already carry. Famous

jewelers like Tiffany and Cartier carried amazing leather goods back in the day. So, after a number of clients urged us to take the plunge, I started looking for lines that made sense in this area, lines that reflected our relaxed Central Coast lifestyle but which also are chic and make a statement. I think good clothes

and accessories can dignify and transport people. When you wear something really nice, you act differently and that attitude is reflected in your level of confidence and how people see and treat you. I believe in investing in quality, in pieces that enrich your life, things you are still happy that you bought 5 years later.”

So Saude chose Hammit Los Angeles for its sexy but relaxed designs . Every bag is affectionately named for a location in and around the LA area, paying homage to some of the city’s best known streets and attractions. “These bags have been so well received, I think it’s the playful and edgy design coupled with the functionality and versatility that women love.

The Ian Saude Gallery is located at 1003 Osos Street @ Court Street.

54 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 2
The San Luis Obispo Collection brings together world class shopping, the city’s finest restaurants, upscale retail, museums and theatre, and sits adjacent to Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. San Luis Obispo, named the Happiest City in America, is the cultural hub of the Central Coast, which embodies the California Lifestyle and offers locals and visitors alike historic architecture, sweeping vineyards, pristine beaches, charming beach towns and mountain ranges and is home to Cal Poly University. Now we introduce the SLO Merchant, our new community newsletter.


After graduating from Cal Poly, Moondoggies owner Randy Adler departed for an extended surfing adventure to Australia and Indonesia. This is where the seeds began to form for what we know today as the counties most integrated and well assorted local surf shop—Moondoggies Beach Club. Moondoggies was established in 1986 in downtown San Luis Obispo. As a fourth generation resident, Randy was well rooted into not only the SLO life but the surf industry and started building brand relationships. Retailing was in Randy’s blood as both his father and grandfather were successful car dealership owners.

The Moondoggies logo depicts surfer Tom Blake who is credited as the man who developed the first fin on a surfboard. There isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t see the Moondoggies logo on a local, tourist, or wanna be surfer. Exclusively to Moondoggies, you will find surfboards by master shaper Dave Parmenter.

Moodoggies’ product assortment speaks to the coastal lifestyle of the Authentic Central Coast. Randy has kept true to his brands and product offering the largest selection of men’s walkshorts and boardshorts. You will also

find a wide range of surf and skate boards, wetsuits, sandals, footwear, women’s apparel and accessories.

In early 1990, Moondoggies expanded into Pismo Beach and in 2009 moved the downtown SLO location which gave the store greater merchandising capabilities and direct connectivity to Mission Plaza. Randy contributes his successful career to his loyal and dedicated customers, a supportive wife, three avid surfing boys and a stellar sales staff. Moondoggies located at 837 Monterey Street & Chorro.


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The San Luis Obispo Collection held its annual fundraiser CORK COUTURE on Saturday, August 31. The event brought together the community for an evening that featured our own local paparazzi, wine and food pairing, local entertainment and most of all hope and funding for an amazing organization Jacks Helping Hand.

When Michael Phillips, C.O.O. of Jamestown and Vice Chair of the James Beard Foundation Board of Trustees, announced that he was planning to write a cookbook, the entire Jamestown Creative & Marketing team clamored with offerings of “research” services. I personally had to come to terms with the idea of adding yet another manual to a rapidly expanding collection in a pint sized Manhattan kitchen. The just released Chelsea Market


Abercrombie & Fitch

Banana Republic

Chico’s Express GAP

Ian Saude Gallery

Moondoggies Surf Shop

Pottery Barn

Solstice Sunglass Boutique Sunglass Hut

Urban Outfitters

Victoria’s Secret

White House Black Market


Bali’s Yogurt 805-594-1172

Bull’s Tavern Chinos Rock & Tacos

California Pizza Kitchen

Jamba Juice

Palazzo Giuseppe

Pizza Solo

Sal’s Paradise

SloCo Pasty Co.

Splash Cafe Seafood & Grill




Salon Lux-Aveda


The Apple Store Barnes and Noble

Cal Poly Downtown

The Movie Experience

Open Air Flowers Papyrus

Powell’s Sweet Shoppe


Man-about-town George Krauth dishes on the fashions, flavors, designs and décor he discovers as he travels the globe tracking trends as Jametown VP of Creative & Marketing.

Cookbook offers up a feast of archival images of the market, gorgeous food photography, and entertaining anecdotes from Chelsea Market chefs and friends whose recipes grace its pages.

Also available this fall is Summerland, the iconic Chef Anne Quatrano’s first cookbook. Named after her family farm and stuffed with more than 100 of her best recipes and entertaining ideas, Summerland makes each month’s harvest

a reason to celebrate. Drop by Westside Provisions District in Atlanta where Quatrano is sure to be signing copies this fall.

These tastemakers have inspired me to squeeze back into the kitchen and stock the pantry. Just please keep your fingers crossed that Anne has shared her recipe for lime cornmeal cookies.

56 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 4

the dance CONNECTION

traditional West African Dance is free, expressive and loaded with history and culture, and Brita Connelly was hooked from the moment she first tried it

From 9 to 5, Brita Connelly can be found at Transitions Mental Health where she is a family advocate. But, after hours it’s all about dance, specifically West African Dance Movement. When she was a student at Cal Poly a friend invited her to try an African Dance class. “From that point on, I was hooked,” Connelly remembers, “there’s just something about it that feels right for my body.” The movements that go along with this form are so free-flowing,

in fact, that there are no names for the various steps. Connelly explains that descriptions are made up for a particular routine as they go along, she said that the move she is demonstrating in the photo could be called “step right, flappy, flappy,” for example. Connelly stresses that it is important that everybody can participate, “Everyone will have a different expression and interpretation and their bodies may be only able to do it a certain way, but that is what makes

During traditional performance, the djembe drum begins the ritual, followed by the singer and the other instruments. The drum originates from West Africa and is said to come from the saying “anke djé, anke bé” which translates to “everyone gather together in peace.”

it so great. It’s a celebration of life as we know it, in these very meaningful and important dances that have been passed down from generation-to-generation and have been used to celebrate a harvest or a wedding through time.” Together with the dancers and drummers from the Central Coast Afro Rhythm and Dance troupe—a group she refers to her as her family— Connelly now carries on the tradition through local performances.

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Social justice never tasted so good. For every kale t-shirt sold, Bambu Batu donates five dollars to the pro-marriage equality organization of your choice. Now you can enjoy the delicious comfort of bamboo fabric while promoting good nutrition and equal rights, and likely get a few laughs while you’re at it.

$29.95 // Bambu Batu

1023 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 788-0806 //




Los Angeles Designer Johnny Was, delivers the ultimate in boho chic with a simply beautiful embroidered blouse. Made of washable natural fiber rayon it’s lightweight, easy to wear and comes in a wide range of colors and styles.

$129 - $249 // Apropos

1022 Morro Street, San Luis Obispo 840 11th Street, Paso Robles (805) 784-0664 //


A retro design crafted in reclaimed hardwood creates a hip, yet rustic look. Whether functioning as a sideboard, media cabinet or even bathroom vanity, this versatile piece is sure to make an impact.

$ 899 // Luna Rustica

2959 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 546-8505 //


A culture rather than a brand, Dues Ex Machina brings the world of skateboard, surfing and motorcycling together into one stylish bomber jacket.

$198 // Jules D. // 672 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo // (805) 781-0722


These rose cut stacking eternity bands were created using three different colors of natural diamond rose cuts set in three rich shades of 18 karat recycled golds. The rose cut, which got its name because the facets resemble the flower’s spiraling petals, originated in the 1600’s in Golconda, India, but they’ve never been more popular.

$1,755 - $4,175 // Baxter Moerman Jewelry

1118 Morro Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 801-9117 //



Say hello to delicious knits and colorful hues that make you feel good when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. After all, you’re worth it! Hardtail Forever’s “West Coast Wear” is earth-friendly, made in the USA and is perfect for the gym, poolside lounging or weekend getaways.

$50 - $100 // Assets // 853 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 781-0119 //


In the more-is-more world of jewelry, these refreshingly simple hook earrings from Ian Saude’s “Stem & Shard” collection are undeniably a stand out. Available in 18K white, yellow or rose gold in a wide range of colored gemstones, with and without diamonds.

$750 - $1195 // Ian Saude // 1003 Osos Street San Luis Obispo // (805) 784-0967 //


Spiritiles are handcrafted in the USA from American made copper, glass and wood visually sharing the brilliant moments that make up your unique story. They can wall hang or stand alone, and will never fade or tarnish.

$105 // Hands Gallery // 777 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo // (805) 543-1921 //


Sustainably harvested natural stones give a unique statement to each of these handcrafted one-of-a-kind wine glasses. Stones are collected with permission from private rivers and beaches and “replanted” with rough quarry stones. Recycled glass is fused in a proprietary process with naturally water-smoothed stones in New Hampshire

$26.50 // Turn To Nature 786 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 540-3395 //


The simplicity and beauty of Mission Style furniture is timeless. Inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement, each piece is 100% American made and handcrafted by Amish and Mennonite craftsman. Made of solid American hardwoods, featuring dovetailed drawers and mortise and tenon joinery— this is top-of-the-line quality furniture, built to last generations. Pieces available for your living room, dining room, bedroom, and office.

$1,999 // San Luis Traditions 748 Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 541-8500 //

oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 59


After 15 years, Jim Roberts had seen enough. Through his various roles in juvenile probation it became clear that the system was failing. “I had a goal,” he remembers, “I wanted to create a non-profit that offered therapeutic foster care.”

60 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | INSPIRATION
Jim Roberts, founder of Family Care Network, Inc., provides a tour of the unfinished conference room.

Fast-forward 26 years and San Luis Obispobased Family Care Network, Inc. (FCNI) has 170 employees who administer 18 different programs to 2,000 individuals on the Central Coast. And, starting October 17th, those employees will be boxing up their things as they move into their brand new 26,000 square foot facility off Broad Street, just east of the airport.

At the time Roberts was casting around looking for support for his idea, therapeutic foster care was a foreign concept in California. Although the idea is relatively simple, the results are dramatic. For example, since the year 2000, FCNI has reduced group home placement in San Luis Obispo County by an astounding 75%. And, that is the primary goal of therapeutic foster care—to maintain and unify families. Roberts likes to refer to the concept, which has now become mainstream, as “healing families.”

The secret sauce in therapeutic foster care has to do with the training that is provided to foster families. Those who are on the front lines with their foster children receive coaching along with ongoing support from counselors at FCNI. This model provides tools to the foster family so that they can be successful in creating a stable, nurturing home environment for a child—which, eventually, leads to the development of a successful, productive adult. This formula also yields a significant financial savings to the county over institutional care—which Roberts learned during his time in probation, did not produce great outcomes and did so at a high cost.

Success for FCNI means reunifying children with their family, finding permanent families for children needing stability, helping a struggling youth successfully become independent and self-sufficient, and preventing children from being removed from their homes or placed in institutional/group care by stabilizing their behaviors so they can resume a healthier life. ”

As a non-profit with a $13 million annual operating budget, money is always tight. And, one of the largest expenses over the years has been the rent FCNI has paid for its office space. Every year, like clockwork, the rent went up and there did not seem to be an end in sight. “Among other things, we saw owning our building as a hedge against the rising cost of rent,” explains Roberts. FCNI was able to pull together $1.3 million of the $4.7 million investment. Their new monthly mortgage payment will be approximately $20,000 less per year than what they had been paying in rent— most importantly, the cost will now remain fixed. The building is also expected to provide significant utilities savings with the addition of simple features such as opening windows and ample insulation.

But, it is the massive 4,300 square foot conference room that will serve as the actual, as well as metaphorical, heart of the building.

As training foster families is the focal point of FCNI’s operations, the staff and services that support that effort will be oriented around the conference room much likes cogs in a wheel. Or, as the FCNI tagline explains it, “A Circle of Serving.” Roberts is fond of the terminology “wrap around,” as in, “the families are ‘wrapped around’ with clinical and in-home staff and 24-7 emergency support.” However it is described— the full-service, full-time support and training provided to Central Coast foster families is fundamental to FCNI’s 89% success rate. And, 26 years ago, when Roberts closed his eyes and imagined his wildest dreams, he could see a physical manifestation of the hard work and dedicated effort—a totally self-contained family support center—a building that now rests on a bucolic two-and-half acre campus at the edge of town.

Those interested in supporting FCNI should visit or call (805) 781-3535.

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BURSTING at the seams

How would adding 5,000 Cal Poly students affect San Luis Obispo and the surrounding communities? And, why are only 31% of its students graduating in four years? Is there a link between living on-campus and academic success?

Recently, my neighbors and I had learned that a family down the street was losing their lease. The family has two young daughters that attend our neighborhood school, Bishop’s Peak Elementary. Both parents work, one of them from home. So, when we learned that the house next door to ours was coming on the market as a rental, we called the family immediately to share the great news. They marveled at the miraculous timing and excitedly claimed that it would be the kind of place that they “would be happy to rent forever.” So, after leaving several long messages with the landlord explaining their situation, they became frustrated and confused to have not received a return call. “Why wouldn’t they want to rent to us? We both have great jobs, great credit, references, a deposit. We’d take care of the place as if it were our own,” they said. Then, a few days later, while scanning the rental listings on Craigslist, the family found their answer. The house was being listed for $3,400 per month, about $1,000 over the market rate. And the whole thing got me thinking…

The landlord-tenant relationship has been in existence since man figured out how to put a roof overhead. Charles Dickens made a career writing about it, as he brought to life the vivid characters of Britain’s Industrial Age. But, whether it’s the foggy, soot-covered ghettos of 19th Century London or the sun-drenched, rolling landscape of San Luis Obispo, the landlord-tenant relationship, revolves around just two things: supply and demand.

Just like London, San Luis Obispo is a landlord town. The house next door to us, according to several local real estate professionals, would rent

for about $2,400 per month as a three-bedroom single-family property. But, because it has been advertised as a four bedroom (the illegal garage conversion had been counted as the fourth), it rents for $3,400, which puts it out of reach for most working families. The math works out for a Cal Poly student, however, because $3,400 divided by six is $566 per month—a great deal (split it between seven and it gets better). And, on the other side of the equation, the landlord is earning $1,000 in additional cash flow per month. No wonder the owner of the house next door did not call the family back, as renting to students is a much better deal for him.

counting the extra bodies and cars, it is much more difficult to qualify the change. But, our neighbors, all long-time San Luis Obispo residents, will tell you that our neighborhood today is, well, much less neighborly.

The problem is not the students themselves; it’s the fact that most of them are 19-years-old and living on their own for the first time. I, for one, would not want to live next door to a 19-yearold version of me, and I am pretty confident that most Cal Poly students would rather not share a fence with the current 39-year-old version of myself, either. With such a short time horizon,

Our little San Luis Obispo cul-de-sac is made up of just seven homes, and sits exactly two-and-a-half miles away from Cal Poly. During the five years we have lived in the neighborhood, we have watched the homes go one-by-one from owner-occupied single-family homes to Cal Poly student rentals. Currently, four of the seven homes are rentals. During that same time, the population density has gone up dramatically, as six or more students now occupy each home. Where there used to be one or two cars per household tucked away in each garage, there are now six or more packed into the driveways and lining the streets. While it is possible to quantify the difference over the last five years by simply

nine-to-twelve months in most cases, a person, whether they be 19 or 39, is just not likely to invest in their community. Every September, when the U-Hauls roll onto our street we are greeted with a new group of students. And, every year we have to re-train those students and essentially teach them how to live in a neighborhood. “Can you please turn your music down? Can you please not drive so fast? Can you please not drop the ‘F-bomb’ in front of my kids? Can you please not leave empty beer cans on my driveway? Can you please not hang out on your roof? Can you please take in your trashcans? Can you please…” It gets old, frankly, especially since we know that, just about the time we settle into a nice “working relationship,”

62 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | SPECIAL FEATURE

they move out and we get another new round of students who cram into every inch of available living space, whether it’s doubling up in a bedroom, converting a garage, or, sometimes, repurposing a walk-in closet.

The history of California Polytechnic State University dates back to 1901 when it was founded as a vocational high school—its first class for the 1903 school year enrolled a total of 20 students. Today that number has grown to 19,800. Cal Poly owns 9,678 acres of land, making it the largest land-holding university in California. Its land mass is significant enough to warrant its own zip code. Although it shares a border with the City of San Luis Obispo, the campus is largely autonomous and is not in the city’s jurisdiction. Instead, the campus falls under the purview of the California State University System and sits in an unincorporated part of San Luis Obispo County. The campus contracts with the City of San Luis Obispo for its fire department services, but does have a small police staff. The on-campus housing code that Cal Poly is subjected to comes from the county, not the city. The City of San Luis Obispo can no more tell Cal Poly what to do than it can tell Arroyo Grande what to do.

When Cal Poly announced in May that it would be building an additional 1,400 units of on-campus housing, it was met with much praise and relief from residents citywide. The project, which is slated to begin in 2015, is expected to come on-line for the 2018-2019 school year. But, a few months later when it was realized that adding 1,400 units five years hence would be woefully inadequate, and may actually result in a net-negative, that goodwill quickly faded away. In his remarks at the 2013 Fall Conference in September—Cal Poly’s

version of the State of the Union—President Jefferey Armstrong proclaimed, “Enrollment growth is essential,” and, “California—really, the country—needs more Cal Poly graduates.”

His stated target: 4,000 – 5,000 more students over the next eight years. In this scenario, the student population would jump to somewhere between 23,800 and 24,800, which represents a 20% – 25% increase. And, with just 1,400 units of additional on-campus housing, that would send somewhere between 2,600 and 3,600 students out into the neighborhoods of San Luis Obispo and the surrounding communities.

our neighborhoods and quality of life.” The councilman further expresses his concern by stating that, “67% of our homes are now nonowner occupied, which is up considerably from 20 years ago when we were at 50/50.” Carpenter, who ultimately struck an optimistic tone and envisions “a benefit to the community, as long as Cal Poly pays for our resources to keep up with it,” alludes to the symbiotic relationship between the college and the city. “When we sit down with the Cal Poly people, they are always quick to point out the positive economic impact of the college to the town. But, they often forget that Cal Poly is successful because of the City of San Luis Obispo. Students want to be here.” Carpenter makes a compelling argument, and his comments go a long way toward explaining why CSU Dominguez Hills, for example, has not enjoyed the same trajectory as Cal Poly.

Reaction from San Luis Obispo residents has been strong. Councilman Dan Carpenter does not mince words when he says that adding that many new students to an already maxed out rental market, “Will denigrate

Further compounding the housing problem is the fact that Cal Poly has not been very effective in graduating their students within four years’ time. Currently, the four-year graduation rate stands at 31%, which means that 7 out of 10 students in the new freshman class (its largest ever and up over 28% from last year) will still be around five or six years from now and will, of course, require housing. To his credit, Armstrong has set a goal of doubling the graduation rate, which is not at all unrealistic (UC Berkeley, by comparison, graduates 66% of its students within four years). It is unclear why the school, which prides itself on its tough admission standards—this year’s incoming class boasts a 3.88 GPA—fails to graduate 69% of these overachievers during a standard term. Could it be that those students lack the drive and motivation to make it happen? Or, are they unable to get the classes they need because resources on campus are stretched too thin?

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Public-private on-campus student housing projects have the advantage of both time and money: they come together quickly because they are financed by private equity and do so at very little or no cost to the university. In fact, depending on the arrangement, there can be a net gain due to the rents collected on the land lease. Cal Poly, with its vast land holdings, would appear to be an ideal candidate for this type of partnership.

Another West Coast public institution that has struggled with a housing problem, Portland State University, recently opened a 16-story on-campus residence hall which came about through a partnership with American Campus Communities, a real estate investment trust (REIT). American Campus Communities CEO, William Bayless Jr., told the university that they “should look at the most cost-effective way to develop student housing and save their capital dollars for other projects.” Monica Rimai, the school’s Vice President for Finance and Administration called the decision to move forward a “watershed moment for us.”

Education Realty Trust, another REIT that specializes in oncampus student housing construction, has completed similar low and no-cost projects for the public universities of Texas, Connecticut, Mississippi, and Arizona State. Most recently it has begun working with the University of Kentucky, where construction for 9,000 on-campus units is now underway.

We want to know what you think about this issue. Email us at

Certainly, when it comes to on-campus housing that is the case. Cal Poly is now wedging three students into two-person dorm rooms, as well as displacing continuing students from Poly Canyon Village to make room for the new, super-sized freshman class. So, what happens to those displaced second year students? According to Keith Humphrey, Cal Poly’s Vice President for Student Affairs, “It’s not an ideal situation; we recognize the impact. We do take this seriously, and have just hired an off-campus student life coordinator that will help our students learn how to respect their neighbors.” Humphrey goes on to explain that discussions are underway for an expansion of student housing on-campus and reveals that Cal Poly could mandate that first and secondyear students live on-campus (currently, first year students are not required to live on campus, as is the case for many universities, although 99% choose to do so voluntarily). If Humphrey chooses to go that direction, he will have an advocate in Armstrong who has pointed out that students living on campus have higher rates of academic success. So, why not build more on-campus housing?

After all, shouldn’t college students be at college where they are close to the library, close to professors, close to the lab, close to the gym, close to other study groups, close to dining halls? It may be different if it was as simple as walking across the street to step onto campus, but in San Luis Obispo it commonly requires getting into a car. In our neighborhood we are not seeing students on bikes or at the bus stop, as each one owns a car, and those cars—usually containing just one person—drive back-and-forth to campus. Imagine how many cars could be removed

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from San Luis Obispo’s increasingly crowded streets if on-campus housing were to dramatically increase at Cal Poly. But, most of all, as research shows, being on-campus brings a refocus to academics. Although many students report, wanting to “get away” from living on-campus, isn’t that really the best place for them to be? And does it not create some added motivation to buckle down and graduate within four years? The reality is that when a student drives off-campus and is out in a city neighborhood with non-college student permanent residents, the distractions only increase—surely, my kids hollering and riding bikes with their friends out front can’t help—and the motivation required to get back into the car and return to the library is much greater than it would be if they lived on-campus in the first place.

a plot of land on-campus. That contractor then built student housing and was allowed to collect the rent. At the end of 30 years, the contractor will turn over the housing to the university. In this scenario, everyone wins: the university, the contractor, the residents of the City of Tucson, and, most of all, the students.

Up to this point, Cal Poly has been focused on a painstakingly slow traditional route— the school is floating a state bond to finance its 1,400-unit project. Humphrey goes on to explain that there may be a possibility to build “another 1,000 or so units” behind the Red Brick buildings (below the “P”) on campus. Even with another “1,000 or so” units, the numbers just don’t add up. With all the land that Cal Poly owns, perhaps it is time to consider a massive on-campus

Humphrey, who came to Cal Poly from the University of Arizona seven months ago, was involved in an innovative public-private partnership to create more on-campus housing. As he describes it, the university gave a private contractor a 30-year lease for

public-private construction project. Not only would it solve the housing problem, but it would also likely put a serious dent in the graduation rate problem, too; something Armstrong has vowed to “focus on like a laser beam.”


ART scene

I grew up surrounded by artists and have always admired those who can look at something in a different way and recreate a version that tells us as much about the beholder as it does the subject itself. I love Art After Dark and other local art events, especially when they coincide with a night out on the town. In fact, I had been thinking about planning a date night that would allow my husband and I to channel our “inner artists” when I happened upon an amazing new offering called Art Bar at Granada Bistro on Morro Street in San Luis Obispo.

An enthusiastic supporter of the local art scene, Granada has branched out in an innovative way to make our community’s artists more accessible via its Art Bar. A dozen guests at a time have the unique opportunity to paint a scene inspired by our local landscape. The artist facilitates a live art demonstration and offers step-by-step guidance to the trainees in the room.

At Granada, there is a new painting scene every night, so I gave my husband the choice of painting sunflowers or Morro Rock. There was no question in his mind: Morro Rock. Painting on his night off was a stretch as it was; and he did not jump at the idea of painting flowers. So, while he was a little reluctant, and I a bit nervous, we signed up for an evening at the Art Bar.

We walked into a smartly lighted and inviting room with a long galley table, encircled by blank canvases propped up on easels. The manager took our complimentary drink orders and we settled into our seats with expectations as undefined as the canvas sitting before us. As the short hand on the antique clock touched the number seven, and those complimentary drinks began to tamp down any remaining apprehension, the room began to fill with the joyful sounds of friendly introductions as ten twelve strangers readied themselves to paint together.

Skye Ravy was the artist-teacher for our session, and she set the stage for the evening, patiently walking us through the thought process involved in creating a horizon. Brush technique and color choice came next in our journey to create the art that previously none of us, before our lesson, thought we were capable of producing.

Every night Art Bar is a different experience—the subject always changes, the artist-teacher rotates, and the chemistry of the group evolves. It is a welcoming environment where few bring any pre-existing talent, or aptitude for that matter, but instead feed off one another’s willingness to drop their guard as they try to let their “right brain” do the thinking, at least for one night.

The two hours of instruction tripped by happily. We went from creating sweeping skies, to billowing clouds, to horizontal sand dunes, an imposing rock, to floating sailboats to adding our own personal touches. Not bad for a couple of newbies. We had a great time at Art Bar and look forward to returning soon for another session. Maybe next time we’ll paint flowers.

66 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | NIGHT OUT

For the twenty-one-and-over crowd, Art Bar runs Wednesday - Saturday at Granada Bistro from 7 - 9pm. Forty dollars gets you your art materials and a complimentary drink. Art Bar is available for private parties and services private homes for special events.

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oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 67
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bustin’ BAD GUYS one at a time


Why? Many fruit-added yogurts are full of sugar or corn syrup, meaning you can ingest 30 grams (that’s a full day’s worth of sugar) even before your 9:00 a.m. meeting. While organic yogurt is definitely better in terms of dairy quality, it’s important to choose an unsweetened version. Studies show that sugar and dairy can cause acne, so we say, avoid it. Instead, try goat or sheep’s milk yogurts—which are often easier for people to digest than cow’s milk—and add your own berries.


Why? Cereal and granola are often loaded with sugar, which means they can give you a sugar spike and crash, instead of keeping you properly nourished. You’re better off making your own muesli using gluten-free oats, nuts, seeds, and fresh berries.


Why? Soy is one of the largest genetically modified crops. And while organic soymilk is a better choice, it’s still considered highly processed, and is a common allergen making it hard to digest for many people. Try organic almond milk or unsweetened coconut milk.


Why? Most of it is highly processed and it is also high in fructose. Studies show that high fructose sweeteners of any kind can cause mineral depletion, liver inflammation, insulin resistance, and lead to obesity. Instead, try coconut sugar, which is less processed and contains a scant 9% fructose.

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the top 10 “I thought it was healthy” culprits hiding in your kitchen plus simple suggestions on what to try instead
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Why? “Gluten free” doesn’t necessarily mean “healthy.” Many gluten-free products are still high in refined sugar, and are often made with high-glycemic grains like corn, rice, and potato starch. Your best bet is to make your own gluten-free baked goods with highnutrient flours, like almond or coconut, using natural sweeteners, such as raw honey or pure maple syrup.


Why? Most are essentially sugar water, even if they pack them full of vitamins. Keep things simple: water with a squeeze of fresh lemon is not only refreshing, but it also aides in digestion and helps to balance your body’s pH levels.

Why? Most


market are high in

oils, sugar, salt, and gluten—and the low-fat versions are often worse, because they have to add sugars and chemicals to make up for the taste of the fat that they’re leaving out. Read ingredient labels thoroughly, or use whole foods to make equally crunchy (but way-better-for-you) snacks, like kale chips.

70 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 5 | HEALTH
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 71 Dr. Arnie Horwitz HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused? I can help. Specializing in - Relationship Conflicts - Parenting & Self-Esteem - Separation and Divorce - Personal Life Planning - Grief and Loss - Career Uncertainty Therapy/Counseling/Coaching Dr. Arnie Horwitz • 30 yrs. Experience 805-541-2752 Sagrada Wellness Acupuncture 805-400-9095 6780 W. Pozo Rd. Santa Margarita, CA Eva Inglizian L.Ac. Eva Inglizian L.Ac. Integrative Medicine Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Emotional and Spiritual Healing innercorebalance || certified Pilates trainer || || fascial stretch therapist || || massage practitioner || 805.709.7600 || Kristina DellaGatta has been serving clients for 12 years. PTERA WELLNESS - HOLISTIC HEALTH CARE 4251 S. HIGUERA ST, SUITE 300, SAN LUIS OBISPO 888-856-1925 // PTERA-WELLNESS.COM A new approach for better results... You deserve more from your doctor. Dr. Lundgren, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor NewtoSLO ATTENTION Alternative Health Care Practitioners A dv E r TI s E HE r E for as little as $25/mo Call 805.543.8600 for more information SLOLIFE magazine


Why? Most cartons and bottles of juice sold contain loads of sugar. (We’ve spied up to 48 grams per 16 ounces in some!) Plus, pasteurization removes most of the beneficial nutrients. A better option? Go to a juice bar for a raw, cold-pressed option or dust off your blender or juicer and make your own.


Why? The vast majority of corn in America is genetically modified, plus, microwave popcorn bags are lined with chemicals, and the butter is usually artificial. Upgrade by using organic popcorn kernels. You can pop ‘em on your stove with coconut oil and sea salt, or in an air popper.


Why? Whole wheat bread is often sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, just like white bread. If you want a bread sans processed sugar (and chemicals), try making your own, or hit up one of our local bakeries and ask about their healthy options.

72 | SL o LIFE Magaz | o ct/nov 2013 SLO LIFE
8 9 An operA in four Acts by GeorGes bizet performinG Arts center sAn Luis obispo the cArmen project is A city-Wide Arts coLLAborAtion feAturinG: centrAL coAst chiLdren’s choir civic bALLet sAn Luis obispo cuestA coLLeGe concert choir operA sAn Luis obispo sAn Luis obispo symphony stAGe director: ross hALper conducted by: briAn Asher ALhAdeff operA sAn Luis obispo Artistic & GenerAL director TICKETS ON SALE NOW! $10–$75 24/7 at or by phone Tuesday through Saturday, 12pm-6pm: (805) 756-4849 1-888-233-2787 (toll-free in California) 2 0 1 3 sAturdAy october 12 7pm sundAy october 13 2pm
oct/nov 2013 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | 73 UPCOMING SYMPHONY CONCERTS November 9th featuring Soprano, Ava Pine December 31st New Year's Eve Extravaganza Visit or call 805.543.3533 for details. For Inspiring Young Musicians in our Community for 50 Years With admiration and gratitude, The San Luis Obispo Symphony, Board of Directors and Staff
74 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 Relax in confidence with state-of-the-art, gentle and experienced dental care. the clear alternative to braces Cosmetic | Laser | Metal-Free Dentistry Come experience the difference! 1250 Peach Street Suite E San Luis Obispo (805) 543-0814 • • • Have a lot of eggs in your basket? Call Sheehan Life Planning - we can help! Financial Planning • Investment Management • Estate Planning Retirement Planning • Asset Protection Planning • Pension Analysis Long Term Care Planning • Insurance Analysis • College Funding Tax Planning • Income for Life® Planning 805.235.5200 4251 S. Higuera Street, SLO CA Insurance Lic #0117506 Call Daniel Sheehan, CFP®, RLP® of Sheehan Life Planning Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial. A Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA & SIPC. FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR RETIREMENT “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.” - Ted Turner on his secret to success Call us. We can help your business grow. 805.543.8600 SLOLIFE magazine



bringing you the best in flavor

1. Novo’s crowd pleasing appetizers and creekside seating are calling! Shown here are spicy potato samosas with mint chutney, fresh avocado-shrimp spring rolls with ginger-soy and chilli dipping sauces and “The Trio” artisan cheeses with candied nuts.

$9 - $14 // Novo Restaurant and Lounge 726 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 543-3986 //

2. Refresh and relax with the 2012 Albariño from Salisbury Vineyards. This crisp, white Spanish varietal displays a convivial collection of fruit notes such as pear, peach, melon and lemon zest with subtle mineral notes and balanced, lively acidity. Pairs beautifully with sautéed shellfish, steamed crab or spicy Thai dishes.

$25 // Salisbury Vineyards 6985 Ontario Road, San Luis Obispo (805) 595-9463 //

3. If you love tapas you’ll love Luna Red’s perfect balance of flavor offered with these black bean and avocado fritters sprinkled with paprika salt and served with a side of lime crema. A delicious protein-rich vegetarian option, this dish is also gluten-free!

$5 // Luna Red 1023 Chorro Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 540-5243 //

4. Partake in an explosion of unique Indian flavors at Shalimar. Their lunchtime buffet constantly rotates with both traditional mainstays and seasonal specialties. Best of all, fresh naan is baked daily in the restaurant’s wood-fired tandoori oven, usually just minutes before serving.

$8.99 // Shalimar Indian Restaurant 2115 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo (805) 781-0766 //

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1 3 2 4

autumn delight

Nothing says fall like squash. The SLO LIFE Kitchen has been buzzing with seasonal recipes and plans for the holidays ahead. Looking at an acorn squash, we wondered what to put inside that gorgeous orange bowl…



Inspired to create an amazing stuffing, we started with one of our favorite nutrient-rich foods—quinoa. It pairs well with the savory flavor of the sausage, mild anise taste of the fennel, and our not-too-sweet winter squash. Adding a handful of spinach wilted into the stuffing mix at the last minute provides some delightful green. We chose goat cheese for a fabulous flavor boost and used extra virgin olive oil to roast the squash to perfection.

2 acorn squash

4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 cup quinoa

2 large shallots, chopped finely

4 garlic cloves, minced

1 fennel bulb, chopped

1 pound sausage, casing removed

4 cups fresh spinach

4 ounces barrel-aged goat cheese or feta

1 tablespoon fresh thyme sea salt & fresh ground pepper

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Cut acorn squash in half and scoop out seeds with a spoon.

3. Brush squash inside and out with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

4. Place squash in oven and roast for approximately 30 minutes or until squash is

tender and easily pierced with a fork.

5. While squash is roasting, cook quinoa per package directions.

6. In large pan, sauté sausage. Drain grease and set aside.

7. Add 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil to pan and sauté garlic, shallots, and fennel for approximately 8 minutes. Add thyme during last 2 minutes of cooking. Add spinach and stir just until wilted.

8. In a large glass bowl combine still warm quinoa, sausage and sautéed mixture.

9. Stir in 3 ounces of crumbled cheese.

10. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

11. After baking, remove squash from oven. Spoon stuffing into the squash bowl. Bake 2-5 minutes to warm through.

12. Remove from oven and place on serving dish. Sprinkle with remaining goat cheese and serve.

Don’t toss those seeds— try roasting them for a tasty treat. Clean and rinse seeds and pat dry. In a bowl, toss seeds with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt, then spread them onto a parchment paper lined baking tray. Bake at 275 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature and enjoy! SLO LIFE

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SERVES 4 / PREP TIME 45 MINS / COOK TIME 45 MINS 805.709.2780 CENTRAL COAST FARMERS’ HARVESTS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Fresh Picked & Locally Grown Pesticide Free Produce Weekly or Bi-weekly Delivery No Contract Required SERVING San Luis Obispo | Avila | Los Osos Five Cities | Nipomo


Designed for both the casual train buff and the avid rail fan, the Central Coast Railroad Festival celebrates the history and future of trains with modeling, rail excursions, concerts, films, exhibits, ceremonies, historical presentations and special programs.


Audiences will be captivated with a full production of Georges Bizet’s beloved operatic masterpiece featuring famous melodies, ballet scenes, and choruses presented with breathtaking scenery expressly designed to mesmerize and enthrall. October 12 - 13 //


This point-to-point half marathon begins in downtown San Luis Obispo and ends in beautiful Pismo Beach as a major fundraiser for Cuesta College’s award-winning cross country and track and field programs. October 13 //

78 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 | HAPPENINGS
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13 INDEPENDENCE SLO Little Theatre presents Independence, by Lee Blessing, a powerful drama depicting a family divided against itself. October 18 – November 10 // MAKING STRIDES Join the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer organization in a 1.9-mile walk starting at Mission Plaza to celebrate survivorship and express your support in the fight for a cure. October 26 // 18 26 Dog Training • Premium Daycare • Boarding • Grooming FIRST DAY OF DAYCARE FREE! 173 Buckley Road • San Luis Obispo (805) 596-0112 Business Portraits :: Product :: Headshots Commercial :: Editorial 805.448.2841 Lunch Buffet Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3:00pm $8.99 Monday Dinner Buffet 5:00pm - 10:00pm $9.99 Sunday Brunch $9.99 Shalimar iNDiaN rESTaUraNT Hot Shaves • Cold Beer • ESPN • Quality Service Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm • Sunday 11am-4pm 1351 Monterey Street . San Luis Obispo (805)783-2887 .


This runaway off-Broadway hit is written and performed by former BBC Television hosts Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner. The play takes on the ultimate challenge of condensing—or “potting”—all seven Harry Potter books into 70 madcap minutes. November 17 //


Enjoy the transcendent sights, scents and flavors of this signature season as the annual Rockin’ Harvest Celebration presents a rambunctious extravaganza of local food and wine. It’s the next best thing to making the wine yourself. November 1 - 3 //


The Tony Award-winning Broadway musical inspired by the electrifying true story of the famed recording session at which Sam Phillips, the “Father of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” brought together icons Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins for the first and only time on one unforgettable night. November 18 //


Come pig out and celebrate bacon in all its glory.

Restaurants will feature their best bacon dishes and bacon desserts along with pairings from wineries and breweries.

November 23 //


The Cal Poly Symphony kicks off its 2013-14 season with music from England — England 100 years ago, to be precise. They will juxtapose two very different pieces written at the same time: Holst’s “The Planets” and Vaughan Williams’ “The Lark Ascending.” November 24 //

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1
23 24 1027 B Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo scanning • digital restoration • in-house printing photo finishing • darkroom supplies • passport photos 805 543-4025 • PRESENTING THE BEST VARIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINMENT AT THE PAC ! CALPOLYARTS.ORG Jen Robinson Benefit at Black Lake Golf Resort Contact: Sue Brigham ph: (805)541-3287 Friday Nov 8th 10am Registration 11am Shot Gun Start 5pm Dinner 4-Person Scramble $100 Donation per Golfer Great Raffle Prizes!
80 | SL o LIFE Magaz I n E | o ct/nov 2013 HAVEN PROPERTIES A PAYNE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION EXCLUSIVE AFFILIATION 1212 Marsh Street, Suite 1 | San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 office 805.592.2050 | Our EXCLUSIVE affiliation with LUXURY REAL ESTATE™ enables HAVEN PROPERTIES to market and reach all corners of North America and the Globe. From local vineyard estates to coastal masterpieces, HAVEN PROPERTIES offers professional expertise and marketing tools to sell or find your dream home. Local Ownership | Local Knowledge | Global Reach

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