SLO LIFE Magazine JunJul 2019

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10 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 SLOLIFE magazine 44 CONTENTS Volume Jun/JulNumber1032019

Check out the latest news highlight reel. Timeline We take a look at local events from the past two months. View It was an early morning when MARK NAKAMURA captured the essence of downtown SLO. 343028


With an unwavering work ethic, this coach steps off the court and into our office to share his love of the game. Publisher’s Message SneakInfo Peek Photographer VANESSA PLAKIAS gives us a glimpse behind the scenes of the cover shoot. In Box20181614


Wine Notes


Warm weather and vacation season are upon us, but before we throw on our suits and head to the beach, we take a minute to review the latest news on sunscreen.

On the Rise San Luis Obispo High School graduating senior ANNEKE MOERSDORF is gearing up to run track and field at Oregon State.


Real Estate

Look no further for insight into the local housing market as we share the year-to-date statistics of home sales for both the city and county of San Luis Obispo.

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Dwelling A rtist JERRY SCOTT opens the doors to his design studio located in the heart of downtown San Luis Obispo.




Looking for something to do? We’ve got you covered. Check out the calendar to discover the best events around the Central Coast in June and July.


Transitions-Mental Health Association Executive Director JILL BOLSTER-WHITE stops by to discuss issues around mental health and homelessness. Now Hear This Rock-pop-soul band B & THE HIVE hit the open road with a steady stream of gigs.

Visiting a winery is just as much about the experience as it is about the wine itself. ANDRIA MCGHEE guides us to some of the best local spots to take in the sweeping views.

Family Inspired by the sunshine days of summer, PADEN HUGHES heads to the farm for a fun-filled afternoon of berry picking.


With local shops brewing a delicious cup of the good stuff, JAIME LEWIS implores locals to stop in, savor the aroma, and enjoy a sweet sip. Kitchen Brush off the barbecue and head to the butcher because CHEF JESSIE RIVAS is taking grilled leg of lamb to the next level with every mouth-watering bite.

Brew ‘Tis the season for beer festivals and BRANT MYERS shares how to make the most of it.

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Get the story within the story by going to and subscribing to Tom’sBombs to receive the next installment.

And, the only thing that stood in the path between me and my diploma during my senior year was Home Economics 2, which was known as “the cooking class.”

The last day of school arrived and I stepped into the kitchen where I found my Home Ec. teacher waiting with folded arms. I cracked three eggs and the now-familiar hiss of the pan lured me into a state of flow. I drew a long breath and briefly closed my eyes to steady my nerves, as I waited for my opportunity. In one, fluid motion, I swept under, lifted, and turned. Perfection! I slammed down the spatula and thrust my arms into the air as if I were an Olympic gymnast who stuck the landing after an error-free routine on the parallel bars. Shouting out, “Woohoo!,” I reflexively turned to high-five my teacher, who instead nudged her reading glasses over the bridge of her nose before scratching a worn-down Dixon Ticonderoga #2 on her clipboard as she added up the column under my name. She savored her power held in that moment before declaring, “Congratulations, Tom, you passed—let’s see how far that omelet takes you in the real world.”

Not far at all, as it turns out. Three months later, I found myself loafing through Sociology 101 at the local community college when a re-entry student wearing Red Wing work boots wedged into the desk next to me. He had three kids at home and just punched out from his night shift at the local creamery a few short hours ago. With no sleep other than a catnap in his GMC between classes and with a family to support, his grade was nearly twice as good as mine. “What’s your excuse?” he asked. I gulped hard, before offering a meek: “Uh, well, I guess I don’t have one.” What he said next lit a fire in me that has been raging since: “Take it from me, kid. Whatever you do today determines what will happen tomorrow.”

I am fascinated by high school students who have 4.5 GPAs. For me, I was generally able to get the “.5” part of that number, but the “4” always eluded me. Math was never my thing; in fact, the only arithmetic I was ever proficient in was the kind required to calculate the fewest number of classes I would need to graduate.

Besides, I had the formula worked out. I just had to do well on the final exam in Home Ec. No problem. Except it was a problem because I thought it would be a great idea to start a food fight in the student kitchen during the last week of school. When the hostilities ended, the teacher immediately— and rightly—identified me as the instigator and I was hauled off to the principal’s office. With my head bowed and my dusty baseball cap in my tomato stained hands, I was stunned by the verdict: I was being suspended for the last week of school, which meant I would not be allowed to take the final exam in Home Ec. The principal said the words that had been nipping at my heels all year: “I’m really sorry, Tom, but you are not going to graduate.” All five stages of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ grief model pounded me at once: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. I decided that bargaining was my best bet, so I gave it everything I had. Begging and pleading, I made my case: “There has to be another way. What about extra credit?

I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to everyone who has had a hand in producing this issue of SLO LIFE Magazine and, most of all, to our advertisers and subscribers—we couldn’t do it without you.


Tom tom@slolifemagazine.comFranciskovich Omelet


During the week of my suspension, I did nothing but make omelets. I talked to everyone and anyone who had any experience in the kitchen. Omelets were what I ate for breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. And, I realized very quickly that the key to making a perfect omelet is executing a flawless flip—timing is everything. Over and over again, I would position myself with the classic athletic stance, knees bent and shoulders loose, as I waited for the precise moment to slide the spatula underneath. Channeling every ounce of my intuition, I studied the bubbling butter and the second it began caramelizing the eggs floating atop—wham!—I flipped it.

It was sometime in May of that year when my parents received a one-line letter that ominously read in all-caps as if it were a telegram from 1929 crying out the news of the stock market crash: “THOMAS DEAN FRANCISKOVICH HAS 53 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES THIS SEMESTER.” Along with my unsanctioned sabbatical, I was also lugging around a D- average, which meant that I was at serious risk of not graduating. Despite Mom and Dad’s crystal-clear instructions to fly straight and finish strong, I decided instead to double down on the fun—when it came to that subject, I had an A+.

I’ll do whatever it takes—anything!” As she sat there watching me grovel, the principal decided to call in my Home Ec. teacher. The two of them talked behind closed doors for far too long, then I was called back in. With both women burning holes in my forehead with their laser-beam focus of disgust and contempt, I was informed there was a glimmer of hope. Yes, I was still suspended, but if I could ace an extra credit exam, it would give me just enough points to pass the class and to graduate. The exam, I was told, was simple: I would be required to cook a perfect omelet.

Live the SLO Life!


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Sofia Rivas Sillaman


Nicole CSA,

Letters chosen for publication may be edited for clarity and space limitations.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 4251info@slolifemagazine.comS.HigueraStreet,Suite 800 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Complete details regarding circulation, coverage, and advertising rates, space, sizes and similar information are available to prospective advertisers. Please call or email for a media kit. Closing date is 30 days before date of issue.

Jeremy Bishop Kyle VanessaMarkDavidCottrellLalushNakamuraAustinNeillPlakias

CONTRIBUTIONS Have some comments or feedback about something you’ve read here? Or, do you have something on your mind that you think everyone should know about? Submit your story ideas, events, recipes, and announcements by visiting us online at and clicking “Share Your Story” or emailing us at Be sure to include your full name and city for verification purposes. Contributions chosen for publication may be edited for clarity and space limitations.


If you would like to advertise, please contact Tom Franciskovich by phone at (805) 543-8600 or by email at or visit us online at and we will send you a complete media kit along with testimonials from happy advertisers.

NOTE The opinions expressed within these pages do not necessarily reflect those of SLO LIFE Magazine. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher.

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16 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 4251 S. HIGUERA STREET, SUITE 800, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA info@slolifemagazine.comSLOLIFEMAGAZINE.COM (805) 543-8600 • (805) 456-1677 fax PUBLISHER Tom Franciskovich CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sheryl Disher CONTRIBUTING WRITERS CharlotteErikaTeresaAlexanderCurtoFitzgeraldPadenHughesJaimeLewisAndriaMcGheeBrantMyersJessieRivasShawnStrong


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I’m definitely a shoe gal, so I noticed Mike’s shoes right away. He said that he wears them all the time; they’re weather-proof Nike Airs, and they work for all kinds of weather—rain and snow—for when he is travelling to do his broadcasting. BY VANESSA PLAKIAS WITH MIKE WOZNIAK

I’ve been using the word “marvel” a lot lately because I continue to be so inspired by these Meet Your Neighbor stories, and Mike was no different. I’m fascinated by his twin careers in broadcasting and coaching and can’t wait to read the article myself.

Mike was saying this thing to the kids, which I think makes so much sense: “Keep your mind where your feet are.” I love that. I just think that it helps keep you focused on what you need to do; keeps you focused on the job at hand.



I love this shot of Mike and his daughter, Harper. She’s the sweetest! When she saw her dad at the end of practice, she went running up to him and yelled, “Daddy!” as she jumped into his arms. What an adorable family.


20 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK Take us with you! | IN BOX Hey, SLO LIFE readers: Send us your photos the next time you’re relaxing in town or traveling far and away with your copy of the magazine. Email us at EDINBURGH CASTLE, SCOTLAND GRUYERES CASTLE, SWITZERLAND ARCHIPIÉLAGO DE REVILLAGIGEDO MARK, ROBIN, and GANNON KING SLO High School students during a trip to England and Scotland. NATALIE DAVIS, TIARA BIAS, SABRINA GARCIA, HELENA BECERRA, SOPHIA GARCIA, MS. HAWLEY, BRIDGET TUOHY, ARIANA KING, and LILY SVETICH.The BARIL, HENDERSON, NOSTI, STRAULI, TEVLIN, WADDELL, and WETZEL KIDS

manta rays, dolphins, humpback whales (didn’t encounter any underwater) and a variety of large sharks. 240 miles south west of Cabo San Lucas. Photo

STEVE SLAUGHTER at 60’ while photographing giant pacific by Robert






C O M M E R C I A L & R E S I D E N T I A L

26 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 Please send your photos and comments to Follow SLO LIFE on Facebook: Visit Visit us online at Letters may be edited for content and clarity. To be considered for publication your letter should include your name, address, phone number, or email address (for authentication purposes). | IN BOX You showed us! MOUNT EVEREST, NEPAL PIRAN, SLOVENIA KAUAI, HAWAII MENDENHALL GLACIER, JUNEAU, ALASKA VICTORIA and CARRIE WILSONANDREA OLIVIER JAN WILSONALINA REA and NIKO ZEN CIMBUR


“50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee”

A closer look at the numbers reveals $225 more per month for Heidi Harmon, who currently brings home $18,000 a year.

The pay raise awarded the Mayor of San Luis Obispo by the City Council in May.

SLO County Regional Airport spokesman Kevin Bumen reporting the increase in number of passengers flying in and out of SLO County Regional Airport during the first calendar quarter of this year. According to airport statistics released in April, the numbers grew from 98,516 during the first quarter of 2018 to 113,320 in 2019. That jump represents the busiest first calendar quarter in the airport’s history.

The number of national awards accumulated in April by the Cuesta College Drama Department’s production of “Ghost Ship” during a national festival at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. The play received Outstanding Performance and Production Ensemble honors as well as individual prizes for crew members including playwright Philip Valle, director bree valle, and scenic designer Richard Jackson. Last spring, the college’s theatrical production of “Man of La Mancha” received 14 national nods.

“Can I put this in the bin?”

65 years


$700 million


The goal of Cal Poly’s largest-ever fundraising campaign was publicly announced May 4. The effort, described by the university as empowering students, excellence and innovation, has already raised more than $556 million, and is slated to support new facilities, upgrades to existing buildings, and the expansion of student/faculty research, project-based learning opportunities, and scholarships. SLO High School teacher Greg Ross opening up about potential partnerships between local educators and the newlylaunched San Luis Coastal Education Foundation. One of the nonprofit’s major goals is to empower teachers to dream big and pursue cutting-edge innovations in learning for the benefit of K-12 students in San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, and Los Osos. “We have a dynamic community of openingcommittedteacherstodoors. . .”

The City Council members voted to give themselves a $24 monthly raise, bringing their annual compensation to $14,688 each.

And the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival is one of them, according to MovieMaker Magazine’s annual list announced in April. It’s the fifth time the 25-year-old festival has been included on the coveted roster, which features events from coast to coast in North America, as well as a number of international festivals.


SLO High School’s rank among 1,579 California schools honored in the 2019 U.S. News Best High Schools in California report, surpassing all other public high schools in both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. The rankings, released in April, are based on college readiness, breadth of college curriculum, reading and math proficiency and performance, underserved student performance, and graduation rates.

15% $4.21#213


The Facebook question of the day posted on May 9 by friendly City of SLO Utilities Department employees, who announced that they are re-stocked with countertop food scrap pails—free to city residents. They also kindly posted “Yes” and “No” answers so you don’t have to guess (By the way, “peels, rinds, and pits” are on the “Yes” list).

The average price for one gallon of gasoline in San Luis Obispo County according to AAA. Think you’re paying more? You’re right: One year ago the average pump price in SLO was $3.85. The average price in the state as a whole this year is 17 cents less, at $4.04, while the nationwide average is now $2.84.

“We’ve now doubled our passenger count from five years ago.”

The span between the youngest (17) and the oldest (85) of 30 clarinetists who congregated at Cal Poly to perform the Camille Saint-Saëns composition “Marche Militaire Français” as the capstone of Cal Poly’s second annual Clarinet Festival on May 5. The campus concert included Central Coast community clarinet combo The Wind in the Reeds.

a place for modern living.

More than a century after her death, San Luis Obispo’s first city librarian receives a proper memorial. Since her death in 1910, the burial site of Frances Margaret Milne, a community leader, suffragist and poet, remained unmarked at the San Luis Obispo Cemetery. Thanks to a fundraising campaign spearheaded by the Foundation for SLO County Public Libraries, members of the community— including members of her family—gathered to honor her and place a headstone that features an open book and a line from one of her poems: “Love shall prove her triumph true.” SLO County Public Libraries are celebrating their 100th anniversary this year.

The California Botanical Society journal Madroño officially announces the discovery of the Irish Hills spineflower (Chorizanthe aphanantha)in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. Botanist and Cal Poly alumna Kristen Nelson found the new plant, which may be recognized shortly as one of California’s rarest plants. The discovery has been verified by Cal Poly experts, as well as City of San Luis Obispo Natural Resources Manager Robert Hill, who called it “incredibly important.” Measuring only a few centimeters to a couple of inches in height, the flower was found in a secluded setting within the reserve that stretches some 720 acres along Prefumo Canyon Road at Isabella Way in San Luis Obispo. The tiny plant has since been identified throughout the reserve, but to date this is its only known location in the 4/27world.

30 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 4/23

| TIMELINE Around the County APRIL ’19 4/18

SLO County Regional Airport, also known as “SBP,” welcomes its first nonstop flight from Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (DFW), inaugurating daily nonstop service on American Airlines between the two airports. Direct service to DFW comes after years of work by airport staff, Visit SLO CAL, San Luis Obispo County, and several regional partners. The new service gives passengers one-stop access to some 89 domestic and foreign destinations including Latin America, the Caribbean, and seasonal service to Dublin and Munich beginning in June. The flight also provides increased access to SLO County businesses, educational institutions, and growing wine regions. “These new flights don’t just connect people, they connect economies,” said Visit SLO CAL CEO Chuck Davison. “And each time we do that, we make this an even better place to live, work, and visit.” The Embraer 175 jet servicing the daily flight is equipped with 12 first-class seats, 20 “extra” seats offering additional legroom, and 44 main cabin seats.


The Hourglass Project, a new public-private partnership designed to restructure and build a stable local economy following the upcoming closure of Diablo Canyon, receives $300,000 in economic development funds from the County of San Luis Obispo to help develop future jobs on the Central Coast. The grant, to be used for the creation of a “Central Coast Jobs Roadmap and Action Plan,” will supply approximately one-third of the project’s total funding, with private sector partners providing the rest. County support comes from $85 million in Community Impact Mitigation Funds appropriated by Senate Bill (SB)1090, designed to ease the local impact of the power plant’s closure.

A Cal Poly student project to help a SLO veteran deal with Parkinson’s disease leads to a $100,000 prize. Sidney Collin evolved a business, Oro Devices, out of her student project’s success, and ended up edging out five other startups to win the six-figure angel investment at the second annual Central California Angel Conference Pitch Competition. Collin, who graduated in March with a biomedical engineering degree, says the device she created, known as the Gaitway, helps patients overcome a sudden onset of immobility called “freezing of gait.” A program that pairs the challenges of wounded veterans with student projects coupled the engineer with Korean War vet Jack Brill, 87, who was so impressed with her device he invited her to a Parkinson’s support group with 20 other people who might also benefit from it. Collin and her two business partners—also from Cal Poly—plan to formally launch the Gaitway in September. She says it can help patients with multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy, as well.


Financially, according to City Manager Derek Johnson, the city is on solid ground to address the coming closure of Diablo Canyon, as well as the liability of employee pension obligations. “The city has been very proactive and developed a plan that we can pay down that liability over the next 20 years, and essentially avoid $20 million dollars in interest payments,” according to Johnson. Reviewing accomplishments of the past year, they point to completed projects like the Laurel Lane improvements, more flight options in and out of town, electric vehicle charging stations at the parking garage, and the purchase of the Miossi Open Space. 5/8

San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Harmon asks a tough question during the annual State of the City presentation at a public meeting: “How can we create a fiscally sustainable, environmentally sustainable, economically sustainable community?”



The first of what is planned to be an annual threeday Central Coast Festival for Jewish Learning opens at Cal Poly with Holocaust survivor Gitta Ryle and Nazi war crimes prosecutor Bruce Einhorn presenting “A Testimony of the Holocaust and How the World Responded.” Of the Holocaust, Ryle says, “We need to stay proud that we are Jews and that we want peace, and I will educate people that there was such a thing and that it should never happen again.” Presented by the JCC Federation and Hillel of San Luis Obispo, the mission of the festival is to unify the Central Coast community with programs and services based on Jewish values.



Superior Court Judge Dodie Harman sets bail at $1 million during the arraignment of an Oakland man who allegedly injured six people in an early morning shooting during a Cinco de Mayo concert at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area on May 5. Nineteen-year-old Francisco Orozco faces an attempted murder charge as well as five felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic weapon, with several enhancements including allegations that he discharged a firearm, and that he inflicted great bodily injury. The six victims injured in the attack were transported to local hospitals, and four of the victims were treated for serious injuries. Orozco is pleading not guilty, claiming that he was not the shooter. Concurrently, within a period of a month, three people were killed in off-road vehicle accidents at the dunes, while one other remains hospitalized with a life-threatening head injury, and local emergency rooms reported an especially busy period in dealing with patients sustaining serious injuries at the park.5/15

Caltrans begins short-term safety improvements on a stretch of Highway 101 travelled by more than 65,000 cars every day. Crews started construction on barriers to halt left-hand turns across four lanes of the highway at El Campo Road and three other intersections between Traffic Way in Arroyo Grande and Los Berros Road in Nipomo. Following a fatal accident in 2018 and 17 previous non-fatal collisions since 2012 at the 101/El Campo Road interchange, public sentiment overcame objections to the changes from some local businesses and residents. In the long term, local governments are exploring options including lowering the speed limit, improving visibility, and even building an overpass near the El Campo intersection. 5/9

Thanks to a federally-funded multi-year grant, the SLO County Behavioral Health Department announces a new collaboration with the Sheriff’s Office to help people with mental illness or substance use disorders stay out of the criminal justice system. A five-year, $1.6 million U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant, one of only seven awarded nationally, will embed specially trained clinicians with the Sheriff’s existing Community Action Team to provide services to vulnerable people with multiple simultaneous problems, from homelessness to substance abuse to mental health disorders. “We are excited to offer this new program in collaboration with law enforcement,” said Behavioral Health Administrator Anne Robin. “Any opportunity we have to engage and intervene early with individuals provides us the chance to help them make substantive changes in their life.”



Instead, Nakamura headed toward the Mission. There he found a still-slumbering Monterey Street without a car in sight. Sensing a unique opportunity, he sized up the scene in his Sony a7R III viewfinder and went to work snapping away from different vantage points. The composition you see here is actually three shots combined into one, which is commonly called “stitching” by photography pros. But that is where the “high-techiness” ended for Nakamura, who says, “I never really do much with Photoshop; I prefer to keep things as they are.” As they are. As they were. Those are the words that perhaps capture the essence of San Luis Obispo’s downtown streets more than any other—an idea as much as a place, a place that inspires both a hope for the future and a yearning for the past. SLO LIFE




Veering off course too much in any one direction meant inviting chaos. And, chaos was most certainly an unwanted guest. Even in retirement, a commitment to routine remains, and on most mornings, Nakamura can be found peeling back the covers at four a.m. in his San Luis Obispo bedroom. Depending on the weather, first light generally means a hike up nearby Terrace Hill. But, one recent morning, the routine was thrown off when he overshot his natural wake-up time by a full hour. He was not sure why it happened, but when he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, the glowing lights on his clock read five-something. It was just enough to shake up the natural rhythm of things.

SHINERISE BY MARK NAKAMURA outine comes easily to Mark Nakamura. After a long career as a kindergarten teacher, thoughtful structure to a day in the classroom was the only way he could keep the tenuous balance.




Many of them come from the foster care system, so they are not tethered to a family system. They don’t have a place to go, and they don’t have access to a family system that they can rely on. You know, I think about how I went off to Cal Poly with my parents’ station wagon full of all sorts of stuff, and I always knew that they were there to catch me if something happened financially or otherwise. That’s not the case for most of our homeless population. Now, with all of that said, we do have services available to them here and I think it is so important to connect them to those programs. That’s why I don’t recommend giving people money; I don’t even recommend giving them food. Because the more we can point people to services, to the food bank, to social services, that really is the most helpful thing, the kindest thing to do.

So, how did you end up in San Luis Obispo? I went to Cal Poly, and while I was there, I got a job babysitting for the woman who started Growing Grounds Farm, Barbara Fischer. The program was initially designed for people coming out of state hospitals with severe mental illness who needed to integrate back into the community. There was some mental illness in my family growing up, so I had seen first-hand the effects it could have; I decided to volunteer at the farm. While I was playing around with the idea of going to law school, a full-time position became available at the Mental Health Association. I was hired and then two years later, the executive director retired, and I was promoted to take over that position. I was just 25 years old at this point, so I went back and got a master’s degree and did some other courses. That was 27 years ago. All in, I’ve been with the organization, which is now called Transitions-Mental Health Association for almost 30 years. Is it true that most of our homeless population suffers from mental illness? The conventional wisdom is that about 30 to 40% of people who are homeless have a mental illness. It’s usually a combination of factors. And substance abuse is more prevalent even than mental illness, actually, although they can often go hand-in-hand.


Last month, the San Luis Obispo-based non-profit Transitions-Mental Health Association celebrated its 40-year anniversary. And, for 27 of those 40 years, JILL BOLSTER-WHITE has been at the helm as the organization’s executive director. She stopped by the office recently so we could get to know her on a personal level, as well as learn about mental health as it relates to our local homeless population. Here is some of what she had to say…


Okay, Jill, let’s talk about where you grew up. I was born in Pasadena, California. And, so, I’m third generation, actually, Los Angeles County native. My grandfather went to L.A. High, and my dad went to John Muir High in Pasadena. But I went to high school in San Marino, which is the home of the Huntington Library, if you’ve ever been. So, yeah, when you grow up in a place like San Marino, you don’t really feel like you’re in Los Angeles. It doesn’t have any Hollywood impact. It’s not part of the industry, and it’s a much more East Coast feel I would say, and pretty affluent. I definitely grew up surrounded by people who were professionals. The question wasn’t, “Are you going to college?” It was, “What did you get on your SATs? And how is AP English going?”

What else do we know about the root causes?

Generally, with mental illness, there is a genetic propensity to it, and then an environmental event or a series of events which precipitates it. So, it could be stress. It could be a breakup or a divorce, going off to college, being in the military. It could be taking a substance that creates that trigger in the brain. We usually see mental illness onset between the ages of 16 and 30, so it’s right during adolescence and early adulthood when you are going through all these chemical and hormonal changes. And, yes, that’s usually the time people are experimenting with drugs and alcohol. So, that’s why it’s been so difficult to identify a direct cause, because the question becomes: What’s the cause and what’s the correlation?

And, what were you like as a kid? Bossy, I think. [laughter] Yeah, I mean, I think I was always a pretty confident and in-charge kind of a kid. I know my older sister said that I always acted like the oldest even though I wasn’t the oldest. I was always pretty happy and positive. And my life, my upbringing and everything, I think, was all pretty positive. My parents were professional sports fans and I hated it. I would bring my Nancy Drews, or whatever book I was reading at the time, to sit through all of the Dodger Games. My sister is still upset with me about it, telling me I missed so much history. She says, “That was the golden era of the Dodgers!” It was Ron Cey, Mike Scioscia, Rick Monday, and all these guys. Apparently, I missed a lot of good baseball.

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 37 Call us today for your consultation 805 541-1790 Let Karen help you hear what you’re missing. Love Help. I have a problem. Can you hearHello?me?

BY SHAWN STRONG SLO County based group B & the Hive’s blend of quintessential rock n’ roll, pop, and soul sounds comes together effortlessly, while still managing to defy simple classification and creating a wholly distinctive genre of their own.


Tooth & Nail Winery . Paso Robles . July 19 Midstate Fair . Paso Robles . July 20

Eventually, drummer Hayden Gardner, keyboardist Hannah Joy-Brooke, and lead guitarist Erik Novak all found their place in the Hive, playing alongside Lee on vocals/guitar with Barrett handling bass and audio production. With their musical family complete, Lee and Barrett wasted no time in booking shows in SLO, Seattle, and all the way to Nashville, opening for Alanis Morirsette, The Goo Goo Dolls, Elvis Costello, Ben Harper, Chris Isaak, and others.

This summer is looking to be an exciting one for this remarkable group of musicians. With B & the Hive’s extensive touring schedule, there is no shortage of opportunities to see them and witness one of the most exciting groups in the area right now. On top of that, the volume of new material this band is set to release, along with their already robust collection of previously released music, is more than enough to satisfy anyone who is a fan of the local scene and looking to find their next favorite band.

navigates the line between bombastic and reserved with striking effect, eloquently transitioning from more upbeat jams such as their recent “Give Love,” to brooding, slow-burning ballads like their cover of Chris Isaak’s 1989 single “Wicked Game.”

Molly Malones . Los Angeles . June 7

Originally formed eight years ago in San Francisco by Lee and Los Osos native Josh Barrett, B & the Hive ultimately decided to lay down roots on the Central Coast and start building their lineup. In time, Lee and Barrett connected with the blossoming local scene, while also reconnecting with friends they had previously made in the area, slowly growing the band into what it is today.

Despite having maintained a nearly nonstop schedule over the last few months, Lee and Barrett are committed to an equally strenuous year ahead. With their line-up solidified, they say they are finally able to record the substantial amount of material they have built up over the last few months, while also doubling down on tours throughout the West Coast.

In fact, the music and the relationship naturally came to support each other, as Lee and Barrett’s passion for the music and for each other’s company facilitated an incredibly deep collaborative environment that is constantly accessible and always developing. This, in tandem with Los Angeles born, SLO County raised, SHAWN STRONG’s passion for the local music scene and artists that have created it, fuels his writing and drives his commitment to living the SLO Life.

Harmony Cellars . Harmony . June 14

SLO LIFE ed by the vocal talents of Brianna Lee, B & the Hive charge forward fearlessly in their musical pursuits. Without missing a beat, the group expertly

The Siren . Morro Bay . June 21 Fernwood . Big Sur . June 22


Barrett’s audio production background, as well as the couples home studio, streamlines the band’s creative process and lends itself to the remarkable diversity found in B & the Hive’s music.

Talley Vineyards . Arroyo Grande . June 30

In the hands of a fledgling band, these constant shifts in energy could easily become muddled and detract from the group’s artistry. But in the hands of B & the Hive, they only serve to heighten the experience and bring depth to the music. This diverse range of sounds is what makes B & the Hive’s music so gripping, on the stage and off.

Upcoming Shows

L Most recently, they recorded a music video at Tooth & Nail Winery in Paso Robles and will be releasing a brand new single called “Phases” in the coming weeks. In honor of the single’s release they will also be performing a special show at The Siren in Morro Bay on June 21st planned to coincide with this year’s summer solstice. In addition to the solstice show there are numerous other tour dates scheduled throughout the coming months, spanning much of the Central Coast as well as Los Angeles and Santa Cruz.

B & the Hive is truly a family band with Lee and Barrett having been together now for more than a decade and married for the last several years. When asked about the difficulties that one would assume must arise when working with a spouse, the pair couldn’t help but grin. While they concede that work-life balance can be troublesome at times, they insist that it’s no harder to maintain while working together than it is for other couples that work separately.

The Crêpe Place . Santa Cruz . June 23 Claiborne & Churchill Winery . SLO . June 28

For years I have heard about a berry picking farm that families raved about. We had to ask several friends in order to track it down, but we finally made the 45-minute drive to pick berries where farmlands stretch as far as the eye can see.

PADEN HUGHES is co-owner of Gymnazo and enjoys exploring the Central Coast.



to some amazing small family farms. Whether it’s harvest boxes delivered to our doors weekly or farmers’ market stands, we have access to an abundance of fresh, local produce.

FARM TO TABLE berry picking

If you have toddlers in tow, consider this travel tip: use Pismo Beach and Shell Beach as stops heading to Santa Maria and back to break up the drive. For instance, we had breakfast at Honeymoon Cafe in Pismo Beach— one of our favorite restaurants. And, on the way back, we stopped off at the recently renovated Dinosaur Caves Park in Shell Beach to stretch our legs and take in the beautiful ocean views. The extra stops made the day feel special.

Blueberries Olé is one of the Central Coast’s best-kept secrets. They are located about 40 miles south of San Luis Obispo off Highway 101. Exit Betteravia and follow the road until you reach 3665 Dominion Road in Santa Maria.

Blueberry pails cost $19 for a 32-ounce bucket and $8 for 12 ounces. We chose one of the larger pails and were pointed in the direction of covered blueberry plants. We discovered a row of beautiful plants bursting with blueberries. My daughter, Kennedy, was in heaven, wanting to eat more blueberries than contribute to the pail. But I halted her because I didn’t know if there were pesticides on these berries or not. As it turned out, no pesticides are used at this farm, which is comforting to me. We spent about 30 minutes, lifting up branches and finding treasure troves of ripe, fat blue

ne of the best things about California is the amazing produce we grow. We are so spoiled by the rich farmlands, and here on the Central Coast we have access

A hand-painted sign reading U-Pick Blueberries guides you onto a gravel road where a quaint, small fruit stand sits with its sign advertising: “Blueberries, Blackberries & Strawberries.” You’re able to choose your pail size and type of berry depending on what is ripe and ready.



The U-Pick Blueberry farm is open to the public from March through June. They offer blueberry, blackberry, and strawberry picking for as long as the fruit is ripe and ready to be picked. There are plenty of U-Pick opportunities throughout the county. Some of our

favorite apple picking experiences are See Canyon Fruit Ranch, Gopher Glen, and SLO Creek Farms. SLO Creek Farms offers a robust assortment seasonally including flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruit, and pumpkins. I hope you and your family enjoy exploring the produce and U-Pick experiences on the Central Coast as they offer a complete view of farm-to-table. SLO LIFE berries. We had so much fun picking through the bushes, we went back for a second large pail. Singing songs, chatting about all the ways we could enjoy the berries, and feeling in touch with nature and all its bounty was really magical. Kennedy has never loved blueberries more in her life since that farm experience. And, while we didn’t find a huge price break from buying blueberries in the store or picking them ourselves, we were satisfied that the experience itself was worth the $38 we spent on 64 ounces of blueberries.

| ON THE RISE Anneke Moersdorf

What would surprise people about you? Although I am over 6 feet tall, I have never played basketball. What do you dislike? I dislike when drivers don’t use their turn signals. Cars were made with them for a reason. What is something that no one knows about you? I like country music. What career field do you see yourself entering? I’m still undecided on what I would want to be. I’m thinking I would like to have a career in the medical field because I enjoy studying human anatomy and being able to help others would bring me joy.

What extra curricular activities are you involved in?

I am the oldest—my younger siblings are Matthew (16), Katie (15), and Andrew (13).


My mom has, by far, had the biggest influence on me. She is the perfect example of the strong, kind-hearted woman that I hope to become.

Some of my favorite memories are the times my dad, brother, and I would go up to Big Sur when I was little. We would hike to Salmon Creek Falls and then stop at Ragged Point for Hubba Bubba bubble gum on the way home.

Who has influenced you the most?

This eighteen-year-old San Luis Obispo High School senior is graduating and ready to leap to new heights. Know a student On the Rise?

My family and friends are definitely the most important to me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

What is important to you outside of high school?

What are you looking forward to most? Right now, I am looking forward to going off to college. Although I will miss my family dearly, I am excited to further my education and track career at Oregon State University.

I play volleyball, run track & field, and am a apart of our school’s FFA program. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

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It seems like only yesterday when a young Indiana native named MIKE WOZNIAK wedged his way out of a tiny commuter plane and into the sundrenched San Luis Obispo afternoon. Little did he know that the coastal hamlet he had just met would become his permanent home and the launching pad for an exceptional collegiate basketball run, which led to a short stint in the professional ranks, a fascinating career in radio broadcasting, a wife and two young kids, and a popular youth basketball program he calls 3Ball. Here is his story…


I remember watching you play!” [laughter] I’m obviously indebted to this place for giving me an opportunity to come out and get schooling. I finished in four years. I was really, really disciplined in the classroom. And then I played professionally for a little while.

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 47 in scoring. And then my senior year, I finished strong; was the all-time leading scorer at the school, three-point records, and free throw records. I was pumping gas at Costco the other day. An older lady was like, “Wow!

What did you do when you returned? I went back to school, joined Cal Poly as a grad assistant for the team while I did my master’s in business there. My senior project as an undergrad had been this thing called 3Ball. That name, 3Ball, was slang for “three-point shot.” That was my shot. I always figured that I didn’t have the size to go into the lane for a dunk, which was worth only two points anyway. I decided that three points was better than two. So, when I went in for my master’s I was able to convince the group, “Hey, you know what? Let’s keep working on this project. I’ve already done a little work on it as an undergrad. We got some stuff jumpstarted, let’s go for it.” From there, we really dug into the business side of it. My classmates had a vision for it far beyond what I did with volleyball and batting cages and indoor soccer and its own building. I just wanted to focus on basketball. It really started from, it really grew from people who saw me play at Poly. They’d ask me, “Hey, will you help little Johnny or little Sam with their shooting?” And, okay, the kid likes it. The kid gets really good. Then he tells his buddy and then his other buddy. It really spread that way. Now we’re up to almost 200 kids in the program.

How did things go on the basketball team? Well, I was able to go work my way into the lineup at Cal Poly and went on to become Freshman of the Year in the Conference; I was an All-Conference player. My sophomore year was even better. When I was at Poly, my mom would fly out to watch some games here and there. Before she left, she would get this certain cut of beef from the butcher in Indiana and she’d freeze it and stuff it into her purse and sneak it onto the plane with her. When she arrived, she’d get set up in the kitchen and cook for us day after day. We’d be dialed in for weeks after she left. So, let’s see, my junior year, for about four weeks through the start of the year, I was leading the country et’s take it from the top, Mike, where are you from? I was born in northwest Indiana. Crown Point, Indiana. They call that area “The Region.” It’s where you can find all of the old steel mills. It’s the Rust Belt, and a lot of those Upper Midwest cities are barely hanging on today. I have a brother who is two years younger than

How do you make all the pieces fit together? It’s an interesting symmetry, radio and 3Ball. Beyond the focus on the game and being able to talk >> me, and a sister who is two years younger than him. My family said my first word when I was eleven months old was, “Ball.” Sports were a big part of my upbringing. We always had the radio tuned into the game, whether it was the Cardinals, or the Chicago Bulls, or the Celtics; it was always on. We were always running around the neighborhood, playing games constantly. My mom was our biggest fan, she would always host the post-game gathering at our house. She kept an eye on us and created an atmosphere of inclusion. She was a school teacher, high school English, so she also made sure we had a good balance of sports, school, and home life.

What was it about the West Coast that was calling your name? Growing up, I really viewed the East and West Coasts as someplace really different. I didn’t live on those edges of the country. I had been kind of carved in the middle. So, I had an opportunity to come visit this place called San Luis Obispo. I flew from L.A. in a really old, really small plane. It didn’t even have a walkway down the middle. You had to climb over the seats. I just kept thinking, “I sure do hope the propeller holds out.” Then we’re banking and descending, and I see only ocean and hills and I’m wondering, “Where are we going to land this thing?” When I stepped out, the air just felt so fresh, and the sunshine; but it did have a somewhat familiar Midwest vibe to it. I remember seeing a palm tree for the first time and practically yelling, “Oh my gosh, look at this thing, this is so cool!” I was sticking out like a sore thumb. You could definitely tell that I was not from around here.


So, when did the radio side of your work come into the picture? Well, one day, the radio guy at Cal Poly asked me if I could help him out for a game as the color analyst. I said, “Sure,” and it went well. Afterward, he told me, “Hey, you know, you’re pretty good.” That was my first experience in radio. From there, I continued to help out and it was a few years later when the local ESPN station, 1280-AM, asked me about doing a daily sports show. I’ve been doing the show, it’s called “The Sports Bite,” ever since. That’s an hour a day from 5 to 6pm Monday through Friday for the past 12 or 14 years. It’s not just basketball, it’s a sports talk show covering everything. And, when one of our producers moved on to Westwood One Compass Media in L.A., he helped me get one of the national color analyst positions for that company, where I will go do the Duke-Carolina, or Michigan games, or wherever they send me.

And, what about your dad? Dad worked in HR for Dow Chemical and we moved around for his job quite a bit. We moved to South Carolina for a while, about 18 months, when I was in elementary school, then down to Texas for 6th grade through 10th grade. After that, we moved back to Indiana to Carmel, greater Indianapolis. High school was 5,000 kids and they were a powerhouse in basketball. To someone who is not familiar, Indiana high school basketball is special; it’s second-to-none. We would have a packed gym, 5,500 on a Friday night coming to a game. Just an A+ experience; people would really get into it, and they’d follow the team to away games. I decided early on that I wanted to earn a basketball scholarship. I had a genuine feeling that I wanted to try to give back to my parents for everything they did for me and everywhere they took me and all the opportunities they provided. I looked at playing nearby—Ball State, Butler, Indiana State, Miami of Ohio—but something told me, “Hey, you know what? I want to give the West a try.”

Wow, pro basketball, let’s talk about that. My agent was out of Indianapolis and he got me into the now-defunct IBA, the International Basketball Association. My team was in Fargo, North Dakota. Now, by this time, I had fully adjusted to the Central Coast weather and suddenly I’m traveling around the northern states in the middle of winter. I’ll never forget one night we were at the team hotel and there was a complete white out, that’s blinding snow and wind. It was 30 to 40 degrees below. The restaurants were closed, so we went to this nearby gas station. We had to wear hoods and walk backward so our lungs wouldn’t freeze. It was so cold that you can’t breathe. From there, I played in the ABA, the old red, white, and blue. I played on my hometown team of Indianapolis. I have very, very few basketball regrets, but one of them was in not saying, “Okay, I’m doing it,” and going overseas to play, to really pursue it as a profession. But, it’s a grind to break in, a real grind. And somewhere along the way I lost the love to compete for it like I would have needed to, and that’s when I decided to come back to California.

She continued on to get her credentialing and master’s for her counseling degree. She’s a school counselor at Lucia Mar in Arroyo Grande.

You’ve been all about basketball from the beginning. Do you ever see that changing? Yeah, good question. I haven’t gotten burned out yet, and maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I’ve had opportunities to coach college basketball, and I’ve decided I’m not going to do that. I don’t want to move.

I still really, really enjoy radio, and so from that component, going to these venues and being on college campuses where it’s just a great vibe, you >>

Ironically, she’s not much of a sports fan. She loves going to big games, more because of the crowd and the atmosphere than the game itself.

Let’s switch gears for a moment and talk about your family. Tell us about your wife, Jami. Did you two meet at Cal Poly? She did go to Cal Poly, but we didn’t meet when she was there. We actually met later. My college roommate was dating her sister, so she came to town for a week to visit. We dated for six or seven years before we got married in 2010.

Traveling was a lot easier before we had kids, of course, but we’re lucky to have her family in the area who have been great about helping us. Having that kind of network has allowed us both to do the work we do. It’s going to continue to be a juggle for the next couple of years until the kids are a little older, but I did take my daughter, Harper, with me on a radio trip to Indiana this year. We left on a Thursday and came home on Monday.

Some of my favorite videos and pictures right now are with Harper on her first plane flight with her backpack. She was just ready to go.

48 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 with some of the best coaches in the country about the cutting edge of basketball, there’s so much of it I have been able to incorporate into my coaching. Plus, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve been in the locker room with LeBron, Steph Curry, I’ve talked to Steve Kerr, it’s just a whole different level. And, it’s allowed me to do some incredible things; I’ve been to the last four NBA Finals. Radio has opened a lot of doors, for sure, and it has allowed me to see first-hand how the game is evolving. Sometimes people ask me, “How do you get into broadcasting?” I say, “I have no clue.” I really don’t know. I didn’t hire an agent. I didn’t go to a sports broadcasting school. I’ve never had any voice training. I didn’t go to school for a traditional media background. I just sort of picked it up by being aware and studying myself. I never tried to pattern myself after anybody. I just do what works, and then continued to hone it and improve it over time.

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 49 Join SLO Life food columnist Jaime Lewis for candid conversations about life and flavor with area eaters, drinkers and makers. A PODCAST CONSUMED i TUNES LETSGETCONSUMED.COMSPOTIFY Graham helped my wife and I nd our rst "starter" home and again our second "forever" home. Graham was always on our side as we made o ers, negotiated price, and all the other hassles of trying to close on a property. He was there to support us whenever needed and never tried to push us to make decisions we were not comfortable with. My wife and are glad to know Graham and call him our realtor and friend. – Garrett Otto, San Luis Obispo 3196 South Higuera Suite D, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401|CalBRE #01873454 graham @ “ ” Local, honest expertise for home buyers and sellers 115+ transactions closed in the last seven years

And what about the kids in your program? You know, there are a lot of options for kids here. There’s baseball, and soccer, and junior guards, and on and on. That was an early decision I made about 3Ball. I didn’t say,

know, the highest levels of basketball. I think I will always instruct, or help, or teach, even when I’m old and gray; I’ll be doing something. It may not be in the way it is right now, I suppose that I could find a new love somewhere else if I had to; but I still love this. So, I guess, to be completely honest with you, I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I sometimes have thoughts about helping at Cal Poly, or becoming a teacher; I’ve actually looked into being a part-time professor at Cuesta in Business, teaching Business Plans, or Business Strategy, or stuff like that. I would say that mostly I have a passion to learn. The passion to see how others do it. There’s absolutely a competitive side to me that isn’t necessarily scoreboard competitive, but I love to learn then apply whatever it is that I learned. I always try to keep my eyes and ears open and remember to ask, “Why is this working? Why is it not?” How would you describe yourself? The two words I always try to keep front-and-center are “hungry” and “humble” because they have always defined my mindset. You’ll never hear me say, “Hey, look what I did.” Now,

I might say, “I know for a fact, you know, that LeBron and the Warriors did this, because I was sitting there.” But I won’t tell the kids, “Hey, guess what I just did? Look at me!” The way I see it, there’s a fine line between relaying an experience and going into a look-at-me type thing. I’m a worker, I look at it that way. I feel like I can get in the trenches and work.

I’m not afraid of that. So, I’m always asking myself, “What job needs to be done next?” And it’s the little things, like I’ll mop the floor of the gym every Sunday morning before the kids show up. I guess I could call it paying my dues or whatever; it’s stuff that I could probably ask someone else to do, but it’s just what needs to be done. So just little things like that.


I like to see that in other people, too. It’s like when I’m trying to bring on a new coach, I want to see about their work ethic. I want to see, well, if it gets tough, are you gone? Or, are you going to dig in and get to work?

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Any last thoughts before we wrap it up, Mike? You know, to be honest, I look at my radio stuff, and my basketball stuff more as hobbies than I do as jobs. It’s the ability to do what I love and, at the same time,

“Hey, this is a five-day-a-week program.” It can be included with those other commitments. I just require that it be their first basketball priority. But, at the end of the day, they’re kids, and this should be the best time of their sporting lives. And I’m thinking beyond basketball, and even beyond sports, for the kids in our program. My proudest moments are when we hear from local high school coaches, and we do quite often, and not just basketball coaches, other sports, too, who tell our staff, “Man, there’s such a difference between the kid that has been groomed in 3Ball, not from just basketball skills, but from respect, hard work, and discipline.” They say, “We appreciate that style of athlete, more open-minded, more disciplined, more focused.” But it’s all transferable. I mean, a lot of the habits we work on apply to other sports. Foot work and lateral movement, and discipline to pay attention. I mean, we try to bring a life component into everything that we do.



be able to make meals together with my family at night, live life, and yet still have a passion for connecting with kids, connecting through sports, connecting through discipline, and really using basketball as a vehicle to see the world. I’m very appreciative of all the opportunities I’ve had over the years and have so many people to be grateful to for anything that I’ve ever been able to accomplish. The one that stands out to me, though, the majority of the credit I give, is to my mother. We lost her way too early. I can still hear her rooting for me in the stands, “C’mon, Wozzy! C’mon, Wozzy!” Way back when we were getting our email accounts set up for the first time, she set up mine. People poke fun at me now because I have an old school AOL email account, which is My jersey was always number 20. Each time I get an email now, I see my email address pop up and I sort of whisper, “Hey, Mom. How you doing?” So, I think having that perspective with the kids that I work with now is unique; it’s understanding that we’re not just talking about basketball, but the relationships and the connectivity that comes out of the hard work and discipline—at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.

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56 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 ost days, Jerry Scott makes the half-mile walk from his idyllic four-story brownstone in downtown San Luis Obispo to his private work studio. Accompanied by his trusty Sheltie, Jaxson, they make their way through the hustle and bustle of a busy downtown morning. The walk is a stark contrast from the rural Arroyo Grande ranch where Scott and his wife, Kim, previously resided. The pale green studio, which sits upon a spacious courtyard, is crafted to perfection with an artist’s needs in mind. After all, it’s where Scott spends his time carefully crafting his popular Zits and Baby Blues comic strips, both of which he co-created in the ‘90s and remain household staples to this day. >>


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The Scotts’ Central Coast residency actually began in 1976, in Santa Maria, when Jerry worked several different jobs, including director at the KCOY-TV station and running his own advertising agency. Jerry and Kim then left California and returned to Arizona so that Kim could attend graduate school. When the Scotts eventually returned to the Central Coast, they set their sights on a large home in Varian Ranch at the end of the Edna Valley. There, Scott utilized an oversized formal family room as his workspace. Considered to be “in the heart of the house,” he constructed walls to make it a more private and usable >>


studio. It was one of many that he had occupied over his time as an artist. “You find a space that’s not being used and you grab it,” he Whenexplained.they moved to San Luis Obispo, it made sense for Scott to design and build a detached studio on the same lot as a rental house that he and his wife own. As he had the experience of going through the process before, he found it easy to work with local professionals to create just what he needed. >>




Scottt counts himself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with a local architect, Ken Haggard, and an experienced builder, John Tricamo, to design and build a studio that is both visually inspiring, as well as work-efficient. He also worked with several skilled carpenters who had knowledge of the detailing found in the older homes local to the area. Those nuances are evident in the studio’s exterior, including wood siding shingles, which pay homage to the many historic homes that surround it. When combined with the studio’s contemporary interior features, such as large support beams and steel fixtures, >>the

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64 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 workspace presents itself as the perfect blended representation of both historical and modern. As for being work-efficient, Scott did not let many details go to waste. He chose polished concrete flooring specifically for its cleanability—a vital feature for someone who works with various art mediums. A lightwell also sits above, which is used to pull in as much natural light as possible into the area below. Scott also made it a priority for the studio to have a detached laundry area, so that he would have easy access to washing his many cleaning towels and rags. >>

SLO LIFE DAVID LALUSH is an architectural photographer here in San Luis Obispo.

66 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 This space isn’t all about the work, however. Three collapsing sliding doors hide behind an attached wall, which allows the comesomethespoteffortlesslylendsadjacentwhoopened1,000-square-footapproximatelyspacetobeupandaccessedbymanymaybelingeringinthecourtyard.Whatotherwiseitselfasaprivatespacecanbetransformedintoaformanytogatherandenjoymagicofthecreativitywhereofourfavoritecomicstripstolife.

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68 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 SOURCE: San Luis Obispo Association of REALTORS® | SLO CITY SLO LIFE


Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average

$976,045$976,2862299.98%86 2019 $743,969$762,4533097.58%51 +/-40.70%-23.78%-21.90%36.36%-2.40%downtown



johnsonave *Comparing 01/01/18

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market 2018

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market 2018 $900,036$914,111998.46%15 2019 $990,7388$961,42597.04%38 +/153.33%-1.42%6.82%8.38%-11.11%cal areapoly

Total Price as a % of Asking # of Days on the Market 2018 $810,333$817,7111899.10%40 2019 $784,74821$771,16298.27%31 +/-22.50%-4.03%16.67%-4.83%-0.83% - 05/28/18 to 01/01/19 - 05/28/19

$1,275,442$1,331,164995.81%46 2019 $1,606,333$1,646,111997.58%104 +/126.09%25.94%23.66%0.00%1.77%countryclub

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market 2018 $909,5004$889,05497.75%25 2019 $754,364$758,5141199.45%22 +/175.00%-16.60%-15.15%99.10%-12.00%farmtank

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market 2018

Total Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price Average # of Days on the Market 2018 $834,07322$821,60798.51%23 2019 $819,03923$801,34397.84%24 +/-0.67%-2.47%-1.80%4.55%4.35%

Price Average



Total Selling Price Sales Price as a % of Asking Price # of Days on the Market 2018 $925,438$924,01118101.15%20 2019 $850,783$875,1251297.22%47 +/135.00%-33.33%-5.29%-8.07%-3.93%

Homes Sold Average Asking Price Average Selling Price Sales

Donna Lewis NMLS ID: 245945, CA - CA-DOC245945 Dylan Morrow NMLS ID: 1461481, CA - CA-DBO1461481 Maggie Koepsell NMLS ID: 704130, CA - CA-DBO704130 Phyllis Wong NMLS ID: 1400281, CACA-DBO1400281 Luana Gerardis NMLS ID: 1324563, CA - CA-DBO1324563 NMLS ID #2611 (Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System CA - Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight, Division of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act Lic #4130699

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**Loans over $1M require 700 FICO score. Loans under $1M require 580 FICO score. Guaranteed Rate, Inc. is a private corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. It has no affiliation with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, the US Department of Agriculture or any other government agency. Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all applicants will be approved for financing. Receipt of application does not represent an approval for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions may apply, contact Guaranteed Rate for current rates and for more information.

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JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 69 Reach out to us today for great VA loan options.

70 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO COUNTY SLO LIFE Arroyo CountywideTempletonSantaSanPasoPasoPasoPasoPismoOceanoNipomoMorroLosGroverCrestonCayucosCambria/SanAvilaAtascaderoGrandeBeachSimeonBeachOsosBayBeach(InsideCityLimits)(North46-East101)(North46-West101)(South46-East101)LuisObispoMargarita BY THE NUMBERS 2018 1,0881601341264612224671431171763295024121549 2019 996103126113125113344524920471412246231281040 REGION NUMBER OF HOMES SOLD 2018 138905438828658387451497734548472441618054 2019 40533683827660359764717548865950461138457 AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET 2018 $1,055,318$1,176,273$756,653$568,012$743,940$587,500$544,738$637,306$707,756$662,748$486,059$987,904$495,249$508,531$652,617$739,646$959,300$463,800$778,795$690,584 2019 $1,324,258$561,059$810,115$852,034$809,077$836,667$547,848$641,269$706,910$651,197$563,070$1,221,869$537,819$480,545$681,280$506,786$890,247$594,350$836,396$709,096 MEDIANPRICESELLING SOURCE: San Luis Obispo Association of REALTORS ®*Comparing 01/01/18 - 05/28/18 to 01/01/19 - 05/28/19 REAL ESTATE** Mortgage Advisor NMLS Sanblerner@opesadvisors.com3957231212MarshSt.,Suite1LuisObispo,CA93401 Ben 805.441.9486Lerner © 2019 Opes Advisors, A Division of Flagstar Bank | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender * Top 1% Mortgage Originator | Mortgage Executive Magazine ** Scotsman Guide’s Top Mortgage Originators 2018 Contact me today to learn how I can help you purchase or refinance your home. Your Local Trusted Mortgage Advisor

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 71 Jason Vork DRE 805-440-459301031282743SERRANO DRIVE . SAN LUIS OBISPO Beautiful describes this property, Hardwood and Tile flooring, Maple counter tops with numerous built-ins including kitchen and through out the home, updated bathrooms, numerous skylights, rear patio is low maintenance with mostly brick pavers, hot tub, pond with waterfall. Walking distance to down town, Property must be seen to appreciate. Contact listing agent for a personal tour. SOLD$910,000.00

Fast-forward to 1946 and Mr. Greiter’s Gletscher Crème (or as we Americans call it, Glacier Cream) hit the shelves under the appropriately named brand, Piz Buin—right on time for the unveiling of the bikini in the same year. The brand, which still sells its signature cream today, brought ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B filters to the budding sunscreen market in the 1970s. Around this time, the Food and Drug Administration

While SPF-conscious consumers today are buying and applying more sunscreen than ever before, industry testing and regulations have made few changes since the ‘70s. Despite the occasional and unsolicited headline warning us that “Your Sunscreen Might be Poisoning You,” we continue to lather up without hesitation.

introduced SPF testing and labeling regulations in the United States.



Naturally, we did some investigative research of our own.


t was a sunny day in 1938 when Swiss chemistry student Franz Greiter set out to summit Mount Piz Buin on the Swiss-Austrian border. Upon returning from his trek, Mr. Greiter experienced an unfortunate but non-life-threatening radiation burn commonly known today as—you guessed it—a sunburn. Luckily for those of us who enjoy San Luis Obispo’s year-round sun, Mr. Greiter set out to invent a solution to help future generations avoid the same fate.

Here’s what we discovered... >>

However, a recent study conducted by the FDA and published in JAMA Dermatology suggests those once outlandish suspicions may actually come with warrant.

To survive in proximity to a giant sphere of extremely hot plasma— the sun—our bodies use a biochemical process called photoprotection. Without going into lengthy scientific details, we know that DNA and melanin work as natural UV filters, converting threatening photons from the sun into benign amounts of heat before they can wreak havoc. When we apply a fresh sheath of sunscreen, we doubledown on our natural radiation shield with the help of UV-absorbing chemicals, such as avobenzone and oxybenzone. As these compounds soak up UV radiation, the sunscreen breaks down and releases heat— warding off sunburn as long as we reapply every couple of hours. >>

We grew up hearing it over and over again from our parents, our doctors, and celebrity dermatologists on TV. After all, a good dousing a day keeps the unsightly pigmentation, premature aging, and skin cancer away—or does it? In spite of our healthy relationship with sunscreen, the number of invasive melanoma cases diagnosed annually increased by 54 percent between 2009 and 2019—with a vast majority tying directly back to sun exposure. Is it possible that SPF gives us a false sense of security under the sun? The verdict is still out.

“Don’t Forget to Put on Sunscreen”

In the U.S., the FDA regulates sunscreens as over-the-counter medicines, which are bound by stricter standards than cosmetics. The European Union and most other countries, on the other hand, categorize sunscreen as a cosmetic. As a result, U.S. companies stopped adding new molecules to the lineup in the ‘90s due to complicated and costly FDA approval processes. Meanwhile, Europe continued buffering their photoprotective potions with new and advanced filters, offering better protection against UVA and UVB. Here’s a not-so-fun fact: nearly half of U.S. sunscreens fail to meet basic European standards for protection against UVA.

Photoprotective Chemicals: What Are They?


While skin cancer rates continue to rise, the recent FDA study published in JAMA raised new concerns about how four of the most common sun-shielding molecules behave after application. Contrary to what sunscreen manufacturers have been saying for decades, UV-blocking chemicals do, in fact, seep through our skin and into our bloodstream—and fast. Within just a few hours of lathering, the photoprotective chemicals in question—avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule—tested at bloodstream concentrations above the FDA’s maximum toxicology limit in all 24 participants. But wait—before you swear off sunscreen—the FDA says there is no evidence that these chemicals are causing harm. However, the results were enough to prompt further safety testing. A good rule of thumb? If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. Soaking It All In

Stuck in the ‘90s

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 75 “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.” - Ted Turner on his secret to success Call us. We can help your business grow. SLOLIFE magazine Smiling makes the world a better place and Dr. Daniel is here to help bring out your best. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today! Specializing in Smiles Dr. Daniel Orthodontics 1356 Marsh Street . San Luis Obispo (805) 543-3105 . Love your legs again and wear shorts with confidence! 880 Oak Park Blvd., Suite Arroyo201Grande , CA 93420 805.473.VEIN (8346) Kenneth Spearman, M.D. Timothy Watson, M.D. VARICOSE & SPIDER VEIN TREATMENT Covered by most NoLocalNoinsurancehospitalizationanesthesiadowntime TAKE A 1-MIN. SELF SCREENING TEST If you checked any of these symptoms, call today for a FREE consultation!

REMINDER We are merely unlicensed scientific speculators here at SLO LIFE Magazine. But one thing we know for sure: you can never go wrong plunking down under a big shady umbrella with a glass of Edna Valley Rosé. Is the FDA to blame for the continual rise of melanoma in America? While the wellintentioned agency aims to protect sunbathers from absorbing potentially-harmful chemicals, stricter regulations have also created an innovation stalemate. The FDA is now requesting more data about bloodstream absorption from sunscreen manufacturers. If ingredients exceed the maximum toxicological threshold, more tests must be conducted to assess cancer risk and harm to the reproductive and endocrine systems. The hope of these new testing requirements is to give new ingredients a chance against those dating back to the ‘90s. However, in the immediate future, Americans will likely see a shrinking selection in the sunscreen aisle. While the risks of sunscreen absorption are currently unknown, we know for a fact that exposure to UV radiation causes skin cancer. The FDA stands by its recommendation to cover up and spray or rub on a minimum of SPF 15 before hitting the great outdoors.



JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 77 onlivetoarteclectic,smart, 1599 Monterey Street | 805.544.5900 | (at the corner of Grove Street, across from Pepe Delgados) Open Monday - Saturday 10-6pm 1551 Bishop Street Suite D-420 San Luis Obispo slodentalpractice.com805.547.7010 New Patient Special $99 Exam, X-Rays & Standard Cleaning DISBEL MANSILLA, DDS ALEJANDRO ECHEVERRY, DDS


People: In a town teeming with mom-andpop coffee shops, there is no excuse for buying your next cuppa from a behemoth coffee chain, and not just here in SLO. Nearly every community in the county boasts a family-owned shop brewing good coffee. So, step away from your soulless venti frankenccino and visit these hoppin’ local spots.


Coffee NO

JAIME LEWIS writes about food, drink, and the good life from her home in San Luis Obispo. Find her on Instagram/Twitter @jaimeclewis.


Los Osos Ascendo Morro Bay Wink’s Organic Coffee & Tea Luna Coffee Bar Cambria Cambria Coffee Roasting Company Paso Robles Spearhead Coffee Atascadero Dark Nectar Coffee Roaster Beach Kraken Coffee Company Beach Steaming Bean Beach Scorpion Bay Coffee Grande Tribe Coffeehouse Beach Red Bee EXCUSES


I realized in taking on the subject of coffee in SLO that there’s no way I can cover every single cafe. That being the case, I decided to organize my coverage by eras: Scout Coffee is the newest to the game (2014), Nautical Bean comes before that (1999), and the original, Linnaea’s Cafe, was established in 1984. Each offers coffee and community with its own distinctive approach. Behold: A Tale of Three Coffees. >>

n the late ‘90s, I remember reading that, after Seattle, San Luis Obispo had more coffee shops per capita than any other city. In 2019, the research no longer supports that claim, but it sure feels like we have an abundance of coffee joints, doesn’t it? Like, one for every 16 people? Indeed, we are a well-caffeinated bunch.





San Luis Obispo loves coffee. But with so many coffee shops in town, how does a person choose which brew to enjoy? of Three Coffees




Food + Fresh Finds Mint + Craft is a fast casual café and mercantile that features innovative, handcrafted, market-fresh foods and locally and regionally made artisanal wares. Whether you are looking for a quick bite or a leisurely dining experience on our sunny downtown patio, Mint + Craft is a convenient choice for fresh, highquality foods and goods. The Mint Mercantile is SLO’s best kept secret for foodie-inspired finds, hand selected wines, and gift boxes for many occasions. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH + DINNER 848 Monterey Street, downtown SLO | |




Owners Jon and Sarah Peterson have set up a coffee cupping (aka tasting) for me, and the mood is serious. Jon shows me a chart on his iPhone that represents roasting heats for coffee beans at Scout’s proprietary roastery, HoneyCo. He seems very Sarahexcited.looks at me and smiles. “Jon is all about gizmos and Thoughgadgets.”theywork hard to keep Scout approachable, the Petersons admit they are giant coffee geeks; Sarah was once a finalist at the U.S. Barista Championship, and Jon has traveled worldwide to farms that supply his beans. (Sarah is also a legit baker, responsible for the popularity of Scout’s pastry selection.)

Like so many modern coffee drinkers, the Petersons favor a light roast with nuanced aromas and flavors. To that end, Scout offers pour-over coffee to protect the integrity of the bean and the roast. Though quality doesn’t come cheap, Jon puts it all in perspective. “For five dollars [at Scout], you can get the best of something on the planet. You can’t get that with much else.” >>

Speak Your Best! with Deborah Lee Do you stand out as recognition,INNOVATORMOTIVATORLEADERa,EXPERT,,or?Beadynamicspeakerandgainvisibility,andmore!Alllevels F r e s h . F a s t . S o u l S a t i s f y i n g . 1126 MORRO STREET 7AM 3PM MONDAY FRIDAY @nourishslo (805) 548 8860

Brett Jones lacks pretense. “I sell a lot of drip coffee,” he says. “That’s my M.O. here.” The interior of the Nautical Bean—which he’s owned since 2002—reflects what he calls a “blue collar” vibe. The walls are covered in skateboards, pop culture art, trophy antlers, bike parts, and portraits of Mister Rogers. In other words, it’s busy and fun. Jones sources his coffee from a roastery in San Diego (including his bestselling proprietary blend, Nutty Bean), and espresso comes from Slake Roasters in Cambria. The cafe offers espresso drinks and a popular selection of breakfast and lunch items. But while coffee is key to the Nautical Bean’s success, Jones is realistic. “I one-hundred-percent support pour-overs, singleorigin beans, et cetera, but that’s just not me. I think a big part of being an entrepreneur is staying true to yourself, not trying to be something you’re not. If you build an environment that’s authentic, people will come.” >>



JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 83 Check Anytime,In Anywhere AUDIO • VIDEO • LIGHTING • CLIMATE CONTROL • SURVEILLANCE • SHADES (805) 245www.abovegradeautomation.com540-5116HigueraStreet,SanLuisObispo Life Moves Too Fast for Traditional Braces! Invisalign offers a quicker, easier way to achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, delivering life changing results in months. the clear alternative to braces Cosmetic | Laser | Metal-Free Dentistry FREE TEETH WHITENING WITH COMPLETED INVISALIGN® TREATMENT! CALL TODAY! 1250 Peach Street Suite E San Luis Obispo (805) 250-0558 •• •

Very few businesses in downtown San Luis Obispo can claim to have lasted 35 years, and Orme says that people who once lived in SLO return to visit the cafe and become emotional.

Orme sources coffee from Jobella Coffee Roasters in Atascadero, as well as Alta Roasters in Santa Cruz. All coffees sold at Linnaea’s are organic and half are fair-trade. The cafe also offers a wide variety of espresso drinks, in addition to alternative baked goods and vegetarian lunch options.

“They see how much downtown has changed, and they’re so happy that Linnaea’s hasn’t.” She also says she’s met several little girls named Linnaea, after the place their parents met or first dated.

“It’s a sanctuary,” Orme says, “an icon of this town.”

says, buying a cup of coffee means buying an experience, San

If, as

Of course, the cafe is less about its coffee and more about a feeling.


Owner Marianne Orme meets me in the high-ceiling main room at Linnaea’s Cafe, overlooking the quiet patio. Since founder Linnaea Phillips sold the cafe to her longtime manager, Orme has done very little to change the inviting, artsy vibe of this downtown staple.

“Why change what works?” she says.

ACT III: LINNAEA’S CAFE Marianne Orme Luis Obispo

offers a wide variety of experiences. Here, a mini-guide to your local options: Scout warm, modern, whimsical Coastal Peaks Roasters approachable, spacious Sally Lou’s earnest, cozy, curated Ascendo Italian, spacious, minimalist Kreuzberg literary, earthy, vintage WithCo hipster, sleek, Instagrammable Four Cats artistic, off-the-beaten-path Linnea’s comfortable, leafy, peaceful Black Horse busy, fast, personable Lucy’s clean, bright, family-oriented Nautical Bean fun, throwback, social SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE SLO LIFE

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 85 HappensHealing FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, SLO, INVITES YOU TO JOIN OUR SERVICES. At our Wednesday evening services, you will hear testimonies of healing and ideas shared on how Christian Science is applied to every challenge in the daily lives of our members. The laws of harmony and health revealed in the Bible apply today. You will be inspired. Healing through prayer is possible. Wednesday Testimony Meeting 7:00 p.m. Sunday Church Services 10:00 a.m. 1326 Garden Street, SLO 2976 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY . SANTA MARIA 805-570-0019 . HANSDUUSBLACKSMITH.COMHANSDUUS@GMAIL.COMDUUSHANSBLACKSMITHINC Creators of bench built lighting fixtures by local artisans. The jewelry for your home.


Served with a colorful array of fresh grilled veggies, this Italian-seasoned lamb is simple yet elegant and develops robust flavor with lots of crispy edges to delight the senses.



Put onions, peppers and mushrooms on cookie sheet and season with salt and cracked black pepper. Use excess marinade for basting lamb.Depending on your preference, cook meat to 130°145° internal temperature. Baste often the last half hour and add the vegetables to the grill and cook just until Removecharred. from grill when done and let rest for 15 minutes before slicing meat. Always slice meat as thin as possible across the grain. Serve topped with a salsa verde or balsamic reduction.

2 Tbs chopped fresh rosemary kosher salt and cracked black pepper

1 yellow bell pepper cut into wedges

1 cup red wine ¼ cup red wine vinegar

2 Tbs olive oil 6-8 garlic cloves minced 2 Tbs dry Italian seasoning

3-5 lb butterflied boneless leg of lamb from butcher shop

8 oz button mushrooms

In a sealed container place the butterflied boneless leg of lamb and add red wine, red wine vinegar, oil, minced garlic, Italian seasoning and rosemary. Seal and shake until ingredients are well mixed. Let marinate in refrigerator for up to 24 hours. An hour before grilling, pull meat from container and let air dry on a cookie sheet. Just before grilling, season lamb with kosher salt and cracked black pepper. Add onions, peppers and mushrooms to remaining marinade.


SLO LIFE JESSIE’S TIP: Buy the lamb boneless or have the butcher butterfly it for you.

1 green bell pepper cut into wedges

JESSIE RIVAS is the owner and chef of The Pairing Knife food truck which serves the Central Coast.

1 red bell pepper cut into wedges


Grill lamb on indirect heat with the lid on for the first hour, flipping every ½ hour. If using a gas grill, set flames to low-medium heat.


1 red onion cut into large rings


The view here is hard to beat. Keep the faith when you drive on the curvy, swervy roads to the tasting room. You may second-guess whether or not it actually exists but charge on! The drive is worth it. Pay attention to the sides of the hills that have been cut out. You’ll notice the change from dark brown and dense, to crumbly tan, as well as light, hard chalk. These differences in geology affect the grapes in different ways and make some wonderful wine. Finally, up a hill, is the winery flaunting a view that dances with trees, rolling clouds, and valleys reaching far into the distance. When the rain has paused and the sun is out, what better way to spend your time than relaxing on an open patio with a glass of wine and a view that just won’t quit? Wineries are awaiting your arrival by polishing glasses, pulling out the garden furniture, and opening the windows and doors to let in the fresh air. Here are some venues to give you some fantastic views, enjoy a picnic, some music and of course some wine from our gorgeous Central Coast area while you enjoy what the land has to offer. NOTES

Calcareous Vineyard 3430 Peachy Canyon Road, Paso Robles

Tables and a grass area for picnics welcome you to kick back. Every seat has a winning view. If you can peel your eyes away for a minute, you can get a round in on the bocce ball court. Wine Down Wednesdays (June - September, 5 - 8pm) are a local favorite, which include music and food vendors while you watch the sun set. My favorite wine, 2017 Kate’s Vineyard Zinfandel ($45/bottle) has the typical raspberry flavor of a Zin. Remember the white cut out in the hills as you approached the vineyard? Those are limestone, or calcareous soils, that help with the acidity of the wine, giving it balance. It is the soil from which the winery gets its name.




>> ANDRIA MCGHEE received her advanced degree in wines and spirits from WSET in London and enjoys travel, food, wine, and exercise as a means to enjoy those around her.

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 89 TALLE Y FARMS THERE IS TO EAT alwaysfresh!time FRESH FROM OUR FARM Variety of Seasonal Local Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Every Talley Box 2 BOX SIZES Flexible Schedule • Convenient Pick Up Home Delivery TalleyFarmsFreshHarvest.comAvailable Become a Member at CHANGING LIVES ONE BOX AT A TIME EDNA VALLEY PIONEERS • SINCE 1973 10 MIN FROM DWNTN SLO • CHAMISALVINEYARDS.COM Join us for a tasting of our world class Chardonnay & Pinot Noir Join us at the #MaleneScene - our 1969 Airstream mobile tasting room and picnic grounds, just 10 minutes from Downtown SLO. Dedicated to Rosé Inspired by Provence • Made in California 805.235.3338 •

Have you seen a sweet little yellow house from Highway 101 as you drive south from San Luis Obispo? This was the childhood home of Herb Filipponi and his siblings. It was used by their family as a dairy farm, to raise cattle, and now is the tasting room for their winery. On the hillside is an image of a bell with a cross inside made of rocks showcasing their brand that was used in Switzerland by their ancestors.

Filipponi Ranch 1850 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo

This oasis embraces you with a garden full of native plants and a view of ancient oaks chasing up the hill. Shakespeare and Treasure Island play on summer nights in the open air. Try the Filipponi Rosé ($24/bottle) and drink in the fantastic strawberry flavor. What a great little getaway to enjoy with friends, with a view that we are so lucky to have in this lovely part of the world.



Tablas Creek Vineyards 9339 Adelaida Road, Paso Robles

This winery, also in the Adelaida area, is way out there. It’s a hidden gem. It especially excites the farmer inside me. Sitting on the patio I can hear sheep in the distance. A bee is pollinating a flower on the ground near the rows of vines. Out in the distance is an rustic shed that looks as if it were taken from an old farm in Italy. This is not just a vineyard, it farms using biodynamic practices. They produce outstanding grapes and give back to the land, feeding it, in a sense. It takes a lot of work. The support system includes their sheep and alpaca herd that till the ground with their feet and eat the nutrientsucking weeds; their active bees and owl boxes that pollinate and exterminate; as well as their integrated fruit trees in the vineyards and composting practices. It sounds very kumbaya, like a throwback from the ‘60s but the proof is in the pudding. The wines are flavorful, yet have subtle layers that just keep giving back to the taster. I sip on a glass of 2017 Picpoul Blanc ($30/bottle), an uncommon varietal. The flavors remind me of the tropics with pineapple notes that would pair well with coconut shrimp. Being here is like a mini vacation, yet only about a half-hour from San Luis Obispo.

I pulled up to this little gem of a place to meet Diane Filipponi tidying up the tasting room. Her husband Herb was out mowing the high grass. This is a special and rare winery to visit that takes every family member to make it work. You feel welcomed and at home as a result.

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 91 805-215-0511www.GardensbyGabriel.comExtraordinaryExplorethelic.#887028

Speaking of volunteers, let’s have an earnest chat about the juxtaposition of hundreds of people enjoying unlimited pours for four hours and the people who serve them. Basics of human interaction get a tad bent in an unfamiliar setting and for about $50 you get to drink as much or as little as you’d like, albeit in three-ounce pours. The first rule of beer festivals is to respect others. This is true to the people who gave up their sunny Saturday afternoon to help you enjoy yours. This is especially true of the professionals who drove hours and spend all day just to give you the opportunity to try the beers they made or represent. Talk to them, find out what beer they brought, where they hailed from, and take a tasting note from the person who knows it best. If you’ve never experienced their beer, then ask for a recommendation and you’ll probably receive the flagship beer they’re best known for, or a crowd favorite on that day. Either way you can’t go wrong. Shoving an empty glass in their face while you talk to your

Let’s just start off by showcasing what a “beer fest” is and what is going on behind the scenes. The basic theory is to offer a variety of beers that a typical consumer might not have yet tried or is not aware of. Kind of like samples at Costco, but without all that annoying food getting in the way. This can come from either inviting breweries to join and bring beer, a booth, a representative, and maybe some branded freebies; or it can be the local distributor



>> | BREW BY


enhancing their customer base by letting you “try before you buy” the selections you’ll find at the store. It can even be both. The organizers behind the scenes putting these festivals together almost always have a non-profit behind them that they are helping to fundraise for, while utilizing a volunteer base and getting that little hit of serotonin from doing the right thing. Also, one or two saves puppies, so please think of the puppies.

eer festival season is here! Just kidding, it’s always beer festival season, with maybe the exception of January. You see, there’s always a reason to get likeminded people together for a fun day on the Central Coast enjoying beers and live music. As these events become bigger and more prolific, it’s important to strategize on how to best appreciate a beer festival and get the greatest experience you can, while toeing the line on how to avoid a bad time. BRANT MYERS

JUN/JUL 2019 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | 93 3076 Duncane Lane . San Luis Obispo 805 549 0100 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! ThroW us a bone A Celebrity Softball Fundraiser for A Local Teen Saturday, August 10th 2pm Gates open $25 General Admission

BRANT MYERS is a 14-year veteran of the Central Coast craft beer industry who enjoys sharing his passion with anyone who doesn’t put an orange in their hefeweiezen.


Beer festivals are a fantastic way to spend a day with friends trying all sorts of new beers that you might not have considered or purchased otherwise. They help raise funds for local nonprofits and showcase local musical talent, all in an open venue, all for the price of a dinner out. Appreciate that we have so many options to choose from and, just one last tip from me, make sure your fridge is stocked and your grill is clean because reminiscing with friends in all that excitement you just experienced as you head into the evening can be just as fun as the day was itself.

unless there’s a Greek wedding taking place, keep your glassware intact; if you’re slurring or stumbling you’re done—go home. I could go on forever about what not to do, but in the interest of not being a downer, here’s what you should do: Be respectful. Understand that a lot of time and planning went into this event and it might not be here next year if you are not considerate of the venue and staff. Treat the beer with reverence and appreciate the unique styles and variances as if you could find yourself eyeballing them on the shelves the next time you’re picking up a six-pack. Most of all, treat yourself with dignity and avoid over-imbibing to keep the hangover demons at bay and your reputation intact.

SLO LIFE friends is not the way to learn about, nor appreciate beers. If the pourer is from the brewery they’re representing, it’s always appropriate to give them a compliment if you like their beer or let them know you support them with your wallet, or have visited their tasting room. If you want to take a deeper dive then stand to the side and have a brief chat while others can still make their way up to the jockey box and get a taster, too. It’s a fine line, however; they’re not your local friendly bartender and if they’re trying to work then come back when it’s not busy. Lines can be an issue at some of the larger festivals that pull in-demand breweries sharing limited-release beers. My strategy is to go one of two ways when you see a huge crowd vying for that Aquavit barrel-aged barleywine variant brewed with rare merciless peppers of Quetzalacatenango and a hint of cinnamon. This is a great opportunity to slow down and have some water while you pace yourself to enjoy the next few hours. Or, this means that all the attendees are clumping together while some great brewery booth goes empty. Avoid the brew queue and discover a lesser known brewery sharing their crisp and clean pilsener or session IPA. It’ll also help reset your pallet, too. Festivals have their own momentum and being slightly off this crowd surge can mean less lines and more free time. The best way to do this, in my opinion, is to opt for a VIP ticket. These typically entail an early admission and maybe some other perks. This is how you get the rare beers without the hassle, but most importantly you are free from the time constraints that most people feel. Four hours can go by fast and it gets faster as the fest comes to a close. That extra hour can mean a break in the middle to sit in the shade, have a proper lunch, or take the extra time to chat with friends.

Here are some other pointers that I could ramble on about for days: don’t drive; eat a meal beforehand; never “pre-party;” it’s okay to pour out a beer you don’t like (just be respectful and walk a few feet before you do); don’t take every piece of swag just because it’s free (you’d be hard pressed to use twenty bottle openers at once); keep an eye out for special pours and releases at a specific time in the fest;

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SUBLIME WITH ROME With Sublime bassist and co-founder, Eric Wilson anchoring the group, Sublime With Rome are armed with a new album that makes a real statement. Produced by Rob Cavallo, who has worked with Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park and many more, the latest release is an expression of three musicians who truly get each other and who communicate seamlessly through their instruments. Enjoy an evening with Sublime, Rome, and SOJA.

June 19 //

The SLO Movement Arts Center in collaboration with the Movement Arts Collective present Thumbelina, Hans Christian Andersen’s classic tale. Follow this thumb-sized ballerina through forests, ponds, meadows, and fields as she meets frogs, mice, butterflies, beetles, and ultimately discovers her place in the world. Act II features a mixed program of high-energy dance set to familiar and popular music. June 9 //

HELLO, DOLLY! In turn-of-the-century New York, professional meddler and matchmaker Dolly Gallagher-Levi decides she’s going to marry miserly half-a-millionaire hay and feed dealer Horace Vandergelder— and that’s where the fun begins. Hello, Dolly! bursts with humor, romance, highenergy dancing, and some of the greatest songs in musical theatre history. June 8 - 30 //



Unwind and relax while watching live music, and taking in the breathtaking scenery at the ocean. They will be serving plenty of Mac and Cheese plus, tastings of wine, beer, and spirits, and opportunities to buy full pours. This is a 21+ event. A portion of the proceeds from the Annual Mac and Cheese Fest will be donated to Woods Humane Society. June 8 //



A weekend of local food and wine: Enjoy Thursday evening in downtown SLO in Mission Plaza and celebrate with member wineries as you sample the newest vintages and local cuisine, while listening to the sounds of B & the Hive. Then, visit your choice of up to four SLO Coast wineries per day with your all-access weekend passport. Sample the newest vintage from the barrel and stock up before your favorite wines sell out. June 20 - 22 // 30



The Filipponi Ranch is once again hosting the Central Coast Shakespeare Festival with live music performed before each Friday night production. Pack a picnic or purchase delicious fare on-site and bring low-back chairs. Wine will be available for sale by the glass and bottle. July 11- August 3 //


Live Oak Music Festival is held every June to benefit KCBX Public Radio and features musicians performing a variety of genres, including Afrobeat, soul, folk, gospel, roots rock, Americana, and more. The Live Oak Music Festival draws music aficionados of all ages to experience live concerts in a beautiful setting, with the county’s iconic volcanic peaks, the Morros, as the backdrop. In addition to music, the festival offers a way to kick off summer, with local food, wine, and beer for adults and plenty of games, activities, and talent shows for children and teens. June 22 -23 // in the Plaza features musical genres across the spectrum from reggae to rock, blues to jamgrass, soul, California roots rock, and more at Mission Plaza in downtown San Luis Obispo every Friday June 14th through September 13th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. vendors offer food and beverages for concertgoers. Be sure to bring your own reusable cup or purchase a commemorative Concerts in the Plaza tumbler. Non-alcoholic beverages are provided, as well. No outside alcoholic beverages or pets are allowed and this is a non-smoking event. All concerts are free to the public.

LINEUP June 14 . rosecoloredworld June 21 . Truxton Mile June 28 . The Tipsy Gypsies July 5 . Stellar July 12 . Diego’s Umbrella July 19 . The Kicks July 26 . The Molly Ringwald Project August 2 . Damon Castillo Band August 9 . Bear Market Riot August 16 . The JD Project August 23 . Soul Scratch August 30 . Resination September 6 . Mother Corn Shuckers September 13 . Truth About Seafood June 14 - September 13 //





Since 1946, Blue’s Baseball has been a San Luis Obispo tradition. This family-friendly setting offers plenty of games and activities for the kids, as well as a concession stand and beer truck. The fireworks show will begin immediately following the game. July 3 //

98 | SLO LIFE MAGAZINE | JUN/JUL 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | HAPPENINGS FESTIVAL MOZAIC This summer, experience this music in beautiful venues of the Central Coast, as you explore Domenico Scarlatti’s inspiration with festive and intimate performances. July 24 – August festivalmozaic.com4 ROCK TO PIER FUN RUN 2019 marks the 50th year of the Brian Waterbury Memorial Rock to Pier Fun Run. This six-mile event is held entirely on the beach from Morro Rock to the Cayucos Pier and is open to participants of all ages and abilities. Proceeds will be used for the Morro Bay Recreation Department Youth Sport programs. The California Mid-State Fair is held annually and runs for twelve days at the end of July. The Fair has hosted some of the biggest names in the music industry. July 17 - 28 // Dr. Arnie Horwitz HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused? I can help. Specializing in - Relationship Conflicts - Parenting & Self-Esteem - Separation and Divorce - Personal Life Planning - Grief and Loss - Career Uncertainty Therapy/Counseling/Coaching Dr. Arnie Horwitz • 30 yrs. SENIOR DISCOUNT . Mon & Tues 10 to 2 . $15 1351 Monterey Street . San Luis Obispo (805)783-2887 .






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