SAB Today, Winter 2019

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Winter 2019



K-State SAB alumni newsletter

Last look with the 2019 Student Ambassadors It is surreal to think that our time as ambassadors has come to an end. We are beyond filled with gratitude and pride for this exceptional university and all it has given us during our term. It’s our hope that we were able to reciprocate even a small fraction of the impact that this program has made on us, onto the students and alumni we interacted with. It was just a little over a year ago, that we stood, brimming with emotion, as our names were called in Bill Snyder Family Stadium. But it was a little over two and a half years ago that Tel and I first met while we both served as K-State Orientation Leaders in the summer of 2018 and New Student Services Ambassadors throughout the academic school year. It was in these roles that we began to develop such a passion for connecting with students and sharing our love for our university. That next fall, we both gave some pretty entertaining presentations for our final round of interviews. Tel gave his own rendition of the renowned online lecture series, TED Talks, ‘as a ‘TEL Talk,’ and I wrote and performed a K-State song modeled after university favorites like ‘Proud of the House We Built’. It was after this that Amy Button Renz ’76, ’86, President and CEO of the Alumni Association, knew that we’d be a dynamic duo. Each and every event presented us with memorable lessons and gave us opportunities to grow in many ways. Our presentation at these events focused on how, although ever-changing and progressing, K-State still adheres to its land-grant mission of providing opportunity and access for all. Some of the most engaging and fulfilling moments were shared at the Wabash CannonBall galas in both Kansas City and Denver, where we were able to connect with alumni from all

2019 Student Ambassadors Tel Wittmer and Madelyn Mash receive their K-State class rings.

walks of life. It was truly amazing to see a group of passionate and generous K-Staters come together to support future students at the spot we all love full well. Of course, this is not surprising in the slightest, it is just another testament to the K-State family, where no matter who you are or where you come from, you will be supported and uplifted. From speaking at Wildcat Warm-Up to watching the first football game of the season in the University Lounge, Tel and I had the opportunity to interact with truly the best people this world has to give. Each conversation was special and unique, and the stories heard were absolutely unforgettable. Reflecting on this past year, it is hard for me to accurately express just how grateful I am to this program, both Alan Fankhauser ’82, our adviser, Amy Button Renz, and most importantly, the entire K-State family for this incredible opportunity. To the new ambassadors, Sam Bond and Chaz Corredor, you are in for a year

2020 Student Ambassadors Chaz Corredor and Sam Bond were chosen by the student body through voting held during Homecoming Week.

of life-long memories, relationships and connections. Take advantage of each and every opportunity that presents itself and know that this role gives to you a whole new world of personal development and growth. Like Tel and myself, Sam and Chaz represented the K-State family long before their election, as both Orientation Leaders and New Student Services Ambassadors. Tel and I can’t imagine passing the torch to more energetic and passionate K-Staters than you two. Wherever you go, carry the banner high and cherish every second. And finally, to our beloved K-State family, we will forever be indebted for your constant support and guidance, wherever we encountered you. This experience was truly transformative for Tel and I, and each friendly smile or kind word meant the absolute world to us. I can’t believe that in a few short months I will be joining the K-State alumni network, myself, but I do know one thing for sure: there is not a better one out there. - Maddy Mash ’20 [1]

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