Burlington Our Town 2013

Page 21

our charity


Funds generated by the operation of Veterans Terrace are funneled to the Burlington Community Fund, which returns them to the community through grants designed to improve ed-

ucation, enrich arts and culture, and enhance quality of life for local residents.

An engine for good Veterans Terrace now generates grants through Burlington Community Fund


When plans were first announced to renovate the former Burlington Veterans Building, few people knew about the charity that would arise from it. Now, with Veterans Terrace completed and open for going on four years, the funds generated to first cover the costs of renovating the building are finding other uses that benefit the community as a whole. As part of the effort to establish Veterans Terrace came creation of the Burlington Community Fund, which functions under the following mission statement: “To assist in making the Burlington area a better place to live, work, play and retire by helping

people, enhancing education, enriching arts and culture, honoring military service, contributing to wellness, and improving the community and the environment through financial management of gifts and grants from individuals and organizations. “Additionally, it is our highest calling to faithfully distribute funds generated by the operations of Veterans Terrace at Echo Park in accordance with our mission.” Thanks to a board of directors and a mission to help out the community, the BCF has distributed nearly $50,000 in grant money – most of it over the past year. The Community Fund is a non-profit organization designed to make it possible to not only help those in the community, but also provide a way for others to make a charitable investment.

Funds donated to the BCF are immediately tax-deductible, and the grants can be spread out over whatever timeframe the donor wants. The list of recipients is long and varied. In addition to making donations to various service agencies like Love Inc. and the Transitional Living Center, the fund has granted scholarships to local high school students, helped the Special Olympics, and served as the host forum for candidate forums and fundraisers. Other recent donations have gone to the Burlington High School Koral Klub for assistance in purchasing the rights to the production of “Les Miserables,” the BHS B*Jazzled show choir to cover expenses associated with the annual Chocolate City Showcase, Partners2 for it’s work in local schools to prevent teen alcohol and CONTINUED ON PAGE 22



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