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UNITED FASHION FOR PEACE For an ethical fashion and without borders


An installaAon that fits within an exisAng event, perennial and recognized. -­‐  A fashion show; with a message that marks, and makes you think and talk about it. -­‐

A referenced public consisAng of decision makers, leaders, , poliAcians, business men, intellectuals, arAsts .the world’s professionals in their field of excellence -­‐  Increased visibility based, energizing and leading the main event. -­‐

A media enhanced by the mixture of people -­‐  A promoAon for arAsts but also a know-­‐how and a sustainable development. -­‐  A well rehearsed organizaAon, organized by professionals, which fits into the objecAves and is adapted for the public.

The ObjecAves

Like the Olympic Games where only the major sporAng exploits, the opening and the closing ceremonies remain in memory, our wish is to play this role of "ceremony". That is to bring by our wealth, creaAvity and message; a ray to the event in which we fit and to afford our partners of the posiAve image that will emerge. These targets are spread out over all parAcipants, arAsts, public, VIPs, partners, countries hosts. -­‐  To present and promote arAsts who have, of course, talents, but also values. -­‐  To animate a manifestaAon that has internaAonal media coverage with an unexpected "show" and to provide it, by a bright interlude that will mark the minds and consciences, a radiaAon and an unforgeUable "glamorous" touch. -­‐  To pass a message to top level audience of poliAcal and economical leaders, intellectuals, arAsts and a diversified public by his career but expert in his field. -­‐  To associate partners to the visuals, communicaAon and media coverage of the event and to the markeAng and economic benefits that result. -­‐  To support a cause, an acAon, an organizaAon, a project, to nurture dreams and to aUract vocaAons.


The Concept

Many of the world’s capitals organize events, ranging from a fashion show to a "Fashion Week". For our project, the aim goes beyond the mere presentaAon of a fashion collecAon to an audience. For United Fashion for Peace, the main target is primarily to transmit a message, convey values and promote knowledge and techniques. The aim is to promote arAsts who contribute to the sustainability of a culture by reviving the ancient tradiAons to the style of the day, equipment, customs and know-­‐how. For United Fashion for Peace, the importance, and crucial objecAve is to develop exchanges, to provoke confrontaAons, to bring forth the richness in diversity and to promote creaAons. For United Fashion for Peace, it is about creaAng a dialogue among civilizaAons and fashion. For United Fashion for Peace, it is about to give another view of the world, a world united, friendly and versaAle, a world where sustainable development concepts, tradiAons and cultural promoAon are more than words. United Fashion for Peace will not be posiAoned only as a trendseUer but also wants to be rooted in tradiAon. Message deliverer, United Fashion for Peace wants to be a vehicle for promoAon and communicaAon for the arAsts we present and for companies who support us.


A message


A Know-­‐how idenAfied and recognized

Our concept is to realize an event that fits into the agenda of a major event; we will rely on the infrastructure and logisKcs of this event and define our further requirements to ensure complete success for our show. Once these details are resolved and supported, the only contribuKon of the organizer will be to set us. A "turnkey" service : Once the Kming is determined, the countdown begins. It is to adapt to circumstances and provide logisKcs accordingly in order to ensure the “concrete” success of the show and especially to define and work the theme, select the designers and the models, insure and communicate the media coverage, organize the back-­‐stage, lead the event and maximize the benefits to the partners.

Adapt to circumstances The experience gained by each of the parKcipants in our team, their mulKdisciplinary nature and their willingness to reach a goal shared by all, provide the best condiKons for success. Each event, each country and each project is different. It is not for us to replay a piece to infinity, but to join a program for an audience with a purpose different and close at the same Kme. Our capacity to adapt, the flexibility of our organizaKon and the range of missions that we propose can respond to all projects, and also to meet all constraints. Taking into consideraAon the logisAcal constraints For a complete success, the logis2cs has first to be, effec2ve, opera2onal and reac2ve and on the other hand extremely transparent to the public. Our interven2on is scheduled as part of an event to which the organiza2on has already responded to most major essen2al ques2ons. However, our specialists in the areas of staging, ligh2ng, sound, anima2on and audio-­‐visual design will aDend the local team, define our needs and guide them in choosing solu2ons.


The organizaAon

The “mode” part


The choice of the theme is decided in agreement with the organizer.Depending on the chosen theme, the creators are screened according to the eligibility criteria validated together. The choices are subject to approval by the promoter of the event. In parallel, the team organizes the cas2ngs of models both locally and interna2onally and is surrounded by a team of professionals of makeup and hairstyling. Props are also approached for the supply and availability of jewellery, shoes and luxury accessories.

The complete variety of communica2on is deployed before and during the event and in partnership with the organiza2on's main event: In the weeks preceding the parade: -­‐ Flyers and partners Logos -­‐ Save the Date -­‐ News and Press Kit -­‐ VIP invita2ons -­‐ Targeted mailings ... During the event: -­‐ Press Conference -­‐ PR -­‐ Press and media rela2ons, printed and audiovisual -­‐ Communica2on -­‐ Media exposure ... During the parade: -­‐ Presenta2on of the Sponsor -­‐ Diffusion of the promo2onal audiovisual material made by our partners related to the theme set


The heart of the business

The Partners are twofold: -­‐  First, the main organizer of the event, he receives us; and the theme, message, stakeholders and the public agree to our goals and guide our theme. -­‐  On the other hand, the companies, associaKons and public or private media outlets that supports us and joins us, allowing us to develop a theme, promoKng a message, mediate independently a concept, with a quality and therefore opKmal recogniKon.

This partnership must be seen as a "win – win” exchange. For the organizer of the event, it will result in an installaKon made by and with typical professionals, generaKng at lower costs extra media coverage incomparable. For partners: you will be associated to a very media event, bearing strong messages and to which are invited leading personaliKes. You will have the opportunity, through our press and audiovisual media, social networks and new technologies, to diffuse and distribute posiKvely your image on your brand. For UFFP: we can benefit from your logisKc and financial assistance to develop and promote our concept, to communicate our acKons and to defend our values and those of designers and arKsans of the fashion world, those perpetuaKng the tradiKons and giving their leVers of nobility to civilizaKons For the creators and actors of "show", we allow them to have media coverage, recogniKon and unexpected visibility, while delivering their message and promoKng their ethics and job design.


Our Partners

Expected impact. Reconciling Ethics and haute couture. Outside the space Kme, haute couture shows. A certain image of luxury and tradiKon for the World. A show associated with a theme. The highlight of the event to which we are associated: our show, the magic of a parade. Branding image -­‐ a reference public -­‐ personaliKes -­‐ global coverage high place of arKsKc and cultural exchanges. Enhance your brand by associaKon with the messages and values conveyed by the concept. A network, a partnership with a recognized event, a blend of styles that makes it famous


Visibility and markeAng impact

The Group Diane Cazelles For fiZeen years, Diane Cazelles is editor and stylist in the press and publishing. His parKcular experience in women's magazines, luxury and travel, and his taste for decoraKon, and lifestyle have opened the minds and many borders. AddiKon to its "literary", it designs and builds sets and stage sets on events, private yards (CB ...), New shops (Ladurée), trade shows (Maison & Objets, Top Reza ... ) and art exhibiKons (Africa / France) ... Cazelles Diane is very involved in the arKsKc ethics, and joined United Fashion for Peace to provide experKse in fashion design and scenography podium.

Former model, she worked in the fashion world for over 20 years. VersaKle journalist and correspondent for internaKonal media, she is the editor of a women's magazine distributed internaKonally, and therefore perfectly inserted in the media. She conKnues to walk the podiums as naKonal and internaKonal organiser of events and as a member of the juries. Besides creaKvity, her experience, address book and knowledge of the pledges are major factors for success. Fériel Berraies Guigny is the designer and founder of the “United Fashion for Peace”.

Ludovic Parfaite

Suna Ahmed Fashion photographer, Ludovic Parfaite began to be known by designing and implemenKng women's magazine covers. Passionate and commiVed, working in France and abroad, he is the head of a team of professionals. He works closely with a most efficient a staff in the design of photo reports. In charge of editorial coverage for various adverKsing media both in France and abroad and having the infrastructure needed to achieve a very high quality work, he acquired a large knowledge and maturity in the management of major events especially in the difficult world of fashion.

Former internaKonal model Suna Ahmed has traveled the world over. That's where she draws all her inspiraKon for creaKng her jewellery and accessories collecKons She is the image of the mulK-­‐cultural woman straddling globally from the East to the West. Today she is pracKcing with notable success in several businesses including communicaKons and media relaKons for the fashion designers she represents throughout the world. She also assists fashion designers during their fashion shows and photographers during their photo shoots that she regularly organizes for her clients. Suna Ahmed joined the team of United for Peace and Fashion to work as internaKonal press relaKons, to organize shows and for English communicaKon.


Fériel Berraies-­‐Guigny

Kathy Heidarpour of Iranian origin is a professional makeup arKst for 9 years. AZer obtaining a degree in a presKgious school, she chained several courses and training in the largest businesses in the makeup and beauty products. She has worked with numerous photographers, has parKcipated in many parades, and makeup on all TV shows. She worked at the Opera Garnier, the opera "Lady of the Lake." Her experience in the most varied fields and with ever-­‐ increasing requirements makes her a major advantage of UFFP in the organizaKon and direcKon of the backstage


Timeless, mulKcultural, surprising, glamorous, Katherine Pradeau is a reflecKon of her creaKons A graduate of Studio Berçot, she works alongside Lolita Lempicka, Philippe Adec, Sonia Rykiel ... ten years of experience enabling her to acquire know-­‐ how and to launch her eponymous label in 1996. CreaKons inspired by the dialogue of cultures, the wealth of know-­‐how of craZsmen and the mixture of genres for a new cosmopolitan Parisian style. In symbiosis with Africa, very commiVed to sustainable development, she sets up, with Niger's Touareg arKsans, an exchange of knowledge and creaKvity giving rise to collecKons of mixed clothing and accessories based on ancestral techniques and in respect of everyone's job Within UFFP, she is responsible for casKng designers and internaKonal ethics and the search for props and craZsmen "coup de coeur “



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