QueenBee Hope Issue Spring 2021

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...coming out of hibernation


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



to the Hope issue of


£55, Nex t, Que ensg ate


Tortoiseshell sunglasses • £19 M&S, Queensgate

Geo rug •

Set of 4 Orla Kiely Flower Bamboo Tumblers • £25 John Lewis & Partners + Orla Kiely exclusive collaboration

3 x Bee Set available in 5 different colours • £15 JaimeLynnUk on etsy.com

Neutral bucket straw hat • £20 Next, Queensgate


QueenBee magazine

Lois Garden Geometric Chair • £99 M&S, Queensgate

Change issue 2020

Large wooden potting ladder • £78 Argos, Queensgate

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Change issue 2020


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QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Welcome to the Spring 'Hope' issue 2021


fter the darkness of winter, the first signs of spring brings fresh hope for the new season. After a long, challenging and uncertain winter season spent in lockdown, never has spring been more welcome. With Boris unveiling plans to end England restrictions by 21 June, we can start to see some some light and hope at the end of the long lockdown tunnel. Schools will re-open on 8th March, with shops, hairdressers, gyms and outdoor hospitality re-opening on 12th April - it finally feels like life could get back to some sort of normality over the next few months. After the many weeks of uncertainty, 'Hope' seemed the obvious theme for this issue of QueenBee and I really 'hope' it helps lift your spirits. We have lots of positive and inspirational content, including an eight page happiness feature and motivation to get fit and start running. Our physical fitness is so important as it's so closely linked to our mental wellbeing - it's


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important to keep moving, even if it's just a daily walk to get out of the house. If you're feeling a bit more energetic, we have some fab short HIIT workout videos that you can do at home - give them a try and we guarantee you'll feel energised afterwards! We have our usual features on fashion, beauty, relationships, motherhood, homes, business, dating and wellbeing... and I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of the tremendous feature writers who have contributed to this issue. Just working on the pages have given me a real lift! I hope you all enjoy this issue and have a wonderful spring - QueenBee will be back just in time to welcome summer 2021

Kathryn Grace, Publishing Editor kath@queenbeemagazine.co.uk

Hope issue 2021



Happiness is Hackable with Gabrielle PrestonBanks


Lucy Hanagan shares her fave spring beauty products


Control the light & shade in your home with beautiful shutters


Spring fashion - wear what makes you happy


How online classes have proved a lifeline to families during lockdown


12th April getting back to business with Kai Wan

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QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021




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QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021




is Hackable “You have the ability to choose happiness. Happiness is within you. Allow yourself to be happy now." By Gabrielle Preston-Banks • www. www.gabrielleprestonbanks.com


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


By Gabrielle Preston-Banks, Rapid Transformational Therapist & Coach

Happiness plays a huge part in our health, productivity, creativity, success and longevity. In this 'Hope' issue of QueenBee I want to talk about happiness and how you can instil it into your days and lives. You see, happiness is absolutely hackable! Our outlook and the way we see the world is what we will always realise within ourselves, so the best gift we can give ourselves is to create amazing pictures and words in our minds, every day.


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



It's proven that happy people have better lives, better relationships and better health. They are more productive in the home, in their professions and in their work life. Everyone has the power to make changes that can help set you on course for a happier life. Gabrielle Preston-Banks

MY THREE GOLDEN RULES FOR CREATING HAPPINESS ARE: 1. CREATE A VISION Sit somewhere comfy and close your eyes. Now visualise happiness; see yourself creating a happy life, see all those happy occasions you’re creating, see yourself smiling and laughing. Really lean into this vision.

My favourite mind hacks to take action to instil happiness in your life and days:


• Watch an uplifting film.

Say these statements to yourself:

• Play games with family and friends.

"I’m choosing to be happy now"

• Set up a chat with people you know will uplift you.

"This is my time to choose to be happy" " I’m allowing myself to be happy now" " I’m choosing not to wait" 3. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION The best time to take action is now. Do the things that make you happy now. Sometimes, you have to make happiness happen. Think about what you can do today that will bring you happiness and have a ripple effect on everyone around you. 10

QueenBee magazine

• Laughter with friends and family. • Play some happy music that makes your heart sing.

• Set up a zoom party (create a themed quiz or learn something together). • Dance around your kitchen! • Kindness - help someone else. • Create a gratitude practice. These actions release endorphins or “feel good” chemicals into the body and will provide you with a happiness boost and create those happy hormones that will override any stress hormones. > Hope issue 2021


KINDNESS Kindness is a beautiful thing that we can all easily do. When you are feeling overwhelmed and everything is too much, the remedy is a simple act of kindness. This is not only wonderful for the person you are showing kindess to; when you help someone else it also makes you feel better about yourself and helps you see life differently. To shift your state of mind, do an act of kindness today, it works every time. Any act of kindness is an excellent hack to shift your mind. I’ve never known anyone to not feel better in themselves after showing kindness to others. Nothing comes close to the warm, uplifted feeling and flow of emotion you have when you do even the simplest of things to help someone. > Gabrielle Preston-Banks

Stay kind, it makes you beautiful.

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021




Smile more, because you know what? Sometimes we smile because we are happy and sometimes we are happy because we smile. With love, Gabrielle x


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


SMILE When we are out and about, smiling at strangers can make someone’s day. Imagine someone who is on their own and how good this feels. A simple smile could mean the world to that person. While there are many things you can do to create happiness each day, the important thing is that you know the mind is totally hackable; you are in control and can create the change you want to feel. Allowing yourself to be happy today will create a ripple effect to those around you. Give it a try! Install happiness into your days, allow yourself to be happy and show compassion and kindness to yourself and others > If you'd like to know more, call me on 0753 877 0142 or email: gpb@gabrielleprestonbanks.com Visit www.gabrielleprestonbanks.com Connect with me on Facebook or linkedIn

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Listen to our podcast with Gabrielle where she talks about her incredible therapy. 14

QueenBee magazine

I have a passion for helping others break free from what’s holding them back, enabling them to move forward to live their greatest life and achieve amazing personal growth. With love, Gabrielle Preston-Banks

Hope issue 2021


Free yourself from your past, create change in the present & live your greatest life Gabrielle's unique fusion of Rapid Transformational Therapy and Coaching creates powerful change and freedom in your life, permanently.

Let's chat

I'm ready to take your call and chat to you with compassion, kindness and confidentiality BOOK A FREE DISCOVERY CALL

Call: 0753 877 0142 Email: gpb@gabrielleprestonbanks.com

www.gabrielleprestonbanks.com 15


Home learning and the future of digital education By Rebecca Stephens, City Manager for Peterborough at CityFibre


hile home-working has been quietly on the rise for several years, the pandemic-driven shift to home-learning for students of all ages has been sudden and dramatic. Overnight, desks and classrooms became tablets and kitchen tables, creating new barriers and challenges nobody could have ever imagined or planned for. This has been incredibly tough for everyone – students, parents


QueenBee magazine

and teachers alike – with the stresses on all sides being shared widely in the news and on social media. A key reason for this is because the tools being used for homeschooling today weren’t ever meant to be used by the entire school roll all at the same time – nor as a replacement for in-person learning. As a result, teachers are spending their valuable time juggling IT troubleshooting and battling against buffering, Hope issue 2021


revealing a gaping divide between the haves and have nots when it comes to quality connectivity and ownership of school work-friendly devices. Learning at home using new and engaging digital tools should be an opportunity everyone can enjoy. Indeed, teacher groups have suggested that a blended approach combining athome and classroom-based learning could be here to stay. But is it fair that some areas have better connectivity and online experiences than others? If we’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s that broadband is as important as water and electricity to our everyday lives, and that we need to level up access if all our learners are to benefit from the nextgeneration of educational tools. This is why CityFibre is building a city-wide full fibre network that will bring almost every property in Peterborough within reach of the fastest, most reliable and highest capacity connectivity available. By doing so, local students accessing full fibre services can be assured of a seamless online learning experience.

We all learn differently, and in the classroom it is much easier for the teacher to adapt to different students’ needs. But, from home, a one-sizefits-all approach can exclude a lot of people. The good news is that digital technology has become a platform for the development of new approaches to learning that make it possible to personalise it to the students’ needs, capabilities and learning styles. This is why ‘EdTech’ has really taken off in the UK, with innovators seeing the pandemic as an opportunity to accelerate this unprecedented shift in the way we learn for good. Recent reports measure its growth at 72% during 2020 in the UK alone, citing augmented reality and digital classrooms as being the key areas of development. Of course, the success of innovations like these depend wholly on the infrastructure that supports them. Like charge points for electric cars and connected navigation systems for autonomous taxis, digital connectivity is a crucial enabler of these technological leaps in remote education and training Click here to read the full article

Future of education Besides connectivity, a second reason why many students have had a mixed experience of home-based learning is that they haven’t yet had the opportunity to try out more of the digital tools that are now emerging, and find one that suits them.

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Hope issue 2021



A digital revolution is coming to Peterborough! Be the first to get gigabit, full fibre broadband Register on our site cityfibre.com/queenbee #gigabitpboro @cityfibre

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Spring fashion It's been a season like no other, when runways were live-streamed without audiences and our going out clothes stayed firmly in our wardrobes. We can't wait for the time, in the not so distant future, to reaffirm the joy of dressing up in our best to make us feel our best. Comfort will remain key and I'm sure we'll still be wearing our bralettes! Spring trends include wide leg trousers, oversized blazers, floaty maxi dresses with trainers or boots and pretty pastel tones, with yellow popping up everywhere. We'll continue to see touches of sportwear - think satin skirts with hoodies or joggers teamed with chunky sandals. >

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Looking forward


By Michelle Abbott @maison_abbott

his ‘Hope’ issue is so appropriate in every way right now. But what do we hope for in terms of what we are wearing? We’ve spent months in loungewear, layered up in chunky knits, thermals and boots, but with Spring in sight, it’s time to shed some of those layers and look forward to some lighter, fresher outfits which echo the optimism we can now start to feel. I think, more than ever, women want to wear clothes which bring us joy, enhance confidence and fulfill a sense

of self. These are things that clothes should do for us, but after the last year it feels even more relevant and necessary that what we wear should make us feel happy. At the moment, we can't experience the thrill of the arrival of new season styles in stores, so online shopping remains the prevalent option. There is no reason why we can’t enjoy that feeling newness, sources of inspiration for the months ahead, a possible addition to the wardrobe and seeing what you already have that can be worn in different ways. What am I excited for? Colour, print and a bit of flamboyance! I want to wear the bright pink floral dress and skip along the road in the spring sunshine on my daily walk - just for the sheer pleasure of it. Heels and formal footwear are probably still slightly redundant (although there’s nothing wrong with looking forward to those occasions when we will wear them again) so consider a box fresh pair of trainers to sharpen your outfits, or try a pair of chunky sandals. As I mentioned, a dress, for me, is the statement piece which means spring is here. Go for a classic floral print, something which can be layered when chilly, but sing when worn on its own. >


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


Jumpsuits are a modern classic - they work for everyone if the fabric and cut is right. I love a full skirt with a simple tee tucked in for a nostalgic feminine look. We’ll still need some knitwear until it’s really warm, so consider something bright, maybe with a sleeve detail (puff sleeves are still a strong trend). Over the following pages I’ve chosen a few pieces that will inject some life into your wardrobe. Hopefully for the coming months we can enjoy the process of creating outfits which symbolise that most basic of emotions - hope

Michelle x

Suncoo Chelby Dress £75 (half price) atticofstamford.co.uk QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Yasalira Maxi Dress £75 • irisandviolet.shop

Made from organic cotton

Simasa Trainer £120 • vionicshoes.co.uk


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


Supersoft Crew Neck Jumper £15 • marksandspencer.com

Available in 17 colours

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Stone Denim Fabric Mix Mac £76.30 (sale price) • coastfashion.com


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


Navy Breton T £30 • ivyt.co.uk

Made from organic cotton

Gola Coaster Rainbow Stripe Faux Leather Trainers £50 • laredoute.co.uk

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



In Spring we start to think about lighter and brighter colours. Red and white are a classic combination that always look fresh together. This dress makes me think of sunshine and picnics with strawberries and cream. Statement collars and tracker sole boots continue the theme. If chunky boots aren’t your thing, opt for trainers instead and a lightweight shacket or trench for layering Rachel Marlow @fashionable_later

Tracy Midi Dress, £175 • kitristudio.com Zippered Low Heel Lug Sole Ankle Boots, £79.90 • Zara.com Radley Kissing Dogs Love Heart Cross Body Bag, £159 • Johnlewis.com Shirt Jacket, £24.99 • hm.com


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


The 70s vibe is still strong and this outfit has all the promise of Spring. Team some fresh trainers with a crisp blouse and add classic flares and a boho inspired bag. Everything is anchored together with a blazer for a clean silhouette Michelle Abbott @maison_abbott

Double-Breasted Piqué Blazer, £59.99 • Zara.com Fiona Tie Neck Shirt, £65 • boden.co.uk Flared High Waist Jeans, £65 • stories.com Rhoda Shoulder Bag, £198 • boden.co.uk Simasa Trainer, £120 • vionicshoes.co.uk

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Helen & Darren ...step out in style with a spring in their step @darrenkbranch @hptonhoney Photo credit @thesmartfellow


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


Helen left and below: Cream drop waist dress • F&F Tesco Lioness wyoming dad blazer in baby blue £40 (on sale) • Asos.com Chio western croc embossed boots £29.70 (on sale) • Asos.com Darren left: Levi's Light Wash Killebrew Denim Trucker Jacket £66.50 (on sale) • asos.com Chalk White AllSaints Kershaw Long Sleeved Henley Top £59 • johnlewis.com Beige Slim Fit Chinos £19.99 • hm.com Finley Leather Trainers White £120 • reiss.com Darren right: Polo Ralph Lauren Long Sleeve Slim Fit Denim Shirt £109 • johnlewis.com Black Skinny Chino Trousers £28 • riverisland.com

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Helen wears: Helene Berman volume sleeve short wool blend coat in cream, £142.10 (on sale) • asos.com Pure Cotton Oversized Long Sleeve Shirt, £25 • marksandspencer.com Reclaimed Vintage inspired chunky chain necklace in silver, £10 • Asos.com Boots: as previous Darren wears: as previous


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


HELEN'S TOP TIP: A classic, crisp white shirt is effortlessly chic. No matter what sort of budget or style you have, the white shirt is the ultimate wardrobe staple.

Georgie Quilted Bag £41.30 (on sale) • accessorize.com

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Lucy loves... By Lucy Rose Hanagan

Lucy Rose Hanagan is an international, award winning makeup and brow artist who is 100% vegan, cruelty-free and eco-friendly. In this issue, Lucy shares her top beauty products for Spring to keep yourself feeling and looking good. Rest assured that all products are cruelty free and vegan... LR Pro Studio • Microblading | LVL Lashes | Brow Lamination | Bridal Makeup Tel: 07594 029 993 Visit: www.lrprostudio.co.uk Bookings/enquiries: lucyhanagan@hotmail.com Check out Lucy's stunning work @lrpro_studio @lrprostudio1


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


Dr Paw Paw Tinted Peach Pink Balm Paw Paw has so many healing properties and at least 10 different uses - from being a moisturiser to a nappy cream, helping with skin irritations and even conditioning your hair - this is a MUST HAVE. It comes in a range of tinted colours so that you can try a brighter lip without committing to anything too bold. I love the pink and peach colours and you can use these on the cheeks as well as lips. I predict these shades will be huge this year!

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Dr. PAWPAW Tinted Peach Pink Balm • £3.95 – £6.95

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Illamasqua Precision Ink Sparkling Eyeliner To brighten up your entire face in a second, I recommend a sparkling eyeshadow or eyeliner. Illamasqua Precision Ink comes in various shades but ‘topaz’ is wearable and suits all eye colours. A subtle shimmer will not only make your eyes pop but when the light hits your gold Lacquered lids at the right angle, the pigments in this liner sparkle so beautifully - it will have you addicted!

20% OFF by using code

LFTFLUCYH at checkout

Illamasqua Precision Ink • £16.80


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021

BEAUTY Iconic London Sheer Cheek Blush • £18

Iconic London Sheer Cheek Blush My favourite 2021 spring trend is that pretty all over flush. Use Iconic London sheer cheek blush to blend a light pink blush on your cheeks, temples, across the bridge of your nose and brow bones. I love this creamy lightweight and long lasting formula- so incredibly natural. Tap into the skin with fingers for a quick look or use a powder brush to blend in if you have a bit more time.

20% OFF by using code

LFTFLUCYH at checkout

INIKA Certified Organic BB Cream Less is more! Real skin is everywhere and thank goodness! Throw aside that heavy matte foundation because we love to see pores, freckles and texture! I recommend INIKA Certified Organic BB Cream. This works as a moisturiser, primer and foundation all in one. It has incredible ingredients to help nurture your skin and provides a radiant, illuminated and filtered looking complexion whilst still controlling oils - making it suitable for all skin types. It will become a firm favourite!

QueenBee magazine

INIKA Certified Organic BB Cream • £30

Hope issue 2021



Control the light & shade in your home with beautiful shutters


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021




QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Transform your

living space By Lisé Gothard, Blinds For Your Home

Window shutters have become one of the most popular window dressings of choice due to their attractive, low-maintenance and simple method of dressing windows.


hutters are almost like a piece of customised furniture, meticulously crafted creating a stunning display of opulence and a window solution that will enhance any small, large, or awkwardly shaped window and door. They offer optimum light control by allowing you to control the amount of light into your room; you can adjust the angle of the shutters to help let in light without compromising your privacy. Choose to block out light completely by closing all the blades or enable light to flow freely through open blades. Available shutter options are Full Height, Tier-On-Tier, Café Style or a Sliding Track System. Full Height Designed to dress the full height of the window creating elegance. A functional, yet stylish feature for any home.


QueenBee magazine

Café Ideal for rooms where total privacy is not required. Café style shutters add an instant continental flavour as they are fitted to the lower section of the window. Tier-on-tier Using two sets of shutters, each tier can be operated independently offering ultimate light control, epitomising the look of understated luxury. Sliding Track The perfect solution for large windows, patio doors and room dividers. Shutter panels glide effortlessly across a discreet track system facilitating smooth operation. Shaped Shutters Shaped Shutter options can perfectly fit any window shape > Call on 07887 903688 or visit www.blindsforyourhome.co.uk. Hope issue 2021



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Shutters are almost like a piece of customised furniture, meticulously crafted creating a stunning display of opulence and a window solution that will enhance any small, large, or awkwardly shaped window and door. •M obile service - choose from our extensive range of styles and materials in the comfort of your home or office •W e offer a free, no-obligation consultation where we will fully assess and understand your window covering needs •W e cover Peterborough, Stamford, St Ives and surrounding areas

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Why now is the best time to start running Top tips by runner and physiotherapist Nazleen Reed, Ultimate Performance Lifestyle Ltd


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


I have been a regular runner in the past and have run for fun, completed half marathons and tough mudders, ran with a buddy and tried with a buggy. However, my running has been on pause over the last 2 years due to having two babies close together. I am keen to get back into it and understand how hard it is to get out for that first run! There are so many benefits to running and here I share my top 5 reasons:

1 2 3 4 5

ou'll burn calories fast. Need help losing that Y extra lockdown weight? Get running! You'll burn roughly 100 calories for each mile you run.1

It'll improve your wellbeing. Running will help with your mental health. It can control stress and boost the body's ability to deal with existing mental tension.2 I t's inexpensive! One of the great things about running is that it’s something that nearly everyone can afford. All you need is a pair of trainers and some running gear.

R unning helps you sleep. There is solid evidence that exercise does, in fact, help you fall asleep more quickly and will improve your sleep quality too.3

Boost your immune system. Running will boost white blood cells and antibodies, which are both important in your immune health and fighting off disease, which is so important right now.4


Depends on many variants: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/53/14/854.abstract 2 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032715314221 3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4341978/ 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095254618301005

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



As a Physiotherapist I know how important it is to start off gently so I have put together some great top tips for you to help you get started:

5. Run for fun! Don’t put pressure on yourself to run and reach a certain target as this can put you off the whole experience. Many years ago I was training for Peterborough’s half marathon and I felt so pressured to train that I got to the point where I wasn't enjoying it. Then one day I told myself there was no pressure to do the event and the next day I got up early and went out for my best run I had done in months - and I really enjoyed it.

1. If you are a beginner and have never ran before then the 'Couch to 5km' is a great method to use. It is a designed plan to introduce running to your body in a safe and controlled way. 2. Do some strength and conditioning exercises twice a week - this could be Pilates, Yoga or a gym session. Incorporating this type of exercise into your running plan will reduce risk of injury.5

Have I inspired you to put your trainers on and get out there? To help with your strength and conditioning exercises I have created a few videos “Pilates for runners” for you. They are just 10-15 minutes sessions to assist your body to keep strong and prevent injuries. Find them on our facebook page here: http://bit.ly/UPLPilatesForRunners

3. Eat 30 minutes before your run - something nutritious like fruit, malt loaf or oats. I often have a slice of peanut butter on toast. And you don't need loads of water - one glass will be just fine. 4. Try running without earphones and take in the scenery, noise and smells around you. For many years I ran to music, until one day I forgot my earphones and after the run I felt more relaxed and tranquil. Go on, try it!

> Email: contact@upl.life



Nazleen Reed Bsc (Hons) MCSP HCPC is a Charted Physiotherapist, Pilates Teacher, Founder & Director of UPL. Visit www.upl.life 44

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



When all else fails By Louisa Parr


received an email a few weeks ago from Kathryn, the Editor of QueenBee, advising me of the deadline for my contribution to the magazine. The theme for this issue, she informed me, was ‘Hope'. Quite apt I thought, given the state of the current global situation we find ourselves in.

quite frankly, nobody needs to be reminded of what it is that completely dominates our world at the moment or what has to be done in order to rid ourselves of this hideous virus!

So I spent several hours writing about Covid 19 and the devastation it is causing. I wrote about how as a nation we should all pull together to fight this unseen killer and such like. But after reading the final draft a few times, I realised that it was just dirge. It sounded lame and patronising and

According to the Oxford concise dictionary, it's definition reads as ‘a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen’, or not happen, whichever is relevant? Whatever the circumstances may be, we pin our dreams and aspirations upon it. Hope is full of optimism, a state of mind. It can

Instead, I decided to focus on the word, ‘Hope’ itself.

Nobody needs to be reminded of what it is that completely dominates our world at the moment or what has to be done in order to rid ourselves of this hideous virus! 46

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


be used as a verb - to want something to work out right, with our fingers crossed that it just might. Or as a noun - a person or place that is a source of hope. It can be an emotion too, when we literally feel hopeless or hopeful. It can evoke both sadness and happiness. Generally speaking though, hope is usually seen as the positive outcome of something we wish for, confident that in the end, goodness prevails.

But for now, we must continue forward with determination and resilience, the prerequisite to winning against Covid 19. We will never forget what we’ve endured or the dear people we have lost, but maybe in the not so distant future, when all this is over, we will be proud of how we coped in such unprecedented times and emerge stronger than ever... here’s hoping

This little four letter word has a lot to live up to, but it gives us reason to have faith in something, someone or even ourselves. Hope gives us a chance to hold on tightly to something tangible, to believe that everything will be OK in the end. It gives us a sense of purpose.

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



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Your horoscopes for Spring 2021.

Astrologer Katie Lancashire reveals what’s in store for you. Aries

Your family will have no objections to you pursuing an adventurous dream. Close relationships are more stable and secure and this will give you the confidence to achieve your goals.


News you hear will shed light on a long-term problem and will give you hope for the future. Past worries will be put behind you and you can look steadfastly ahead.



Foreign contacts in business can help you save face, time and money. Don’t be afraid to aim higher in work. New opportunities are just around the corner.

Activities and events that take you away from familiar places will pave the way for new experiences. Make time to enjoy and live your life to the fullest, rather than just existing.



Keep an eye out for an attractive face that can be found in the company of friends. This could be the beginning of a beautiful new chapter and adventure.


Friendships are fun and a relationship that has, up until now, been purely platonic could turn into romance if this is what you both want. Tread carefully with finances. Don’t splash out just yet.


Finally, money should be more liquid than usual, and you may be tempted to splash out to impress the new faces that are coming into your life - just don’t go overboard.


A course or source of learning opens up fantastic new opportunities. Pay attention to your finances and budget accordingly. If and when things start crowding in on you, a nature walk will help rejuvenate your spirits.


Your mental state at present is stronger than you think. You finally know what you want and where you are going. Don’t let minor disagreements turn into arguments, rise above them and hold your head up high.


We are all unique individuals and loving someone doesn't mean you always agree with each other - there are ways to reconcile your differences. Spend time perusing your goals and dreams, they are in touching distance now

An offer, award or recognition will fill your cup with confidence and optimism. Take any chance you get to expand your social and romantic boundaries.


Don’t wear yourself out with petty little issues, especially when your love life is waiting on the side-lines with so many very appealing offers! A new look or makeover beckons.

QueenBee magazine

Katie Lancashire, is an International Clairvoyant and Astrologer with over 25 years experience. For one to one readings or out of area phone readings call 01733 246426 or 07876 641453. Visit www.katielancashire.co.uk

Hope issue 2021






QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Is there life after divorce? By Paula Crowhurst - Polly Bloom Divorce & Separation Coach

Paula Crowhurst, owner of Polly Bloom The Divorce & Separation Coach, is passionately committed to helping you find ways to overcome the pain of separation, so that you can let go of your ex and move forward with your life. In this 'Hope' issue of QueenBee, Paula talks about life after divorce...


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



es there certainly is an exciting future ahead of you, so long as you are head smart as opposed to being head strong! How do you move on after divorce? No matter who ends the relationship, or when, the idea of going solo can look bleak and frightening. It is important to learn to adapt and to remember that there is light to every darkness, highs to every low and solutions to every challenge. In the midst of my own divorce, I didn’t believe anyone when they told me that I would go on to have a happy and fulfilling life. That said, I always held on to my ‘rope of hope’ as I didn’t want to allow the feeling of despair to creep into my way of thinking. I didn’t want to lay down and give up. I told myself that this would soon pass and I was determined to get through it. I had to let go of what was and move on to what is. After talking, allowing myself to grieve, releasing the anger and setting myself small goals, I began to start planning ahead. I was determined that my divorce would not define me. I started to change my mindset, so that positive thinking became a habit, and noticed changes in me both physically and mentally. I grew in confidence, no longer feeling so afraid, and my self-esteem began to blossom. I was no longer a victim, I was a survivor. Happiness is key to rebuilding your life. Weigh up the importance of money versus health. You can’t play tug of QueenBee magazine

war with someone that doesn’t pick up the rope; in other words, choose to be happy rather than always trying to win in what is, for most, the war of divorce. Learn to let it go. Rather than staying stuck, commit to becoming independent and resourceful. Take control of your life by being confident and self-reliant. When you feel ready and the time is right, look to increase your earnings either by increasing your hours at work, changing your job and/or obtaining an additional qualification. There are so many on-line courses and opportunities for further professional development. What are your skills, where do your talents lie? Your future is bright and exciting, so long as you focus on the road ahead and stop looking back in the rear view mirror > If you are struggling with your break-up or divorce please contact me for an initial, free 20 minute consultation. Covid-19 online sessions are available. Tel: 07809 140740 pb@divorceseparationcoach.co.uk www.divorceseparationcoach.co.uk

Rather than staying stuck, commit to becoming independent and resourceful. Take control of your life by being confident and self-reliant. Hope issue 2021



Divorce or separation coaching can help you: ü Stop the pain of heartbreak ü Manage conflict & find resolution ü Empower your children to cope ü Boost your confidence & self-esteem ü Create a new exciting future ü Start to feel happy again!

"If you are struggling emotionally with your break-up and divorce and would like help with the problems keeping you awake at night, please contact me. I guarantee immediate relief from the tsunami of emotions you are feeling.”

Need to talk? Call Paula for a free

20 minute consultation on 01371 831376 p b @ d i vo r c e s e p a ra t i o n c o a c h . c o . u k • d i vo r c e s e p a ra t i o n c o a c h . c o . u k

Listen to our podcast with Paula where we discuss the grief cycle during divorce (click here to listen on apple or search QueenBee Talks wherever you find your podcasts)


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



If you only carry one thing throughout your entire life, let it be hope. Let it be hope that better things are always ahead. Let it be hope that you can get through even the toughest of times. Let it be hope that you are stronger than any challenge that comes your way. Let it be hope that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now, and that you are on the path to where you are meant to be... because during these time, hope will be the very thing that carries you through. Nikki Banas

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Starting your new business... Expert advice from LeeP Accountants By Polly Lee, LeeP Accountants

Here at LeeP we have seen a growth of new businesses starting up as people spend their time at home (between bouts of home-schooling) reflecting on the future and making life-plans an exciting reality. With this in mind, LeeP have compiled some handy guidance on how to start a new business the right way...


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Hope issue 2021



ou’ve talked to family and friends, decided that your business is viable and that you’re going to press on. Congratulations!

• Sign up to Quickbooks from the start – it’s currently at £3/month from https://quickbooks.intuit.com/uk/ pricing/. Get some training on how to use it. LeeP offer training at £99+VAT

Most people’s thoughts then turn to marketing and getting their first sale; however, it is important to not let the less “sexy” processes slip. These include:

• Be aware of the deadlines! The tax year end is 5th April 2021 – if you have earned any self employed income between 6th April 2020 and 5th April 2021 then you will need to prepare a tax return.

• Decide on a business structure. Here at LeeP, we always recommend you start as simple as possible, so start as a sole-trader unless you have other reasons for setting up as a different business structure. • Register as self employed with HMRC and get issued a Unique Tax-payer Reference here www.gov.uk/register-for-selfassessment/self-employed. • Open up a separate bank account to use for business. Try not to intermingle personal and business expenditure. If you need to inject funds into the business then use the description fields in the bank text and call it “start up funds”. When taking money out (as a sole trader) call it “Drawings.”

• Keep receipts for everything. Even assets that you had before you became self employed can save you tax, so keep receipts for everything. • Appoint an accountant. Some people may choose to prepare their tax returns themselves or wait until April to appoint one. If you instruct one from the start they can give you the real time guidance and “hand-holding” when you need it. > LeeP Accountants – not your average accountant! Tel: 01733 699033 Visit: www.leepfinancial.com

Polly, our PwC qualified chartered accountant gives sound business and financial guidance along with advice on how to best run your business. It’s a “financial arm around you when you need it.”

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Time for re-evaluation:

how the pandemic has given us the chance to live our best lives yet By Michelle Begy, Matchmaker & Head Hunter, Ignite Dating


The last year has been filled with doom and gloom. With three National lockdowns under our belt and numerous restrictions on our everyday lives, it is easy to feel disheartened by the ongoing situation.


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owever, despite the disruption and uncertainty COVID-19 has also given us time to reevaluate our lives and make some changes in the best possible way. The introduction of lockdowns, lack of commuting and inability to go out has meant that we have had a lot more time on our hands – and people have come up with creative ways to spend it. Some have focused on their health and wellbeing, others have learnt new skills or taken up new hobbies and most have spent time considering what they really want from life and moved forward with a renewed focus. From entrepreneurial moments resulting from redundancies to more quality time spent with our families, the pandemic has shifted our perception and given us a deeper gratitude for the little things that are really important to us and the courage to try new things – and our relationships are no different.

Thanks in no small part to technology, there are now a multitude of apps and platforms available to communicate with family, friends and even potential partners. Whether you choose to spend your evenings on the phone or texting or you take part in a virtual class or an online game together, those initial conversations are building strong foundations for your relationship. Not only that, but the memories that you make virtually will give you plenty of good talking points for when you do finally get to meet in person. While the pandemic may have changed how we live our lives at the moment, it has also forced us to take a leap of faith and have the courage to level up and achieve the life we have always wanted > For more info visit www.ignitedating.co.uk or call Michelle on 0333 366 0640.

Dating agencies and apps have seen an enormous influx in people signing up for their services, as those that may not have been so serious about settling down into a serious relationship before discovered a new sense of commitment to finding love and companionship during these strange times. There’s no denying that as human beings the toughest part of the pandemic has been the isolation from those closest to us. But despite the restrictions and the inability to see people in person, our relationships have gotten stronger.

QueenBee magazine

Michelle Begy is the Managing Director and founder of Ignite Dating who handpick suitable potential matches, verifying their identity and interviewing them extensively before introducing them to you!

Hope issue 2021



How online baby and toddler classes are proving a lifeline to young families in lockdown. By Kursty Morrison - TinyTalk, Baby Signing, Toddler Talking

Imagine being housebound with a baby or toddler, day and night, for months on end. That has been the reality for thousands of young families during this health crisis lockdown. Not being able to socialise, or have the support from their friends and families, has been tough.


aving a baby can be hard at the best of times. It's exhausting, with limited sleep. It's overwhelming, not knowing what you're doing and being away from others can be extremely lonely.


Loneliness can have a serious impact on mental health, leading to depression, stress, anxiety, and feeling unable to cope. Then add on a lockdown...

difficult concepts, such as sharing and turn-taking! Adults forge new friendships, 'all in it together', as they navigate this exciting but challenging new time in their lives. They realise they're not alone, that others are going through it too, with similar experiences. This all leads to positive parenting; everyone doing their best to raise their children. Social interaction, and connecting with others is key.

Young families need interaction with others! Socialising develops important life-skills for children, playing with others and learning

Usually there is a plethora of baby and toddler classes out there, with baby signing, singing, dancing, swimming, massage and art all on offer! >

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Hope issue 2021


Singing, in particular, is proved to benefit post-natal depression significantly, releasing natural happy endorphins. Baby signing allows parents to understand their children long before they're able to talk, relieving parents of the frustration from 'guesswork' and giving babies a means to express themselves. Just spending time with other parents and carers, connecting over shared experiences, improves well-being. In this current health crises, the world has turned upside down. However, many classes have gone online and the very best ones are live and interactive. They provide all the fun of a face-to-face class, but from the comfort of your own home. If the camera is turned off (or even if it isn't) you can take part in your pyjamas! TinyTalk Baby Signing wants to give everyone a big boost through this lockdown! We've got 4 free sessions of mini-classes, bedtime stories and late- night lullabies every week, all free and on our YouTube channel: the 'TinyTalk Video Hub'. > TinyTalk North Peterborough, Stamford and Oundle. Tel: 07731866718. Email: kurstym@tinytalk.co.uk. www.tinytalk.co.uk

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Spendorous Spring! By Teddi the Drag Queen @teddi957

Hello my loves. Another issue, another few months have passed and what a different world we are living in. As they say, art imitates life and as this issue of QueenBee is all about hope I do feel that the world has a lot more hope than before. 62

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ust like those many fantasy films where the heroine wins the day, we are on the precipice of getting back to what our lives were before, which for me was mostly hugging people, singing, hosting events and, of course, being able to meet friends and family. This past year really has been a blur. Some high points, some low points and at sometimes it felt impossible to even get out of bed, to work, write or be creative in any way. This challenged us all to stick to rules, which some have, and some have not. It challenged our point of view on what is essential, what is important and what is acceptable.

at the beginning of the year seemed impossible. The prospect of a year without live events forced me to push my boundaries and luckily, I have been successful, as so many others have too. So my parting statement is - to those who pushed themselves in whatever they have done (this includes getting out of bed in the morning and showering, well done!) - congratulations! We all deserve a break and with hope we will be able to move forward from this perceived impossible situation into one of splendour

But look at what hope has done! We have, as a human race, produced a vaccine that could save millions, we have fund raised millions of pounds to fund our hospitals and we have started to fight injustices. We have started conversations, whereas before we would not have. We have changed perceptions, and fought for those that couldn’t. We have called out those that needed to be and we have lost loved ones. We have also accepted behaviour that I truly do not think we would have before. We have judged when we shouldn't have, we have bent the rules and made excuses when we shouldn't have. For me, I am incredibly hopeful for the future. The vaccine is on the way and at the point of writing this has reached over 10 million people, which

QueenBee magazine

Listen to our podcast with Teddi Hope issue 2021



Burn more calories

with a HIIT workout It’s never too late to reignite that fitness spirit and reach your goals. Don’t wait for another January, or another Monday to get started. Take control and start now! > By Tola Macaulay, TMacLife Ltd


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



ove it or loathe it, exercise has been scientifically proven to positively affect both our bodies and our brains. It helps shape and tone muscles, improve mobility as well as providing mood boosting hormones. But did you know that you can burn far more calories and target your fat stores by doing a shorter High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session than you would during an hour-long run? Following a HIIT workout, you can burn calories for up to 24-hours after you’ve done! The intense exertion of a 20–30-minute HIIT session will also kick the body’s repair cycle into hyperdrive. However, motivating yourself to complete a workout can sometimes be harder than a session itself, especially right now when we’re spending so much time alone or with the same people. But it doesn’t have to be difficult – in fact, forming new habits and falling in love with exercise couldn’t be easier with the new TMacLife Female Fitness Brunch. Held on the third Saturday of every month from 12-1pm, ladies of all ages and at any stage of their

fitness journey get together, not simply to get fit, but to also address issues specific to women's health in the form of a fun workshop. The brunch culminates with a discussion held by a specialist guest host. Attendees also receives a goody bag full of healthy snacks and treats, exclusive TMacLife discounts and a customised brunch workout menu. The next TMacLife Female Fitness Brunch will be held on February 27th with the theme ‘HIIT, no Equip’ which looks at how you can target those fat stores and burn calories without the need for gym equipment, making it perfect for you to continue while gyms remain closed. > For tickets, click on this link: www.TMacLife.com/events

On the next page you can get your heart pumping with my quick HIIT Cardio Pyramid workout... you'll feel pumped for the rest of the week! >

Tola Macaulay BSc MSTA MSMA is Clinical Director at TMacLife Ltd. Tola offers Sports Therapy & Personal Training Services in and around Peterborough as well as hosting inspiring monthly Female Fitness Brunches. Visit www.TMacLife.com or call 0330 043 2326. QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Follow my examples and get your heart pumping with this quick HIIT Cardio Pyramid: • 50 pop squats • 40 high knees • 30 mountain climbers • 20 star jumps Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat 3-5 times

Providing exercise and injury rehabilitation, Peterborough based TMacLife sees health from a holistic point of view. Tola’s extensive background in Sports Therapy and Personal Training gives her all the tools to help women of all ages stay on track with their own personal health goals. > Visit TMacLife.com

Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise programme, especially if you have not been active for some time and/or have any underlying health issues or are pregnant.

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021




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How to 'Train in the Rain' By Yaba Afful-Logotse, Afful Health & Fitness Ltd

In January I moved to my beautiful heritage - Ghana. It was really tough moving with 2 young children during a pandemic, but I’m so happy to be back here and am enjoying the sunshine (sorry QueenBee readers!). You can find out more about my move on my YouTube Channel 'Ghana Bound' by clicking here.


he great thing about QueenBee being an online magazine at the moment means it doesn’t matter where I am in the world, I can still contribute! So I am looking forward to continuing to share with you my fitness advice and videos. As I sit here on a beautiful sunny day in Ghana, the clouds suddenly go dark and I'm watching torrential rain. After about fifteen minutes of witnessing my laundry get soaked (yes I really didn't want to go out there to grab it), the sun broke through the clouds and shone as if nothing had happened. The Storm had passed. Needless to say, the last months have been stormy for many, in such different ways. The psychological, emotional, financial and physical struggles that we've faced has no doubt brought about a feeling of hopelessness in some.

Speaking of our Physical Activity specifically, the changes have been dramatic. I mean, they closed the gyms and kindly asked us to stay in our houses for weeks. Inevitably, we ate more and moved less. Let me encourage you now more than ever, that there is hope after the storm. Developing and maintaining a healthy routine means being willing to adapt, in spite of our circumstances. You know the saying “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” My extension of that is to 'Train in the Rain!' > Visit www.teamafful.online

Yaba Afful-Logotse BSc is Director at Afful Health & Fitness Ltd offering online Personal training, tailored workout plans, nutrition planning and health education. Visit www.affulhf.com or call 07956 494 821. Find Yaba on instagram @yaba_self_love. 68

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H igh Intensity Interval training. Just do 10 minutes to lower your blood pressure, reduce stress and boost your metabolism.

Here's my 4 HOPE steps to rebuild your healthy habits and regain that happiness

O nce a day. Repetition is the mother of skills. Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick. Try committing to thirty days to start with.

ractice gratitude. Keeping the mind in a positive P state empowers you to battle negative thoughts. Simply say the things you are truly grateful for.

at foods that stimulate serotonin in the brain E (feel good hormones) such as lentils, salmon, turkey, nuts and seeds, pineapple, tofu and soy.

Hello from Ghana! Ready to get moving? Let’s Go! QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Peterborough Matters News from the historic cathedral city of Peterborough

Peterborough Matters is the newest community news site for Peterborough city. Since launching a year ago, Peterborough Matters - which was created by Archant, the publishers of the Hunts Post and Wisbech Standard, with backing from Google - has gone from strength to strength. >


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



n its first twelve months the site has gained more than 16,000 Facebook followers, plus another 3,000 across Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok. Across Peterborough we've spoken to medical staff, teachers, parents, entrepreneurs, sports stars, council leaders, artists, and many others, as we've tried to cover the COVID crisis and how people have coped. But we've also looked at many other aspects of city life, and have written hundreds of thousands of words, filmed hours of video, and enjoyed many a conversation to reflect what the people of Peterborough care about. We've featured stories covering everywhere from Yaxley to Stamford and Warmington to Flag Fen. The editorial team of four features ex-staff from backgrounds as varied as the Daily Star, newspapers in India, and Vivacity, but the quartet all share a passion for the city. One of our reporters even made the shortlist for local news in the British Journalism Awards for 2020.

a difficult time for all of us. Part of that is perhaps because we reflected the stories that weren't being told, in ways that hadn't been used before. "We're positive that if and when things return to normal you will see us out and about, at events and cafes, meetings and new businesses, and getting to know the people who make the city what it is. "We're planning live events, editorial 'take-overs', and a very different way of covering sport, so hopefully we will continue to make a real mark when circumstances allow." > To read more of the latest news and local stories, visit www.peterboroughmatters.co.uk. If you'd like to get involved you can follow us on social media by searching for Peterborough Matters, or get in touch at info@peterboroughmatters.co.uk.

People have described the Peterborough Matters website as fresh and easy to read, with a combination of shorter and longer stories and bright pictures and videos. And our daily email newsletter is now eagerly received by thousands of people at 4pm, with ten top stories from across the day. 2021 promises to be a busy year for Peterborough and chief reporter John Baker said:

"The support we have received from the people of Peterborough has been fantastic through what has been QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Peterborough Matters to us Peterborough Matters is the new website for the people and businesses of Peterborough, telling your stories and reporting on issues that affect all corners of our city’s diverse communities. Our Peterborough-based team of reporters share local stories every day, including breaking news, events, entertainment, sports, business features, and many more.

So if Peterborough Matters to you, visit www.peterboroughmatters.co.uk today



Hope issue 2021


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Monday 12th April 2021 By Kai of P’kai Hair

The date that hairdressers and barbers have all been waiting for, when we can get back to work after the third national lockdown.


fter four months of what seems to have resembled hibernation, most of us are emerging into the spring looking like we have metamorphosed into a Yeti! Our locks have overgrown, roots have revealed our secrets and the hair ends have splits on the splits. Us hairdressers are so looking forward to getting back behind our chairs and doing what we love best; to make you look and feel amazing again. After receiving the news that we will be able to re-open in April, our inbox and Facebook messages have gone off the scale as we make new appointments. It is going to be an amazingly busy time for us and if it's anything like coming back from the previous lockdowns, we will be suffering from bad backs, sore fingers and aching legs while we try and accommodate everyone. That said, the reason we love what we do and one of our largest parts of our job satisfaction 74

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is seeing the joy and confidence it brings you when your hair is looking great. The moment we put our brushes down and show you the back with a mirror, we always wait in anticipation for those three glorious words “I love it”. After the first lockdown in 2020 I predicted clients having complete restyles and cutting their hair into new styles. How wrong I was! Most of you had actually loved the chance to be able to grow your hair and just needed it shaped a little. We also thought we would be inundated with colour corrective work as people turned to box dyes. However, we only had to correct a few as you were really patient and waited for us to open. There were definitely inventive ways of covering the roots, like the use of hats, scarves and how the hair was styled or parted on top to disguise them. We wait in anticipation to see what we are faced with again! Hope issue 2021


When you return back to the salon, spend a few minutes consulting with your stylist to discover some new options. After all, we are hopefully coming out of our final lockdown in the season of hope and growth, Spring. At Pkai Hair, we are feeling really positive about the future. As doors close, other open. During this lockdown we have made the decision to close our Westgate Arcade salon in Peterborough and consolidate with our other two salons at Hampton and Market Deeping. This has been on the cards for some time as we now prepare the plans for our new venture at the new Fletton Quays development due to complete a bit later in 2021. We are so excited about this new space and what we will be able to offer there. All will be revealed in due course! Sending you all positive vibes and bundles of HOPE!

Photo by Kai at Pkai Hair

> www.pkai.co.uk

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



The “Smart” (sustainable) Way By James Fordham, writer & copywriter

"From tea to toothpaste, docs to socks, we know what we have and we know where to find it" James Fordham tells us why he appreciates being married to a 'smart' declutterer.


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



n recent years, the word “smart” has taken on different meanings. If you google it, you’ll see that the word 'smart' is traditionally used to describe something clean, tidy, or well-presented. But recently new versions have crept into our language that weren’t there a few years ago: smart working, smart meters, smart industry, smart speed cameras – what these terms all have in common is that they start with the objective of doing something more efficiently, to optimise the resources and time at your disposal, to avoid waste and wasted time. Spend time more productively, get more out of your resources, lower your costs. So, our house is definitely smart, according to the old definition as well as the new.

Organised Storage - from Tea to Toothpaste, from Docs to Socks So yes, now I am being forced to spend time at home, I appreciate being married to a “smart” declutterer. Firstly, I know where everything is. Conchi The Home Coach’s organisation and storage solutions are clear to see in every room of the house. In the kitchen, everything has its place and spices, tea, coffee, jams (to name but a few) are all carefully arranged and labelled. Where once I used to waste endless time searching for clothes – cricket socks, my infrequently used white sweater, winter coats – now my wardrobe has been decluttered I find things quickly and easily. My stress levels have come down accordingly. From tea to toothpaste, docs to socks, we know what we have and we know where to find it. The result is that we don’t buy more than we need, or waste valuable time finding it. Everything has its rightful place and simple storage solutions mean surfaces are uncluttered, unfussy. >

Now my wardrobe has been decluttered I find things quickly and easily. My stress levels have come down accordingly. QueenBee magazine

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“Smart” (sustainable) Style The longer Covid-19 keeps me here, the more I appreciate my surroundings. I feel at home. Our house is well-organised, yes, but Conchi also has the knack for injecting her unique Italian style in our home interior on a budget. Valued objects from our shared past have been carefully combined with new, or have been given a new life, either by being completely re-purposed, or by being carefully placed in a new setting. In the lounge, for example, one of Conchi’s dated smart tops has been 78

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converted into a unique lampshade cover and fabric from good quality tops and sweaters have been upcycled to create personalised cushion covers (above). Glossy cover books have been piled up to function as a side table to place a lamp on, giving them a new purpose and space. In our dining room, the front covers of an Italian magazine featuring a local artist’s paintings have been cut out and tastefully placed in coordinated monochrome frames alongside our daughter’s artwork from junior school. Fine art on a budget. > Hope issue 2021


Conchi’s unique lampshade, converted from one of her old tops.

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Hope issue 2021




Click here to claim your FREE decluttering PDF

For me, that’s the essence of “smart”, optimising the space and the objects you have to get the best possible result. And more importantly we are conscious that the less we waste the better for the environment! Remember that Conchi has launched a remote decluttering coaching & styling service, so you can adopt her techniques, tips and processes safely online! > Conchi’s aim is to make you fall in love with your home, to make it a happy place where you can have clarity of mind, be in control and feeling blissful. Tel: +44 79224 54487 enquiries@conchithehomecoach.co.uk www.conchithehomecoach.co.uk

Do any areas in your living or work space need decluttering, organising and styling? Conchi The Home Coach is here to help! She offers a confidential, professional decluttering and interior styling service, either on site or on line. • Decluttering & Organising any room • Office filing organisation • Room makeover • Pre-sale house staging • Downsizing (senior specialist) • FREE CONSULTATIONS available •

Visit www.conchithehomecoach.co.uk Tel +44 79224 54487 @conchithehomecoach



Confidential, bespoke, one to one weightloss support, now with zero-contact and free delivery to your door. I am supporting so many men and women to lose their lockdown weight and get ready to head back to work again. If your clothes are feeling a little snug and you can't face shopping for a whole new wardrobe... I can help.

Georgette QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021

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Shared by Georgette Louis


The nation’s diet and wellbeing motivations for 2021 have been revealed...

he 1:1 Diet commissioned research revealed exactly what Brits will be prioritising this coming year following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. What did they find out? Research commissioned by The 1:1 Diet has revealed that weight loss and exercise top the table yet again when it comes to goal setting for the year ahead. However, many of us are also looking at other priorities, including mental wellbeing (37%) and saving money (36%) – showing the real impact of the pandemic. We know that Brits gained at least 11 pounds in weight by the end of last year. Despite this, The 1:1 Diet helped more than 114,000 people buck the trend and lose weight during 2020, with an impressive 1.8 million pounds lost in total!

with 20% confessing that COVID-19 has shown them the importance of being a healthy weight. Women showed a particular determination to set goals, with almost one in five revealing the COVID-19 pandemic has changed their outlook, and they are now more driven to make positive changes in their life. On the next page I offer some tips, tricks and information to help you start, stick with and achieve your diet and weight loss goals, despite the continued restrictions. I hope that 2021 will still turn out to be a much better year! >

The research shows a third of us are more likely to adopt a diet or exercise programme to lose weight in 2021, 82

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The top five goals for 2021: 1. Exercising more 2. To lose weight 3. Look after my mental wellbeing 4. Saving more money 5. Spending more time with friends and family

It’s important to put a strategy in place to ensure healthy habits and a positive mindset are instilled from the get-go:

Weight gain for people was completely understandable because 2020 was such a tough year. However, it is encouraging to see so many people wanting to focus on bettering their health in 2021, and that includes their mental wellbeing.

3. E at foods high in protein and fibre to help you stay fuller for longer

1. T ry to plan your meals and the times you eat each day to limit the chances of reaching for snacks 2. Limit your sugary drink intake

> For more info contact Georgette. Tel: 07764 444235. Email: dietwithadifference@gmail.com

https://www.one2onediet.com/GeorgetteL https://m.me/One2OneDietwithGeorgette



Spring refresh for your home By Darren Green fro m Homecare by Attica


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



don't know about you, but during this lockdown, staring at four walls has had a pretty profound effect on my wife. Notably the urge to find and address every little job around the house that I have been putting off for the last 5 years! I'm not the kind of person to leave an urgent job, but lockdown has been a good time to reflect, re-evaluate and possibly recharge the batteries. I was perplexed by the list that was in front of me; painting walls, clearing gutters and even moving radiators; that's without the usual tasks like cleaning windows, cutting grass and yes, homeschooling! So we've divided the jobs between us painting for one, and clearing gutters for the other. The homeschooling can wait - grab a paint brush kids! So we're in our scruffs, rushing left, right and centre to get the house ship shape. Then a moment of calm when we wonder what's all this for? Why do we suddenly have an Amazon special delivery filled with stuff to revamp the house when we're locked down and no one will appreciate our efforts? We pause for a cup of tea and realise that we're doing it for the next phase, the next chapter, where we can relax with friends and family in our revamped home, enjoying the fun and laughter that it brings.

This is being mirrored in the enquiries we're receiving at the moment. Home owners are keen and motivated for refurbishment. This could be for themselves or to maximise the property's value. My team have been busy thinking of an array of cost effective ideas to help you refresh your home and here are few examples: • Replace your worktop and splashback in your kitchen for a new looking kitchen! •R eplacing internal doors makes your hall instantly more inviting. • Change a standard radiator for vertical or styled radiator, for that contemporary feel. •D amp bathroom? Upgrade or install an extractor fan. •R enew the bath or shower silicone seal. •C hange socket face plates for instant plug appeal. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your ideas with the team for free, no obligation advice. We work closely with homeowners, landlords and affiliated trades to recommend the best for you. We can't wait to see what spring has in store for us all > Visit atticahomecare.co.uk

When we can put the worry aside, knowing that we put the effort in now to enjoy a better future.

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



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Hope issue 2021


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Emma Advice and guidance on real life issues

Emma Humphrey is a wellness and personal development coach and our amazing QueenBee advice columnist! Her mission is to support individuals through coaching to be well, feel well and live well, whatever that may look like to them, through making changes in life, career, mind and body. 88

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


Q: I’m feeling hopeless about when this pandemic might end and when things will start to feel normal again. I feel trapped not being able to plan or look forward to anything and it’s becoming quite difficult to want to get out of bed in the morning. How can I change my mindset? A: There’s no doubt about it, the last year has felt like one long, hard, marathon with no finish line. It is no surprise this has brought with it an entire host of emotions to join us whilst we dip up and down on the Coronacoaster.

Many of us will have been experiencing challenging feelings; for some it will have been worry about falling ill. For others, it has been feeling trapped by the restrictions or, like you, feeling hopeless about not knowing when life can start to return to normal.

There is a big world out there and in time, you will be able to experience it fully again. QueenBee magazine

Undoubtedly, there will be still be challenges to come and your ability to hold on to hope will be crucial in keeping yourself feeling well over the coming weeks and months. There is no better time to lean in to hope, always remembering that the vaccine is here and every single day is a day closer to where you want to be. One useful thing we can all do right now is to focus on each day in front of us. I absolutely love to plan ahead usually, but it feels much better to focus on a few small, but satisfying, things we want to get out of each day; to take a walk outside, to have a bath, to complete a work project and so on. Practicing gratitude can also help to make things feel brighter – writing a daily journal of what we are thankful for helps us to start looking out for even the smallest things that bring us joy. Turning off the news can also be a big help. It’s been a long slog of news, perhaps now is a good time to limit time with it and just hold on to the vaccine hope. The daily updates can certainly make life feel like groundhog day. Let some fresh air in, take some time to stare at the sky. There is a big world out there and in time, you will be able to experience it fully again. Things might feel hard now, but we must remember this won’t last forever, it is only temporary > Send Emma your question: hello@emmahumphreycoaching.com www.emmahumphreycoaching.com

Hope issue 2021



One step forward... Being Me, Being Mum. Ups, downs, trying and getting there… By Bianca Liguori


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


The days are starting to draw out, the sun is beginning to shine more and there’s a slight feeling of hopefulness in the air. The worst of winter is over and that can only mean one thing... Spring (and a new baby!) are on the way!


here are many changes that have happened over the last few months and the further lockdowns have been as challenging as ever. There’s been nowhere to go, no one to see and no escape. The one thing we do have is hope that this will all begin to change in the near future. We’re a long way out of this but there’s that little ray of sun just trying to get through giving me hope. Spring also brings many things to look forward to. Despite the continued difficulties of working from home with a lively toddler exploring boundaries each day, I am ever grateful to have this extra time to watch my little one learn and grow. The house continues to be a mess and there are toys on every inch of floor, but seeing his little face throughout each day just brings happiness. And in the next few weeks I will cherish this time together just that little bit more, as it will be our last few weeks of ‘just us’ before our new little arrival this Spring.

QueenBee magazine

It’s already a rollercoaster of emotion just being pregnant and having a toddler, but this new beginning that's about to happen is a reminder of all the love and happiness that there can be. It’s an exciting time to welcome a baby into the world, despite the world not actually being at it’s best right now. Of course there are the usual anxieties, as well as the day to day safety of being in a global pandemic. Where there is a worry that something might not go right or might not be easy, there is also always a hope that things will go right and will go smoothly. It’s important to remind myself of this especially as late pregnancy insomnia kicks in and I find myself thinking of every possible negative in the early hours of the day. So here we are… getting ready for spring, getting ready for a new addition to my family and getting ready for a hopeful future, where we can begin to make more memories and (hopefully) share them with our loved ones > Read more of Bianca's blogs at being-mum.com

Hope issue 2021



The show

Thomas Byron Photography

must go on...


QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021


By Becky Owen-Fisher

Spring is here and everything is starting to feel hopeful. It’s been a tough year for theatre, but also a very innovative one. A lot of live entertainment is available online and as the weather gets warmer, and the evenings get longer, I think we’ll see outdoor performances starting to pop up around the city!


There’s something so incredibly joyful about experiencing live theatre, even, we’ve discovered, online. Watching the tension, the drama, the comedy, all in the knowledge that it’s happening live in front of you is a unique experience; the show can’t be edited, there’s no re-shooting. >

Thomas Byron Photography

t’s hard to give a list of recommendations for this issue as things are ever changing and we don’t know where we’ll be in a few weeks, let alone months. So instead, I’d like to chat about theatre and hope.

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021



Every beautiful or shocking moment that you experience from your seat is one of a kind, it will never be completely replicated again. I think it’s a really personal experience when you create a connection like that with the performers on stage. It’s this spectacular but also delicate feeling that gives me hope. I am so proud to be part of an industry that has found a way to keep performing online, outdoors, in living rooms, on Zoom and from empty theatres during the pandemic. We’re still making those special connections and that’s where the magic of theatre is. It won’t be put out easily. I think I can speak on behalf of the whole industry when I say we can’t wait to perform again in front of 94

QueenBee magazine

live audiences, as soon as it’s safe to do so. Keep yours eyes open for announcements and updates from The Key Theatre, The New Theatre, The Cresset, Stamford Arts Centre, The Undercroft, Peterborough Mask Theatre, Jumped Up Theatre, and Peterborough Operatic and Dramatic Society over the next few months. Also, I just want to mention Lamphouse Theatre’s latest project, BLOCKBUSTER. Over the next few months Lamphouse are going to be making a blockbuster movie live on stage and they’d love you to join in! They’re going to be offering a series of workshops that you can take part in from the comfort of your home, including singing, puppetry, illustration and acting. Keep an eye out on their website and social media for all the info lamphousetheatre.co.uk/blockbuster Hope issue 2021


QueenBee Talks Our podcast dives into topics that matter to women from all walks of life, while sharing thoughtful discussions and personal stories. From relationships and motherhood to careers and wellness, no subject is off limits... tune in as we investigate, discuss and really dig in on what matters to women. We are your dose of inspiration, insight, and humour! Please listen, rate and subscribe

QueenBee magazine

Hope issue 2021




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Hope issue 2021


Our team Publishing Editor Kathryn Grace kath@queenbeemagazine.co.uk t: 07738 920331 Accounts Charlene Bryant sales@queenbeemagazine.co.uk t: 07368 525389 Design Slinky Design kath@slinkydesign.co.uk Advertising enquiries kath@queenbeemagazine.co.uk


Contributors: A huge thank you to the following peeps for their help, support and contributions in this issue: Michelle Begy, Yaba AffulLogotse, Tola Macaulay, Polly Lee, Michelle Abbott, Bianca Liguori, Edward Smith, Helen Green, Darren Branch, Nazleen Reed, Rachel Marlow, Lucy Rose Hanagan, Georgette Louis, Becky Owen-Fisher, Edward Smith, Emma Humphrey, Darren Green, Gabrielle PrestonBanks, Conchi The Home Coach, Rebecca Stephens, Lisé Gothard, Paula Crowhurst, Louisa Parr, Katie Lancashire, Kursty Morrison and AVIDD Design.

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Meet Charlene

Charlene is the QueenBee engine, busy working in the background to ensure accounts and paperwork are up to date! Contact Charlene for payments or invoice enquiries on sales@queenbeemagazine.co.uk Hope issue 2021



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Why advertise with QueenBee? Our community of fashion, beauty and health gurus are fueled by a passion for knowledge, advocating subjects on body positivity, women’s health and motherhood. With entertaining, informative and relatable content, we aim to inform, inspire and entertain! Our website and social media platforms have over 14,000 followers with an average monthly reach of 85,000. QueenBee is the perfect place to tell women about your product or service. We connect directly with your audience and support your business with editorial features, blogs and reviews too. We offer transparent and affordable advertising with monthly payment plans to help you spread the cost. Whatever your budget, talk to us and we will tailor a package to suit you. For more details please call Kathryn on 077389 20331 or email kath@queenbeemagazine.co.uk Visit https://queenbeemagazine.co.uk/advertise

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Hope issue 2021




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