Our Sligo - Ministry Journal - Copyright 2018

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Photo by Richard Castillo

OUR SLIGO sligo ministry journal

S L IGO C H UR C H .O R G Photo by Michael McKinnis






from our senior pastor charles a. tapp A great deal of careful thought and reflection has gone into the process of formulating Sligo Church’s Mission and Vision Statements. These are imprinted on the beautiful banners which hang in our sanctuary, and serve as constant reminders, not only of what God expects from us, but also what we as a community of faith expect from ourselves. As any organization knows, it’s one thing to carefully craft statements of purpose, but it’s something altogether different to put those statements into practice and to do so in meaningful and effective ways. Here is where the Sligo Ministry Journal will be of great benefit. Within these pages is an outline of the many ministries that currently exist here at Sligo, and that aid us in fulfilling our purpose. Some have been in existence for many years, while others are fairly new, but all of these ministries serve to provide us with very practical ways to “help grow passionate disciples of Jesus Christ…” One of the most rewarding things for our leadership team, that has come out of the process of creating this journal, is the amazement of seeing in one place all the ministry opportunities that exist here at Sligo. And that’s what each of these ministries represents - opportunities to be the “salt and light” that God has called his church to be, to a world that is in desperate need of both. Sadly, in too many congregations members see themselves more as a country club with privileges rather than members with responsibilities. But here at Sligo, we take seriously our God-given responsibility to use our gifts to the glory of God in very creative yet meaningful ways. So, the challenge is now ours to find the place(s) where we feel we can best use our gifts in service and become part of the means that God uses to change our world. Because as we say here at Sligo, “All are called ….All are gifted …All are valued.”

A synopsis of our beliefs We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and our only rule of faith and practice. As Scripture teaches, we believe God became man in the person of Jesus Christ, saving us from sin by grace through faith. We believe the seventh-day Sabbath was established by God at Creation and honored by Jesus in His earthly ministry as a gift of rest and rejuvenation for all. We celebrate the church as the diverse new community forged through the death and resurrection of Jesus, in which all are called, all are gifted, and all are valued. We anticipate Jesus’ personal and visible return to earth to raise the righteous dead, make the earth new, and dwell with His faithful children throughout eternity. We live out our love for Jesus by growing in His likeness and by serving our fellowmen.

Sam Stone, our grounds and maintenance specialist, keeps our flower beds and grounds looking splendid.

Our Mission We seek to grow passionate disciples of Jesus through Worship of God, Nurture of one another and Outreach to the world.

Our Vision We will glorify God by being increasingly transformed into the likeness of Christ.



Photo by Richard Castillo


Essence of Slig0 Sligo Church understands that the salvation that Jesus offers is for everyone... Originally known as the Seminary and Sanitarium Church, Sligo was established on October 12, 1907 with an initial membership of 54. The simpler name of ‘Sligo Church’ entered the Adventist vocabulary in 1914. From being a homogenous congregation for approximately seven decades, Sligo Church is now home to an international congregation representing scores of ethnicities. Sligo Church understands that the salvation that Jesus offers is for everyone and that no one has a monopoly on God’s grace and no one is excluded. It values people, irrespective of their education, culture, gender, color or socio-economic background. Thus its motto, “All are Called; All are Gifted; All are Valued.” Accepting that justice for the poor, the excluded, the abused, the disenfranchised and the forgotten is as much part of the Christian landscape as is personal piety, Sligo Church is at the center of various actions that have, as their objective, the treatment of everyone as a child of God. As was the case at its inception over a hundred years ago, the overarching priority of Sligo Church remains the dissemination of present truth, not merely as a body of beliefs but as the Body of Christ, representing His love and character in a manner that is meaningful and relevant to today’s generation. We are prepared to share the gospel with everyone within and beyond the walls of our church through whatever means possible, as we await the glorious return of Christ and the establishment of His eternal kingdom.

Sligo Sanctuary 1950s Photo by Joey Geoffrey




Top: Sligo Church’s communion service traditionally culminates in singing “When We All Get To Heaven”. It has become a powerful and memorable portion of Sligo’s community worship. Far Left: Sligo has an extensive group of musicians that help to form the Sligo Singers each month led by Worship Pastor Cheryl Wilson Bridges. Middle Right: Sligo Shuttle being driven by Dan Conway Photo by Richard Castillo

as he provides rides to our members and guests from the parking areas around the

Worship lies at the very heart of the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church experience. Whether corporately or individually, worship is a response to God as our Creator and

Redeemer. It expresses our deepest convictions about God and His relationship with us. All our worship services are Bible-based and are designed to shape spiritual life around the understanding of God’s word and have as their objective the building of a personal relationship with Christ.

church. Photo by Richard Castillo Bottom Right: In addition to our pipe organ and Steinway piano, Sligo Church employs a great variety of instruments in its worship services. Right: Sligo’s Sanctuary Choir performs led by our Choral Director Paul Byssainthe, Jr. Photo by Joey Geoffrey Photo by Michael McKinnis




Coming together to worship

Sabbath (Saturday) Morning Sanctuary Services 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.

A. Tapp offers a sermon during

Power Up (Children’s Church)

11:00am service. Photo by

One of Sligo’s primary attractions is the care it takes to disciple its children. In addition to a myriad of events and activities, children can look forward to

Top Left Corner: Pastor Charles

Sligo Church opens its doors for worship, inviting all, members of Sligo and the community, to respond to God’s benevolent actions in their lives and in the world.

Michael McKinnis

Top Right Corner: Children sing

Worship at Sligo caters to different age groups, ethnicities, and personalities. The 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. services in the sanctuary are traditional in nature but with a blended approach and an exploration of new forms and expressions.

and worship during PowerUp Children’s Church in the Memorial Chapel.

We aim to lift up Jesus in every aspect of worship. This includes congregational participation, singing, and reading of scripture, prayer, praise, and sermon. Contact our Pastor for Worship for more information.

Bottom left: Pastor Joseph Khabbaz delivers the word during Underground service in


the Sligo Youth Room. Photo by

Underground is a service for high school age youth, held in the Youth Room on the second Sabbath morning of each month, at 11:15 a.m., that seeks to engage attendees with contemporary music, visual arts, and an understanding of scripture through the eye of the man on the street. This service is planned and led by the youth themselves as a way to disciple one another. For more information, go to sligochurch.org/youth.

Ross Patterson

Bottom Left 1: SYD (SLIGO YOUTH DIRECTORS) Leaders Alex Lamarre and Rosemary Asencio lead out at Underground in the Sligo Youth Room. Photo by Ross

GLOW (God Lighting Our World) Worship


GLOW worship on the first Sabbath of each month in the Youth Room, commencing at 11:15 a.m., invites young adults

Bottom Left 2: Adults of all

to have an unreserved commitment to Christ and cultivate a deep passion for reaching the community outside the church. GLOW Worship is usually followed by homeless ministry outreach in downtown Washington DC, an outreach our young adults have been doing now in our twenty-first year. For more information, go to sligochurch.org/ youngadults


ages come together to praise and hear great stories at Reset in the Memorial Chapel. Photo

also provides children with the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills. For more information, email cminfo@sligochurch.org.

SWAG (Students Who Adore God) SWAG is a worship experience for fifth to eighth graders, designed to help them successfully navigate the journey from adolescent to teenager, while developing an appreciation for God. It takes place on the second Sabbath of alternate months, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Memorial Chapel. For more information, contact cminfo@sligochurch.org.

Mizo Each Sabbath, the church office chapel is filled with the songs of the Mizo congregation. Their drums and other native musical instruments add quality and meaning to their worship experience. Mizos are an ethnic group indigenous to North-Eastern India, Western Burma, and Eastern Bangladesh. Their service is conducted in their language but interpreters are always present for English speakers.

Kerala The Keralas from the Malabar Coast in India are another group that form a part of the Sligo worship community. This vibrant worship is celebrated in the Malayalam language and can be found each Sabbath in Washington Adventist University’s Richards Hall.

Bottom Left 3: Senior Pastor’s


table is set with symbols

Members of the Telugu-speaking community meet each Friday evening in Fellowship Room A for worship and Bible study. Telugu is spoken by more

Communion Service.

Reset worship begins at 5:00 p.m. each Sabbath afternoon in the Chapel. It incorporates live music and story-telling in a method of making connections with friends and grow in a quality relationship with Jesus Christ. For more information,

pleasant experiences with church, provides a teaching environment for these children, and builds Christian principles and foundations in their lives. It

taken by Charlie Hobbs.

of Communion during Sligo’s

cafe atmosphere, with professional live band praise music. The service is intentionally planned to give each attendee a

their own worship service in the Memorial Chapel on the second Sabbath of alternate months. Power Up Children’s Church enables children to associate

Bottom Left 4: Pastors Charles A. Tapp, Joseph Khabbaz and Don

than 85 million people in India. Most Telugu-speaking Indians are from the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.


McFarlane lead out in Sligo’s

Communion is celebrated four times yearly. This intimate service, in which the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is recalled with understanding, gratitude

visit resetministry.org

Communion service.

and joy, is open to all Christians. Foot-washing, a practice where worshippers express their common humanity and willingness to serve, is an integral

Prayer Gathering

Bottom Right 1: Young teens

Each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Sligo Church offers an opportunity for members of the church and the community to

(Students Who Adore God)

discuss during Sligo SWAG

come together in prayer. For many, this is an oasis in time that provides for deep spiritual reflection and renewal

Service. Photo taken by Charlie Hobbs.

of faith. Through our prayers, especially with one another, we are demonstrating and validating the faith we have in Jesus. Sligo’s Prayer Gathering is also a time of unity with fellow believers in God’s presence and an opportunity to show care and compassion for those with whom we pray as we share their burdens. It is a time when we are reminded that

part of the Communion service.

Sligo by the Sea During the summer months, Sligo Church conducts an off-campus church each Sabbath in Ocean City, Maryland, known as Sligo by the Sea. Sabbathkeeping vacationers in Ocean City and surrounding areas are able to worship with fellow believers, as they would have done when home. Contact the

Bottom Right 2: A traditional Mizo drum used while singing

church office for more information.


God is still at work in this world and in the lives of His people.



Pastor Gerry Lopez tells a children’s story during Resurrection Weekend. Photo by Michael McKinnis “To Whome The Cross Speaks” drama performed Friday night during Resurrection Weekend.

Children sing during Resurrection Weekend under the direction of Yonnette Semple-Dormer.

Pathfinders help deliver donated food to the platform during Festival of Praise. A very young prospective Pathfinder rides the mini tractor at the annual barn party

Pastor Charles A. Tapp speaks above a donation-filled platform.

Resurrection weekend

Festival of Praise

Resurrection Weekend begins the Thursday before Easter with a service that is reminiscent of the Passover and the Lord’s Supper, which Jesus and

Festival of Praise is joyfully celebrated on the Sabbath before Thanksgiving, and provides an opportunity for worshippers to remember that God is

His disciples celebrated the night before Calvary, and ends with a service on Sunday morning celebrating the resurrection of our Lord.

the source of each blessing. It is also a time when worshippers give generously for the needy in the community.



Homecoming is the first weekend in August. Sligonians everywhere are encouraged to return to renew acquaintances, recount God’s blessings, and

The month of December is dedicated to celebrating the Advent, with weekly concerts and themed services, culminating with a service on the Sabbath

recommit to the church’s mission.

before Christmas that expresses the unparalleled joy that Advent of the coming of Jesus to earth has generated.

Friends and family day


Friends and Family Day is on the first Sabbath in October and goes beyond our regular weekly effort to become more acquainted with Sligo’s

Throughout the year Sligo Church hosts concerts ranging from those featuring talented students and their recitals to those by fully-fleged recording

neighbors. The day ends with a great celebration we call our Block Party, combining Reset, food and lots of fun as a great way to make deeper

artists. Sligo welcomes the community to all events.


Photos courtesy of Michael McKinnis, Charlie Hobbs, Joey Geoffrey and Ross Patterson Parade of Nations during our annual Homecoming Service.

International Luncheon during our annual Homecoming Celebration.

Conductor Paul Byssainthe Jr. leads the Sligo Church Choir, New England Youth Ensemble and other participants during Advent. Point of Grace performs.

Children’s Story during annual Homecoming.

Mariana Amorin standing ready to walk in the parade of nations.


David Phelps sings along with Charlotte Ritchie.

Pastor Don McFarlane in his cultural garb.


Sandi Patty performs.

music Music was part of the worship experience of God’s people in both Old Testament and New Testament times. The Apostle Paul instructed the Colossians, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” (Col 3:16). Music continues to play a vital role in the life of God’s people and in the life of Sligo Church.

Washington Adventist University’s Choir, Orchestra, and Band Known respectively as the Columbia Collegiate Chorale, the New England Youth Ensemble, and the Washington Concert Winds, these groups provide a rich tapestry of music on which several times a year some of the most memorable worship experiences are woven. All three groups have toured the United States extensively and have also shared their amazing repertoire with audiences in several other countries.

Sounds of Steel/Handbell Choir A steel band that has a strong reputation in the Washington DC area and beyond plays regularly at Sligo. Also, the Handbell Choir provides music that ranges from the light and finger-tapping to extravagant pieces that have been scored for bells and other instruments. Contact our Pastor for Worship for more information.

Sligo Strings Devoted string players (violin, viola, cello, and double bass), these members provide their musical expertise as an offering to God that regularly enhances our worship services. To become a member of this ministry, contact the Choral Director.

Sligo Singers Vocalists, known as the Sligo Singers, regularly provide special music for worship services and support for

Sanctuary Choir

congregational singing. For information on how you

A group of talented adults who range widely in age can be a part of this ministry, contact Sligo’s Choral and diversity sing regularly at the 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. Director. services, providing musical leadership and inspiring anthems. This choir offers a repertoire from the classical

Sligo Band

periods and from the inspirational, contemporary and Skilled musicians, the band members provide support spiritual music genres. Rehearsal is at 8:00 p.m. each for our worship services with a variety of instruments Wednesday in the Choir Room. To become a member and displays versatility in adapting to different musical of this ministry, contact our Pastor for Worship or the genres. Choral Director.

Children’s Choir

Sligo Choristers Vocalists who lead our congregational singing each

Music is an essential element in the spiritual Sabbath. development of children. Sligo Church Children’s Choir provides nurturing through the integration of choral techniques and expressions of worship. The choir is open to children aged 4-11 and rehearsals take place at a time that is convenient for parents. To become a member of this ministry, contact our Pastor for Worship

Left: Our Choral Director, Paul Byssainthe Jr. leads the church choir in rehearsals in our Choir

Sligo Organists/Pianists

Room ahead of services.

Versatile keyboardists, the organists and pianists

Right: Sligo Church’s

support our congregational singing by providing thoughtful musical leadership each Sabbath.

Steinway Piano is renowned for its bright notes and beautiful sound. Photo by Richard

or the Children’s Choir Director.




Photo by Richard Castillo


Top: Children are a major priority for Sligo Church. Nurturing our next generation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ is paramount. Far Left: Flowers are often donated by families to celebrate certain milestones. Middle Right: Sligo members give their time to offer hospitality, love and kindness to others inside and outside of the church. Bottom Right: Sligo Church published its own Sabbath School quarterly, offering an

Nurturing and discipling go to the heart of what Sligo is all about. We care about people

and recognize that the kingdom of God is not essentially about bricks and mortar, or even

about streets of gold and mansions, but about people living in Christian relationships. There are stages to Christian growth and Sligo provides opportunities for growth regardless of where each one is in Christian faith.

in depth study of biblical community. Each chapter was written by a Sligo member or pastor. Photo by Richard Castillo Right: Sligo’s caring hands offer health checkups and advice on several Sabbaths during the year. Photo by Richard Castillo




Exercise Class Our church provides an exercise class each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Memorial Chapel, that is designed to promote fitness and assist in warding off some of the ailments that plague our modern society. This is a fun and invigorating workout with cardio, resistance training, abs and cool down. Contact the church office for more

Journey Groups A Journey Group is your place to do life by building authentic relationships with others and strengthening your walk with God. We believe both are essential for your journey through life. A Journey Group, comprised of 8—12 people, meets twice a month for three months (six meeting commitment). Groups are sermon-based, digging deeper into the previous week’s thought and applying the principles from God’s Word into our everyday lives. Groups meet January-March, May-July, and September-November. For information on how to join or start a Journey Group, contact the Pastor for Discipleship and Congregational Care.

Parish Visitation System With approximately 3,000 members, keeping in touch with everyone poses a particular challenge. To meet this challenge, the membership of the church has been divided into six large parishes of approximately 500 members, each one being led by an associate pastor. Parishes are then divided among the elders with each elder, assisted by a deacon and a deaconess, caring for 50 members. Contact the church office to find out the name of your elder or pastor. Please ensure that the church has your current contact details.

Book Club Do you enjoy reading a good book and discussing its content with others? If so, you should join the Sligo Church Book Club that meets in the Discipleship Room at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. Contact the pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries for more information.

information. Louvina Joseph leads our exercise class each Sunday morning and has converted it into one of Sligo Church’s Journey Groups.

Disability Ministry As a church committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Sligo welcomes, supports, and encourages the inclusion of people who are differently abled while cultivating supportive faith-building relationships. Our Disability Ministry team proposes practical ways to make our church and its many services more accessible to people with disabilities and arranges for volunteers to provide support where needed. Contact our Discipleship and Congregational Care pastor for more information.

Events/Recreation Sligo understands that a church doesn’t only need to pray together; it also needs to play together in order to build strong relationships. Provision is made throughout the year to ensure that there are many opportunities for our church to play together. These include a Tennis Social in March, a Block Party in October and a Barn Party in November. In addition, a Game Night is held once a month at Sligo Church or at a nearby sport facility.

Health Action Team Understanding that we are all threedimensional beings—body, soul and spirit, Sligo Church encourages measures that

Sabbath Seminars Once each quarter, Sligo Church holds a Sabbath Seminar that is designed to explore certain doctrinal matters, discuss current issues that may affect on the Christian life, follow up on a sermon or study any subject that is of interest to Sligo Church. Seminars are announced in advance.

promote good health, both in the church and in the surrounding community. Our health ministry group, the Health Action Team, is led by professionals in the medical field. Team members can be found in the Atrium on Sabbath mornings doing blood pressure checks and providing helpful advice. Contact the church office for more information.

Recovery Ministry Do you need emotional and spiritual support in a confidential setting and with like-minded people to talk through certain personal challenges or to overcome a troubling habit? If so, you are invited to join our Recovery Ministry which meets in the church office conference room each Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. Contact the church office for more information.

Family Ministry Family influences every part of our lives and the life of the church. Our Family Ministry’s goal is to prioritize and strengthen relationships within families, recognizing that families come in various forms – the traditional two-parent families, single-parent families, extended families, adopted families, blended families, and others. Contact our Children and Family Ministries pastor for more information.

Women’s Ministry Women coming together for mutual support, building bonds of friendship and addressing subjects that are specifically or primarily related to women is the goal of Sligo’s Women’s Ministry. Team members minister to each other and are a resource for other women in the church and community. Contact our Discipleship and Congregational Care pastor for more information.

SLIGO CARES We want to make sure every member of our church family is taken care of, especially those who are sometimes forgotten. Sligo Cares supports our home-bound members through regular visitations, meals, and friendship. We also seek to reach out to our other members whose presence is missed.


Above: Pastor Don McFarlane embraces a newly baptized member of Sligo Church.

HeartLifters HeartLifters is a support community offering comfort and assistance to those who have lost spouses by death or divorce. Through a sympathetic ministry of compassion, people like us share experiences together at potlucks, workshops, presentations and Sabbath afternoon fellowship. Call the church office to register your interest in being a part of this ministry.

Bereavement Ministry The Church calls each member of Christ’s Body to participate in the ministry of consolation, to care for the dying, and to comfort all who mourn. Our Lord is the example of comfort and support to the grieving. Our Bereavement Ministry is designed to ensure that no one grieves alone as a result of having lost a loved one. Call a pastor, your elder, or the church office to report a death in your family.


Bible Study Classes for Adults

Blue Class (Sanctuary: front right, by the organ): Benefits from the knowledge and experiences of a group of loyal members, for whom building community and participating in the lives of one another is as integral to Christian

Wanderers (Green Banner; Sanctuary: rear, right of center aisle): Strives for a comfortable interactive Bible study environment. Attendees serve God in practical ways, raising funds to support projects in the local community and around the world.

Mizo (Church office chapel): Studies the Bible with the aid of the Sabbath School quarterly. The language used is that of the Mizo people, an ethnic group native to North-Eastern India, Western Burma, and Eastern Bangladesh.

Believers and Doubters (Room 44; third floor). Seeks to understand the life of faith and practice the presence of Jesus by studying one book at a time, whether a book of the Bible or a book relating to spirituality, the religions and the intersection of religion and culture. Open discussion is based on a belief that doubt is seen as the handmaiden of faith

Women of the Word (Pink Banner; Sanctuary: in front of the mothers’ room): Combines in-depth open discussion of the Sabbath School lesson with a caring attitude toward each class member and guest. Class members work

growth as is the discussion and application of the Sabbath School lesson.

Brown Class (Sanctuary: rear far right of center aisle): Welcomes discussion and exploration of how the Sabbath School lesson can be applied to everyday living.

Silver class (Sanctuary: front, center): Follows motto, “Live it, not just learn it.” Interactive discussion of the weekly Sabbath School Lesson themes. The primary goal is to make each week’s discussion relevant to the personal and professional life of members.

Faith and Reason (Fellowship Room A) Seeks to strengthen faith in Jesus through thoughtful and open conversation on current topics as part of Sligo Church and as members of the community.

New Members Class (Discipleship Room): Explores basic Christian teachings with the objective of creating a deeper desire for Bible study, fostering growth in Christ and deepening relationships between members.

to put their faith in action and regular social gatherings bring class

Red Class

members closer to each other. The class is led by women but all are

(Sanctuary: front, left): Provides a small, intimate group setting. Explores


how each week’s Bible lesson relates to the wider society and to the lives of individual members.

Purple Class (Sanctuary: beside the mothers’ room): Treasures of wisdom,

Spanish Language Class

challenging questions and practical applications for growth and

(Balcony) Follows the regular Sabbath School lesson but in the Spanish

encouragement. Class members vow to know each other by name and

language. Members are encouraged to bring their Spanish-speaking

by face, and seek to hold one another to account in the journey to be

friends who may not be comfortable with speaking English to this class.

like Jesus.

Right: A view of Sligo Church during our morning classes. A cross section of diversity and culture.




Sligo Church recognizes that it has a special responsibility to support parents as they assist in their children’s emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Children’s Ministry seeks to fulfill this responsibility by providing an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Christ. For full information, visit sligochurch. org or email cm@sligochurch.org.

Father and Child listen during Children’s Story.

2017-2018 Challengers Pathfinder Club Photo.

Bible Study Classes for Children:

Photo by Michael McKinnis

Pathfinder Club

Each Sabbath, beginning at 10:00 a.m., an hour’s program is

Our Pathfinder Club, which is similar to the Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, is designed to help our children, age 10 plus, develop life skills, a sound character,

provided for children, birth to grade 8. Children are involved in

and a strong relationship with God. This is done through appropriate education, outdoor activities, friendship building, and taking on challenges that

active learning and participate in a variety of activities that meet

promote discipline, courage and leadership. Motto: “The love of Christ compels us.” For more information, call the church office on 301-270-6777, ext.

their learning styles. The Sabbath School curriculum follows the

Children prepare to give offering during morning classes.

122 or email cm@sligochurch.org.

Seventh-day Adventist Grace-Link program and focuses on the four aspects of a growing Christian experience–Grace, Worship, Community and Service:

Beginners (Birth – 2 years) – Meets on Level 1

Little Friends (3 – 4 years) – Meets on Level 1

Kindergarten (4 – 5 years) – Meets on Level 1

Primary 1 (Grades 1 & 2) – Meets on Level 1

Primary 2 (Grades 3 & 4) – Meets on Level 1

Juniors (Grades 5 & 6) – Meets on Level 3

Earliteens (Grades 7 & 8) – Meets on Level 3

Primary 1 Class learning from their teacher.

Baptismal Preparation Class Designed for children 7 -10 years of age, this class, held from 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. in the Discipleship Room, approaches Bible study with the intent of introducing Jesus into the lives of those who attend. Its objective is also to help our children grow in their understanding of scripture and develop a relationship

Adventurers and leaders pose after a day out riding bikes around Wheaton Park. Photo by Richard Castillo

with Christ, which hopefully will lead to baptism. For more

Adventurers Club

information, call the church office on 301-270-6777, ext. 122 or

Our Adventurer Club has been inspired by its older sister organization, the Pathfinder Club. It provides a program that focuses on a varied education for

email cm@sligochurch.org.

children aged 6 – 9, with additional sections for children, ages 4 and 5. Its objectives are the same as for the Pathfinder Club. Motto: “Because Jesus loves Children offer their special music during morning classes.


me, I can always do. “ For more information, call the church office on 301-270-6777, ext. 122 or email cm@sligochurch.org.


Photos by Richard Castillo

The crowd of kids and staff from 2017’s Sligo VBS. Photo by Charlie Hobbs

Vacation Bible School

Each summer, Sligo Church is turned into a spiritual adventure land for hundreds of children from the church and community. Scores of volunteers work with these children to provide them with religious education, teach them arts and crafts, lead them in physical exercises, and ensure that the whole experience is fun. This is always a special time for our children. Visit our Facebook page for more information or email cm@sligochurch.org. Left: Volunteer Children lead VBS songs for closing ceremony

Right: Volunteer getting into the motions of the VBS Song.

Left: Coloring in the Pre-School section. Lead by Theresa Garza Top Left: One of the

Middle Left: Mrs.

Middle: Students

Middle Right: Mrs.

Bottom Left: Pastor

Bottom Right: Principal

many students at TA Prep Ariza looks for a

Top Right: Mrs.

Smith leads her 2nd

reciting the morning

Delgado offers one

Gerry Lopez offering

Carla Thrower giving

poses during classes.

volunteer from her

grade class down the

pledge of allegience.

of her 2nd graders

support to Principal

high fives.

1st grade class.



Carla Thrower.

Sligo Church and Takoma Park Church have joined forces to provide a formal education at Takoma Academy Preparatory School (TA Prep) for children,

Right: Totally into it! Kids jump to the VBS song.

grades K – 8. We believe that the work of education and the work of redemption are one, and that the home, church, and school work together to prepare our children for service to God and the society. This is a STEM/STEAM-based program [Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics/

Left: Child builds

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics]. Sligo Church provides financial assistance to all of its students at TA Prep. For more information,

something new

call 301-422-3858.

in the lego section at Sligo VBS.

Right: Mothers work

Great Kids Development Center

with their

Sligo Church operates a pre-school program in the TA Prep building, catering for children, 2 ½ to 4 years of age. Call for an appointment at 301-422-3858.

the Pre-school

children in




Sligo M.I.N.D.S. M.I.N.D.S. (Mentored Inspired Noble Determined Students) is an afterschool program. This program seeks to strengthen the minds of this generation by providing a safe, structured, and supervised environment where students can complete their homework and receive assistance with their assignments. M.I.N.D.S. is held in the Sligo Youth Room every Wednesday during the school year from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Contact the Youth and Young Adult pastor for more information. SYD Leaders assist and tutor youth at Sligo Minds. Photo by Ross Patterson

Midweek Momentum Midweek Momentum (MWM) endeavors to equip high school students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop greater self-awareness and personal growth. MWM is a weekly one-hour program on Wednesdays starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Sligo youth room, seeks to deepen high school students’ understanding of intrinsic personal value, increase confidence, and identify personal aspirations and strengths. Contact the Youth and Young Adult pastor for more information. Youth attend Midweek Momentum in the Youth Room. Photo by Ross Patterson

Underground meets once a month.

Pastor Joseph Khabbaz speaks to the youth at

SYD Leaders Alex Lamarre and Rosemary Ascencio

Photo by Ross Patterson

Underground. Photo by Ross Patterson

deliver announcements at Undergound. Photo by Ross Patterson


Mission Trips Each summer, our youth are given the opportunity to encounter Jesus

Sligo Church seeks to nurture a generation of youth who are connected in a personal life-giving

through serving others, either in their own backyard or halfway across

seriously by providing opportunities for youth to become fully devoted followers of Christ through

encourage youth to fulfill the mission of “going into all the world” is

relationship with Jesus. It’s a privilege to serve the next generation, and we take that responsibility

the globe. Sligo Church is a Great Commission Church and one way we

inspiring worship services, outreach events, small groups, and ministry training opportunities.

through short-term mission trips. Short-term missions are valuable when they contribute to the long-term vision in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. The purpose of the trips is to leave a lasting impact

Youth taking a break on their mission trip to South Carolina.

long after the youth team is gone. Contact the Youth and Young Adult pastor for more information.

Socials Friends can be the most influential force in a teenager’s life. For this reason, the Sligo Youth Department regularly sponsors socials and trips, giving the youth opportunity to bond with our leaders and each other. Examples include game nights, bowling, D.C. excursions, and overnight trips. Youth posing by Sligo Church’s new van.

Alex Lamarre keeps the energy high, offering youth the chance to have a say in the program.

Photo by Ross Patterson

Bible Study Classes for Youth Each Sabbath, beginning at 10 a.m., an hour’s program is provided for youth, grades 9 to 12. Youth are involved in a creative, interactive and thoughtprovoking learning environment with discussions facilitated by Sligo Youth Department (SYD) Leaders. The Bible study classes follow the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School curriculum called Cornerstone. Cornerstone Connections is a four-year “through-the-Bible” study curriculum. The youth Bible class meets in the youth room located on level one. Contact the Youth and Young Adult pastor for more information.


SYD Leader:

SYD Leader:

SYD Leader:

SYD Leader:

SYD Leader:

SYD Leader:

Ross Patterson

Sharon Sequeira

Alex Lamarre

Rosemary Ascencio

Vivin Viswanathan

Naomy Rodrigues

Clifford John

Sligo Underground - Youth Worship Service

Sligo Youth Department Leaders

Underground is a worship experience for high school students designed specifically to nurture their next step toward Christ. This service uses various

SYD are college students and young adults, who commit their time and effort to directing the Sligo Youth Department. They mentor, guide, build

formats and topics to engage the youth in worship and is held on the second Sabbath of every month from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the youth room.

relationships, and disciple the youth. Each director is responsible for a ministry within the department and works alongside a high school Junior SYD leader.




Sligo church is committed to nurturing a community of young adults who are actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus by living out God’s

purposes in their lives. The Young Adult ministry offers collegiate students

and working young adults a place to belong and opportunities to grow in their faith towards becoming fully devoted followers of God. Ministry activities and programs are designed to help young adults connect to a

healthy small group community and passionately serve the community and share life together.

GLOW Study GLOW Study is Sligo’s Young Adult Sabbath School that meets every Sabbath morning in the Memorial Chapel. This is a weekly interactive study of the Word of God that is led out by a discussion facilitator who encourages small group discussion and interaction from the audience. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. and a light breakfast is served before the discussion takes place from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. GLOW Study follows The Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School curriculum.

GLOW Outreach Every first Sabbath of the month at 2:00 p.m. young adults serve by preparing meals at Sligo Church and handing those meals to the homeless in D.C. We truly want to make a difference and help put an end to homelessness here in the D.C. area. Through serving others, young adults discover that the greatest calling Jesus has given in life is to serve those in need.

GLOW Groups GLOW Groups bring young adults together on Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Discipleship room and on Sabbath in the Youth Room at 5:30 p.m. (winter months) and 6:00 pm (summer months). Sharing life through community is part of God’s design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why GLOW Groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to young adults.

GLOW Worship GLOW Worship is a vibrant young adult worship service, held on the first Sabbath of each month, where young adults can find a community where they belong. Each worship service starts at 11:15 a.m. in the youth room and features compelling biblical teaching, powerful music and lots of opportunities to get involved.

Grow Track The Grow Track is a step-by-step way to help young adults discover their “why” by realizing their potential in Christ. Through the Grow Track, young adults learn what it means to be a part of a church family and are provided with tools for walking with God daily. They also discover their spiritual gifts and become aware of how God can use them to do something great for His Kingdom.

Young Adult Socials Young Adult socials take place once a month and provide an opportunity for participants to connect outside of church. Regular social events include Nightfall, which is their annual black-tie banquet, the National Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C., bowling and many other activities that help foster lasting friendships.

Young Adult Camping Trip The annual Young Adult camping trip, held in May of each year, is a time to disconnect from the things that can often distract us and refuel with friends in nature while spending time connecting with God and other young adults. It’s a Friday through Sunday trip where young adults bring their tents and enjoy nature walks, hikes, games, and the evening campfire.


Photos by Ross Patterson


Photo by Richard Castillo

Top: Sligo’s outreach team joined the community at the Takoma Park Street Festival and offered information and health screenings. Far Left: Pastor Pranitha


Fielder is assisted in getting her audio set up by Lead Sound Engineer, John Conway, as they prepare for Sligo Live in the Media Room. Middle Right: Pastor Gerry Lopez leads a group of Sligo Church actors as they deliver a drama for the community during our Resurrection Weekend. Photo by Charlie Hobbs Bottom Right: Head Elder, Erwin Mack, uses his

One of the characteristics of the early church was that its members shared their faith

in various ways. In other words, they were active in doing outreach. Often, they did outreach and shared their faith by providing practical assistance for those in need, in demonstrating the nature of the kingdom of God in their daily living, and in talking

about how Jesus changed their own lives. The twenty-first century church is invited by Christ to do likewise. We share our faith with others because of our love for them and our desire for them to be treated as children of God and share in the blessings that He

has promised His people. The following pages depict some of the ways in which outreach is done or faith is seen in action at Sligo Church.

resources as a Ford Model T enthusiast to be a part of a Takoma Park City Parade. Right: Pastor Richard Castillo Leads out at our Outreach Ministry called Reset.




Prison Ministry Sligo’s Prison Ministry team consists of men and women who have a passion for sharing the love, hope, and life-changing message of Christ to those behind bars. In Matthew 25: 36, we are implored to visit those who are in prison. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact our Outreach and Media pastor.

Photo by Arjay Arellano/ADRA International

Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) Sligo Church is part of a network of Seventh-day Adventist churches in the area that sponsor and support Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW), with a learning and distribution center at 501 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, 20910. This ministry helps the disadvantaged and disenfranchised in the community attain self-sufficiency and independence. ACSGW’s services include emergency relief, community development, ESL classes, computer classes, and other life-enhancing skills. Volunteers are always in demand. Call (301) 585-6556 for assistance or to volunteer.

Winter Haven Homelessness is a reality in the DMV that affects thousands. Each winter, Sligo youth team up with ‘House of Divine Guidance’ to provide warm and safe accommodation for a number of homeless families in Sligo Church’s Youth Room. Church members assist by providing hot meals, financial support, and classes to teach the children various skills. If you are interested in supporting this ministry, contact House of Divine Guidance on 240-888-6775.

Action in Montgomery (AIM) on affordable housing, after-school care, the Dream Act and other life-enhancing initiatives. AIM’s success is dependent on the support of the members of the church. Call the Pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries for more information or to register your support.

Sligo Church works with a number of other churches and religious organizations in Montgomery County in an effort to make Montgomery County a better place to live and thrive, with particular emphasis on the poor and disenfranchised. As a valuable member of AIM over the years, Sligo Church has focused

One-on-One Bible Studies Every week pastors and several members engage in sharing scripture with others on a one-to-one basis. Usually, these are people who desire to know more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church, gain a deeper understanding of scripture, or prepare for baptism. If you are interested in having or giving Bible studies, please contact the pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries.

Simple Truths for Life Simple Truths for Life is a Sligo broadcast on WGTS-91.9 FM each Sabbath morning at 8:30 a.m. , in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area (DMV) and on WJOU-90.1 FM in Huntsville, Alabama, in which Sligo’s senior pastor delivers a relevant and thoughtful message. Simple Truths for Life has been gradually extending its reach and appeal. Many in the DMV are now able to relate to, not just Sligo Church, but to the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a whole, as a result of this weekly broadcast. Several visitors to Sligo Church have identified this Simple Truths for Life as the reason for visiting our church. Listen live or via podcast at simpletruthsforlife.org.

sligo welcome wagon We endeavor to be intentional about our neighbors and community. Sligo Church is looking for neighbors moving into the community to offer them a basket of refreshments both physical and spiritual. Making friends and winning hearts is our goal. If you would like to take part or lead a group, please contact the Pastor for Media and Outreach.




Sligo ART, Lifestyle and Technology

Those involved with SALT host various projects to reach out to the community in order to facilitate spiritual, physical and lifestyle improvements. Contact the Pastor for Worship for more information.

Photos by Arjay Arellano/ADRA International

Visitors talk to organizations that support refugees in the DC region.

Co-organizer, James Standish, speaks to the crowd at the Refugee Info Fair & Film Screening.

A group of friends and Sligo members come together every other Thursday to study God’s word and fellowship together in a neighborhood home in Takoma Park. Photo by Richard Castillo


Homes of Hope provide opportunities for people to get together for fellowship and Bible Study. This initiative has helped to forge several friendships and has led many to a deeper understanding of God’s grace and the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. For this important outreach ministry, every home is a mission of light; every street has a welcoming neighbor; every team grows closer together and every person grows closer to Christ. If you are interested in your home being a Home of Hope or if you would like to join a Home of Hope, call the Homes of Hope Coordinator at 301-434-1963 or call the church office.

Young Adults put meals together for DC’s homeless. Photo by Ross Patterson

Pastor Joseph Khabbaz and Sligo’s Young Adults feeding the homeless in DC. Photo by Ross Patterson

(Right to left) James Standish talks with Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart and ADRA International.

ADRA International and Sligo Church co-hosted a Refugee Info Fair & Film Screening, where ten refugee-focused organizations from the DC area were brought together to connect church and community members with ways to get involved. Shown here are the International Rescue Committee, ADRA International, and Sligo Refugee Ministry.

Refugee Support Ministry

Young Adults singing in the park for the homeless. Photo by Ross Patterson

Feeding the homeless

On the first Sabbath of each month, Sligo young adults prepare and distribute meals to the homeless in DC. In addition to treating each human being as a brother or a sister, our young adults want to make a difference and help put an end to homelessness in the D.C. area. Through serving others, young adults discover that the greatest calling Jesus has given in life is to serve those in need. Contact the Youth and Young Adult pastor for more information.


Takoma Park-based organization L.A.C.E.S. connects with a community member.

Pastor Joseph Khabbaz, (spouse) Christina Khabbaz and Sligo member Anees J Abdelnour head out with the support of North American Division Associate Miniterial Director, Jose Cortez Jr., to offer support to refugee families in the DC area.

Sligo Church members have mobilized to provide much needed relief to refugees in and around Takoma Park. These relief efforts include furnishing refugee homes with donated furniture items. Support is also provided through volunteers who prepare and deliver welcome bags containing culturally relevant food items, general hygiene products, and children’s toys to families that are most vulnerable. Some refugee families have expressed the view that Seventh-day Adventists share common beliefs and values with them. Contact the Youth and Young Adult Pastor for more information.


Joey Geoffrey, Dr. Shaw and Ken Allen manage Sligo’s service online. Our online service can reach up to more than 600 devices per weekend.

Photo by Michael McKinnis

Photo by Michael McKinnis

Charlie Davis, a long time supporter of Sligo’s Media team, sets up camera equiptment each week and likes running camera #1 each broadcast.

Many on our media team are multi-taskers. Archie Marshall and Leo Ramos run sound and produce the broadcast on many Sabbaths.

Media Director, Archie Marchall, goes over details with Media and Outreach Pastor, Richard Castillo, before launching Sligo Live which leads all Sligo service broadcasts.

Photo by Michael McKinnis

(Top Left): Lupita Garza leads the Reset Band as it in turn leads the block party crowd in praise songs. (Top Right): Diana Gomez and Bruno Garza prepare food and grill vegan hotdogs. (Bottom Left): Pastor Charles A. Tapp shares his story. (Middle): Kids enjoy the great weather. (Middle Left): The crowd listens to Pastor Tapp’s story. (Bottom right): Lights color the outside of Sligo’s office building during the block party.

block party

On the first Sabbath afternoon of the month of October, Sligo Church, led by the Reset ministry leaders, goes all out in staging a block party, to which members of the community are invited as part of our Friends and Family Day. It’s an opportunity for church and community members to mingle and chat while being feted with live music, burgers, hotdogs, popcorn, and other delights. Children and some adults take advantage of the bouncy houses and amusements in the Sligo Church tent.

Archie Marshall, Ken Allen and Audio Director John Conway prepare for Sligo Live on a Sabbath morning.

media team Our media team is staffed by professionals and volunteers who pick up a camera or push a button. Sligo Church’s many resources require that we have a large dedicated team and our Media team takes pride in the quality of our live broadcasting and production. Check out some of our work by clicking WebTV on sligochurch.org. If interested in serving on this team, contact the Pastor for Outreach and Media.

Audio team Our audio team utilizes trained audio technicians to deliver the best quality sound for our worship services and musical performances. The audio team works hand-in-hand with our media team to allow our online and in-sanctuary worshipers to be engaged in the service without thinking about the technical details that go into our extensive operations. If interested in serving on this team, contact the Pastor for Outreach and Media. Photos by Ross Patterson

Photo by Richard Castillo


Reset is a ministry that offers an worship experience that you might say is out of the box. Reset’s strategy revolves around allowing individuals to share their lives through stories that might never be heard in any other venue. Set in a relaxing cafe-like environment, Reset offers its attendees a chance to relax, refresh and reset for the week. Each event features a professional band playing an eclectic mix of hymns, gospel and new worship songs in an extraordinary and beautiful way. Instead of a sermon, you’ll hear a story and be given the chance to share yours. 34


Photo by Richard Castillo

supportive ministries There are several ministries that work to support all our other ministries in one way or another. They are vital for the overall health of the church. Some are more visible than others but they all work to advance the mission of our church. Among these ministries are the following:



guest ministry

Our Guest Ministry focuses on ensuring that the gospel is not only heard but also experienced by everyone who walks through the doors of Sligo Church. Members of the team believe that every number has a name and that every name has a story, and that every story matters to God. Their goal is to ensure that every guest experiences the love of God through meaningful connections, a welcoming environment, and Christian hospitality. With warm handshakes and welcoming smiles team members look and listen for ways to help. For more information, contact the Pastor for Worship or the Guest Ministry leader via e-mail sligogreeter@sligochurch.org

Sam Stone, our Maintenance Director, plants new flowers and landscapes around the church each season. Kevin Knight spends many hours making the church interior beautiful and ready for each service and event. Sam Stone and Middle Image by Richard Castillo

Building and grounds

Our building and grounds team, led by our facilities manager, oversees all activities associated with the operation, maintenance, safety, and security of the buildings, grounds, furnishings and equipment owned by our church. They also ensure that we are provided with comfort-

hospitality ministry

able and clean facilities for our worship services and for other events that are held on site. If you would like to serve in this ministry. Please contact the church office or the pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries.

Our Hospitality Team works alongside our Guest Ministry team to provide opportunities for connections and friendship building over a meal for both guests and Sligo members. This ministry coordinates our bi-monthly potluck and caters for whole church special events with fellowship over food as an integral part of the program. If you are interested in joining this team, contact the pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries.

Transit ministry Our Transit Ministry was formed to assist people, especially the

elderly who are without transportation, get to church on Sabbath and to special services at other times; and to assist worshipers in getting from the distant parking lots to the church building safely and without difficulty. Our Senior Bus and Golf Cart Teams play a vital role in helping us fulfil these objectives. We are always in need of volunteers who can assist in transporting some of our elderly members to church on Sabbath mornings. If you can help, contact the Pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries for more information.

Sligo Shuttle sits in our dropoff area just in front of the Greenwood entrance. Photo by Richard Castillo


Unseen eyes are keeping watch over our congregations each Sabbath. While our Building and Grounds team ensures that our buildings are safe, our Security team endeavors to ensure that you are safe. In addition to the police officer who is present for our worship services each Sabbath, there are volunteers who serve as extra security in our effort to keep our church family safe. This aspect of our operations may not be obvious but rest assured that it is happening. Should you wish to serve in this ministry, please contact the pastor for administration.

Financial Services Sligo Church Treasurer Charlotte Conway. Photo by Richard Castillo

(Top Left): Kathleen Driscoll, Sligo’s Office Manager, and her daughter Alexis. (Top Middle): Volunteers and Office Staff enjoy a picnic at Wheaton Park. (Top Right): Volunteers and Office Staff celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in the office basement chapel. (Middle) Just a portion of our the Sligo volunteers and staff. (Bottom Left): Sligo Youth Director, Ross Patterson, Christina Khabbaz, Assistant Treasurer, Flor Balay, Pastor Joseph Khabbaz and Maintenance and Grounds Director, Sam Stone, enjoy the shade at Wheaton Park. (Bottom Middle): Sylvia Mack, Connie Merrill, Gloria McQueen enjoy relaxing at the Camp Boonsboro Barn. (Bottom Right): Office Manager Kathleen Driscoll and Church Treasurer, Charlotte Conway, pose for a picture outside of the Camp Boonsboro Barn.

Church office

Led by our church treasurer, our financial ministry provides oversight for all church finances,

Our church office is a “grand central station” during the week to which members of the church and community are welcomed. There is

ensuring that accurate records are kept and that the church operates within the budget voted

always a pastor on duty each day who is assigned to meet with anyone who visits the office with a pastoral need. We have volunteers who

by the church board. A group of volunteers that meets each week to count and organize the

answer the phones and assist the office staff with other important matters. Our office manager, among many duties, ensures that the

previous Sabbath’s giving and the church’s finance committee are two important segments of

bulletin is prepared for each Sabbath. Should you wish to join other volunteers in serving in the church office, please contact the church

this ministry. Sligo Church is dependent on the financial gifts from its members and friends.

office manager at 301-270-6777 during office hours.



Camp Boonsboro

Photos from Drone footage by Richard Castillo

Camp Boonsboro, situated four miles west of the small historic town of Boonsboro, which is about 90 miles from Takoma Park, is owned and operated by Sligo Church. It is 80 beautiful acres that offers church groups and Pathfinder clubs a private area in which to enjoy the great outdoors. The camp’s gravel road leaves farm fields behind and snakes its way between two small ridges to the central area of the camp. The rolling landscape is comprised of a mixture of woods and fields bordered to the west by the rambling flow of the Antietam creek. Wake up to the songs of the birds greeting a new day or the whispering breeze blowing through the tops of the pine trees. We encourage church members and friends to visit this special place. Call the church office to arrange your visit.

pastoral team CHARLES A. TAPP







Senior Pastor

Pastor for Administration and Adult Ministries

Pastor for Children and Family Ministries

Pastor for Worship

Pastor for Discipleship and Congregational Care

Pastor for Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Pastor for Media and Outreach

PHONE: 301.270.6777 - EMERGENCY: 301.980.1009 - FAX: 301.270.3518 Domestic Violence Hotline: Call 240.777.4000 - National Suicide Hotline: Call 1-800-273-8255 SENIOR PASTOR Charles A. Tapp, ext. 126 ctapp@sligochurch.org

PASTOR FOR MEDIA & OUTREACH Richard Castillo, ext. 136 rcastillo@sligochurch.org

PASTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION & ADULT MINISTRIES Don McFarlane, ext. 116 dmcfarlane@sligochurch.org

PASTOR FOR WORSHIP Cheryl Wilson-Bridges, ext. 123 cbridges@sligochurch.org

PASTOR FOR DISCIPLESHIP & CONGREGATIONAL CARE Pranitha Fielder, ext. 127 pfielder@sligochurch.org


PASTOR FOR YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Joseph Khabbaz, ext. 119 jkhabbaz@sligochurch.org

HEAD ELDER - Erwin Mack 301.434.1622

PASTOR FOR CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Gerardo Lopez, ext. 122 glopez@sligochurch.org

HEAD DEACON HEAD DEACONESS Manuel Rosette 301.370.1255 Marion Hudson 301.980.1862

© 2018 Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church Copy and Editing: Pastor Don McFarlane


Layout and Design: Pastor Richard Castillo

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