May 4, 2013

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2013 OUR MISSION Washington Adventist University is a learning community committed to the Seventh-day Adventist Christian vision of excellence and service. This cosmopolitan institution challenges students to seize the opportunities for learning in the nation’s capital, in order to become moral leaders in communities throughout the world. Class Aim Live on Purpose Class Motto Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction John F. Kennedy

Class Scripture Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17 AMP

Consecration Prelude

Friday, May 3, 8:00 pm Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church

Schm端cke dich, o liebe Seele BWV 654 (Adorn Yourself, Dear Soul) Enigma Variations, Nimrod

Johann Sebastian Bach Edward Elgar Joel Martinson

The congregation is requested to remain seated for the Processional

Processional Invocation

Trumpet Tune

John Stanley

Please stand for the Invocation

Cedric Parker, Graduate

Please join in singing


Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

No. 12 Hymn of Joy

Please be seated

Scripture Reading

Matthew 7:13-14 Sarah Quimby, Graduate (English) Olubukunola Osinupebi-Alao, Graduate (Yoruba) Ashley Rivera, Graduate (Spanish)

Musical Selection

Piano Sonata in C Minor K. 457, Molto Allegro Jonathan Keplinger, piano, Graduate


Musical Selection

William Jackson, Vice President Marketing and Recruitment The Beatitudes Emelie Pla, soprano, Graduate Mark Di Pinto, piano


Musical Selection


Washington Adventist University

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Albert Hay Malotte

Andrea Campbell, Class Vice President Melanie Bowen, Class Secretary If I Can Help Somebody Gregory Daniel, tenor Daniel Lau, piano

Alma Androzzo

Commencement Weekend

Introduction of Speaker Consecration Address

Ramone Griffith, Graduate “The Narrow Gate”

Gary Wimbish, Pastor Columbia Community Center, SDA

Class Pastor’s Response

Ralph Vieux Please stand and join in singing the Hymn of Consecration

Hymn of Consecration

God of Grace and God of Glory

No. 607 Westminster Abbey

Please remain standing for the Litany of Consecration

Litany of Consecration

Sarai Wright, Graduate Sheila Wright, Parent Deborah Brown, Associate Professor, English

Leader: Lord, we have each been given a vision of our potential. We now present this class to you in this time of crisis and opportunity. Help them to use their abilities wisely. Graduates: We accept the vision and the challenge to partake in the life of service. We recognize that we are gifted differently, not because we should be separate or alienated from each other. We are different, precisely in order to realize our need for each other. Faculty/Staff/Administration: We have guided, nurtured, and shaped you during your years at Washington Adventist University. As you leave, we pray for your continued progress to serve in families and corporations, in businesses and schools, in hospitals and houses of worship—teaching, ministering, healing, working for justice and equality. Parents: Lord, may they use their talents for the good of humanity—knowing that their maturity will be judged by how well they are able to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to cherish one another, to seek the greater good of one another. Leader: Forgive us Lord for having treated with disdain the weak, the poor, the unemployed, the “failures.” Graduates: Forgive us for not showing compassion and care, for making power and money the gods at whose altars we have bowed our knees. Continued ²

May 2013

Washington Adventist University



Friday, May 3, 8:00 pm


Faculty/Staff/Administration: Lord, give us all the courage to acknowledge our inadequacies and to rely on You for strength to act justly. Graduates: Give us wisdom to understand and to act, to use our diverse talents faithfully—not for personal advancement but for ministering to our fractured homes and communities. Congregation: Give them good judgment to be models of authentic living so others can learn of your love. Protect them from the gods of power, gold, and greed. Graduates: As we leave the protection and support of this campus environment, give us your strength and wisdom to face our new world. All: Do not be afraid—God has promised to be with you. Lord, give them the audacious compassion to be the humble servants this world needs. Leader: Lord, help the graduates to always keep the vision in their view, to have the calling in their hearts to live a life of service. Graduates: Lord, with our varied gifts and abilities, we accept this charge and present ourselves to be consecrated for active service to humanity.

Joan A. Francis

Benediction Prayer

Kenzer Herbert, Graduate Please be seated for the Recessional

Recessional Postlude

Marche Heroique Maestoso

Herbert Brewer Felix Mendelssohn

Mark Willey, organ


Washington Adventist University

Commencement Weekend

Sabbath School Prelude Hymn

Sabbath, May 4, 10:00 am Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church

Morning Has Broken

Arr. Larry Smith

Come, Thou Almighty King

No. 71 Italian Hymn


Melanie Bowen, Class Secretary

Opening Prayer

Brandon White, Graduate

Sabbath School Offering Offertory Musical Selection

Nkula Goma, Graduate Happy the Home Where God Is There Take My Life and Let It Be Jonathan Keplinger, Michael Patterson, Christopher Price, piano, Graduates

Lesson Study

Arr. Michael Patterson

Panel Convener: Dr. Zdravko Plantak Professor and Chair, Religion Panelists: Ralph Vieux, Class Pastor and Graduates Nathalie Rodriguez, Robert Machado, William Cheatham, Joel Mercado, Vanessa Castillo

Closing Prayer Postlude

Arr. Alice Jordan

Krista Byrd, Graduate Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Johann Christian Bach

Debby Szasz, organ

May 2013

Washington Adventist University


Baccalaureate Prelude

Sabbath, May 4, 11:15 am Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sinfonia in D Major

Giuseppe Torelli

The congregation is requested to remain seated for the Processional


Coronation March “Crown Imperial”

Welcome and Church Life

Charles Tapp, Senior Pastor Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church Jean Warden Vice President, Student Life

Call to Worship Invocation

William Walton St. Denio

Virletta Bryant Associate Professor, Social Work Please stand for the Invocation

Jasline Moreno Assistant Professor, Nursing

Please join in singing the Hymn of Praise

Hymn of Praise

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

No. 21 St. Denio

Please be seated


Canticle of Praise

Hal Hopson

Call to Prayer

Thy Perfect Love

John Rutter

Prayer Prayer Response

Gaspar Colón Professor, Religion & Theology A Choral Amen

Invitation to Give Offertory


Washington Adventist University

John Rutter Curtis Roberts Class Treasurer

Concerto for Piano No. 2 in D Minor, Adagio Molto Sostenuto Christopher Price, Graduate

Felix Mendelssohn

Commencement Weekend

Introduction of Speaker Scripture Reading

Weymouth Spence, President Ephesians 5:15

Kia Baker, Graduate


The Lord Is My Shepherd, Alleluia Ramone Griffith, tenor, Graduate

Adolphus Hailstork


“Just Do It�

Dan Jackson, President North American Division, SDA

Please stand and join in singing the Hymn of Dedication

Hymn of Dedication

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah


No. 538 Cwm Rhondda Bernard Winchester Jr. SGPS Graduate

Benediction Response

The Lord Bless You and Keep You

John Rutter

Please be seated for the Recessional

Recessional Postlude

Athalie: March of the Priests Mlada, Procession of the Nobles

Felix Mendelssohn Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Columbia Collegiate Chorale of Washington Adventist University James Bingham, director New England Youth Ensemble of Washington Adventist University Preston Hawes, director James Bingham, organ

May 2013

Washington Adventist University




DAR Constitution Hall For the second time in the history of Washington Adventist University, Commencement is held at the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Constitution Hall, a Registered National Historic Landmark. For more information, directions, and transportation alternatives, visit s Ground was broken for DAR Constitution Hall on June 22, 1928. That same year the cornerstone was laid by Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, using the same trowel George Washington used to lay the cornerstone at the Capital in 1793. s Mrs. Herbert Hoover was the guest speaker at the formal dedication on April 19, 1929. s The first musical event in the hall was on November 2, 1929 and featured Anna Case, Efrem Zimbalist, Sophie Braslau, and Hans Barth. s Every president since Calvin Coolidge has attended events at DAR Constitution Hall. s The National Symphony was founded at the Hall in 1930 and called it home for 41 years. s The National Geographic Film Series was presented at the Hall for over 40 years. s Until the 1950s the Hall had a glass ceiling and a view of the stars. s During World War II, the DAR loaned their complex of buildings to the Red Cross to support the war effort. s Each year, over 600,000 people pass through the doors of DAR, Washington, DC’s largest concert hall.


Washington Adventist University

Commencement Weekend

Commencement Prelude

Sunday, May 5, 10:00 am DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, DC

Aria Orb and Scepter

Faculty Processional Graduate Processional

Paul Manz William Walton


C. Hubert H. Parry

Pomp and Circumstance March


Edward Elgar Baraka Muganda Vice President, Office of Ministry


Patrick Farley Executive Vice President, Financial Administration

Scripture Reading

Ephesians 5:15-17

Musical Selection

English Suite in No. 2 in A Minor, Prelude Michael Patterson, piano, Graduate

Class President’s Address Musical Selection

Johann Sebastian Bach

Ramone Griffith Sonata for Saxophone and Piano Op. 19 With vigor David Byass, saxophone, Graduate Daniel Lau, piano

Conferring of Honors and President’s Awards Musical Selection

Emily Mize, Chair, Nursing

Cantata, Prelude Rondo “Peter Go Ring Dem Bells” Ramone Griffith, tenor, Graduate Jonathan Keplinger, piano, Graduate

Paul Creston

Weymouth Spence, President John Carter

Introduction of Speaker

Weymouth Spence, President

Commencement Address

“Relentlessly Making a Positive Impact” Albert Reece, Dean School of Medicine, University of Maryland WAU Trustee

May 2013

Washington Adventist University


Sunday, May 5, 10:00 am

Conferring of Degrees

Presentation of Diplomas

Weymouth Spence, President Patrick Williams, Interim Provost Nicole Currier, Registrar & Associate Dean John Gavin, Interim Dean School of Arts and Social Sciences Karen Benn Marshall, Dean School of Health Professions, Science & Wellness Ralph Johnson, Dean School of Graduate and Professional Studies

President’s Charge

Weymouth Spence

Class Appreciation

Curtis Roberts and Melanie Bowen Class Treasurer and Class Secretary

Welcome to Alumni

Mark Young, President, Alumni Association

Benediction Recessional Postlude

Douglas Morgan Professor, History and Political Studies Marche Triumphale Concerto in G, Allegro

Sigfrid Karg-Elert Johann Sebastian Bach

Mark Willey, organ

Thank You Please turn off all cell phones and paging devices. To ensure that families hear the reading of graduates’ names and honors, please refrain from any form of loud celebration as they are being announced.


Washington Adventist University

Commencement Weekend

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Student Success and Faculty Development Representing


2013 The Adrian T. Westney Award for Excellence in Community Service is a reminder of what Dr. Westney stood for: Unparalleled dedication, unmatched performance, and inspirational service that goes “above and beyond.”

May 2013

The Adrian T. Westney Award for Excellence in Community Service Dr. Adrian T. Westney (1927-2009) was an exemplary pastor and educator. He graduated from this institution in 1962 and is considered one of its outstanding alumni. Dr. Westney was born in Jamaica and received his initial education there. He later worked in several locations in North and South America and the Caribbean including Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados. He served the Church in many ways and at many levels: district pastor, teacher, dean of men, academy principal, local conference departmental director, and union conference departmental director. His career in ministry, both long and distinguished, was exemplified by his service in and his dedication to education, educational administration, religious liberty, pastoral care, and broadcasting. Dr. Westney was a confidant to more than a few, a mentor to many, an inspiration to thousands. He was a leader among leaders, a guide and a nurturer of many troubled souls as well as a beloved chaplain to many veterans. His selfless service and his visionary leadership brought innovation through the founding of churches, schools, and homes for the aged. Through his weekly WGTS 91.9 radio program, Talking About Freedom, he brought the concept of “religious liberty” into the homes and vocabulary of thousands in the Washington DC area. Dr. Westney was a true trailblazer who gave yeoman’s service to God, society, and “the least of these.” Each recipient of this award demonstrates, in his or her own way, the essence of what Dr. Westney embodied as the special and challenging responsibility of service that is both empathetic and comprehensive. Washington Adventist University



GARY L. WIMBISH is pastor of the Columbia Community Center of Seventh-day Adventists in Columbia, Maryland. His career in service spanned the disciplines of pastoral ministry and higher education administration for thirty-eight years. Wimbish pastored congregations in the Allegheny West, Southeastern California, and the Allegheny East Conferences of Seventhday Adventists. He served as WAU’s vice president for ministry and in various administrative capacities at Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama; Emory University Atlanta, Georgia; Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.; University of Maryland College of Law; and the University Of Baltimore School Of Law, Baltimore, Maryland. He is married to Cecelia T. Lester, M.D. and they have three adult children and three grandchildren.


Washington Adventist University

DANIEL R. JACKSON, the president of the North American Division (NAD) of Seventhday Adventists, was elected June 28, 2010, by delegates of the world church at their business session in Atlanta, Georgia. Jackson is a native Canadian and, with the exception of five years of service in the Southern Asia Division, has lived and ministered in Canada. He is a graduate of Canadian Union College (now Canadian University College) and Andrews University, from which he holds an M.A. in Religion in Systematic Theology. During his career, Dan has served the church as a pastor, teacher and administrator. As president of the NAD, he serves on more than 100 hospital, school, and organization boards operated by the Church, and lends leadership to missionary, evangelistic, educational, and humanitarian strategies. Dan and Donna enjoy the three children and four grandchildren the Lord has given them. Commencement Weekend

E. ALBERT REECE, M.D, Ph.D, M.B.A, is the Vice President for Medical Affairs, University of Maryland. He is a member of the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Reece was recently appointed to the Washington Adventist University Board of Trustees. Originally from Jamaica, West Indies, he completed his M.D. from New York University School of Medicine; Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica; and M.B.A from the Fox School of Business & Management of Temple University. He was a full-time faculty at Yale for almost 10 years. He received the Distinguished Leadership Award in 2009 and the 2010 Berson Medical Alumni Achievement Award in Health May 2013

Sciences from his alma mater, New York University School of Medicine, and the 2010 Distinguished Service Award from Loma Linda University. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Dr. Reece is actively involved in research and education. He directs an NIH multi-million dollar research laboratory group studying the bio-molecular mechanisms of diabetes-induced birth defects. Dean Reece is married to Sharon and they have three daughters: Kelie, Brynne, and Sharon-Andrea.

Washington Adventist University


Class of 2013 Class Statistics

Class Organization

December 2012 graduates: 61

President Ramone Griffith

May 2013 graduates: 236 The 297 graduates are comprised of the following degrees: Graduate degrees: 45 15 Master of Business Administration 11 2 4 8 1 4

Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Master of Arts in Professional Counseling Psychology Master of Arts in Health Care Administration Master of Arts in Public Administration Master of Science in Nursing Education Master of Science in Nursing and Business Leadership

Baccalaureate degrees: 232 46 Bachelor of Arts 4 Bachelor of Music 186 Bachelor of Science Associate degrees: 19 17 Associate of Applied Science 2 Associate of Science

Vice President Andrea Campbell Treasurer Curtis Roberts Pastor Ralph Vieux Secretary Melanie Bowen Sponsors Deborah Brown Associate Professor, English Gaspar Col贸n Professor, Religion Grand Marshal Zdravko Plantak Professor and Chair, Religion


Washington Adventist University

Commencement Weekend


December 2012 - May 2013

The following list of candidates for graduation was prepared before final grades were reported. The list of degree and award recipients is tentative and the University reserves the right to withdraw or add names. Official proof of degree completion is validated only by transcript.

Associate of Applied Science

Maria Cecile Nerette Respiratory Care

Oluwadamilola Itunu Agunbiade Respiratory Care

Andrew Africanus Reeves Respiratory Care

Nancy Ndoua Ajelli Respiratory Care

Alem Sertse Respiratory Care

Mugniu Bababunmi Almaroof Respiratory Care

Jesula Thelismond Respiratory Care

Ama Bempomaa Amoakohene Respiratory Care Nitoya Nate’-Deneise Avent Respiratory Care Danielle Sharmain Dabney* Respiratory Care Vironica Assefa Demissie Respiratory Care Aleyda Maria Mercado Respiratory Care Raquel Sarai Murillo* Respiratory Care *December 31, 2012 graduate

May 2013

Makda Mengistu Zewde Respiratory Care Magna Cum Laude

Associate of Science LaShawn Lucinda Cannon General Studies (Psychology) John Jordan Schmitt General Studies (Social Science) Cum Laude

Bachelor of Science Lourdes Acuna Nursing Joyce Addo* Nursing Olawunmi Anita Adewole Nursing Mary Aglebe Nursing Marlana L. Staats Albright Counseling Psychology Chinelo Njideka Anadu Nursing Magna Cum Laude Julia Antoine Nursing Joseph Appiah Nursing Judith Belinda Appiah Nursing Cum Laude Basudeva Aryal Nursing

Washington Adventist University


Peter Atembe Nursing

Alicia Ruth Dawn Benjamin Nursing

Emma Nell Chaney Health Care Administration

Stephen Oscar Ondicho Atuke Business Administration (Management)

Jacqueline Billy Business Administration

Edeline Jean Louis Charles* Nursing

Ethline Ann Black* Health Care Administration

Anthea May-Rose AdĂŠle Chatham Counseling Psychology

Akinola Alaba Awojope Biology Alemetu Fetene Ayalew Nursing Michelle Andrea Bacchus* Nursing Mamie Mbombo Badibanga* Nursing Kia Victoria Baker Counseling Psychology Latoya Tameka Baker* Health Care Administration Lindsay Rae Baker* Nursing La-Belle Bangura General Studies (Allied Health and Social Science) Gabrielle Alexandra Barrington Counseling Psychology Cum Laude


Jeanne Ann Bowes* General Studies (Education and Mathematics/Science) Kwamena Jamal Brew-Adams Counseling Psychology Esther Denis Bueno Counseling Psychology Cum Laude Lan P. Bui Nursing Cum Laude Jamie Jitta Bull* Health Care Administration Allyson Nicole Butler* Health Care Administration Rammaya Byanjankar* Nursing Cum Laude Krista Laverne Byrd* Physical Education

Takele Kumsa Basha* Nursing

Andrea Crystal Campbell Biochemistry

Tedla Fana Bedada* Nursing

Benjamin Franklin Chambliss Information Systems Cum Laude

Washington Adventist University

William Lee Cheatham IV General Studies (Science and Social Science) Dilys Seih Chebe* Nursing Emmanuel N. Chi Nursing Hilda Mungen Chi Nursing Cum Laude Chenelle Joy Chichester* Health Care Administration Aron Todd Christiansen* General Studies (Biology and Physical Education) Cum Laude Kyle Christiansen General Studies (Science and Social Science) Mark Claiborne* Information Systems Magna Cum Laude Tanea Martice Clark Counseling Psychology

Commencement Weekend

Alex Lynn Classen* Nursing

Rosina Demerzile Nursing

Linda Nzelle Ekinde* Health Care Administration

Joan Chikaodi Clement Nursing

Edson Dos Santos Osorio DePina Business Administration (Marketing)

Winnifred Ekoja* Nursing Cum Laude

Hilda Coburn Health Care Administration Corelita Sandra Codrington-Brewster Health Care Administration Departmental Distinction

Guichard Desrosiers* Computer Science Isis Desrosiers Health Care Administration

Mamie Cooper Nursing

Krystal Shemeka Dewer Health Care Administration

Salmata B. Cotay Nursing

Firmine Djamo General Studies (Allied Health and Science)

Delron Kimlee Cowan Health Care Administration Magna Cum Laude Crystal Lyn Crider Health Care Administration April Katrica Nurisha Cunningham* Nursing Blailond John Curtis Counseling Psychology

Charity Onyedinachi Ebisike* Nursing Camelite Eglaus* Nursing Olha Mykolayivna Ejedoghaobi Nursing Cum Laude

Belinda Wunze Enang Nursing Iliana Daniela Escalante Accounting Sosen Eshetu Health Care Administration Cum Laude Terrence Clyde Ewing Biology Sharday Renee Lancaster Farrell Nursing Anabel Lamigas Fitzgerald* Nursing Shawn LaMar Fordham Organizational Management Departmental Distinction Marjorie Duncan Forleh Organizational Management Counseling Psychology Cum Laude

Kenisha C. Cyrus Nursing

Esther Nonyelum Ejinaka* Nursing Summa Cum Laude

Ivo Ashu Degoh Nursing

Unnoma Uchenna Ejinaka* Nursing

Allana-marie CymonĂŠ Francis Health Care Administration

Rosemary Jingwa Degoh Nursing

Ledwin Senge Ekinde Nursing

Regina Elaine Freeman Organizational Management

May 2013

Washington Adventist University


Janice Joyce Fullerton* Nursing

Yusri Maulana Harun Information Systems

Lulit Girma Jembere Nursing

Dasola Omolola Gboluaje* Nursing

Stephen Brian Hassel Information Systems

Marcus Ray Johnson, Jr. Physical Education

Boyonnoh Edna Gibson* Nursing

Rita Henaku* Nursing

Rachel Dionne Jones Nursing

Nkula Goma Business Administration (Finance)

Sandra Carlene Henry Nursing

Traci M. Jones Business Administration Cum Laude

Vinessa Alexandria Gordon Biology Cum Laude Augustin Gouayou Nursing Paula Monique Grant Biology Antonio Rishaa Graves Business Administration (Management) Craig J. Griffin Information Systems Louise Blackwell Griffin Health Care Administration Summa Cum Laude

Andrene Delrose Hibbert Nursing Olivia Grace Hinds Counseling Psychology Nadine Elizabeth Holung General Studies (Science and Social Science)

Mulunesh Alem Kahsay Nursing Haja Neneh Kamara Counseling Psychology Mohamed Kamara Nursing Mohamed Adima Kamara Health Care Administration

Lindiwe Albasha Hume Health Care Administration

Yakanu Radmina Kamara Health Care Administration

Chiamaka Nkechi Igwe Nursing

Shueh J. Kamens General Studies (Allied Health and Science)

Haja Binta Jalloh* Nursing

Eden S. Haile Nursing

Rebecca Jean* General Studies (Religion and Science)

Washington Adventist University

Aline A. Kadji-Tedjeu Nursing

Tyrone Hughley Health Care Administration

Christina Marie Guerra Physical Education

Myra Janet Hannah* Nursing Cum Laude


Kenzer N’Nakelzer Herbert Health Fitness Management

Yvrose Sajous Jean-Pharuns Health Care Administration

Mulusew Getie Kebtie Nursing Kankou Keita Nursing Doris Jean Kelly Health Care Administration

Commencement Weekend

Sarah A. Khan Business Administration (Finance)

Woldeeves Ensy Louigene Health Care Administration Cum Laude

Aleyda Maria Mercado General Studies (Respiratory Care and Science)

Nardos Bekurtsion Kiflom Health Care Administration

Jacquelyn Danielle Luby Business Administration (Marketing)

Joel Abdiel Mercado Mathematics

Rehema Elizabeth Kilongola* Counseling Psychology

Peta-Gay Antoinette Lugg Business Administration

Cuanyeu Ko Business Administration (Management)

Jessica Luna* Counseling Psychology Magna Cum Laude

Chrispin Brima Komeh Nursing

Stephanie E. Lynch Nursing Cum Laude

Oliver Kulemfuka Health Care Administration Cum Laude Sabina Kumarraj Business Administration Departmental Distinction Susan D. Lee Nursing Hibsteab Girma Lemma Nursing Ryan Dennis Tee Lim Nursing Delmon Clifford Teniel Lindsay* Nursing Nicole Mitchell Lindsay Counseling Psychology

May 2013

Christopher Ibekwem Maduforo* Health Care Administration Departmental Distinction Eric Scott Makovsky Nursing Summa Cum Laude Benjamin Manzano-Perez Nursing Cum Laude Jonathan Francis Mark Business Administration (Management) Bincy Mathai Biology Cum Laude Shaheem Daquan McNair General Studies (Computer Science and Physical Education)

Solange Etuka Mesumbe Nursing Claudine Midi* Accounting Letisha Fariqueka Blossomme Moise General Studies (Social Science and Social Work) Rebecca Mondesir Counseling Psychology Melissa Moreau* Nursing Etaferahu Kefelow Muluneh Nursing Raquel Sarai Murillo Health Care Administration Sonica Nakka* Nursing Tewin Nalweyiso* Nursing Gertrude Nabila Ndansi Nursing Sandrine Laure Ndeme Yanse General Studies (Psychology and Science)

Washington Adventist University


Eftu Babina Negash Nursing Vivian Ngum Ngang* Nursing Delphine Nzegung Ngwatezeh Nursing Clement Okechukwu Njoku Nursing Rachidetou Njankouo Njoya Nursing Cum Laude

Sarah Elizabeth Quimby Accounting Magna Cum Laude

Matthew Oluwole Oriola* General Studies (Science and Social Science)

Dorathy Emershia Rajamonickam Nursing

Oyebusola Olufunke Oworu Nursing

Andrew Africanus Reeves General Studies (Respiratory Care and Science)

Mavis Owusu-Safo* Nursing Dannielle Victoria Panuccio Counseling Psychology

Mercy Yemin Nkakwa Nursing Cum Laude

Keila Roxanne Pardo Business Administration (Marketing)

Nerlyne Edwina Noisette General Studies (Social Science and Social Work)

Trista LeAnne Parker Nursing

Vivek Nowrangi General Studies (Science and Social Science) Felix Mbenda Nyamsi* Health Care Administration Nneka Anthonia Offiah Nursing Pennylaine Ribecca Ogieste Nursing Olumide Modupe Okunade General Studies (Social Science and Social Work)


Osariemen Okpunwa Onwuka Nursing Cum Laude

Washington Adventist University

Magdiely Arizvia PeĂąa* Counseling Psychology Rick John Phonela Business Studies Jessica Cherissa Pierre General Studies (Social Science and Social Work) Travon Omar Price Business Administration Magna Cum Laude Matthew J. Putu General Studies (Social Science and Social Work) Cum Laude

Yvonne Onikeh Reignat Counseling Psychology Cherrylyn Caintic Remigio Nursing Natasha Keesha Richardson-Bowen Nursing Ashley Coral Rivera Counseling Psychology Nathalie Rodriguez Counseling Psychology Magna Cum Laude Marvin A. Romero Health Care Administration Organizational Management Deidra Gail Rowe Biology Tiara Michelle Salim Accounting Zab’di Lanette Sanchez Prada Biology Magna Cum Laude

Commencement Weekend

Fatu Sankoh Nursing

Nikita G. Thompson Counseling Psychology

Aminata Kannia Sesay Nursing

Adrian Marvin Thornhill Accounting

Sandra Maxine B. Walker-McLean General Studies (Psychology and Social Work) Cum Laude

Deen Sesay* Nursing

Eliezer Isaac Tineo Health Care Administration

Natalie Wallace Health Care Administration

Harrieta William Shangarai Nursing

Harvey Eugene Todd III General Studies (Physical Education and Psychology)

Jacob K. Warren Business Administration

Marina Vladimirovna Smoleeva Nursing

Stephanie Hayes Ung Nursing

Curtis Alonzo Watkins* Counseling Psychology Cum Laude

Britney Breonka Spencer Counseling Psychology

Janil DessireĂŠ Valencia Biology

Winifred Ayodeji Wells Nursing

Danielle Angela Stoddart Business Administration (Marketing)

Ezequiel Josue Valladares Health Fitness Management

India Jessica Wilhite Counseling Psychology

Monica J. VanSickle Organizational Management

Shimekia Kimerly Williams Counseling Psychology

Dawn Lee Vesco Business Administration (Human Resources Track) Cum Laude

Amanda Maureen Wilson Nursing

Juliana Osong Takang* Nursing Nkemtaji Esther Takih* Nursing Aubrey Jillian Taliaferro General Studies (Social Science and Social Work) Martha T. Taylor* Nursing Jessica Telismond* Nursing Jennifer Colleen Tenorio* Nursing Cassandra Maria Thomas* Counseling Psychology May 2013

Alex Vieux Health Fitness Management

Erin Hilary Wright Physical Education Teacher Certification Cum Laude

Enperatriz Gonzalez Villegas Health Care Administration Departmental Distinction

Sarai Shaina Wright General Studies (Social Science and Social Work)

Desmin Lorenzo Wade Physical Education Teacher Certification

Demerce Andrew Young Nursing Cum Laude Bella Seyume Zewde Nursing

Washington Adventist University


Bachelor of Music David Alexander Byass Music Education Music Performance Jonathan Ryan Keplinger Music Performance Cum Laude Irma Christina Pallas Guizar* Music Education Cum Laude Michael Samuel Patterson Music Performance Emelie Manuella Pla Music Performance Cum Laude Christopher Price Music Performance

Bachelor of Arts Melanie Consuelo Bowen Political Studies (Pre-Law) Melanie Cavell Bramble Public Communication (Public Relations) Courtney Chanel Capers Political Studies (Pre-Law) Sharon Vanessa Castillo Journalism (Print Journalism)


Washington Adventist University

Richardson Delvin Allister Chatham Theology (Pastoral Ministry) Summa Cum Laude

Janae- Maria Graves Public Communication (Public Relations)

Rossana C. Chimenian Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Cum Laude

Constance Elizabeth Green Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Cum Laude

Adrienne Crystal Coleman Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education

Ramone Wendell Griffith Music Theology (Pastoral Ministry)

Courtney Ellen Daley History Cum Laude

Mary Anna Gunther Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education

Gregory Levar Daniel Music

Melinda Rae Hamerly English Magna Cum Laude

Rashida MonĂŠt Dickerson-Adams Political Studies (Pre-Law) Simeon Matthew Fowlkes* General Studies (Music Performance and Music Theory) Duddley Francois Theology (Pastoral Ministry) Jonathan Edward Gantt Theology (Pastoral Ministry) Sashia Danielle Gilliam Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Erin Michele Glass Public Communication (Public Relations)

Fumiyo Hashida Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Care and Education Cum Laude Trevor Franklin Hendershott General Studies (History and Physical Education) Janiel Marie Hibbler History Darian Jamal Holmes* History Akeem Bryan James* Theology (Pastoral Ministry) Vera Victoria Jones Maleck Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Commencement Weekend

George Jacob Kallarackal Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education

David B. Nelson History Political Studies

Daniel Jihoon Kim Biology

Alvine Tchabou Ngu Psychology

Catherine Regina Kuipers Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Summa Cum Laude

Twinkle Purshotam Pamnani Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education

Konstantin Mikhailovich Kulakov English Virginia B. Liberatore Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Cum Laude Julee Elaine Lipsman Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education

Heber Joctan Paredes Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Cedric Rayshawn Parker Theology (Metropolitan Ministry) Corene Stephanie Perla Political Studies Joubert Emmanuel Pierre English

Robert Lemos Machado Theology (Pastoral Ministry) Magna Cum Laude

Angela Renee Pringle Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Care and Education

Sheila Francheska Martinez General Studies (Education and Social Science)

Curtis Kenyatta Roberts Theology (Metropolitan Ministry)

Dalia Isabel Mellish-Santos General Studies (Religion and Social Science)

Victor Alberto Salazar Theology (Metropolitan Ministry) Cum Laude

Gabrielle Alysse Morrison Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Magna Cum Laude

May 2013

Mirsa Yesenia Shulman Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Cum Laude Jasmine Allison King Thompson Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Yvette Dehavilland Thompson Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Cum Laude Gerald Richard Twigg, Jr. Liberal Studies: Elementary Education/Special Education Ralph Vieux Religion Taneisha Queen Washington Liberal Studies: Early Childhood Care and Education Brandon E. White Theology (Pastoral Ministry) Denval Egular Wilson, Jr. Religion

Karann Kesi Shaw Psychology

Washington Adventist University


Master of Science in Nursing Education Punam Bazroy Danae Benzaquen* Ira Dell Brown* Edmund Adumuah Dowuona Bernadette Shillingford Garraway* Flora Hannah Gooding-Davies Carol J. Holness* Sandra Elizabeth Isaac* Jevonne Jones Johnson* Usha S. Khandagale Dorcas Kiptepkut Paulette Fearon Lawal* Pamela Jennylind Cruickshank Lewis* Maria Teresita A. Montesa Jercilla Murmu* Doris C. Osuorah Margaret Ann Persaud* Hannah Saravanakumar* Margaret Alacia Smith*

Master of Science in Nursing and Business Leadership John Adelaja Adeleye Naoel Serwaa Agyeman* Graciela de Costa Gomes

*December 31, 2012 graduate


Washington Adventist University

Crystal Elana Johnson Alimatu Koyah Kargbo Grea M. Neverson Daniels Olubukunola Osinupebi-Alao* Sandra Elizabeth Russell Grace Arlene Walters

Master of Business Administration Alida Irele Akpaki* James L. Black Lennox B. Browne, Jr. Lotoya Andrea Caesar Daran Erickson Addington Clarke Daniella Sasha Daley Brian Jerome Dent Talita Corrêa Ferreira Nikolai Xavier Greaves Courtney Alexander Jacobs, Jr. Delphine Marbley Abigail Leanola McPherson Patrick Robin Nyarko* Olubukunola Omotola Osinupebi Weymouth Saint Patrick Spence II Shallon Oriel Thomas Estevanny Turns* Darren Dale White*

Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Rachel Loretta Agarrat-Cryer Dacia Barnwell Arthur Lee Boykin, Jr.* Deborah Monica Callaway Alease Sherry Davis Tracey Howell Dehm Jessica Millicent Harris Donya Shamira-Enette Harry-Paul Jennifer Packiam Moses* Devie Lanice Phipps Deirdra Lynn Salawu Vanessa Yvette Senatus Christine Nadine Williams Tyronea S. Williams* Rose Marie B. Woods

Master of Arts in Professional Counseling Psychology Catherine Ann Armstrong Jackson Deborah Monica Callaway Dornel V. Charles Jason Vaughan David* Tracey Howell Dehm Candita Antoinette Mı- ’-cha˘l Hinds Rita A. Johnson* Elaine Powell Oliver* Deirdra Lynn Salawu Joseph L. Small* Danah Lea Snedden* Christine Nadine Williams Delories Evette Young*

Commencement Weekend

Master of Arts in Health Care Administration Yudice L. Abrego Dina Bayou Emerline Carrette* Amadu Claude Cham Angela Denise Claggett* Anabel Janine Michal Greaves Dianne Elizabeth McDonald Henri Anguilet Paturault, Jr. Sherriann G. Williams Rodney James Yapi

Master of Arts in Public Administration

Honors HONORS PROGRAM The Washington Adventist University Honors Program is a selective interdisciplinary program designed to provide academically talented students the opportunity to excel within a collaborative learning community. Graduates of the program have demonstrated academic achievement in the Honors curriculum, completed a capstone Honors Project, and have engaged in leadership and service opportunities throughout their college career. Andrea Crystal Campbell Richardson Delvin Allister Chatham

Courtney Ellen Daley Konstantin Mikhailovich Kulakov

Yvette Percell Ja-mae Lorraine Marie Smith

Master of Arts in Religion Claudette Bagot Haynes* (Clinical Pastoral Education) Gregory Scott Iverson* (Ethical Leadership) Noha Sujjan John (Metropolitan Ministry) Bernard Winchester, Jr. (Ethical Leadership)

Guest Cameron Alberto Burrell Liberty University Sport Management and Administration

May 2013

ACADEMIC HONORS shown within the Candidates list are conferred to graduates with the following cumulative grade point averages (GPA): Cum Laude, 3.50 Magna Cum Laude, 3.75 Summa Cum Laude, 3.90 ___ Departmental Distinction Cumulative below 3.50 but 3.90 within major

Washington Adventist University




WHO’S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges honors the nation’s most noteworthy students of higher learning. It has become one of the most highly regarded and long-standing honors programs in the nation, having earned the overwhelming respect of college faculties and administrations. And for the students—the outstanding campus leaders of the year—national recognition by the Who’s Who program marks a pinnacle of scholastic achievement. Class honorees are as follows: Dacia Barnwell Richardson Delvin Allister Chatham Esther Nonyelum Ejinaka Duddley Francois Mary Anna Gunther Melinda Rae Hamerly Jessica Millicent Harris Catherine Regina Kuipers

Eric Scott Makovsky Gabrielle Alysse Morrison Devie Lanice Phipps Sarah Elizabeth Quimby Nathalie Rodriguez Zab’di Lanette Sanchez Prada John Jordan Schmitt Adrian Marvin Thornhill Christine Nadine Williams

HONOR SOCIETIES ALPHA CHI s Seniors and graduate students s Rank in upper 10% of class s Good academic and social standing

Mary Aglebe Chinelo Njideka Anadu Gabrielle Alexandra Barrington Ira Dell Brown Richardson Delvin Allister Chatham Hilda Mungen Chi Mark Claiborne Joan Chikaodi Clement 26

Washington Adventist University

Delron Kimlee Cowan Daniella Sasha Daley Olha Mykolayivna Ejedoghaobi Sosen Eshetu Marjorie Duncan Forleh Vinessa Alexandria Gordon Constance Elizabeth Green Melinda Rae Hamerly Carol J. Holness Catherine Regina Kuipers Benjamin Manzano-Perez Bincy Mathai Garielle Alysse Morrison Rachidetou Njankouo Njoya

Matthew J. Putu Sarah Elizabeth Quimby Zab’di Lanette Sanchez Prada Margaret Alacia Smith Adrian Marvin Thornhill Demerce Andrew Young

NURSING HONOR SOCIETY s GPA of 3.5 or above in

program (graduate students)

s Rank in upper 15% of class (undergraduate students)

John Adelaja Adeleye Chinelo Njideka Anadu Judith Belinda Appiah Punam Bazroy Danae Benzaquen Rammaya Byanjankar Edeline Jean Louis Charles Olha Mykolayivna Ejedoghaobi Esther Nonyelum Ejinaka Eric Scott Makovsky Hilda Mungen Chi Winnifred Ekoja Bernadette Shillingford Garraway Graciela de Costa Gomes Flora Hannah Gooding-Davies Austin Gouayou Myra Janet Hannah Carol J. Holness Sandra Elizabeth Isaac Mulusew Getie Kebtie Usha S. Khandagale Paulette Fearon Lawal Pamela Jennylind Cruickshank Lewis

Commencement Weekend

Stephanie E. Lynch Jercilla Murmu Rachidetou Njankouo Njoya Hannah Saravanakumar Margaret Alacia Smith Mavis Owuso-Sofo Demerce Andrew Young

OMICRON DELTA KAPPA s National Honor Society for Exemplary Leadership

s Rank in upper 35% of class Richardson Delvin Allister Chatham Courtney Ellen Daley Jessica Millicent Harris Robert Lemos Machado Benjamin Manzano-Perez Abigail Leanola McPherson Zab’di Lanette Sanchez Prada Shallon Oriel Thomas Curtis Alonzo Watkins

PHI ALPHA THETA s National Honor Society for History

s Kappa Epsilon Chapter Melanie Consuelo Bowen Courtney Ellen Daley Janiel Marie Hibbler

PHI ETA SIGMA s Seniors who were inducted as freshmen

s GPA of 3.5 or above s Rank in upper 20% of class Dina Bayou Andrea Crystal Campbell Richardson Delvin Allister Chatham Iliana Daniela Escalante Bincy Mathai Garielle Alysse Morrison Victor Alberto Salazar John Jordan Schmitt Amanda Maureen Wilson

PSI CHI s National Honor Society

for Psychology s Psychology major or minor s GPA of 3.4 or above s Psychology GPA of 3.0 Rachel Loretta Agarrat-Cryer Catherine Ann Armstrong Jackson Dacia Barnwell Arthur Lee Boykin, Jr. Esther Denis Bueno Dornel V. Charles Jason Vaughan David Alease Sherry Davis Tracey Howell Dehm Donya Shamira-Enette Harry-Paul Candita Antoinette Mı- ’-cha˘l Hinds Rita A. Johnson

Jennifer Packiam Moses Magdiely Arizvia Peña Nathalie Rodriguez Vanessa Yvette Senatus Karann Kesi Shaw Joseph L. Small Nikita G. Thompson Curtis Alonzo Watkins Christine Nadine Williams Tyronea S. Williams Rose Marie B. Woods Delories Evette Young

SIGMA BETA DELTA s International Honor Society for Business, Management, and Administration s Rank in upper 20% of class Daniella Sasha Daley Brian Jerome Dent Edson Dos Santos Osorio DePina Nikolai Xavier Greaves Sarah A. Khan Cuanyeu Ko Abigail Leanola McPherson Keila Roxanne Pardo Sarah Elizabeth Quimby Tiara Michelle Salim Adrian Marvin Thornhill Dawn Lee Vesco

SIGMA TAU DELTA s National Honor Society for English

s GPA of 3.25 or above and B average in English Konstantine Mikhailovich Kulakov Melinda Rae Hamerly


Academic Regalia The black caps and gowns worn by the students, faculty and staff in the academic procession have been the traditional costume of scholars since medieval times. In the United States, it is more commonly referred to as academic regalia. Most colleges and universities in the United States have adopted the uniform code for costumes drafted by an intercollegiate commission in 1893, and later formally adopted by the American Council on Education in 1959. Each of the three academic degrees—bachelor, master, and doctoral—has its own distinctive gown and hood. The bachelor’s gown is distinguished by its long, pointed sleeve. The master’s gown has a longer, narrower closed sleeve extending below the knee; the arm fits through a slit at the elbow. The doctor’s gown has a full, bell-shaped sleeve trimmed with three bars of velvet. The velvet trim on the gown can be black or a color indicating the wearer’s general field of learning—for example, green for medicine or purple for law. A list of departments and colors follow:

Public Administration—peacock blue Public Health—salmon Physical Education—sage green Social and Natural Sciences—golden yellow Social Work—citron Theology—scarlet The most colorful and distinctive part of the academic costume is the hood extending down the back. The doctoral’s is the largest of the hoods, and the bachelor’s is the smallest. Silk lining of various colors in the center of the hood indicate the college or university which conferred the degree. Consistent for all degrees is the cap, or mortar board, which has a tassel of black or another color indicating the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap can be gold. Some institutions of higher learning include cords or stoles as a component of the academic costume to represent certain achievements and honors. Washington Adventist University graduates are awarded silver cords to represent departmental distinction and gold cords to indicate academic honors.

Business Administration—drab Communications—gray Economics—copper Education—light blue Law—purple Liberal Arts, Humanities—white Library Science—lemon Medicine—green Music—pink Nursing—apricot Philosophy—dark blue 28

Washington Adventist University

Commencement Weekend

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