Slice: Issue 7

Page 135

Thruway Kevin Leahy

Southwest of Rochester, Frank pulled into a

through the diesel fumes. It should have been enough to

Sunoco off the New York State Thruway. He could not

puncture his dark mood, but all it did was remind him he

remember why he’d agreed to take Claire’s bedroom

should have been home raking leaves or weeding. If he

set to Cleveland, but lately he’d been talked into a lot of

let himself enjoy any part of this trip, he risked losing the

things he didn’t want. Like last month, when he’d leased

righteous anger that sustained him. After two months with no contact from Claire, last

this pickup. He’d told the salesman he was looking for a sedan, but the young man at the Ford dealership was

Thursday Frank received a call on his landline from a

earnest and sympathetic (having recently been sepa-

Richard in Cleveland claiming to be her friend. He’d been

rated himself, he said), and after the salesman spent an

trimming plastic nubs from the gunwales of his new USS

hour guiding Frank through the lot to the showroom

Indiana model in his basement, and was so engrossed

to the management offices, leaving his side only to get

that he barely noticed the intrusion until his answering

him a break on price, Frank felt he had no choice but to

machine beeped.

take the truck. For days afterward he drove around with

“Put her on the phone,” Frank said.

a little ball of lead riding in his chest, but it was only a thirty-six-month lease, so what was the big deal.

“She’s at work,” said the flat voice on the other end of the line. “She wanted me to talk for her.” At that, Frank held the receiver away from his face

He pulled up to the pump, behind a huge silver truck mounted on oversize tires. He put the gas nozzle into

and took a deep breath. The X-Acto knife in his other

the tank, locked the trigger on, and saw the tarpaulin

hand had a suggestive heft to it.

had come undone at both rear corners of his truck bed.

“Tell her to call me herself.”

At least nothing had fallen out: four fluted bedposts,

“Look, all she wants is her grandmother’s bedroom

the cherry brown chest and attendant brassware, all


accounted for. Frank took the tarp in both hands and

“So tell her to come get it.”

straightened it with a snap, felt soothed by the slow way

There was a sigh and a long silence on the other end.

it draped across the frame, the headboard, the burled

Despite himself, Frank felt a twinge of sympathy for

panels stacked atop one another. He tied down the


corners and lobbed a bag of bolts and washers into the

“We’ll give you two hundred dollars to bring it here.”

center, flattening its air pillow with a satisfying thunk. A

“Four hundred,” said Frank, surprised at his own

quarter mile back was a Christmas tree farm, and even

boldness. He immediately thought he should’ve said five

at a distance the crisp smell of pine and Douglas fir cut

hundred, since gas would cost at least seventy-five, but

photograph by Terry Knouff


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