Get Fit Get Sexy by Sleekly - September 2014 Issue

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Working Out Your Abs 3 Reasons

Why Diets Don't Work

Zumba Fitness Workouts Fun and Healthy

WALK YOUR WAY TO FITNESS Is Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

Staying Fit during Exams


on the inside p. 6 5 Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises 6 Boosting Immunity through Physical Fitness 7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms 9 Improving Mental Fitness 10 Miracle Foods to Stay Fit 11 Physical Fitness for the Elderly

p. 15 12 Protecting Children from Obesity 13 Staying Fit during Exams 15 Walk Your Way To Fitness 16 What To Eat Before Workouts 17 A Better Female Metabolism with a Balanced Diet 18 Working out Your Abs

on the inside

20 Lifting Weights, Ladies, Might Just Make You Bulky 21 Natural Health and Fitness Guide: How To Increase Your Height Naturally 22 Is Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

p. 25

23 Fat-Burning Smoothies: How Fruit and Vegetable Smoothies Can Help You Lose Weight 25 The Solution to Obesity 26 3 Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

27 Egg Yolks - What's the Big Deal? 28 Revealing the Secrets to Flawless Skin 29 Zumba Fitness Workouts Fun and Healthy

p. 29

FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to this month’s issue of Get Fit. Get Sexy. magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will help you fast track your goals and success.

We work hard to put together each issue of this magazine and welcome the feedback and contributions from all our loyal readers. A publication like this would not be possible without the support of our valued advertisers who provide relevant products and services for our readership. Please visit our sponsors as they know what you need to help you with all your endeavors. Lastly I’d like to congratulate you for investing your time to educate yourself by reading this magazine. We are proud to be able to help all our readers, and look forward to serving you for many years to come. Regards,

Moji Tehranian, CPT Health & Fitness Editor (


Deep Breathing


In the recent years, deep breathing exercises have gained a lot of prominence and this is not without a reason. The benefits gained from these simple exercises are of immense value for the physical and mental well-being of your body. Though deep breathing techniques have been in use since olden days in many cultures, modern research has shed light on how important it is to breathe right for a healthy body. Here are a few of the benefits from deep breathing:

• Relaxes muscles • Lowers blood pressure • Frees the mind of tensions • Enhances oxygen supply • Improves blood circulation • Promotes cardiovascular health • Strengthens muscles of the respiratory system • Detoxifies blood • Elevates mood • Enhance cell regeneration

When we take long, deep breaths, the muscles of our brain get relaxed too due to increased blood and oxygen supply. This helps us to distress and brings clarity to our thinking. The feel good hormones called endorphins, are released, elevating our mood and making us happy and calm.

It may be surprising that such techniques can yield so many benefits but it is no miracle, just a bit of science and logic. Proper supply of oxygen and blood are responsible for various functions of our body. Just the way an increase in this supply can boost up our energy levels and increase the performance of various bodily functions, improper supply can harm our body in a big way. When we breathe freely, oxygen and blood circulation speeds up, improving the efficacy of our organs. When we take long, deep breaths, the muscles of our brain get relaxed too due to increased blood and oxygen supply. This helps us to distress and brings clarity to our thinking. The feel good hormones called endorphins, are released, elevating our mood and making us happy and calm.

A 15 minute session a day can be enough but a longer session or an extra 10-15 minute session at a different time of the day can be quite rewarding. Just make sure you find yourself some place which is not too noisy, take in deep breaths through your nose, fill in your chest with air and gradually inhale out through your nose. This is truly a magic remedy for the fitness of your whole body.

Boosting Immunity


Through Physical Fitness Staying fit physically is the key to a healthy immune system, which means you get to experience fewer bouts of common colds and other viral and bacterial infections. As if this was not good enough, research shows that moderate physical exercise can also lower your chances of getting osteoporosis, cancer and heart disease. Exercise also keeps your stress levels down which means a little walk everyday can keep a lot of health problems at bay. Sedentary lifestyle is the culprit behind several health disorders including obesity but you are mistaken if you feel staying fit requires heading to a gym right away. A simple walk can make a lot of difference to your immune system. Though there is not one single theory to support this claim, one popular theory suggests that exercise boosts efficiency of the cells of the immunity system and also increases the production of antibodies, which are needed to fight the infections.

Exercise also helps to release the stress relieving hormones and make you calmer. This again affects your immune system as high stress levels can also weaken your immune system inviting infections easily. The exercise regimen can be simple and of moderate-intensity which involves about 20-30 minutes of physical activity daily. Though hitting the gym is a good option, a brisk walk or bicycling daily for half an hour is a good substitute. Simple stretching and bending exercises can be done if you are unable to spare enough time outdoors. Sports like badminton and golf are a good way to unwind and also provide your body with the right dose of exercise. Exercise also helps to release the stress relieving hormones and make you calmer. This again affects your immune system as high stress levels can also weaken your immune system inviting infections easily. Take wholesome diet that supplies you with enough calories and nutrients. However, it is important not to overdo the exercises as it too much stress and low energy levels can in turn weaken the immune system.

Fitness Tips



While regular exercise is one important aspect of staying fit and healthy, eating the right food is also equally important. Many busy mothers opt for precooked and processed food which is unhealthy and adds to your calories. Plan simple, healthy meals and make sure you use only fresh ingredients in them. Daily workloads can increase your stress levels so eat antioxidant rich foods and include lot of bright colored fruits in your diet.

Fitness is something which cannot be overlooked by anyone but busy mums who try to juggle their work with family commitments and children are often forced to sacrifice their fitness. Not finding enough time for their fitness goals is not about just losing out their body shape but also doing away with their health. By devising simple schedules that can be accommodated in your daily routine, you can stay fit and yet don’t have to compromise on your work. When you first start out on your fitness regime, don’t make it too lengthy as you may not be able to find enough time every day and finally junk it. Instead of getting over ambitious, start with around 20 minutes of exercise and extend it gradually. Another method is to break up your exercise routine into small portions. Planning your workouts for an hour or more will not be difficult if break them up into two or more sessions of 20-30 minutes each. Having young children at home can add to the daily load of work and it becomes even more difficult to find yourself time for exercise. So, instead of worrying over it, chart out a workout schedule that includes your kids. Get them on a pram and take a long walk or if they are a little older, let them bicycle while you jog along.

While being a mum is no easy task, it is equally important to focus on your fitness too or you will end up all tired and stressed out every few days. So stay fit and make a super mum of yourself.

Having young children at home can add to the daily load of work and it becomes even more difficult to find yourself time for exercise. So, instead of worrying over it, chart out a workout schedule that includes your kids.




Physical fitness is being emphasized a lot now, but what many people don’t realize is that mental fitness is equally important as staying fit and healthy physically. Your brain also need some activity to stay healthy and efficient. But how do you exercise your brain? Human brain is an amazing organ that does more than just remembering things, though it is a major function. Keeping your mind active can boost your memory levels, improve your ability to grasp things and keep depression and stress away. Give an exercise to your brain by learning new things every day. It can be a new language, a new subject or topic or even a new word or a little fact you didn't know before. Just like things become redundant when they are not used for a long time, our brain loses its efficiency when we don’t give it enough work. Solving puzzles, crossword or Sudoku not only lets you pass time but helps keep your brain agile. Reading books and magazines and discovering new things about the world around you is also a good option. Many adults often complain about depression and anxiety due to stress. Relaxing with a good head massage or shower can help you unwind. But the best exercise is to meditate every day for a fixed amount of time as this improves your concentration levels and relaxes your mind by bringing down the stress levels. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, zinc and antioxidants as they promote mental health and efficiency. Lastly, do not neglect your physical exercise as a moderate level exercise like brisk walking or jogging can increase oxygen and blood supply to your brain keeping it healthy. Related: What is Mental Performance?

Solving puzzles, crossword or Sudoku not only lets you pass time but helps keep your brain agile. Reading books and magazines and discovering new things about the world around you is also a good option.



FOODS TO STAY FIT The right kind of food, combined with adequate exercise can help you to stay fit through all seasons. Here is a selection of foods that have been proven efficient in helping you to stay fit. 1. ALMONDS: Almonds are rich in proteins and fiber and are a good source of vitamin-E. Their fiber content keeps your hunger pangs away while the protein helps take care of your muscles. What makes almonds a healthy food is that they are loaded with healthy unsaturated fats and despite being high on calories, they do not add to the fat content of your body making them an ideal snack to munch on. 2. GREEN TEA: Green tea revs up your metabolism and helps you burn calories faster. It contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that help eliminate the free radicals from your body and offers you protection from several types of cancers and blood pressure related problems. 2-3 cups of green tea everyday can help you stay fit and healthy. 3. AVOCADOS: Avocados have the perfect balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber, making them an ideal snack for those who want to stay fit. They contain healthy fats that help burn calories and possess the ability to lower your cholesterol levels when taken regularly. They are also known to promote cardiovascular health.

4. QUINOA: This super grain is fast becoming the favorite food for the fitness conscious as it supplies you with the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber and keeps you fuller for a long time. It is also low in glycemic index, which means it prevents your blood sugar levels from spiking up and reduces your cravings for unhealthy foods. 5. SALMON: Salmon is valued as a super food because it's a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids that help keep your cholesterol in check and also promote your cardiovascular health. These fatty acids are known to have a lot of health benefits and are used as supplements for treating diseases.


PHYSICAL FITNESS for the elderly When it comes to the elderly, fitness is not the most important issue. It is always about what medicines and health supplements to take for maintaining good health. Old people, especially those above 80, are considered frail and weak and hence taking adequate rest is always the main priority. Well, it is time to change this attitude because health professionals are emphasizing the need for physical activity among the elderly and are blaming their inactive lifestyle for making them weak and fragile.

As we grow old, our energy levels drop making us adopt a less active, often sedentary lifestyle. But what many do not know is that the more sedentary your lifestyle becomes the more fragile and feeble the body becomes. Moderate, simple exercises can keep the aged people active and fit, and can also lower their dependency levels, making them independent and confident. So if you are concerned about your growing years and increasing dependency on the care givers, it is time to take action. Low intensity exercises like walking can be adopted as it will not exhaust the older adults too much and will help keep your bones and muscles strong. They should also be encouraged to do simple household chores on their own as it keeps their muscles flexible. When the body gets used to inactivity, it turns the muscles stiff and less flexible making it difficult to do physical work. Hence keeping the limbs active can contribute to physical fitness in old age. Related: The Bright Side of Aging

Household work like cooking, gardening, and lawn mowing are also good activities to keep you on your toes in old age. You can also dance to your favorite tune and burn some calories the extra way. A lot of older adults complain about stomach upsets and inability to digest food properly. Exercise boosts the metabolism and improves digestion. It also elevates the oxygen levels in the body and speeds up blood circulation keeping the heart healthy. So stop bothering about age and start exercising to make old age as enjoyable as any other phase of your life.


Many kids refuse to eat fruits but love colorful candies. Make fruits more interesting by arranging the pieces in a colorful way or make low fat chocolate dips to go with them instead of handing out bars of chocolate. Or provide them a healthy alternative: Sugar Free, Dairy Free, Vegan Milk Chocolate Another important thing is to keep the television away from children during meal times as it often distracts them and makes them lose count of how much they are eating.

Obesity among children has become a major concern as it puts them at the risk of several health disorders like diabetes and heart disease. It also makes them develop a negative self-image leading to depression. Before it is too late, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle for your children and keep them away from obesity. Unhealthy eating and very little physical activity is a major cause for obesity among children. Since the eating pattern of a child forms at a very young age, avoid giving any kind of junk food to young children. Instead of making them eat boring veggies, you can make and dress them up the fun way to make it look good and taste yummy. Children are attracted to food that looks inviting so make their meals more attractive with colorful garnishes. You can also make low fat dips to go with their snacks. If your child refuses to eat veggies the normal way, make different salad dressings using olive oil or make a veggie sandwich and decorate it in an attractive way.

Physical activity is of great significance to keep children from gaining the extra pounds. Encourage them to play outdoors whenever possible and if you can, consider enrolling them for sports classes. For very young children, you can take them on little walks and get them to bicycle along with you. Involve kids in various activities of the house like gardening, cleaning, etc. so it decreases the amount of time they spend in front of the television or computer. Make a little effort and it can be rewarding if you can keep your child away from obesity.

baby food mix Ingredients: 1/2 cup broccoli 1 ripe kiwi 1/2 cup fresh spinach

Best for


Method: Lightly steam the broccoli and peel the kiwi Combine the steamed broccoli, kiwi and fresh spinach in a food processor Blend until smooth and ready to feed your baby


Sitting for a long period of time can lead to pain in the back and neck. To avoid this, keep changing your position or take a small break every one hour and stretch up a bit. You can also plan a 15-20 minute walking sessions daily to keep your body fit and the fresh air can bring your stress levels down. Fitness takes a back seat during exams as students find their daily schedule filled with cramming sessions. Most students struggle to find time to exercise or are too preoccupied to concentrate on what they are eating. This could result to weight gain, headaches and stomach upsets that can ruin your exam preparation and performance. Here are some tips to stay fit and give your best in your exams. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables that can keep you supplied with vitamins, stress busting antioxidants and fiber required to keep you away from unhealthy cravings. You can also make a simple salad that can serve as a good snack option. The stress levels during exams increase the cravings for sugar and carb-rich foods which spike the sugar levels and then crash them making you feel lethargic and low on energy. To overcome this, snack on roasted nuts and low-calorie, whole grain bread sandwiches. Sleep is often neglected as every hour becomes precious before exams. Though going a bit low on sleep is fine for a few days, studying throughout the night with just a couple of hours sleep can spell disaster as you would wake up low on energy and might experience a dull throbbing headache. Sitting for a long period of time can lead to pain in the back and neck. To avoid this, keep changing your position or take a small break every one hour and stretch up a bit. You can also plan a 15-20 minute walking sessions daily to keep your body fit and the fresh air can bring your stress levels down. Finally, it is important to drink lots of water and stay well hydrated in order to avoid headaches and stomach upsets due to indigestion.

How many steps can you walk? Improve your physical and mental well-being. Challenge yourself.


Sleekly Pedometer for Walking SHOP.SLEEK.LY


Walk Your Way To Fitness Walking increases your blood and oxygen supply in the body, making you feel active and energetic throughout the day.

Walking is one of the best and simplest ways to lose weight and to maintain overall wellness. It is inexpensive and a great way to distress and socialize as you burn the extra pounds. A brisk walk of 30 minutes provides you with a moderate level physical activity daily and can do a lot to protect you from many health problems. Here are some of them:

calories but also tones your calves and muscles of the buttocks. Swinging your arms freely while walking can help give you toned slender arms too. Apart from this, if you are walking in daylight, you can get your daily dose of vitamin D, an essential vitamin that is hard to get from your diet but can be easily synthesized from exposure to sunlight.

• Heart diseases • High blood pressure • Type 2 diabetes • Obesity • Osteoporosis • Some types of cancers

Walking increases your blood and oxygen supply in the body, making you feel active and energetic throughout the day.

It does not end here; walking enhances your muscle and bone strength, boosts your immunity and greatly increases your levels of endurance. It also maintains a healthy heart and keeps a check on cholesterol levels. Walking is a great way to lose weight and stay in shape as it not only burns the

Tips for Beginners: Start slowly. When you start walking for exercise, go for 15 to 20 minutes and build up to 30 minutes at a time. Check your pace. Use the talk test: If you can comfortably have a conversation while walking, you aren't overdoing it. Using a pedometer can help you keep track of how far you've walked, allowing you to set goals for your self.


Workouts can drain us out of the essential fluids and energy making us feel weak and dull. Eating the right kind of food before you hit the gym can help you gain the maximum from your exercise. Muscles are constantly supplied with blood and oxygen by the blood cells when they are working, and cells get energy only when we eat food. Eating food that can supply the body with the right amount of carbohydrates, protein and fats before starting the workout is necessary to keep us active and enhance the endurance levels.


Choose foods that have optimum levels of carbohydrates and proteins needed to fuel your body before exercise. The food should be high in carbohydrates and moderate in proteins, but make sure it is an easily digestible food as eating heavy food can cause indigestion. Stay away from fatty and oily foods before your workout. Here are a few healthy preworkout snack ideas that can improve your efficiency in burning the calories, keeping your body energized for longer periods of time. • Whole wheat bread with fruit or a low-fat spread • Oatmeal with fresh fruit • A banana and some almonds • Whole wheat toast with hard boiled eggs (yolks removed) There is no specific food that you should stick to as long you can follow the "high-carb,-medium-protein, low-fat food" rule before your workout. Another important element is your fluid intake. As you exercise, your body temperature rises to high levels and there should be enough fluid intake to cool down your system. Hence it is essential to keep yourself hydrated before heading to the gym. Always plan your pre-workout snack at least 2-3 hours before you start exercising. Do not end up eating heavily and plan your portions depending on how long your workout is. Longer workouts need extra fueling. For your post workout meal, "Waldorf Salad and Turkey Wrap" would be great. Try this recipe.

Need a snack on-the-go on your way to the gym? Stick with a smoothie. Not only are they time-friendly, building your own blend has a bunch of exercise benefits. For a foolproof formula, use your favorite sliced fruit, a cup of Greek yogurt and some granola for a thicker consistency. If you're picking one up from the groceries, check the label to make sure it's made from whey or milk-based proteins. And no need to go overboard, 10 to 20 grams of protein before exercising is plenty.

a better female metabolism

WITH A BALANCED DIET What exactly strikes your mind when you come across the term balanced diet? As the term goes, balanced diet is nothing but a diet in which each and every nutrient is incorporated in rational amounts. It is an absolutely wrong notion that those having excess body weight must stop their intake of fats and in some cases, even carbohydrates. There must be an equitable balance of nutrients in the meal in order to stay in the best health as the body surely benefits from rich nutrients in some way or the other. First thing to consider: You must consider a diet plan and follow it religiously. There might be people who will come up with different suggestions for losing that extra fat from your body but make sure you do your own bit of research for the same. The diet should be planned in such a way so that it contains each and every food that you crave for but in reasonable amounts. Thus, you need to have patience and follow the diet plan accordingly in order to reap the best benefits out of it. Fitness regimes such as cardio, exercise machines, prepackaged or restrictive diets are all stereotypes nowadays. These might be effective but what we need is a faster process which can burn that extra fat from our body within a short span of time. Are supplements necessary? Is it absolutely necessary to go for weight loss supplements recommended by surfeit of companies across the world? It is true that these are effective and give results in the end but there are always chances of side effects kicking in. Thus, the best move would be to get apprised to an out-of-the-box method by which weight can be lost at a surprising pace. This plan highlights one such method, which has been analyzed and devised after extensive hours of researching on the metabolism rate in females. Thus, the final result was groundbreaking as this method might just burn your fat within a week or two, and without much labor.

Good to know: Yerba mate contains mateine, an ingredient similar to caffeine but without the known side effects. And it is this key ingredient that increases metabolism and energy, and as a result promotes weight loss. More on:

Drinks for Weight Loss The groundbreaking discovery: As per extensive research by this plan, it has been found out that there is one particular hormone that is actively involved in the weight loss process among men and women. This particular hormone goes by the name of Leptin and it controls the ability of the body to burn extra fat. There are basically two levels of Leptin, 1) the higher level coaxes and speeds up the process of metabolism henceforth fastening the process of losing weight; and 2) the lower levels of Leptin, which helps in storing fat inside the body.

Latest research reveals the startling fact that women have twice the amount of Leptin than men. Thus, women can lose weight faster than men and this certainly happens to be good news for them. But the bad news is that the response to Leptin signals in women is three times lesser than that of men. So as a conclusion, it is best to follow a balanced diet in order to lose extra fat.

WORKING OUT We all want a toned, flat stomach. No surprise there. But since many women are still relying on crunches to get it, we want to make one thing clear: Crunching is not the most effective abs workout. To lose belly fat and uncover amazing abs, it is recommended to do a series of core stabilization exercises. One way you can work out your abs is going into plank position with a medicine ball. Press your hands against the ball tightening your abs and press your chest away from the ball as you hold the position. Another way to build your abs is to do pushups into side plank position. Begin in pushup position with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Go down bending your elbows trying your hardest to bring your chest to floor. Staying in a side plank position is a great abs exercise too. This abs exercise is more challenging than a traditional plank because you're supporting your entire body weight on two points of contact instead of four. As a result, you must work your core harder to stay stabilized.

YOUR ABS You can also do an abdominal hold. This is the sort of move that looks so wonky, you sure hope your roommate doesn't catch you doing it. Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair (or step with four risers) and place your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing toward your knees. Tighten your abs and bring your toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Lift your butt off the chair. Hold this position for as long as you can -- aim for 5 to 10 seconds. Lower yourself down and repeat. Do this for 1 minute. Tip for Sharp Abs Some trainers recommend that you begin your workout with ab training to make sure you don’t skip it. We disagree. A recent study by the Weider Research Group found that when trained lifters did abs before legs in a squat workout, they completed fewer reps of squats than when they trained abs after the squat workout. This is because the abs, obliques and transverse abdominis work together to stabilize the core, which allows you to produce greater force. Training abs first fatigues them, which lessens your core stability and weakens your base, as well as your ability to generate force.

The next exercise you can do is the plank crunch, think of being like Spiderman. Start in plank position with your hands against the ground and your arms perfectly straight. While you hold this position, bring your left knee up to your left elbow while keeping your core tightened. Afterwards, bring your knee back so you are back in plank position. Then of course bring your right knee this time up to your right elbow, and then back again. You will be working multiple muscles at once, and the best part is you can do it anywhere. These are just a few exercises you can keep in mind while you are working out your abs. Remember the burn is good, just keep pushing yourself through it and stay focused.


Lifting weights , ladies, might just make you bulky... Wait. What?! Isn't that the exact opposite of what I'm supposed to say? Yes it is. So, what the heck am I talking about? Well, the truth is that it depends on what you think of as "bulky". Many women think that lifting weights will make them bulky. My response to that across the board has always been that it won't, it can't. The only women who get big and bulky from lifting are spending extreme amounts of time in the weight room and/or are taking steroids... or donning a 75lb. muscle suit like Danica Patrick did for her GoDaddy Super Bowl commercial! However, I've recently come to realize that each person's definition of bulky is not necessarily the same. These variations in defining the term are part of the confusion. Let's start with a dictionary definition to get us on the same page. According to the definition of bulky is: "of relatively large and cumbersome bulk or size". Good news! This is exactly the opposite of what happens when women lift weights... even heavy ones. Muscle tissue is more compact than fat tissue. When people say muscle weighs more than fat they mean, by volume. So, pound per pound muscle takes up less space. By definition, muscle is the opposite of bulky. It's actually fat that's bulky.

So, where is the confusion coming from? What I've discovered is that, at least some, women define bulky as visible muscle definition. They see the curves and contours of developed, defined muscles uncovered by a leaner (i.e. less fat) physique as bulky. I guess they'd rather have the smoother lines of a layer of fat covering up the muscles?

Another reason that it may seem like lifting weights is making you bulky has to do with timing. When you're starting out and you have fat to lose, building up muscle will add mass in addition to the fat. However, if you are consistent with exercise and you're eating a diet that supports fat loss, then it will only be temporary. As the fat goes and the muscles stays, you will get smaller and tighter. I know, it's just one more thing to have to get through when you start working out, but it's all worth it. I swear!

Just in case you're on the fence, here's a quick rundown of awesome benefits lifting weights and adding muscle offer... Muscle burns more calories than fat therefore raising your metabolism. Muscle makes you strong, which enables you to function in the world with more confidence. Lastly, I have to say it. Muscle looks better than fat. Fat is squishy, jiggly and bulky. So, if you're one of those who think that muscle definition means bulk, then I hope I've given you some food for thought and somehow changed your mind about it. If you're still not sure, you could always try a little lifting yourself. You might just be pleasantly surprised with the results.


Yoga will not increase the length of your skeleton or change the genetic code that determines your adult height. However, yoga exercises will improve your posture and help keep posture-related muscles from degenerating due to atrophy or old age. In this way, yoga can make you appear and feel taller.

Everybody wants to grow taller; in fact, many are obsessed with it to the point of taking growth supplements. However most growth supplements out there are only effective for those individuals who are still in their early teens; they might not really work for those who are in their late teens or have reached their growth potential. Don’t lose hope though, because there are some ways that you can do to look and feel taller. Stretching Exercises Lack of exercise can turn our muscles into fats and makes us appear sluggish. Doing exercises, especially stretching, burns fats and tones the muscle. With stretching, correct posture is established by working the spinal muscles and helping lengthen and strengthen the spine, thus helping one to look taller. Regular stretching however is needed to prevent the muscles from slacking down. Yoga Exercises Yoga exercises begin with training in erect posture. The spine is to be straight, but not locked, with the shoulders squarely above the hips. Even when in motion, or assuming challenging positions, this baseline posture is preserved. Yoga exercises also help to strengthen and preserve the muscles responsible for good posture. Yoga will not increase the length of your skeleton or change the genetic code that determines your adult height. However, yoga exercises will improve your posture and help keep posture-related muscles from degenerating due to atrophy or old age. In this way, yoga can make you appear and feel taller. If you are interested in knowing more about how to grow taller using these exercises but are not familiar with such, then it is best to get a fitness instructor that can help you start and achieve your goal.


Is Ketogenic Diet

Right For You?

Every once in a while, a diet program captures my attention more than the others that hit the news waves. And that's the case with the ketogenic diet. Originally, the ketogenic diet was mainly used as an insider tip by bodybuilders who enjoyed building muscle while effectively losing weight and body fat. If you haven’t heard of the ketogenic diet before: it’s also known as, "anabolic diet". In this diet regime, you mainly have to go without carbs and sugar while eating a lot of proteins and – what may seem odd at first – fat. Similar to the paleo diet, you can enjoy a lot of meat, cheese, eggs, some fruits and many veggies, but have to kiss the bread, noodles, rice and potatoes goodbye. It's crucial that during the ketogenic diet, you always consume less than, exactly 30 grams of carbs a day. This will keep your insulin levels low and make it seem to your body, as if there was a serious supply bottleneck – otherwise the desired ketogenic effect will immediately forfeit. The State Ketosis In the beginning it takes up to three days for the full effect of your ketogenic diet to really start kicking in, as so-called ketosis. This means that your body will adapt to the crisis and change the way it burns energy. Less fat gets stored, while at the same time more growth hormones are released. As there are hardly any carbs to go by, your body will start looking for alternative sources of energy and – yay! – find them in previously stored fat. This state makes it an ideal support for fat burning and your fitness workout. What To Eat Healthy fats (coconut oil fats and oils, avocado, etc) and protein (chicken, turkey) should make up for the bulk of your food consumption. A well-known rule to follow is what's called "60/35/5" which equates to the following. 60 - 70% of your calories come from healthy fat 25 - 35% of your calories come from protein 5 - 10% comes from carbs

Numerous studies have been conducted to highlight the benefits, including: Researchers studied obese individuals who followed a ketogenic diet for a longer period of time than before. They found that patients lost significant amounts of weight while improving their cholesterol levels. (Source) Researchers compared low fat diets to low carb diets. They discovered that the benefits of very low carb diets (ketogenic) were much greater. (Source) If you want to learn more, check out: Jimmy Moore's "Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, HighFat Diet" book. Keto Community on Reddit

FAT-BURNING SMOOTHIES How Fruit & Vegetable Smoothies Can Help You Lose Weight Blending fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking a glass of green smoothie a day is the easiest and healthiest way to slim down. Unlike other weight loss methods, drinking fat burning smoothies does not involve the use of harmful chemicals - these nutritious drinks nourish your body and help you lose weight at the same time. If you're wondering how exactly fat burning smoothies help you reduce inches from your waistline, read on.

Green smoothies help you consume more fruits and vegetables. Anyone who is on a diet should know that healthy eating paired with regular exercise is the most effective way to slim down. If you're fond of eating processed foods and you don't have a regular workout routine, you shouldn't be surprised if you're not achieving any of your health and weight goals. For effective weight loss and maintenance, fresh fruits and vegetables should be a staple in your diet. I understand that not everyone is fond of vegetables, this is where fat burning smoothies come in - they help you consume fresh produce that you won't normally eat. The taste of vegetables can be easily masked by a fruit or any allnatural sweetener.

Green smoothies are low in calories but very filling. Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in calories but are rich in fiber. Because they contain high amounts of water and fiber, they’ll make you feel as if you just ate a full meal. If you’re trying to lose weight, green smoothies will help fight hunger and cravings while helping the pounds melt off easier. Also, when you start increasing the amount of healthy foods in your diet and lessening your consumption of unhealthy foods, you will naturally stop craving for processed foods, fast foods, fatty and oily foods, which all contribute to weight gain and health problems. Green smoothies help improve digestion and metabolism. Fruit and vegetable smoothies are chock full of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other important nutrients that help keep the body's functions in check, including digestion and metabolism. When the body is properly nourished, it will be able to work efficiently and speed up certain processes in the body, including fat burning. When you make a smoothie of primarily vegetables and fruits and use it to replace higher calorie foods in your diet, you work toward gradual weight loss. Eating more fruits and vegetables is linked with preventing obesity and overweight, according to the USDA. Just remember to avoid smoothies that combine fruits and veggies with dairy-based ingredients, such as milk or yogurt, because it may cause digestive discomfort or hinder weight loss progress.

Sleekly Recommends: 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Breville BJE200XL The #1 Best Seller in Centrifugal Juicers


GREEN JUICE INGREDIENTS 2 green apples, halved 4 stalks celery, leaves removed 1 cucumber 6 leaves kale 1/2 lemon, peeled 1 (1 inch) piece fresh ginger

METHOD Process green apples, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, and ginger through a juicer

the solution to


OBESITY Eat smaller portions. Avoid food that contains a lot of fat and carbohydrate (sugar and starch). Exercise more. It's as simple as that, so why are more and more people in the developed countries becoming obese, having issues with self-esteem, suffering from mental health, heart disease and diabetes? The sad truth is that too many large, powerful companies base their businesses on encouraging us to eat the products they produce. The simple business model for any company is that they need to get more and more people to buy their products, so if these companies are to continue to grow and pay their shareholders a healthy dividend, they must sell us more of the foods that will eventually kill us. There is substantial scientific evidence that processed food is addictive. Once you are conditioned to eating food high in fat, sugar and salt, it is very hard to stop. As with any addiction, you have to have the strength of will to avoid the object of your addiction completely until you have broken its hold. You have to go cold turkey. But the companies selling us the sugary, fatty salty packaged food we find so hard to resist freely advertise their wares. What chance does the consumer stand then? Ideally I would like to see higher taxation of fatty, sugary processed food, and then subsidize healthy and fresh food to make them more affordable. However, this is unlikely to happen as the companies concerned are so powerful. So what can we do?

Awareness is key. Knowing the odds stacked against us will help us see where the dangers lie. None of the solutions listed below are easy, but all will help in the battle to lose weight. • Avoid watching adverts, so you are not tortured by the goodies on offer. • Remember that the people selling unhealthy food need to persuade you to buy it. Don't weaken! • Plan meals carefully to be as healthy as possible. • Don't shop for food when you are hungry. • Watch portion size, because too much of any food will make you fat. • Don't buy fatty, sugary snacks and drinks. If you don't have them in the house, it is easier not to eat them on impulse. • Make sure you have a good breakfast and lunch, with a smaller evening meal, and don't snack in between. • Keep busy, so you don't think about eating. • Exercise more. Walk and use the stairs. Join a class or club. • Try to wait until you are hungry before you eat. • Drink plenty of water, as water has no calories and fills you up. In addition, there is evidence that our bodies can mistake feelings of thirst for hunger. • Try to cook more meals from scratch at home rather than buying processed food. • Don't expect to lose weight quickly. Don't weigh yourself too often, and don't be disheartened if results are slow to begin with. • Surround yourself with people who inspire you to achieve your health and weight goals. It takes will-power and determination, but it surely is possible to break the addiction to unhealthy food. Good luck!

3 DON'T WORK Reasons Why Diets

Why diets don't work? The short answer to the question would be: Because we don't understand enough of how the body really works. That includes why we weigh what we do. Throwing more money at the problem (diets are a $66 billion dollar industry in the US; food vastly larger) has only led to a bigger population. For every diet success, there are many failures. Having watched 400 pound people eat 600 calories and not lose a pound, I can assure you: it's not just about what you eat. Reason #1: When a person is on a diet, they are focused on what they can't have all the time. Diets train people to focus on food. Food is on a person's mind constantly, and the more they think about what they "can't" have, the more they desire that 'forbidden' food. Reason #2: When a person is on a diet, they feel hungry all the time. In their haste to reduce their calorie/fat intake, they also do not take in enough food to feel that "stuffed feeling" without retraining their mind and body to accept the fact that they do not need to feel "stuffed" - instead, healthy people merely need enough food to feel "satisfied." When a person tries to make this much of a food intake change, without re-calibrating their mind and body to accept this new reality, is extremely challenging. Reason #3: Diets do not change a person's "Subconscious Eating Habits." Some people eat without realizing just how much they eat. Whether it's in front of the TV or wherever, many people actually do not realize what they're eating or even how much they're eating. They may sit down with that big bag of chips to watch their favorite TV show and after the show's over, they may be completely surprised that the bag is empty when the TV show is over. Related: Finding the Ideal Healthiest Diet for You

One of the easiest methods to eliminate these poor eating habits is through the use of hypnosis, which can help a person discover the underlying emotions that are driving the negative behaviors related to their weight issue. Once these attachments are removed, new healthier strategies can then be implemented in the mind. By changing perceptions about food and what food means to a person, it enables a person to make their weight loss a way of life rather than a temporary period. Hypnosis is also great for helping a person overcome resistance to positive changes and makes it easier for them to live out all their healthy intentions.

The body is a giant information field. Yet simple rules of thumb appear to help: eat whole foods, plants first; move around a lot; give the actions of the day a rhythm—like music; rest intelligently.

EGG YOLK BENEFITS Egg yolks contain all the good fats inside the egg, e.g. Omega-3. They have the highest protein content and also contain the following vitamins and minerals:

eat the yolks..

1. Potassium 2. Iron 3. Vitamin A 4. Vitamin E 5. B Vitamins 6. Vitamin D 7. Biotin

Egg What's Yolks the big deal? Every time someone says that they throw away egg yolks I ask why? And the answers I get are "I saw it on TV", "My parents/friends told me to", "I heard they are bad for you". Honestly I don't get it, why would you throw away the richest part of the egg? The part that has the most vitamins, protein and healthy fats. Most of the fault lays on the media. For years "doctors" have tied high cholesterol with egg yolks. Thankfully those myths have been busted. Science vs Broscience For the past years the media has been talking about the high cholesterol in eggs. Yes, cholesterol is bad and it is linked to heart attacks. It collects around the arterial walls, interrupting the blood flow. However, while doing all that, they have completely ignored the fact that not "every cholesterol" is bad. It depends on the source completely. For example studies have shown that eating eggs can lower the low density lipids (bad cholesterol) and increase the high density lipids [1,2]. That completely ruins the credibility the media has. There have even been studies on how people had a low cholesterol diet and still had high levels [3].

To an extent they are right. It is something we should be aware about. But it completely depends on the food we get it from. Generalizing and calling egg yolks the same as fast food restaurant deep fried products, is just wrong. Of course you shouldn't over do it. Up to 2 whole eggs a day is completely normal. References: [1] Hu F, Stampfer M, Rimm E, et al. A prospective study of egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. JAMA. 1999;281:1387-94. dopt=Citation [2] Fernandez M. Dietary cholesterol provided by eggs and plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2006;9:8-12. dopt=Citation [3] Hu F, Stampfer M, Manson J, et al. Dietary fat intake and the risk of coronary heart disease in women. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:1491-9. dopt=Citation

Revealing the Secrets

to flawless skin

Everyone has their own skin woes. With the exposure to chemicals and toxins and not to mention the increasing pollution, maintaining a flawless skin seems almost impossible. Doesn't it? But did you know that you can make your skin look beautiful and glowing with a few tried and trusted home remedies. So, quit worrying about the problems of your skin and concentrate on making these simple home cures useful. Cures for acne and scars:

Cure for darkened lips:

1. Radish & milk. Smash a fully ripe radish with a few teaspoons of milk and a pinch of turmeric powder. Gently apply the mixture on the affected areas and let it stay for half an hour. Wash off with cold water. Apply this mixture twice a day for quick results.

1. Beetroot juice. Take a slice of this red vegetable and rub it on your lips. This will tend to make your lips appear pink and gradually lighten their color.

2. Potatoes. Soak slices of potatoes in milk for a minimum of 15 minutes. When the potatoes begin to discolor, mash them and apply onto the affected area. Let it stay for half an hour and then wash your face with warm water.

2. Lemon juice. Take a few drops of concentrated lemon juice and with the help of a cotton ball, dab it on your lips. Make sure to apply it right before you sleep.

3. Hydrating face mist. You could also introduce an element of moisture and pamper your face with a hydrating face mist as a part of the treatment.

Sleekly Recommends: JUICE BEAUTY Hydrating Mist Cure for dark circles and eye puffiness: 1. Olive Oil. Applying olive oil under your eyes regularly before you sleep can reduce the dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. 2. Lemon Juice. Apply the juice of one lemon, under your eyes or in the affected areas at least twice a day. 3. Cucumbers. Place two slices of cucumber under your eyes and leave for 15 minutes. 4. Natural eye gel. These eye gels possess nourishing properties as they are Aloe-based. They help to naturally reduce the puffiness and dark circles, making your under eyes appear youthful.

Sleekly Recommends: RETINOL Eye Gel

3. Cinnamon lip balm. Consider purchasing a cinnamon lip balm from a natural products store. This organic lip balm is known to possess five skinnourishing oils for naturally smooth and pink lips. Understand that flawless skin does not come easy. So, make it a habit to cleanse, moisturize and take proper care of your skin to help prevent clogged pores and get rid of unwanted dirt. Sleekly Recommends: DUWOP PRIME VENOM Lip Plumping Balm Related: How To Get Rid of Blackheads (Once and For All)

Szczecin, Poland - May 23, 2014: Polish students dance away at an outdoor zumba class. — Photo by mSzandurski

Zumba Fitness Workouts FUN AND HEALTHY

Zumba fitness has quickly grown to one of the most popular group exercise classes on the planet. In fact, the Latin-dance inspired workout is reportedly performed by more than 12 million people at 110,000 sites, in 125 countries around the world. Zumba workouts are easy even for the most novice dancers. It is non-intimidating. Many people claim that Zumba is an effective calorie burner, a great alternative to step kickboxing and aerobics. One is able to burn over 300 calories for each minute, compared to about 150 for the other types of workout. Zumba fitness' "Ditch the Workout – Join the Party!" slogan attracts many with a fun fusion of dance moves from styles like Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton and Flamenco, and the sort of choreography you might see in a nightclub. If you think you'd like an exhilarating class filled with good feelings and party-like fun, Zumba makes an excellent choice of a group fitness method to support your fitness goals. THE BENEFITS Fat and Calorie Burning

Sleekly Recommends: Anthropologie Activewear - Yoga, Running, Zumba

At its core, Zumba classes are intended to provide a large calorie burn through aerobic activity done with interval training in mind. Depending on body weight, sex, fitness level and other common physical factors, the number of calories you burn in a typical Zumba class will equal that of any fast social dancing hour, such as salsa, disco or jitterbug. For most people, that can add up to 400 to 600 calories burned per hour.

Full Body Workout Zumba is both a dance class and a fitness class. Aside from its heart-health benefits, Zumba provides a workout for the whole body. From head and shoulder rolls that loosen up the neck and warm up the upper body, to footwork that strengthens and stretches calves and ankles, this fitness method touches on nearly every muscle and joint. Fun for Everyone Owing to popular demand, gyms and studios worldwide are offering standard Zumba, Zumba Gold for senior citizens, Zumba for kids and even Aqua-Zumba done in swimming pools. Because Zumba is based on music and dance, it seems to speak a universal language that people of all nations can relate to.

Sleekly Recommends: Zumba Fitness Incredible Results DVD with Zumba Max DVD

"A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." ~ Tom Stoppard



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