How to Choose the Best Earrings for Your Face Shape?

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How to Choose the Best Earrings for Your Face Shape? Diamonds are for all, and these exquisite stones add an extra charm to anyone who adorns these fines pieces. However, we all are blessed with a different face shape which makes us who we are. So why not team up the earrings according to our face shape to make the earrings look further enchanting. In this article, let us explore the best earrings for the different face shapes.

How to Choose the Earrings According To Your Face Shape? Wearing accessories accentuates your looks, and if you are careful in picking the right earrings according to your face shape, you can win over the audience and walk home with a cart full of compliments. The earrings you wear define your features and compliment your looks. So make sure you know the face shape you have so that buying earrings becomes an easy task. 

Oblong face: More length and narrow width best defines an oblong face. The maximum width at the forehead is the most striking feature in this kind of face shape, and those who have oblong faces should wear such earrings, which make their face look full. Wearing round-shaped earrings, clustered earrings, or large hoops will add more definition to the face and alleviate the features nicely. Square face: Strong angels set this face shape apart from the others. With equal length and width and a strong jaw line that is strong and broad, people with square face shape should opt for earrings which have rounded edges to give a softer look to the overall contours. Hoop earrings or long oval-shaped earrings will look fantastic on people having this face shape.

Heart-shaped face: This face shape is quite similar to the shape of a heart, and cheekbones are very neatly and finely defined in this category. The chin is pointed, and the cheeks and sides taper into the jaw line, which demarcates each of the features very beautifully. To enhance the facial structure and compensate for the narrow chin, wearing earrings that are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom is the smart pick. Long drop earrings or chandelier earrings are said to create magic in such a case. Oval face: Jawline and forehead have the same width in this face shape.Wide and strong cheekbones with a slight roundness at the jawline make this face shape different from the others. Since there is so much versatility attached to this kind of shape, people falling in his category can experiment with anything that comes their way. From simple studs to slightly triangular to long drop earrings, they can wear anything and carry the show flawlessly. Diamond face: The cheekbones are the widest part in this face shape, and the length of the face is more than its width. Long and narrow jawline tapers to one point, and thus long danglers with heavier accents will complement this face shape. Round face: This face shape resembles a circle, and the face is widest at the cheeks and doesn’t taper at the chin. To magnify the roundness of the face, wearing dangly earrings or earrings having a circular shape like hoops is a good choice.

Your face shape is a distinct part of your personality and wearing the right accessory can help in adding more definition to your features. You can talk to our professionals for seeking guidance regarding the earrings which will go according to your face shape. For mesmerizing looks and unmatched appeal, solicit the advice of our team members and bring home the gold and sterling silver earrings which will match your style and persona.

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