4 minute read

The Benefits of Working Hard… During Sex

Aside from feeling as though you’re taking a hot shower, sex can bring other benefits that even I was unaware of prior to writing this article.

Physical benefits from sex?


If you dread going to the gym, “Do not fear, sex is here.” If my level of sarcasm didn’t bleed through as I expected, then allow me to be the first to tell you sex doesn’t replace working out, but it does count as “light” exercise; about five calories are burned a minute during sex: if my math is correct, most people (who are not porn stars) are burning about 2 6 calories each time they perform coitus

Not only can sex help you trim a fraction of a pound, but it aids in keeping blood pressure low, heart rate and muscle strength high, and heart disease, hypertension, and possibilities of a stroke at a minimum.

It’s believed people who have sex more often practice good dietary habits and exercise more: next time you see someone overweight simply roll over in bed and tell them, “Babe, I think we ve become less intimate lately.” Hopefully, that s a passive way of telling them it’s time for some lifestyle changes. Astray from keeping arguments in the household pint-seized, frequent sex will give you a stronger immune system and better sleep. When your body orgasms, it releases oxytocin, also known as the “love” or “intimacy” hormone, along with endorphins to help sedate you

One benefit - that can be viewed as oxymoronic for many - is that sex helps relieve headaches, but what if the person you're getting the release from is also the cause of the headache you needed a release for? Best advice we can give is to plainly keep at it: being subject to love and hate from the person you re sharing a bed with is the definition of a relationship For those of you who are in no more than a “situationship,” I d suggest you order one last takeout meal because that restaurant is sure to be closing soon: it’ll be for the best, trust me.

Particularly with men, frequent sex can help lower the chance of prostate cancer Sadly, for those who masturbate more often than having penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI), this study left you out of the equation Men who engaged in PVI were 36 percent less likely to get prostate cancer if they ejaculated 4 6 to 7 times a week on average; as opposed to those who ejaculated 2.3 times or fewer. Maybe, you ve heard the saying, “f*** like your life depends on it.” Well according to one study this relatively lewd quote is true: after a 10 year follow-up, men who orgasmed two or more times a week were less likely to perish by 50 percent compared to those who had sex less often

In the case of women, frequent sex can lead to better bladder control, reduce intemperance, alleviate menstrual and premenstrual cramps, heightened fertility, erect formidable pelvic muscles, amplify more vaginal lubrication, and protect you from endometriosis. Furthermore, the more sexual encounters a woman has helps prevent the chance of a sagging uterus The blessed women who choose to still engage in sex after menopause lessens their chance of experiencing vaginal atrophy, which keeps pain down during sex and urinary symptoms No longer should we judge the promiscuous woman, since experts have proven such, a woman chooses to be a star player in the game for health reasons

How can sex benefit you mentally?

Particular benefits of masturbation

When you wake up in the morning and you got that feeling of desire yet no one to share it with, there’s specific advantages to pulling out the Jergens or your toy of choice: engaging in masturbation increases the amount of pleasure you have with a partner (when you find one), a new level of comprehension toward one’s body, elevated ability for orgasms, better self-esteem and body image, and serve as a treatment for sexual disorders

If the threat of having an unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection (STIs) looms over you whenever the idea of having a partner comes up, masturbation feels something like a happy medium or compromise to any anxieties you might have.

Abstinence and Celibacy

If dating just hasn’t been working out for you, or perhaps you re a nun, then choosing to place an embargo on sex may be your decision; if it is, it’s still proven that you can lead a long, happy life without engaging in the world s favorite pastime Studies indicate that you can experience the same sort of pleasure you gain from listening to music, connecting with pets, having a strong religious faith, and having a formidable connection with friends as you’d get from sex In other words, life doesn’t have to be all about sex if you don’t want it to be God, Jehovah, or Yawa (however you refer to it) has graced our world with numerous attractions that you can gain a euphoric feeling from: sex is just one of those things on the list.

Main Takeaway

As I’ve just unloaded a treasure chest of information on you, it’s important for us to summarize this together: first, there are an innumerable amount of ways sex can benefit your life but remember that everything is good in moderation Not everyone can live as long as Magic Johnson Second, even if sex isn t your thing, you can still live a prosperous, exciting life It only takes forming the right connections and likely (lots of) masturbation Lastly, regardless of what side of the spectrum you fall on, being fit physically and mentally are keys to winning at this game of life (or at least having a chance) so whether you’re engaging in sex regularly, masturbation, or a hobby, have fun while doing it.

Malik Harvey