1 minute read

Morning Routines from our audience

I am up by 7am. Feed the dogs, get dressed for the gym, check emails, drink a energy drink and eat a piece of fruit and a protein bar, get to the gym at least by 8:15am, workout, come home make breakfast and that's it Boring AF

I feel like I have to check my phone lmao. I usually say good morning to my cat and grab my phone


Hmm let’s see usually when I wake up, I immediately use the bathroom, and then brush my teeth and get dressed for the day, Basic as basic can be.

I wake up. Thank God, The Most High, for the opportunity to see another day. I pray for those unfortunate than I I listen to some good R&B and try to inspire ANY human being I cross

Wake up, get my coffee going, wash my face while it’s brewing, figure out what I am going to wear for the day, lay out my outfit, do some yoga and meditation, pray, shower, get dressed, and be out the door.

I wake up (obviously lol), turn on Tiana Major Mantras… I tell the universe how cool I am, prepare for the day, then get out of bed. I do my thang in the bathroom, make coffee, get dressed, pack my lunch & out the door. That’s my M-F morning routine oh & I always have to listen to music kinda sets the tone according to how I’m feeling