1 minute read

Dance Exercise Is

Kick, spin, squat, and bounce Those moves can be a dance, or they can be exercise For me, they’re both, especially squatting and bouncing HA! In my opinion, dance is exercise. I think any movement in general is a form of exercise. Dance and exercises consist of sequences and movement Actually, any physical movement, including sex, is a method of exercise, to me, especially when it makes you sweat

Actually, any physical movement, including sex, is a method of exercise, to me, especially when it makes you sweat. While researching dance, I cannot believe what I learned. Did you know the waltz dance was a controversial dance, totally different than twerking, which happens to be a controversial dance as well The waltz is a ballroom dance that is a box step The most basic dance ever.



The first dance was the belly dance that dates back to 6,000 years ago

Twerking works the deep muscles of your hips as well as the core muscles of the lower back and abs

Dancing engages the full body and kills calories

Dancing is fun and includes cardio

A 30-minute dance class burns between 130 and 250 calories

Dance can improve your fitness for all ages, shapes, and sizes

Dance can improve your strength, muscle tone, and endurance

If you don’t ever feel like going to the gym, stay home, turn the music up, and dance! Mecha Swa