Slaney News, Issue 140, January 2022

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Slaney News

ServiNg Co. wexford for the laSt 11 yearS

Issue 140 - January 2022

Daniela Hernandez at the turning on of Murrintown Community Centre and Village Christmas lights on 11th December, organised by Cllr Lisa McDonald in aid of the Lochlann Doyle Fund.

a s r e d a e r r u o l l a g n i h s i W r a e Y w e N y p p a Very H Haven

Kavanagh’s Pharmacy Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year DUFFRY HILL, ENNISCORTHY. T: (053) 9234660.


● Open for routine treatment Free consults for braces and implants ● Offering treatment for fine lines and wrinkles

Court Street, Enniscorthy. Tel: 053 9237404. Open: Mon-Thurs 8.30am–5pm, Fri 7.30am–1.30pm

ISLAND ROAD, ENNISCORTHY 053-9233601, 086-2457664


Auto Maintenance & Repairs – Diagnostics – Pre-NCT and DOE Tests – Clutches, Brakes, etc – Breakdown Assistance

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Page 2 - 7th January 2022

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Our office is open and welcoming constituents for face to face advice and support. By appointment only and Covid-19 public health advice compliance.

Tel: 087 1142100. Email: Constituency Office: Slaney Place Enniscorthy Co. Wexford Y21 T8K7

Contents of this issue of Slaney  News... News Food & Drink Business & Finance Pets Motoring Leisure & Lifestyle Sport Arts History & Heritage Environment

page 4 page 58 page 65 page 72 page 74 page 76 page 94 page 98 page 100 page 102

We would be delighted to receive stories and photos from our readers around the county. If you have anything you’d like us to share, please email and we will do our best to include as many photos and stories as possible.

PAT MURPHY OIL LTD. A family-owned Wexford company providing you with a reliable and quality service since 1988 Ask about our Easy Pay Budget Plan All Major Credit & Laser Cards Accepted Delivering Kerosene, Diesel, Gas Oil, Agri Diesel to homes, farms and businesses all around Co. Wexford.

Wishing all our custome rs a ver y happy New Year

TEL: 053-9255219 - RATHNURE - ENNISCORTHY 7th January 2022 - Page 3

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comment Welcome to the January issue of the online-only Slaney News. A Special Meeting of Wexford County Council (WCC) was held on 5th January to discuss the flooding events in the county over the Christmas period which resulted from an unprecedented amount of rainfall. 60mm was recorded on Christmas Day at the Johnstown Castle monitoring station which was the highest daily total ever recorded there in the 81 years that the station has been operating. In Bunclody around 80mm fell in one 12-hour period. Wexford County Council estimates the cost of repairing the seven bridges in the county that were washed away together with the damage to other bridges and roads to be close to €4m, and likely to rise further. Approximately 100 individual properties were damaged around the county and thousands of acres of farmland flooded. Between the Fire Service, Civil Defence, Housing and Economic staff, over 1,100 hours were put in by WCC staff in helping with the flood efforts. Bridgetown was severely impacted, while Blackwater, Foulksmills, Adamstown, Bree, Bunclody, and parts of the Gorey area suffered also. Enniscorthy, of course, flooded badly and so the focus is once again on the lack of progress for the town’s long-promised Flood Defence Scheme. According to local Minister James Browne TD: “The Enniscorthy Flood Relief Scheme is awaiting the legal/environmental assessment from the independent assessors to be sent to the Dept of Public Expenditure for decision making. In short, it’s not on the Minister’s desk for signing and if he proceeded without the independent assessors’ approval the scheme would almost certainly end up in the High Court for years.” This view is echoed by Wexford County Council’s County Secretary David Minogue who says “the process is understandably frustrating” but “all statutory requirements and elements surrounding the design and public consultation process must be fully observed – to do otherwise would be to leave the Scheme liable to the possibility of judicial review – as is the case with Funshinagh Flood Scheme in Co. Roscommon and Blackpool Flood Scheme in Cork.” And so the wait goes on.... –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– If you have any news or photos you’d like us to share in the Slaney News, please email them to and we will do our best to include as much as possible. Also, please let us know what you think about our new format. Telephone: 087-2403310, or message us through our Facebook page, ‘Slaney News’, which now has over 8,000 Likes. And, of course, if you like our new online format please spread the word so we can grow our online readership. Thank you. – Frank Corcoran

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To advertise in the Slaney News please contact: 087-2403310 SLANEY NEWS, CLONHASTON, ENNISCORTHY Tel: 087-2403310 Email: Facebook: Slaney News Online: PUBLISHED in Enniscorthy by Corcoran Print & Design Disclaimer: Slaney News reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement submitted for publication. Slaney News does not attempt to investigate or verify claims made in advertisements appearing in our publication. The appearance of an advertisement in this publication in no way implies endorsement or approval by us of any advertising claims or of the advertiser, its product, or services. Slaney News disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection with advertising appearing in this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that all articles published in Slaney News are true and accurate but if any errors do occur please let us know and we will gladly rectify them in our next issue. Where details of future events are given in this publication, we recommend that you check these details directly with the organisers as event details may be subject to change. Slaney News strongly recommends seeking independent professional advice before acting on any financial, medical or other information contained in this publication.


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SignaCare SignaCare’s family-owned luxury 62-bed Nursing Home in the heart of Bunclody.

John Dargan (left) and wife Margaret-Anne Walsh (right) – the founders of SignaCare, with Director of Nursing Denise Steed-O’Doherty.


Our services include: Long Term Residential Care ● Convalescence and Respite Care ● Specialist Dementia Care Individualisd Health and Social Care ● Personalised Physiotherapy Plans ● Caring and Expertly Trained Staff ● Fair Deal Accepted

New Photo Lab now open in Rafter Street, Enniscorthy Check out our Facebook / Instagram page for special offers!

7th January 2022 - Page 5

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Makeover for Enniscorthy’s Slaney Street Works on Slaney Street, Enniscorthy, under the Historic Towns Initiative have been completed with the exception of one premises where access will be made available shortly. Michael Tierney, Conservation Architect, supervised the conservation works element. New Ross based company, National Gates, worked under contract on the repair and replacement of over sixty timber sash windows for eleven separate either vacant buildings or protected buildings. Turner and Whelan have largely completed the painting of 20 premises on the street. Public Realm works are also taking place including replacement of public lights, bollards, railings, litter bins, gutters, downpipes, and tidying up electrical cables on the street elevation. n

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Senator Malcolm Byrne If I can help in any way please let me know Tel: 085-8245142

This size ad can be yours for just €50+vat. Telephone Frank at 087-2403310 for more details.

This size ad can be yours for just €25+vat. Telephone Frank at 087-2403310 for more details. 7th January 2022 - Page 7

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A new lease of life for Enniscorthy town centre Wexford County Council has agreed to acquire the site of the former Murphy Floods Hotel in Enniscorthy town. It also recently acquired the adjoining property which had also been vacant for a number of years. This means that Wexford County Council will be the full owner of the strategically-located, large-scale, brownfield site in the heart of Enniscorthy, with significant development potential. The Council plans to develop the site to accommodate a modern, mixed-use, purpose built building to include a new modern library for Enniscorthy, commercial units, 18 residential apartments and basement parking in a major project with an estimated cost of approximately €8 million. At a meeting of the Members of Enniscorthy Municipal District in December, Chief Executive of Wexford County Council, Tom Enright, said the project has been advanced by the Council to

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assist Enniscorthy town in realising its undoubted potential as a destinat town, where traditional shopping facilities, supported by modern and vi commercial, social and residential facilities can continue to attract locals visitors alike to the town centre.

Welcoming the announcement, Cathaoirleach of Enniscorthy Municipal trict, Cllr. Cathal Byrne, described the development as having the poten transform and reinvigorate not just Market Square but the entirety of En corthy town, and he thanked the Chief Executive and his staff for their in ive and commitment in bringing this transformative project forward.

The necessary planning application for the redevelopment of the site an companying public consultation will proceed early this year, and the Cou is in early discussions with a number of private investors who have expre interest in supporting the project.

As part of the development, the Council plans to widen the section of ro linking Main Street with Irish Street thereby allowing 2-way traffic flow. n

SlaNey NewS News that the Council has developed ambitious plans to develop the Murphy Floods site, at the commercial heart of Enniscorthy town, which has been derelict for a number of years, has been warmly welcomed by many people based on feedback received by the Slaney News on our Facebook page where we broke the story initially of the impending development of the site. Some reservations have been expressed however about the modern look of the building set into what is essentially a terrace of traditional shops with overhead accommodation. One comment on our Facebook page says: “Are architects asleep. This is the problem with using computers to design a building. No soul.” Retired local politician Sean Doyle, well known for his love of Enniscorthy and its history and appearance, commented: “No sensitivity with regard to its location. It hurts the eye.” Another comment: “We need something more in line with our beautiful town, not a modern monstrosity!” Other people have expressed concern regarding parking as only 24 spaces are currently envisaged in the development in an area of town which already appears short of parking spaces (although if owners and staff in surrounding businesses didn’t insist on parking all day outside their own premises, the shortage of parking spots mightn’t be so acute – but that’s another story!) The Slaney News will, as always, keep our readers updated over the weeks and months ahead on this proposed development in the heart of Enniscorthy. n


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7th January 2022 - Page 9

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The Cornerstone is taken away A beautifully worded tribute to the late, great John Doyle, who passed away on 2nd January, appeared on the ‘Doyles Bar’ Facebook page. We are grateful to be able to reproduce those words here... “The cornerstone of Doyle’s Bar, the life’s blood of the pub, John Doyle, passed away peacefully yesterday evening. Retired from the Post Office, but certainly not retired from the family bar that is Doyle’s, an all rounder in more ways than one, John was as well known for his tall tales and quick wit as he was for his sporting prowess in his younger years. He played football with the Starlights (who can forget him jumping up for a ball and coming down with a sparrow) and later turned his hand to management, played rugby with Enniscorthy Rugby Club, owned the business-half of many a winning greyhound and the back-end of more than one also-ran, and was a go-to tipster on Monday and Thursday nights at the track. He loved horses, particularly in Listowel, he excelled in Synchronised Swimming and was known as a Memory Man long before Jimmy Magee, with an added embellishment here and there. He loved a good game of cards, where he was renowned for his patience (?) and was a great man to travel to matches with, never an ounce of trouble! He played an active part with the Vintners for many years, serving as Treasurer for the latter part. He was also a loving, proud and fiercely protective husband and father.

The late John Doyle and his son Joe. May they both rest in peace.

He was to be found spinning yarns in the Rasher on any given day in the company of his many friends and colleagues, each one with a memory of him as unique and special as the character that he was. He will be missed by his family, friends and colleagues and by the town as a whole. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.” n

Mythen leads call for more hospital beds for Wexford fore the pandemic, which exposed a broken system and worsened pre-existing problems.

There has been no increase in ICU beds in Wexford General Hospital over the entire pandemic according to local TD Johnny Mythen, based on figures released to him. Deputy Mythen says: "Figures show that up to November of 2021 there have been no increases of Inpatient, Day or ICU beds in the hospital over the last two years. “Adding to this there were 23 staff nursing vacancies in October of this year in the hospital. “The failure of this government to put their hand in their pockets to properly invest in the public health system in Wexford, and to get to grips with the staffing, recruitment and retention crisis, in response to this pandemic, has been laid bare. “This government’s agenda is so far away from a functioning, high quality National Health Service for all. Rather they are pushing the privatisation of our health services. Deputy Mythen continued: “The health service was in crisis be-

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“The pressure on staff is overwhelming because of these capacity issues. For example, ‘Red escalation’, meaning there were more than 8 patients in ED and 10 in trolleys elsewhere, occurred 37 times in Wexford General up to October of this year. “This is not fair on staff nor good practice. Patients, their families, and healthcare workers deserve far better. Proper investment and a fundamental change are needed desperately now. The Minister for Health is out of touch and out of depth and has failed to invest in Wexford General Hospital.” Mythen’s call came before Wexford General Hospital came under extreme pressure at the end of December with emergency measures having to be taken to deal with the huge number of patients turning up at the ED department. The Emergency Bypass Protocol had to be activated leading to patients being diverted to Dublin and Waterford hospitals. The Ireland East Hospital Group issued advice to people to avoid the Emergency Department if their case was non urgent and to consider other care options such as GPs, Caredoc and pharmacies rather than presenting at the hospital. n

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n i r a e Y w e N e h t g n i y Enjo n w o t d r o f Wex Left: New Year’s Eve in T Morris, Monck Street, were: Anna O’Gorman, Seanie O’Neill, Cara Redmond and Ron O’Gorman.

Above: New Year’s Eve in Maggie May’s, Monck Street, were front row L-R: Ruby Middleton and Caoimhe Kehoe. Back row: Eoin Whitty, Anna Doyle, Mia Mchieinan, Linda Duffy and Beth Byrne.

WISHING ALL OUR READERS A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Reserve a radon monitor at your library Radon monitors are now available for all Wexford library members in the county to borrow. The monitors can be borrowed for a four-week period, and come with instruction leaflets. To reserve a monitor at Enniscorthy Library, ring 053 9236055. n

7th January 2022 - Page 11

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The LEADER Transitional Programme Enterprise Grants Available

Up to €100,000 in grant aid available for the development of NEW & EXISTING niche businesses Priority will be given to: • New & Existing Food & Beverage Enterprises • New & Existing Rural Tourism Enterprises • New & Existing Innovative Enterprises • A particular focus will be on projects that have a capacity to sustain and create jobs, and generate positive economic benefit


Grant Aid % Up to Maximum

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Capital & Marketing










Funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development

Shop Enniscorthy


Happy New Year! Page 12 - 7th January 2022

#shopenniscorthy #SupportLocal

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Council adopts €134m budget Wexford County Council unanimously adopts €134 million Budget for 2022.

Chief Executive also highlighted the improving economic outlook and high vaccination rates as causes for optimism and renewed confidence going forward.

On 29 November 2021, the Members of Wexford County Council set out the Council’s income generation and expenditure proposals for 2022 when they unanimously adopted the Council’s Annual Budget. The 2022 Budget has provided for an overall estimated expenditure and income of €134 million, up more than €3 million from 2021. Once again Housing Services is one of the main areas to benefit, with a total estimated expenditure of €28.5 million in this key area of Council activity, up €1.25 million on 2021 expenditure. Road funding has also significantly increased with almost €35 million to be spent by Wexford County Council maintaining and improving the county’s road infrastructure during 2022. Rate payers will welcome the news that commercial rates charges are unchanged from their 2021 level while the Council’s highly successful Rates Incentive Scheme, which offers substantial discounts to commercial rate payers will also operate in 2022. Local Property Tax is also being unchanged from 2021 levels. The Council’s 80-page Budget Report sets out the main income sources for 2022. Goods and Services income has

“I want to restate my commitment to work with the elected members in continuing the implementation of our Economic and Community Development Programme, which will see the construction of a number of hugely significant economic, social and recreational projects across County Wexford in the coming months and years,” said Mr. Enright. Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council Cllr. Barbara Anne Murphy described the consideration of the 2022 Budget as a complex process that strived to achieve a balance between the need for enhanced local services in the county with the ability to fund those services. Chief Executive of Wexford County Council Tom Enright

been estimated at €36.7 million, income from Grants has been estimated at €37.7 million, Commercial Rates are expected to yield €41.7 million while income from Local Property Tax is estimated at €14.78 million. In his address to the elected members at the budget meeting, Chief Executive Tom Enright described the preparation of the 2022 Budget as highly challenging in the face of financial and other uncertainties brought about by Covid-19. The

“With finite and scarce resources there will always be competing priorities, but today we the elected members have done what we have been elected to do – we have identified the services areas that we believe are most important to the public at this time, such as housing supports, road improvements, economic development, tourism initiatives and community supports and we have sought to ensure that these and other key services will continue to be delivered by the Council in 2022, in the face of significant challenge and uncertainty,” said Cllr. Murphy. n

Funding to flow for Enniscorthy’s river walk The December meeting of Enniscorthy Municipal District was told by Acting District Manager Bernie Quigley that the resurfacing of the entire Country Walk – Enniscorthy’s riverside trail along the Slaney, is expected to begin later this year with the aim of having a new path in place by June 2023. Funding of €200,000 has been secured for this work from the Department of

Rural and Community Development and it will be used to resurface the entire 3km trail in addition to resurfacing a 600m track around the Urrin river to St John’s Bridge which will allow wheelchairs, buggies, etc to easily access the full length of the walk for the first time. A planning application will be prepared early this year and construction work is expected to start by the end of 2022 with

a target completion date of June 2023. The funding update was welcomed by several speakers at the meeting but Cllr Jackser Owens was highly critical of the state of the existing footbridge over the Urrin which he described as “rotten” in places. The Slaney News on a visit to the bridge since the Council meeting noted that significant improvement work has now been carried out on it. n

7th January 2022 - Page 13

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Templeshannon Quay, Enniscorthy

Devastating flood Seamus Rafter Bridge, Enniscorthy

Hundreds of people were forced to abandon their Christm volumes, described by many locals as “unprecedented in

Scores of Wexford County Council workers, including fire in all parts of the county. The Council’s Out of Office eme cil to protect their properties against the rising flood wate many areas, not every home managed to escape the flood

One of the areas worst affected was the village of Bridget local canal burst its banks in the early morning, flooding houses to a depth of more than a metre. Fire crews and tr fence personnel used boats and rafts to assist those trap waters. Many of those forced to leave their homes took s and neighbours with others availing of temporary emerge tion provided by Wexford County Council.

Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy. Pic: David Butler.

Patrick O’Donovan TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works, visited Enniscorthy on St Stephen’s Day, saying, “My heart goes out to those communities, families, and businesses that have been subjected to the widespread and devastating flooding across Wexford County this Christmas, including in and around Enniscorthy, but also in other communities such as Bridgetown, resulting from in excess of 90mm of rainfall falling over the county in less than 24 hours.” He went on to say: “The Office of Public Works and Wexford County Council have worked closely over many years to develop a robust flood relief scheme for Enniscorthy. When complete, this scheme will protect over 230 properties, including in areas of the town that have been flooded over this Christmas, at a budgeted project cost of over €50m.” The problem for many people, however, is that the project still hasn’t got off the ground! Local woman Cathy Keane has made a video illustrating how little progress has been made on the Flood Defence Scheme since 2016:

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In Enniscorthy, the River Boro surged to unprecedented l away road bridges at Kilcarbry Mill and Wilton, Bree. A ra Slaney once more flooded Enniscorthy Town, with both T Quay and Abbey Quay flooded and closed to traffic, as w Road.

Flood waters also destroyed road bridges at Chapel Clon stown Little, Wellingtonbridge, Mangan, Hollyfort and Bal with road damage in many parts of the county and road d place.

Despite the surging flood waters in the river network, pub remained excellent throughout.

Significant government funding will be required to remed damage caused by the recent flooding. Minister James B that Minister Eamon Ryan’s Department “will provide the to Wexford County Council and his department will be in with Wexford County Council to assess the supports nee

On Christmas Day, Minister Browne paid tribute to “all th as Slaney Search and Rescue and many community grou of public service. I also want to pay tribute to their familie

In the south of the county, Sinn Féin Area Rep for Rossla ganised by Mick Roche via the GoFundMe website, was est

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Devastating destruction

ds bring despair to many at Christmas

mas Day celebrations as local river networks across the county became inundated and unable to cope with the staggering water n living memory”. Flooding was reported in many parts of the county as early as 8.00am on Christmas morning.

e fighters, road crews, civil defence volunteers and support staff were called on to assist as flood waters breached river banks ergency phoneline recorded more than 250 calls throughout the day as members of the public sought assistance from the Couners. More than 3,000 sandbags were deployed at scores of locations and while these did offer protection to householders in d waters.

town, where the neighbouring rained civil depped by the rising helter with friends ency accommoda-

levels, sweeping apidly rising River Templeshannon was the Island

nroche, Cullenllyroebuck Ferns, diversions in

blic water quality

diate the huge rowne has said support needed direct contact eded”.

A great aerial shot by David Buler of the extent of the flooding on Templeshannon Quay.

ose out dealing with the flash flooding. County Council workers, gardai, the fire brigade, paramedics and rescue services such ups and individuals stepped up to the mark in an exceptionally difficult situation to protect their communities. It is the epitome es who spent the most important family day of the year, Christmas Day, away from their loved ones.”

re Mick Roche commended the generosity of the wider public after a local fundraiser reached over €11,000. The fundraiser, ortablished in the hours following the floods and began receiving donations from generous citizens within a matter of minutes. n

7th January 2022 - Page 15

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Enniscorthy’s Tech Park taking shape

Photos taken at Enniscorthy Technology Park in mid-December – timber walls nearing completion, windows being installed and work to the roof continuing. Above: All aboard! Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach, Wexford County Council) boards one of the tractors on site. Left: Cllr Murphy with building contractor Michael Bennett. Below: Progress is clear on the first building on site.

Page 16 - 7th January 2022

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EUGENE BRESLIN CAR SALES & REPAIRS Tel: 053 9233593 Email: Full diagnostic services, timing belts, clutches, brakes, NCT preparation, all maintenance and repairs, general servicing. Also Remapping all makes of cars, vans, trucks and machinery:


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Marge retires after 50 years of service Christmas Eve 2021 marked the end of an era on Rafter Street with the retirement of Margaret (Marge) Walker. Marge worked in the pharmacy trade for over 50 years on Rafter Street, most recently in Grants spacious outlet there.

Management and staff at Grants Pharmacy, Rafter Street, making a retirement presentation to Margaret Walker.

Grants were effusive in their praise of Margaret’s long career “offering the best customer service by anyone we know. All our young staff are honoured to work alongside the expert. We salute you, Marge, and wish you every success in the years ahead. You deserve all the happiness in the world.” n

7th January 2022 - Page 17

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Our photo shows staff at the HSE’s Vaccination Centre in the CWCW Astro Active Centre, Bellefield, Enniscorthy, who worked tirelessly throughout the Christmas period on the roll out of the COVID-19 booster vaccination. Pictured from left to right are: Eileen Ryan, Myrna Whelan, Geraldine Cooper (Site Manager), Sinéad Byrne, Geraldine Flynn and Jaqueline Bolger.

Senator Malcolm Byrne has welcomed the recent announcement by Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue of over €130,000 in support for animal welfare organisations operating in Co. Wexford. It is part of a €4m national package.

New Ross SPCA €16,000 North Wexford SPCA €30,000 Seal Rescue Ireland €20,625 Wexford SPCA €62,500.

The announcement was made on National Animal Welfare Awareness Day 2021.

Senator Byrne says, “This is very welcome funding and it is also important to highlight the great work that our animal welfare charities do and to encourage people to be aware of the importance of good animal welfare practices.” n

The funding allocations are as follows: Chipper’s Sanctuary, Gorey €4,500

Page 18 - 7th January 2022

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Wexford clerics raise c.€32,000

New Year’s resolution for 2022? Is giving back to your community one of them? If so, why not sign up to today to see all of the current volunteering opportunities across Co. Wexford. Once you are signed up you can then register your interest in any of the volunteering opportunities listed! n

Caim’s car draw On the Steps of St Iberius Church, Wexford, for their 4-day Christmas Fast: Church of Ireland rector Canon Arthur Minion and Wexford parish administrator Fr Billy Swan expect to raise around €32,000 for the Wexford branch of the St Vincent de Paul, Wexford Women's Refuge, Wexford Rape Crisis Centre, Wexford Hospice Homecare, Ozanam House Men's Hostel, the Hope Cancer Support Centre in Enniscorthy and Wexford Meals on Wheels.

Wexford’s TUSE campus update Wexford County Council is expected over the coming weeks to begin the formal process of placing a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) on a Wexford town site for a new campus which will form part of the new Technological University of the South East (TUSE). The chosen site is believed to be one which stretches from Whiterock to Killeens and we understand funding for this project is ring-fenced. n

New Ross Test Centre New Ross Covid Test Cente opened on 2nd January in Geraldine O'Hanrahan GAA grounds, Knockavilla, Y34 X095. The centre is open 7 days, 10am to 6pm. Delays are expected in the area and a one-way traffic management system is in place on approach roads. Access to the site is via Irishtown towards St Stephen’s and Bawnmore. Traffic controls will be in place from 9am to 7pm daily. n

Buy a €20 ticket and you could win a brand new Nissan Qashqai SV 1.3 Mild Hybrid valued at €36,000 and support the development of Caim Community Park at the same time. This park will have a play area for children as well as a walkway for adults and will serve the people of Caim and all surrounding parishes. Buy at:

7th January 2022 - Page 19

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Christmas time at Enniscorthy Farmers Market. Right: Tracey Squance of Treacys Cottage Garden with Anne and Joe Robinson.

Right: Doing Christmas shopping at the Farmers Market were Sean Flood and Silja Harms.

Below: Robert, Kevin and Hannah O’Leary.

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Happy Days as young Alannah Doyle visited the market with her mum on Saturday 11th December.

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RTHY FARMERS MARKET Brock Carpentry, Edermine, Enniscorthy. Showing his work at the market was Alex Brock.

What a "Zanna" experience as Hugh O’Donohoe tucks into a pancake from Zanna.

Enniscorthy Farmers Market at Christmas: Jody Donohoe and Aisling Clooney.

Young Jack Donohoe at his potato stall.

Mairead Mahon showing her Christmas wares at the Market.

Tim Nicholson stocking up at the Farmers Market.

Rosemarie, Darragh, Colm, Cian and Molly at the "Our Rock Garden" stand.

7th January 2022 - Page 21

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PAN Diarmuid and Aoíbhainn Murphy and Olivia Sheridan.

Little Red Riding Hood Panto in The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, on 11th December.

Rita, Joe, Tommy and Aoife Breen.

Elsie, Sadie, Henry and Sadie Keane.

Claire and Kathleen Bolger, Lola Doyle and Laura Bolger.

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NTO IN ENNISCORTHY Casey, Logan and Cooper Murray.

Lorraine and Declan McGowan.

Saiorlaith, Ava, Teresa and Kate Keane.

Nicola and Louie Dolphin.

Conor and Debby Kelly.

Katie Dolphin, Stephanie Mille and Stephanie Dolphin.

7th January 2022 - Page 23

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Professional photographer available to cover your... Work Parties, Christmas Parties, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Presentations, Launches, and all social and work occasions.  Contact Pat on 087-2870006 or email: poconnorphotographer@  Long established  Reasonable rates  Covering all of Co. Wexford  Option to have your photo(s) included in the Slaney News for FREE

Contact Pat at 087-2870006 All enquiries will be responded to. Page 24 - 7th January 2022

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Above: Going through CPR training in Galbally Community Centre, Vickie Dunne, Instructor, with course trainee Nick George. Below: Wexford County Council celebrating UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3rd December. Enniscorthy Municipal District staff with Cllrs Kathleen Codd-Nolan, Cathal Byrne and Jackser Owens outside the Council offices in Market Square, Enniscorthy.

7th January 2022 - Page 25

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New Prader Willi Syndrome Res

Above: Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD (front centre) with local politicians Minister James Browne TD, Senator Malcolm Byrne, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, Cathaoirleach of Wexford Co. Council, with management and staff of the new Lemongrove residential service.

Above left: Laura Cox – one of the new residents of Lemongrove with her mam Jane. Above right: Laura Keane CEO of Resilience, the company which owns and operates the facility, and Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD.

A state-of-the-art residential service dedicated to supporting people with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) was officially opened on 29 November in Enniscorthy by Minister for Disability, Anne Rabbitte, TD. The service is based at the former Lemongrove B&B premises on the Old Dublin Road.

PWS is a complex, multisystem genetic disorder, and is associated with intellectual disability, complex medical needs, mental health difficulties, behaviours that challenge, life-long hyperphagia (which is an abnormally increased appetite for consumption of food as people always feel hungry and never feel full).

The Lemongrove complex represents a major step forward in supporting people with PWS, while also bringing new job opportunities to Enniscorthy with up to 20 people employed, and utilising local suppliers and businesses on a daily basis.

Leading the service at Lemongrove is an experienced Clinical Nurse Manager with support teams trained specifically in PWS. Adopting a Positive Behaviour Support Model, Lemongrove has the support and guidance of its own multi-disciplinary team, and a dietician who can assess and provide advice on calorie-controlled meals and weight management programmes.

Resilience, a leading Irish health and social care company, is behind the launch of ‘Lemongrove’ which has been designed in line with international best practice and with the appropriate environmental supports – in particular psychological and food security. Residents at Lemongrove enjoy independent living in their own apartments, with an on-site team providing 24 hour individualised care and support, including individualised meal planning and additional clinical supports.

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CEO of Resilience, Laura Keane, says: ‘We work closely with PWSAI (Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland) in achieving a shared vision of increasing awareness and understanding of PWS and to give greater choice and quality of care and support for people with PWS in Ireland.’ For more information about Lemongrove, Prader Willi Syndrome and Resilience, go to n

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sidential Service for Enniscorthy

Enjoying the occasion, L-R: Minister James Browne TD, Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD (centre) and Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, Cathaoirleach of Wexford Co. Council.

Minister of State Anne Rabbitte TD is greeted by Senator Malcolm Byrne.

Above: The impressive interior of the new Lemongrove residential service.

Above left: Three residents of Lemongrove help Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD, and Laura Keane, CEO of Resilience, the company which owns and operates the facility, offically open the building on 29th November.

7th January 2022 - Page 27

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Page 28 - 7th January 2022

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7th January 2022 - Page 29

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Mick is a national winner 21-year-old Enniscorthy native, Mick Abidoye, was the youngest winner at the inaugural Black and Irish Awards held in Dublin’s Hilton Hotel in December. Mick was the winner in the Platform of the Year category, recognising his work with createdineire – an online platform which he launched in 2019 and which promotes Irish talent across the globe. Mick, who described his win as “mind-blowing”, is a cousin of Derby County footballer Festy Ebosele, and is currently studying business in Sligo IT and hopes to follow a career in business. Mick also works as a music manager with Trust It Entertainment which broadcasts the best of the Irish music industry to the world. Black and Irish was set up to highlight and celebrate the identity of Black and Mixed Race Irish people, and to spread awareness around the world of their experiences, struggles and successes within the community. n Right: Young Enniscorthy native Mick Abidoye with his national award.

Wexford People Helping People

Enniscorthy company Fresh Today with a huge donation of toys and dry goods for the Wexford People Helping People (WPHP) organisation to distribute before Christmas. Fresh Today have been friends and sponsors for two years now. WPHP said, “Words are hard to find to describe our awe and gratitude... We are proud to be connected with such an amazing crew.”

Wexford People Helping People (WPHP) says a massive thank you to the phenomenal Chef Jimmy Barry and his brother Billy Barry and their crew, who produced 372 hot Christmas dinners, up from 304 last Christmas – a huge achievement. WPHP says a huge thank you also to all the delivery drivers and riders particularly as deliveries were difficult in some areas due to flooding. “You guys went above and beyond today given the treacherous conditions of the roads in many of the areas that you were travelling. You're all legends.”

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The group also thanks everyone else who supported the Community Christmas Dinner Initiative 2021 in any way. And all who supported WPHP throughout the year. “A phenomenal community effort – none of what we do is possible without you guys!”

Billy and Jimmy Barry at work preparing 372 Christmas dinners.

Between Santa Support, Hamper Support, Fuel Support and Dinner and Homeless Outreach, WPHP served close to a thousand people this Christmas, along with thousands of other cases throughout 2021. WPHP believes 2022 will be a challenging year but the organisation will continue its work to change and improve things for as many people as possible. n

SlaNey NewS

FORTUNE TELLERS TO SNAKE OIL MERCHANTS! Since the dawn of time it has been the norm that people on the top of the ladder cause major dis-


ruption to the lives of the people

public. Why is it that high profile experts admit after promoting investment portfolios that they invested none of their own money into it.

at the bottom... From the times of the bible to that of the IRISH

So why am I pointing all this out

house evictions in the 1800s, we

again? As I am not in the same field

know all too well of this structure


of life. When a king went to war

without any maths equations or

the people paid for it in taxes or

charts or algorithms, I can only call

in corn. When people were starv-

it on what I see before me. I see a

ing in France it was "LET THEM

country with a short-term uncertain

EAT CAKE" – the words spoken by

financial outcome propped up with

their governance. In IRELAND dur-

the gains made from the global

ing the famine it was LET THEM

companies in this country answer-

EAT FISH. In more recent times it was "YOU MUST TIGHTEN YOUR BELTS" while Charvet shirts were


able to their shareholders while the small and medium sector shrinks in

spectacular fails in this area many

this pandemic crisis. I see banking

times before and still our experts in

choices being eroded hence prod-

Times have changed over the years.

the economic field are playing it

uct choices limited. I see the shelf

Democracy has helped in this de-

down. We had the major crash in

life of mortgage offers shortening

partment but our lives are shaped

2007 that was like an earthquake

when young couples try to outbid

and affected in a culture and a sys-

but the warnings were ignored.

on way-over-priced properties in

tem we have no real control over

Usually it boils down to a keen eye

short supply. I see interest rates ris-

and it’s getting more acute. Some

and good governance. IF we had

ing. I see food prices rising. I see

would call it the product of CAPI-

that in place at the time we would

raw materials like wood and cement

TALISM, I just call it the biggest

not have banks insolvent so easily.

and steel going up over 50% in

three-card trick ever invented as it

The banks that encouraged people

price. I see freight costs sky rocket-

is so hard to follow the paper trail.

with pension payouts to either in-

ing, containers rising from €2,000 to

vest in their shares or a second

€16,000, I see gas prices rising, I

house to rent out or an offshore ac-

see the cost of living rising, I saw

count, all turned out as disasters.

economists giving predictions last

No ECONOMIST spoke on the

autumn that prices will ease globally

dangers of those options. In fact,

in the first or second quarter of

when the calls went out from the

2022 – they may well have to revisit

worn by the elite.

HIGH FINANCE and all its interconnectivity is now governing our lives on a daily basis and when they sneeze we all get a cold. From banks to bonds to pensions to stock markets it’s a minefield, but throw into the mix the pandemic, Brexit, the shift in world pricing and we have a powder keg in the making for exposed markets like IRELAND. This country has had its fair share of

gallery to burn the junior bond-

that prediction very soon.

holders, it was our own money in our pensions and our CREDIT

I am told that I am getting a reputa-

UNIONS which was knee deep in

tion for discussing topics much ear-

these type of bonds. No ECON-

lier than most pundits, but all I can

OMIST explained this fact to the

do is call what I see. n

7th January 2022 - Page 31

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Spotlight on Retention of Rescue 117 Sinn Féin TD for Wexford Johnny Mythen has said that the recent events and subsequent rescue in Bridgetown due to flooding only further underlined the importance of the work done by Rescue R117 for the South East region from its nearby Waterford base. Deputy Mythen said: "I have written to Minister Ryan to express my concern at recent speculation that the contract up for tender only implies 3 out of the current 4 helicopters are to be retained. If this is the case it is grossly neglectful and unacceptable and the Minister should review this immediately. "Our Co. Wexford coastline is no stranger to the important work carried out by R117 and its counterparts, along with its staff members and volunteers. These people and this service are one of the greatest search & rescue assets our region can have, and this fact cannot be overstated. The recent events in Bridgetown showcase this more than ever, with Rescue 117 providing air support and subsequent paramedic triage to an elderly local couple who were rescued from their partly-submerged car during the floods by the brave volunteers in Kilmore Quay Coast Guard Unit. "Without this vital service the Minister cannot guarantee our Co. Wexford citizens that, should the worst happen, there is a skilled team nearby to support them. Without this service the Minister cannot guarantee our Co. Wexford fishermen and

Johnny Mythen TD

women that, should the worst happen, there is a skilled team nearby to support them. "Furthermore, I urge the Minister and our Wexford government TDs to ensure that there is also adequate provision of Fixed Wing support to these four rescue helicopters, provided either by this contract or in conjunction with the Irish Air Corps, to guarantee the safety of the crew and support them in work further out at sea. "I look forward to hearing from the Minister and for his reassurance that the retention of this base, this helicopter and this vital Search & Rescue service, are not up for negotiation." n

The gift of giving Residents and staff at New Haughton Hospital, New Ross, receiving Christmas gifts from the Permanent TSB branch, New Ross.

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Enjoying the Santa Experience at Wheelocks

The Village at Wheelocks Santa Experience in Enniscorthy. Waiting on her sleigh ride to meet Santa was Keira O’Rourke.


Going to the Enniscorthy CBS Graduation Ball in the Riverbank Hotel, Wexford, on 4th December were Courtney Horan and Darra Casey.

7th January 2022 - Page 33

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Oylegate’s new bus shelter

Glad to be of help: Local Cllr Willie Kavanagh and Minister James Browne TD at the new bus shelter in Oylegate.

The Bygone Days Storytelling House in Oulart runs a weekly market on Sundays, 10am to 2pm. For more information email: or contact Eileen Dempsey on 087 9116695. See also Facebook page ‘Bygone Days Storytelling House’. n

Barnardos shop in Wexford Calling for Donations... Barnardos children’s charity is calling for public donations in its shop in Wexford Town. All pre-loved, good quality ladies wear, men’s wear, children’s clothing and footwear can be donated to the shop and greatly welcomed by staff. Every euro spent in Barnardos shop goes directly towards the charity’s work with children and families in Wexford, and all across Ireland. Bernadette Harrington, Barnardos Shops Manager, said: “In each of our shops we sell everything you could imagine so there will be a home for all the clothes, shoes and accessories, household goods, children’s toys, art and books that are in need of new owners. Barnardos has two centres in Wexford that provide intensive family support and support for teen parents, these services can only continue with your support, so we’re calling the public to bring in their preFunding wasand secured in raise October a new funds neighbourhood loved items help us muchfor needed for vulnerplayground in Oylegate, including disability access to some able children and families.” of the play equipment. The new playground be located For more information about Barnardos will services beside the Community Centre. Work is expected to comand how you can support go to mence shortly. n Shop address: 11a Selskar St, Wexford. Tel: (053) 912 2679. n

Playground for Oylegate

Page 34 - 7th January 2022

SlaNey NewS Welcome to 2022 Hard to believe that we are here already. But then I suppose the last two years have been a kind of blur totally dominated by covid – covid restrictions, covid warnings, covid tests, covid vaccinations, covid boosters, covid warnings again, covid restrictions again and so on and on and on. There’s a bottom line here. 2022 cannot be dominated by the same covid story again and again and again. We have to recognise that with 94% of the country vaccinated, over 30% boosted, medication coming on the market in late January, that we have nowhere else to go. We must find a way of living and working around covid because if we do not the population will be hugely affected physiologically and mentally and the country will be stone cold broke which will result in massive tax hikes for all of us, our children and our children’s children. Health experts have one major role. We all know what that is. But government has to get the courage to look beyond that narrative and draw up a plan for living and working with covid. Running away from it clearly has not worked. The highest vaccination rate, the longest lockdowns and restrictions and still one of the highest infection rates. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that in fact something is not actually working here. On top of all that we have the added problems of lockdown and restrictions causing an increase in domestic violence, and uncontrolled drinking at home which leads to addiction difficulties etc, etc. Maybe it’s too much to hope for that somewhere out there we have a political leader who will grasp this nettle, forget the mantra that “we act on medical advice” and find a way to consider medical advice and decide that we must act “taking medical advice into consideration but coming to conclusions for the greater good of the country and its people going into the future”. Hopefully 2022 will produce that leader but I’m not holding my breath.

View from the Centre

A local contributor, based in the centre of the county, looks at life today in Co. Wexford and beyond Road Accidents The number of road accidents causing fatalities and serious injury over Christmas is shocking to say the least. So many good lives lost and families devastated. We of course do not know the cause of these accidents and I have no intention of speculating. The only thing that we can do is to appeal to everyone, including our own inner selves, to be that bit more careful. Many, not all,

of us can be a bit impatient and aggressive on the road from time to time to save a minute or two, including myself. My New Year’s resolution is to be more patient and careful when driving.

Enniscorthy Flooding Councillor Jackser Owens is correct when he asks the question, “How many more times must this happen before the flood relief scheme is implemented.” It is totally unacceptable that a town with one government minister and two TDs is left in the position of being terrified every time a drop of rain falls. Those with responsibility for this blame the E.U. for the inordinate delay is getting this scheme off the ground. Well as Jackser says, “It’s time to get the finger out and get the job done.” It is remarkable that residents of Enniscorthy and businesses, in this day and age, have to put up with this. When the government decided that covid was an emergency it was possible to throw everything to the wind and introduce emergency laws to close down the country overnight yet this emergency which has been ongoing for decades has to wait for someone in Brussels who probably doesn’t even know where Enniscorthy is to give the go ahead. Makes you think. n

Councillor Jackser Owens: “How many more times must this happen before the flood relief scheme is implemented.”

7th January 2022 - Page 35

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The Village at Wheelocks Santa Experience for the staff of Wheelocks and their children on 3rd December. Cousins Aine Comerford, Karla and Callum Hogan and Fionn Comerford.

The man himself! Cyril Wheelock.

A warm welcome at Wheelocks

Waiting to see Santa were Kai and Jayden Kenny.

Henry and Sophie Rossiter.

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One of the elves at Wheelocks.

Aisling Byrne, Hannah and James Furlong.

A group waiting to see Santa at Wheelocks.

Aboard the Sa

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Above left: The Village at Wheelocks Santa Experience for the staff of Wheelocks and their children: Aisling and Rian Bennett. Above right: Savanah, Mason Murphy and Tadgh Kenny.

s winter wonderland

George, Christine and Lily Wheelock.

All aboard the Santa Train at Wheelocks.

anta Train going to see the big man!

Jack Sharkey, Elf Ryan Whelan and Michael Sharkey.

Courtney, Laura and Corey Walsh.

7th January 2022 - Page 37

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Oylegate Vintage Club – “Lig

Oylegate Vintage Club ‘Light Up The Night’ Tractor and Large Vehicle Vintage Run from Oylegate in aid of Pieta House, Wexford, 4th December. Above left: The tractors line up for the start. Above: Watching all the tractors coming and going were Sean and Cathal Nolan. Left: Driving Tommy Williamson’s in the run were Ryan, Patrick and Ian Codd.

Left: John Conroy and Liam Nolan were there to watch the Run. Above left: Over 400 tractors taking part and Sam and Anthony Hallagan were there to watch them all. Above right: Even Santa needed a cuppa – it was a cold evening. Ho! Ho! Ho! Below left: Fixing the lights on a tractor was Aidan Kinsella. Below: John and Tom Cloney had their JCB all decked out for the Run.

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ght up the Night” Road Run

Above left: Doing an interview for the Rosslare Podcast was Larry Bradley being interviewed by Michael Freeman. Above right: Ailish Doyle at the Oylegate Vintage Club ‘Light Up The Night’ Run in aid of Pieta House, Wexford. Left: What a delight for any young boy as Aoife and John Grennan brought their son Tadgh to see the Run. Right: In the midst of all the tractors were Clare, Evan and Hannah Stafford. Left: Waiting for the off were Phil, Anne Marie and Larry Bradley and their Reindeer tractor. Right: Kieran and Daire Collins took part in the Tractor Run. Bottom left: Sarah Parker and Bridge Cosgrave were on hand to provide hot tea and soup before and after. Below centre: Ella and Cormac Hayden. Below right: Early arrivals Mickey Fortune and Charlie Lafferty Fortune.

7th January 2022 - Page 39

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Left: Minister of State with Sp Kilcannon Garden Centre to se James Browne TD, Cllr Barba Orla Sinnott, Jacqui Murphy Ben Be Above: Minister Anne Rabbit

Minister visits Kilcannon / Countt

Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD with course student Damien Walsh.

L-R: Ben Bernie (Manager, Kilcannon Industries), Minister Anne Rabbitte County Council), Jacqui Murphy (CWCW) and

Course participants Aoife Mackey, Nicky Kenny and Padraig O’Leary in front. Behind are Minister James Browne TD, Minister Anne Rabbitte TD, Ben Bernie and Jacqui Murphy (CWCW).

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L-R: Orla Sinnott, David Wrafter, Janet Daly, Noel O’B

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pecial Responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD, visited ee the facilities there on 29th November, 2021. L-R: Minister ara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council), y (CWCW), Minister Rabbitte, Trevor Jacob (CEO CWCW), ernie (Manager, Kilcannon Industries).

te TD with course students Ricky Hogan and Kevin Browne.

Minister Anne Rabbitte TD with Minister James Browne TD and Jacqui Murphy (CWCW).

ty Wexford Community Workshop

TD, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford Trevor Jacob (CEO, CWCW).

Brien, Trevor Jacob, and in front Des Wheelock (Course Director).

Minister Anne Rabbitte TD met Special Olympian Pat Nolan (left) who was working in Kilcannon with Ben Bernie (Manager, Kilcannon Industries).

Canteen worker May Levinstone (third from left) tells Minister Rabbitte all about Kilcannon.

7th January 2022 - Page 41

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Carraig Bris Wheelock’s C

The annual Christmas outing for Carraig Briste Early Years

Above: T

Annual Christmas visit by Carraig Briste Early Years school to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, 26th November 2021. Beech and Oak Room with Mary Wheelock, Orlagh Doyle (Proprietor Carraig Briste Early Years), Catherine Nolan (Tree Farm) and Isaac Murphy.


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L-R: Mary, Isaac, Roiseen, Orlagh, Rose, Emma

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ste Early Years visit Christmas Tree Farm

Chloe poses for the camera.

s school to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, 26th November 2021.

The Oak Room children arrive at the Tree Farm.

Isaac Murphy with grandad Isaac Wheelock on the Tree Farm.

and Chloe.

Orlagh and Mia.

Mia posing.

7th January 2022 - Page 43

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The last Wexford County  Council monthly meeting of 2021 was held in Wexford County Council head office at Carricklawn, Wexford, on 13th December 2021. Left: Cllr Michael Sheehan, Cllr Andrew Bolger and Cllr. Donal Kenny. Right: Cllr Lisa McDonald. Far right: Cllrs Jim Moore, Frank Staples and Cathal Byrne.

Wexford Co. Council las

Cllr Frank Staples with Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council).

Cllrs Fionntán Ó Súilleabhain and Jim Codd.

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Cllr Frank Staples with Cllr Lisa McDonald, Cllr Barbar Tom Enright (CEO

Cllr Joe Sullivan and Cllr George Lawlor share a joke. Maybe Fianna Fáil and Lab going to go into goverment together? Well at least Joe looks happy about it!

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st meeting of 2021

a-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council) and Wexford County Council).

bour !

Cllr Andrew Bolger and Cllr Donal Kenny.

Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council) and Senator Malcolm Byrne.

Cllrs Jim Codd, Diarmuid Devereux and John Fleming.

7th January 2022 - Page 45

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Above left: Aisling and Kelly Ann Fortune. Above centre: Cian Kehoe. Above right: Anna and Sarah Carty. Right: Annis Kehoe, Mo Breen and Phil Lynch.

Christmas Cakes at the Forge, Crossabeg Crossabeg Ballymurn Community Centre Development Project Christmas Cake Sale and Coffee Morning at the Forge, Crossabeg, 4th December 2021.

Above left: Dot O’Connor and Anne Cloney. Above right: Catherine Bierney, Mary Rackard, Kate Banville and Kathleen Birmingham. Left: Esmie, Crioc, Harry, Mick and Cian Kehoe. Right: Anne Ryan and Mary Cronin.

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Caroline’s charity book raises €3,000 Caroline Kidd, well known to Slaney News readers as our motoring expert, launched her first book in 2021 – not on a motoring theme, but a children’s book, While You Were Sleeping, featuring animals from the North Wexford Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals where Caroline is a volunteer. The book is beautifully illustrated by Petra Curtis, and sales of the book to date has meant the NWSPCA has benefitted by over €3,000.

printed to meet continuing demand and

Gorey. It’s also available to buy through

copies can be had for €10 from the

the NWSPCA Facebook page. Learn more

NWSPCA Charity Shop, Rafter Street,

about Caroline at

Caroline Kidd with her book which has raised over €3,000 for NWSPCA

Author Caroline is delighted with the success of the book particularly as it was launched at a difficult time in the country with Covid dominating everyone’s thoughts. The book is aimed at 6–9 year olds but Caroline has got great feedback from adults who loved reading the book too. A second run of the book has been

New Telehealth Pilot aims to support older people to age in place Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler TD launched, at the end of 2021, a report of the findings from an innovative telehealth pilot which set out to provide a 12-week telehealth intervention to 50 patients in Wexford with a chronic illness. Telehealth refers to the use of electronic and telecommunication technologies to support healthcare at a distance from the patient. In 2021 in Co. Wexford a telehealth pilot project was undertaken by a multi-agency Stakeholder Group (Wexford County Council Age Friendly Programme including the Wexford Older Peoples Council, Age Friendly Ireland, HSE, Wexford General Hospital, including Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Nurse Specialists and Tunstall Emergency Response). This pilot project set out to provide a 12-week telehealth intervention to 50 patients with chronic illnesses including Chronic Heart Disease, COPD and Diabetes. The project was independently evaluated and monitored by Waterford Institute of Technology and their research report, including their findings and recommendations, was launched in Wexford by

blood pressure, weight and could also if they wished manually input their blood glucose readings. The patients input their readings daily into a tablet and this information was transferred to clinicians at Wexford General Hospital, with an alarm system in place if the readings were outside of limits set by the medical team.

Minister Mary Butler TD

Minister Mary Butler. Telehealth can be used to support older adults to self-manage their health conditions within their own homes. Depending on the health condition being monitored, patients were provided with specific equipment. The patients with COPD were asked to use a blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter and thermometer. Those with CHF used the blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter and scales, while the patients with diabetes recorded their

Participants engaged very well with the technology. The report found that the majority of participants perceived that it helped them manage their condition by giving them reassurance that there was clinical oversight and confidence in their ability to manage, plus it gave them confidence to exercise more and identify when they needed to take health related actions. With a rapidly increasing population of older adults in Ireland, the enhancement of community supports and health interventions that will enable the realisation of care as close to home as possible has never been so important. Minister Butler says, “I am committed to maximising the use of virtual and telehealth services to enhance access to supports for individuals and their families.” n

7th January 2022 - Page 47

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Above left: Cara and Cathal Malone. Above right: Ruby Gahan and Tegan

Christmas shopping in Gorey Shopping Centre on 4th December: Amelia, Lauren and Martina.

Christmas at Gorey

Above: Looking Christmasy on the Mall. Below left: Thumbs up to the Christmas Fair from the Morris brothers. Below right: Ben Doran ready for some fast shopping.

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n Conway doing some shopping.

y Shopping Centre Above: At the Craft Fair at the Shopping Centre were Ivona Rosse (Stella Design stall) with Valerie Dagg. Left: The Works is a very popular place to shop at Gorey Shopping Centre. Right: Out shopping were Billy and Ali McGovern. Below left: Making his own amusement while mam and dad shopped was Thomas Dillon. Below right:At the Christmas Fair, Gorey Community School students show off their cookery skills: Sophie Doyle and Meabh Ni Dhubhla.

7th January 2022- Page 49

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Carraig Briste E Years visit to Whe Christmas Tree

Above: Lola looking out. Below: Robyn looking out also.

Above: The Forest Group from Carraig Briste Early Years on their annual visit to Wheelo Below left: Orlagh, Ava, Rose and James. Below right: Orlagh, Diarm

Caoimhe with staff member, Kathriona.

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Evie says, ‘Hi’.

Beatrice enjoying her visit to Wheelock’s Farm.

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Early eelock’s Farm Carraig Briste Early Years visit to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, 26th November, 2021.

Above left: Annie enjoying her visit. Above right: Hot Chocolate time for Evie, Billy, Beatrice and Orlagh.

ocks Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy. muid, Fionn and Richie.

Happy faces at Wheelock’s Tree Farm, Moneyhore, above left Billy and above right Liesel.

Chloe and Roisin on a well deserved break.

Laura and Liesel at Wheelock’s Tree Farm.

Orlagh Doyle with Diarmuid the reindeer.

7th January 2022 - Page 51

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Flying the flag! Above: Members of Wexford Soroptimists ORANGE the world! Launch of flag at Wexford County Hall on 10th December. Included in photo are Veronica Murphy TD, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council) and Cllr Maura Bell. Right: Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy (Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council) and Niamh Tierney (Soroptimists’ President) flying the flag. Below: Members of Wexford Soroptimists with local Councillors Barbara-Anne Murphy, George Lawlor, Garry Laffan (Mayor of Wexford) and Pat Barden. n

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Chloe & Leah win national competition Wexford duo win Londis competition to design exclusive Christmas Cards for LauraLynn. In the run-up to Christmas, local community retailer, Londis, sold exclusive Christmas cards across its nationwide network of stores with all proceeds going directly to official charity partner, LauraLynn Children’s Hospice, Ireland’s only children’s hospice. What made these Christmas cards so special was that they were designed by Londis shoppers, Chloe McCluskey, aged 12, from Piercetown, Wexford and Leah O’Brien, aged 12, from Barntown, Wexford. Chloe and Leah were the winners of the Londis competition for children to send in their designs for a specially commissioned Christmas card for LauraLynn. The competition was run across all Londis stores and Londis produced, printed and sold the winning cards in all stores across Ireland with a packet of 10 cards costing €5 with all proceeds going to LauraLynn. Chloe’s and Leah’s designs were chosen as the most innovative and capturing from thousands of entries received from all over Ireland. Commenting, Conor Hayes, Londis Sales Director, said, “This was a fabulous initiative we ran across our nationwide network

Chloe McCluskey with her winning design at Hanrahan's Londis, Piercetown.

of local Londis stores and we were delighted with the huge number of entries we received. The winning designs are really something special and I thank people who supported this wonderful initiative by buying their Christmas cards in Londis this year.” n

Pettitt’s SuperValu Enniscorthy got into the Christmas spirit Pettitt’s SuperValu in Enniscorthy kicked off its big Christmas fundraiser in aid of Slaney Search & Rescue by inviting all its customers and staff to dress up in their Christmas jumpers and festive accessories between 2nd and 5th December, and to make a donation at its checkouts. Every donation received, allowed a customer to enter a draw to win a fabulous Christmas hamper. Our photo shows Pettitt’s staff entering into the Christmas spirit themselves by dressing up in support of Slaney Seach & Rescue. n

7th January 2022 - Page 53

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Graham’s stunning image is a winner The winner of Visit Wexford’s recent Fall In Love With Wexford photography competition is Graham Murphy for his beautiful, magical photograph of Wexford Harbour (see photo below). Graham told Visit Wexford, ‘I love sunsets and sunrises in Wexford harbour and from this photo, night shots have a lot to give. It’s also my town.’

The competition was judged by Paul Finegan of Visit Wexford, Kein Mulvaney of and professional photographer Ruth Calder-Potts. The judges commented on Graham’s photo, ‘Great technique and composition. Very evocative and unusual at night. The colours really

A deserving winner, Graham’s prize was an Go Anywhere Gift Card worth €300, as well as having his photograph printed and framed. Congratulations also to Rita Kelly for placing 2nd and Maura Ryan for placing 3rd.

pop and the stillness, reflections and the light all add up to an exceptional image.’ And don’t forget you can plan your winter break at

Wexford’s “staggering” house price increase Deputy Johnny Mythen has expressed deep concern at recent “staggering” increases in house prices in Co. Wexford, commenting: “The latest report on house prices shows that Co. Wexford had one of the largest inflations of house prices, with a year-on-year increase of a staggering 17.2%. “The government do not get the severity of the situation and the reality of the housing crisis on the ground for most people. Hard-working young families who haven’t a hope of getting their foot in the door of somewhere safe and secure for their children. “Young couples who have moved back to their family homes to save a deposit are seeing their hopes fade further and further out of reach.

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“I have noticed an increase in people moving from Dublin and the surrounds to the north of the county, where house prices and rents are spiralling beyond affordability because of demand. “The scarcity of houses is a result of decades of putting the private market forward as the answer to our housing crisis. This has failed time and time again. “House prices are out of control. We need public housing and affordable housing built on public lands to be made a priority. The Government are repeating past failings by relying once again on the private market which is driven by vested interests and huge profits.” n

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Bunclody VEC Transition Year Christmas Fair Left: Bunclody VEC Transition Year students Luke Byrne and Josh Tobin at their stand on 10th December 2021. Right: Little Stitches stall owner Eabh Dunignan.

Above left: Cian Murphy at his stand. Above right: Supporting the students were Susanne Hayes, Patrica Ahmed, Bernie McCarthy and Jenifer Furlong.

Josh O’Leary and his Parycord stand.

At their stand Emma Raleigh and Charlotte O’Gorman selling their wares.

Leah Barron at her Perfect Pampering stand.

Above left: Supporting the students were Michelle Hyde, Tara Nolan and Aoife Martin. Above right: Nadya Ahmed and her accessories and Leah Doyle with her Gift Co. at their stand.

7th January 2022 - Page 55

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Clonroche Poulpeasty Vintag

Clonroche Poulpeasty Vintage Club Tractor Run St Stephen’s Day 2021.

Vintage cars, tractors, modern tractors ready for the off.

Above left: Thomas Keating and the King of Vintage Tractors Leo Tector. Above right: Tom O’Brien, Enda Kennedy, John Cummins and Edward Kehoe. Left: Keeping an eye on the tractor run were Alannah and Georgina Delaney. Below: Leo Tector, Mike Ryan and Tom O’Brien.

Above: Tom Furlong and his Leyland tractor. Left: Making her own transport down to the Vintage Run was Kiara Murphy and her dad David.

Above left: Sean Ryan, Sophie Codd and Stephen O’Gorman. Above centre: Carmel and her husband Ted Sinnott with his ‘91 Suzuki which he restored, hard to believe it only cost him €50 when he bought it! Far right: Two young hurlers at the tractor run – Jack and Dara Kavanagh.

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ge Club Tractor Run

Above left: Sharon, Tianna, Teagan and Wayne Stephenson. Above centre: Ann and Linda Lambert. Above right: Tony and Conor Carty. Below left: Stephanie and Michael Cummins, Billy Kennedy and Michael Cummins. Right: PJ Murphy with his ‘81 Mini Minor keeping the Tullogher-Rosbercon Vintage Club in the picture. Below left: Amy, Larry, Charlie and Joe Kehoe. Below centre: Keeping the show on the road were Abina Healy and Mary Tector. Below right: JJ Wickham and his Massey-Ferguson. Bottom left: Tractor fans Ciara, Mark, James and Shane Furlong. Bottom centre: Paddy Kenny from Curracloe with his homemade cabin on his tractor built by himself! Bottom right: Aoife Murphy.

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Annual Pudding Run at Bellefield The 14th Annual Michael Foley Pudding Run took place this Christmas with a difference, as organisers Phil and Jim Kearney and Terri Foley asked people to observe Covid guidelines and either meet at Bellefield and walk or run in pods on St. Stephen’s morning, or complete the run in their own time over the festive period. And as always, this event was a success, raising over €1,000, with more money to come in as I write, a tribute to the late Michael Foley, remembered forever by his family, friends and teammates. The money raised goes to the Michael Foley CBS Bursary to be part of a fund that helps students of St. Mary’s CBS, Enniscorthy, to realise their dreams. The organisers would like to express their most sincere thanks to all who took part and donated for their continued interest and generosity and hope that next year we will all be back gathered at Bellefield for a more traditional St. Stephen’s Day Pudding Run. – Maria Nolan Mary and Sinead Walsh with Terri Foley, Jacqui Murphy and Maria Nolan, ready to begin the Pudding Run.

Shane Murphy doing the Pudding Run.

Ben Edwards, John Walsh, Kevin Foley and Conal Flood ready for the Pudding Run.

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New members for Wexford Food Family

The Wexford Food Family is delighted to welcome two new members to its ranks – Nutorious Nutrition and Saltrock Dairy. Nutorious Nutrition is a supplier of healthy snacks and nutritious granola, based near Gorey, founded and run by owner Úna Sinnott. You will find them at the Gorey Farmers Market each Saturday morning, in amazing cafés nationwide or have its handmade items delivered to your home.

Its range of food is made from 100% natural ingredients, bursting with flavour and goodness with the added accolade that two of its products were awarded a Silver and Bronze medal at this year’s Blas na hÉireann awards. Saltrock Farm is run by the Kinsella family on Tara Hill. Their own herd of dairy cows are a familiar sight to locals and visitors alike, as they graze the fields over the sea banks of Saleen Beach. It offers a range of whole milk with a variety of flavours. Pasteurisation occurs on the farm, bringing you fresh, local milk. It has a self-vend facility with a full list of

locations and opening hours available on its social media pages. For more information on these two great local food businesses see: n

Naturally Cordial to start Via Veneto’s special takework on new kitchen proceeding thanks to funding from the LEADER grant aid programme. The Naturally Cordial range is made from whole fruit to a traditional recipe, then pasteurised. Using local fruit and organic citrus fruit ensures all the cordials are 100% natural, with no artificial sweeteners, flavourings or enhancers. All that’s added is three simple ingredients – water, sugar and a small quantity of citric acid. The award-winning range consists of thirteen flavours as well as producing a range for Dunnes Stores Simply Better brand.

Naturally Cordial, the multi-award-winning cordial producer based near Enniscorthy, is starting work on a brand new kitchen and bottling/pasteurisation facility this month. This project is

away offer

Via Veneto in Enniscorthy is reintroducing its special takeaway offer – 2 starters, 2 main courses, 2 desserts and a bottle of house wine for only €55! This takeaway offer is available from Wednesday to Sunday by phoning 0539236929 and ordering between 7pm and 8.30pm. To see the menu: 518329/3072077689709136/ n

Due to the upcoming construction, production of its cordials will be paused for two months. For further information on products, delicious recipes for cocktails and mocktails and contact information check here: n

7th January 2022 - Page 59

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Your local Slimming World Consultants in Enniscorthy Happy New Year from your local Enniscorthy consultants providing you with a huge choice of sessions throughout the week. Tuesdays @ 6.30pm The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop Call Tony on 087 1785384 Wednesdays @ 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.30pm and 7.00pm Enniscorthy Rugby Club Call Trish on 087 3607615 Saturdays @ 9.00am and 10.30am The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop Call Tony on 087 1785384

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Enniscorthy’s Country Market Enniscorthy’s Country Market is back up and running every Friday morning in the IFA Centre, Millpark Road, run by a dedicated group of local ladies. The advice is to get there early (from 8.30am) for the best selection and freshest home baking, breads, scones, vegetables, flowers, eggs, etc. Right: Some of the fine fare on offer at Enniscorthy Country Market. n

Alba’s temporary closure

Coffee time at Toffee & Thyme Enniscorthy’s popular Toffee & Thyme restaurant may no longer be visible on Enniscorthy’s Rafter Street, but it now has an impressive presence on the Old Dublin Road, next door to the NCT Centre, with loads of free parking, and open 6 days a week from 7.30am to 5pm. Enjoy a visit there soon! n

Owner-Chef Angelo

Due to the current 8pm restriction, Alba Restaurant in Enniscorthy is closed temporarily until restrictions ease, hopefully later this month. Angelo, Katia and team look forward to welcoming you back then.

Toffee & Thyme on the Old Dublin Road.

Alba Restaurant in Enniscorthy can be contacted on 089-2649417 n

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Green light for Enniscorthy Community Allotments

Enniscorthy Community Allotments committee L-R: Cllr. Aidan Browne, Eimear McCauley, Michael Devereux, Mark Cooke and Noreen Kehoe. Missing from photograph are Michelle Doyle and Anna Davis.

An agreement has been reached between Enniscorthy Municipal District and the Enniscorthy Community Allotments Group to lease two plots of land to facilitate the development of a community-led garden and allotment project for the people of Enniscorthy. Work will begin on site soon, applications for allotments are expected to open later this month and the allotments themselves will be ready this Spring. One of the plots adjoins the Enniscorthy Sports Hub at Cherry Orchard, the other is across the road from the first plot – about one hectare in total. The lease will be for ten years to three individuals on behalf of Enniscorthy Community Allotments Group. Michael Devereux has been the main driving force behind this project and Cllr Aidan Browne has also been very active in helping to progress the project. Cllr Browne says, “I have been working on this project alongside the Enniscorthy allotment committee and we are nearly at our goal that we set out to achieve, the work that has gone into this behind the scenes is phenomenal, it will be a great asset to our town for all to enjoy... the huge work and effort from Micheal Devereux and other committee members has got this project to where it is today.” The Slaney News, like many others, looks forward to seeing (and tasting!) the fruits of all this labour.

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Enniscorthy teacher joins fight against childhood obesity An Enniscorthy woman has joined the fight against childhood obesity in Ireland and is urging the public to join the Irish Heart Foundation’s ‘Stop Targeting Kids’ drive. A growing trend in obesity levels in children, especially during Covid, has prompted 23-year-old Amy Cowan (pictured), from Enniscorthy, to join the campaign. The secondary school teacher has a special interest in childhood obesity having studied home economics at St Angela’s College in Sligo. “It is clear to me that junk food companies used the opportunity (during Covid) to keep their unhealthy products centre stage in children’s minds,” said Ms Cowan. “We need to break the junk food cycle to improve children’s health. I joined this campaign because I believe a ban on junk food marketing would be a game changer in tackling childhood obesity. “As an active campaigner, I’ve been in touch with the Advertising Standards Authority about irresponsible advertising by brands loved by young people as this marketing is continuing without penalties.” Her call comes as the Irish Heart Foundation released the results of a poll which found that almost seven in ten people believe the Government is not doing enough to confront childhood obesity in Ireland. The Ipsos MRBI research for the Irish Heart Foundation reveals 69% feel more can be done to tackle the problem. “The people of Ireland are telling the Government very clearly through our poll that they want a much bolder approach to protecting children’s health,” said the charity’s Childhood Obesity Campaign Manager, Helena O’Donnell. “Our manifesto target of halving the childhood obesity rate by 2030 is a reflection of what the public is demanding.” In its poll of 1,044 adults last month, only 20% believed the

Amy Cowan Government is doing enough on childhood obesity, with 11% saying they did not know. The majority of those who say more must be done are in the 45-54 age group (73%). The State’s own research estimates 85,000 of today’s generation of children will die prematurely due to overweight and obesity. And an ESRI study published in March 2021 – a year into the pandemic – showed 29% of 12-year-olds were eating more junk food or sweets since the outbreak. “The current Government target of reducing childhood obesity by just half of 1% per annum up to 2025 is not ambitious enough in the face of a tenfold increase in the rate since the mid-1970s and even achieving the objective will still leave us with a crisis for our children’s future health,” said Ms O’Donnell. “In 2013, junk brand advertising to children on television was restricted because of its health impact. Meanwhile, there has been an explosion in digital marketing that’s more personalised, effective and therefore potentially even more damaging.” The Irish Heart Foundation is now urging everyone to petition their local TDs and Senators, demanding action through a pre-written letter on its website, as part of its ‘Stop Targeting Kids’ drive. “I encourage other young people to join this campaign to show public demand for increased marketing restrictions... Together we can place the spotlight back on healthy eating and protect the future of children’s health.” n

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A Fresh success story L-R: Minister James Browne TD with Fresh Today Managing Director Brian McGee.

Minister James Browne TD was delighted to get a recent tour of the Fresh Today premises based on the Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy. Providing food, including hot meals, to schools across Ireland, this local company was set up by an Enniscorthy family over ten years ago and is now employing almost 100 people. Its lunches help ensure schoolchildren throughout the country are well-fed and focused. Fresh Today is ranked in the top 6% of Q marked companies in the country and is the first school lunch provider to gain ISO 22000:2015 recognition. Minister Browne was highly impressed with what he saw and added, “We always welcome announcements of new jobs from foreign companies but it’s even more important to support local jobs.” n

L-R: Minister James Browne TD tours the Fresh Today facilities escorted by Managing Director Brian McGee.

Gorey business is a cracker Isle of Crackers, based near Gorey, has been busy expanding. It has recently finished a new labelling and staff room as well as a new, much-needed storage space. It has also increased its staff numbers which is great news. Tim Nickerson and his family have been baking a delicious range of flaxseed crackers in their small north Wexford bakery since 2014. Each heart shaped cracker is mixed, rolled, cut and packaged by hand which makes them a truly artisan product. The crackers are slow baked using delicious seeds and Irish cold pressed rapeseed oil from Co. Wicklow. Look out for Isle of Crackers on Supervalu Food Academy shelves, in small artisan stores and in many larger independent retailers. n

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Rosslare Europort’s major investment In mid-December news emerged that new infrastructure at Rosslare Europort will be funded from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve. It is thought that this investment will be in the region of €90m as part of €1 billion in EU funding allocated to Ireland under the scheme. A new state of the art Border Control Post facility will be installed thanks to the new funding. A planning application for this has already been lodged. Local Councillor in the Rosslare Municipal District, Lisa McDonald, welcomed this ‘game-changing’ news saying, “I look forward to seeing the results of this investment in the Europort.” The investment has been warmly welcomed by local Councillor Ger Carthy also. n

At Rosslare Europort last September were L-R: Cllr Ger Carthy, An Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Cllr Lisa McDonald.

Datapac continues to meet demand Founded in Enniscorthy in 1982, and based in the town ever since, Datapac is Ireland’s leading technology solutions and services provider, and has just announced that its managed services revenues grew to €6m in 2021. A significant part of this growth was the increased demand for its managed IT helpdesk service which increased by more than 50% last year. Demand for the managed IT helpdesk service has been driven by rising end-user expectations of customer support consistency and availability, a shortage of skilled IT professionals to deliver customer support in-house, and a need to manage new ways of working, particularly from home. Datapac’s IT helpdesk service provides a fully-managed support desk for organisations and their end-users. The service operates as an extension of the organisation, so when an end-user contacts the helpdesk, the experience is no different than if they had contacted an internally operated service. In recent years, Datapac has expanded its customer support team as well as evolving and enhancing its service infrastructure to meet a rising market demand for managed IT helpdesk services. This includes an investment in best-in-class management platforms, new automated technologies, and a more than €500,000 investment per annum in training and development for its team. Datapac’s total managed services customer base has grown beyond 750, with Irish organisations from a range of sectors utilising the managed IT helpdesk service, including Special Olympics Ireland, Local Government Management Agency (LGMA), and Kefron. Businesses can avail of varying levels of support from Datapac. As well as the provision of a call management platform with end-user queries managed from initial logging through to

L-R: Karen O’Connor, General Manager, Datapac and Patrick Kickham, Director, Datapac.

close-off and reporting, customers can also escalate organisation level issues to Datapac’s specialist infrastructure teams. Karen O’Connor, general manager, Datapac, said: “Organisations face an increasingly high bar for meeting the support expectations of their end-users, who are now accustomed to high levels of availability and faster response times. This can be a challenge for businesses and many are turning to managed providers like Datapac with the skills, knowledge and infrastructure in place to integrate within an organisation and provide seamless IT helpdesk support... Datapac’s expertly skilled support team, high levels of accreditation, and commitment to continuous improvement mean that our customers and their end-users can work securely and productively from any location, safe in the knowledge that Datapac is on hand to help.” For further information, visit

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Comhairle Contae

053 919 6000

Loch Garman Carricklawn, Wexford Y35 WY93

Notice of Deposit of Rate Book for Inspection and of Intention to Make Rate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Wexford County Council is about to make the County Rate on the property rateable thereto in the County of Wexford. The Annual Rate on Valuation for the ordinary expenditure of Wexford County Council for the service of the financial year ending on the 31st December 2022 is zero point two four six (0.246). The Rate Book is deposited for the inspection* of any ratepayer at the offices of Wexford County Council at Carricklawn, Wexford for the period 11th to 24th January 2022 between the hours of 10.00am and 4.00pm. Dated this 11th day of January 2022.

Wexford County Council invites applicants for the following post Library Staff Officer Selection for all posts will be by means of interview and candidates may be shortlisted based on applications submitted. Panels may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled. Qualifications, application forms and further particulars for this post are available from our website at Please note all applications for the above post must be Typed and submitted by Email only to Printed hard copies will NOT be accepted for the above post.

Annette O’Neill Head of Finance & ICT Wexford County Council *Due to COVID 19 Level 5 restrictions, Rate Book inspections will be facilitated by appointment only. To arrange an appointment phone us on 053 919 6000 or email –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Safeguarding Courses 2022 Course





Safeguarding 1 Basic Awareness Course

Mon 31st January Places Limited

6.30pm – 9.30pm

ZOOM €20

Safeguarding 2 Children’s Officer Course

Mon 24th January Places Limited

6.30pm – 9.30pm



Closing date for receipt of completed application forms for the above post is: 5.00pm on Thursday 27th January, 2022. Wexford County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Wexford County Council invites applicants for the following post Water & Wastewater Works Caretaker (Grade V) Selection for all posts will be by means of interview and candidates may be shortlisted based on applications submitted. Panels may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled. Qualifications, application forms and further particulars for this post are available from: Customer Service (Block F), Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford.

Pre- payment is essential for courses to proceed.

Phone 053 919 6000 or visit our website at

Contact office on 053 919 6557or e-mail

Closing date for receipt of completed application form for this post is:

Note: Bookings can be made online –

Street Lights Broken? Report on

Page 66 - 7th January 2022

5.00pm on Thursday 27th January, 2022. Wexford County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Outside office hours call: 1890 666 777 Register on for free text and email alerts about service disruptions in your locality

Planning app. lists available at

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Comhairle Contae

053 919 6000

Loch Garman Carricklawn, Wexford Y35 WY93


Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for Community

The following tender competitions are currently active. If you wish to obtain further information and make a submission for any of the tenders please visit ID


Tender Description

Closing Date

Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD:

204328 50/ENV/2021 Grange Beach Cliff Stabilisation


204854 51/LEO/2021 Screen Wexford Full-Time Film & TV Co-ordinator


A total fund of €300,129 has been made available by Wexford LCDC to support small-scale projects for not-forprofit organisations. The maximum grant aid per project is €5,000, with a percentage of grants also ring-fenced for grants of €1,000 or less. Match funding is not required. All projects must be delivered by 31st August 2022.

204884 52/SP/2021

Enniscorthy North Business District Phase 1 Works


The Community Activities Fund will support community and voluntary groups impacted by Covid-19, particularly in disadvantaged areas;

204964 53/SP/2021

Oyster Lane - New Temporary Car Park


205051 54/SP/2021

Trinity Wharf Phase 0 Entrance Road and associated works: re-tender December 2021


If you would like to book training in how to tender please contact Angie Malone on 053 919 6022 or –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Grants under the Community Activities Fund 2021

With their non-pay running costs, for example, utility bills (electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges) or other non-pay operating costs for example rental/ lease costs, insurance bills (relating to the period 01/07/2021 – 30/06/2022).

Groups will also be able to use the funding to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities, purchase equipment for example tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies, and training equipment etc.

See Fund guidelines for further details. The online application portal is available at supports-grants-andawards/community-Activities-Fund-2021. Fund guidelines are also available at this web address or by phoning 053-919 6000 or emailing Closing date for receipt of applications is 18th February 2022.

Wexford County Council in conjunction with Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) invites applications for funding submissions under the Community Activities Fund 2021. The Community Activities Fund (CAF) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development. Please see the following link for a press release on the launch of the CAF at national level by the Minister for Rural and

Street Lights Broken? Report on

Outside office hours call: 1890 666 777 Register on for free text and email alerts about service disruptions in your locality

Planning app. lists available at

7th January 2022 - Page 67

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Taking concrete steps to a su L-R: Minister James Browne TD on a recent visit to the Murphy Concrete Products premises on the Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy, in the company of Managing Director John Murphy.

Murphy Concrete Products on the Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy, is a homegrown success story. Established by local man John Murphy in 2009, it has grown into a major player in the concrete products business in Ireland, designing and manufacturing its own range of precast concrete products for the agricultural, construction and environmental sectors, and is now a major employer in the town. Minister James Browne TD recently visited the premises to see the business at first hand and received a full tour of the impressive facilities. n

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uccessful business

Minister James Browne TD being shown one of the concrete table tennis tables by John Murphy which Murphy Concrete Products manufactures in its premises on the Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy.

Murphy Concerte Products Ltd provides a range of products for the agricultural sector including drinking troughs, feed troughs and bunker silage walls. It works with some of the leading construction companies in Ireland to design precast products based on their specific requirements onsite. And it moulds, designs, engineers and produces bespoke products to meet customers’ requirements for bespoke precast solutions. Find out more at:

Minister James Browne TD was delighted to see Cabinet approve in December an update regarding the establishment of the new Maritime Area Regulatory Authority which will be based in the planned Trinity Wharf development in Wexford town. Up to 200 staff will be employed at MARA in Wexford and they will be responsible for a maritime area seven times the landmass of the country. Wexford has a very rich maritime history and this agency, being based in Wexford, will be a further chapter in that history. An implementation committee for MARA is expected to be in place later this month and Minister O’Brien hopes to have MARA established by the middle of 2022. Minister Browne says, “I look forward to continuing to work with the Minister regarding this and I’m excited to see MARA becoming a great success for Wexford.” n

7th January 2022 - Page 69

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Shop Local: Champion Green! It is ‘make or break time’ for the Irish retail sector, and particularly for locally owned high-street stores, according to a new Champion Green report by economist Jim Power. Given the current Omicron crisis, some people are cautious about physical shopping, the economist says, so online purchases have become a more significant feature of the market. Figures show that non-food retail sales – our expenditure on the likes of fashion and gifts, is the consumer spend most vulnerable to online purchasing from overseas retailers. It is vitally important for the domestic economy and for jobs and prosperity that Irish consumers now do their utmost to shop physically or to ‘click and collect’ with businesses local to them, the Champion Green report says.

with domestic retailers was to increase

Sales from department stores in 2021

just one-quarter, to around 50 per cent,

were 2.4 per cent lower than in 2020, and

it would translate to €500 million in extra

24.5 per cent lower than the equivalent

online sales for Irish registered retailers”,

period in 2019. Similarly, sales of books,

the report author says.

newspapers and stationery were 6.2 per

400,000 Jobs Reliant on Retail In the first quarter of 2021, there were 213,000 people employed in the retail trade here, and 61,600 people in the wholesale trade. These 274,000 jobs in wholesale and retail support another

cent lower than in 2020, and 34.7 per cent The latest CSO quarterly statistics chart the continued recovery in our domestic

lower than 2019, according to the economist’s study.

economy, which is supportive of consumer spending, Jim Power’s report reads.

“It is clear and very concerning that parts of the retail sector have been hit very badly by the pandemic and the restric-

135,000 jobs in the rest of the economy,

“Consumer spending is rebounding

tions put in place to protect the health of

in manufacturing and services.

strongly, due to repressed demand on

the nation”, Jim Power says.

While the pandemic accelerated the shift

account of Covid-19 restrictions. House-

to online shopping, this move also facili-

hold savings in September this year

tated shopping spend leaving the

reached a record €138 billion, while aver-


age earnings improved 5.4 per cent”.

turers, in terms of jobs, service provision

In 2020, it is estimated that online shop-

However, the downside is that, while

and local investment, and especially in re-

ping with Irish registered retail busi-

overall retail sales in the first 10 months

lation to the vibrancy of our villages,

nesses was valued at close to €2 billion.

of 2021 are higher than 2020, the strong

towns and cities, he concludes.

However, online shopping estimates with

performance of sectors like food and al-

overseas retailers totalled almost €3 bil-

Champion Green is supported by Kilkenny

cohol and motor sales hide the fact that

Design and Visa, in association with Retail

many local non-food retailers are still

Excellence, Small Firms Association and


Chambers of Commerce Ireland. n

lion. “If this 39 per cent of online shopping

Irish consumers and policymakers must recognise the importance of domestic SMEs, retailers, producers and manufac-

Enniscorthy North Business District (Old Dublin Road) The works tender process will be complete by the end of February 2022. It is estimated that a contractor will be on site by April, 2022. A grant application will be forwarded to the NTA in January 2022 for Phase 2 works. The working title of this project has been the Enniscorthy North Business District and it is proposed this title be adopted as the business district name and to be used on the gateway signage which will be erected as part of the Phase 1 works. n

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SlaNey buSiNeSS & fiNaNCe

Start your own business Thinking of starting your own business in 2022? Then consider signing up for the Wexford Local Enterprise Office Start Your Own Business Programme commencing 20th January to build the knowledge you need to make your dream a reality. The programme aims to give participants the basic knowledge, skills and confidence to bring their entrepreneurial project to profitable reality. Participants will be able to assess the viability of business ideas and understand essential elements needed to bring an enterprise from concept to profit. They will have an understanding of the essential elements required to start up and run their own businesses effectively. Sign up now at: n

Wexford Local Enterprise Office Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford, Y35 WY93. Phone: 053 919 6020 Email:

Ben Brosnan, director of bodibro

7th January 2022 - Page 71

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MOYNE VETERINARY HOSPITAL Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy. T: (053) 9233187, 9236674. F: (053) 9236674. E:

VET DIARY FOR JANUARY with the Moyne Veterinary Hospital

Joe Kavanagh finds that humans are not the only ones who overindulge at Christmas! A new year has started and already you can see the mornings beginning to brighten a little earlier on the lovely crisp mornings we have been having. At this time of the year every minute of brightness is appreciated by people who work as many hours in darkness as daylight during the winter months. January is always a month where everyone make plans and looks forward to the coming year. This is particularly true of the farmers who mostly spend January busy preparing to be even busier as the spring begins. While it is an exciting time on farms with the arrival of lambs, calves, piglets or the sowing of this year’s tillage crop, it is also a stressful time for our farmers. The worry of everything going well, to have healthy animals, weighs heavy on them and is coupled with long working hours to try and ensure everything gets the best chance possible. When things don’t go to plan we always do our best for our clients to try and help them out of any situation and this gives us a massive insight to the work our farmers put in every day, year after year. We are incredibly lucky to see the amount and quality of the work done locally that goes into our weekly shopping: dairy products, meat or the ingredients for so many of the foods we buy, that are produced in such a sustainable way, by people who really love and care about what they do. The holiday period brought up our usual caseload in the days following Christmas with the influx of pets with digestive upsets after over indulging for a couple of days. Much like ourselves, many dogs in particular can be quite knocked about by the Christmas indulgence or overindulgence. It is important to remember that many of the foods we like ourselves really shouldn’t

be given to our pets. While chocolate is well known at this stage among pet owners for being toxic to dogs, we saw many dogs with issues following gravy, stuffing, Christmas cake or pudding (raisins) and possibly some gone-off meat. One dog also presented to me where we were unable to determine the exact source of the problem only that the dog had been exposed to something that was toxic to it. Luckily, the owner was very observant as between ringing and getting to me things had gone from serious to extremely serious. We had to hospitalise the patient, run blood tests and restore body temperature from a hypothermic state. We, in addition to this, put her on fluids to try and reverse the organ damage that had occurred. Luckily, she pulled through and went home three days later and is back to normal now by all reports. While we will never know the source of the toxin in this case, the quick thinking and action of the owner and our treating of the problem resulted in a good outcome which everyone was relieved about. We all live for the good things in life, a positive outcome is one we always work towards and it is always hard for us when it cannot be achieved. We are fortunate to have our onsite diagnostics available to us but even more so to have a team that will thrash out any unusual or difficult cases between us to ensure we can provide the best care and outcome for our patients and their owners. As we head into the New Year we want to thank all our customers for their continued business and loyalty. We look forward to the forthcoming year with hope and wish you all a happy and healthy New Year from everyone here at the Moyne Veterinary Hospital. n

If you have a topic you’d like Joe Kavanagh to address please email Slaney News at: OPENING HOURS (6 DAYS A WEEK): 9.00am–1.00pm and 2.00pm–6.00pm Small animal clinic (please tel. for appointment): Daily 9.30–10.30am, 2.30–3.30pm, 5.00–6.00pm. 24-hour, on-call, Emergency Service: (053) 9233187.

OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Full blood analysis (haematology, biochemistry) Gas anaesthetic – Digital X-rays – Ultrasound – Bioenergy Dermatological testing – Kinesiology – Prescription diets Herbal remedies – Homeopathy – Allergy testing

Page 72 - 7th January 2022

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It’s a dog’s life

Wexford Garda Division on Paw Patrol! Garda Shauna Collins and Garda Denise McGrath came across this gang while on the beat in Wexford Town centre.

Isabelle Sheridan had her hands full at Enniscorthy Farmers Market at Christmas.

C&R Print to the rescue!

For many years C&R PRINT in Enniscorthy has kindly produced and sponsored the beautiful Dogs for the Disabled annual calendar. C&R PRINT’s generosity is highly valued by Dogs for the Disabled with the proceeds from the sale of the calendar being one of the main sources of income which allows the charity to stay afloat. Jennifer Dowler, CEO of Dogs for the Disabled says, “While we all

love the puppies and dogs, none of our work would be possible without lots of amazing people behind the scenes. C&R PRINT in Enniscorthy has been producing and sponsoring our beautiful annual calendar for years. This support has been life saving for our charity. There are no words to truly show my personal gratitude but on behalf of all the children and adults we work with I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to C&R PRINT, you’ve transformed lives forever.” n

7th January 2022 - Page 73

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CAROLINE GETS MOTORING Bunclody native Caroline Kidd brings us reviews of the latest new cars to arrive in Ireland. Caroline is the founder and editor of the online automotive magazine Changing Lanes and a jury member for Irish Car of the Year. Find out more about her editorial and commercial copywriting services at

TOYOTA YARIS The Toyota Yaris is one of Ireland's most loved small cars. It's been around for over 20 years and is a consistent top 10 bestselling car in Ireland. In 2020 Toyota launched an all-new generation of the popular Yaris and it was quick to snatch the award of European Car of the Year 2021. The new Yaris is the first small Toyota to be built on Toyota New Global Architecture. The GA-B platform is central to the car’s improved dynamic performance, giving a lower centre of gravity and much greater body rigidity. A range of

Toyota Yaris

Page 74 - 7th January 2022

Toyota Safety Sense active safety systems come as standard, including Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) such as Lane Trace Assist and Emergency Steering Assist.

sportier. There are more soft touch materials and cool ambient lighting available on some models. There are 7" and 8" touchscreens available with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

The latest Yaris is also a much cooler looking car than the model it replaces. It's a far more energetic and dynamic design. Toyota has transformed the interior of the Yaris too. Quality and design have taken a real step up in line with this car’s more youthful image. The interior has a more open and spacious feel when compared to the outgoing model. The driving position is better,

The new GA-B platform allowed for a reduction in the car’s overall length, making it the most compact model in its class, but with an increase in its wheelbase. This has been key to achieving interior packaging that ensures space and comfort for everyone on board. The new Yaris has more space and elbow room - an extra 20 mm between the driver and front passenger. The boot is nowhere near class-leading

SlaNey motoriNg but it has some depth and offers an adequate 286 litres of space. In Ireland the Toyota Yaris is available in five trim levels – Aura, Luna, Luna Sport, Platinum and Premier. The 2022 Toyota Yaris range kicks off in Ireland with a 1.0-litre petrol with 72 hp, while there is also a 1.5-litre petrol manual and a 1.5-litre hybrid auto. Pricing starts at €20,140 for the Yaris Aura petrol, while the Toyota Yaris Hybrid pricing starts from €20,630 in Luna trim. A bi-tone roof is also available. The new Toyota Yaris Hybrid uses the latest, fourth-generation Toyota hybrid technology, which is more efficient and powerful than before. Behind the wheel, the new driving position gives you a greater sense of control and connection with the car, supporting the fun-to-drive character of the new Yaris. The car feels more agile and engaging on the wheel. The steering is quicker and more direct. The hybrid delivers the power in a smoother, quieter and more refined way than the previous generation of the Toyota Yaris Hybrid.

Interior In town driving it can run up to 80% of the time on electric power, with the engine only cutting in when needed. Over a week of driving my average fuel consumption was 5.5 litres per 100 km, with some long distance motorway runs included. The new Toyota Yaris is far more desirable than the car it replaces. It has truly blossomed as a small car. It looks great and even quite sporty. Already an award winner, the new Yaris has been suitably revamped inside and now feels a lot

more competitive in its segment with the latest technology and digital features. Model tested: Toyota Yaris Hybrid Premier Price: €27,680 Engine: 1.5-litre petrol electric hybrid Power: 116 hp 0-100km/h: 9.7 seconds Top speed: 175 km/h CO2 emissions: 88 g/km Motor tax: €160 per year n

AUTO TINTING TEL: 053 9430013 Arklow Road, Gorey

Lifetime Warranty Professional Accredited Installers Complete Range of Tints incl. NCT


NCT Preparation – Repairs – Timing Belts Clutches – General Servicing – Etc No job too big or too small NCRS, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy (opposite Cooney Furlong / Gala) Tel: 086-8299431 – 053 9233033 – Email:


Island Road, Enniscorthy. T: (053) 9235933. 7th January 2022 - Page 75

SlaNey lifeStytle SlaNey ad& leiSure

Enniscorthy gets Christmased It was beginning to look a lot like ………… well, old times on Saturday evening 18th December at The Presentation Centre as the lovely and festive-looking Aileen Donohoe and friends invited the audience to join them in singing the old favourites that take us all back down that Christmas memory lane. Every year around this time I yearn for that Ho, Ho, Ho, feeling of my youth, and search around frantically until I find something that might just make me feel Christmased. This year I was thrilled to see that The Presentation Centre, right here in Enniscorthy, was presenting a Christmas By Candlelight event featuring one of my favourite performers, Aileen Donohoe, accompanied by Michelle Mason on Cello, Katherine Atkinson on Violin, Louise Malone on Clarinet and Flute, Robert Scott, Musical Director, on piano, and joined on stage by her husband Peter McCamley, and Mick Dàrcy and James O`Sullivan of Corner Boy. And I was not disappointed. For a mere €10 I was whisked away to Christmases past, with beautiful renditions of Silent Night, Adeste Fideles, White Christmas, Winter Wonderland, and many more golden Christmas treasures, by the talented lady in red, peppered with magical versions of the famous Clement Clarke Moore poem, T’was the Night Before Christmas, and the lesser known but equally entertaining A.A. Milne’s, King John`s Christmas, both delivered enchantingly by Peter McCamley. Mick and James from Corner Boy were a delightful addition to the occasion, and we were treated to some new material they have been working on in these enduring Covid times. Of course, no Irish Christmas evening would be complete without the Christmas Anthem – Fairytale of New York, this strange musical enigma with its depressing lyrics and jaundiced festive

Aileen Donohoe performing ‘Baby it’s cold outside’ with husband Peter McCamley.

outlook that has the amazing ability to lift Irish people everywhere – that must surely say something about us! All I can say is that we gave it a right old blast to close a most enjoyable evening at The Presentation Centre that left me feeling totally Christmased. Christmas By Candlelight was part of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, and Media’s Local Live Performance programme, one to be most certainly applauded. – Maria Nolan

Aileen Donohoe

James and Mick from Corner Boy.

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Dancing with Declan Keep up to date with the local dancing scene on:

Aoife’s big reward in Lidl trolley dash DancingwithDec socialdancingdateswexford n

Goodbye to Jarlath After many years based in Enniscorthy Library, Executive Librarian Jarlath Glynn left on December 13th having been reassigned to Wexford town. Jarlath says: “I have very much enjoyed my time here in Enniscorthy. I would like to thank you for all your help over the years in supporting what we do here in Enniscorthy library and indeed of myself.” Jarlath will greatly be missed by fellow staff members as well as Enniscorthy’s many library users. n

Learn to write creatively!

Above: Enniscorthy Lidl store manager, Fran Butler, setting Aoife Freeman, Cherryorchard, off on her recent Christmas trolley dash. Below: Aoife with a very full load which she won in the Lidl trolley dash. Pics: Ibar Carty.

Elevate your creative writing in January with inspiring writing workshops by the best-selling author Sheila Forsey. At The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, starting January 14th. See 623075 n

Wexford Arts Centre events For details and updates on all concerts, drama, exhibitions, films etc happening in Wexford Arts Centre, check out: /shows

Fishy tales The Songs and Tall Tales of Jerry Fish due to take place in Enniscorthy’s Presentation Centre later this month is being rescheduled. Keep an eye on for updates. n

7th January 2022 - Page 77

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For full details and booking on all events in The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, see Page 78 - 7th January 2022

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Enniscorthy winner of Junk Kouture 2021 The Overall Winner of the eleventh national Junk Kouture competition 2021 was announced in December 2021 as Alicia Rostermundt, an exchange student representing Coláiste Bríde, Enniscorthy, for her amazing design, Iconoclastic Fantastic, which was also the winner of the Southeast Region category. Alicia’s design, which defeated 39 other national finalists, was inspired by both Jean Paul Gaultier and Janelle Monáe and in particular Janelle Monáe's signature black and white tuxedo style and her commitment to gender neutrality and non-conformity on and off stage. The gender neutral, recycled outfit is made from an old tent base, seatbelts from scrapyards, old furniture webbing, charity shop trouser suit, old sun hat, tape, half a jewellery box and reflective tape. The Junk Kouture judging panel featured Roz Purcell, Louis Walsh, Michelle Visage, and Stephen McLaughlin; plus technical judges Dr Tracy Fahy of the Department of Fine Fine Art and Education in Limerick School of Art and Design and Jane Leavy, programme director of fashion design at Griffith College. Speaking about the winning design, Junk Kouture judge Roz Purcell said: “There were over 100 seatbelts gathered from a scrapyard and you would not even notice. When she walked in, it looked like it had come off the runway. Only when you came

up close you realised this couture gown was made out of junk. It was absolutely fantastic, extremely well-executed and she did it all by herself. I would wear it!” Judge Louis Walsh said, “Junk Kouture gets better and better each year and we are going to have some amazing designers out of this!” If any teacher of young creatives aged 13-18 reading this piece is feeling inspired, you have from January 20 to February 3 to submit completed designs via the Junk Kouture mobile app for the 2022 competition which will culminate in the first-ever World Final! n

Top of page and left: Alicia Rostermundt, Junk Kouture national winner 2021. Right: Competition judge Roz Purcell.

7th January 2022 - Page 79

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Above left: Daniela Hernandez in Murrintown Community Centre awaiting Sant Above: A happy group at the Murrintown event in aid of the Lochlann Doyle Fun

Santa and Mrs Cla in front, and his fa

Cathriona and Olive Gregg. Santa and Mrs Claus at the turning on of Murrintown Community Centre and Village Christmas Lights on 11th December organised by Cllr Lisa McDonald in aid of the Lochlann Doyle Fund. Santa had a surprise for all the children who attended.

Catherine McMoughle, Eamonn Hore and Noreen Cummins at the turning on of Murrintown Community Centre and Village Christmas Lights on 11th December.

A rare interview with Santa by Peter McCamley.

Murrintown Community Centre Fair on 11th December. Riene Gorman (second from the left) shows off her quilts from RNR Quilts to customers Cian and Patrica Dunne. Santa and Mrs Claus getting ready to take off at the Murrintown event on 11th December organised by Cllr Lisa McDonald in aid of the Lochlann Doyle Fund.

Some excited teenagers awaiting Santa at Murrintown on 11th December.

Page 80 - 7th January 2022


a. nd.

SlaNey SNaPS

Above left: Enjoying their mulled wine in Murrintown on 11th December were Jilly Healy and Fiona Kearns. Above centre: Joe and Ellie Casey. Above right: In Murrintown Hall the beautiful sound of the harp was supplied by the talented Una Walsh, star of the Late Late Toy Show.

aus with the Doyle family including Lochlann Doyle vourite Councillor, Lisa McDonald, second from left.

Santa, Mrs Claus and the elves turning on the Christmas lights with Councillor Lisa McDonald on the right.

All the fun of the fair: Young Megan and Phoebe Price.

ement in the faces of the young attendees.

Above: Some of Santa’s followers in Murrintown. Right: Waiting for Santa were Sandra Jones and Emily Connell. All ready with their Christmas outfits were Olivia McCamley and Carol Dunne.

Chris and Anthony Keenan at Murrintown Community Centre.

A blast from the past – former government Minister Hugh Byrne with his new wife Vanessa Byrne.

7th January 2022- Page 81

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A huge range of services av At the time of writing, all library branches in County Wexford are fully open to the public for browsing, study, computers, printing and Wi-Fi. Advance bookings are not required to visit the library, but it is recommended that PCs and study spaces should be reserved in advance. To book time on a PC in Enniscorthy Library please phone: 053 9236055. When you arrive at the library for your study space booking please follow these steps:

Go to the confirmation email you received when you booked.

Make your way to the seat number you were allocated.

Before you begin, check in (follow the link in your email and enter your given code).

Before you leave, check out.

Please note: Your booking will be reallo-

Download the library app in advance of your visit. This app allows borrowers to easily manage their loans and reserves and even allows for “no touch” self-issuing of books which is perfect in this Covid environment. For more information on what the app can do for you go to

cated if you don’t check in within 15 minutes of your appointment time.

Book a study seat here:

ENNISCORTHY LIBRARY JUNIOR BOOK CLUB: New members are always welcome - suitable for ages 8-12. For more information ring on 053 9236055. SERVICES FOR BUSINESSES AND LEARNING & TRAINING: For services aimed at businesses, as well as research, training and learning resources, and job-seeking see PRINTING SERVICES: Printing can still be emailed from home and collected during opening hours. Contact the library for details on 053 9236055. MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE: For further information please phone: Mobile Library North 087 4175810. Mobile Library South 087 4176014. In order to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable visit to the library please note the following:

Page 82 - 7th January 2022

Face coverings must be worn at all times when visiting the library as per public health guidelines.

You should not visit the library if you, or a household member, has symptoms of COVID-19.

SlaNey leiSure & lifeStyle

vailable at your local library Enniscorthy Library: Working for the community. Email: Phone: 053 9236055 Opening Hours: Monday 10.30am - 5.30pm (closed 1pm to 2pm) Tuesday 10.30am - 5.30pm Wednesday 10.30am - 5.30pm Thursday 10.30am - 8.30pm Friday 10.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 10.30am - 5.30pm (closed 1pm to 2pm) Not a library member? Great news, you can join the library online now! Sign up here:

Your library is open 24/7: • Use to access free eBooks and Borrowbox • Download free music with Freegal • Browse digital magazines with Libby • Access digital comics & graphic novels using Libby Comics • Read newspapers for free with Pressreader • You can also learn a new language with Transparent Language Online or take an online course with Universal Class. To access, all you need is your library card number and PIN, and an email address.

The BorrowBox app makes it easy to browse, borrow and read or listen to your library's eBooks and eAudiobooks anywhere, everywhere. Simply login with your member details to access the library's collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks.

Healthy Ireland is the national strategy to improve health and wellbeing, placing a focus on prevention, individual awareness and keeping people healthy for longer. Download health-related magazines from: PressReader, a website and app that connects you with the world’s best newspapers and magazines for free, or from the new magazine app Libby available immediately with your library card! Healthy Ireland At Your Library – Wexford Public Library Services broadcast a series of talks on health topics. The talks are available to watch on the Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube channel.

Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube Channel... Make sure to check out Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube channel. Catch up with parenting and other events you may have missed or would like to watch again and handy guides


and tutorials for accessing Wexford Public Libraries' e-services.

Wexford Libraries have introduced eduroam Wi-Fi hotspot to support students. Eduroam stands for education roaming. It provides secure and easy-to-use Wi-Fi access in thousands of locations across more than 100 countries. Students whose college/university participates in eduroam can simply open their laptop or mobile device within an eduroam hotspot to have immediate internet connectivity.

Wexford County Council Public Library Service works in partnership with CYPSC (Children &Young People’s Services Committee) each year to deliver Parenting Today, an annual programme of free talks for parents and carers throughout Wexford County. You can catch up on these talks through Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube Channel. n 7th January 2022 - Page 83

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Dirt Birds at the Riverside

Enniscorthy trails funding

Critically-acclaimed comedy duo Sinead Culbert and Sue Collins AKA Dirtbirds bring their brand new show #NoFilters to the Riverside Park Hotel on the 3rd February 2022. In a world where women are expected to have the patience of Mother Teresa, the arse of Jennifer Lopez, the social media profile of Kim Kardashian, and the BMI of Elle McPherson, the pressure is relentless.

Funding allocation of €200,000 has been secured from the Department of Rural and Community Development for the resurfacing of entire 3km riverside trail by the Slaney in Enniscorthy, and also to resurface a track around the Urrin River up to St. John’s Bridge – a 600m loop.

So if you need answers to questions like: How do I have confidence when I feel lower than a snake’s arse? How do I learn to love my muffin top? When the kids wreck my head how do I stop myself from selling them on Done Deal? …then this is a perfect show for you. “Their comedy is based on observing normal-life situations and turning them into very intelligent quips, sketches and stories.” The Independent “Sinead and Sue identify a gap in comedy that women can relate to, they are passionate mothers themselves and have firsthand experience of life’s challenges.” The Times. Tickets: n

Page 84 - 7th January 2022

It is expected that the offer agreement will issue in early 2022. A planning application will be prepared in early 2022 and it hoped that construction will start before the end of 2022 with the path in place by June, 2023. n

ENNISCORTHY LIBRARY Lymington Road - Phone: 053 9236055

One day Workshop: Introduction to Digital Photography Will take place in the gorgeous and very photogenic Johnstown Castle & Gardens on Saturday, January 29th, 2022. Price is €95, including park entry, lunch and tutorials. To book please do so via website:

SlaNey leiSure & lifeStyle

Happy New Year in Monageer

New Year’s Eve in the Monageer Tavern, Monageer, Enniscorthy. Top left: Danny O’Connell, Wolfgang Mansel, Angela Griffith, Jo Caufield and Gordon Griffith. Top right: Anne and Tom Murphy. Above left: Music was supplied by Tom Sawyer. Above centre: Borrina Higgins, Mary Canavan (proprietor) and Purdy McCourt. Above right: Emily and Paddy Heffernan. Opposite: Anne & Andy Thomas, Sharon Murphy. Below left: Garry and Geraldine Duffy. Below centre: Seamus Canavan (proprietor Monageer Tavern) with his grandson Alfie Dunne. Below right: Anne Marsh and John Carroll.

7th January 2022 - Page 85

SlaNey SlaNey SNaPS ad New Year’s Eve in T Morris, Monck Street, were Annmarie Bennett, Leane Whelan and Declan Buggy.

Cocktails in the Crown Bar, Monck Street: Lewis Kinlan, Samantha Lawlor and Josh Scallon.

New Year Monck St Lisa Black Jason Bro

New Year in Wexfor

New Year’s Eve in T Morris, Monck Street, were Anne O’Connor and Philip McGrath.

Page 86 - 7th January 2022

New Year’s Eve in T Morris, Monck Street, were Phelan Roche, Ciara Durman, Brian Clifford and James O’Brien.

In the Cro were Sam Green, St Shannon Louise H

r’s Eve in the Crown Bar, treet were k and owne.

SlaNey SNaPS In Maggie May’s: Dylan Doyle and Aylin Mayicli.

New Year’s Eve in Maggie May’s, Monck Street, were Melanie Corrigan, Mai Turner and Sophie Corrigan.

rd Town New Year’s Eve in the Maggie May’s. Back row L-R: Erin Byrne and Oliver Higg. Front row: Jessica Tennant, Chloe Roche, Katie O’Neill and Aley Higginbotham.

In the Crown Bar: Paddy, Ger and Mary Connors.

In Maggie May’s: Aneta and Tara March.

own Bar mantha tephen n and Holt.

7th January 2022 - Page 87

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‘EXTRACTION’ (Netflix Original) Movie Review with Kyle Walsh

Ok, so I have come to this film rather late as I think it was released on Netflix a year ago, but I had a look at it the other night and I was not disappointed. This film is an all-out action flick starring Chris Hemsworth as a mercenary with a horrible past, who agrees to an assignment to rescue a drug dealer’s son who has been kidnapped for ransom by another drug dealer in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The story is tame enough, nothing too complicated and for an actionpacked movie that is all it needs to be because, let’s face it, we as an audience don’t come to these movies for great storylines... as the action is the story we are looking for... and trust me in this film action is what we get plenty of. Hemsworth I felt was really good in this movie, he did most of his own stunts and his hand-to-hand combat scenes are very impressive indeed... when it comes to some of the quieter parts of the movie he gives a very solid performance in the emotions he’s going through. He plays the part of the action hero really well and you believe him. This is a debut film for director Sam Hargrave who would be more known for his stunt work in some of the Marvel films. Also the Russo brothers produced this film – better known as the directors of

Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier/ Civil War. Hargrave does very well here on his debut, he knows his way around action scenes that’s for sure. There’s a truly great 13-minute, single-shot set-piece that brings you from an extraordinary car chase to a foot chase to an apartment showdown – it has to be seen. The end scene on the bridge is epic too with great action, I was literally stuck to the screen to see what was going to happen next. The sound design is glorious with bullets going off all over the place, helicopters going over your head as your home surround is pumping.

Kyle Walsh Page 88 - 7th January 2022

The music score is fantastic too, especially on the bridge at the end, it made the film even more intense. The usage of a green colour palette makes the film more real, you can almost smell the streets of India, you can almost taste it, there’s a claustrophobic feel to it. Overall, this is an action film I would highly recommend particularly if you’re looking for a film to suspend your mind from reality for a couple of hours – this is the one to do it. It takes you on a ride from the beginning and doesn’t let you fall off. Give it a shot lads, you won’t be disappointed. I give this film 9/10 with a warning that it’s not for the faint hearted!!! n

SlaNey SNaPS

Above left: Santa posing with Lily and Tom Donohoe. Above centre: Santa with George Roberts and Kate O’Leary. Above right: Lilly Anne Mitre, Sadhbh Lonergan, Maura White with Santa.

Christmas in Galbally

Above left: Michelle, Evie, Caoimhe and Cormac Doyle. Above: Waiting to meet Santa were Saoirse and Killian Harte and Ava Laffan. Right: Hannah, Ali, Zara and Isabelle Crean.

Santa turned on the Christmas Lights in Galbally Community Centre, 1st Dec 2021. Left: Killian Harte with Santa. Right: Lilie Anne Mitre, Sadhbh Lonergan, Nuala White and Martina O’Connor. Below left: George and Sylvia Roberts, and Kate and Brigid O’Leary. Below centre: Even Santa needs to learn CPR using a defibrillator, with Vickie Dunne, training instructor. Below right: Children meeting Santa.

7th January 2022 - Page 89

SlaNey SlaNey SNaPS ad Left: Alfie on his visit to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, on 25th November 2021.

Anthony, Patrick, Saoirse, Issac Wheelock, Alfie, Ellie and Max at Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, on 25th November 2021.

Killegney Early Years

Visit to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Far Orlagh Doyle with Isaac and Mary Wheelock, proprietors of Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm.

Max, Saoirse, Alfie, Ellie, Sarah, Leah and John.

Page 90 - 7th January 2022

Saoirse, John, Alfie, Ellie and Mary Wheelock.

Killegn Christ E

Killegney Early Years visit to Wheelock’s Tree Farm

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Above: A group from Killegney Early Years on their school visit to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, 25th November 2021. Above right: Soairse, Ellie, Alfie, John and Max.

rm, Enniscorthy

A group from Killegney Early Years on their school visit to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, 25th November 2021, with Orlagh Doyle, proprietor (centre, seated).

ney Early Years school visit to Wheelocks tmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, Ellie, Sarah, Leah, John and Orlagh.

m with staff members Nicola and Anthony and proprietor Orlagh.

Killegney Early Years visit to Wheelock’s Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy.

7th January 2022 - Page 91

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Wexford Has Talent is back!

Wexford Has Talent. Pictured are Ella Grant, Katie O’Connor and Anna Jeffares from the Sullivan Academy of Irish Dance. Pics above and below: Patrick Browne.

The much-missed Wexford Has Talent Competition is back for 2022.

pre-book a free audition place online at

Originally scheduled for January 2022, the organisers of Wexford Has Talent have announced rescheduled dates for March 2022 with auditions set to take place on Sunday, March 13th, at Clayton Whites Hotel. Competitors are invited to

Wexford Has Talent is kindly sponsored by The Wexford People newspaper Group and has taken place in Wexford town annually since 2015 except for 2021 when Covid restrictions prevented the show from going ahead. Organisers

of the 2022 event have reviewed the dates for 2022 and have moved the competition until later in Spring due to current government guidelines for the events and entertainment sector. From the audition process, a shortlist of between 24 and 30 acts will go forward to take part in the live audience semi-finals on April 15th and 16th and the semi-final winners will go on to perform at the Wexford Has Talent Grand Final on Sunday, May 1st 2022. The event has grown to become recognised as ‘the' talent competition in the county launching and awarding talents like the band Fit for Kings, gymnast Tara Doyle Robinson, musical ensemble Seventh Fret, singer/songwriters Rachel Grace and Luke Spellacy Shaw and dancer Alex Saunders who have all gone on to perform across the country, release albums and films and who have appeared on stage at some of the biggest music festivals in Ireland. Registration for the 2022 Wexford Has Talent auditions is now open. For further details and to pre-book audition appointments in advance see or join the event on and Instagram @WexfordHasTalent n

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Jimi’s new album Gorey’s Jimi Cullen is delighted to have recently released his new album 'Folk Manifesto Pt.2' on BandCamp and YouTube. The album is a collection of acoustic songs written and recorded over the last six months that focuses on many of the social issues and events that have been centre stage during that time both here in Ireland and around the globe. The album is free to anyone who would like a copy. Here's the link to stream or download it: 021-folk-manifesto-pt-2-lp Jimi’s website is where you’ll find links to all his wonderful songs. n

Jimi Cullen – Gorey-based folk singer, musician, songwriter, producer and activist.

Enniscorthy’s favourite musical duo – Kermie (Kerry and Jamie) are back on the road! Jamie Murphy tells us, “Lads... we'd love to play anywhere at this stage... We are back at it. Give us a bell and let us bring some much needed joy to you!!! We do dos and functions, weddings and wakes....” Contact the duo through Facebook:

Kerry and Jamie – back on the road.

7th January 2022 - Page 93

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Ireland’s fittest family!

Proud Marshalstown mum, Lynda Kinsella, with her incredibly fit family L-R: Michael, Patrick, Caoimhe and David.

The popular RTE television programme, Ireland’s Fittest Family, has seen its fair share of Enniscorthy families doing well. None more so than Enniscorthy’s Tom, Dena, Josh and Jay Hogan who came second in 2019, only a whisker away from winning it outright. In 2021 Enniscorthy was represented again with the Kinsellas

from Marshalstown setting the series alight with their performances before running out as overall winners and receiving a cash prize of €15,000. Dad Patrick (49) was joined by Michael (21), David (18) and Caoimhe (15). The family had been watching the show since season 1 but had to wait for Caoimhe to reach 15 to be allowed apply. n

Aaron is returning closer to home Wexford FC has anounced that Enniscorthy man, Aaron Dobbs, is returning to Co. Wexford to play for the club in 2022. Former Moyne Rangers player, Aaron, scored 7 goals in just 15 appearances with Wexford FC in 2018, before playing in the Premier Division with Dublin’s Shamrock Rovers and Shelbourne, and Longford. n

Tadgh on dream team Wexford man Tadgh Furlong was the only Irish player selected on the recent World Rugby’s Dream Team of the Year. A superb achievement. n

Oulart’s All-Ireland title Congrats to Oulart The Ballagh Camogie Club – All Ireland Champions – having defeated Sarfields of Galway, 4-8 to 2-9, at Nowlan Park in December. n

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Sports Hub running behind schedule The first phase of the Enniscorthy Sports Hub consisting of an international standard running track was constructed in 2015. Phase 2 of the project consisting of a sports equipment storage area, changing rooms, toilets, showers and a small office was granted funding of €300,000 from the Department of Tourism, Transport and Sport in 2020 with construction work due to start in Septenber 2021. That timeline is unfortunately behind schedule but we understand that tender documents have now been issued to the Department of Sport for approval which it is hoped will be received later this month. Work on Phase 2 could then commence later this year.

St Patrick’s School

The Sports Hub facility is being well used by individuals and sports clubs around the county, and an upcoming ‘Couch to 5k’ programme for beginners, organised by Wexford County Council’s Sports Active branch, starting on 17th January 2022, is a good example of the use being made of this international standard facility in Enniscorthy. n

Marty on the move

Enniscorthy squash club gets total refurbishment Saint Patrick's Squash Club, Enniscorthy, is getting a total refurbishment with all works now almost complete involving updated courts, dressing rooms and viewing area. This month will see one court open to get things started and the second court will open shortly afterwards. Why not avail of a great offer at present – two years membership for just €200. Funds go directly into the club. And remember squash is a fantastic way to keep fit and healthy!

Legendary GAA commentator Marty Morrissey was moving around Co. Wexford before Christmas on a book-signing tour of Easons’ bookshops in the county. On hand to greet him in Enniscorthy was local GAA aficionado Maria Nolan.

Follow the club on: n

7th January 2022 - Page 95

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Rapparees/Starlights end of year roundup What a year it’s been for us at Bellefield as Rapparees Senior Hurling captain Kevin Foley lifted the Bowe Cup for only the second time in the club’s history, after a gap of forty-three years, there wasn’t a dry eye in Wexford Park on that sublime Sunday in September, less than a year since the Starlights won the Senior Football title in 2020. What an achievement to win both the Senior Hurling and Senior Football titles within a year of each other and 2021 will be known as the year that just kept on giving as we enjoyed success right to the very close of it with our magnificent ladies winning both Junior and Minor county titles in the second week in December. Women power is certainly to the fore at Bellefield as Junior Camogie captain Nicola Davitt and Minor captain Megan O’Connor drove their teams to victory within a week of each other. Magnificent achievements and tremendous work being done with our Ladies section throughout the year, camogie, and football, under Ronie Furlong, Seamus Doyle, Colm Sunderland, Wendy Walsh, Aoife McCrea, Maeve Figgis and Aisling Carley the recipient of the Ladies Football Volunteer of the Month Award for December, and many, many more of our excellent volunteers too numerous to mention.

Above: Nicola Davitt, captain of victorious Junior Camogie team with Megan O’Connor, captain of victorious Minor team – Megan played in both finals. Below: Outgoing Chairman Michael Doyle with incoming Chair for 2022 Ger McVeigh with both Senior Football and Senior Hurling Cups.

At the club’s recent AGM held on Sunday 5th December, Ger McVeigh was elected Chairman for 2022 with Pepe Coady as Secretary, Kathleen Miller as Treasurer and myself Maria Nolan as PRO, keeping the gender balance very much in line with government policy and Croke Park guidelines. We march into 2022 with energy and hope as the club performed well at every level – underage/adult/ladies in 2021, we look forward to a bright future at Bellefield in a Covid-free world and the New Year message is ‘Your Club Needs You’. To help us capitalise on all the successes of 2021 we need more people willing to volunteer to take our club to the next level – if you are such a person please make yourself known to me, the Chairman or any member of the Committee, or simply volunteer your services to the management of a team. Can I take this opportunity to wish all our players, members and supporters a very happy and healthy Red, Green and Yellow New Year. G`wan Rapparees/Starlights. – Words and pics by Maria Nolan PRO

Victorious Rapparees – county senior hurling champions 2021.

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Annual Ferrycarrig 5 mile race The annual Ferrycarrig 5 Mile road race, sponsored by Innovu Insurance, was successfully held on 3rd January 2022, starting and finishing at the home of Wexford FC, Newcastle, Crossabeg. The results were as follows: MALE 1. Mick Clohisey Raheny Shamrocks 2. David Mahon Slaney Olympic 3. Niall Sheill St Killians 4. Myles Gibbons SBR FEMALE 1. Sheila O’Byrne Parnell AC 2. Fiona Kehoe Kilmore AC 3. Julie Kirwin 4. Jackie Carthy Kilmore AC VETERAN Male OV 40 Niall Sheill St Killians OV 50 Padraig Moriarty St Killians OV 60 Eugene Doherty SBR OV 70 John Walshe Road Runners Club Female OV 40 Julie Kirwin OV 50 Jackie Carthy Kilmore AC OV 60 Helen Burrell JUNIOR Male - Adam O’Connor United Striders Female - Emma Hickey United Striders SEAMUS KEHOE PERPETUAL TROPHY Male - David McMahon Slaney Olympic Female - Fiona Kehoe Kilmore AC n

Above: Irish international distance runner Mick Clohisey and Enniscorthy’s Brian Shaughnessy took part in the Ferrycarrig 5 Mile road race on 3rd January. Mick, representing Raheny Shamrock A.C., won the race in a time of 24’39”. Below left: Rob Kennedy had his sister, Liz, there to support and give him a good send off. Below right: At the Ferrycarrig 5 Mile run, sponsored by Innovu Insurance, was Anne Marie Purcell.

7th January 2022 - Page 97

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Enniscorthy Walls project – a great foundation for 2022 Larry and Lisa – the driving forces behing the successful Enniscorthy Walls project take a look back at the year 2021... “Well, what a year it's been! We want to say a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who sent us lovely messages, comments and emails over the last year. Your support means the world to us, and from all of us here at our HQ in The Presentation Arts Centre we want to wish you a very happy New Year. “The Enniscorthy Walls Project wasn't without its struggles and naysayers, but we achieved what we set out to do – to brighten up Enniscorthy with vibrant murals, to start a discussion about the amazing potential Enniscorthy has, and to focus on what a huge impact a little bit of rejuvenation and renewal can have. Now Enniscorthy is home to one of Ireland's finest outdoor art trails, where colossal colourful canvasses created by Omin, Amanda Doran Artist, Solus Art, ADW artist and Anna Doran greet visitors around every corner. “We couldn't have done this without the tremendous support from our friends at Wexford Local Development and their generosity with the 2021 LEADER Fund, Farrell's Chemist Enniscorthy, Doyle Fielding Accountants, Hope Cancer Support Centre CLG, Wickham Bros., Glamour Boutique, Enniscorthy, our sister arts venue Wexford Arts Centre, the fantastic initiative – Shop Enniscorthy, and of course the folks at Enniscorthy Castle, Slaney News and Enniscorthy Guardian. Thank you all so much for believing in this project. “This project was also supported by Wexford County Council and Enniscorthy Municipal District. “What's next for us? Keep an eye out, you'll see.” n

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTS CENTRES Wexford Arts Centre: 053-9123764. The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy: 053-9233000. Page 98 - 7th January 2022

Breaking the Bubble – an exhibition by Rory Draper in The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, runs from 15th January to 26th February 2022 in conjunction with First Fortnight, The European Mental Health Festival. Breaking the Bubble is a culmination of work by Rory Draper looking at the small things people may do to get out of the frustrating bubble that they can get themselves into. That insidious bubble of inactivity and isolation and deceptive comfort that can remove you from the people around you. Coming back to Ireland from London after a breakdown/breakthrough three years ago, Rory took some time to build himself up again and adjust to a far quieter and slower environment. Part of Rory's recovery was being cognisant of what he could do and did do that helped him get through the day. This prevented him from being bubbled up in his room, removed from others. Being aware of these small things and how useful they can be, became very useful for Rory during lockdown. It was during that time that Rory started to explore these events visually. Looking at these tiny, seemingly insignificant acts or moments of appreciation and composing them on a page and emblazoning them in colour. Rory Draper is a visual artist based in Wexford, having graduated from Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dublin, in 2006 and later from the National College of Art and Design in 2010. Rory then moved to London where he lived and worked for a number of years. Rory is currently Artist in Residence at The Presentation Arts Centre where he inhabits a brand new studio space there in preparation for his upcoming exhibition. You can also catch Rory on television in the latest season of Sky Portrait Artist of the Year. n

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Colm Tóibín wins £40,000 award In November 2021, Enniscorthy author Colm Tóibín, considered one of Ireland’s most important authors, was awarded the prestigious David Cohen Prize for Literature. Born in 1955, Colm Tóibín is the author of ten novels, as well as many works of non-fiction, poetry, short stories, essays, and journalism. His works have been translated into over 30 languages. His novel Brooklyn was adapted for film in 2016 and his most recent novel The Magician was published in September 2021 to critical acclaim. Colm Tóibín is the Irene and Sidney B. Silverman Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University and Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, and he is a VicePresident of the Royal Society of Literature. Speaking of the awards, Colm Tóibín said: “When I attended the inaugural reception for the David Cohen Prize in London in 1993, I did not imagine for a moment that my own writing would ever be honoured in this way. Those who have won the Prize in the past are artists whose work I revere. I am proud to be among them.” Established in 1993, the David Cohen Prize for Literature is one of the UK’s most distinguished literary prizes. It recognises writers who use the English language and are citizens of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, encompassing dramatists, as well as novelists, poets and es-

Colm Tóibín

sayists. Former winners include V S Naipaul, Harold Pinter, William Trevor, Doris Lessing, Seamus Heaney, Hilary Mantel and, most recently in 2019, Edna O’Brien. The biennial prize, of £40,000, is for a lifetime’s achievement and is donated by the John S Cohen Foundation. Established in 1965 by David Cohen and his family, the trust supports education, the arts, conservation and the environment.

The Chairperson of the judging panel, Hermione Lee, said Colm Tóibín was the judges’ unanimous choice and said: “He’s a deeply perceptive writer who can also be lethally funny and daringly erotic. He’s a truly international figure, and a watchful historian of our times. He’s a beautiful writer of loss and grief, silence and quietness... He’s one of the essential writers of our times,” she said. n

Hallie making an Impact Enniscorthy based singer-songwriter, Hallie, has just released ‘Impact’ – her 5th single since launching her music career in 2020. It was recently chosen by Hot Press magazine as its track of the day. Hallie says: “Impact is the most stripped back song I’ve released so far! Can’t wait to hear what you guys think!!!” Hallie thanks Orchard Recording Studio in Enniscorthy for recording/mixing/mastering, Ger Kirrane for his piano playing, and Peter O’Hanlon for photography. n

7th January 2022 - Page 99

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would take up too much space; so a

The 35th edition of ‘The Past’ was published in November and has been selling very well ever since. It is available in all Eason bookshops in Enniscorthy, Gorey and Wexford and also in the Book Centre, Main Street, Wexford, at €20 per copy.

mel, pens an introductory note. John

The present edition contains numerous articles dealing with many aspects of Wexford’s history and should be of interest to anyone even with a modicum of interest in the county’s storied past. It would make an ideal present for a friend or family member, especially for members of the Wexford diaspora.

veterans of the Irish Revolution. John

To deal with all the articles in detail

brief mention will have to suffice. In the beginning, Editor, Rev. Fr. James HamGarahy has a contribution on the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 19221923. An article titled “The Men Will Talk to Me”, by Aaron Ó Maonaigh, deals with Ernie O’Malley’s interviews with Wexford Dundon writes about the War of Independence and the Civil War. Eileen Wickham has an interesting piece on the Cultural Significance of the Pugin Legacy at St. Peter’s College. Rev Fr. Bill Cosgrave writes about The Brownes of Bigbarn: Their Two Bishops.

Pat’s new history book Best wishes to Pat Doran with his new book, Enniscorthy The Forgotten Republic – a fascinating insight into the part played by the people of Enniscorthy in the 1916 Rising locally and nationally. A must-read for anyone in town with links to the rebels of 1916, and anyone with an interest in local history. It’s available to buy now at Delaney’s newsagents, Rafter St, Enniscorthy.

Page 100 - 7th January 2022

Sean Doyle with a copy of the new edition of ‘The Past’.

There is an article on St. Abban of Moyarney: The Past is Always With Us written by Ellen Elizabeth Ganly. The final contribution is from Yvonne Reid and the title is Starting With My Wexford Ancestry. – Sean Doyle

From Truce to Treaty From Truce to Treaty is the title of an online presentation by Wexford Libraries’ Historian-in-Residence Barry Lacey. To commemorate the signing of the Anglo Irish Treaty, Barry Lacey explores the Truce period in County Wexford from the end of the War of Independence, in July 1921, to the signing of the Treaty on the 6th of December that same year. ZIN6A5_eyk n

Barry Lacey

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On dangerous ground Máire Comerford (1893–1982) was an Irish Republican from Co. Wexford who witnessed central events of the Irish Revolution 1916-23 and remained a committed historical researcher, republican activist and writer until her death in 1982. She worked as a journalist for the Irish Press for over thirty years, editing the women’s page, and was last arrested in 1974 for her republican activities, aged 81.

While the description of her surroundings as a young adult is intriguing and often charming, change is in the air in Ireland and a sharp and wide-ranging

Comerford’s memoir gives voice to the experience of Republican women during revolutionary times, highlighting the immense contribution of women in the struggle for an Irish Republic. She works all over the country, moving arms, carrying dispatches, finding safe houses, researching atrocities and working assiduously for Ireland. She experiences raids, prison vigils, funerals of her comrades and dangers of all kinds, but nothing cuts as deep as the sense of utter betrayal following the signing of the Treaty in 1922. Comerford takes the antiTreaty side, is imprisoned a number of times and endures a 27-day hunger strike.

On Dangerous Ground is Comerford’s memoir including her original text, written mainly in the 1940s and 50s, and new material unearthed from her extensive archive that also contains a wealth of photographs and memorabilia from the period. The memoir begins with Comerford’s recollection of Sunday strolls to Avondale, former home of Charles Stewart Parnell, who was a neighbour of her father, the mill owner James Comerford. As a young woman, she experiences a ‘political awakening’ at the hands of a fierce Unionist woman in a secretarial college in London. Máire Comerford (the only Catholic in the class) begins to engage with Irish history books to counterbalance this brush with religious sectarianism. On her return to County Wexford to live with her mother’s people – a move necessitated by the family’s change of fortune – she re-enters the genteel world of fox hunting and luncheon parties. The memoir paints an intriguing picture of rural life of the time heralding the arrival of the motorcar, social and economic conditions, the rise of the Gaelic League, debates about Home Rule, and the First World War.

Green. There, she becomes immersed in Republican politics and the War of Independence.

On Dangerous Ground A Memoir of the Irish Revolution by Máire Comerford, edited by: Hilary Dully Publication date: 25 November 2021. Price: €20.

Following her release, she leaves Ireland on a tour of east coast American cities to raise funds for the Republican cause at the behest of de Valera. She returns to a harsh, poverty-stricken and lonely existence, eking out a living on a hilltop poultry farm in Wexford. But while her memoir ends in bleak times, her overarching vision suggests an unquenchable optimism – and that the fight will go on. An epilogue by the editor chronicles the years between 1927 and her death.

political analysis is ever present throughout her writing. Following Comerford’s witness account of Dublin during the 1916 Rising, she begins a life of political engagement, joining Cumann na mBan, Sinn Féin and the Gaelic League. In 1919, she moves permanently to Dublin to live with and work for renowned historian and nationalist, Alice Stopford

The editor of the book is Hilary Dully – a documentary filmmaker, film teacher and writer. Her film work has been shown on RTÉ, Channel Four, TG4 and at a number of international festivals. She lives with her family in East Clare. She has a family connection with Marie Comerford and has integrated archival photographs and letters to enhance the memoir. n

7th January 2022 - Page 101

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Red Carpet for Green Co

Best Community Project to Improve Accessibility in Gardens / Parks Winner: Kiltealy Tidy Towns.

Wexford County Council’s Keep Wexford Beautiful Competition is not just about maintaining a clean and well presented locality. It is about fostering pride in local communities and recognising and rewarding individuals and groups for their efforts. Entries come from all types of voluntary community groups, such as residents’ associations, youth groups, environmental groups, heritage preservation groups and special interest groups. The prizes are in the form of cash to fund environmental projects in local communities. Judging took place in June and July 2021 with the following criteria taken into account in the judging process:

• • • • • • • •

Community effort. Litter management initiatives. Absence of graffiti, illegal dumping, abandoned cars. Planting initiatives e.g. flowers, shrubs, hanging baskets. Treatment of communal areas such as open spaces and grass margins. Best environment initiatives – recycling / re-use / composting / nature studies / energy conservation / water conservation / waste prevention. Best preservation and protection of a heritage site in sympathy with its character. Best access initiatives and provision and promotion of inclusive space.

On Thursday 9th December the awards were held. This annual event, normally held in person and bringing together school children, community groups, volunteers, residents’ groups and individuals, could not be held in its traditional way in December 2021. So a special environmental programme broadcast live on South East radio was the platform for this year’s awards and proved to be a tremendous celebration of the environment and voluntary effort. The special environmental programme, which was presented by Alan McGuire, announced the winners of the Keep Wexford Beautiful programme. Councillor Barbara-Anne Murphy, Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council, congratulated all the participants and went on to acknowledge the magnificent voluntary work that is carried out throughout the county. Councillor Murphy welcomed the opportunity to pay a public tribute to the many excellent people who work so hard, year in, year out, to enhance their commu-

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Best Community Project to Improve Accessibility to Infrastructure. Winner: Our Lady's Island Community Development.

nities and stated, ‘It is heartening to see groups of local volunteers showing such spirit and endeavour and in the process inspiring others in their community to follow their example. The voluntary work undertaken makes a great contribution to improving our towns and villages, making them better places to live, work and visit. I have witnessed first-hand the trojan work that these volunteers do within the county. The unselfish effort and the generosity displayed by these volunteers really does make a difference to communities. The Environment Awards are about recognising and celebrating the inspirational, tireless work being done by communities all over our county. Wexford Co. Council is very lucky to have Keep Wexford Beautiful Overall Winner: Blackwater Tidy Towns group.

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KEEP WEXFORD BEAUTIFUL RESULTS 2021 BEST OVERALL ENTRY Winner Blackwater Tidy Towns BEST ENVIRONMENTALLY AWARE AND PRESENTED HOUSING ESTATE 1st Westwinds Residents Association, Kilrane 2nd Portside Residents Association, Rosslare Hbr Joint 3rd Greenore Park Residents Association, Rosslare Hbr Joint 3rd Milehouse Residents Association, Enniscorthy Highly Commended Bernadette Place Residents Association, Wexford Highly Commended Cois Abhainn Residents Association, Blackwater BEST ENVIRONMENTALLY AWARE AND PRESENTED TOWN/VILLAGE 1st Kiltealy Tidy Towns 2nd Gorey Tidy Towns Joint 3rd Ballyduff Development Group Joint 3rd Ferns Tidy Towns Highly Commended Clean Screen Team

Best New Entry Winner: Wellingtonbridge Tidy Towns Group

such vibrant, enthusiastic and positive-minded people living in communities throughout the county who embrace key environmental messages and promote them extensively in their local areas. I applaud all the volunteers who are involved in their local communities and I encourage you all to continue to care and protect our environment.’ Carolyne Godkin, Director of Services, Wexford County Council, recognised the commitment and dedication of all committees and individuals who make such a real difference at a local level. She said, ‘Your dedication is an inspiration to communities everywhere and illustrates the real benefits of pulling together for the greater good of the place we call home.’ On a night which the elected members also enjoyed, the first prize in each category was announced by the Chairpersons of the Municipal Districts and the Strategic Policy Committees. Councillor Barbara-Anne Murphy, An Cathaoirleach, announced the overall winner of the Keep Wexford Beautiful Competition as Blackwater Tidy Towns. Alan McGuire stated that, ‘Blackwater is a large and thriving village whose population expands a great deal during the summer months. This is not surprising considering its ideal seaside location in the sunny south-east. The pollinator project is a great initiative. Colourful planting provides for butterflies and other insects. The unique character of Blackwater can be seen in its traditional buildings and architecture. The Millrace Nature Walk invites locals and visitors to step away from the bustle of everyday life and enjoy a haven of tranquillity, which is also a bird and wildlife sanctuary. As you progress through the village you’ll be reminded of the tradition of ‘dancing at the crossroads’ and further on, at a junction of five roads, informative signage tells how Noah’s grandson came to Blackwater. Yes, Lyra and his followers are said to have been amongst the first people to come to Ireland! ‘It’s not surprising then that Blackwater Tidy Towns are again being recognised for their outstanding commitment to the local environment and the very high standards achieved as they continue to maintain and enhance their beautiful village. Congratulations to Blackwater Tidy Towns.’ Bridgetown College was recognised for receiving its first green flag and congratulations were extended to all green schools who renewed their green flag in 2021. The environment is in very good hands. n

BEST COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE 1st Croghan Barrack Community Project 2nd Duncormick Area Action CLG 3rd Clonroche Development Association Highly Commended Ladhra Residents Association, Blackwater BEST HERITAGE PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION PROJECT 1st Gorey Tidy Towns Joint 2nd Barntown Heritage Group Joint 2nd Askamore/Muintir na Tire Community Project Ltd 3rd Tomhaggard Pastoral Council Highly Commended Clonegal Tidy Village Committee Highly Commended St. Garvan's Well - St. Garvan's Church, Caroreigh BEST COMMUNITY COASTAL MANAGEMENT INITIATIVE 1st Tomhaggard Clean Coasts Group 2nd Kilmuckridge Tidy Towns 3rd Rosslare Harbour Kilrane Environment Group Highly Commended Curracloe Tidy Village BEST NEW ENTRY 1st Joint 2nd Joint 2nd 3rd Highly Commended Highly Commended

Wellingtonbridge Tidy Towns Group Ballyfad Tidy Towns Carraig Dubh Residents, Blackwater Ballymoney Kildermot Community Development Group Rathpierce Community Group Kilrane Tidy Village Group

BEST COMMUNITY PROJECT TO IMPROVE ACCESSIBILITY TO INFRASTRUCTURE 1st Our Lady's Island Community Development BEST COMMUNITY PROJECT TO IMPROBE ACCESSIBILITY IN GARDENS/PARKS 1st Kiltealy Tidy Towns BEST COMMUNITY PROJECT THAT TACKLES AND REDUCES THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE 1st Seal Rescue Ireland, Courtown 2nd Ferns Tidy Towns BEST COMMUNITY BIODIVERSITY PROJECT 1st Monageer Parish Grotto Group Joint 2nd Blackwater Junior Tidy Towns Joint 2nd Killanne Development Group 3rd Ferns Tidy Towns Highly Commended Hollyfort Development Group BEST COMMUNITY WASTE PREVENTION/RE-USE PROJECT 1st Foulksmills Tidy Towns 2nd Gorey Tidy Towns 3rd Monageer Parish Grotto Group

7th January 2022 - Page 103

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Your New Year’s resolution Pledge to do a 2-minute beach clean! In a brand-new video produced by the Clean Coasts organisation in association with Cube Media, Clean Coasts is urging people to have a green New Year and choose a resolution they can commit to by pledging to do a #2minutebeachclean to help protect the Irish coast and waterways. The video shows the character Dave trying to go into 2022 being better and greener by being more conscious of the environment. However, after several failed attempts he begins to lose hope until he finds himself on a beach in front of a #2minutebeachclean board and exclaims; “A 2-minute beach clean. So simple and keeps me green. New Year’s resolution in the bag!” The campaign’s aim is to let people know that they don’t need to commit to a huge New Year’s resolution that they may not be able to sustain until the end of the year to make a difference. A #2minutebeachclean is an easy pledge to make that is flexible, doable and can be built on as your green year moves forward. We have all seen marine litter along Ireland’s coastline. For all the beach lovers out there, the new year is an opportunity to do something about it in just 2 minutes! In 2021, 2,000 people pledged to do a #2minutebeachclean and received a kit. For 2022, Clean Coasts are calling on people around Ireland to visit their website and pledge to do a #2minutebeachclean to receive a reusable individual beach clean kit containing a tote bag and gloves. Sean Ferguson from Wexford won this year’s Ocean Hero Awards in the #2minutebeachclean Leader Award category. He said of the initiative: “I am a huge supporter of the #2minutebeachclean initiative. I think other people are crazy not

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to be picking up litter. I am proud to be Irish and even more proud to be from Wexford and I will continue every day cleaning the beaches, rivers, streets and forests of this beautiful country of ours.” How to take part in the #2minutebeachclean? The next time you are out and about along the coast or near a waterway, take two minutes to pick up some litter you see, share a picture of it on social media, tag Clean Coasts, use the hashtag #2minutebeachclean and dispose of the litter properly. Sinead McCoy, Coastal Communities manage, said: “The #2minutebeachclean is such a great initiative to get involved in. Every day, so many people around

Ireland share their #2minutebeachclean on social media, and that helps show how easy it is to get involved and make a difference. By taking part, not only do you make an immediate positive impact for the marine environment and wildlife, but it’s also a chance to spend time outdoors by the sea, exercise and even practice mindfulness.” To sign up to receive your own #2minutebeachclean kit, visit the Clean Coasts website: Coasts Twitter: @CleanCoasts Instagram: @cleancoasts YouTube: Clean Coasts Ireland

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Presentation Secondary School, Wexford, wins in fight against single use plastic! On Thursday 16th December, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, Cathaoirleach Wexford County Council, congratulated Presentation Secondary School Wexford on their work in helping their local community to reduce single use plastic. The competition held for secondary schools across Wexford and Waterford had huge success in encouraging action against single use plastic bottles. Schools learned about the benefits of refilling a reusable bottle with water versus using a single use water bottle and disposing of it, at an online workshop during Reuse Month. Students then took action in their communities by encouraging local businesses to offer water refills and register to appear on’s Tap Map. This map shows all locations in Ireland where a free refill of water is available. Speaking at the prizegiving where she presented them with their prize of a contactless water station and reusable water

bottles, Cllr Murphy said: “This is a great campaign for communities up and down the county to get involved in. It encourages schools and businesses alike to take action against plastics, thus preventing waste and acting against climate change. This competition has united communities in a common goal to responsibly refill a reusable bottle and continue to contribute to the positive results the campaign has seen to date.” “Schools across the county have done tremendous work for this competition”, commented Cliona Connolly, Environmental Awareness Officer with Wexford County Council. “This campaign has highlighted the benefits of refilling and reusing, not just within the school but across the wider community I would encourage everyone to look at the Tap Map on to check where their local refill points are located. We were delighted to receive LAPN funding from the EPA to run this competition.” n

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7th January 2022 - Page 105

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Wexford’s Clean Coasts heroes Wexford’s Sean Ferguson has won first place in the Clean Coast’s Ocean Hero Awards 2021 and Wexford Sub Aqua Group and Wexford Estuary Group were also shortlisted for awards. Each year, the Ocean Hero Awards honour the invaluable contribution Clean Coasts volunteers, groups and communities have made towards conserving our spectacular coastline. Being Ireland’s foremost community-based coastal education programme, the Clean Coasts programme can count on the work of over 1,800 volunteer groups and over 37,000 volunteers. The involvement and support of the whole community is essential to the work of Clean Coasts and the Ocean Hero Awards recognising the invaluable contribution volunteers, groups and communities have made towards conserving the Irish coastline. 2021 was an unusual year, and, like everyone, Clean Coasts and their volunteers have had to adapt. The continued support, engagement, and interest from the many Clean Coasts volunteers around the country has been outstanding, showing dedication and resilience through these testing times. Clean Coasts understands that it was not possible for everybody to take part in clean-up activities in 2021 and for some it was incredibly frustrating not to be able to get out to those places that they love and normally care for. In an effort to recognise the growth of its volunteer groups, the number of Ocean Hero categories was expanded to include ten categories in 2021.

The categories include: Clean Coasts Group of Year Clean Coasts Volunteer of the Year Clean Coasts Youth of the Year Clean Coasts #2minutebeachclean Leader Award Clean Coasts #BigBeachClean Award Clean Coasts Beach Clean Bubble Award Clean Coasts #EnjoyandProtect Award Think Before You Flush Community of the Year (supported by Irish Water) Clean Coasts Corporate Volunteering Award Clean Coasts Amazing Achievements Great and Small Award Wexford local Sean Ferguson took home first place in the #2minutebeachclean Leader Award category. When asked about his clean-up efforts Sean said: “If someone had told me years ago that I would be cleaning up other people’s litter I would have laughed at them and thought them crazy. Now I think other people are crazy not to be picking up litter. I am proud to be Irish and even prouder to be from Wexford and I will continue every day cleaning the beaches, rivers, streets and forests of this beautiful country of ours. Sure, doesn't everyone need a hobby?” The #2minutebeachclean Leader Award celebrates volunteers who use social media and direct action to empower, educate, inspire, and enable individuals, groups, and businesses to make simple changes or take part in simple actions that will contribute to the planet’s wellbeing. 2021 saw two more Wexford groups shortlisted in two different categories. The Wex-

Award winner: Sean Ferguson.

ford Sub Aqua Club was shortlisted in the Enjoy and Protect Award category and Wexford Estuary Group was shortlisted in the Beach Clean Bubble Award category. All shortlisted Wexford nominees were sent a congratulatory gift package to thank them for their contribution to coasts across Ireland despite the various challenges that 2021 brought. Check out Clean Coast’s YouTube Channel here: n

Award winner: Wexford Estuary Group.

Award winner: Wexford Sub Aqua Group.

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Wexford’s wonderful water Despite a series of Boil Water Notices over recent months in Co. Wexford’s main towns, a recent EPA report highlights the continuing high quality of public drinking water supplied by Irish Water in County Wexford and nationwide.

grade plants and the network, Irish Water is delighted to achieve a 99% compliance rate. During 2020, we made major investments in new and upgraded plants as well as improvement programmes delivering key upgrades within operating plants. Irish Water is investing €2 billion between 2014 and 2021 to improve drinking water quality.

Nationally in 2020:

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99.5% of water samples taken in 2020 were compliant with microbiological and chemical standards, meaning public water supplies are safe to drink. 58 Water Treatment Plants were built or upgraded in 2020. €450m invested in water projects. Over 100,000 people removed from ‘at risk’ supplies in 2020.

The report has also highlighted the continuing reduction in water supplies they class at risk with a further reduction of 11 supplies from the Remedial Action List (RAL) in 2020 benefitting over 100,000 people. The total number of supplies that remain at risk is down to 46, the lowest number since the RAL’s inception in 2008. Since 2014, Irish Water has been working in partnership with Wexford County Council to address water quality issues across the county. They have built new drinking water infrastructure in towns and villages across the county, improving water quality, benefitting local communities, and facilitating the removal of the Sow Regional Water Supply Scheme from the EPA’s Remedial Action List. Irish Water, working in partnership with Wexford County Council, is progressing works for the delivery of the Gorey Regional Water Supply Scheme. The project provides for a new water treatment plant (WTP) and reservoir at Ballyminaun Hill, upgrade works to an existing reservoir at Ballyminaun Hill and associated interconnecting infrastructure. Works are due to be completed around now. The existing scheme is operating at maximum capacity. This project will increase capacity to the area in order to facilitate growth and development. Progress has been made in other projects and programmes also including the Wexford Disinfection Programme. Irish Water is investing €65 million to upgrade and standardise disinfection systems across

the country. The programme involves over 864 water treatment plants, pumping stations, and reservoirs nationwide. Disinfection kills disease-causing organisms in water, and delivers clean, safe drinking water. Irish Water is upgrading Water Treatment Plants across Wexford as part of the National Disinfection Programme. To date, upgrades have been completed in Ballindaggin, Boolavogue, Bree, Carrickduff, Castledockrell, Clonroche, Coolgreaney, Davidstown, Vinegar Hill, Killagooley, Edermine, Ballygarron, Kiltealy Ballycrystal, Ballinellard, Newtown, Woodview Drive Adamstown, Monagear-Moin Rua, Camolin, Chestnut Grove, Raheen, Terrarath, Creagh, Glynn and Carrickbyrne Water Treatment Plants. Another key programme is the removal of the risk of THMs (Trihalomethanes) and cryptosporidium in water supplies – vital to ensuring clean, safe drinking water throughout the country. Boil Water Notices numbered 67 in 2019 but were down to 42 in 2020. The report also refers to Irish Water’s lead programme which involves the replacement of lead service connections in the public network. There are an estimated 180,000 lead service connections in Ireland and Irish Water has replaced over 35,000 to date. Commenting on the report, Eamon Gallen, General Manager of Irish Water, said: “Given the size and scale of the legacy issues and continued need to up-

“As the EPA’s report highlights, pesticide concentrations are a concern in an increasing number of plants and Irish Water is in full agreement that this is best addressed through catchment management. We are working closely with our partners in the National Pesticide and Drinking Water Action Group to create awareness of the importance of responsible pesticide use and the need to consider alternatives to ensure environmental protection. “We are advancing Water Safety Plans for all of our larger supplies, with a key emphasis on minimising risks from source to tap. We have engaged extensively and comprehensively with the EPA on this and will prioritise funding towards those schemes at highest risk. “In recent years, Irish Water has improved its national testing protocols... new supplies are being identified as being ‘at risk’ and have been added to the RAL. In other words, Irish Water is finding issues that were always there but never detected. “The report is clear, however, that much more remains to be done. The building, repair and upgrading of Irish Water’s water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, water and sewer network will require a multi-billion euro investment programme over many years... Irish Water’s investment plan prioritises key outcomes such as leakage; removing water supplies from the EPA’s Remedial Action List; and stopping the discharge of raw sewage into water bodies. “In preparing our Capital Investment Plan, Irish Water has optimised investment decisions by prioritising the best possible service improvements, while maximising value-for-money. The list of projects and programmes is continuously being refined based on new and emerging needs and is subject to budget, technical and environmental constraints, as well as statutory approvals.” n

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Above left: The annual Christmas outing for Carraig Briste Early Years school to Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm, Moneyhore, Enniscorthy, on 26th November, Emma, Ava, Amy (staff member), Ava and Sophie. Above right: Carraig Briste group at the Farm.

Carraig Briste Early Years visit Wheelock’s Christmas Tree Farm

Children from the Oak Room in Carraig Briste with Orlagh Doyle (proprietor).

Amy, Rose and Isaac with Mary Wheelock (Tree Farm).

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Liesel (staff member) with the Beech Group from Carraig Briste.

Sadie posing.

Hug my tree! Ava, Orlagh, Ava and Roisin.

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