PANOLIN Feedback Nr.1/2016 - English

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Feedback TH E PA N O L I N M AG AZINE – ISSUE 01/2016

Biodegradable lubricants Good news for the environment

03 The environment Garbage in the sea needs up to 450 years before being biodegraded // 09 Technology Chemists are working meticulously and continuing to provide for technological prevalence in the PANOLIN laboratory // 10 Efficiency Saving money thanks to PANOLIN ECOMOT 5W/30.


«Suppliers who don’t listen will disappear from the market sooner or later!»

Patrick Lämmle, CEO PANOLIN International Inc., Silvan Lämmle, CEO PANOLIN AG


ear Readers, for over 60 years, PANOLIN has been a capable and innovative partner in the manufacture and distribution of quality lubricants. Today, we are active world-wide with our PANOLIN Group of companies. With headquarters in Madetswil near Zurich, Switzerland, 100 percent of the company belongs to the Lämmle family. This ensures our focus on sustainability. You will encounter the same philosophy later in this publication. Our constant desire for innovation is the driving force behind all that we strive to accomplish. This is evident by the fact that we developed quickly biodegradable lubricants over 30 years ago and have since then brought ground-breaking products to the market. Today, PANOLIN is one of the technological leaders in this line of business around the world. Additionally, due to our status as a family business, we have been an attractive employer for decades. This is certainly one of our secrets to success and a major reason why we are able to compete successfully in the world of lubricants with an extremely competent team. On page 9, there is a behind the scenes glimpse of our laboratories. Another one of our strengths at PANOLIN is listening. Hence evolved the title of our new company magazine «Feedback», after much consideration.

Suppliers who don’t listen to customers and don’t respond to their needs, will disappear from the market eventually. We felt that our customers needed a forum and have the opportunity to speak up in «Feedback». In this edition, we decided to focus on the BAUMA 2016, Eberhard Bau AG (page 6/7) and Fischer Logistik AG (page 10/11). Read more and see how GREENMACHINE lubricants perform in everyday applications. Also, keep in mind that quickly biodegradable lubricants are important for a company’s overhead and serve the environment. The image on page 3 is a prime example of how important it is to use quickly biodegradable lubricants. In this issue, «water» is given special consideration. Hydropower will be expanded considerably in the coming years. The story, on pages 14/15, explains why PANOLIN is an important partner in the field of applications in or around water. On pages 12/13, you can read about why our red drums are available for our customers at many harbors around the world. Ready for a journey over the oceans? The name of our magazine, «Feedback» says it all. We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Cordially yours Patrick Lämmle and Silvan Lämmle

Imprint Publisher PANOLIN AG Swiss Oil Technology Bläsimühle 2-6 CH-8322 Madetswil Switzerland Telephone +41 44 956 65 65,, Responsible: Silvan Lämmle, Editor: Huber Media Consulting GmbH, Layout and concept: Pittalis New Media Design, Proofreading: Anton Rohr, Printing: DT Druck-Team AG, Translation: LangWitch translations Daniela Arnold, Photograph sources: Photograph p. 1: Saipem S.p.A., Photograph p. 3: Adobe Stock, Photograph p. 4/5: Sersa Maschineller Gleisbau AG, Palfinger AG, Vinny/, Photograph p. 13: Fotosearch, Photograph p. 14, Urs Stettler, Photograph p. 16:





1–5 years

Contaminated Seas Trash will last for generations Motor Oil

5–10 years

Plastic Bag


30–60 days

Crude Oil

10–50 years


ore than 6.4 million metric tons of trash land in the oceans every year. Neither laws nor social initiatives have been able to stop the stream of garbage. Today, there is no region in the world, neither in the Arctic nor in the Pacific, where the leftovers of our society are not encountered. This is especially because of the long-term durability (persistence) of the products for up to 450 years. At PANOLIN, we have been producing biodegradable lubricants for over 30 years with great success. Our GREENMARINE* products biodegrade quickly, do not hinder the gas exchange between air and water, do not prevent aquatic plants and animals from breathing and do not endanger any fish or birds. The pollution of the ocean due to oil can only be counteracted with effective politics and strict legislation. In 2013, the USA set an example with the establishment of the «Vessel General Permit» – something that is still missing in Europe and other regions.

Styrofoam Cup

50 years

Aluminum Can

200 years

Plastic Bottle

450 years

*Quickly biodegradable PANOLIN lubricants such as: STELLA MARIS, MARHYD, ATLANTIS, HLP SYNTH, EP GEAR SYNTH. Sources: NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Woods Feedback Hole Sea Grant/PANOLIN


BAUMA 2016

BAUMA 2016 – The global driver of innovation, success generator and worldwide marketplace for the entire depth and breadth of the construction machinery sector.

BAUMA 2016: PANOLIN unites technology, efficiency and the environment


or decades, PANOLIN has been among the exhibiting companies at BAUMA, the largest trade fair in the construction machinery industry. At the upcoming 31st edition, those attending will be greeted at the PANOLIN booth in Munich (A5.424). As one of leaders in the area of quickly biodegradable lubricants, we will display innovations from all of our diverse lines and demonstrate how we unite technology, efficiency and the environment into our products.

Environmental protection is one of many topics that is becoming more and more important – especially for construction machinery. This in conjunction with keywords such as productivity, reducing consumption, safety and maintenance. With both our GREENMARINE and GREENMACHINE programs, PANOLIN products have already been kind to the environment for more than 30 years. Our specially developed and correctly applied lubricants contribute actively to preserving resources, reducing CO2 and preserving the environment thanks to their ability to biodegrade quickly. We recognize that this type of concept must be economically interesting, technically developed and environmentally gentle in order to be able to establish itself over the long term. Any company can simply utter pleasant words. We prefer to demonstrate, which customers realize impressive projects with our products and celebrate their successes. One example is the Sersa Group, a railway technology business that is active throughout Europe. Their core activities include rail building and rail maintenance, construction of overhead contact lines and electrical systems and measuring systems for railway tracks. In 2012, the firm merged with the Austrian Rhomberg Rail GmbH to become the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, a railway technology company with 1800 employees in eight countries. When Sersa renovated the tunnel at Simplon, when they furnished the rail technology at the Zürich Durchmesserlinie project worth billions or when they worked at Lötschberg, at Vereina and 1: Cherry picker P480 – Palfinger’s jumbo class of the new generation, 2: Liebherr P 996 at work in the harbor in New York, 3: Tamping machine from Sersa Maschineller Gleisbau AG



at the largest railway tunnel in the world, at the AlpTransit Gotthard base tunnel, PANOLIN lubricants ensured that everything ran smoothly with its products including quickly biodegradable lubricants. This is also the case for one of our customers in North America whose Liebherr P 996 is definitely impressive. The 996, which was manufactured in France, weighs 672 metric tons and its two Cummins K 1800 E diesel engines provide 3000 hp. This workhorse can move up to 6400 metric tons per hour. The excavator is 8.8 meters high and 8.2 meters wide. For this giant to function without any problems, the customer decided to fill his 996 with 50,000 liters of the quickly biodegradable hydraulic fluid PANOLIN HLP SYNTH 46. The products from Palfinger AG, the Austrian manufacturer of hydraulic lifting and loading devices, can be found on many roads and construction sites. Palfinger, a global brand leader of truck-mounted cranes with articulated arms, manufactures lifting, loading and handling solutions. In combination with PANOLIN HLP SYNTH (available as a factory-fill fluid), a customer buying today is buying one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly crane solutions on the market. Visit us at our booth at BAUMA 2016 (A5.424) and we will show you how we unite technology, efficiency and the environment with PANOLIN products.


BAUMA 2016







120,000 liters The fully synthetic quickly biodegradable high-performance hydraulic oil is based on saturated synthetic esters and is impressive with enormous oxidation stability.




Eberhard – Welcome to the pioneers. For over 50 years, this company has found the most efficient and most ecological way of doing business by thinking and acting like a pioneer.

«Efficiency and sustainability are a part of the corporate structure that we afford»


he Eberhard companies have been active in the areas of underground engineering, earth construction, traffic route engineering, airport construction, deconstruction, construction recycling, remediation of contaminated sites and processing technology for over 50 years. The Eberhards from Kloten are among the giants in this field. However, there is an important difference between them and their competitors. In stark contrast to the internationally active, multinationals of the sector, who admit to official quotation, Eberhard AG is still a family company today. It is a company where even the third generation has a say in business activities. «Feedback» recently interviewed Silvan Eberhard, who will soon be responsible for the logistics in the company. The Eberhard creed is clear: «We find the path that is economically and ecologically optimal by thinking and acting according to a pioneering spirit.» Silvan Eberhard explains that this was already clear when the company was founded. He goes on to say, «Motivated employees transform problems, project solutions and customer concerns into outstanding performance.» Today, around 500 employees do their jobs based on this motto. And when the company’s projects are showcased, they are impressive. For example, some well-known projects are: the cross-city route of the Zurich Main Station, the airport Dock B remediation, runway remediation at the Zurich airport, the Rhine harbor of Basel, the Hotel Dolder, the Richti area or the Kölliken hazardous waste landfill. For Silvan Eberhard, profitability and sustainability are part of the corporate culture and they belong together. Indeed, Eberhard is convinced that these extra investments will


pay for themselves many times over through sustainability. This is why Eberhard filled their construction machines and trucks with PANOLIN’s quickly biodegradable hydraulic fluid as early as 1985. In 1992, Eberhard also equipped their trucks with on-board computers in order to cut down on fuel costs. A lot was also done to reduce hazardous emissions. The Eberhard vehicles, with their Euro 5 and Euro 6 class, are equipped with the latest generation of motors. Even in the area of installing particle filters in construction machines, the Eberhards took a pioneering role. PANOLIN, and more specifically the product ECOMOT 5W/30, is used in every motor. «We at Eberhard have been Caterpillar customers for a long time already and are proud of our modern and extensive fleet of machines. This also applies to our new flagship, the 100 metric ton Caterpillar 395F L UHD digger. It will be in use in Zurich starting in the middle of February.» And he adds, «We are cooperating closely with PANOLIN and have also convinced most suppliers to deliver their machines with an initial filling of PANOLIN.» With the impressive performance of PANOLIN HLP SYNTH, this initial filling lasts a lifetime in most cases. «This way, we do not incur further costs», explains Eberhard. But he goes on to explain that because accidents do sometimes occur on building sites, the company knows that an incident will not lead to environmental problems. As a pioneer, Eberhard companies are constantly searching for new ways of doing things and innovations; they set standards in sustainable construction. But Silvan Eberhard has one more surprise. The company also runs the only digger museum in Switzerland with the motto «Remembering, understanding, informing, experiencing, discovering and looking to the future.»



EBIANUM – The only Swiss excavator museum in Fisibach


emembering, understanding, informing, experiencing, discovering and looking to the future.» For a few months now, the «Ebianum», the first public museum for construction vehicles in Switzerland, has been open in Fisibach. The construction vehicles, some of which are historical, are closely linked with the history of the Swiss construction company Eberhard AG. This museum provides a fascinating glimpse into the development of construction vehicles from the past few decades. The modern exhibition hall holds diverse machines – from a circa 1928 steam roller and historic cable-operated excavators to a



simulator of a modern crane. Most items in the exhibit are still operational. This modern museum is not exclusively geared toward experts in the field of construction vehicles. It was designed as a visitor-friendly destination for both young and old. There are various machines available for kids on a building site. The museum will also soon open another section with exhibits of over 3000 models of every imaginable construction vehicle. It is definitely a museum worth visiting. Info:


PANOLIN Tec Center – Downtime control, routine analysis, innovations – Resourceful minds and ingredients facilitate innovative lubricants.

CSI PANOLIN: The inventors of Madetswil


aboratories are almost always the beginning of a success story, and this is very true at PANOLIN as well. Here, chemists tinker with new products and ensure that the Swiss company will continue to be a leader on the global market in several sectors. This is why research and development are very important at PANOLIN. In today’s world when a laboratory is mentioned, people often think about the American crime series, CSI. In the 15 years it was broadcast, many scenes took place in a laboratory so that the viewer got to see images of how criminals were convicted. The PANOLIN laboratories in Madetswil do not always emit the glamour of a Hollywood television series, but there are some similarities. For example, PANOLIN uses some of the same devices and machines in its laboratories as seen in the series. There one can feel the vision, experience, commitment, competency and technology that result in something new and better in this «molecule world». Approximately 20 percent of PANOLIN’s employees work in the laboratory. During a tour, Dr. Patrick Galda, Development Manager, and Martin Ruch, Customer Service Provider at PANOLIN, show what, at first glance, appears to be the sober realm of their laboratory in the PANOLIN Tec Center. While quick actions and intense lights fascinate viewers on a television series, in Madetswil, one walks through various rooms that are equipped with specialized devices and machinery. It


is incredible that the majority of the employees in the laboratory have worked together for many years. «It’s true», explains Galda, «We have a very informal working atmosphere at PANOLIN. Those working here are extremely motivated and that manifests itself in quality and innovation.» As Ruch explained, «We have always developed our products further.» Galda added, «That means we increase the efficiency of our products while simultaneously lengthening their life span.» They go on to say that the development of lubricants for multifunctional applications and innovative products is, of course, also a matter of trial and error, but the combination of theory and practice is an incredibly interesting challenge. «This is the only way we can improve energy efficiency, process efficiency and cost effectiveness», said Galda. «At the same time, we are committing ourselves to our sustainable targets.» A year of research and development work usually goes into a new product. Once the formula is set, the new product undergoes difficult field tests to examine its feasibility in practice. «Close cooperation with our customers is one of our secrets of success», reported Ruch. «We regularly check the status of our products with our customers.» They said this gives them the opportunity to create products specifically tailored to their customers’ needs. «This flexibility and our know-how result in us being able to develop lubricants that provide our customers with advantages.»




4000 liters


Synthetic lowSAPS diesel motor oil for modern environmentally gentle diesel generator sets up to EURO 6.



The world of Fischer Logistik is characterized by continual progress. It has evolved from a transporter to a strategic provider of solutions in the logistics sector.

«Only when we meld the spirit of the age, innovation and new ideas, will we be able to survive as a company»


ne of the PANOLIN secrets to success is not only its technologically superior products, but rather the intense, close cooperation for decades with their customers. One of these customers, the firm Fischer Logistik AG, is located in Chur, the capital of the Swiss canton of Graubünden. The company has been family-owned since 1925, operates 85 silo trucks and 12 other vehicles like dump trucks and erection vehicles. Furthermore, they have more than 100 employees. This succesful company is managed by proprietor Urs Schädler. «Feedback» met with him in Chur to talk about close cooperation, expenses and future issues. His son, Dino Schädler, is already active and will eventually manage the company, also took part in the conversation. Urs Schädler explained that his company has always relied on innovations. The founder of the company, Hans Fischer, accomplished pioneering achievements. His successor (and son-in-law) Urs Schädler always went along with the latest technologies. He stated that the second generation is also living up to this creed. «We consider innovations daily in our core business activities but also beyond these.» Dino Schädler adds that this happens, for example, when questions relating to storage arise, when cooperating with the railway company and also when assessing customers for new partnerships. «Only when we meld the spirit of the age, innovation and new ideas, will we be able to survive as a company», explained Urs Schädler. They go on to say that they are currently working on networking silo data so that their company knows when their customer needs new material. «Machine to machine» are the magic words explained Urs Schädler. «This is how we can optimize our capacity and improve our capacity during peak hours. The Internet of Things is also starting to reach our sector, but we are still limping behind other


branches.» They stated that innovation is also extremely important when working together with PANOLIN. «Our vehicles are not only driven around throughout the region, but they also provide a service for our customers. When unloading, we have to pump on location», explained Dino Schädler. «That is why it is not possible to gauge oil consumption for our vehicles based on how many kilometers they are driven alone. That is also why we sat down with the PANOLIN laboratory years ago and have analyzed our motor oils at regular intervals.» The result was that the interval between changes could be extended meaning they were also able to reduce costs, explained Urs Schädler. Dino Schädler added, «Our target is one fill for a lifetime.» After filling up with PANOLIN ECOMOT 5W/30, further savings were also possible. «Our measurements always lead us to more awareness for daily operations. Just by using the smooth running PANOLIN – ECOMOT 5W/30 motor oil, we have reduced our fuel consumption up to 4.65 percent. With our fleet of vehicles, this amounts to savings of over 200,000 francs annually», remarked Dino Schädler. And let it be understood, this is with a majority of state-of-the-art vehicles of the EURO 6 class. However, there are even more reasons for using PANOLIN products. «We not only save money, we also achieve an impressive reduction in CO2, much longer intervals between oil changes and, in case of an accident, the motor oil is inherently biodegradable.» The conversation shifts to the future with the following question «When will there be the first driverless truck?» Here as well, the two Schädlers see the positive possibilities technology has to offer. «It is primarily safety that makes tremendous gains», imparted Dino Schädler. But drivers will have to be relied upon in the future as well. «They are our ambassadors to the customers and they will always maintain their essential functions at building sites.»



GREENMARINE – Based upon the GREENMACHINE model, PANOLIN GREENMARINE is the sustainable concept for offshore and marine applications.

«The introduction of the VGP was the start of a new era for PANOLIN»


s a pioneer in environmentally gentle, durable lubricants otherwise called ECLs (Environmentally Considerate Lubricants), PANOLIN products (GREENMARINE) have proven themselves over and over again in both economic and technical conditions. When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Vessel General Permit (VGP) in 2013, a new chapter for PANOLIN began. We decided to make the issue of pollution in the seas and oceans our priority. Even the EU, who historically advocated more environmentally friendly activities in this area, is far behind the USA in its progress. Globally, water is the most important basic means of sustenance. Pollution of this essential resource is caused almost exclusively by water-based vehicles and from propeller grease, chain or cable lubricants and many other similar components. The new U.S. legislation stipulates that all ships are required to use environmentally compatible lubricants in all parts of the ship that come into contact with water. Additionally, this legislation applies to all ships measuring 24 meters or larger which sail in American waters at a distance of 3 miles from the coast as well as on all American lakes. There are numerous systems and components in the underwater portion of a ship affected by this new legislation, such as: the propeller shaft seal, the mechanics in the variable pitch propeller, bow thruster, rudder spindle, pod propulsion and the stabilizers in the machinery of underwater diggers. The lubricants used for all of these parts must be «environmentally acceptable lubricants» (EAL), must be quickly biodegradable, may only be minimally toxic and must not be subject to bioaccumulation. Unfor-



tunately, generally this area was not very well prepared for the new legislation. PANOLIN, however, developed a complete product line which is available in the most important harbors around the world. As a result of its proactive approach and more than 30 years’ experience with quickly biodegradable lubricants, PANOLIN is now in the forefront of this market. All of these factors were the beginning of an exciting time for PANOLIN. Patrick Lämmle, CEO of PANOLIN International Inc., recognized the importance and impact of this and realized the need to invest heavily in this concept. «Today, we have large warehouses in over two dozen harbors around the world so that we can supply our customers with the appropriate products before they set sail to the U.S. Moreover, we have strengthened our presence in the U.S. and have recently expanded our production in Madetswil by adding four raw material tanks in addition to hiring more personnel.» The demands on lubricant suppliers are high. In addition to compliance with the criteria on biodegradability, bioaccumulation and minimal toxicity, hydraulic oils and transmission oils for the shipping industry must be made of at least 50% renewable raw materials. The Americans are much farther ahead than other countries with implementing changes due to the VGP legislation. Increasing pressure from environmental groups, and ultimately from consumers, will eventually force Europe and other countries with access to the seas or oceans to adapt to these standards. According to Patrick Lämmle, it is very clear: «This situation places certain demands on us including: further product and system innovation, deeper integration into our customers’ value-creation chain and global availability of PANOLIN products with perpetually high quality.»



80,000 liters The Saipem 7000 is the second most efficient floating crane and one of the largest working vessels in the world.





380 liters


The fully synthetic quickly biodegradable high-performance hydraulic oil is based on saturated synthetic esters and is impressive with enormous oxidation stability.



Hydropower is the understated classic among renewable energy sources that deserves more attention – and not only from the media.

World Energy Council expects twice the electricity production from hydropower


s an entrepreneur, one always runs the risk of focusing too much on details, which often results in tunnel vision. Therefore it is very easy to lose sight of the main objective in any project. This actually occurred during the discussion of which images to select for our story on hydropower. Strong images of generators, pumps or systems were a major concern. However, with time, the fact that a different approach is more important came to light. What are we working for after all? Of course we are working so that PANOLIN products help our customers do their jobs as long as possible, as well as possible and as efficiently as possible. But when we compared the images, something actually became clear rather quickly. No imposing images of aggregates or systems even come close to this concept. We are all working toward affecting or destroying our environment as little as possible in spite of every advancement and change. You, dear readers, must agree with us that this image from Central Switzerland best shows why we at PANOLIN put so much effort into making sure that our quickly biodegradable products will not damage natural wonders. This marvelous photograph depicts the region of Melchsee-Frutt in the canton of Obwalden in Central Switzerland. The Melchsee is a lake that lies at an altitude of 1891 meters above sea level and is retained by a manmade dam. A pressure pipeline directs water from the Melchsee to the Hugschwendi power plant in the Melchtal valley. It is operated by the Obwalden electric power company and produces 35 GWh of electricity annually. Modern hydroelectric power plants have an efficiency level of more than 90 percent. This means that they are the most


efficient choice for producing electricity. The CO2 balance is outstanding as there are only relatively low emissions during construction. And the technology is well-developed, durable and supplies base load and peak load energy. Hydropower can also be stored. According to a 2015 study by the World Energy Council, electricity production from hydropower should double by 2050. There has been very little published on water power plants over the past few years. Among sources of renewable energy, hydropower is average but actually deserves more attention – and not just from the media. Indeed, it will play a leading role in energy production and global infrastructure in the future because it provides the most options for utilization. Hydropower was the third most important method of generating electricity in 2011. It is responsible for approximately 16 percent of the world’s electricity production and lies before nuclear energy but after converting coal and natural gas into electricity in the hierarchy of energy sources. The use of lubricants and grease where direct contact with water is a possibility requires a particularly high level of protection against pollution. The PANOLIN hydraulic and turbine oils in the HLP SYNTH and TURWADA SYNTH series have been working in many systems for more than 30 years. PANOLIN products are used in prominent locations around the world: the floodgates of the Panama Canal, the upper gates of the South Korean Saemangeum fresh water reservoir, the 345 megawatt San Roque hydroelectric power plant in the Philippines, the floodgate system on Mont Saint-Michel or, as mentioned, at the Central Switzerland Melchsee reservoir.



«The London Eye» with PANOLIN HLP SYNTH – 100,000 operating hours without changing the oil. Since 1999, the hydraulic systems of The London Eye, the largest Ferris wheel in Europe, have been filled with PANOLIN HLP SYNTH. Annually, approximately 3.5 million people visit the millennium attraction. PANOLIN – CH-8322 Madetswil – Tel +41 (0)44 956 65 65 –

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